Sagittarius Full Flower Moon, Rare Venus Jupiter conjunct at 29

This rare and special Full Flower Moon May 23 at 6:53 am PDT, 9:53 am EDT, 1:53 pm GMT at 2 degrees 55′ of the last fire sign is totally awesome.

With 3 Planets at 29 degrees,

VENUS conjunct JUPTER at 29+ TAURUS

NEPTUNE at 29+ PISCES sextiling the Venus/Jupiter sacred marriage this is a very rare scenario. THe 29th degree of PISCES is the very last degree of the Zodiac, signifying a huge karmic cycle coming to a close. Neptune hasn’t been at this degree since February 14, 1862.

That year The Bureau of Internal Revenue, the forerunner of the Internal Revenue Service, is established in the United States. The Civil War was heating up, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln signs into law the Pacific Railroad Acts, authorizing construction of the First Transcontinental Railroad.

 Charles Dodgson (better known as Lewis Carroll) extemporises the story that becomes Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, for ten-year-old Alice Liddell and her sisters, on a rowboat trip on The Isis from Oxford to Godstow.

Famous Births

January 10 – Samuel Colt, American firearms inventor (b. 1814)

May 6 – Henry David Thoreau, American author, philosopher (b. 1817)

Gustav Klimt, Austrian artist (d. 1918)

August 22 – Claude Debussy, French composer (d. 1918)

October 19 – Auguste Lumière, French inventor (d. 1954)

October 26 – Hilma af Klint, Swedish abstract painter (d. 1944)

December – Peruvian slave raiders land on Easter Island, beginning a decade of the destruction of the society and population on the island.

The Two great Benefics join forces May 23 at 4:29 am EDT at the 29th Degree of Taurus, the ultimate manifesting fame degree.

Venus was called The Lesser Benefic- she rules love, beauty, wealth and luxury, seduction, harmony, art, and war traditionally.

Jupiter, King of the Gods,/Thor, The Greater Benefic brings abundance, over the top, The Wheel of Fortune #10 in the Tarot, expansion, optimism, adventure, truth and justice, philosophy, politics, judges.

Which one do you really think is the lesser one?

Lucky VENUS/JUPITER @ 29 TAURUS MOON May 23 2:24 am – 4:24 am EDT NEPTUNE @ 29 PISCES

What do you have at 29 degrees? of Earth- Virgo and Capricorn-will be in focus in the autumn from September 1-November 16 when Pluto will be sitting at 29 Capricorn for the last time in that earth sing since 2008. All water signs Cancer and Scorpio at 29 degrees get affected.

Venus & Jupiter square 29 Leo this involves Donald Trump’s Mars and Ascendant, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Neptune squares 29 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius.

The 29th or anaretic degree is highly significant and is considered a Fame degree. The 29th degree evokes completion, mastery,or manifesting this energy in a peak performance.

In Degree theory 29 is a Leo degree indicating fame, charisma, leadership, being center-stage, charisma and creativity.

This is quite an awesome significator of major endings, and completions with Neptune at the last degree of the Zodiac, and mutual receptions, Jupiter in Venus’ sign, she is in Tauus, Neptune in Pisces ruled by Jupiter and in its own sign too. Under a Sagittarius ruled Full flower Moon! Thats incredible, won’t happen again for another 12 years.

Sabian symbol by Dane Rudhyar channeled by Elsie Wheeler


KEYNOTE: The personal display of inherited gifts.

A great person able to display a multitude of gifts is always, at one level or another, the consummation of a long past of efforts and victories. As a great occultist once wrote: “Adepts are the flowering of their races and cultures.” The peacock is the bird consecrated to Venus; in occult tradition the Promethean Spirits who gave to animal mankind the divine gift of self-conscious intelligence had come from “Venus” — which may or may not refer to the physical planet we can observe in the sky.

This is the final symbol of the fourth scene, whose Keyword has been given as “Confirmation.” This peacock symbol indeed confirms the social status of the owner of the ancestral estate. It indicates a CONSUMMATION of individual efforts; and it suggests that such a consummation is hardly possible except when a line of “ancestors” — biological or spiritual — forms its base.


Lets look at the Omega and Chandra symbols by John Sandbach

Taurus 30. Beings from many dimensions attracted to an immense white flame. (Omega Symbol)Transforming/Inspired

(Degree Angel: Mitzrael (MITS-ra-EL) Freedom, Internal Reparation)

You sense a pure, central force radiating through the whole universe, and though you may not conceive of it consciously in these cosmic terms, your attitude communicates the feeling that nothing is by itself important, that everything is important in its highest spiritual context, and that we are all truly one, traveling in the same direction toward the white flame of enlightenment.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “Snakes at rest on a rock in the sun.” The highest part of us all is attracted to the spiritual light, just as the snakes collect to enjoy the light and warmth of the sun. Snakes symbolize wisdom, and wisdom, or truth, attracts more wisdom and truth. This degree is indescribably rich, the question is, can the person who has this in their chart accept all this, for the only way to contain it is to let go of limits and surrender to the infinite.

There is an ability here to connect to any and all past lives, for these are what we HAVE (Taurus’ verb is “I have”). As this degree releases itself from all caught and stuck places in these pasts it eventually can come into and share the vast fortune that is the summary of Taurus.

Pleidian Symbol:Strange exotic birds have gathered at the ruins of an old palace.

Azoth Symbol: A yellow diamond in a setting which depicts both the Sun and Moon.

Seed degree: Pisces 20. A truck stop specializing in Gnostic texts. (Omega Symbol). We break through all barriers that divide separate realities, and enter into a deep, timeless and transcendent sharing of the light with all beings.

A perfect black cube sits alone in the desert. (Chandra Symbol). Sensing our containment and isolation in a non-supportive environment, we transcend it to enter into an interdimensional communication with a vast array of consciousnesses.

Fulfillment degree: Pisces 5. Dyers at work with many vats of different colors. (Omega Symbol). From the pure white flame of spiritual purity we extract the many beautiful vibrations with which to serve all needs and delight.

Thousands of gold nuggets glistening at the bottom of a clear stream. (Chandra Symbol). Knowing of the riches that are strewn everywhere along are path, we are able to be at peace and bask in the passing, temporal light.


Do all these beings from far-flung places come to visit the flame because they are cold? Or because they crave its light? Doubtful. More probable is that the flame is a place of meeting, a nexus of clarity, just as white is the meeting place of colors.

See how each being merges with the flame, and then emerges from it clearer and brighter, ready to return to its home.

And see, too, at the top of the flame those sputtering shadows emanating from the tip, like a forboding gas – I wouldn’t look at those strange colors if I were you – as the flame’s blinding, acidic purity carries on its process of digestion.”-John sandbach

Sabian symbol for 30 PISCES by Dane Rudhyar where Neptune is and will be off an on until 2026


KEYNOTE: The power of clearly visualized ideals to mold the life of the visualizer.

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s story “The Great Stone Face” is used here in an allegorical sense to show the capacity for self-transformation latent in man. This power can be developed through visualization, when the emotions and the will are poured into the visualized mental image. At the highest spiritual-cosmic level this is the power used by the God-like Beings at the close of a cosmic cycle in projecting the basic Formula (the Word) which will start a new universe. In a biological sense, it is the power latent in all seeds — the power to produce and guide the growth of the future plant. A most fitting symbol for the last phase of the cyclic process. Within the end of the cycle the seed of a new beginning exists in potency — unless the entire cycle has proven to be a failure.

This is the last stage of the last scene of the great ritual play of cyclic transformations. It brings to us a realization of the power of archetypes as factors conditioning life processes. Thus we could use as a final Keyword: ARCHETYPALIZATION.” –



to MANIFEST All these illustrious energies to manifest your dreams.

Don’t miss your last chance in 12 years to work with Venus giving her best love, beauty, art and creative benefits with Jupiter in Taurus at the last most intense grounded degrees. 29 the final degree of tha sign. 

Neptune, the soul mate and psychic planet of mystery and magic also blessed the pair which Jupiter rules at the 29th last degee of the Zodiac on the Sagittarius Full Flower MOON 

join MAY 23 at 7:30 pm EDT in a LIVE circle to manifest all your hearts desires. Zoom WOrkSHOP 

Don’t miss your last chance in 12 years to Manifest with the PLANETS with BENEFITS MAY 23 at 7:30 pm EDT LIVE on ZOOM with TARA GREENE
Astrology Magic Divine Timing FULL FLOWER SAGITTARIUS MOON

Starring VENUS and JUPITER in a sacred union in TAURUS blessed by spiritual soul mate planet NEPTUNE in PISCES, this is how you manifest all your heart’s desires.

Explanation of the rare and important aspects of 3 planets at 29 degrees and what this means for you and how you can work with it.
Invocation ritual for Sagittarius Full Moon and Guided Meditations
Workshop is recorded

$18-22 U.S. Zoon link will be sent

or directly with with a $4 off coupon

May 23rd, 4:30 pm PDT, 7:30 pm EDT, 11:30 pm GMT. Register NOW.

Recording will be available if you can’t make it live.

KNowing i will see you there

May 23 Bonus Best day of the Year, Join me Live

May 20 We’re in Gemini SEASON: 5:59 am PDT, 8:59 am EDT, 12:59 pm GMT

Talk it up, its social butterfly season, great for think tanks, advertising, media, merchandising, debating, seeing both sides of an issue, refusing to take sides, oppositions, coupling, choices to choose love,be young at heart. Gemini favour communications with siblings, short travels, having two loves at once, getting a second job, feeling torn in two, changing your mind a lot, not being able to commit.

MAY 22 SUN trine PLUTO Rx a big power day at 8:14 am PDT, 11:14 am EDT, 3:14 pm GMT

a BIG POWER DAY, PLUTOCRATS, words and ideas have great power for change, political revolutions, protests, things to cheer

MAY 23 is the bonus BEST DAY Of 2024 after May 18 Sun Jupiter conjunction

Please join me May 23 is your 2nd chance to come into full flower and abundance on the Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius as VENUS and JUPITER come together. Yay

These two bless you with abundance, love, beauty, creativity, wealth, good fortune, opportunity and expansion as they join at the very last degree of Taurus.

May 23 ***** VENUS CONJUNCT JUPITER at 29+ TAURUS ONE the best day of the year at 1:29 am PDT, 4:29 am EDT, 8:29 am GMT

May 23 VENUS sextile NEPTUNE in PISCES at 3:50 am PDT, 6:50 am EDT, 10:50 an GMT

MAY 23 FULL MOON at 2 SAGITTARIUS 55′ at 6:53 am PDT, 9:53 am EDT, 1:53 pm GMT

This wil be covered in the WORKSHOP

May 23 VENUS enters GEMINI until JUNE 17, at 1:30 pm PDT, 4:30 pm EDT, 8:30 pm GMT

Yakkety yakkety yack, flirt away, have two of everything at the same time, lovers, jobs, bi-locate, its a bi time with Venus in Gemini and Jupiter in Gemini,

MAy 23 JUPITER sextile NEPTUNE at 2:44 pm PDT, 5:44 pm EDT, 9:44 pm GMT

Very creative, romantic, over the top Addictions, delusions, fake news, mental illness

MAY 23 AT 4:30 PM PDT 7:30 PM edt, 11:30 PM GMT

Please join me in anchoring these two benefics in yoru heart and soul to bring boundless blooming into your life with a ZOOM Astrology Magic Workshop and Channelled Guided Meditation to align with the Stars above and anchor them within. The workshop is recorded to use afterwards. A PDF will be sent out.

May 23 is your 2nd chance to celebrate and blossom into abundance on the Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius as the two most beneficial planets VENUS and JUPITER come together for the last time in 12 years in TAURUS. 

Venus rules Taurus and Libra. Jupiter rules SAGITTARIUS and PISCES traditionally

These two planets bring all signs of abundance, love, beauty, creativity, wealth, good fortune, opportunity, adventure, truth and expansion as they join at the very last most powerful degree of Taurus and are blessed by the spiritual psychic planet Neptune at the very last karmic degree of PISCES.

TO BRING MORE of all of these gifts into your life

Please join me in anchoring these two benefic PLANETS GIFTS to bring boundless blooming into your life 

with a ZOOM Astrology Magic Workshop and a Channeled Guided Meditation to align with the Stars above  and the Sagittarius Full MOON of truth, justice, and optimism. 

Here’s what past participants have said about these workshops The workshop is recorded to be listened to and used afterwards. A PDF will be sent out.

There is a sliding scale fee of $18-$22 U.S. or $22-$28 Canadian. You can pay directly through e-transfer to or  and the ZOOM linke will be sent or simply sign up with  the host platform directly



Solar Eclipse in the Belly of the whale is biblical

The HUGE Aries Total Very Long Solar Eclipse criss-crossing Mexico, 15 states in US and parts of Eastern Canada is at 19 degrees 24 minutes conjuncts a Fixed Star, Baten Kaitos at 21 degrees 57′ Aries in Tropical astrology. This is in the Constellation of Cetus, The Whale.

File:Sidney Hall – Urania’s Mirror – Psalterium Georgii, Fluvius Eridanus, Cetus, Officina Sculptoris, Fornax Chemica, and Machina Electrica.jpg – Wikimedia Commons Public Domain

There is a whale of a tale here that fits.The Star Baten Kaitos has the character of the hard tests of Saturn’s properties, of seriousness, reserve, caution, coldness,hard work, respect for histroy, and traditon, depression, death, patience, seniors, karma and obstacles. These are the energies at work with the eclipse and Chiron conjunct to the Sun and Moon’s energies

Baten Kaitos, Belly of the Whale, is, of course, associated with the Jonah legend in the Bible. The story of Jonah, for those who arent familier with it. Jonah is a disobedient prophet who rejects his divine orders, and was cast overboard in a storm and swallowed by a whale, where he miraculously survived for three days and was then rescued in a marvelous manner, and returns to do what he was supposed to do, follow his commands from God to to go to Nineveh, the capital of Israel’s ancient enemy. Isreal is also relevant.

Ptolemy, stated that it often does mark where someone becomes stuck with a situation for some little while, but aspects all being well, should emerge with some benefit to count for the experience, even honor from it if all is very well in the matter of aspects.

Baten Kaitos is a warlike star that portends falls and blows and other misfortune brought about by force. This is a danger sgn. Baten Kaitos rules the center point of the head. [6]

The Whale is like Saturn. It is said to cause laziness and idleness but to confer an emotional and charitable nature, with the ability to command, especially in war. Makes one amiable, prudent, happy by sea and land and helps to recover lost goods. [2]

Sun conjunct Baten Kaitos: Natives with this conjunction are subject to changing fortunes, changing lifestyles. Just when they feel all is settled, changes will occur. This could exhibit itself as residence changes, traveling, many ‘ups and downs’ in the natives life. [7]

Lets look at the CHADRA and OMEGA symbols for the Eclipse

Aries 20. Streets littered with many colors of confetti. Manifesting/Inspired

(Degree Angel: PAHALIAH (pa-HA-lee-YAH) Victory Over Addictions, Redemption)

You have the ability to bring a vibration of celebration into all aspects of everyday life. You are communicating to people how to renew themselves and how to blossom out of their set patterns and routines. It is important to not become frustrated if your message sometimes isn’t heard. You are on a different wavelength from other people – many can not embrace the joy and enthusiasm for life that you can. But don’t let this stop you, for people need the exuberant energy you have to offer.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “An empty courtyard.” Before change can happen there must be a place prepared inside so that the new may enter. Celebration is the acknowledgment that something important has occurred and that it should be honored. But once the celebration is over the way is clear for the next step of the journey, blessed with the colors of the recent triumph.

The confetti lying in the streets is about what is over, the empty courtyard is about what is coming, and this degree stands at the cross-roads of that time of renewal, acknowledging the past, open to the future.

Pleidian Symbol: A young girl feeding diamonds to a flock of baby phoenixes.

Azoth Symbol: By intuition a healer chooses the proper remedy.

Seed degree: Scorpio 19. An angel kisses a man while he sleeps. (Omega Symbol).
To give free rein to our joy creates an immediate connection with higher beings who wish to communicate their love for us.

A rope going up in the sky. (Chandra Symbol). When we allow ourselves to connect with higher vibrations we find a protected space in which we may be protected from the conflicts of earthly existence.

Fulfillment degree: Scorpio 2. A lighthouse is moved inland. (Omega symbol).
Embracing the joys of life eventually makes one aware of the need to protect the light one has to share with others from destructive influences.

A large, stately bronze horse. (Chandra Symbol). To find our peaceful and protected center apart from the outer world connects us directly to our personal power.


The celebrations were over and cars were running over the colored confetti. The rainbows had been thrown from high buildings, glittering down onto the parade. Now the thousands of pieces strewn everywhere were merging with the rest of the city’s trash and dirt. But even as they were increasingly obliterated, they left behind a residue of joy that all felt, even those who weren’t aware of it.“-

2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.38, 145.

6. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.12.

7. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.53-55.






Venus sextile Jupiter blessings upon blessings

March 24 Venus in PISCES sextiles Jupiter in TAURUS a blessings upon blessings energy. This greatly enhances psychic creative spiritual practical energies,

The lesser benefic Venus and bigger benefic Jupiter bring extra goodies to you as they are in mutual reception meaning they are in each other’s home signs.

Venus rules Taurus and Jupiter rules Pisces traditionally. Pay attention to your dreams tonight and yoru bodies feedback,.Always trust your gut instincts as well as your psychic intuitive ones.

Venus is #3 The Empress in the Tarot and Jupiter is #10 The Wheel of Fortune

Pamela Coleman Smith, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

If you have planets at 15 middle power degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius you hit a jackpot. What do you have at mid-degrees FIXED SIGNS?

This energy Venus rules LIBRA the Lunar Eclipses tomorrow which I will do a lengthy video about later thanks blessings

Your feedback is important to me.




Mercury at Greatest elongation, watch for signs

See page for author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons,_Arzt,_Merkur.jpg

Mercury, thee Messaging planet is at its Evening greatest elongation tonight March 24. Mercury is visible in the evening sky now from across the globe. And, from Earth’s Northern Hemisphere, this is a particularly good time to look for Mercury in the evening.

The planet will reach its greatest distance from the sun on March 24. Read more:

REMEMBER MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE as an APpril Fool’s gift to us April1

At 3:14 pm PDT, 6:14 pm EDT, 10:14 pm GMT

Important! April 8 Total Solar Eclipse has Mercury Retrograde at 24 degrees Aries conjunct the SUN at 19. Many people will go to see the elcipse at the wrong times or get lost travelling to see it, and many info snafus prepping for the eclipse.

Mercury is in the same degrees 23 ARIES as the Cazimi April 11 and Morning elongation on May 9 when Mercury becomes visible again in the morning.

Watch for hot, new, important pieces of info according to the FIRE houses, ARES, LEO, SAGITTARIUS in your natal chart for clues. Where is 23 ARIES in your Natal chart March 24?

FOR May 9 see

I’ll write more later I had a trying week, Our furnace broke down during one of the last codl spells here. I may set up a Go Fund me because I have been under so much pressure for going on 19 months now.


Venus in Pisces, High Times, Denial and Soul Mates

The Triumph of Venus,, François_Boucher_Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Venus, Goddess of Love, Beauty, Harmony, Arts,Illusions and Denial dives into the 12th sign PISCES, March 11- April 4/5 swimming in an ocean of Bliss, Onenenss, high romance, illusions, spirituality, dreams, creativity and addictions.  Venus is exalted in PISCES as she was born from the Ocean, and when imbibing Pisces magical hookah she becomes the Goddess of Agape, unconditional love at her higherst, literally.The erotic Goddess of seduction may attract whatever she wishes or she can be the opposite totally,shadow side, projecting and addicted to love. Cue that Robert Palmer song. see below.

VENUS is hidden behind a veil of illusion but as High Priestess of Tantra but she reveals the secrets of Divine Love to those who are willing to love without expecting anything in return. But be careful you do not give loving kindness to those who are not able to return it. The Sign of Pisces shows two fishes swimming in two directions.

 This is a wonderful time for self-love without ego. So many of the New Age programs are all about loving yourself and self-congratulating, while people do need to build up confidence in shattered personalities and egos we also have to remember that the ego is real but an illusion, very much like Pisces energy. We can work with the ego and see it for the false self that it is. And let go of many false beliefs and assumptions about everything in the world for this next month. Disillusionment is also part of Venus in Pisces.

VENUS’s LOVE LANGUAGE in PISCES is surrender to divine love and ONENESS

PISCES the sign of self-sabotage:

 Venus allows us to love ourselves enough to let go of where we are sabotaging ourselves.This is also a great time to go to rehab, realize you have addictions to spending, fashion, yoga, gurus, relationships, avoidance in general and to let go of addictions. This is the best time to work out love adductions and false projections of soul mates and twin flames which is pretty bogus and Many naive women are brainwashed into believeing someone else can manipulate others to them for their own unmet shadow needs.


MARCH 21 VENUS conjunct SATURN at 12+ degrees PISCES

A serious day for long term commitments but also signifies karmic break ups.

March 24

VENUS sextile JUPITER in TAURUS at 15+ degrees

Good for investments, Stock market highs, god for art, very sensual, get a massage, Do Buy lottery tickets, especially if you have planets at 15 degrees MUTABLE Signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces or FIXED SIGNS- Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

March 28

VENUS sextile URANUS in TAURUS at 20+ degrees

Expect unusual body symptoms, Cryptocurrency and financial changes and chaos, try something totally different in your love life. Invest in unusual arts, new health or exercise routines, radical change in beauty regimes is recommended. Declutter.


VENUS CONJUNCT NEPTUNE at 27+ PISCES one of the highest days of the year

Literally, super romance, telepathic communications, raised psychic awareness, dreamy, meditation is at its peak, La La Land, communicate in dreams, great for artists, cretaors, spirktual highs but also lots of overdoses, fog, projections, oil price highs, tsunamis, floods, fake news, debts, delusions,DO NOT SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE.


 PISCES is literally human heart and infinite soul combined. It’s a fantastic month for dreaming and meditating. A great time to explore your own unconscious, the realms of fantasy and illusion, for owning our own unconsciousness and praying for connection with Greta spirit or the Goddess.

This aspect can bring closure to many relationships as it symbolizes endings. We may either feel this energy as being more magically in love or becoming more deluded into a false projection of seeing the other as perfect as ideal. Venus in Pisces is not practical. 

Venus in Pisces is not practical. 

Do be careful when signing on the dotted line. Venus in Pisces makes us wear those rose-colored glasses. We see what we want to see and not necessarily what is really there. Best day for signing anything this month, when Venus squares Saturn, reality planet

Build an altar to the Goddess of love and beauty

So that you can connect to these aspects within yourself and to see BEAUTY in the world everywhere and for men to see their own inner Love nature, beauty and in all women. 

Pisces is the 12th house of the Unconscious, secrets, karma, Source, spirit, cosmic love, illusions, gurus, ashrams, self-undoing, martyrs, addictions, dreams, shamans, glamor. How many of us blindly fall in love with people who just use us? How many are addicted to love? How many of us have been martyrs in love, endlessly sacrificing ourselves in hopes that someone will love us unconditionally, finally.

VENUS, Goddess of all things Feminine, beauty, art, music, poetry, refinement, aesthetic pleasure, romance, money teaches us to find the love that we seek within our own hearts. Venus= love, she lives in every heart.

The EMPRESS  in the Rumi Tarot “Woman is a ray of the divine light.”

I love this RUMI deck and the quote is perfect for Venus in PISCES especially.

BE the EMPRESS, and HIgh Priestess, VENUS, BE the Goddess of Love. Be the change. Be the DIVINE GREEN LIGHT.

While Venus is in PISCES — Keywords

KNOW yourself as a vessel of Divine unconditional love, FEEL IT in your heart.


See BEAUTY everywhere. You may see orbs as you open to experience cosmic love and feel the angelic presences all around you. If you feel yourself being judgmental about yourself or someone else. STOP. Replace that script with forgiveness,love and acceptance. 


Go to art galleries, buy art, read poetry, keep fresh flowers in your home, garden, appreciate beautiful quality fabrics, fashion. I got my haircut and colored in Venus’s honor yesterday.  Make art, make love, write poetry, create songs or a new spiritual practice.

Create an altar to Venus,

Venus Altar, Witch, MAgic, Tara Greene

You want to bring Venus the Goddess into your life in reality. She has thousands of names: she is Mother Mary in Christianity, Esther, Ostre, Shakti, Isis, Diana, etc. An altar can be simple, just a vase of flowers, some pink rose quartz, a poem, a beautiful arrangement of things you love. Every day stop and meditate with Venus and say a prayer to Venus the Goddess. You may see her as Kwan Yin, Mary, Tara, Isis, any manifestation. Allow Her divine presence to enter your emotional body and your unconscious. Spend 10 minutes a day at least praying at your altar, 20 minutes to half an hour is better. You may find that Venus had you enchanted under Her spell and you may find yourself sitting in reverie for much longer. Do this before bed and ask Venus to come into your dreams.  Ask to see your soul mate in your dreams.


These uplift your soul. Listen to Deva Premal and Miten 

Be charitable and selfless but Not a martyr. 

Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.

Fall in LOVE WITH EVERYONE- really try this.

Tell people they are beautiful, they are a sacred mirror of your own inner beauty.

It will uplift your heart and soul. See loving positive movies -No violence, no video games, No porn. Pisces is film and photography.

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Homer’s Hymn to Venus

Published by Garnett, “Relics of Shelley”, 1862; dated 1818.

Verses 1-55, with some omissions.

Muse, sing the deeds of golden Aphrodite,
Who wakens with her smile the lulled delight
Of sweet desire, taming the eternal kings
Of Heaven, and men, and all the living things
That fleet along the air, or whom the sea,
Or earth, with her maternal ministry,
Nourish innumerable, thy delight
All seek … O crowned Aphrodite!
Three spirits canst thou not deceive or quell:—
Minerva, child of Jove, who loves too well
Fierce war and mingling combat, and the fame
Of glorious deeds, to heed thy gentle flame.
Diana … golden-shafted queen,
Is tamed not by thy smiles; the shadows green
Of the wild woods, the bow, the…
And piercing cries amid the swift pursuit
Of beasts among waste mountains,—such delight
Is hers, and men who know and do the right.
Nor Saturn’s first-born daughter, Vesta chaste,
Whom Neptune and Apollo wooed the last,
Such was the will of aegis-bearing Jove;
But sternly she refused the ills of Love,
And by her mighty Father’s head she swore
An oath not unperformed, that evermore
A virgin she would live mid deities
Divine: her father, for such gentle ties
Renounced, gave glorious gifts—thus in his hall
She sits and feeds luxuriously. O’er all
In every fane, her honours first arise
From men—the eldest of Divinities.

These spirits she persuades not, nor deceives,
But none beside escape, so well she weaves
Her unseen toils; nor mortal men, nor gods
Who live secure in their unseen abodes.
She won the soul of him whose fierce delight
Is thunder—first in glory and in might.
And, as she willed, his mighty mind deceiving,
With mortal limbs his deathless limbs inweaving,
Concealed him from his spouse and sister fair,
Whom to wise Saturn ancient Rhea bare.
but in return,

In Venus Jove did soft desire awaken,
That by her own enchantments overtaken,
She might, no more from human union free,
Burn for a nursling of mortality.
For once amid the assembled Deities,
The laughter-loving Venus from her eyes

Shot forth the light of a soft starlight smile,
And boasting said, that she, secure the while,
Could bring at Will to the assembled Gods
The mortal tenants of earth’s dark abodes,
And mortal offspring from a deathless stem
She could produce in scorn and spite of them.
Therefore he poured desire into her breast
Of young Anchises,
Feeding his herds among the mossy fountains
Of the wide Ida’s many-folded mountains,—
Whom Venus saw, and loved, and the love clung
Like wasting fire her senses wild among.

Use this chant, its an adaptation of a Navaho prayer

In peace and beauty may I walk 

In peace and beauty wander the earth

In peace, in peace, may I wander

In Beauty, Beauty may I wander.

FEEl your connection to everything in the UNIVERSE, PISCES BLISSED OUT TIME. 

Venus in PISCES dissolves all hardness and all ego’s.

Do be careful about drinking and drugs during this time as you will be super susceptible and sensitive. Your usual grounded practicality is off. 

Try levitating and telepathically sending messages to your friend’s  hearts and see if they notice.

The only way to do it is to let go of your {illusion/delusion -that’s PISCES } own ego.

You are not separate that is impossible.  YOUR BELOVED IS WITHIN YOU ALREADY.

Venus in PISCES  -adore the Feminine,get down on your knees and worship the DIVINE YONI, the Delta of VENUS, like Leonard Cohen says.Appreciate women. Know that all things are born of woman, it is obvious that all creation comes from the Feminine. See the world from a nurturing standpoint of unconditional love produces a very different world than the one we know today.

It’s a fantastic month for dreaming and meditating.A good time for owning our own unconsciousness and praying for connection with Goddess.

Please share widely.All writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

Get a love relationship reading with TARA

Watch a short about Venus in PISCE CELEBRITIES

Justin Bieber, Kourtney Kardashian, Zayn Malik, Victoria Beckham, John travolta, Kristen Stewart, Ed Sheeran, Camila Caballo, Queen Elixaebth II, Seth Roigan, Diana Ross, Kate Hudson, Emma Watson.

Venus in Pisces playlist Robert Palmer – Addicted To Love (Official Music Video) via @YouTube

Join me Live February 28

Mercury in Pisces, dream yourself awake,

Mercury is in Pisces again February 22-March 9, a very short jaunt into the treasure trove of the unconscious the 12th house, and sign. This is a grand time to do serious dreamwork, especially with Saturn in Pisces now and for the next two years. I can help fanilitae this as Ive run dream groups and facilitated workshops since 1993.

Meditation is especially rewarding as it’s easier to calm the mind. Pisces rules all arts and creativity and helps our creative talents and imaginations to flow. If you had writer’s block, Mercury in Pisces will help heal that. Go with the flow. This is great for all artists, visual, musical, and actors too. Pisces rules them all. Great time to write a screenplay a script or pitch a creative idea. Get inspired by The Muse.

Our unconscious minds and feelings are deeply bonded we don’t feel seperate or alone because we know that we are always connected with the Source energy from where we originated.

As the last sign of KARMA, this transit signifies an ending of communications, it is good for chord cutting with those you are caught in co-dependent relationships with.

Write a Dear John letter and put on paper or record what you wanted or want to say to another person. Letting it all out helps finish this cycle. This helps to clear the projections and illusions that you have had on the other.

Mental calmness is facilitated by sitting near water or letting go in baths as spiritual healing times and powerful self-care.

You may be feeling so wound up with all that Aquarius energy. You may sleep better with Mercury in Pisces.



MERCURY COJUNCTS SUN at 12:43 am PST/3:43 am EST/ 8:43 am GMT

MERCURY CONJUNCTS SATURN at 7:08 am PST/10:08 am EST/ 3:08 pm GMT

SUN and MERCURY CONJUNCTS at 1:25 pm PST/ 4:25 pm EST/ 9:25 pm GMT


MARCH 4 MERCURY sextiles URANUS in TAURUS, at 12:24 pm/ 3:24 pm/9:24 pm GMT

What do you have at 9 degrees PISCES?


PLEASE EMAIL ME FOR MORE INFO i will put out posters and hoe to register shortly

We become very empathic and telepathic as our psychic energies are heightened during this time. Pisces is very creative, spiritual and dreamy. This is an excellent time to take note of and journal with your dreams.

LUCID DREAMING will be much easier and more powerful. I will be open to supplying dream readings during this time. This is an excellent time to meditate and do visualization. We feel very sensitive and need to remember to protect or thoughts and minds. Wearing black tourmaline and using Lavender oil on your 3rd eye is recommended. Also be nice to your feet as Pisces rules your footsies. It is not an accident that the bottom of your feet is called the sole. 

Our minds and the way we communicate sinks to the bottom of the oceans of our own unconsciousness, becoming soggy, foggy and soppily compassionate. Mercury is usually the quicksilver Magician in the Tarot, consciousness itself.  The Piscean or Fishy, feminine, nudge nudge, wink,wink, is the spiritual and emotional source of all life as well as the well of the collective unconsciousness. Pisces also symbolizes the oceans, the primordial soup where all life emerged. If you think of the brain as two fishes swimming in either direction that is Pisces symbol. 

Mercury in PISCES,

Pisces is the symbol associated with Christianity as the AGE of PISCES began around Jesus birth. OMG this gives scary old Ted Cruz an advantage as a bible thumping political candidate here for a few weeks. The demons and the angels reside in the 12th house as our shadows, our dark side. This is an excellent time to write out and analyze your shadows and dreams. 

Mercury in Pisces  Keywords

Spiritual communications, intuition, 6th sense, clairvoyance, the divine, oracular mind, synchronicity, brain fog,  photographic memory, imaginative, dreamy, creative, artistic mind, film critic,  glamour speak, speaking in tongues,  God, the Infinite,  SOURCE, dolphin and whale communications, mermaids, sirens, the oceanic consciousness, denial state, expressive arts therapy Bliss,compassion forgiveness, end of mental habit or cycle of thinking.

Mental problems, depression, schizophrenia, addictions A.D.D., Telepathy, remote viewing,  spiritual lecturer,  humanitarian minded, compassionate,   spiritual junkies,  mental/spiritual healing, thought transfer, distance healing, confessions, A.A. meetings,  spells, magic, wizard lessons, thinking about ephemera, analyzing your dreams.

While Mercury is in Pisces – do try to telepathically communicate with your ancestors, Guardian Angels, and to project your thoughts to others, pay attention to your dreams.

Put your head in your heart/EMOTIONS, the seat of the soul.  Think compassionately, put yourself in the others’ shoes. Do unto others as you would have done to you. 

It is also very idealistic and romantic, Pisces rules the “soul mate.’ You can connect with that special beloved more easily. Be careful of projecting what you want to see onto others and the “too good to be true” deal on all levels. 

PISCES rules actors, musicians, artists, dancers, ceremonialists, shamans, priestesses, photography and film. 

FAMOUS PEOPLE With MERCURY IN PISCES – naturally actors, actresses and empathic, creative sensitives


LADY GAGA- whose song Till It Happens To You- is a very empathic song about women being raped. 

Celine Dion, famous for her vocal range and extremely emotional delivery. 

Kurt Cobain, Billie Holiday,  Johnny Cash, Kesha, Steven Tyler, James Blunt, Carrie Underwood, Nina Simone, 

Justin Timberlake, Chris Martin of Coldplay, Elton John, Fergie, Pharrell Williams, Ravi Shankar, Erykah Badu


Bruce Willis, Elizabeth Taylor, Alan Rickman, beloved Professor Snape in Harry Potter, John Travolta, Lucy Lawless, Tom Hiddleston, Steve McQueen, Rachel Weisz, Heath LEDGER, Bette Davis, Queen Latifah, 

Model Cindy Crawford, Eddie Murphy, Jackie Chan, David Letterman, 

Politician Mitt Romney

ARTISTS- Yoko Ono, Benicio Del Toro, Diane Arbus-photographer, 


Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Nicholas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Charles Darwin,


Johann Sebastian Bach, Maurice Ravel, classical composer. 


Victor Hugo author of Les Miserables, and what is known as the Hunchback of Notre-Dame, 

Charles Baudelaire, Maya Angelou, 


PSYCHIC Edgar Cayce, Eckhart Tolle, Rudolph Steiner, Tony Robbins, Ramakrishna, Dane Rudhyar, 

Do charitable works during this time. Know that your mind is not separate from the SOURCE.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene. 

Get a reading with TARA

Venus square Nodes, Fated Love Break-ups and more

Astrology is real. If you are not on X,formerly Twitter, you may not be aware of that Tucker Carlson went to Russia to interview Putin and that will be posted on X and on the net.This is exactly literally what the planets are doing right now.

Mercury conjunct Pluto at 0 AQUARIUS

Mercury=communications,conversations, conjunct Pluto, which is about the death and ending of Power elites, in Aquarius, which is wild, unexpected, think outside the box, chaos, revolutionary, reinvention, independent, journalism, and symbolizes the Net,”higher consciousness.” Also you saw what happened to King Charles a real Royal. He’s a Scorpio i’ll write a seperate outcome fo that.

Watch the Video on my YOUTUBE channel like and subscribe

Venus has been squaring the NODES of FATE now on February 8 at 20 Capricorn already many endings to relationships that need to be over, must stop now. Aquarius has a reputation for being mighty chilly. Her Trine to URANUS in TAURUS makes it easier for big radical changes ot happen.

SUN SQUARES URANUS today at 5:46 am EST

Good for Crytpicurrencies approaching $47,000 US and interesting radical news on the net.

Moon in AQUARIUS conjuncts PLUTO at 9:57 am EST.

You may feel a jolt of electric, almost kundalini-like energy ZApping you. The Moon conjunct Mercury too. Watch out for lightning flashes, epiphanies, internet outages and power surges.

Moon squares Jupiter later in the evening

to ground the energy with Jupiter in sensuous earthy taurus, give yourself a big sensuous treat. We are prepping for the big NEW MOON February 9 Chinese New year of the Wood Dragon at 20 AQUARIUS

I will post a longer video later tonight. its a radical NEW MOON.


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i wil be live on the Xzone radio network february 13, 2023 at 4:00 pm EST

tune in

Phoenix time, LOTR, Pluto Sun Cazimi January 20/21

January 20, I will be doing a private ceremony to invoke the very rare SUN PLUTO “Cazimi” with Pluto sitting in the heart of the Sun is really a once in 246 years, once-in-a-lifetime event at the last degree of Capricorn starting at 1:52 am EST exact at 8:46 am ESTas the Cazimi begins it, lasts until the Sun enters Aquarius at 9:07 am.

Sun and Pluto won’t meet at this degree again for another 246 years.

We all know that the SUN is the source of all life. I’ve written about other planetary Sun conjuncts called Cazimi,read about the SUN MARS Cazimi which is similar to this one as both Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio I always do ceremonies and create tinctures during the rituals.

Pluto may be small in size, and even though 27 astrologers demoted it way back when to less than planetary status and it revealed it had a heart in 2015, it is still the Lord of Death and Soul purpose and governs the Coillectve Unconscious.


 All darkness, hidden secrets, sex, power, control, money laundering, crime, black market, revenge, porn, that Pluto symbolizes as ruler of Scorpio meets in the Sun’s big atomic heart to be blessed and made anew. All darkness is burned up in the Star. It’s like Frodo throwing the One Ring to rule them all into one ring to bind them into Mount Doom. It’s archetypal and mythic.

What PLUTO Brings

Sun Pluto Cazimi January 20,2024 Once in a Lifetime event, at the last degree of Capricorn is world changing.  Join Tara Greene in a virtual ceremony.

Resurrection of the Soul, Death and Rebirth,

The Tarot Trump #13 Scorpio energy Pluto rules Scorpio, 

Understanding the soul is guiding your life

Radical change in Collective Unconsciousness
Death and resurrection,literal
Endings and beginnings, Achieving spiritual goals
Shedding of old personal aspects
, Digging below the surface to reveal what is hidden
Learning secrets
The unconscious becoming conscous
The inner journey

Digging in the basement,

Transformative sexual energy

Transforms wealth on the inner and outer wealth

Heals sexual abuse, especially rape and emotional abuse woundings

Depth Psychology
Transforming of dark, hexing, black magic, negative Psychic energy used to manipulate or control

This is an energy that builds slowly,as Pluto moves slow.

The highest level of Pluto in Scorpio is The Phoenix. 

“The phoenix hope, can wing her way through the desert skies,
and still defying fortune’s spite, revive from ashes and rise.”
— Miguel de Cervantes

 Astrologer Rick Tarnas, in Cosmos and Psyche says that “Pluto is linked to the principle and the will to power and to Schopenhauer’s blind striving universal will. Pluto is the archetype of primordial energy, the universal life force which impels all evolution and transformation.

 Pluto represents the principle of power, elemental force, primal libido and aggression and is essentially identical to Freud’s notion of the id. It is the Dionysian energy of life, the Serpent power, the Kundalini. It compels, empowers, overwhelms, transforms; it destroys and resurrects.

Pluto governs the instincts and the underground forces of nature. It rules the biological processes of birth, sex, and death, and at its deepest level it involves the mystery of death and rebirth.”

“Pluto rules upheaval, breakdown and decay, and regeneration and the purifying fire of catharsis. It reflects the archetypal Underworld–the dark, mysterious, and often terrifying reality which lurks beneath the surface of things, beneath our ego and societal conventions and the veneer of civilization, and which is periodically unleashed with great destructive and transformative force.” (2)

Pluto is associated with the principle of elemental power, depth, and intensity; with that which compels, empowers, and intensifies whatever it touches, sometimes to overwhelming and catastrophic extremes; with the primordial instincts, libidinal and aggressive, destructive and regenerative, volcanic and cathartic, eliminative, transformative, ever-evolving; with the biological processes of birth, sex, and death, the cycle of death and rebirth; with upheaval, breakdown, decay, and fertilization; violent purgatorial discharge of pent-up energies, purifying fire; situations of life-and-death extremes, power struggles, all that is titanic, potent, and massive.

NASA/JHUAPL/SWRI (composition was made by Hjhornbeck; coloured by Jcpag2010), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Pluto represents the underworld and underground in all senses: elemental, geological, instinctual, political, social, sexual, urban, criminal, mythological, demonic. It is the dark, mysterious, taboo, and often terrifying reality that lurks beneath the surface of things, beneath the ego, societal conventions, and the veneer of civilization, beneath the surface of the Earth, that is periodically unleashed with destructive and transformative force.

Pluto impels, burns, consumes, transfigures, resurrects. In mythic and religious terms, it is associated with all myths of descent and transformation, and with all deities of destruction and regeneration, death and rebirth: Dionysus, Hades and Persephone, Pan, Medusa, Lilith, Innana, Isis and Osiris, the volcano
goddess Pele, Quetzalcoatl, the Serpent power, Kundalini, Shiva, Kali, Shakti.

With respect to Pluto’s discovery, the synchronistic phenomena in the decades
immediately surrounding 1930, and more generally in the twentieth century, include the splitting of the atom and the unleashing of nuclear power; Plutonium, the titanic technological empowerment of modern industrial civilization and military force; the rise of fascism and other mass movements.”

Watch this video where Chris Brennan Interviews Rich Tarnas about Pluto

The Sabian Symbol for the Sun Pluto conjunction January 20 at 29 degrees 59′ CAPRICORN rounded up to 30 degrees is exact at 8:46 am EST is a once-in-a-lifetime event, at the most potent powerful corporate earthy power hungry degree. Sun and Pluto won’t meet at this degree again for another 246 years.

From the amazing Dane Rhudyar An Astrological Mandala, one of the first astrology books I ever read when it first came out in 1975.


KEYNOTE: The power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature discussions with those who share this power.

We are all aware now of the work of secret committees in the White House and at all levels of the government. The student of esoteric philosophy believes in the existence of what has been called an “inner Government” which has the power to direct or guide the evolution of our planet and of mankind. Some people speak of “occult Hierarchy,” or of the “White Lodge.” Here again what is at stake is a “seeing through” the facts of telluric processes and human history — assuming that these facts are at least in part the outcome of the decisions of a supreme Council of quasi-divine Beings. Obviously the symbol can also refer to what occurs at the more ordinary level of business and politics. At any level, it refers to the highest form of social interaction.

This is the last symbol belonging to Scene Twenty and related to the zodiacal sign Capricorn. We see in it the culmination of social responsibility and a reference to EXECUTIVE POWER.

I will be doing the ceremony for hours, as the CAZIMI starts at  1:52 am EST. The Cazimi lasts until 9:07 am when the Sun enters Aquarius. 

I will be doing a private ceremony duri If you want your name or someone you love’s or someone who has passed on’s name to be added in the ceremony. Please email me at with heading Sun Pluto Cazimi. If you would like to donate Please send

MANY BLESSINGS I will be praying for the transformation fo all that is dark to be brought out into the Light ot be transformed into its original soul essence of Love, Goodness, Kindness, creation,