Mars conjunct Saturn real spiritual gangster cosmic meetup.

April 10 right after we’re all in Post Solar Eclipse energy highs or lows or disappointments, THIS comes along. MARS rules ARIES (and Scorpio) and this ARIES Eclipse in Aries and the North Node and Mercury and Chiron while they are in the martial ruled sign of Aries. This spells WAR.

The red rusty planet is conjoining with SATURN, the planet of KARMA, limitations, obstacles, testing, seniors, endings, work, fathers, rules the Signs of CAPRICORN and AQUARIUS April 10 at 1:36 pm PDT, 4:36 pm EDT and 8:36 pm GMT.

These two malefics, meaning evil traditionally, Mars the lesser malefic, and the greater malefic Saturn meet at 14+° PISCES. The powerful mid-degree.

PISCES energy is spiritual, hidden, mystic, religion, dreams, illusions, addictions, delusions,endings, martys, feminine, internal, spiritual, emotional, passive, mental illness and health, creative,co-dependent. Pisces rules Hollywood, glamor, illusions, false gurus, jails, propaganda the shadows, religion, secrets, endings, mental illness, debt, viruses,oil, projection and compassion forgiveness and martyrs. This very, very karmic as Pisces is the 12th and last sign. Saturn rules karma and time.

Pisces people with Pisces planets Angles nodes, how are you all feeling today? It is a critical day and can be a major turning point in your life as Mars and Saturn conjoin at 14+ Pisces.

Depression and anger are hallmarks of this transit; if you can go hit a gym or a DoJo and do martial arts, that would be a great way to work through this heavy energy; a brisk swim in moving water would be beneficial, too. Pay attention to yoru dreams and especially nightmares in the next few days. I have my North Node in PISCES

That mid degree also carries more weight as it’s the peak of any sign’s energy. If you have planets at 10-16° Of all mutable signs. GEMINI, VIRGO, SAGITTARIUS and PISCES too of course, you could be feeling this intense, suppressed, karmic anger explode. There are always many ways to interpret any transits but we’re dealing with the two heaviest planets here.

There is no way to really sugar coat this transit.

It is old unconscious WAR energies and we must pray that WW3 doesnt start with Israel and Iran and other Arab countries starting to hit Israel, then Russia, U.S. India and China gets dragged in to an unconscious Nuclear War which is all part of the big banking milutary industrial oil industrialists elites plan. Pray that the Pisces higher dimensional aliens will interviene in humans unconscious repeat patterns

Pluto is Mars’ higher octave, so think back when Saturn and Pluto came together January 12, 2020 in Capricorn at 20° and triggered Covid? Kind of like that and Saturn rules Capricorn.

Pisces is a totally different kettle of fish. It’s feminine, internal, spiritual, emotional, passive, creative,co-dependent, Pisces rules Hollywood, addictions, glamor, illusions, false gurus, jails, propaganda the shadows, religion, secrets, endings, mental illness, debt, viruses,oil, projection and compassion forgiveness and martyrs. This very, very karmic as Pisces is the 12th and last sign. Saturn rules karma and time taxes and limitations. Play TAXMAN, by George Harrison of the Beatles today.

This is a harsh reality check day. Issues with fathers, bosses, elders, religious authority figures and the military are prominent.

This is the perfect time to explore the ways you shoot yourself in the foot, and self-sabotage.Face addiction issues. Take serious responsability for your karma and mental health. Just like the famous Nancy Reagan Just say no to drugs, slogan this is JUST SAY NO TO TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS.

MARS conjunct SATURN helps you create strong healthy boundaries.

This is a hard reality check a strong punch to the head. Reflexology would be a good practice today or walking barefoot by water as Pisces rules the feet.

I accidentally-MARS rules accidents banged my nose yesterday as a very heavy door closed on me unexpectedly leaving a restaurant. Mars rules Aries which rules the head.

For artists this can be a powerful karmic turning point. Mars is action in Pisces it’s connected to the imaginal, liminal dreamtime realms. Dedicate yourself, that is Saturn governend discipline and patience to a long term spiritual goal-Capricorn goals to hit the top of the mountain peak through your art whatever form it takes. Be passionate about finishing a book, for example, or starting it and seeing it to completion no matter how many obstacles Saturn throws up at you.

The 15th degree of PISCES by John Sandbach Omega and Chandra symbols

Pisces 15: On a high hill above a river, the ruins of a castle. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Inspired

(Degree Angel: Nemamiah (ne-MAM-mee-YAH) Listening to Your Soul, Discernment)

This degree is a resister of the compulsions and agendas of others people and the world. It has the ability to remove itself from the ongoing flow of time so that it may seek out rare and unusual experiences, and explore that which has been left behind or abandoned. It is the soul archaeologist, studying the remains of memory to unearth and retrieve precious treasures.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “Many kinds of fruits arrayed on a silver tray.” Here again we find the sharp contrast between Omega and Chandra Symbol which we found in both the 13th and 14th degrees of Pisces. The fruits are juicy – a very pure, high vibration food. They are on a gleaming silver tray, silver being the metal of the moon, which signifies nurturing and the abundance of nature. On the other hand the castle of the Omega Symbol is old and dead and gone and left behind as the river flows onward. And yet the vision of it there high on the hill is food for the soul and the imagination.

This degree has a sense of the glorious richness of life and the need to be sensitive to the whole spectrum of one’s own personal cravings, for they will tell the self what kinds of foods and experiences are needed as personal nourishment.

Pleiadian Symbol: A ballet master choreographing a complex ensemble.

Azoth Symbol: A bright polished sword is maintained untouched and unused.

Seed degree: Virgo 30.A man catching a ripe fruit as it falls off a tree. (Omega Symbol). The gift of the present moment tunes us in to the deeper meanings of the past.

Supersensible beings appearing as geometric forms. (Chandra Symbol). The denizens of other planes of reality communicate to us through harmonious designs which then take on the form of whatever we need for our own sustenance.

Fulfillment degree: Sagittarius 29. A house full of strange, disorienting angles and perspectives. (Omega Symbol). The past calls to us, and causes us to see the present in new, unexpected ways.

The ritual slaughtering of a lamb. (Chandra Symbol). Realizing the abundance the universe offers to us, we’re impelled to give back to life by sharing what we have. pure mirror reflecting the love and joy of the spiritual light into the physical realm.“-

Dedicate your self to doing serious dream work and healing and to your own therapy and healing. As hard as it may be to take repsonability for creating all the victimization in your life, undersatnd what positive purpose or issue it has fed and work through it. Saturn bestows patience, and endurance and discipline time to go through the challenges until you are whole and complete.

With Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces April 10 this reflects why many people get depressed after having a very powerful spiritual or initiatory experence, which may be drug or plant medicine induced or a psychotic experience. But we live in the material world and need to come down off the PISCES spiriutual High. This means the need to integrate what you learned while in that high state and stay in touch through meditation and connecting wiht your Higher Self and stay very grounded, practical and not project you are god or channelling some Goddess as many many New Age people do. If you need to tell the world you are channeling a Goddess that is an ego trip. If you think youve discovered some hidden knowledge that is possible but you must be extremely grounded in discernment.

MARS is #16 THE TOWER in the TAROT, Saturn is #21 The WORLD

MARS breaks down the ego and gives insights and epiphanies we must take these ego shattering energies and bring them down to earth. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water, do your taxes and the direty laundry still.

In the Tarot the last card #21 is the World, the Tarot describes all the steps the soul takes from choosing to Incarnate to experience stuff to the Enlightement of understanding your Soul’s mission and then coming back down to Saturn’s hard restrictions and material reality. Saturn rules depression. Depression is a necessary part of the coming back up to equilibrium. We must embrace all of our shadows. This is also what the Solar Eclipse energy is about. Sun Mooon CHIRON North Node Aries is ruled by Mars, action, passion, and energy. The South Node in LIBRA is all about rebalancing.


I’m in the country visiting my friend who’s elderly cat caught a baby male rabbit and tried to offer it as a gift. Rabbits are sacrificial animals. The rabbit is tied to the Moon traditionally and fertility and dreams.we tried to help the tiny thing but put it down on the earth where it seems to be dying. The Utes tell the story of Ta-vwots, the Little Rabbit, who shatters the sun and destroys the world, all of which must be created again;This rabbit closely associated with the Moon, is part of the eclipse story the Rabbit shattered the sun and now dies sacrificially under the Mars/Saturn conjunction in Pisces. There is a Tibetan Buddhist prayer for dying and dead animals Om Ratna Kuta Swoha. It means may you reach a higher more benevolent plane of existence in your next life.


It may be best to lay low today. Pisces energy is enervating.

If you feel sad and depressed today you can definitely blame that on Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces. the heaviness will pass. Be careful when using any drugs or any intoxicants today or getting surgery,as this heightens overdoses and deaths from all drugs.




March 17, Ultra Rare, Sun Neptune Cazimi, Compassion for the world

On March 17 there is a VERY rare NEPTUNE SUN CAZIMI

This is a very HUGE spiritual blessing as the planet of spirituality, dreams compassion, oneness and faith sits in the very heart of the SUN in PISCSES, Neptune is the Modern ruler of Pisces and has been travelling through the last sign since 2011 and remains there until 2025/2026.

It begins at 4:16 am PDT, 7:15 am EDT, 12:16 pm GMT at 27 degrees 21′ PISCES.

It’s exact at 4:18 am PDT, 7:18 am EDT, 11:18 am GMT and ends at 3:28 pm PDT, 6:28 pm EDT, and 10:28 pm GMT

That is 11 hours + of a radiant therapeutic Golden Spiritual heart healing, Grace, and faith-inspiring energy.

Only four previous SUN NEPTUNE Cazimis have been at exactly 27+degrees PISCES since -104 BC: the 2nd, 387 AD, the 3rd, 878, the 4th, 1369, and 2024.

There are 214 Sun Neptune Cazimi’s in PISCES since 444 BC in over 1,580 years.

Note that there will be a LUNAR ECLIPSE at 25 PISCES on SEPTEMBER 17, which is squaring the GALACTIC CENTER near to this point. Consider your intentions to be a seeding for what lies 6 months ahead. This alignment also squares the Galactic Center making it extra otherworldly. I would call in the Higher Master Teachers of the Light to come assist us here on earth.

PISCES is the last and most spiritual sign. The 12th and last sign leads us back to the watery emotional WOMB of the ocean of Consciousness, where we all originated in the Divine Feminine. The 12th sign, Pisces, is the buried treasure, the Unconscious, the storehouse of dreams, memories, and karma.

Pisces is receptive and is about surrendering the ego and all material possessions and clinging to the material world’s illusions.

Pisces is like Tarot Card #12, The Hanged Man. The martyr and scape goat as well as the Nordic God Odin, who voluntarily tied himself to the World Tree to obtain knowledge from the Earth, the Mother, not the upright heady masculine consciousness and this is how he channelled the Runic alphabet which modern Pagan Vikings are reclaiming. The Hanged Man represents surrender, letting go, and allowing the Universe to take care of things. It also represents forgiveness.

Pisces is associated with Christ’s teachings of compassion, turning the Other cheek, faith within, redemption, and finding God within. 2,024 Years ago The Age of Jesus teachings was established. Unconditional Love, allowing, receptivity, non-judgemental.

In our Milky Way Galaxy, the SUN is definitely the Source of all life, and all ancient spiritual cultures worshipped the SUN. The Egyptians as Ra, the Inca still hold Sun worshipping ceremonies A 600-year-old Inca tradition: Peruvians worship the sun with ‘Inti Raymi’, A 600-year-old Inca tradition that shows no sign of aging. Peruvians have been celebrating the sacred Sun Festival ‘Inti Raymi’ with the help of thousands of spectators from around the world.

Pisces is the sign of mental illness, addictions, and karma. It is time to find the Light of Love within and release the illusions of separation. All addictions are thirst for spiritual oneness; they are attempted band-aids against trauma and pain. The only way to heal is to feel the feelings fully and rebirth oneself through it by feeling connected to the SOURCE and having total FAITH. Pisces symbolizes FAITH.

During this rare SUN NEPTUNE, there are golden blessings in the most spiritual of signs. It’s a powerful time to Let go, stop stewing in your pain like a martyr, and stop victimizing and self-sabotaging yourself.

This is a very rare and powerful and beautiful energy to be able to bathe in.

WARNING! This transit can also trigger difficult PISCES apects: super psychic sensitivity, overwhelm, no boundaries, co-dependence, addictions, denial, self-sabotage, mental illness, nightmares, ghosting, false gurus worship, La La Land energies. You may feel very spaced out, foggy, dreamy, in denial, addicted,guilty, unforgiving, have nightmares, and self-harm under these energies. The SUN clarifies and brings to light our hidden self-critical sides, the self- sabotage, the victimization, the martyrdom, and denial are all big PISCES issues.

Just giving you a warning to be aware of too. The Moon enters CANCER on the 17th at 5:40 am EDT sp it will be a very emotional day, cry as many rivers as you can as that is a big cleanse. Let out whatever you feels has been chasing you, nagging at you, making you feel paranoid, or out of reach, identify it, but stay grounded and remember to breathe. Remember that you human and divine,and the Unconditional Love of the Goddess is always there with you. Ultimately you have never been born and will never die, you have never been separate from the source.

This is a very auspicious time. I would recommend doing a lot of prayers meditation and visualization on forgiveness for yourself and self love, self-acceptance and compassion, Oneness, and understanding our true essence as Spiritual beings.

SOUND and VIBRATIONAL HEALING energies are expanded during this time.

Listen to this beautiful mantra to Kwan Yin, Goddess of compassion

Make big wishes and send them out like a blanket of bliss fog over the entire world, for peace, compassion, forgiveness, and a total end to the illusions of separation and greed, and end to war and harming of children.

Listening to spiritual uplifting music helps, remember to eat to help you stay grounded. This is one of my faves. The Gayatri Mantra by Richard Tyler and Stuart Wilde.

I will be doing prayers on that day and if there is someone you would like to have mentioned in these please send me an email with their name to

It is also St. Patrick’s Day, and we will be celebrating the Goddess and her snakes who St. Patrick claimed to have eradicated paganism from Ireland but that is not true.

I will be in High Park in Toronto leading a private Spring Equinox Ceremony and meditating with this beautiful Sun Neptune Cazimi, too. They are happening synchronistically. My son Elijah who is very spiritual and psychic picked out this date. It is also Two days before The SPrinG EQUINOX which occurs March 19 at 18:06 pm PDT, 1:06 pm EDT, March 20 at 5:06 am GMT

What do you have at 27 degrees 14′ minutes – 27 degrees 30′ PISCES? ORbs for Cazimi aspects are notoriously tight.

If you have any planets AC, angles Nodes or any other asteroids etc on this degree you can receive these divine blessings even more so. I would strongly recommend being in nature. being near a body of water, a lake or river, or in a spiritual healing bath sometime during the Cazimi if possible.

Pisces 28. A shy poet in hiding. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Receptive

(Degree Angel: Jabamiah (ya-BA-mee-YAH) Recognizing Design Beneath Disorder, Alchemy, Transformation)

A very sensitive spirit is here, and a great need to be attuned to the self in a supportive way so that what it needs to express may come forth. This degree seeks to avoid the opinions, input and other static of the outside world so that it may be itself with a complete lack of inhibition. It needs to find a space in which what is within may be coaxed to come forth.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A hoard of monkeys chattering.” The mind is multi-leveled and multi-faceted, never at rest, always playing with ideas. This degree is acutely aware of this, and at best knows how to overcome the stress, distractions, and diversions these monkeys can create.

The two symbols here seem diametrically opposed, for the shy poet is singular, and rather than chattering like the monkeys has chosen to retreat from the world. The poet hides so as to hear his own inner voice. The chattering monkeys are the world. Whether this degree chooses to be a part of the world, or to find a place apart from it, the need is to listen to the higher self, which can be heard in silence, or if one has developed the art of focus and non-attachment, even heard in the midst of the world’s chatterings.

Pleiadian Symbol: Statues and fountains at night in a summer garden.

Azoth Symbol: Dawn’s first gleams on a golden dome.

Seed degree: Pisces 6. Crystals deep in the earth aware of the sunshine above. (Omega Symbol). Aware of the spiritual light toward which we are ever growing, we are able to let go of the world and its demands and concentrate on the processes of our creativity and imagination.

An Inca chief wearing many emeralds. (Chandra Symbol). Focusing on the great beauty and value of connecting with others we are able to place our consciousness beyond the confusion of the mind’s chattering.

Fulfillment degree: Capricorn 30. A laboratory-made crystal is buried in the ground (Omega Symbol). The poet’s light-filled poems are placed in the ground to heal the earth and be discovered by future generations.

Blue morning glories growing up a tall trellis. (Chandra Symbol). The chatterings of the mind are grown beyond as we take on the color of the clear sky and climb beyond the lower frequencies of negative karmic loops.

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Soul support, Sun trine Jupiter in Pisces

A lovely aspect November 20 as the Scorpio sun nearing the end of its sojourn in The darkest part of the chart in Scorpio trines beneficial expansive faithful surrendering Jupiter in Pisces

A great day to let go of the guilt, forgive yourself and others of it seems appropriate and be compassionate with your self and the world.

This is a good day to deal with the underlying pain of any addictions, reach out for help, do call on your guardian angels to heal your soul. Keep the faith.

You could be seeing, feeling and sending the support of all the angels and ancestors who love you. Offer sacrifices and tell them how much you appreciate their watching over you. Know that you are never alone.

Practice meditation,visualization and any form Of creativity. Do something charitable, give to others even if just a kind word.

This is a symbol of deep soul transformation, the spirits of the dead rise higher, can you believe it’s only been 20 days since Halloween?

Enjoy connecting with authentic soul knowledge, higher master teachers are also available to you.

Work with nightmares shadows, fear and paranoia. This aspect gives optimism and trusting that the universe has your back.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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What is love?

Venus square Neptune May 27 and that’s the question of the day along with what is real and what’s an illusion in love, money and fake news.

Venus in Gemini has a hard enough time anyway making up her mind what she wants from love but the square from Neptune amps this up because there no telling what’s real or an illusion in love.


You may be feeling stoned naturally today because of this aspect exact at 3:25 pm EDT so watch taking any meds or intoxicants. Your judgement will be off especially with an adventure-loving Sagittarius Moon still in effect.

Love is a many splendored thing as the old song goes.

VENUS SQUARES NEPTUNE- Love and karmic Debts

Venus square Neptune can be the most romantic spiritually past lives, remember you forever, soul matey, past life lovers thing there is BUT

Venus is a personal planet and she is real physical beauty and attractive seductiveness and human frailty. Venus rules Women, relationships, money, luxury, all arts and creativity and Neptune rules the illusions, debts, addictions of love and money, cryptocurrencies etc.

Neptune is angelic, total projection ideal soul mate illusions of romantic love .The perfect SouL MATE fantasy of Neptune – REAL for those who believe, who have FAITH- that is a Neptunian spiritual thing. NEPTUNE is AGAPE unconditional spiritual love which now has morphed into porn fantasy and romantic fantasies of love.

So what does it all mean?

Well Neptune is a fog, fake news, virus generator, Jupiter is amping up all of PISCES energies now too.

This hard aspect can also be a warning if you can see it or want to see it. Neptune is deception and gaslighting the avoidance planet and so is Venus in Gemini, always playing peek a boo games, Now you see me now you don’t. The Moon is also in Mutable Sagittarius opposing Venus and Square Neptune too.

Venus square Neptune Playlist

Drunk In Love What a Day for A Daydream

Daydream Believer

Addicted to Love

Love is the Drug

Dream Lover

Talk about being drunk in love. Wow there so many song titles relating to these two planets. The playlist could go on and on.

TRUST your DREAMS, intuition, inner vision.
Trust your dreams, intuition, inner vision. It’s a chant.
BE the Divine. Become the vision. Walk your talk,
know that you are DIVINE.

Neptune rules projection, Stop projecting your power and love and beauty onto others, onto outside authorities and people.
To really be the love, the higher vibration we must love ourselves unconditionally. That is Neptune Unconditional Love from the source, which is water, the waters of life and symbol of the soul.

Be careful of not getting too lost in projection and debt or addictions and digging yourself into a deeper hole in debt, love or in someone else’s heart.


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All writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

I open at the close, Jupiter in Pisces

JUPITER enters PISCES, the last sign of the Zodiac, the closer, on May 13 at 3:36 pm PDT/ 6:36 pm EDT/ 11:36 pm GMT for a short swim in the collective unconscious until July 28. Jupiter will then re-enter PISCES December 28/29.


May 13/14 2021 – Jupiter enters Pisces
June 20/1, 2021 – Jupiter Retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on SUMMER SOLSTICE
July 28/29, 2021 – Jupiter Retrogrades back into Aquarius with a MARS opposition
December 28/29, 2021 – Jupiter enters Pisces
May 11, 2022 – Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries
July 28/29, 2022 – Jupiter turns Retrograde at 8 degrees Aries
October 28/29, 2022 – Jupiter Retrogrades back into Pisces.
November 24, 2022 – Jupiter turns Direct at 28 degrees Pisces
December 20/21, 2022 – Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries
starting a brand new cycle

On October 28, 2022, Jupiter will retrograde back into Pisces, turn stationary Direct at 29 Pisces in late November, and re-enter Aries by December 20. So that’s an initial 11 week appetizer from May to July 2021, a very fast speedboat ride for the first four months of 2022, and then a last look back at PISCES for over four weeks at the end of the year. Very interesting.

JUPITER, always doing things in a big way will race through Pisces, where it will be at perihelion, closest to the sun and at maximum speed during this orbit. JUPITER then starts a entirely new 12 year cycle entering Aries on May 10, 2022, one year from now. As Jupiter hurtles through the last sign there will be many expansive openings but also fast goodbyes, closures, endings and big karmic shifts in 132 days as Jupiter is off to another adventure

Jupiter takes approximately 12 years to move through each sign. The last time Jupiter was in PISCES was

January 17, 2010 Pisces
June 05, 2010 moves into Aries
Sep 09, 2010 Jupiter re-enters Pisces Rx
Jan 22, 2011 Jupiter re-enters Aries

Jupiter is the way shower, as the largest planet, and head God in Greek mythology, Jupiter/Thor, Jupiter influence is the strongest, Jupiter rules justice, truth, higher education, philosophy, trust, teachers, travelling, international affairs, animals, expansion, adventure, humor and faith. As ruler of both Mutable signs SAGITTARIUS and PISCES, this is their turn to shine. Jupiter is squaring SAGITTARIUS from PISCES opening a way for the energies from Jupiter’s recent transit through the 9th fiery Sage sign during 2018-2019 to flow through in amore spiritual compassionate way.

Jupiter, the expansive feel-good planet enters PISCES May 13/14-July 28. The energy will feel way different as Jupiter moves from AIRY free-thinking cryptocurrency driven, scientific, Big Pharma associated AQUARIUS into the expansive, spiritual, creative, compassionate, reclusive, Unconscious, dreamy, fantasy, projection and debt-ridden, addictions heavy, mental illness and endings, seafaring sign, THOSE SEA SHANTY SONGS ON TIK TIOK were of course prescient. LOL.

It’s Pisces time to shine, or to be more precise, flow. Pisces the last sign of the Zodiac, is the most fluid, it has no boundaries, it is connected to oceanic, spiritual consciousness and Oneness. Pisces is a mutable changing sign, like water it adapts to its surroundings and slowly dissolves all hardness.

Pisces is the most sensitive of the signs, so prepare to become a big psychic sponge for the next 11 weeks. Pisces is ruled by planet Neptune, otherworldly, extremely sensitive, intuitive, full of compassion, self-sacrificing, can be martyrs.

PISCES is tuned into higher vibrations, music, the arts, and mysticism. Neptune’s realm is also full of illusions, delusions, fantasy, romance, addictions, denial, healing, film and photography, viruses, false messiahs, gurus, and faith, oil, endings, mental illness, jails, seclusion and karma.

Pisces is the 12th sign of the Zodiac and rules, retreats, introspection, mental health, institutions, secrets, karma, subconscious, endings. Pisces rules the veins and feet.

Pisces Colours: sea blue, sea green, lavender, and silver

Gemstone: Aquamarine and Moonstone                 

 Metals: tin

Famous Pisces people:

Artists:   Michelangelo; Renoir

Writers and Poets:                 

Longfellow {the feet}; Jack Kerouac; Elizabeth B. Browning; Anais Nin; John Updike.

Inventors: Alexander Graham Bell; Albert Einstein; Galileo Galilei.

Politicians: George Washington; Ralph Nader.

Actors: Michael Caine, Elizabeth Taylor, Sidney Poitier,

Dancer: Rudolph Nureyev.

Musicians Singers:                                                                        

Lisa Minelli, Johnny Cash, Pavarotti, Curt Cobain; bandleader Lawrence Welk; Fats Domino; Beatle George Harrison.

Filmmakers:  Robert Altman, Pier Pasolini; Sam Peckinpah.

Model: Cindy Crawford.

Royalty: Prince Andrew.

Ideologists:   L. Ron Hubbard Founder of Scientology; Cross Cultural religious Scholar Mircea Eliade; Rudolf Steiner; Robert Assagioli {Founder Psychosynthesis}

Astrologers Psychics:                                    Astrologer and witch Sybil Leek; Evangeline Adams, mother of American Astrology.

Chess Champion: Bobby Fischer.

Get ready to feel all the feels especially during full moons. We are going into ECLIPSE Season on May 26 there be a total LUNAR ELCIPSE in SAGITTARIUS with JUPITER Squaring it.

Jupiter in PISCES is like an ANGEL protecting everyone. It is the Bodhisattva aspect of compassion. But also that of the martyr and worshipper of false gurus, glamour, like GOOP and Hollywood in general. Jupiter in PISCES is all about those false illusions of projections of soul mates and the Big win which turns into nothing like in the Treasure of The Sierra Madre movie. It is the Gold RUSH and the Roaring 20’s. JUPITER also expands Pisces addictive nature, so be careful about escaping into an ayahuasca or magic mushroom world of fantasy and illusion too much. It would be a good time for rehab to. Mental illness reeducation will be a big topic. Note Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry’s mental illness film is coming out with Jupiter in PISCES.

JUPITER rules VIRUES and I’m sorry to say I don’t think this will be good for Covid-19. In fact new legislation will happen which may restrict the vaccines or enforce them. Jupiter loves to travel but don’t book a cruise just yet. I’d wait until Jupiter enters ARIES in 2022 and 2023 to feel that things will open up again.

Will we all reach a state of enlightenment and lucid dreaming while Jupiter is in PISCES? I certainly hope so. I will project that out. The collective unconscious is the biggest vastest space to explore, just like our oceans. No need to go to Mars when we do’t even know our own inner terrain or what consciousness or spirituality really are. This is a great time to delve into answers for all those questions.

DO PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR DREAMS they will be enhanced and LUCID.

This is a big time of karmic cleansing, forgiveness to ourselves, and acceptance that we are all ONE.

I will write a break down of how Jupiter in PISCES will affect each sign.


Expand psychic and dreaming power

March 15 Mercury enters PISCES, the sign of psychic, dreaming, compassion and bliss energies until April 3rd. A quick dip into oceanic spiritual, psychic, empathic consciousness and dreamscapes. With Mercury in PISCES, our consciousness morphs into being very sensitive and telepathic. With covid-19 and all the losses many have suffered we have all learned to be more empathic and compassionate to others and ourselves.

Do charitable works during this time. Know that your mind is not separate from the SOURCE.

Our psychic energy fields are naturally expanded and the need for strong boundaries is absolutely necessary. Remember to protect your thoughts and energy fields, your home and where you go. Wearing black tourmaline and using Lavender oil on your 3rd eye is recommended. Saging by wafting burning dried sage, not cooking sage and using incense and other forms of fumigation for clearing energies.

Pisces is very creative, spiritual and dreamy. This is an excellent time to take note of and journal with your dreams. LUCID DREAMING will be much easier and powerful. Meditate, practice yoga and do visualization. Be creative with painting, making films, dance, sound healing, dream dramas and poetry.

Give your feet special attention as Pisces rules your tootsies. It is not an accident that the bottom of your feet is called the sole. Pisces as the 12th Sign rules addictions, self-sabotage and karmic endings. Mercury in PIsces can make you more focused on denial escapism and addiction-prone. You can be more detached during this time and get help with tackling your addiction. The 12 step programs are still very helpful

Mercury is the quicksilver Magician in the Tarot, consciousness itself.  The Piscean or Fishy, feminine, is the spiritual and emotional source of all life as well as the well of the collective unconsciousness.

Mercury in PISCES

Pisces is the symbol associated with Christianity as the AGE of PISCES began around Jesus’s birth. OMG this gives scary old Ted Cruz an advantage as a bible thumping political candidate here for a few weeks. The demons and the angels reside in the 12th house as our shadows, our dark side. This is an excellent time to write out and analyze your shadows and dreams. 

Mercury in Pisces  Keywords

Spiritual communications, intuition, 6th sense, clairvoyance, the divine, oracular mind, synchronicity, brain fog,  photographic memory, imaginative, dreamy, creative, artistic mind, film critic,  glamour speak, speaking in tongues,  God, the Infinite,  SOURCE, dolphin and whale communications, mermaids, sirens, the oceanic consciousness, denial state, expressive arts therapy Bliss, compassion forgiveness, end of mental habit or cycle of thinking.

Mental problems, depression, schizophrenia, addictions A.D.D., Telepathy, remote viewing,  spiritual lecturer,  humanitarian minded, compassionate,   spiritual junkies,  mental/spiritual healing, thought transfer, distance healing, confessions, A.A. meetings,  spells, magic, wizard lessons, thinking about ephemera, analyzing your dreams.

While Mercury is in Pisces – do try to telepathically communicate with your ancestors, Guardian Angels, and to project your thoughts to others, pay attention to your dreams.

Put your head in your heart/ EMOTIONS, the seat of the soul.  Think compassionately, put yourself in others’ shoes. Do unto others as you would have done to you. 

It is also very idealistic and romantic, Pisces rules the “soul mate.’ You can connect with that special beloved more easily. Be careful of projecting what you want to see onto others and the “too good to be true” deal on all levels. 

PISCES rules actors, musicians, artists, dancers, ceremonialists, shamans, priestesses, photography and film. 

FAMOUS PEOPLE With MERCURY IN PISCES – naturally actors, actresses and empathic, creative sensitives


LADY GAGA- whose song Till It Happens to You- is a very empathic song about women being raped.  Celine Dion, famous for her vocal range and extremely emotional delivery. 

Kurt Cobain, Billie Holiday,  Johnny Cash, Kesha, Steven Tyler, James Blunt, Carrie Underwood, Nina Simone,  Justin Timberlake, Chris Martin of Coldplay, Elton John, Fergie, Pharrell Williams, Ravi Shankar, Erykah Badu


Bruce Willis, Elizabeth Taylor, Alan Rickman, beloved Professor Snape in Harry Potter, John Travolta, Lucy Lawless, Tom Hiddleston, Steve McQueen, Rachel Weisz, Heath LEDGER, Bette Davis, Queen Latifah, 

Model Cindy Crawford, Eddie Murphy, Jackie Chan, David Letterman, 

Politician Mitt Romney

ARTISTS- Yoko Ono, Benicio Del Toro, Diane Arbus-photographer, 


Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Nicholas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Charles Darwin,


Johann Sebastian Bach, Maurice Ravel, classical composer. 


Victor Hugo’s author of Les Miserables, and what is known as the Hunchback of Notre-Dame, 

Charles Baudelaire, Maya Angelou, 


PSYCHIC Edgar Cayce, Eckhart Tolle, Rudolph Steiner, Tony Robbins, Ramakrishna, Dane Rudhyar, 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene. Get a reading with TARA

Enlighten the shadows June 11-13

The Gemini Sun squares Neptune in Pisces JUNE 11 at 20+ degrees

An excellent time for spiritual, creativity, meditation and dream work as it is a bright light in the current smoke and mirror show and fake news. This lights up the UNCONSCIOUS’ shadows and fears. We need to shine the light on the unconscious to know what it is that is running us and then we can understand, integrate, feel, and learn from our shadow sides and the deep dark shadows we see in the world- such as Bigotry, racism, polarity, division, “cancel culture” manipulation, misogyny, the deep State, Donald Trump, fear, death, Covid-19, etc. 

NEPTUNE brings compassion to charity and forgiveness. This aspect highlights martyrs.

THIS IS A VERY ENLIGHTENING NEPTUNIAN two days as MOON is in PISCES and MARS conjuncts NEPTUNE on the 13th

Use it to visualize, imagine and be totally creative and playful under the Gemini Sun influence. 

We may feel drunk in Love and under the influence- the perfect wording for a Neptune transit. Neptune rules intoxicants. DO be very careful over these couple of days with any drugs, alcohol, Rx medicines as your grounded judgement will be off. It is extremely enlightening and dreamy, spiritual romantic and creative but can also bring up all of your unconscious material to clear through compassion forgiveness and self- acceptance.

Sun in Gemini is ruled by Mercury which is about to go Retrograde and is already in its’ shadow phase. VENUS, Neptune’s “lower octave” is also in Gemini and RETROGRADE too. This may slow down the effects of this aspect peaking through the clouds until after Venus turns DIRECT JUNE 24/5. Co-dependency in Relationships can be dealt with in a clearer minded way. 

This aspect is like the CARD of the MOON #18 in the TAROT

"Oswald Wirth Tarot - The Tarot of the Magicians version" Jan. 1 1852.

18 The Moon
Oswald Wirth Tarot Public domain The Tarot of the Magicians version” Jan. 1 1852.

This card from the OSWALD WIRTH Tarot of the Magicians published January 1, 1852. The ARCANA #18 is associated with PISCES and the DARK SIDE OF THE MOON

The Moon is a gateway. It was traditionally a three-way or path ruled by Hekate, the Crone Goddess. This is where reality and unreality merge. It is the darkness of the birth canal. The black hole, the Void of all plenitude and potential creation.  Also The Twilight Zone, the nether world. A parallel universe merging point, a crossing over.  Fear of the unknown. Phobias. Past life karma. Atlantis. Dolphins, Christ Consciousness, Fake News. Addictions, Drug Overdoses this is all part of NEPTUNE in PISCES energy. 

Public Domain Mark

The positive side of this aspect is the ability to bring the Light to the Soul and mind. Seeing the Source directly and understanding old lessons with Mercury about to go Retrograde and with Venus already there.

According to spiritual tradition, one cannot look at the Light or Face of God directly. 

MAKE SURE YOUR SPIRITUAL SHIELDS ARE UP! this heightens all psychic energies. 

Do pay attention to your DREAMS tonight. Before you go to sleep tell yourself you will be AWAKE- the Light of consciousness in your dreams. THIS IS the BEST LUCID DREAMING TIME. 

Are you feeling like you can’t figure out WTF is going on and which way to go because of the smoke and mirrors show? All that foggy jazz? fake news, Conspiracy theories duking each other out?  Neptune rules indecision, avoidance, escapism, DEBT, addictions, deep unconscious memories, self-undoing, karmic lessons, self-pity, martyrdom. We can see all of these issues looming large.  Do you feel that you are unconsciously setting yourself up to fail? That is Neptunian self-sabotage energy. Work on it, Ask Angel Gabriel for help.

The cure is in the letting go. Pisces, surrender. It is the MOON in the Tarot  

Staying connected to Source the LIGHT in the darkness of PISCES enables you to find the creative spark within and to conceive of new life to birth at the end of the tunnel. If you have addictions this aspect can help you bring your shame and secrets out into the light and get help. 

Check out where 20+ degrees GEMINI and PISCES are in your chart. Also 20+ VIRGO and SAGITTARIUS are getting the oppositions

Remember to have faith. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

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Post eclipse, Psychic high alert!

Post Lunar Eclipse energy. The moon’s in cool Aquarius now. We get to take a breath from the overwhelming emotional and heavy energy and get some perspective.

Get ready to make some big wishes July 18 as Venus in Cancer trines Neptune a very lovely positive upbeat romantic and psychic energy. This is a Psychic and Love-In High. You will be feeling like you’re like Jesus walking on water.

 Venus is romantic human love and Neptune is her higher octave, spiritual compassionate unconditional love.

Be careful of anything that seems “too good to be true” it most likely is. the world is wearing rose-colored glasses. Which sounds nice and ideal. It is like the energy of John Lennon’s famous song “Imagine.” yes imagine the would we all would love to see and live in. But beware of down to earth devils, and liars.

This can trigger unconscious memory banks and flood your eyes and heart. Grieving, releasing, and forgiveness is also part of this plan. Let it all go was the message of the Capricorn eclipse.

Be careful for what you wish for.  This is like the genii in the bottle or the magic carpet. Drugs, addictions, illusions, delusions are strong under this energy. Be careful about what you buy into. Remember Mercury is also retrograde,

Not to mention the drug of these days “projection” and “glamor” Alice Bailey the famed channel warned especially of following under the spell of worshipping glamour. Fame, glitter, movie stars, false illusions and prophets. 

Psychic sensitivity and empathy is at an all-time high under this energy. You will be feeling all the energies. Good and bad. Good boundaries are very important. This easy aspect may teach you that the hard way.

It’s a good thing that Saturn and the South Node and Pluto are there to anchor us down to earth. 

It’s very idealistic so put that idealism to good use. Support a cause. Give at a food bank. Practice loving kindness. Make art, create, dance, sing. Have a romantic tryst.

Practice sending telepathic messages. Tune into what your higher heart is calling you to do,

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

Get a reading with me


How to use Sun trine Neptune to enhance your psychic energy

SUN TRINES NEPTUNE in PISCES July 10/11 @ 9:31 pm PDT/

FOTO: Jerzystrzelecki Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. File:Bardo(js)024(js).jpg – Wikimedia Commons  

July 11 @ 12:31 am the Witching Hour in EDT and 4:31 am in GMT

This aspect is in effect until July 14 when the SUN opposes PLUTO

spend the next 3-4 days working with this aspect.

WARNING! -DO NOT DO DRUGS during this time. Judgment is impaired. You can get high on the planets alone. 

This is so uplifting after the heavy SUN opposing Saturn and South Node on July 9thwhich was a very inspiration of the Light versus perspiration, heavyweight energy and loaded down with responsibilities. this is all love and light. 


Is Such a  beautiful enlightening experience. An over the rainbow, levitations of bliss. at home in the arms of the Great cosmic Womb of the Mother energy,

Use this energy to IMAGINE John Lennon’s famous song is a total embodiment of this Sun Neptune Trine.

-Be uplifted, imagine the beautiful Heaven on Earth world you want to see, play and love in.

-Get creative, dance, sing, paint, make love, send light and love out to the world. 

Affirmation or Mantra:

I am at peace and one with The Universe. I am held safe in the Cosmic womb as the Great Mother. 

-Do Inner Child healing is what the world needs to be focussed on right now. The North Node in Cancer is pointing the way. Everything begins with healing our childhood wounds. It is part of our human experience to feel separate from spirit and to find our way back to the Great Mother, Source of all that is and exists, from which everything was birthed from. 

Women having troubles with their periods and fertility issues is part of this problem as well. A woman who feels unloved, unbonded, or separate from her mother is represented in her own body. Modern day life with toxins, vaccines, GMO foods, toxic tampons, stress and pollution also contribute. 

-connecting with soul mates

-practice with the enhanced psychic energies being heightened. 

-connect with Ancestors on the matrilineal side. 


Neptune rules the Dreamworld. Traditionally people went to the Dream Temples to be healed. Asclepius is associated with Chiron who was his teacher.

-Make an intention to Lucid dream

Every aspect has an up and a downside even Trines. This 120 degree Aspect makes us take things for granted. Also when dealing with powerful emotions and Neptune the tendency is to also escape from our pain and our wounds and turn to addictions.  Be aware of the lost in the fog, projecting, denial and escapist tendencies.

-DO NOT DO DRUGS during this time. You can get high on the planets alone. 

With Mercury Retrograde now from Leo sign of Pride backing into Cancer on July 19th, we will definitely be revisiting our old childhood wounds. 

CHIRON Retrograde is our guide to, Moving through the first 5 degrees of Aries. The Wounded Healer is a renegade, a wanderer, but who is deeply compassionate. 

speaking of Love and Light

Join into the teleseminar for the Tarot Light and Love Telesummit which starts July 13 online created by Tiffany Jane Crosara and David Lacopo

I will be presenting on July 27 @ 8:00 am PDT, 11:00 am EDT, 3:00 pm GMT

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

get a reading with me


Dolphins Mermaids Extreme Pisces Day

6/6 this is a very spiritual dreamy foggy wish-fulfilling but watch out for the projections Neptunian Day. How were your dreams last night?

Moon is in PISCES which is symbolized by the Tarot Card of The Moon #18

The Moon is in PISCES all day

Dolphins and mermaids are associated with Pisces since ancient times. Neptune/Poseidon is the ruler of Pisces. All water signs including Cancer Scorpio have also swept away. There may be flooding literally and emotionally. Feeling spaced out is normal.

and very busy making aspects to:
the Pisces Moon trines Jupiter in SCORPIO
This lovely supportive aspect amps up the depth of feels. If sadness or grief come up let it flow. Jupiter Retrograde may be bursting the bubble of illusions on some relationships. While this may feel sad and also can bring up underlying anger ultimately it cleanses your soul.

Pisces Moon squares Gemini SUN
Opposing points of view may find a common denominator today. We are all One at Source. You can fall in love with someone’s texts.

Pisces Moon conjuncts Neptune @ 3:25 pm EDT
this is where you float off the ground. Make sure you are doing deep breathing. Put on the rose-colored glasses. Get distracted and daydream. Fall in love with love. Buy something glamourous you can’t afford. Illusions and delusions are strong.

Pisces Moon squares Mercury in Gemini an hour later
Our feeling and our minds need to hook up or else this could be challenging. You could have a dreamy spiritual energy text message or more than one.

Pisces Moon sextiles Pluto in Capricorn
This is an easy access to the depths of Hades.Yes you need to connect with your shadow. Don’t avoid the void.


Gemini Sun is pushing the envelope on Neptune.

From Neptune’s point of view – there is no envelope. Only ONE. Bliss. Source The Light is the Source. Just Bliss out. If your mind steps into duality you won’t find the source. 

You may be feelng very mellow sleepy and dreamy. Life is a foggy illusion. It’s a great time to go on a mini-retreat practice meditation be super creative and go with the flow. Avoidance alert! You will not want to face stuff you have to do. 

O.D. Alert is high as well. Your judgment about how much alcohol and drugs of any kind you can safely take is way off. Be mindful and safe. 

Last but not least  Moon trines Venus in Cancer in PDT at 11:35 pm June 7th in EDT and GMT etc.  then goes Void-of-course until June 7th at 2:26 pm PDT.

This completes a watery wet wonderful blissful tune in turn on drop out day. 

May you find the Source within and without and all around you. 

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

get a reading with me