International Women’s Day liberation,Venus in Aquarius, DUNE like rare Aspect

Happy International Women’s Day

It is awesome in so many ways. I am heading out to do lipstick blotter psychic reading at a women’s beauty Spa in Toronto today. How synched in it that?

Venus, the planet that rules women is at 25+ radical degrees of freedom thinking Aquarius.

Venus is ruling Jupiter, King of the Gods, in Taurus and also Uranus in Taurus the planet of Freedom, protests, libration, tech, AI, science and cryptocurrency. They are in supportive mutual reception. and Venus by exaltation in Pisces, governs over Saturn, planet of fathers, seniors, time, the patriarchy and history, and Pisces imaginative, creative, charitable, compassionate Sun, and Neptune, planet of dreams, and Mercury, who meet today at 27° PISCES. This beautiful uplifting divine message of love, compassion, surrender. Peace and oneness deeply hones and reflects the divine feminine energies in the cosmos.

i wrote a bit about the beautiful spiritual uplifting clear-sighted “BENE GESERIT” psychic type of energy here

Astrologer Adam Sommer had this to say about Mercury’s function”

“In some ways, we can think of Mercury’s function within the idea that: energy goes where attention goes.  If we focus on FUD, we will manifest unfortunate results; If we hold benevolent deities in the center of our mind’s eye and focus on exalted thoughts, we will have fortunate results.  Now, I understand it’s not this simple, but it illustrates a mercurial point.  If we are paying attention to Mercury from cazimi to cazmi, getting claimed by a living Idea, tending to it, learning from it, and allowing it to take us where we need to go, then something meaningful will always take form.

There are many terms for the sentient substrate connecting all life in the Universe, like the Akashic records or the A-field or plasma or Indra’s net, and I’ve always preferred Aether.  Plato used it when describing this invisible landscape behind it all.  It can teach us a lot and we can also interact with it.  It’s the “secret” in the Secret. It’s in the How of magic…and astrology.  And if energy really does go where attention goes, it is absolutely essential we understand how it works.

If you get all of your info from the tainted MSM APPLE etc. your mind will be poisoned I almost wrote Poisonned with fear.

if our mental diet consists of a well-curated feed from all sides and we do our best to come to our opinions carefully on our own, yes, our perspective will be different, but also in how we interact with Aether.  In other words, when we take control of our attention, the world changes. “

We often correlate Neptune with the collective mind.  It has an immense power over our thinking.”


Neptune in Pisces designs all the illusions projections, fashionista ideals, music, images, in fact everything we see in the media is all a shell game.

The assumptions we make about reality can be seen backstroking in the river Lethe, post shots. We think we see clearly, yet we may be forgetting instead. The illusions can have leverage and are strongest around status and the pressure of our peers.  It’s when collectivism swallows individualism if we aren’t careful.  So when we talk about “waking up” it’s fundamentally a Mercury/Neptune consideration.  If our mind isn’t open, it is closed; if we can’t articulate clearly an opposing side, we don’t understand it. Straw man, steel man, no man at all. Neptune can have this kind of neurotoxic effect.  “

“The dangers are many in the final decan of Pisces, where there exists some of that frenetic energy from before, but also martyrdom. It’s the end of the zodiac, so there is a, “screw it, what do we have to lose” approach here.  It’s not hard to imagine how this could play out.”

No one alive has ever experienced Neptune at this degree of Pisces! 

REMEMBER also 27 degrees PISCES squares the GALACTIC CENTER this is an awesome day to meditate to tune into SOPHIA wisdom, to call in the higher Galactic Benevolent entities to come and help us out down here on the blue planet. Neptune is also blue.

So when Mercury draws near, we should pay attention.  There is something for all of us to learn. To find the cure to any strain of mass formation psychosis, we must not be taken by an assumption or any mandate.”

The CHANDRA SYMBOL and PLEIADIAN symbols by John Sandbach

Pisces 28. A shy poet in hiding. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Receptive

(Degree Angel: Jabamiah (ya-BA-mee-YAH) Recognizing Design Beneath Disorder, Alchemy, Transformation)

A very sensitive spirit is here, and a great need to be attuned to the self in a supportive way so that what it needs to express may come forth. This degree seeks to avoid the opinions, input and other static of the outside world so that it may be itself with a complete lack of inhibition. It needs to find a space in which what is within may be coaxed to come forth.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A hoard of monkeys chattering.” The mind is multi-leveled and multi-faceted, never at rest, always playing with ideas. This degree is acutely aware of this, and at best knows how to overcome the stress, distractions, and diversions these monkeys can create.

The two symbols here seem diametrically opposed, for the shy poet is singular, and rather than chattering like the monkeys has chosen to retreat from the world. The poet hides so as to hear his own inner voice. The chattering monkeys are the world. Whether this degree chooses to be a part of the world, or to find a place apart from it, the need is to listen to the higher self, which can be heard in silence, or if one has developed the art of focus and non-attachment, even heard in the midst of the world’s chatterings.

Pleiadian Symbol: Statues and fountains at night in a summer garden.

Azoth Symbol: Dawn’s first gleams on a golden dome.

Seed degree: Pisces 6. Crystals deep in the earth aware of the sunshine above. (Omega Symbol). Aware of the spiritual light toward which we are ever growing, we are able to let go of the world and its demands and concentrate on the processes of our creativity and imagination.

An Inca chief wearing many emeralds. (Chandra Symbol). Focusing on the great beauty and value of connecting with others we are able to place our consciousness beyond the confusion of the mind’s chattering.

Fulfillment degree: Capricorn 30. A crystal made in a laboratory is buried in the ground. (Omega Symbol). The light-filled poems of the poet are placed in the ground to heal the earth, and be discovered by future generations.

Blue morning glories growing up a tall trellis. (Chandra Symbol). The chatterings of the mind are grown beyond as we take on the color of the clear sky and climb beyond the lower frequencies of negative karmic loops.

Work on opening your 3rd eye today. Tune into the Galactic Center. TUNE INTO YOUR DREAMS TONIGHT, make offerings, cleanse in a psychic bath

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Get a women’s day special divine feminine psychic reading

The Akashic Records and the I Ching correspondances

The Akashic Records are real and Tarot and Asian Scholar Bennebell Wen connects the Ancient Book of Changes, the very first esoteric book i studied when I was a teenager. This is fascinating.

Gemini North Star New Moon

Sidney Hall / Public domain
Sidney Hall / Public domain

The Gemini North Star New Moon is June 17/ 9:37 pm PDT/ Jun 18 at 12:37 am EDT / 4:37 am GMT is squared by Neptune, planet of spirituality, dreams, creativity, illusions and projections.

The Gemini North Star New Moon on June 18 at 12:37 am EDT inspires us in so many ways. The North Star is our spiritual goal, the pole star. It is squared by spiritual creative Neptune. This helps you to have peak split imaging and bilocating in your dreams.

With Saturn Stationing Retrograde in Pisces this creates a zero still point. Stop inhale, go inwards, set new intentions.

This is a magical and mystic, clarifying, question and foggy feeling New moon.

There’s much more going on than meets the eye. A grand earth trine, and more.

Watch the video on Youtube


to get a personal reading

Friday the 13th honor the Goddess and Moon’s cycles

Never mind Freddie Kruger and Horror movies.

Are you superstitious?  The scientific name for fear of #13 is called triskadekaphobia fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskevidekatriaphobia.

Why is the #13 feared and supposed to be bad? The origin of the number 13 needs to be understood and shifted from fear and superstition.

The fear of #13 is really a misogynist brainwash that originated with the Catholic church.

 I love #13. The truth will set you free. Pet a black cat today and break a few mirrors. Breaking mirrors is a psychological metaphor for breaking free of your unconscious projections.

In the Tarot the #13 is DEATH and as the Western culture fears death and its own immortality it screwed all of this up and mad death bad and to be feared. 

Death was always presided over by The GODDESS. She who gives birth also gives Death. Again the Church’s fears of the Divine Feminine had to make everything associated with HER the Great Goddess- bad, negative, fearful, tainted. 

Friday is sacred to the Goddess VENUS it is HER day, that right there is telling you something. 

 Thirteen is the sacred number of the Goddess, the DIVINE FEMININE because it is the number of annual LUNAR cycles. Friday is named in honor of the Nordic Goddess Freya who is also the planet/ Goddess Venus. The Moon is one of the main embodiments of the Goddess. Women’s menstrual cycles are synchronized to the moon and women were seen to be earthly representatives of the Goddess, Her mysteries and immortality. Pagans worshipped the Goddess, the moon and Her natural cycles of death and rebirth which women partook of every month. Woman’s periods are equated with the number 13. 

To further suppress Goddess worship, the church made the number 13 into something evil, feared and superstitious as they feared women’s powers as creatresses as magical.

Friday the 13th is really an anti-pagan Goddess day and I don’t like it, as it continues to be portrayed that way in error. This keeps unconsciously programming fear of the feminine, intuition, magic, nature, menstrual blood, and women’s power.

Black cats are “familiars” of witches. All cats absorb negative energies and are highly sensitive to spirits and other energies which we normally can’t sense. If you’ve ever had a cat of any colour you know this.

On this day, Friday the 13th I honour the Goddess, the Divine Feminine and the lunar cycles. I remember and honour myself and all women as holders of the mysteries within our bodies.

Here are 13 important facts superstitious people need to know about

Always choose LOVE over Fear.
I choose to love and honour the real positive magic of being alive; naturally intuitive and connected imminently with nature.

Also, I do not believe in superstitious curses and their removal. Yes there are negative energies and entities. I do not ascribe to the belief in curses or blaming your life situation on that. All negative intention is black magic.  It is all about energy. Thousands of unscrupulous lying phony psychics claim to remove curses etc. but they are only manipulating naive unsuspecting powerless desperate people. I am totally against this position. Do not project your own powerlessness onto someone else as having some amazing power who claims that they can remove your troubles or provide an instant fix for thousands of dollars.  Please don’t pay phony psychics to perform rituals, light candles or pray for you for exorbitant prices. That’s all a hoax.  Yes, positive intentions work, only you can change your own life, no one can do that for you. It’s a matter of perspective and psychological shamanic awareness.  I help my clients to get empowered. Stop believing the popular myths which religions create just to control you. That’s black magic too. They always blame their own sins onto others. 


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with Tara Greene- totally un-superstitious 

Here are 13 important facts superstitious people need to know about

Neptune turns Direct dreams come true in 2022

Galactic full moon in Pisces

The Pisces Full Harvest Moon and the Virgo Sun at 28+ degrees squares the Galactic Center at 26/27 Sagittarius.

Last night after being at my uncle’s funeral Sunday afternoon I was originally going to drop the live workshop and reschedule but then I was touched in such a raw deep place of grief and death that coincided with the emotional high tides of this full moon and with the world’s grief that I was feeling impelled to do a recording of it for you all.

My Uncle Elmer was a one of a kind guy, an Aquarius. They broke the mold when he was born. The eulogy was so beautiful and reminded me that what is important at the end of our lives is how much we give and care for others, with unconditional love with No expectations. My uncle only did that.

On the Pisces Full Moon think about what you can give to others unconditionally. And to ourselves.

If you have planets at 23-30 degrees Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius you will he impacted the most. If you have planets on The 4 angles this is also very powerful.

Tune into the Galactic Center under this direct access. It’s like a Marvel movie a key to go through the event horizon into other universes.

Your psychic energies will be off the charts. Make sure you have strong psychic shields up, like make sure they’re are made out of Saturnine lead. everyone has no boundaries under this full moon. PISCES needs to learn boundaries because they are inbounded by nature. Pisces knows they are part of source.

The moon is the people and at the last karmic degree of the zodiac we are completing our karmic debts so it’s important to do a life review as you would before you die.

I did record a Pisces full harvest karmic moon workshop. It has a PowerPoint, and a guided meditation which felt very powerful to me. It takes you through all your karmic emotions and timelines, and past emotional unfinished issues. Working with healing the inner child, allowing grief, anger, and all unfinished business to be brought up and cleansed. By allowing all the contents of the unconscious to come up from the shadowy depths clears space for a new reality. Kiss the past issues goodbye see the karmic debts stamped. Paid in full and the karmic Akashic ledger close.

Tuning into the GC brings amazing insights.

Make sure you put your crystals out in the full moon light even if you can’t see the full moon on the 22md.

Do practice lucid dream incubation tonight..

If you would like to buy the workshop to use for the full moon not just tonight but anytime it’s available for only $18.US. You can please pay with Paypal to my email Canadian can pay by e-transfer to the same email. Or but please email if you use the paypalme as I can’t access you paypal says.

Note There is no PDF but I explain the attributes for the full moon for that workshop. the recording is a PowerPoint, music, poetry, and the meditation.

Wishing you all the best we will be dreaming together.

Blessings, Tara

Blue Magic Witch Initiation August 21

Blue moon magic witchery Astrology workshop August 21 live at 7:30 pm EDT join me to raise the vibe. 5D conscious collectively raising the energy. Sliding scale $18-$28. Join at

5G Conspiracy Nonsense – The Hooded Sage

From Stuart Wilde, my old teacher’s protégée Kris Krepcic. I thought this would be timely with Lilith entering Gemini July 18 – 5G Conspiracy Nonsense – The Hooded Sage
— Read on

Venus in Aries, fresh hot love

Venus entered Aries March 21 and it’s a brand new archetypal cycle in love. Venus is hot, passionate, spontaneous, reckless, aggressive competitive and hot headed.

Venus is in Mars sign where she is tradition considered weak. However a more modern take would be Venus as an Amazon warrioress, fighting to defend her freedom, her TriBe and her independence.

Venus will be consumed in the passionate of a sacred marriage with the Sun March 25 at 5+ degrees ARIES, called CAZIMI, marking a new Star point in her 8 year journey around the Sun. She is in the heart of the Sun considered to be very auspicious at exactly 11:57 pm on the 25 PDT/ March 26 at 2:57 am EDT/ 6:57 am GMT. Note there is an extremely tight window of opportunity for working with Cazimi Venus. Venus needs to be within 15 minutes of the heart of the sun to be positive.

It is important to do ceremony and ritual, to attract or renew love intentions. Venus Cazimi can be used for new support and finances for any projects that need financial backing or anything involving women, defended women or identities. .

March 28 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries at 8+ degrees on the Libra Full Moon.

This highlights your love defenses. You can uncover your walls and tear them down quickly to get to the core of your vulnerability. This can also come as an attack from a loved one. So make sure you have your defenses ready if needed.

Note that the Sun also conjuncts Chiron March 29 at the same degrees. Chiron will be Cazimi.

The full moon at 8 Libra will be a powerful healing and balancing time. The significance of the 8th degree is also significant.

I will be leading a live Full Moon astrology magic workshop and ritual on March 28 at 8:00 pm. See info to register on my website. Fee is $22.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

Get a reading Tara Greene Tarot Astrology Psychic Consultant

Expand psychic and dreaming power

March 15 Mercury enters PISCES, the sign of psychic, dreaming, compassion and bliss energies until April 3rd. A quick dip into oceanic spiritual, psychic, empathic consciousness and dreamscapes. With Mercury in PISCES, our consciousness morphs into being very sensitive and telepathic. With covid-19 and all the losses many have suffered we have all learned to be more empathic and compassionate to others and ourselves.

Do charitable works during this time. Know that your mind is not separate from the SOURCE.

Our psychic energy fields are naturally expanded and the need for strong boundaries is absolutely necessary. Remember to protect your thoughts and energy fields, your home and where you go. Wearing black tourmaline and using Lavender oil on your 3rd eye is recommended. Saging by wafting burning dried sage, not cooking sage and using incense and other forms of fumigation for clearing energies.

Pisces is very creative, spiritual and dreamy. This is an excellent time to take note of and journal with your dreams. LUCID DREAMING will be much easier and powerful. Meditate, practice yoga and do visualization. Be creative with painting, making films, dance, sound healing, dream dramas and poetry.

Give your feet special attention as Pisces rules your tootsies. It is not an accident that the bottom of your feet is called the sole. Pisces as the 12th Sign rules addictions, self-sabotage and karmic endings. Mercury in PIsces can make you more focused on denial escapism and addiction-prone. You can be more detached during this time and get help with tackling your addiction. The 12 step programs are still very helpful

Mercury is the quicksilver Magician in the Tarot, consciousness itself.  The Piscean or Fishy, feminine, is the spiritual and emotional source of all life as well as the well of the collective unconsciousness.

Mercury in PISCES

Pisces is the symbol associated with Christianity as the AGE of PISCES began around Jesus’s birth. OMG this gives scary old Ted Cruz an advantage as a bible thumping political candidate here for a few weeks. The demons and the angels reside in the 12th house as our shadows, our dark side. This is an excellent time to write out and analyze your shadows and dreams. 

Mercury in Pisces  Keywords

Spiritual communications, intuition, 6th sense, clairvoyance, the divine, oracular mind, synchronicity, brain fog,  photographic memory, imaginative, dreamy, creative, artistic mind, film critic,  glamour speak, speaking in tongues,  God, the Infinite,  SOURCE, dolphin and whale communications, mermaids, sirens, the oceanic consciousness, denial state, expressive arts therapy Bliss, compassion forgiveness, end of mental habit or cycle of thinking.

Mental problems, depression, schizophrenia, addictions A.D.D., Telepathy, remote viewing,  spiritual lecturer,  humanitarian minded, compassionate,   spiritual junkies,  mental/spiritual healing, thought transfer, distance healing, confessions, A.A. meetings,  spells, magic, wizard lessons, thinking about ephemera, analyzing your dreams.

While Mercury is in Pisces – do try to telepathically communicate with your ancestors, Guardian Angels, and to project your thoughts to others, pay attention to your dreams.

Put your head in your heart/ EMOTIONS, the seat of the soul.  Think compassionately, put yourself in others’ shoes. Do unto others as you would have done to you. 

It is also very idealistic and romantic, Pisces rules the “soul mate.’ You can connect with that special beloved more easily. Be careful of projecting what you want to see onto others and the “too good to be true” deal on all levels. 

PISCES rules actors, musicians, artists, dancers, ceremonialists, shamans, priestesses, photography and film. 

FAMOUS PEOPLE With MERCURY IN PISCES – naturally actors, actresses and empathic, creative sensitives


LADY GAGA- whose song Till It Happens to You- is a very empathic song about women being raped.  Celine Dion, famous for her vocal range and extremely emotional delivery. 

Kurt Cobain, Billie Holiday,  Johnny Cash, Kesha, Steven Tyler, James Blunt, Carrie Underwood, Nina Simone,  Justin Timberlake, Chris Martin of Coldplay, Elton John, Fergie, Pharrell Williams, Ravi Shankar, Erykah Badu


Bruce Willis, Elizabeth Taylor, Alan Rickman, beloved Professor Snape in Harry Potter, John Travolta, Lucy Lawless, Tom Hiddleston, Steve McQueen, Rachel Weisz, Heath LEDGER, Bette Davis, Queen Latifah, 

Model Cindy Crawford, Eddie Murphy, Jackie Chan, David Letterman, 

Politician Mitt Romney

ARTISTS- Yoko Ono, Benicio Del Toro, Diane Arbus-photographer, 


Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Nicholas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Charles Darwin,


Johann Sebastian Bach, Maurice Ravel, classical composer. 


Victor Hugo’s author of Les Miserables, and what is known as the Hunchback of Notre-Dame, 

Charles Baudelaire, Maya Angelou, 


PSYCHIC Edgar Cayce, Eckhart Tolle, Rudolph Steiner, Tony Robbins, Ramakrishna, Dane Rudhyar, 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene. Get a reading with TARA