Israel’s Solar Return and Taurus Stellium

Israel’s Solar Return was May 14. The Sun Uranus Venus, and Jupiter are all conjunct on their Natal Sun at 23 Taurus in the 8th house of death, finance, obsession, shadows, transformation, money, power, control and opposing their Chiron the Wounded Healer Rx at 21 Scorpio in the 1st house of Self-identity, and widely triggering the natal T-square Saturn Pluto conjunct at 12-16 Leo in their 10th house of worldly reputation.

On May 18 as Sun Jupiter conjunct at 29 Taurus-acritical degree, they square Israel’s Mars at 28 Leo in the 11th House. Israel’s chart is very Fixed in Nature. This gives them further strength power and arrogance, which can be their undoing.

May 19

Mars conjuncts North Node is a fated war signature, especially at 14+ Aries mid-degree and squaring the US SUN and identity at 13 Cancer in 7H conjunct Fixed Star Sirius.

Mars NN in U.S. 4th house of roots, foundation, security. Biden just promised 1 Billion in aid to Israel.

May 19 Mars North Node in Aries in the 4th house is anger from within, it opposes the US Saturn, planet of karma, testing, the Patriarchy, senators and limits in Libra at 14, and the S Node conjuncts it, in the 10th House of public reputation and fame, a very heavy karmic trigger.

The Libra Moon, the mood of the people, transiting opposite Mars/N Node, is the people’s public display of emotions for a peace treaty, and an end to the old system and the powers that be.

Could be lots of angry protests for Justice as the Sun Jupiter conjunction exacerbates this.

Plus PLUTO in Aquarius has already opposed their Leo Moon in the 10th house for the last few months. When the October 7, 2023, Gaza cris broke out, Pluto was stationing on their IC opposing the M.C. about to turn Direct at 27 Capricorn 54 minutes three days later. Pluto re-entering Capricorn on September 1-November 19 could bring a fight to the finish one way or the other.

The Middle East has always been used by draconic figures as pawns in the war game.

The innocent always get killed and the elites profit..

May the innocent women and children and men find peace.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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Taurus season starts April 29 in 2024

Taurus Season according to the calendar begins April 19, at 7:00 am PDT, 10 am EDT, 2:00 pm GMT until May 20. But Taurus season 2024 doesn’t really start until Venus enters her own Sign of TAURUS April 29 at 7:3 am EDT up till when the Sun enters Gemini on May 20.

Since April 20 Venus was in ARIES in MARS sign and weak for the first 9 days of “Taurus season” . We will only then really feel that solid stubborn earthy Taurus energy. Enjoy. Venus in Taurus is good for women, love, sex, war, stock markets, gold silver, blue chip things, real estate, art.

If you are a TAURUS rising you will have VENUS in your sign from those dates. If you use Whole Signs, Venus is in your first house of self identity.

Mars enters his own sign ARIES April 30 at 11:33 am EDT until June 9 and the soldier macho initiative planet will be empowered in his home sign. Things will really look up when the two personal planets are in their own signs

For ARIES rising this empowers you immensely and you have VENUS in your 2nd house of finances. This is great for ARIES RISING and Aries Sun and all ARIES planets.

Taurus was once the first sign of the zodiac in Ancient Babylonian times, when the Vernal/Spring equinox began. Taurus is  ruled by the planet Venus who was known as ISHTAR.. Because of the precession of the Equinoxes Aries is now the 1st sign of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

During the month when the Sun soaks up Taurus energy we all slow down, we are primarily in our bodies, more grounded, and indulging our senses which can feel much more acute.  Taurus is stable fixed earth, it is our body and resources. Taurus is stubborn, and can be lazy, they like to be couch potatoes.  Known as nature lovers, Taurus do love to stop and smell the roses and it is good for them to garden and be surrounded by nature. Taurus’ likes practical things, they are often artisans and  work well with their hands. Taurus works hard because they like the rewards. They can spend money lavishly too. 

The 2nd sign also governs the 2nd house in the natural system which governs income and money. Real estate, art and traditional blue chip things are what Taurus values. Venus blesses Taurus with fine taste,  a love of art, great food, beautiful fabrics, and the like. Taurus rules the throat chakra and they are often good singers, speakers and musicians. 

You can usually spot a Taurus by their build, usually very strong and healthy, well muscled. They like harmony in their relationships.  Taurus people can be vain. They are loyal and reliable but stubborn. They are straightforward uncomplicated, hate change and act from their need for comfort first.  They can have huge tempers though which can flare up unexpectedly. Do not egg on a Taurus, they can be like enraged bulls, from which the word bully comes. 

Taurus is the symbol #5 in the Tarot The Pope, Hierophant, High Priest, Rabbi 

Taurus is compatible with other earth and water signs. Also Libra as Venus rules both of these signs.

This Taurus Season April 20- May 20 Venus is in ARIES and in detriment in MARS sign and considered weak. But as Venus enters her own Sign of TAURUS April 29 up till when the Sun enters Gemini season May 20 we will really feel that real Taurus, earthy sensuous energy. Really get into your body and get solid.

Images of each decan of Taurus   

0-10 degrees Ruled by VENUS {Taurus} 

2nd decan of Taurus 11-20 degrees ruled by MERCURY – {Virgo }

 Third decan of Taurus 21-30 degrees ruled by SATURN – {Capricorn}


Queen Elizabeth ll, Mark Zuckerberg, scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer, Sigmund Freud, William Shakespeare, Archeologist Howard Carter, Civil Rights Activist Malcolm X, Pediatrician Benjamin Spock.  Mathematician Carl Gauss, Daphne Du Maurier, Edward de Bono, Honore de Balzac, Ho Chi Minh, mathematician Kurt Godel, Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson, Pope John Paul 11, poet Rabindranath Tagore,  British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Self-help author Wayne Dyer, William Randolph Hearst, dancer Fred Astaire, President Harry Truman, poet Robert Browning, naturalist John James Audubon, mathematician Richard Feynman, author Thomas Pynchon,


Yogi Berra, David Beckham. Willie Mays,skateboarder Tony Hawk, Dennis Rodman, boxer Joe Louis, Reggie Jackson, 

Taurus Tyrants and Bad guys 

Hitler, Pol Pot, Ayatollah Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, John Wilkes Booth, Oskar Schindler, Vladimir Lenin, John Lennon murderer Mark David Chapman, Machiavelli, Catherine the Great, Oliver Cromwell, 


Karl Marx,  Bertrand Russel, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Immanuel Kant,  Krishnamurti,  Teilhard de Chardin, Soren Kierkegaard, 


Stephen Colbert, Craig Ferguson, Ellie Kemper,Bob Saget, Don Rickles, George Carlin, Jerry Seinfeld, Michael Palin, 

Film and Actors

Orson Wells, Wes Anderson. Film Producer David O. Selznick, George Lucas, John Waters,

Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Robert Pattinson, Anthony Quinn, Jimmy Stewart, Al Pacino, Gary Cooper, 


William De Kooning, Albrecht Durer, Karel Appel, Salvadore Dali, Keith Haring, Ralph Steadman, photographer Richard Avedon, Jasper johns, 

Singers/Musicians- lots of very famous ones 

Barbra Streisand, Stevie Wonder, Roy Orbison, James Brown, Bono, Billy Joel, David Byrne of Talking Heads, Sam Smith, Bobby Darin, Joe Cocker, Lesley Gore, Bing Crosby, Bob Seger, Brian Eno, Charlie Mingus, Duke Ellington, Joe Ramone, Fats Waller, Pete Townshend, Pete Seeger, Robert Johnson, Keith Jarret, Trent Reznor, Sid Vicious, Willie Nelson, Pop,Cher, Peter Framptom,

Classical Music-

Gustav Mahler, Johannes Brahms, Prokofiev, Erik Satie

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene 


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Scorpio Full Moon, Black Pink, intense soul work

The SCORPIO FULL MOON even is a BLACK PINK one. It’s always the most intense by Nature Full Moon of any year. This one is pretty intense as it has a very simple one pointed focus of PLUTO in AQUARIUS squaring the SUN and MOON at 4+ SCORPIO. Scorpio Full Moon April 23 at 4+ Scorpio at 4:49 pm PDT, 7:49 pm EDT, 11:49 pm GMT and it brings a big whomp as the rare Jupiter Uranus energy echoes is still in effect.

Conjunct to FIXED STAR PRINCEPS at 3 Scorpio in the Bootes constellation its time to shake your Bootes.

PRINCEPS. δ Boötis. Is a pale yellow star situated in the spear-shaft of Boötes. Its defined as being of the nature of Mercury and Saturn. It gives a keen studious and profound mind with the ability for research. [3]

TSIEH KUNG. δ Boötis. In Chinese classification. A yellow giant star. Spectral class G4, 116 light years distant. This star gives the native a keen mentality, resourceful, somewhat of a fearful nature, conservative, studious. [4]

Princeps is another marker of our capacity to protect and be protected, but with a good hint of our role as Regent princes, and of the Crown that is ours for doing the job well. [5]

Princeps rules four inches below the navel. [6]

According to Ptolemy the influence of the constellation is like that of Mercury and Saturn, though the MAJOR star in the Constellation Arcturus is like Mars and Jupiter. Said to give prosperity from work, strong desires, a tendency to excess, a fondness for rural pursuits, together with some liking for occultism. The Kabalists associate it with the Hebrew letter Teth and the 9th Tarot Trump, “The Hermit”. [3]

The other thing to keep in mind is Mercury is virtually Stationary and Goes Direct April 25 at 5:54 am PDT/ 8:54 am EDT/ 12:54 pm GMT at 16 degrees 00 brings some relief to move ahead and allows ALL of the potent Eclipse energies and ALL the major planetary aspects that occurred since April 1st, over 25 days worth since Mercury Stationed Retrograde at 27 Aries 10 minutes ARIES to blaze ahead. Remember that MARS ruler of ARIES and ruling over Mercury Retro in ARIES is passively trying to keep his head above water in Pisces.

Ceres, the Great Mother dwarf planet at 19° CAPRICORN trines original woman, Dark Goddess, LIlLITH at 22° ViRGO trine JUPITER/URANUS at 21/22° TAURUS are in effect at this Intense obsessive Full DEEP emotional Full Moon. Read my article about that here

The CHANDRA and Omega symbols for 5 Scorpio by John Sandbach

Scorpio 5. A sculptor creating large, fragile works of art out of paper.(Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Inspired

(Degree Angel: Haiyael (HA-ee-ya-EL) Prophecy and Parallel Universes, Divine Warrior/Weaponry)

This degree is intent on expressing its creativity without any concern for how it will be received or interpreted. It goes its own way and plays with energies in an uninhibited fashion that is free of tradition, constraints and formal rules. The message is communicates is that all passes and that time and change are not to be feared, but rather savored in the moment..

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “An Egyptian queen with a braided beard” With her beard she is trying to gain credibility and authority by taking on the symbol of power, just as the sculptor cares so little for credibility that he creates works of art in a virtually unmarketable media. This degree realizes the unreasoning and narrow biases of society, and is willing on the one hand to to work within those to achieve its ends, or, when it feels it can afford the price, to ignore societies limited framework and strike out on its own.

At best this degree brings greater self awareness to others and to the world at large. It is an adept and aware social critic, though the medicine it offers society may not be readily taken. It also has a magical ability to inspire confidence in others – confidence that they can be themselves, and that they can effectively cope with the restrictions that society places on them.

Pleiadian Symbol: Sharp rocks splashed, dripping with sea spray.

Azoth Symbol: Many precious objects being heaped on an altar.

Seed degree: Taurus 26. All over the city, words on scraps of paper floating through the sewers. (Omega Symbol). Experiencing all the waste and junk around us, we seek a way to make something positively creative and meaningful out of it

Grotesque rocks in a sand garden. (Chandra Symbol). When we perceive the way nature is so free in her continual creative experimentation, we allow ourselves to be empowered by our own inner wisdom – which is the same thing as this creative force.

Fulfillment degree: Aquarius 18. A cloud in the middle of an empty sky has lost its way. (Omega Symbol). Allowing whatever we create to be of the moment, and not worrying about whether it will endure, we realize that even if we and what we make evaporate, we will simply reincarnate in another form – in fact in just the form that we need to progress us.

An American Indian woman in a canoe. She is gathering wild rice. (Chandra Symbol). Empowered by our own feminine wisdom we seek in nature that which will nourish both ourselves and others.


In 4197 the sculptor Synosrap Relt finished his 11 year project of creating the 7 story tower made of paper known as the Obelisk of Sandar, which still stands today, after 700 years, in the Grand Park on the outskirts of the city of Peth. It is amazing in its scuptural details and origamic virtuosity, and is said to have more than 1000 gargoyles made solely of folds covering its surface.

The alchemist Tonar Rason, shortly after the tower was erected, enveloped the area in which it stands with several spells – formulas to prevent the stirring of any air, others to make the tower itself impervious to rain, and others to maintain a steady and mild atmosphere surrounding it. To this day the spells still hold and the tower is visited every year by thousands, though none could ascend it due to its extreme fragility until the year 4269 in which the alchemist Durad Ramas installed at its entrance a magic stone of his making, which, if kissed, would render most visitors light as a feather for several hours and hence allow them to ascend the tower, in which they could admire its elegant spiral staircase, elaborate system of vaulting, and rooms in which Relt had placed some of his most inspired sculptures, the most famous being his “War of the Butterflies.”=

WATCH THE VIDEO where I break it all down.

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All writing is copyright ©️ of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated. The Fixed Stars are from Astrology King. I have #3 and #5 as reference books in my own library. 

3. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.32, 190.

4.The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.149-151.

5.The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.142.

6. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.89.

Solar Eclipse in the Belly of the whale is biblical

The HUGE Aries Total Very Long Solar Eclipse criss-crossing Mexico, 15 states in US and parts of Eastern Canada is at 19 degrees 24 minutes conjuncts a Fixed Star, Baten Kaitos at 21 degrees 57′ Aries in Tropical astrology. This is in the Constellation of Cetus, The Whale.

File:Sidney Hall – Urania’s Mirror – Psalterium Georgii, Fluvius Eridanus, Cetus, Officina Sculptoris, Fornax Chemica, and Machina Electrica.jpg – Wikimedia Commons Public Domain

There is a whale of a tale here that fits.The Star Baten Kaitos has the character of the hard tests of Saturn’s properties, of seriousness, reserve, caution, coldness,hard work, respect for histroy, and traditon, depression, death, patience, seniors, karma and obstacles. These are the energies at work with the eclipse and Chiron conjunct to the Sun and Moon’s energies

Baten Kaitos, Belly of the Whale, is, of course, associated with the Jonah legend in the Bible. The story of Jonah, for those who arent familier with it. Jonah is a disobedient prophet who rejects his divine orders, and was cast overboard in a storm and swallowed by a whale, where he miraculously survived for three days and was then rescued in a marvelous manner, and returns to do what he was supposed to do, follow his commands from God to to go to Nineveh, the capital of Israel’s ancient enemy. Isreal is also relevant.

Ptolemy, stated that it often does mark where someone becomes stuck with a situation for some little while, but aspects all being well, should emerge with some benefit to count for the experience, even honor from it if all is very well in the matter of aspects.

Baten Kaitos is a warlike star that portends falls and blows and other misfortune brought about by force. This is a danger sgn. Baten Kaitos rules the center point of the head. [6]

The Whale is like Saturn. It is said to cause laziness and idleness but to confer an emotional and charitable nature, with the ability to command, especially in war. Makes one amiable, prudent, happy by sea and land and helps to recover lost goods. [2]

Sun conjunct Baten Kaitos: Natives with this conjunction are subject to changing fortunes, changing lifestyles. Just when they feel all is settled, changes will occur. This could exhibit itself as residence changes, traveling, many ‘ups and downs’ in the natives life. [7]

Lets look at the CHADRA and OMEGA symbols for the Eclipse

Aries 20. Streets littered with many colors of confetti. Manifesting/Inspired

(Degree Angel: PAHALIAH (pa-HA-lee-YAH) Victory Over Addictions, Redemption)

You have the ability to bring a vibration of celebration into all aspects of everyday life. You are communicating to people how to renew themselves and how to blossom out of their set patterns and routines. It is important to not become frustrated if your message sometimes isn’t heard. You are on a different wavelength from other people – many can not embrace the joy and enthusiasm for life that you can. But don’t let this stop you, for people need the exuberant energy you have to offer.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “An empty courtyard.” Before change can happen there must be a place prepared inside so that the new may enter. Celebration is the acknowledgment that something important has occurred and that it should be honored. But once the celebration is over the way is clear for the next step of the journey, blessed with the colors of the recent triumph.

The confetti lying in the streets is about what is over, the empty courtyard is about what is coming, and this degree stands at the cross-roads of that time of renewal, acknowledging the past, open to the future.

Pleidian Symbol: A young girl feeding diamonds to a flock of baby phoenixes.

Azoth Symbol: By intuition a healer chooses the proper remedy.

Seed degree: Scorpio 19. An angel kisses a man while he sleeps. (Omega Symbol).
To give free rein to our joy creates an immediate connection with higher beings who wish to communicate their love for us.

A rope going up in the sky. (Chandra Symbol). When we allow ourselves to connect with higher vibrations we find a protected space in which we may be protected from the conflicts of earthly existence.

Fulfillment degree: Scorpio 2. A lighthouse is moved inland. (Omega symbol).
Embracing the joys of life eventually makes one aware of the need to protect the light one has to share with others from destructive influences.

A large, stately bronze horse. (Chandra Symbol). To find our peaceful and protected center apart from the outer world connects us directly to our personal power.


The celebrations were over and cars were running over the colored confetti. The rainbows had been thrown from high buildings, glittering down onto the parade. Now the thousands of pieces strewn everywhere were merging with the rest of the city’s trash and dirt. But even as they were increasingly obliterated, they left behind a residue of joy that all felt, even those who weren’t aware of it.“-

2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.38, 145.

6. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.12.

7. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.53-55.






Tarot reading, best love day

Venus sextile Jupiter blessings upon blessings

March 24 Venus in PISCES sextiles Jupiter in TAURUS a blessings upon blessings energy. This greatly enhances psychic creative spiritual practical energies,

The lesser benefic Venus and bigger benefic Jupiter bring extra goodies to you as they are in mutual reception meaning they are in each other’s home signs.

Venus rules Taurus and Jupiter rules Pisces traditionally. Pay attention to your dreams tonight and yoru bodies feedback,.Always trust your gut instincts as well as your psychic intuitive ones.

Venus is #3 The Empress in the Tarot and Jupiter is #10 The Wheel of Fortune

Pamela Coleman Smith, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

If you have planets at 15 middle power degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius you hit a jackpot. What do you have at mid-degrees FIXED SIGNS?

This energy Venus rules LIBRA the Lunar Eclipses tomorrow which I will do a lengthy video about later thanks blessings

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Libra Lunar Eclipse, completing relationships, dragon days,

libra by ivadesign deviant art
libra by ivadesign deviant art

A FULL MOON is always a culmination a completion event, with the SOUTH NODE, the dragon’s Tail, KETU, the past, in LIBRA, we need to let go of past ties that are imbalanced and complete karmic realtionship issues now. Especially with a looming ARIES new beginning North Node TOTAL SOLAR very powerful Eclipse in 2 weeks. Post haste.

I work with hundreds of clients helping them to release past life ties.

Eclipses have been held in awe and dread since forever. Even animals stop and go silent during total solar or lunar eclipses. There are many superstitions about what not to do going back thousands of years. Eclipses are the perfect time for prayers traditionally. because they are so powerful and repeat at the same degree and in the same Saros cycles over thousands of years from the past and into the future they are extremely karmic.

Never manifest anything during any eclipses. All lunar eclipses are internal and emotionally receptive to natural events, revealing hidden unconscious material and secrets. A Solar eclipse reveals the shadow the darkside what is usually hidden in daylight. They magnify outer conscious events. Total Eclipses are the most powerful in any sign.

According to Tibetan Buddhists, during a Solar eclipse, all actions, thoughts and deeds are magnified 1 million times.

On a Lunar eclipse, all actions, thoughts, deeds are magnified 100,000 times. Only recite prayers and mantras during eclipses. OM MANI PADME HUM is trad. All negative energies sent out bounces back a million times to the sender.

It is necessary to work with eclipse energies while they are happening, even on the other side of the world. Prohibitions against having sex,-{conceived during an eclipses?} bathing, and especially no consumption of alcohol or any drugs have been observed for years during eclipses.

Eclipses are the culmination of 18+ or 19-year cycles.They are Markers of endings and new beginnings.

Yes, you can go outside and observe but do Not look at a SOLAR eclipse without proper safety glasses, as you can go blind, That’s where the old saying of don’t leave your house.

If you are directly in the eclipse shadow path and see the totality, you are strongly affected by it because the sun’s nagnetic energies change the EMFs and the tori fields of magnetic energy that the sun puts out, which affects the earth, the poles, our bodies and our consciousness. Similar to what happenes during a CME event or solar storm. You want to be aligned with the highest purpose duting a total solar eclipse. Your pets will be sensitive to an eclipses energies. NOTE there was a huge CME from the SUN at eh same time. Watch out fo rmassive earthquakes in the nest few days

Especially if the eclipse is conjunct to any natal planets or angles using a 2 degree wide orb only, will it personally affect you. You can use squares and oppositions. Otherwise all eclipse effects are general in a 2nd or 10th or whatever house it falls in if it is not connected to a planet NODE or angles of your chart. AC,DC, MC or IC. Eclipses effects countries too.

The March 25 Lunar eclipse is partial and at 5 Libra is visible over all of North America and western Brazil. It will be very subtle, and long, lasting over 4 hours.

The Penumbral eclipse begins March 25, at 9:53 pm PDT/ 12:53 p.m. EDT/ 4:53 am GMT in North America. Greatest eclipse is at 12:12 am PDT/3:12 a.m. EDT/7:12 UTC, with a penumbral magnitude of 0.9577. nearly all of the moon will be inside the Earth’s outer penumbral shadow. It’ll be a subtle darkened shading on the moon, and, at mid-eclipse, only a small sliver of the moon will fall outside this dark shading.

The eclipse ends at 2:33 am PDT/5:33 am EDT, 9:33 UTC on March 25.

VENUS is the planetary ruler of the LIBRA eclipse. Venus is in PISCES which is an exalted position. This brings a very emotional, sensitive, spiritual, dreamy, psychic, creative, intangible energy which is perfect for a lunar eclipse which is more internal unseen and hidden.

The eclipse is conjunct fixed star Zaniah, in the constellation of VIRGO. Zaniah is an Arabic name which means corner. Zaniah has a Mercury Venus influence. Mercury traditionally rules money and Venus rules love. An ancient interpretation of this star was that of the Sacred Harlot or Virgin Priestess. Virgo is the constellation of the Virgo Mother Goddess who was a parthenogenesis goddess. This ancient archetype of the Sacred Tantric Healing Priestess is something I am very familiar with from past life memories since I was six years old. It’s interesting that Zaniah is conjunct my Mars in Libra in my 11th House and conjunct my Saturn, the karmic planet and opposite to Jupiter, the teacher, in Aries in my 5th house of love affairs, creativity and will power.

This elcipse is part of Saros Cycle 113 which began with a penumbral eclipse on April 29, 0888.

Previous eclipses in this SAROS cycle which are not always at the same degrees or signs was March 14,2006

March 3,1988 February 21,1970, February 11,1952,

September 28,2015 a Total Lunar eclipse occurred directly opposite to this one at 4 ARIES. I was in Sedona Arizona doing a ceremony at that time.

MARCH 23 2016 there was a penumbral Lunar eclipse at 3 degrees LIBRA with the Nodes reversed, it was a NORTH NODE eclipse.with the North Node in Virgo.

Eclipses run in cycles. The last time the nodes were where they are now, was 2004-2006. 

The ECLIPSE falls in Libra Decan 1 GODDESS MAAT rules LIBRA from Ancient Egypt

Astrologers Austin Coppock and classical Ibn Ezra associate the scales more strongly to decan 1 than with the other two Libra decans.

Asteroid Cupido #763 is conjunct Venus in PISCES on the Libra Lunar Penumbral Eclipse March 25, the chart ruler. This is a very romantic Eclipse. Libra is all about relationships. Cupid is flirty young love.

Asteroid AMOR #1221 works well with Venus; she is at 19 ARIES {Mars’s sign} conjunct CHIRON the Wounded Healer at 18 ARIES, conjunct the Karmic North Node at 15 Aries and opposing the South Node in LIBRA.

AMOR brings a headstrong, impulsive, passionate independent action energy. You may be feeling vulnerable, but hiding being independent and playing hard to get tough love appear. The South Node is what needs to be released. Dont be overly romantic as Venus in PISCES is all about projection, illusions, delusions, and toxic love addictions.
The Lunar eclipse helps us to see what is in our own shadows, in our hearts and in our souls and what is unconsciously motivating us karmically. A new healing paradigm begins. Be brave old soul, Learn to love yourself first before you can surrender into a whole relationship.

All eclipses open a window of opportunity for 6 months after they occur. In two weeks is the BIGGIE! Aril 8 Total Solar Eclipse visible over North America at 19 ARIES conjunct CHIRON.

I have recorded two videos about this Lunar eclipse

Part 1.

Part 2.

I will write more about Horoscopes for each sign. I was up all night integreting the energies. It felt soft, gentle, How did you feel it?

Please share widley all content is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with me to find out how this eclipse is impacting you personally

Pisces New Moon March 10 Deep Dive, revolutionary ideas,

Exact at 1: am PDT, 5 am EDT, Pisces’s dreamy, visionary most spiritual of all the sign of endings, creativity, mysticism, faith,idealism, addictions, mental illness and projection, martyr and victim syndrome, ruler of Hollywood dominates this Dark Moon new intention setting with a strong dash of escapism and denial. Sun + Moon at 20+ PISCES, Saturn at 11 and Neptune at 27 PISCES, squaring the Black hole at the Galactic Center. This is an excellent time for deep-diving meditations into the unconscious treasure trove of the Archetypes. Saturn in PISCES also says tome to take responsibility for your shit.

This is the last New Moon of the traditional old year before Spring and is the last with all planets moving Direct. TAKE ACTION NOW GO DIRECTLY TO GO.

The Ruler of PISCES is JUPITER traditionally in sensuous TAURUS and NEPTUNE in modern astro, Jupiter is in a positive sextile to the SUN And MOON

VENUS and MARS are close together in Radical free-thinking AQUARIUS and VEnus is moving into the last degrees of the SIGN so finish up your radical moves soon.Venus enters emo sensitive psychic PISCES March 11 still keeps the emphasis on PISCES, VENUS is exalted in PISCES.

MARS is still SQUARING URANUS which has driven BITCOIN to its all time high of $70 US. if you are feeling wired and frazzled chalk it up to these energies. Computer hacking and strange messages

There’s a lovely grand earth trine from JUPITER in TAURUS to JUNO in VIRGO to CERES in CAPRICORN to keep us grounded and paying attention to your bodies, art, and sensuality

CHIRON and The NORTH NODE in ARIES are still pushing us to be strong brave and leave the past imbalances behind.

After having no planets in FIRE for awhile Mercury just entered ARIES last night March 9 at 11:00 pm EST. You will notice more rapid fire thinking and aggressive talking bargaining and communicating.

MUTABLE SIGNS GEMINI, VIRGO, SAGITTARIUS are affected most by the New Moon by a square from an invisible spiritual mesmerizing ray. Get into water and be on the land stay grounded and merge with the water element.

lets look at the symbols fr deeper understaning of what the New moon’s mystery holds

The CHANDRA and OMEGA symbol for 21 PISCES New Moon by John Sandbach

Phase 71. Prophecy and Parallel Universes (Hey Yud Yud)

Angel: HAIYAEL (HA-ee-ya-EL) Divine warrior/Weaponry

Pisces 21. In a cold, harsh climate, a woman uses magic to create a lush garden. (Omega Symbol) Interacting/Experimental

(Degree Angel: Anauel (a-NA-oo-EL) Appreciation, Perception of Unity)

This degree is about creating one’s own environment for whatever one is trying to accomplish. The forces of nature are eternal and always there when called upon, always willing to assist one if one will simply connect with them and ask for their help. At worst this degree isolates itself in its own dream world. At best it makes the dreamworld a reality and invites others to join in the enjoyment of it.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “Pagan fire worshipers dancing at night.” This degree brings light into the darkness and encourages others to join in the process of doing so. It is not about to fall prey to fear, depression, or the confusion of uncertainty. Its attitude is, “light a fire, make up a dance, call in the clan.” Even in tragedies and dark dramas it finds something to celebrate, for it knows that inevitably the light will conquer. It also knows that both the dark and light follow complex cycles, that both life and die and are born again. And so even in grim and hash times it is expectant of sparks which will kindle into new flames, providing new excuses for celebration.

Pleiadian Symbol: A wizard is showing a young girl and her dog the way to the cave of the gnomes.

Azoth Symbol: Someone thinks he sees in the distance the ghost of an old man walking across a moor.

Seed degree: Sagittarius 12.Reaching up, a man writes on the sky. (Omega Symbol). Communing with creative intelligence we are able to channel its energies into the physical world to create beauty and food for both ourselves and others.

Icicles melting. (Chandra Symbol). Sharp, jagged, repressed emotions thaw out. It makes us want to light fires and dance.

Fulfillment degree: Gemini 30. From far away, a sailor has brought home a carved idol. (Omega Symbol). The effects of magic suddenly appear, and we are surprised. Now we want to know from what distant realms beyond the usual they have come – what are their mythologies – and who their supporting actors?

Many glass animals on a shelf. (Chandra Symbol). The fire dancers dance away all uncertainty. The dance unwinds all confusion, is full of pure knowing. All becomes transparent.“-

WATCH the video where I talk about all the details at this NEW MOON

PLease share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene except where noted

Have a lovely new MOON, and remember Daylight Savings Time starts and Happy Oscar watching too.

get a reading with me

Venus in Aquarius in international women’s day

February 26- 28 Astrology, Crypto Boom and Fast cars

Hi everyone, how are you doing, post Virgo Full Moon?

Feb. 26 is a rather quiet Monday as The VIRGO MOON opposes NEPTUNE in PISCES in the wee hours. Your dreaming, meditations and imagination can be soaring.

The Moon is Void of Course until 9:29 am EST

Following VENUS Squares to JUPITER February 24 Mars follows suit

FEB 27 MARS in AQUARIUS SQUARES JUPITER IN TAURUS, 12:30 am PST, 3:30 am EST, 8:30 am GMT at 10 degrees 52 minutes.

: Mars in Aquarius and Jupiter’s planet of Luck square off in an expansive, tech-packed, crypto boom, risk-taking adventure. Think of your most awesome red shiny luxury sports car and an unlimited supply of cash to indulge all your senses. Buy lottery tickets and if you have a great financial hunch, jump in but be careful of being too pushy as well as others acting bullyish.

This is an amped up, expansive, adventurous, daring, passionate aspect aggressively pushing your Lucky Jupiter in Taurus to expand stock markets and Crypto too. Good for buying a lottery ticket or taking a wild card stab at a hi-tech stock, but be careful ..

February 28 Rare SUN MERCURY SATURN CAZIMI in PISCES can signify deflation, debt and loss.

This can be a dangerous pushy, over-the-top, very risky, too radical daring, speeding cars, violent clashes energies as Jupiter expands whatever it touches and is often over the top, and MARS is usually too cocky in Fire and Air signs. With Jupiter there it can definitely be too much of a good thing.

Jupiter in Taurus is grounded its true, which helps but this can be a chip on your shoulder dare, push comes to shove energy. If you have a clear hunch on doing something very wild financially, then do it, but be aware of the risks involved. This is good for tech stocks, mining, real estate and crypto investing. But can also be a boom-bust energy.

If you have planets at 6-12 degrees FIXED SIGNS- TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO and AQUARIUS. This aspect is impacting you personally.

Then we go from Fire Air and EARTH to all water.

A preview of the RARE Feb. 28 TRIPLE WHAMMY RARE conjunction which is all water and sublime


tHIS hasn’t happened since Feb 25, 1965  at 7-8 degrees PISCES now it’s at 9+ PISCES.

This has only happened twice before at 9 degrees in 494, 700 and 906, AD,

****SUN CONJUNCT MERCURY at 12;43 am PST, 3:43 am EST, 8:43 am GMT

     MERCURY CONJUNCT SATURN IN PISCES at 7:08 am PST, 10:08 am EST, 3:08 pm GMT

  SUN conjunct SATURN 1:25 PM PST, 4:25 PM EST, 9:25 PM GMT

JOIN ME LIVE for this event as it happens.

Rare Feb 28 Triple Golden Cazimi Blessings Live workshop
Rare Feb 28 Triple Golden Cazimi Blessings Live workshop

LINK to pay

Please share all content widely is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with me