Weekend Astrology December 16-17 and sneak peak

December 16 The Moon is in Aquarius until the 17th at 2:58 pm EST and things are detached, cool, intellectual, inventive and group-minded.Break out of the ordinary routine, freedom and the call of the now for something completely different.

MOON squares VENUS in SCORPIO at 12:33 pm EST

Hidden secrets in the tech world are revealed, being nurdey can be sexy,


THE SAGE Sagittarius Sun demands that you tell the truth and see through all the Neptunian illusions, projections, denial, addictions, mental illness, glamour and hidden things. Follow that adventurous dream, inspire others to put on a great show, plan a dream trip, get inspired about going back to school or moving, or learning yoga, a new spiritual course, dream work or creative exploration. Just tell the truth and confront blatant denials in politics.

Moon is in easy aspects to CHIRON in ARIES and MARS in SAGITTARIUS, gives us a chance to look at things in a detached way. Good for planning in education and working out a healing methodology.

December 17

Moon sextiles SUN at 7:04 am EST then goes Void of Course


A jealous or vindictive person knows exactly where to sting you to produce the greatest wounds.

Moon enters PISCES the dreamiest time of the month December 17 at 2:58 pm EST until December 19 at 5:47 pm EST.

The Moon conjuncts Saturn in the evening for a bit of a hard spiritual bump and then makes two soft sextiles to Jupiter in taurus and Mercury in Capricorn in PST on December 18 in EST past midnight.

All planets except the Moon are all in EARTH WATER and FIRE SIGN until the SUn enters AQUARIUS on Jnauary 20, 2024. Lack of AIR can make us feel like we are choking, less intellectual, which can be a good thing, less in our heads and getting a much neede mental break especially with Mercury Retrograde. Mercury Retrograde is good for mind shifts, mental time outs and rethinking what went on for you in 2023.

Mercury will be Retrograde until January 1st at 7:08 pm PST/10:08 pm EST January 2 at 3:08 am GMT. Make your New Years resolutions into 2024, it wil take until January 20 until Mercury is movung full steam ahead agian in Capricorn.

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5 day Astrology and Tarot forecast

Dec. 7/8  MARS square JUPITER in AQUARIUS

The challenge is to think differently be on the cutting edge.

Dec. 9 The MOON is VOID OF COURSE from 5:00 am EST

MOON enters PISCES at 9:53 AM EST

PLEASE pay attention to your dreams this is the best LUCID DREAMING and meditating time of the month.

Dec. 11 VENUS CONJUNCT PLUTO at 25 degrees 19 minutes

Venus in Capricorn rules wealth and so does PLUTO.

This is a big deal energy. Venus is LOVE and PLUTO is SOUL POWER, Carl Jung said there are only two emotions Love or FEAR. These two connect and oppose each other. The FINANCIAL big high day will be followed with an equal and opposite and even worse low day. I am predicting big financial crashes, a major change in the structures of big finance. Saturn the ruler of these energies pulls things down to reality. Love struggles can crash and burn a necessary purging effect.

If you have planets conjunct this degree from 20-29 CAPRICORN get ready for a HUGE impact financially romantically career wise, Everything is set to be totally demolished for you to rise like a PHOENIX from the Rubble.

If you have any CARDINAL planets/ Angels. Nodes, etc at 20-29 ARIES, CANCER and LIBRA you will also feel the effects of this ATOMIC LOVE BOMB.

If your birthday is today it will be a huge year for you in love and money but can also signify a death and rebirth

Dec. 11 MERCURY sextile JUPITER- nice optimistic upbeat energy

Dec. 12 SUN Square NEPTUNE

-challenge to stay grounded, Sagittarius Sun loves Magic carpet rides and can fly off to imaginary places at the drop of a hat.

WATCH two new videos on my Youtube channel

one is December 8 energy astrology one is a 5 day tarot card and astrology look ahead to the 12th. https://www.youtube.com/user/taratarot/featured

BUY GIFT CERTIFICATES and readings http://www.taratarot.com

Sex, truth, illusions this week prep

This is a relatively quiet week before a Beautiful change up which begins December 14 on the Sagittarius Solar eclipse.


THE SAGE Sagittarius Sun demands that you tell the truth and see through all the Neptunian illusions, projections, denial, addictions, mental illness, glamour and hidden things.


this is a very Scorpio like energy. An easy supportive aspect to thrill, chill, get down to the nitty gritty of your own sexual depths , This is soul sex, which you can access alone.


POWER BARS, EXCESS ENERGY, ANGRY TRUTH TELLERS, demands for justice, Legal cases, international wars, competitions, defending your territoritory


This is another pursuit of truth, honesty, justice, legal matters, court cases sorting out what is fake news, denials, shape-shifting, unconscious biases, addictions, self-undoing, glamour, hidden enemies, illusions, projections and spirituality. This aspect can open a channel to a Higher Master Teacher in Sagittarius.

Here’s the next week’s preview












The BIG GRAND CONJUNCTION of JUPITER SATURN in AQUARIUS happens on WINTER SOLSTICE December 21 at 10:20 am PST 1:20 pm EST/ 6:20 pm GMT at 0 Aquarius 29 minutes

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80"><strong>please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene</strong>please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80"><strong>Tune in tonight Monday, December 7 at 5:00 pm PDT, 8:00 pm EDT and December 8th at 1:00 am for a live zoom talk on Facebook. <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/michellecaporale&quot; target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/groups/michellecaporale</a></strong&gt;Tune in tonight Monday, December 7 at 5:00 pm PDT, 8:00 pm EDT and December 8th at 1:00 am for a live zoom talk on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/groups/michellecaporale

get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

Enlighten the shadows June 11-13

The Gemini Sun squares Neptune in Pisces JUNE 11 at 20+ degrees

An excellent time for spiritual, creativity, meditation and dream work as it is a bright light in the current smoke and mirror show and fake news. This lights up the UNCONSCIOUS’ shadows and fears. We need to shine the light on the unconscious to know what it is that is running us and then we can understand, integrate, feel, and learn from our shadow sides and the deep dark shadows we see in the world- such as Bigotry, racism, polarity, division, “cancel culture” manipulation, misogyny, the deep State, Donald Trump, fear, death, Covid-19, etc. 

NEPTUNE brings compassion to charity and forgiveness. This aspect highlights martyrs.

THIS IS A VERY ENLIGHTENING NEPTUNIAN two days as MOON is in PISCES and MARS conjuncts NEPTUNE on the 13th

Use it to visualize, imagine and be totally creative and playful under the Gemini Sun influence. 

We may feel drunk in Love and under the influence- the perfect wording for a Neptune transit. Neptune rules intoxicants. DO be very careful over these couple of days with any drugs, alcohol, Rx medicines as your grounded judgement will be off. It is extremely enlightening and dreamy, spiritual romantic and creative but can also bring up all of your unconscious material to clear through compassion forgiveness and self- acceptance.

Sun in Gemini is ruled by Mercury which is about to go Retrograde and is already in its’ shadow phase. VENUS, Neptune’s “lower octave” is also in Gemini and RETROGRADE too. This may slow down the effects of this aspect peaking through the clouds until after Venus turns DIRECT JUNE 24/5. Co-dependency in Relationships can be dealt with in a clearer minded way. 

This aspect is like the CARD of the MOON #18 in the TAROT

"Oswald Wirth Tarot - The Tarot of the Magicians version" Jan. 1 1852.

18 The Moon
Oswald Wirth Tarot Public domain The Tarot of the Magicians version” Jan. 1 1852.

This card from the OSWALD WIRTH Tarot of the Magicians published January 1, 1852. The ARCANA #18 is associated with PISCES and the DARK SIDE OF THE MOON

The Moon is a gateway. It was traditionally a three-way or path ruled by Hekate, the Crone Goddess. This is where reality and unreality merge. It is the darkness of the birth canal. The black hole, the Void of all plenitude and potential creation.  Also The Twilight Zone, the nether world. A parallel universe merging point, a crossing over.  Fear of the unknown. Phobias. Past life karma. Atlantis. Dolphins, Christ Consciousness, Fake News. Addictions, Drug Overdoses this is all part of NEPTUNE in PISCES energy. 

Public Domain Mark

The positive side of this aspect is the ability to bring the Light to the Soul and mind. Seeing the Source directly and understanding old lessons with Mercury about to go Retrograde and with Venus already there.

According to spiritual tradition, one cannot look at the Light or Face of God directly. 

MAKE SURE YOUR SPIRITUAL SHIELDS ARE UP! this heightens all psychic energies. 

Do pay attention to your DREAMS tonight. Before you go to sleep tell yourself you will be AWAKE- the Light of consciousness in your dreams. THIS IS the BEST LUCID DREAMING TIME. 

Are you feeling like you can’t figure out WTF is going on and which way to go because of the smoke and mirrors show? All that foggy jazz? fake news, Conspiracy theories duking each other out?  Neptune rules indecision, avoidance, escapism, DEBT, addictions, deep unconscious memories, self-undoing, karmic lessons, self-pity, martyrdom. We can see all of these issues looming large.  Do you feel that you are unconsciously setting yourself up to fail? That is Neptunian self-sabotage energy. Work on it, Ask Angel Gabriel for help.

The cure is in the letting go. Pisces, surrender. It is the MOON in the Tarot  

Staying connected to Source the LIGHT in the darkness of PISCES enables you to find the creative spark within and to conceive of new life to birth at the end of the tunnel. If you have addictions this aspect can help you bring your shame and secrets out into the light and get help. 

Check out where 20+ degrees GEMINI and PISCES are in your chart. Also 20+ VIRGO and SAGITTARIUS are getting the oppositions

Remember to have faith. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

get a  reading with me http://www.taratarot.com


Blast of compassion astrology this week

June 8-14 a magical mystery tour week ahead. A Neptunian week ahead.

Neptune, Astrology, Gods, Tara Greene

Neptune on Horses Oil painting by Louis Grell 1956 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Mondays Capricorn Moon is dry, focussed, businesslike and all about manifesting down to earth stuff, being in the body.

8th Moon ENTERS Airy Aquarius for radical revolutionary detached moods

Moon conjunct JUPITER and PLUTO which is good for manifesting soul wealth and material goods.

Moon conjunct SATURN at night bringing things into practical planning for revolutionary change mode.Its a sobering mode,

June 9Aquarius MOON trine Retro Venus in GEMINI

If you hear from that long last lover, friend, jerk, you can take the high road.

June10 almost no major aspects, You deserve a break! just chill. 

June 11 the overtone of this week is NEPTUNIAN

Moon enters Pisces this is an ultimate Pisces submerge time

good for cleansing being in the water, water rituals. releasing, going within, receiving completing


this square lights up the communications, conversations, enquiries, debates and compassion for each other, being empathetic to another’s plight. Thousands of people of all colours marching in protests against racism for Black Lives Matter world wide displays this energy.

With BLACK LIFE MATTERS protests going on for 12 days we need this shot of Light and Love from the Sun and Neptune to see beyond duality. Cops need to be more compassionate. Dialogue of listening and empathy will greatly help society overcome the splits in the way blacks are discriminated against. I can’t believe this level of racism is still going on in the world. 

Venus RETRO in GEMINI sextiles CHIRON in ARIES

Vulnerability is the new sexy. This helps us heal the splits in our minds and in society. Venus Retro in Gemini is reviewing old ideas, dialoguing and creating local new models of co-operation.

These are dreamy days, on the 12th too, Be mindful that this NEPTUNIAN activation may make you feel out of your mind and waking dreaming. There is also the downside of Neptune which is escapism, denial, scapegoating, martyrdom, addictions arising, and more fake news and general brain fog confusing and feeling lost. 

HEALTH warning

WARNING YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM Will be overly sensitive to any viruses especially as Gemini Sun governs the lungs. Dont take anything for granted I know states and parts of the world are opening up after Covid-19 lockdown but this amps up viral infections. Sensitivity to drugs alcohol and any intoxicants are at highs. Your normal gauge of things is not accurate. Overdosing is likely. Pisces rules the 12th house of the unconscious, secrets, paranoia, mental illess. Check-in if you need help, with suicide prevention or counsellors and check in on others who you know may be fragile during these turbulent times. 

EMPATHS and sensitives will be awash with all the feelings in the world, anger, the death and rebirth of the old structures, toxic emotions, so make sure you have some good solid psychic shields up. 

PISCES moon times are great for spiritual work, dreaming, creating anything, cooking, painting, dancing singing, flower arranging, gardening whatever pleases you.



A blast of compassion, this is like the Angel Gabriel blowing a trumpet to announce compassion in the world. It is quite magical, dreamy, a wave of Oneness. This could be one of the most romantic days of the year. The warriors, the masculine opens to receive the Divine essence washing and cleansing him of toxicity.

It is what mystic philosopher Rudolph Steiner talked about as the Return Christ consciousness the real Messiah returning into each individuals consciousness and heart.


This is a day for being able to shapeshift in dimensions. Good for manifesting  creative vision, and expanding spiritual and psychic energies and connections with Angels and higher beings. DO Be careful of wearing Rose Colored Glasses as you will be projecting what you want to see onto others and the state of the world You will also be the recipient of the projection. What is real and what isnt?


this is an intense time to pay attention to your unconscious and your dreams. Incubate them all week, recall and take note. work with them. Lucid Dreaming energies will be high. I can answer some questions.

NOTE: Mars enters his home sign of ARIES on June 27 until January 6, 2021, due to t his Retrograde  SEPTEMBER 9- NOVEMBER 28+ Aries -15+ in ARIES. He better clean up his act now. 

You may feel really high on this day. Be careful when driving or handling heavy equipment. 

When my son was very young he wasn’t allowed to play with guns. He used his fingers as guns instead. He said “Look Mom this gun shoots love.”  Mars conjunct Neptune in PISCES is big love guns. 


Actors: Ryan Gosling, Timothee Chalamet, Javier Bardem, John Malkovich,  Michael Caine, Michael Landon, comedian Howie Mandel,

Black musicians: Little Richard, James Brown, Quincy Jones,

Astrologer and astronomer: Dane Rudhyar, Carl Sagan, 

Charles Manson, Richard Branson, artist Paul Klee, Evel Knievel,

Presidents and Emperor: President Bill Clinton, Napoleon Bonaparte,

Writers: F.Scott Fitzgerald, Phillip Roth, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Pablo Neruda, Arthur Miller, Little Richard,  Cyrano De Bergerac, 

classical composer: Paganini, Prokofiev, Richard Strauss, Erik Satie,

ACTRESSES:  Amanda Bynes, Kim Basinger, Joan Collins, Carrie-Anne Moss, SINGER: Nico, Avril Lavigne and Psychic Sylvia Brown

THAILAND, ROMANIA, Manilla, Philippines

June13 Moon enters ARIES and starts a whole new lunar fiery cycle

June 14 GEMINI Sun quincunx PLUTO in CAPRICORN

A difficult aspect as each sign is in each other’s blind spot. Pluto in Capricorn is always the heavy and Gemini wants to stay lite and avoid having to commit. Trouble is brewing. 

GEMINI and PISCES are going to feel the energy the most directly this week. All mutable VIRGO and SAGITTARIUS also get the illuminating and yet befuddling energies. 

Use this highest side of this energy to step fully into your Higher Self your Guardian Angel, 5D energies, full-throttle love and unconditional compassion at this time. The world needs it now. 

please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com



Love Power Magic and Dreams


This is a bright ideas day

Venus opposes Pluto @ 20+ degrees at 7:25 pm PDT/ 10:25 pm EDT

This is a continuation of the Cardinal Crosses from 2012-2015 

Venus in Cancer is the most feminine of nurturing energies. It makes us want to go back to the womb; back home to our childhood’s happiest memories of feeling totally safe secure and loved. It is the archetype of the birth-giving an unconditionally loving mother. 

This is VENUS as the EMPRESS in the TAROT Card #3

PLUTO is Hades Lord of the Underworld God of Death and rebirth sex money power struggles and secrets. Pluto is the Lord of shadows the psyche obsessions garbage refuse and recycling. 

Venus rules our values women and money. Venus in Cancer rules children. Pluto rules shady sex stealing sex and rape. 

Many of the issues we will hear more about is about feamle sex trafficking; children disapppearing; underground death cults abusing children. People in power who use children for sex and for black magic. Yes these secrets will be boiling out in the news.  Pizzagate or a variation of it is very real. Thousands of immigrant children have disappeared in Europe as is happneing now in America too. Many are used to harvest organs and for sex trafficking or satanic cult practices. 

This is all very horrific. It is the darkest dark of power. It is the Anish Kapoor of power. Then I stumbled upon this article from June 22 2017 which I’d neber seen before. This ART FIGHT! Th eponkest pink versus the blackest black is the perfect literal almost metaphor for Venus in Cancer -Pinest Pink versus Pluto in Capricorn Anish Kappor embodied as the Blackest black Vantablack. https://www.wired.com/story/vantablack-anish-kapoor-stuart-semple/

What would happen if someone used Vantablack in Black Face? Just a thought?

Women and the old plutocracy face off. 

June 6 Moon is in dreamy Pisces. 

Dreams PIsces art spiritual psychic Tara Greene

Pierre-Cécile Puvis de Chavannes: The Dream, 1883

PISCES MOON time great for planting seeds bathing swimming envisioing releasing ceremony prayers tantric sex meditating loving seclusion gurus and lucid dreaming.

PISCES MOON trines JUPITER to help us sail away sail away. Pay attention to your dreams when you awake. You may be feeling quite giddy all day. This is a psychic enhancing and the ability to see with x-ray vision into other souls. 

PISCES Dreamtime. Use your subtle senses enhanced under the #Pisces moon to listen feel and trust your intuition more. Use your spiritual umbilical cord “orrende” to sense what is going on in the world around you.

Moon squares SUN-tense apect

Moon conjuncts Neptune- uber dreamy and rose colored glasses

Moon squares Mercury in GEMINI -you can easily se eboth sides of the issues

Moon sextiles PLuto and trines Venus at days end. 

The energies learn to co-operate after their stand off late Tueday night. This is a good thing.  Pluto Venus is good for capital ventures working with women food fousing and children’s issues.

Moon trine Venus is a watershed of emotions. Let tears of sorrow and joy flow. If you feel alone call upon the Great Mother to comfort and nurture your soul. She is Mary Isis Ceres Demeter.


This turns the Source into dual visions. The pun on dual and duel. We need to bring light into both sides of our spiritual and romantic beliefs and ideals. You have to examine everything you believe in from either side to be whole. A believer and and an atheist. A liar and honest. A creator and a destroyer. Life is this duality. It is the nature of the universe. OUr minds have dual lobes there is receptive and active. We are masculine or feminine. Polarity. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com



Sun square NEPTUNE, Shout out to Donald Trump

Nov. 30

The Moon is in optimistic, full of faith SAGITTARIUS today. It sextiles Jupiter at 1:20 am EST and makes a sobering conjunction with SATURN in the wee hours.

You may find that your dreams are filled with archetypal old men, bosses, your father, many restrictions,tests and hardships and karmic memories.  

Notice how you feel in the morning. Saturn is like lead, for some you will be out like a log, for others you can wake up feeling very tired. This can feel heavy and perhaps you will have a painful awakening. Trust that there is help and guidance from the angelic realms.

Mercury will be in conjunction with the GALACTIC CENTER enter over the next few days. THE SUN CONJUNCTS THE GALACTIC CENTER once a year only on Dec 19-20. This is a perfect opportunity to meditate in that void in the Yoniverse’s centre. Much guidance can be downloaded now.

Moon squares CHIRON in PISCES in the early morning

which can make us feel sensitive compassionate and empathetic. 

SAGE Moon trines URANUS in ARIES

its still early in the day. This is a brilliant flash of insight from out of nowhere, trust your instincts. be bold, brave and lead your group to new heights of awareness. This is a very high spirited rebellious energy. Go dancing or work it out in the gym. 


When major planets especially the Great Luminary the SUN connects with any planet it is the most powerful. SUN square NEPTUNE is a challenge to work with and accept the brilliant spiritual Light. No matter how dark, gloomy, dismal, or down we may think the world is, this conjunction helps us go through all the darkness to reconnect with the Light which is the essence of everything. 

In the TAROT  THE SUN is #19                              NEPTUNE or PISCES is the MOON #18                                                                                                   

Tarot of the SUN                                                                   Tarot Card of PISCES/Neptune

Neptune is the veil which covers and protects our eyes from gazing directly at the Light. These two energies are compatible. Use this time for spiritual work, meditating on the Divine Light within every atom of existence. Write a poem of gratitude for your life, say prayers, do a dance for Spirit, make an imperfect offering to the light. We are still in New Moon effluence, sit quietly in prayer and receive before setting new intentions.

Moon conjuncts MERCURY which is passing over the GALACTIC CENTER

Today and the 1st. This is a perfect opportunity to meditate in that void in the Yoniverse’s centre. Much guidance can be downloaded now. Connect with your oversoul, your guardian angels and higher master teachers. 

DECEMBER Will be an HUGE month. HUGE! especially around Christmas time and right on New Years as well. I can’t believe the year is almost over.

I will post a DECEMBER outline here tomorrow. 

Dec 1 CHIRON turns direct for the first time since JUNE 27! 

The whole world has been doing unseen invisible healing work and bleeding internally and healing for all of these months. Now it is time to let the wounds show. To share and redress our wounds. More about this.

MARS in AQUARIUS is gearing up to trine JUPITER on the 1st @ 16 degrees LIBRA

This is a NICE AIRY Aspect which is great for seeing the bigger picture, expanding peoples minds and social circles. If you’re a GEMINI and have planets at 16 degrees + or minus 3 degrees, be prepared for chaos, big changes, big picture flashes of brilliance and the need for freedom.


You are having your JUPITER RETURN within the next few days Donald. This happens once every 12 years on average and is considered one of the most beneficial transits to have. The MARS JUPITER TRINE is exactly on your natal JUPITER in LIBRA at 17 degrees and trine to your natal URANUS at 17 degrees GEMINI! That’s an exact GRAND AIR TRINE. This give you the SUPER POWERS of the royal gift of the gab that runneth over, brilliant outsider insights, chaos, freedom, speedy energy, and change.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading/give the gift of a reading. http://www.taratarot.com

CHRISTMAS SPECIALS $66 for a phone reading good for Jan 1-April 1st. 

Email me for this special taragreenetarot@gmail.com GIFT CERTIFICATES can be sent