Lilith, drama in Fiery Leo, Venus Retrograde, patriarchy is toast

January 9- October 6 Lilith the Queen of the dark feminine, she of sacred menstrual blood, independent, refusing to be less than any man a true matriarchal queen most rejected of divine feminine energies will proudly pure roar like Durga and party on as the Scarlet woman, the lady in red, wearing her heart on her sleeve, and putting all mysogynist patriarchal assesses in their place with one fell swoop of her claws. Laughing all the way.

Just as Greta thundberg put that Twit whatever his name is Tate to shame in one fell tweet, in response to his verbose limp show of masculinity via a very expensive multi horse powered gas guzzler intended as a threat to miss climate change (greta bless her teenage soul works for the WEF) responded sardonically with please send me more pics, email me at little

It was very funny. Tate then dozed himself and was arrested on suspicion of sex trafficking, was released but is now being investigated for money laundering

Lilith sojourn in fiery proud Leo will make women fearless lionesses in tooth and claw.

Lilith with square the nodes and great dates are ahead.

July 22 Venus stations Retrograde in Leo at 28 degrees 26’ which in July EXACTLY conjunct True Black Moon Lilith and square Uranus in Taurus!

Mean Lilith is at 21 ° Leo exactly conjunct Mercury. Still astonishing and conjunct Venus too, a truly inspiring turning point.

The SUN is at 29° Cancer

The South Node is 29° Libra karmic

Pluto is at 29° Capricorn opposite the nurturing mother goddess of Cancer sun. Karmic tense anoretic degree

These are extremely potent anaretic degrees.

Plus Lilith in LEO is Inconjunct to Pluto in Capricorn intensifying these energy’s.

Women which is Omen with a W in front of it. Will tolerate no more shit or put downs or being treated as sec objects lesser than or diminish themselves any longer! 7,800 years of patriarchal Bible shit is over.

There will be a very karmic showdown of all the denied shadows if the dark rejected feminine to the plutocrats, the WEF, the .001% of the world!

Look at where 28°Leo the sign of the heart, will power, creative self expression is in your astrology chart to see where Lilith the black jaguar is calling you. This is a higher dimension than women who run with the wolves. This is real shamanic magic.

My MC my highest public career and fame is is 28″° Leo and I have been waiting for this moment my entire life. As a proud Chrone I call upon all the elder post- menopausal Lilith women to fearlessly transform themselves into their true pussy power as female black jaguars the most powerful of all shamans. It’s truly Shape shifting multi dimensional medicines.

Feel her shadowy black jaguar energy begin to take you over. Allow your true feline nature to spill over and run freely in your veins. Cat stretch, purr, only do what you want to do when you want to do it. Call upon the Egyptian cat goddess Bast and black moon Lilith spirits to awaken one again in you.

Women reclaim what is rightfully yours, your sovereign Lilith queenship energy.

The black jaguar by Lilith’s side makes her invincible.

I have been called to bring this powerful Lilith energy out into the world on that date. Black moon Lilith aligns with the good darkness of the great void which is the dark matter/ mother womb of space and womens personal dark void of their womb space the great mystery of all the absolute source of pure potential.

I had just channeled this after a day or exhaustion and being very mothering. I could not give my energy outwards to no one.

Do you know where your natal Lilith is? She is your goddess force the one who demands equality or would rather be alone.

When women reclaim their original and innate strength this is what insecure off balance men are terrified of. Women have been systematically brainwashed by mens’ insecurity,jealousy and a loss of reverence for the great loving mother which they made a religion about, the ox testament.

I will create community a Black Lilith Jaguar community please join me.

Please share widely all content is copyright is Tara Greene

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Once in 50,000 years green Comet is a harbinger Of the heart

Comets are believed to be messengers from the universe. Indigenous peoples saw them as mighty messengers.Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF is already putting on a show as it makes its way through our solar system.

Only once in 50,000 years has this comet come by here. There were ancient civilizations in existence at that time. It was in the previous Age of Pisces two precessions ago. The sun moves through all the zodiac signs once every approx 25,000-26,000 years.

2160 x 12 precisely, so this was two times around the zodiac ago. If you can catch a glimpse of the comet the colour of the heart chakra and tune into its message that was would be awesome. I’m going to do that.

Please share widely.

Get your reading Tara Greene tarot astrology psychic
— Read on

Comet LOVEJOY, don’t you love it?

COMET ISON LovejoyCOMET LOVEJOY On November 7 2013 

While anxiously waiting for COMET ISON to brighten further as it falls toward the Sun, northern skygazers can also find three other bright comets in the east before dawn.  Comet Lovejoy C/2013 R1 is now the morning sky’s brightest. Only discovered in September and not a sungrazing comet, COMET LOVEJOY is nearing the edge of naked-eye visibility and might be spotted from very dark sky sites. Sporting a greenish colored coma and tail in this telescopic view taken on November 7, COMET LOVEJOY  is  about 0.5 AU from our fair planet and 1.2 AU from the Sun. The comet is having a photogenic Messier moment, sweeping past well-known STAR CLUSTER M44, the Beehive in Cancer. Yellowish bright star Delta Cancri is near the bottom of the frame.

COMETS have always been met by fear in the past as harbinger’s or signs of trouble. Giant bright balls of light with tails thousands of miles long appear mysteriously in the night sky for days or weeks then disappear. Our ancesters might have thought they were heavenly messengers sent to watch us down below..

FROM NASA’s page on comets in ancient times below

Comets have inspired dread, fear, and awe in many different cultures and societies around the world and throughout time. They have been branded with such titles as “the Harbinger of Doom” and “the Menace of the Universe.”

They have been regarded both as omens of disaster and messengers of the gods. Why is it that comets are some of the most feared and venerated objects in the night sky? Why did so many cultures cringe at the sight of a comet?

When people living in ancient cultures looked up, comets were the most remarkable objects in the night sky. Comets were unlike any other object in the night sky. Whereas most celestial bodies travel across the skies at regular, predictable intervals, so regular that constellations could be mapped and predicted, comets’ movements have always seemed very erratic and unpredictable. This led people in many cultures to believe that the gods dictated their motions and were sending them as a message.

What were the gods trying to say? Some cultures read the message by the images that they saw upon looking at the comet. For example, to some cultures the tail of the comet gave it the appearance of the head of a woman, with long flowing hair behind her. This sorrowful symbol of mourning was understood to mean the gods that had sent the comet to earth were displeased.

Woodcarving of ancient comet sighting Image Right: Woodcut showing destructive influence of a fourth century comet from Stanilaus Lubienietski’s Theatrum Cometicum (Amsterdam, 1668). Click on image for larger view. Image credit: NASA/JPL

Others thought that the elongated comet looked like a fiery sword blazing across the night sky, a traditional sign of war and death. Such a message from the gods could only mean that their wrath would soon be unleashed onto the people of the land. Such ideas struck fear into those who saw comets dart across the sky. The likeness of the comet, though, was not the only thing that inspired fear.

Ancient cultural legends also played a hand in inspiring a terrible dread of these celestial nomads. The Roman prophecies, the “Sibylline Oracles,” spoke of a “great conflagration from the sky, falling to earth,” while the most ancient known mythology, the Babylonian “Epic of Gilgamesh,” described fire, brimstone, and flood with the arrival of a comet.

German broadside of comets circa 1600s Rabbi Moses Ben Nachman, a Jew living in Spain, wrote of God taking two stars from Khima and throwing them at the earth in order to begin the great flood. Yakut legend in ancient Mongolia called comets “the daughter of the devil,” and warned of destruction, storm and frost, whenever she approaches the earth. Stories associating comets with such terrible imagery are at the base of so many cultures on Earth, and fuel a dread that followed comet sightings throughout history.

Image Left: The illustration shows a view of Augsburg, Germany with the comets of 1680, 1682, and 1683 in the sky. Click on image for larger view. Image credit: NASA/JPL

Comets’ influence on cultures is not limited simply to tales of myth and legend, though. Comets throughout history have been blamed for some of history’s darkest times. In Switzerland, Halley’s Comet was blamed for earthquakes, illnesses, red rain, and even the births of two-headed animals.

The Romans recorded that a fiery comet marked the assassination of Julius Caesar, and another was blamed for the extreme bloodshed during the battle between Pompey and Caesar. In England, Halley’s Comet was blamed for bringing the Black Death. The Incas, in South America, even record a comet having foreshadowed Francisco Pizarro’s arrival just days before he brutally conquered them.

Comets and disaster became so intertwined that Pope Calixtus III even excommunicated Halley’s Comet as an instrument of the devil, and a meteorite, from a comet, became enshrined as one of the most venerated objects in all of Islam. Were it not for a Chinese affinity for meticulous record keeping, a true understanding of comets may never have been reached.

Ancient comet illustrations on silk Unlike their Western counterparts, Chinese astronomers kept extensive records on the appearances, paths, and disappearances of hundreds of comets. Extensive comet atlases have been found dating back to the Han Dynasty, which describe comets as “long-tailed pheasant stars” or “broom stars” and associate the different cometary forms with different disasters.

Image Right: The Mawangdui silk, a ‘textbook’ of cometary forms and the various disasters associated with them, was compiled sometime around 300 B.C. Click on image for larger view. Image credit: NASA/JPL

Although the Chinese also regarded comets as “vile stars,” their extensive records allowed later astronomers to determine the true nature of comets.

Although most human beings no longer cringe at the sight of a comet, they still inspire fear everywhere around the globe, from Hollywood to doomsday cults. The United States even set up the Near Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) program specifically to guard us from these “divine” dangers.” However, although they were once regarded as omens of disaster, and messengers of the god(s), today a scientific approach has helped allay such concerns.

It is science and reason that has led the fight against this fear since the days of the ancients. It is science and reason that has emboldened the human spirit enough to venture out and journey to a comet. It is science and reason that will unlock the secrets that they hold.

For more information, visit:
JPL’s Deep Impact Site
To learn more about other missions to comets and asteroids, visit:
Small Bodies Missions

Inspirational Card of the Day, Cosmic Regeneration, Astrology, the Tarot

May 10- Taurus Annular Solar Eclipse day in Australia where the eclipse shadow fell

It’s Post Eclipse time and the Moon enters Gemini and conjunct Venus later today.

A lovely light, Talky flighty flirty aspect.

Inspirational Card of the day, the Carol Herzer Astro Tarot was calling me.

#20 Judgement Aeon

the Trump # 20  Judgement Day/the Aeon

Artist Carol Herzer produced this Astro-Tarot deck in the 80’s and I bought a hand made copy from her at Susun Weed’s beautiful Wise Woman Center in 1987 where I went to be initiated as a green witch. That’s  a good witch who uses herbs and white magic to help and heal people only.

Tarot Trump #20 is usually known as Judgement, representing Judgement Day in the Book of Revelations, where the Archangel Gabriel blows his trumpet and the dead rise again. Called the Aeon in The Thoth deck which I mainly use. It is called Regeneration in the Cosmo Astro tarot deck.


Very inspiring.  The 11th house refers to the 11th sign of Aquarius and  group or TRIBAL consciousness.  friendship, loss of feeling of alienation and aloneness. One’s connection to humanity, the world as family and cosmic family. HOPE and the ideal of a socially integrated world.  Many seed forms coming from a common source.

REBIRTH and the growth of love, our common humanity, leadership without ego, detachment emotionally.

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, literally.

 The seed imagery is also synchronous as I have posted on my FB page about worldwide protests against MONSANTO – go to my FB page- Occupy Monsanto

Need a rebirth to kickstart your REBIRTH?

The Age of AQUARIUS from HAIR- the 5th Dimension

PLEASE SHARE WIDELY so all may benefit



see Carol Herzer’s work

Mental floss-Mercury and Uranus U-turn,HOT HOT astrology,mark your calendars!~ Tara Greene spiritual adviser

I can feel it starting already the proverbial Mercury Pre-retro mindf+ck  U know what to expect- the usual miscommunications, computer snafus and the like

Mercury rules GEMINI and VIRGO and the ordinary states of mind ,

 JUPITER & VENUS are presently rendezvousing  in the early mornings if you get up early you can see their beauty clearly.

 So Mercury going Retro July 14 –  Aug 8 will definitely exert that looking back in longing pull on the heart-strings from Venus and expansive Jupiter in AMBIGUOUS and already in twin states of double timing Gemini’s whilst caught in Mercury’s Retro Mental Floss net..

Mental Floss astrology Tara Greeneso think about that for a bit before it hits ya, don’t say I didn’t warn ya

URANUS precedes Mercury in RETROdom moving back on FRIDAY the 13th


Uranus is the higher perspective, octave or calling of Mercury.

What this means is the HIGHER MIND and LOWER MIND are both going AWOL at the same time. Interesting isn’t it?

Uranus rules Aquarius and there isnt much action directly in the Aquarian sector these days, so we’ll breathe a sigh of relief there. Dont feel left out Aquarians…

BUT review, call backs, recalls, give it a rest, Relax, chill, reconsider, review, relent, recapitulate, do all the RE-things on the higher conscious and lower conscious levels. Uranus will move Retrograde for a much longer period- till DEC 13th!

Uranus rules Technology inventions,radicalism, revolutions, freedom, managements, collective thinking, as all that will be in the RE-zone for most of the rest of 2012.

Mercury Retrogrades feel better to me these days. Yes there is the practical things to not do like buy new things,

but Mercury is actually more powerful when Retro-it is slower and brighter and closer to the earth. It is in the more feminine receptive phase.

So renew yourself, relax, But get your travel plans done soon.


I have been personally feeling so much anger being expelled in the world. Mars moving into Libra and conjuncting my Natal Mars at 2.59 of LIBRA n my 11th house was like being hit with a small bomb. I am super sensitive to energy and planetary fluctuations. It is good as long as no one is  injured in the fallout,

MARK THESE DATES on your calendar!!!

Mars moves into that EXACT SQUARE with PLUTO  JULY 17/18 and Uranus JULY 18/19

Heavily explosive situation!!!  Any countries, cities, people with NATAL planets at 7,8, or 9 degrees of ARIES born March 28-30 and CAPRICORN’s born Dec 29-31 and LIBRA’s Born September 30- Oct 2 get hit with this neutron bomb.

Here’s the list: ARIES COUNTRIES – Great Britain, Germany, Syria,Palestine, Israel

CAPRICORN COUNTRIES: Mexico, U.K. Afghanistan, India,Bosnia,

LIBRA COUNTRIES: Tibet, China, Japan, BUrma,

CANCER’s born June 29- July 1st-

Cancerian Countries: the U.S. Canada,  New Zealand, Holland  that group gets the T- square effect from 3 sides.

Get your fallout shelters ready now.   

Uranus Mercury retrograde astrology


This is an emotional action, soul level, freedom fight or die trying energy.

There are already news blackouts all over the regular news and on GOOGLE where there are 150,000 protester in Madrid, in Chile, in Mexico and more places which the media is blacking out. The revolution has definitely started and will increase in breadth and scope from here on in.

I AM HERE TO HELP YOU IN YOUR SAFE PASSAGE  Need immediate assistance BOOK a reading:

tell me how you’re handling the heat on all levels…..

Venus in Leo! I am woman hear me roar! July 28 -Aug 21 plus Love,drama. Pres. Obama 50th,the whole Kit ‘n canoodle predictions by Tara Greene

Venus in Leo sure heats things up! Record heat waves, The Goddess is loud, proud, SEXY, in the spotlight, flashing red  puple and Gold, taking center stage.

R U getting enough DRAMA these days?

Excellent time for passionate love affairs!

Fires are sparking everywhere!

Leo is the HEART, Venus in Leo is the Heart Flame! Wearing your heart on your sleeve.

Leo is  Royalty, the King, the Sun, Gold, the Source, the Will, Center stage

Venus in Leo is the Queen, the Feminine Source, Golden Haired Goddess, Marilyn Monroe

It’s super dramatic, did they wait till the last minute to sign some sort of treaty re the DEBT?

It’s Mr. Obama’s 50th Birthday Aug 4, so Happy Birthday Mr. President


The President is going through what every 50 year old goes through. It’s called your Chiron Return.

Chiron whose symbol resembles a key, is an outer space object with a 50 year elliptical orbit. Discovered Nov. 1 1977 Chiron was, in Greek Mythology a Centaur, half immortal, rejected by his parents who became a great healer. Long story short, he asked to give up his immortality to quell the pain, he is immortalized as a Constellation in the skies. His discovery brings to our present day consciousness the unconscious psychological symbol of being human, of being archetypal vulnerable and therefor inherently, humanly wounded.

 So where that little key is in your birth chart  shows where you are the most vulnerable, wounded but also where the greatest healing lies, for as each individual heals themselves and the greatest strength lies in being able to open the wounds, show the soft underbelly, own it, take responsibility for it, cherish it, thank it, understand it, bless it, that we may become wounded healers for others. 

And as Kurt Vonnegut would say, and so it goes.

So I send HAPPY BIRTHDAY greetings to President Obama. Lord knows we can all see the vulnerability, the wounds, he is feeling right now trying to fix a wounded U.S.A.  It’s a mighty big job.

So lets take a look at Mr. Obama’s birth chart as he turns 50.


President Obama's birth chart

President Obama's birth chart and transits

Were you  born in 1961?

then U 2 will have a Chiron return this year as well.

Mr. Obama’s 50th shows Chiron directly on his natal Chiron at 5 degrees of Pisces in his first house of Self. Who he is. What he identifies as.

Mr. Obama has Chiron opposite Pluto in Virgo in the 7th house of others in his Birth chart, indicating that he is a wounded healer with Big Soul, Big Power,[ Pluto}  a rebirth, around health, work, service to others. Very intelligent, that’s pluto in Virgo, a perfectionist, a very hard worker, someone who always gets te job done. The Chiron return amps up his innate wounding which he felt as a child. Pisces is the most spiritual and sensitive of all the signs, with no boundaries, feeling one with everyone.

I do believe and I tell all my clients that I totally know inherently that we chose our parents, our place and time of birth before we come into this life the characteristics, which allows us the perfect opportunities for our souls to grow,learn and hopefully to complete our journeys of why we came into this life time again, this time around.

Mr. Obama came into this life already spiritual already a wounded healer with a lot of power directed out to the world at large. A Pisces Chiron is compassionate, all-inclusive, can be a martyr.Being of mixed racial background is a perfect symbol for him.

Mr. Obama’s North Node or highest spiritual goal is at 27 degrees 18 minutes of Leo in his 7th house, the house of marriage or all others, his interface with the world, and conjunct to Pluto.  North Node conjunct Pluto is considered to be very powerful, very purposeful.  Becoming President with a capital P. is his fulfilling his highest destiny.

27 degrees of Leo is conjunct to a very famous Fixed Star REGULUS, the heart of the Lion. This famous star is connected to the ArchAngel Raphael the healer of the heart.  His South Node representing the Past, is at 27 degrees of Aquarius in his first house.

Neptune the planet of dreamers. chameleons, actors, addictions, illusions, delusions, Hollywood, OIL. HAs been passing over Mr. Obama’s South Node and will do so again soon. He may seem tobe shifting his position, or being too idealistic. 

Venus is now in Leo and Venus will make a Superior Conjunction to the Sun on Aug 16th at 23 degrees of Leo. 

Every year the Sun is at the 23 degree on this date and co-incidentally it is the Anniversary dates of two very important festivals, gatherings, shifts in world consciousness.



Aug 15 017 1969 Woodstock


 WOODSTOCK took place  on Aug 15 16 and 15 in where else?  

hundreds of thousands of young people arrived bare foot, long-haired, to tune in turn on drop out, create their own city, babies were born, musicians played as they never had before, Joni Mitchell summed it up in her famous song,


I just came across this TWEET synchronistically by Deepak Chopra like an hr ago!  We are golden.

Also on Aug 16 and 17 1987 the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE

Jose Arguelles, who recently passed on, one of the co-founders of Earth day, declared these days a world-wide meditation and higher consciousness gathering and brought the Mayan calendar “end date” of Dec 21, 2012 into mass consciousness.

For these 2 days Light workers gathered at various high energy vortex power spots around the world, Mt. Shasta. Niagara Falls, Sedona Arizona etc. 

I happened  to be drawn to living in Sedona a year before there and arrived there at Spring Equinox in 1987 to find out unbeknownst to me consciously and after the fact that 10,000 people were scheduled to arrive on  these dates in a town of 7,500 people. They did. I was there on Bell Rock and the Airport Vortex doing movement meditations. It was on National News.

My point is folks, that Venus the Goddess of women, beauty, love, harmony, balance the Arts is going to Kanoodle with the Sun on this very same date bringing the point that as in the Harry Potter Deathly Hallow’s part 1 – the Golden snitch says “I OPEN AT THE CLOSE.” cryptic words those.

So we are back to where we began this little story, Venus, the Sun , Leo, The President, Golden Girls- Marilyn Monroe, Happy 50th, anniversaries.  

The Ancients called the convergence of Venus with the Sun “CAZIMI” meaning under the Sun’s beams, burnt out, disappeared, and evil.

As a symbol of what these dates have symbolized to the collective consciousness and to have this important rendezvous now means:

Now we don’t live in fear, but in insight from our hearts, the place that LEO rules. So throw open the gates of your heart, 

Love  loud and proud, not vaingloriously but un- egotistically.  Venus disappearing, being swallowed up by the Sun,

means she is entering a Golden Palace, a Heaven world, and we as the microcosmic mirror of the Marcocosm. “AS ABOVE< SO BELOW>”

as She is dying to Herself to rise like the Phoenix from the ashes of her own immolation,

out of compete unselfish Love for the Sun, the Source of all Light and Life, to have her ego/self extinguished.

 Venus will then no longer be visible as the morning star [ DAWN STAR} where she has risen so beautifully at night in the East,

she will go to the Underworld, the night Sea journey, to the dark side of the SUN, to be reborn many months from now.

And we must go with Her whether consciously or Unconsciously.

The Lust and speculation over Gold as security in a changing worldscape is a projection of our need for what Gold holds and trasmits, what it symbolizes.  the Light of the Sun, our very Selves, our Golden Self, our Spirits, our Souls,. shining Lights, Stars. 

.The symbol # 17 in the Tarot, The Star symbol of Aquarius and you remember that song, from another famous ‘60’s musical icon don’t you?

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Aquarius.  

We are Stardust, We are Golden, and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the Garden. Thank You Joni Mitchell for so eloquently tuning into the cosmic vibe of Eternity.

Back to Obama

And as for Mr. Obama the Venus Sun conjunction occurs in his 7th house, on his Uranus, planet of REVOLUTION in-between that planet and LILLITH, at 20 degrees of Leo very near to his Descendant.

LILLITH the archetypal first woman proceeding EVE. Didya read that story in the Bible? Not just a women’s songfest. LILLITH was the first woman, She was the original “I am woman hear me roar. ” She refused to allow Adam to dominate her sexually, like an animal. Pointing out rightly so, that G*d had created Her and Him EQUAL, of the earth, so what the heck was he thinking?

He wasn’t obviously, he was Unconscious. So Lillith took off and flew the coop and she left Eden. Yep that’s right, she flew right outa there and went to reside by the Red Sea. Ok. Long story short. She refuses to compromise in any way and is demonized by the Patriarchs who were trying to re-write HIStory from He point of view, when everyone knows deep down in their cellular memories that it was and is and always shall be SHEstory.

That is a Matriarchal comprehension of the Universe, self-evident, common sensicle. So Adam is in the Garden and asks God to make him a mate. So G* d creates Eve to be the perfect Lord it over the women prototype and women are blamed, defamed, and eternally damned in this historical rewrite.


So what does that mean? Well I believe the Women will revolt and take back their power!!!!!!!!!!!! I am woman hear me roar!!! Venus in Leo, conjunct the Sun. Which is ungoldenly the Ego, vanity, greed, fear and in the Light, and spiritually the divine essence, the spirit itself, rising again as Divine Love.

So guys ya better start workin on getting nice to your own inner female side, yah you. You got one too. Everyone does. Ya’all never be alone ya know.

and I stumbled upon through sheer Grace /Synchronicity through a woman named Jennifer Hough, who I recenly met at the Grail Lady Faire at the Grail Springs Spa in Bancroft Ontario.

Grail LAdy FAire 2011

Tara Greene presenter at Grail Lady Faire 2011

she just had this on her FB page. It is a poem by David Whyte, the Washington based bard who began his writing lessons with It doesn’t interest me… which inspired my former teacher Oriah Mountain Dreamer to write  a poem which was originally a newsletter which eventually became The Invitation,






(After Derek Mahon) 


Your great mistake is to act the drama
as if you were alone. As if life
were a progressive and cunning crime
with no witness to the tiny hidden
transgressions. To feel abandoned is to deny
the intimacy of your surroundings. Surely,
even you, at times, have felt the grand array;
the swelling presence, and the chorus, crowding
out your solo voice. You must note
the way the soap dish enables you,
or the window latch grants you freedom.
Alertness is the hidden discipline of familiarity.
The stairs are your mentor of things
to come, the doors have always been there
to frighten you and invite you,
and the tiny speaker in the phone
is your dream-ladder to divinity.


 Put down the weight of your aloneness and ease into
the conversation. The kettle is singing
even as it pours you a drink, the cooking pots
have left their arrogant aloofness and
seen the good in you at last. All the birds
and creatures of the world are unutterably
themselves. Everything is waiting for you.


~ David Whyte ~
Please come and join me at the beautiful amazing very spiritual Grail Springs Spa in Bancroft Ontario
Aug 15 16 17
on the anniversaries of Woodstock and the Harmonic Convergence
I will be teaching and leading meditations and dreaming
and we will remember our Starry selves.
Watch and be enchanted by the voice of a living Angel,divinely inspired songstress and writer Pam Gerrand as she sings
the Grail Lady Faire song she wrote at the inaugural Lady Faire in 2010




(Everything is Waiting for You)




US Debt crisis Aug 2, 2011. 8 ball, X marks the spot,in detriment. The Astrology of,predictions from Tara Greene,financial crystal ball consultant


U.S. Sebt crisis Aug 2, 2011

The U.A. astrology chart 1776 and Aug 2 2011 debt crisis


This is the Astrology chart of the United States born on July 4, 1776 at 5:10 pm Philadelphia commonly known as the Sibley Chart. There is much debate over which exact time the Declaration of Independence was signed but this is the chart most used. The Ascendant or persona or mask of Uncle Sam is at 12 degrees + of  Sagittarius, the Centaur of the Zodiac known for  truth, Justice, foreigners, travelling, law, philosophy,humour,animals,expansion, inspiration, boundless optimism,doing things BIG. Sounds like the good old U.S. and A?

U.S. is a Cancerian Sun of course! Should be AUNT SAMANTHA not Uncle Sam!

We all know at heart Americas was Born on July 4 making Her a Cancer, all Mom and Apple Pie of course, homeland security is the perfect translation of Sun in Cancer.

Without going into detail suffice it to say that the Inner wheel with the planets in BLUE is the U.S.’s Natal chart. The all important MOON representing THE PEOPLE which the constitution represents is at 27 degrees 10 minutes of Aquarius,in the 3rd house of communications.

Mercury {communications, thinking} is also in Cancer at 24 degrees of Cancer RETROGRADE -which means appearing to move backwards, in the 8th house  which governs finances, other people’s money, TAXES, inheritance, secrets, power, control, birth and death, 8th house Scorpio issues,like sexuality.

Venus planet of Women, Money, luxury, balance, the arts,relationships, is at 3 degrees of Cancer placed inside the 7th house of Marriage, committed relationships, businesses, the interface for Self and all others in the world. Venus is conjunct or connected to Mr. Big himself planet Jupiter {Yahweh,Jah, Zeus} at 5 degrees of Cancer also in the relationship 7th house. They are Married in the 7th house therefore BIG SPENDER is the tag word here.


FYI the Cancer Sun the ego and identity is in that 7th house but very close to the 8th house get my drift.

MArs the God of War, defenses, action, libido, ruler of men is at 21 degrees of Gemini also in the 7th.

SATURN the planet that rules everything in matter, the 3D world, aka Father Time, Death, limitations, obstacles, Lord of Karma, the patriarchy, career, corporate structures, buildings, the elderly, seniority, senators, the TAX MAN, is up in the 10th house of World renown in Libra, where Saturn is considered to be exalted, or more favourable, more fair and balanced in the Sign of Peace, negotiations, relationships. But wherever we find Saturn we find difficulty.

URANUS planet of revolution, technology, inventions, genius, group thinking, individuality, freedom,sudden change  is at 8 degrees of Gemini in the 6th house of work, service,analysis but right on that 7th house cusp of where it interfaces with the world.

NEPTUNE  at 22 degree of Virgo is the planet of dreams, artists, spirituality, compassion, illusion, delusion, drugs, secret enemies, self-undoing, addictions, DEBT, fantasy. Hollywood, film and photography and OIL is in the 9th house which rules foreigners, expansion, truth, justice all Sagittaria type matters, airplanes, teaching, proselytizing.

PLUTO still very important astrological, rules the Soul, the Unconscious, shadows, power, control, secrets is at 27 degrees of Capricorn RETROGRADE in the 2nd house of Money,values, tools and resources, stubbornness, sensuality,the body.

The U.S. North Node , the N.N. symbolizes your highest spiritual goal, is at 6 degrees of Leo in the 8th house of death and rebirth all that Scorpio stuff- other people’s money etc. This is LEo like  courage, the daring, the leadership, the drama, the childlike nature of, the will. The U.S. is always the center stage where the U.S. will show its courage or its vanity, power-over or power with, and too much pride which always precedes its’ fall..

That Key like symbol is called Chiron the Wounded Healer,also a Centaur in classical greek mythology, never mind that the Greek economy has now cacked out, its Mythology is still ever powerful in its’ Archetypal meaning. Chiron, discovered Nov. 1, 1977 is a powerful point indicating where the greatest wounding and also the greatest healing are marked. At 20 degrees of Aries Chiron is a main focal point as it is opposite Saturn -see red lines-and in a square aspect of 90 degrees {L}  or so to the Sun, Mercury and to Pluto as well.

Chiron also squares the Vertex at 26 degrees of cancer. The Vertex is a “karmic point” an intake of crucial significance in connecting with other. Note that PLuto is opposite this Vertex point as well. the only other main Squares in the U.S. chart are from Mars in Square aspect to Neptune. Squares are pressures, they make things happen, they are tense. Mars in Gemini in the 7th house square to Neptune in Virgo in the 9th, means {Gemini like} Peter Pan, peur, instant gratification, immaturity, divided attentions,split personalities, indecisive, dual natured actions and desires, doubly macho, warlike and  all that energy is applying aggressively to an earthy  hard-working self-critical, diligent, prudent,conservative, work ethic {Virgo} infused with a highly evolved {9th house} Neptunian escapist unrealistic addiction. In other words, escapism,  Warlike  tantrums and childlike actions.  Life built on fantasy and illusion, drug and alcohol addictions, false dependency on foreign oil, mass communications { Gemini}  used to brainwash the public.  Illusions about work, life, morals, philosophy, history, laws, all 9th house issues.

 One more thing the U.S. Moon is flanked by two Asteroids named for Greek goddesses. Athena is at 26 degrees of Aquarius a degree away from the moon. She is the patriarchal Goddess representing the transition from Matriarchy to Patriarchy as she is born from Zeus head fully armed. She is  a war strategist, she wears an owl on her shoulder. The city of Athens is named in her honour and the Parthenon her main temple. The sickle-like symbol to the other  side of the crescent moon is the asteroid Ceres at 8 degrees of Pisces but close enough to be considered conjunct the Moon. She is Ceres to the Romans and Demeter to the Greeks.  Ceres is the great mother of the earth Herself, Mother Nature,or Gaia we would popularly call her. This gives the U.S. Moon a very interesting Strong Matriarchal focus, but one that has not been fully realized yet.


The outer planets in green ringing the natal wheel are the planets today Aug 2 2011.

The U.S. has held debt for many many years. On Oct 1, 1917  during the first World War, the first effective debt ceiling was created,called The second Liberty Loan Act. On this date, just after a full moon, the Sun and Moon were squaring Pluto which was conjunct the South Node at 5 degrees of Cancer,and the Sun and Moon were also squaring the North Node at 5 degrees of Capricorn. That lunation was mid-way between an eclipse as well,as eclipses can only occur when the sun nd moon are aligned with the nodes.

And where is Pluto now? at 5 degrees of Capricorn, exactly Dead on where the North Node was on Oct 1, 1917. The Nodes and Pluto are interconnected in Evolutionary Astrology as they symbolize the soul’s growth. Pluto {death and rebirth, secrets, power and control issues} also opposes Natal Jupiter at 5 degrees of Cancer exactly now Jupiter is always associated with expansion and wealth and with Venus ruler of money as well.

 Pluto is exactly opposite to where it was when this first debt crisis was created. So half way in the entire cycle.

THE  U>S> SATURN RETURN, the Return of Satan,  U.S. behind the 8 ball  the 8 ball

Saturn that ole’ devil is returning once again for the 8th time to the place it was when the U.S. was born. The U.S. has just had its’ 235th birthday.  more about that soon.

Have you turned 28 or 29/30 ? 56 -60? 84-90? congratulations! Then you have lived through one, two and three Saturn returns yourself.  Saturn is the great TESTER, the challenger, makes you jump through the hoops. Saturn is time, the old boys system. Corporate structure, senility, seniority, maturity.

The U.S. is now getting it’s 8th of such Saturn returns. 8 itself is the symbol of infinity, I know 8 is considered lucky for finances in China. Since China holds most of the U.S. debt they dont want the U.S. to default, or do they? 8 is karma, what you put out is what you get back and in the simplest of terms, if you overspend the piper must be paid sooner of later.  As Saturn is connected traditionally to the Devil,and those Tea Partiers are sure acting like devils accusing Obama or every sort of heinous crime.

 is the U.S. SELLING ITS’ SOUL to the devil now?  Who is plea bargaining? Just who are the terrorists these days? V.P. Biden referring to those ultra right-wing Tea partiers as terrorists is one way of calling  a spade a  spade, no puns intended or racial slurs at all.

July 1, 2011 the Cancer Solar eclipse falls at 3 degrees from the U.S. Sun and right on Canada’s Sun.

Eclipse are always strong portends of change. That eclipse has the Sun and the Moon  on the U.S. Sun. The feelings of the People as symbolized by the Moon eclipsing the Sun, the Light  shows the state {the Sun} being changed by the popular feelings of the People.

The bad news is the  cuts! Usually all the good friendly public welfare stuff gets cut. the stuff that benefits the children the poor the elderly.

The Leo New Moon of July 30th just saw Venus at 2 degrees of Leo conjunct to the Sun and Moon at 7 degrees of Leo. And Venus  is in a square aspect to Jupiter at 8 degrees of Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus is earthy, sensuous, will never go on a diet! Jupiter is also in a positive Trine aspect to Retrograde Pluto right now. So Venus Jupiter and Pluto are aligning  in a Grand trine now, a very positive optimistic expansive energy although one where the corporate structure is being overhauled. This is the first new moon since the Eclipse so it brings in new fresh energies. 


The U.S. North Node is at 6 degrees of Leo. So this is promising as Venus in Leo is largesse, queenly, dramatic! going right to the 11th hour are we just for the stage presence.

Let’s remember that Obama is a Leo after all. and more about the President’s 50th birthday is well, That’s why it’s hurting him so much. He is experiencing his Chiron return! 

R U Turning 50 this year like the President? Join the Hurts so much club.

 Dont take it personally. Everyone during their 50th year gets to experience their Chiron return. Chiron takes 5o0 years to make one complete round. If you live to be 100 you’ll get 2 of them. It hurts, it is a healing crisis. Mr Obama is feeling ultra vulnerable and those Tea Partiers keep sticking their fingers into the wounds. Not al of this mess he created, he stepped into this mess lets remember.

But still the Wall Street crooks are still free and laughing all the way to their personal Ferrari’s and bank vaults.  Goldman Sachs, the lawmakers, the shyster, the wheeler dealers for the banks,the credit card companies are all in cahoots ,are all culpable. The Federal Reserve, the lobbyists etc etc etc.  are to blame for this mess. Who’s going to pay? That’s right. the little guy, the poor, the powerless, the young. Not the corporations, the banks, the car companies, the wealthy.

One more thing MERCURY is going RETROGRADE Aug 2.

 Why is it dragging out to the last minutes? As Mercury turns retrograde he slows down. Going Retrogarde  at Zero degrees of Virgo, that’s OK for the U.S. it is in harmony with the U.S. think outside the box ways. Mercury is also directly opposite Neptune also moving Retrograde at Zero degrees of Pisces. Mercury will be retrograde from Aug 2 -26 but wont go back to Zero degrees of Virgo again where it turned Retrograde at, till Sept 9, 2011. 

Note the Big RED X marks the Spot in the U.S. chart.   x marks the spot

The crux or cross or red X in the chart indicates, too much rashness Chiron at 20 degrees of Aries opposite Saturn in Libra in the 10th house can be a fall from the world’s stage, as squared by Pluto at 27 degrees of Capricorn Rx opposite the Vertex and Part of Fortune at 26 degrees of cancer. The Part of fortune is the pot of Gold in the chart. This point to certain transits Saturn will be at 20 degrees of Libra opposite Chiron in mid-October of 2011, this can indicate further stress woes and trouble. Saturn will also be at 27 degrees of Libra squaring its natal Pluto and Squaring that PART OF FORTUNE/ VERTEX point around the same time. These are all super hot spots in the chart.

MARS RETROGRADE In the U.S. Progressed Astrology chart for the next 80 years!!!!

 And last but not least in anyone’s chart planets change direction during your lifetime. All charts Progresss. The U.S. is no exception. Since  July 19 2006 the U.S. Mars. its’ vigor, libido, strength, power, force has turned Retrograde and will continue to do so for the next 80 years till March 27, 2086!!! 

My advice. Some antidotes?

Do a collective Rip Van Winkle and go to sleep for about 20 years until a solution is found. By 2031 well Pluto will be in Aquarius. The Age of Aquairus will be happening. Some new fangleddebt ridder invention will have been created. there will be no more money in the world, and according to quantum physics, no separation, no debt, no others.

The U.S. consciousness needs to either prick its’ collective finger,and not THE finger, on the spinning wheel of karma and time, that is Saturn and go into a Neptunian collective fantasy and illusion addiction sleep for about 80 years until Prince Charmant comes along to wake up Sleeping America the Beautiful at long last. By that time at least no more debt is racked up,  if no Americans are spending all that newly printed cash, well it wont be so bad, will it?

What’s the interest on 12, trillion for 80 years at what %?





Nuclear Plant Meltdown and PLanet X Influences by Tara Greene


Copyright Tara Greene 2011- infinity


PLanet X Nibiru

is Planet X the comet Eleni/ Nibiru?


Japan so known for its meticulous diligence in quality control, robot technology, the highest quality technology is shown to be frail, insufficient, and critically failing at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants after the devastating earthquake and Tsunami which struck March 11. Even tif they manage to get the power up and going now, much radiation has escaped and this affects the world. If they can’t stop it and 4 reactors go into meltdown this is a critical disaster for Japan and will affect the rest of the world.  


Nuclear energy, which is Planet Pluto’s realm-DEMOTED OR NOT- is being squared by a Retrograde Saturn at 15 degrees of Libra.  That’s a karmic pay back time folk. 

But wait, there’s a Big Back story 

When the tsunami hit and I first heard of the Nuclear power plant failure at Fukushima- no pun intended- I looked up Pluto’s discovery chart.  

The discovery of Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, Death and Rebirth, Power and Secrets happened as a presage to the splitting of the atom and the U.S. racing against Germany to be the first to use the unfathomable power which they would unleashed for use in warfare. Einstein was appalled. 

The interesting coincidence is that on Feb 18 1930 in Flagstaff Arizona at 4:00 pm when Pluto was first discovered by Clyde Tombaugh who had set out to find Planet X.

Very very powerful interesting synchronicities, almost 71 years later.  71 years in itself is significant as it takes a star 72 years to move 1 degree. 

In that Birth chart shown – click on it to see larger


Pluto discovered in Flagstaff Arizona 1930

Pluto Birth chart for discovery


The Sun was at 29 degrees of Aquarius– exactly where Neptune and Ceres are right now. Remember that Neptune takes    years for one orbit. 29 degrees of Aquarius is a Critical degree and opposite Fixed Star Regulus at 29 degrees of Leo- the Lion’s Heart. Also known as the Archangel Raphael’s X  marking spot in Heaven.  

Venus was at 2 degrees of Pisces exactly where Chiron is right now as well. @ degrees of Pisces is also conjunct to the Fixed Star Fomalhaut aka Archangel Gabriel’s marking star.


13 th century Illuminated painting of Archangel Gabriel by Martini

Angel Gabriel

The birth of Pluto had a Neptune Venus in Virgo/Pisces opposition in it. Always a sense of illusion, karma, hidden things, self-undoing as befits Pisces. Venus conjunct the Sun is of course in the 8th house which is always considered to be Scorpionic- all about death, power, secrets, control, money. 

Saturn was at 8 degrees of Capricorn then, and Pluto is now March 2011 at 7 degrees and change of Capricorn.  Saturn and Pluto are very powerful planetary energies.  See further below- for upcoming intensities of Saturn Uranus Pluto and more! Coming up shortly. 

Read full article and more on my website at

Nuclear meltdown in Japan,women have the anti-dote, SuperMoon by Tara Greene

March 12-14th 2011 With the 2nd or 3rd Nuclear power plant at the Fukushima plants in meltdown and dangerous types of nuclear fuel used this is  a very dangerous situation and is being covered up in the media. see

I meant to write feminine and masculine and my Freudian unconscious slip went  faminine and mesculine as in the famine of the Feminine created by the mess of the masculine. How apropos.

The latest powerful earthquakes and  tsunami’s in Japan is the earth crying out for women to pay attention to her and act in right relationship.  If we are really humanKIND we must act kind, we must be kind, we must reKINDle ourselves in harmony with the heartflame of Grandmother Earth.

We are all Her children. We are but little specs, like ants upon her bosom, see how fragile we truly are when Mother Nature shakes us about, she is showing us who is boss she’s giving us humans a time out for acting badly to her. 

MOTHER EARTH, the Divine Feminine is full of unconditional love for all of us but we, MEN  have raped and abused her for thousands of years now and her womb,the oceans are polluted and the air, her breath and the earth, her body had been so ravaged by greed and masculine dominator models for over 5,000 years. None of her earth should be mined, blasted, no oil pumped out, no radioactive materials used.

Any mistreatment of women and children who are created in her DIVINE IMAGE, Feminine like Her Self is an affront to The Goddess= Our Mother. To further strengthen our commitment to the 100th anniversary of International Womens’ day we need to honour the earth with our bodies and our blood more than ever. Desperate times call for ACTION and commitment.

Women- written by Canadian Singer Nancy Ward  from her album

To the Planters of Trees produced by Jack Lenz. 1989{ ?}

Women, we are strong like the trees,

we can bend in the wind,

we can bend in the wind without breaking

Women, we are patient as mountains,

we endure like the rivers,

 we are waters on the storm,

 we are peacemakers.

Women, Mother Earth is our baby,

 she is sick and in trouble,

 Mother Earth is our baby,

 our own, Mother  Earth is our baby, our own.

People, we must call on our powers,

from the earth sky and waters,

 we must heal Mother EArth with

our Beauty, our Beauty 

 we must heal, Mother Earth, with our Souls.

Holy Grail, Sacred Blood heals the earth

In ancient times Women’s menstrual blood was considered Holy, the Sacred Blood of Life. The Holy Grail is the womb itself the Sang Real is royal blood. Menstrual blood was the first blood used to fertilize crops, the beginning of agriculture. The red carpet which we know to today used by Hollywood stars denoting power, wealth, beauty was originally a special carpet that women  bled upon which gave it its power. 

Women your monthly period is your sacred menstrual blood of Life and will help to heal the earth. As in homeopathic cures, like cures like and in magick intention is everything. We must give back what She has honoured us with, the Gift of Life and to give back .

You know this in the deepest part of your wombs in your unconscious in your cells. All you have to do is get past the programming and remember what your body tells you. Ask your womb if it is holy? Is your monthly bleeding time sacred? Is your monthly flow not the root of and intended to bring forth the miracle of life? How could it be any other way? We need to move out of unconsciousness into empowerment and enlightenment, this is it. Your body hold the magick. You need to free yourself til you can laugh at how ridiculous it is to believe that your sacred body and its natural flow could be anything but sacred and holy.

If you are a woman who still bleeds, save your blessed menstrual blood in a non-toxic pad or cup and pour some onto the earth or in a body of water with a prayer of powerful intention to heal mother earth NOW. This will greatly benefit the earth and all her relations.

Especially at this very powerful u[coming Super Moon on March 19 when the full Moon will be closest to the Earth in 20 years, if you are bleeding then use that time especially. Anytime and always is the best time. Give back to Mother earth that which She has given you. This is ancient pagan wiccan ceremonial magick. It is very powerful menstrual blood,  that is why there was all the taboos about women bleeding. 

I made a vow at a women’s ceremony in 1992 to teach women and young girls about the sacred power of their menstrual blood. I  offer to coach to educate, to lead ceremonies and rituals.

See other women doing the same:

Herbalist, Wise Woman, best-selling author Susun Weed

Susun initiated me as a Green Witch in 1987 at her beautiful magical gardens and goat farm in Woodstock New York.

Another lady passionate about spreading the Good word about our monthly wise blood.

Japan 8.9 Earthquake/Tsunami,Uranus’s critical entry exit point,Eclipse factors and more by Tara Greene astrology

8.9 Eathquake/Tsumani  is Uranus’s 29th critical degree good-bye to Pisces


Uranus @ 29 degrees PISCES {OCEANS} = 8.9 Magnitude quake and Tsunamis in Japan March 11 @ 2:46 pm Local Tokyo time. Why? How? 

Uranus the planet symbolizes sudden change, cataclysmic unexpected events. Uranus is at that very last degree of Pisces, sign of the Oceans.  

The 29th, called the {anaretic} or critical degree, last degree of any sign, is called that because a planet leaving the last degree is attempting to digest all of that entire sign, at 29.59.59 of intense energy at once, it’s like having all the energies of the sign compacted and smushed together into one symbolic tiny degree. The pressure is immense! The next degree Zero is also considered critical, as it is all brand new, a clean slate. 

THE NORTH NODE { considered to be the public’s highest spiritual conscious and emotional state} also just passed the 29th degree of Sagittarius on March 8th– see more about this critical degree as it was where the Sun was opposite to n the TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE DEC 21, 2010 re-triggering that point!

The Dec 21, 2010 Total Lunar Eclipse at 29 degrees 21 minutes of Gemini, with the Sun opposite in Sagittarius is moments away from opposing the Winter Solstice ingress point of ZERO degrees of Capricorn, the “world point.”

29 degrees of Gemini, the Lunar eclipse degree is conjunct The North Star. The Sun at 29 degrees+ of Sagittarius is connected to the Galactic Centre at 27 degrees+ of Sagittarius, that famous Dec 21 2012 date. – see more below

ECLIPSES and Shadows trigger wordly events

note the eclipse shadow as it falls over Japan

Lunar Eclipse over Japan Dec 21 2010

Lunar eclipse path cast shadow over Japan Dec 21 2010

I think the eclipses are more powerfully related to earthquakes, tsunamis etc. as potential power triggers. Traditionally eclipses were always seen as harbingers of bad luck, ill omens, the dragon eating the sun or moon. Of course solar end Lunar eclipses happen on average of 4 times per year. Old superstitions before people understood what eclipses really were about. Still, where the eclipse shadows falls on the earth are the places most affected.  

MARCH 11,today Uranus enters ARIES @ 4:54 pm PST entire new cycle

March 12 @ 00:54 am GMT    March 12 9:54 am Tokyo time. 

Uranus has sent literally and lethal shock waves out from the ocean’s depths and created cataclysmic damage to people and property in Japan and threatens many nations in the Pacific rim put on hi alert for dangerous tsunamis.  

Uranus in Pisces since 2003 has brought us the massive Phi Ket Tsunamis in Thailand 2004,Hurricane Katrina 2005, earthquakes in China, India, flooding in Pakistan 2010, Peru, etc. Pisces the last sign of the entire Zodiac is watery and karmic. Pisces symbolizes the end of life, the waters of life, the Oceans from which all life emerged from, the wombs of our mothers.  

In Ancient Astrology Jupiter is the Ruler of Pisces. Jupiter enters Aries the Fiery First sign, the Sign of martial warfare, defences, action, and initiation on Jan 22 2011 when the Egyptian protests were starting. So we can see already how planets entering Aries the 1st sign initiates aggressive new change in whatever planetary form it takes.  

With Uranus entered Aries the 1st sign for the first time in 84 years and I must prophesy again how Uranus was in Aries in the 1929 Stock market crash. Uranus in Cardinal sign Aries is now moving in to Square PLUTO in Capricorn and oppose SATURN in Cardinal Libra, This is a somewhat heavy angled aspect called a T-SQUARE. T as in tension, TROUBLE with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for PLANETS!!!

Neptune, ruler of Pisces in modern times was called Poseidon. He was one of the three main Greek brothers who were the Big Boys of Gods, so to speak.

Zeus, aka Yahweh, is at the very top; he is symbolized by the royal purple of Jupiter. Uranus was the ruler of the sky.

The God of the Underworld is Pluto {Hades} Lord of death and Rebirth.

Poseidon is also known as THE EARTH SHAKER.  

NEPTUNE ruler of Pisces is also at the critical 29th degree at 29 degrees 11 minutes of AQUARIUS, Uranus’s Sign. And Uranus is at 29, 57 degrees of Pisces.

These two planets are in what’s called mutual-reception and have been for most of last year. They work easier together, they are hosting one another. 

Gee it wouldn’t have been hard to predict this event at all now would it have been. If only the Presidents and meteorologists, dictators, Kings and Queen’s went to their astrologers as they did for thousands of years perhaps some suffering could be alleviated. 

SUPER MOON CAUSE of Earthquake?

Astrologers are using the term Super Moon which astrologer Richard Nolle coined to indicate when the Moon is closest to the earth thus affecting the tides, tectonic plates etc. most powerfully. On Feb 18, March 19 and April 18 Super Moons all fall on Full moons for this year making them even more powerful. 


CHIRON, comet known as the WOUNDED HEALER, has just re-entered Pisces on Feb 8th. Chiron is now at 2 degree of Pisces. The day of the BP deep water rig blow up in the gulf April 22 2010 was the day that Chiron entered Pisces. And by the way Saturn was at 29 degrees of Virgo on that day too. 

I am also sorry to hear of human losses and devastation to land oceans, eco –systems.  

Prophesies of Earth Changes have been coming for over 30 years. Edgar Cayce America’s “sleeping prophet” described this years ago. Oh so Cayce’s prophecies didn’t happen on the Eclipse in 1999 but timing for this type of events is always difficult things change.  

We are seeing the oceans, the earth re-act with more and more magnitude. Is the Earth trying to tell us something? The planets Jupiter, Venus etc. are like her sister and brothers. They are sending us their encoded messages if we but only be aware and alert enough to heed the call before it’s too late.