11:22:22 Triple Master Numerology World wide meditation

Pablo Carlos Budassi, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0&gt;, via Wikimedia Commons

11:22:22 is a triple Master Number gateway of memory encoding Remembrance of your soul purpose.

JOIN ME LIVE ON THE COSMIC INTELLIGENCE AGENCY HOME PAGE https://www.facebook.com/cosmic.intelligenceagency

at 2:55 pm PST. 5:55 pm EST and 10:55 pm GMT a free global meditation

Earlier this year there were a lot of meditations on the 2:22:2022 Numerology. You know that 2:22 is a very powerful date for me as I had one of my first real physical spiritual ET encounters with two witnesses in Isla Mujeres Mexico in 1979 which I’ve written about before.

11:11 November 11th Remembrance Day was originally designed to remember the Fallen soldiers from WWI with a minute of silence at 11:00 am.

ON 11/22/22 there will be another worldwide meditation led by Matias De Stefano

11:11 phenomena

Have you seen 11:11 on your digital clock forever?

Are you seeing the phenomena more recently?

Do you also see 2:22, 3:33, 4;44, 5:55, 10:10, 12:12, and 1:11?


All numbers which are doubled, { also tripled, quadrupled etc.} are what are known as MASTER NUMBERS. People refer to them as Angel numbers too but i consider those something else.

11 in the Tarot can be either JUSTICE or STRENGTH which is LEO which is interchangeable with # 8 which also symbolizes eternity when turned on its side. Justice is LIBRA and the Karmic scales of Egyptian Goddess Maat.

22 in the Tarot is one of the most important numbers as it is also 0 and 22, the end and the beginning and the infinite round of incarnation eternity.

0 is the Symbol of THE FOOL, the beginning of the Tarot preceding #1 the Magician, The Fool is the wisest of all the Major Arcana symbolizing Enlightenment and the Soul itself in its’ never ending round of incarnations. 22 is also the end and the beginning of everything, the Alpha and the OmegaThere is no end or beginning.

11:22:22 is to remember doubly that you are an infinite soul. There is no death and no birth only an eternal dream.

Traditionally 11.22. 33. 44. etc. indicate a Mastery or mastering of elements and powers.


 I believe there is only synchronicity, whether for good omens or ill,the fact is November 11th was already implanted in people’s memories for a reason symbolically.

Christ dying at 33 has more to do with the significance of the Master Number 33,a doubling of 3, the Trinity of the Feminine, which the Catholic Church incorporated and re-programmed as father, son, Holy ghost.  I guess all Catholics believe in Ghosts. But I believe it implies a 3rd the holy spirit. The number 3 has always been sacred to the Goddess, symbolizing the three days when the New moon disappears.

The real history of 11:11.

An American woman who called herself Solara created 11:11 on January 11 1992 as one of the first large world-wide consciousness raising  nd meditation celebrations.

At 11:11 am and 11:11 pm GMT people synchronized their thoughts by meditating in unison/ on Peace, harmony, opening up the Gates which 11:11 symbolize.  

Solara was in Egypt and thousands of people gathered at numerous Sacred Power sites all over the world. This was well before the Internet. At Stonehenge in England, Hawaii, Mt. Shasta in California, Sedona, Arizona, Niagara Falls in Canada etc. Solara claims that we are merging with our Higher Selves, Cosmic or starry selves and the 11:11 being noticed by thousands of people as a result of digitization helped them to Wake up ! and rememeber who we really are.

I went to Jupiter Florida on that date in 1992 with a dear friend of mine Elaine Lane who is a traditional Jin Shin, a Chinese based form of chi energy healer. We were in a totally altered state all day, time was very slow, it took us hours to drive 45 minutes, and conversely it would speed up. The meditation was very powerfull, we did feel the interconnection of all the other people.

I was also in a Kabbalistic Ceremony in Sedona Arizona on 11:11:11 already 11 years ago.


As we are much more conscious now. The message I am getting is that you can travel anywhere in your mind and consciousness much more easily now.

It is important to go to be in nature if you can or by open skies and water or high power energy spots on the earth.

11:22:22 symbolizes that we already remember and know that we are infinite souls choosing to remember out mastery as Gods and Goddesses Here and Now to shape a world of higher consciousness together

2 symbolizes the pillars of wisdom, Joachim and Boaz that stood outside Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem before it was destroyed by the Roman’s. 

There are various worldwide meditations going on. I will be meditating on 11::22 at 11:11 pm for sure. If you have anyone who you feels need prayers sent to them please email me with their name. 


ON THE COSMIC INTELLIGENCE AGENCY HOME PAGE https://www.facebook.com/cosmic.intelligenceagency

If you are interested in joining please email me. taragreenetarot@gmail.com

please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene unless stated otherwise

Get a reading BUY GIFT CERTIFICATES  http://www.taratarot.com


Neptune turns Direct dreams come true in 2022


Quantum physics may prove Astrology is valid

Astrology is an ancient science and was once the bedrock of Astronomy and Medicine.

An article here from 20 years ago states a scientist says astrology and Quantum Physics will rove astrology’s validity.

Prof. Mansfield suggested that “Because astrology purposes a unified view of the world, it is best understood through a quantum world view that has acausal interconnectedness, observer dependence and unity at its core,


JOIN ME tonight live tonight at 8:00 pm EDT for JUNE ASTROLOGY TAROT UPDATES 






How DNA is reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies


Occupy this New Moon in Aquarius, Kismet,many waters Astrology

2nd New Moon of 2013 @ 21 degrees Aquarius occurs  Feb 9 @ 11:21 pm PST/Feb 10 @ 2:21 am EST / 3:21 pm in Beijing CHINA

Sun and moon EXACTLY occupy and square the Nodes of the Moon-North- future & South-past.

 This makes this a FATED , KISMET of a New Moon

Kismet Percy Faith Tara Greene tarotDid you see the musical? 

the pressure is on for us to choose collectively to move towards the North Node our Highest Spiritual goal, in Scorpio.

We needn’t feel  LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN, as the currently popular Bruno Mars song goes.

Are you feeling like a STRANGER IN PARADISE these days though?  you know what I mean

this is the meaning of the NORTH /SOUTH NODE quest. We hold the KEY to our soul’s transformation in SCORPIO,

facing and owning our shadows

birth,death of what no longer serves the Aquarian collective.

This New Moon also squares the degree of the last Solar Eclipse Nov. 13 2012. we are sparked to act now on the cosmic ray that was seeded then.

Synchronicity alert!

my husband mentioned the song Stranger in Paradise earlier this evening from out of the blue, I sang a few bars.

I sang it onstage during an art performance years ago in Toronto.

I went searching for an image and found this, and Percy Faith was my 2nd cousin.


and so begins the Chinese NEW YEAR of the water snake to boot. GUNG HAY FAT CHOY 

Lillith was the Snake in Paradise…FYI

Aquarius new moon tara greene click chart to view larger

Venus is also @ 10 degrees Aquarius

SOLAR identity, emotions, WOMEN and values are all on the same electric, eccentric, current of freedom, revolution, independence, outside the box,hi tech, detached, forward thinking group mind

New Moon of many waters

Neptune, Mars, Mercury and Chiron are all in Pisces within 6 degrees 

Astrologers call this a Stellium-a lovel-y bunch of planets.

row row row your boat gently down the stream…..Empathic telepathy is rising, like flood waters and tsunamis.

Uranus and Athena are in 1st 10 degrees of ARIES square to PLUTO in Capricorn. Ogoing revolutions

Jupiter at 6 degrees GEMINI is on the Lunar eclipse degree of Nov 28 2012 urging us to open our minds to the split inside ourselves

Saturn at 11 Scorpio is squaring MARS, MERCURY AND CHIRON the wounded healer

ERIS, Goddess of Discord is exactly quincunx ( 150 degrees)  from the North Node ,

Eris sextile Ceres ,Goddess of the Earth @ 19 of Gemini  and new planet,

the North Node our highest spiritual Goal is then the FINGER of the Goddess aspect.

Things may feel heavy, dense, weighty, but He ain’t heavy he’s my brother.. we should be singing…

many new HIGHER FREQUENCIES to tune into

let me know how you are feeling it, I can sense the overlapping of many new protectors,

 call on yours, you will be able to see them

OCCUPY your heart and soul gang



FYI- Valentine’s DAY SPECIAL readings  http://www.taratarot.com

Summer, Astrology of Cancer,Your chariot awaits, Astrology, Tarot from Tara Greene

Yes SUMMER is officially here. The Sun is in Cancer, Sign of the Crab, along with the Moon right now and Mercury but only till the 25th.

5 more days left to enjoy communicating{ Mercury} through the emotional filter { Sign} of Cancer 

Cancer, Leo and Virgo are the 3 signs governing the Summer quadrant of the Year’s circle.

 Summer begins as the Sun touches the Tropic of Cancer the northernmost latitude it reaches is 23.5 degrees

At Summer Solstice we state what it is we are pregnant with,nourishing, nurturing feeding, watching over, our literal children or all of our creations, ideas, desires, feelings. We carry this and give birth, and the fields, flowers, produce grows, soaks up the sun’s most intense rays in Leo and is finally ready to be Harvested under the sign of Virgo the Virgin Goddess of the Grain. In agricultural societies all life depended on the food grown, the produce that would be stored, dried, preserved,for life to continue safely and securely.

The sign of Cancer rules the Mother and the mothering prinicle.It is ruled by the Moon herself. The Moon is the Goddess aspect always. The earliest calendars discovered showed 28 dots on them and were created by menstruating women or men following the moon’s cycle and women’s menstrual cycles which work in tandem.

Cancer is water,the womb, feelings, emotions, moods, instincts, the oceans, wells, home, safety, security, emotional needs, food, nurturing, safety, security, nurses, caretakers, support workers, caves, river deltas, roots, nests,the root chakra, the womb, memories, the Unconscious, your childhood, flow, the Goddess Diana, all Moon Goddesses, and all Female Goddesss priginate with the Moon. Mother Earth/Mother Moon.

All Lunar ruled creatures, nocturnal ones, cats, owls, all night prowlers, animals that lay their eggs at night,wolves, shellfish,oysters, mollusks,lobsters,

water beds, rocking chairs, ocean voyages, cruises, sensory deprivation tanks, dreams, incubators, tents,yurts, tipis,

Cancer rules the stomach, breasts,

IN the Tarot Cancer is the Sign associated with Tarot Trump # 7 THE CHARIOT

so here’s a few chariots that you can safely sit in and contemplate your pregnancy with

artist Joana Vasconcelos at Versailles “Lilicopter”

artist Versailles Joana Vasconcelos

In Ancient Egypt the Summer Sign was symbolized by the Scarab beetle before it was associated with the Crab. The scarab or dung beetle rolled its ball of dung and was seen to be like a God rolling the golden orb of the Sun across the skies. The dung beetle was the shepherd or charioteer assisting the Sun’s passage in the sky. The scarab is a symbol of immortality.  The sign of Cancer symbolized alchemy because the insect was a lowly creature, ordinary, lowly turning with its’ labours dung into worth = gold.

dragon chariot of Medea 4th century B.C.Medea in her dragon chariot 4th

The esoteric meaning of Cancer is that the CHARIOT is the VEHICLE, the means of travel.

The Chariot symbolizes the Body as Vehicle for the Soul.  

Chariot cancer Astrology Tara Greene

this is the Chariot from the Visconti Tarot deck Italy, 1500’s.

Our Mother’s bodies were our personal chariot’s. They nurtured and carried us, gave birth to us through their VAGINA’s,  the VAGINA can also be seen as a road, a passageway, a tunnel to the outside world from inner earth.

The Hopi Indian‘s s say they emerged from inside of the earth.

Empress Tarot

 We inCARnate from the ethers,  spirit always speaks in puns= chariot = car

Here’s a very modern take on The Chariot fashion designer Vivienne Westwood’s Chariot with Pamela Anderson

Tarot Cards Pamela Anderson The Chariot

from spirit, from fractals, quantum bits of energy, carbon, star-dust, gold to become forged and formed within our mother’s wombs. Mother is the Universal  source for all life, She is our safety, our security,in the dark with only her heartbeat to beat the rhythm of our journey. When we gaze at the moon we instinctively remember her womb.

So during the month of Cancer, feel your body. Be near water, drink lots of water, feel pregnant,  swelling, expanding, bonded, needing to nest, eating well, resting, listening to your tummy.

Cancer’s gemstone although not actually a stone  is the PEARL

Pearl Cancer gemstone Astrology

The Pearl of great price and great Wisdom

Like the lotus which grows from mud, and the lowly dung beetle which rolls its ball of dung, the beautiful iridescent moon like pearl  is formed from a single grain of sand.

You won’t be lacklustre curing Cancer month. You can turn every irritating or single grain of sand into a beautiful pearl.

Needs some pearls of wisdom? get a reading  http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html 

 In the usual strange synchronicity two of the chariot images I found were all related to MEDEA, I found a Georges Braque sculptur of Medea’s chariot, and the other dragon pulled Medea’s chariot which I thought was more appropriate in a DRAGON year.  Medea is  the dark mother, which is related more to the 2nd water sign SCORPIO, We will get deeply into SCorpio water’s soon enough when Lord of KArma SATURN DR. D. enters Scorpio on  Oct, 5 Sexy scorpio coming up. more later…

Gemini North Star New Moon,Your Guiding light amidst the chaos, Astrology meditation from Tara Greene

Gemini New Moon June 19 conjunct North Star Polaris 

Gemini New Moon astrology Tara Greene

the New Moon is always a time of New beginnings, emptiness, the 3 days of darkness of the New Moon are very Holy

This New Moon at 28 degrees + Gemini is conjunct the North Star the POLE STAR the Guiding Star

I ame across this quote about Traditional shaman ” their purpose when journeying was to enter another realm or dimension

 through the Pole Star.”

Use this New Moon’s special perspective by entering new dimensions using the Pole Star right before Summer Solstice _DIRECTIONS BELOW

 the upcoming Super Crunch of the exact first square of transpersonal planets URANUS and PLUTO  June 24

In Gemini the sign of duality the key is to find a place of silence- stillness in betwixt the opposite sides.

 Here is a poem  by Pablo Neruda

Now we will count to twelve
and we will all keep still.

For once on the face of the earth
let’s not speak in any language,
let’s stop for one second,
and not move our arms so much.

It would be an exotic moment
without rush, without engines,
we would all be together
in a sudden strangeness.

Fishermen in the cold sea
would not harm whales
and the man gathering salt
would look at his hurt hands.

Those who prepare green wars,
wars with gas, wars with fire,
victory with no survivors,
would put on clean clothes
and walk about with their brothers
in the shade, doing nothing. 

What I want should not be confused
with total inactivity.
Life is what it is about;
I want no truck with death.

If we were not so single-minded
about keeping our lives moving,
and for once could do nothing,
perhaps a huge silence
might interrupt this sadness
of never understanding ourselves
and of threatening ourselves with death.
Perhaps the earth can teach us
as when everything seems dead
and later proves to be alive.

Now I’ll count up to twelve

And you keep quiet and I will go. –

New Moon is at 8:02 am PDT/ 11:02 am EDT


Guiding Light Astrology Tara Greene


The North Star represents your highest goals ,your guiding light the highest perspective

amidst the rush rush all this Retro- Venus love stuff, eclipses, you need this

Here’s how to get some..

Drop everything and Breathe and go into the silence.

Imagine your spine growing roots down to the earth, then down through the earth to the central flame and then back up from the fire up into the soles of your feet up through the base of your spine and up throughthe chakras up to the top of your head and out the crown chakra and up to the North Star.

From this vantage point, ask your self

What new dimensions must I bring into my life?

 What can I see, feel,sense and understand from this higher perspective?

What does my Higher Self urge me to do?

listen wait, even if you don’t think anything is happening consciously, it is,

then slide back down a starlite chute back down to the top of your head and into your heart.

Breathe open your eyes and write down anything you felt sensed or heard. Give thanks to the North Star

 and you can use it as your Guiding Light whenever you wish.


 born June  17-21 you will get the most impact  Sagittarians born Dec 17- 21st, Virgo’s born Sept 17-21 and Pisces born March 17-21 receive the most direct impact of the New moon through conjunction opposition and square.

All 3rd house matters are impacted new communications, stuff with neighbours and your hood, siblings, short journeys, cars, travel etc.

Summer Solstice is on the 20th I’ll write about  your next 3 months perspective shortly.

get a Guiding Light reading  http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html

Thanksgiving,Solar Eclipse,Mercury Retrograde astrological advice by Tara Greene

11/22 2011


We are one octave above the recent 11:11:11 which felt like a very profound shift in consciousness to me from my experience of it in Sedona Arizona, one of the major high spiritual energy places on the globe.

All doubled numbers are master numbers. 11 is the mirror, memory,

strength in the Tarot, the new soul. The initiate.

22 is the symbol of Enlightenment itself in the Tarot. Symbolized as both the zero point and the end point, the Alpha and the Omega, visualized by the 22nd Trump in the Tarot, The Fool, the wise one.

The # 22 is very special to me personally; it resonates with me for a number of reasons. More about that later. 


Always be grateful. The turkey was called the Ground eagle by native Americans. The Gobble gobble should be your mantra.  Gobbledeygook is what’s resonating in my head right now.

Michael Shanks, former chairman to the National Consumer Council of Great Britain, characterizes professional gobbledygook as sloppy jargon intended to confuse nonspecialists:

Gobbledygook may indicate a failure to think clearly, a contempt for one’s clients, or more probably a mixture of both. A system that can’t or won’t communicate is not a safe basis for a democracy.”[3]
Very timely advice.
Ruminate on Gobble Gobble as a incoming vector from another dimension.


Sagittarius Solar Eclipse Nov 24-25 

A partial solar eclipse, which will not be visible to most of us in the Northern Hemisphere occurring over the Antarctic.

Event though partial all Solar Eclipses are powerful New Moon turning points. The effects of an eclipse last long and are far reaching especially in a Sagittarius. 

This New Moon is also the 6th and final Super Moon on 2011.

At 2 degrees and change of Fiery Sagittarius, the eclipse points literally as the Centaur points his arrows, to the Galactic Center, to higher truth, sacred law, freedom, the infinite, the beyond.  

4 planets + the North Node all in Sagittarius

The Sun, Moon, North Node, Mercury, planet of communications just recently turned Retrograde yesterday and Venus, Herself just past the point of the Galactic center at 28 degrees of Sag. are all in the happy go lucky ready to trot sign. That’s 5 for FIRE. 

The New moon chart includes an Earthy Grand Trine

Besides the quintuple Fire there’s also very earthy grounded Grand trine with Mars at 6 degrees of Virgo, Jupiter Retrograde at 1 degree of Taurus and Pluto at 6 degrees of Capricorn. Very nice energy for early degree of earthy signs.

JUPITER the ruling planet of Sagittarius leads the pack, although retrograde he always brings benefits and the auspicious Grand trine is like a presqua vu Santa Claus in dragon’s drag.  

MARS is Squaring the sun and Moon, Jupiter quincunx’s the Sun and Moon. Something to do with analyzing and cleaning up your act to be sure. The message is to keep your hoofs firmly on the ground. 

Speaking of Hooves,

CHIRON another famous Centaur known as the Wounded healer, is also at one degree of Pisces, squaring the Sun and Moon, and opposite Mars making what is called a mutable sign T-square which brings in compassion, healing, the ability to work on the issues diligently and have some earthy patience.  


Wherever the sign of Sagittarius falls in your chart, even if you have no planets, angles or anything in Sagittarius, it exists in your chart, in your blueprint somewhere.  

The 9th house of Sagittarius is the 3rd and final fire sign, is always honest, always adventurous, mystical, the traveler the wanderer, the seeker, the historian, the philosopher, the judge, the teacher, the mage, the good humoured, one who wants to understand everything in the Universe. Did we mention klutzy, omits details, a law unto themselves, hypocritical, judgemental, bored with earthy details, loves to travel, the exotic, impatient, doesn’t need to validate how or why they just Know, suffers from hoof in mouth disease?  

Your sign’s Horoscopes. http://taratarotweb.tripod.com/id101.html

 Check your ascendant and Moon sign if you know them. 

If you need help with any Astrological matter, career, family, relationships, money, change, romance, moves, I am here to be of service to you.  

11:11:11 report from Sedona,Tara Greene psychic spiritual adviser

I journeyed to the magical red rock vortexes of Sedona Arizona along with many hundreds of other spritual seekers and other tourists who just happened to be here fot the event.

I arrived Nob. 8th which is the cross quarter day in the Amerindian sacred round of the year occupying the position of the North west on the wheel,

This is the place of karma and dharma the place of sacred magic ruled by the crow or raven, and in other teachings ve come across also symbolizes the Places of Power on the planet. Of which Sedona is well known, as well s the pyramids, Mt. Shasta, Lake Titicaca, Tibet etc.

It snowed the day before, and I heard the road up to Flagstaff was closed done. The 13 crystal skulls from Mayan legend, or facsimiles were brought to Sedona on the 7th and there were supposed to be ceremonies and 400 peopple showed up. But I heard that no ceremonies occurred. Drunvalo Melchizadek was on hand though.

There were many workshops,talks,lectures, info sessions,preparations going on by various and sundry spiritual groups and individuals: Chakra tours, DNA strand activations, ascention preparations, meditations, body work, vortex tours, weddings, chakra balancings, UFO sightings, crop circle info. exchanged, metaphysical music, sound healing performances, sweat lodges, horse back rides, clearings, past life channelings, Arcutrian, Lemurian, Atlantean, Sirian, Pleaidian, Zeta Reticuli, 10th dimensional, 9th Dimensional, walk-ins, NDE exchanges, Burning man devotees, John of God followers, Dahwn yoga,angelic messngers,deep trance, crystal healing beds, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy, rolfing,dancing, drumming,camping out, yoga, trance dancing,Kabbalah, Astrology, synchonicities, healings, searches for the Holy Grail, raw foodies, organic everything, arts and Mary Magdalen’s name bantered around everywhere. MM knows everyone in town here.

Nov. 8th I am a bit jet legged upon arriving. Check in at the Super 8. Symbolizes Super Infinity. My friend Jospeph-Mark a Kabbalistic Astrologer and scholar of many metaphysical mediums from Nelson british Columbia comes to fetch me as  I don’t drive due to an unusual visual perceptual issue.

11:11:11 goings on in Sedona

OUr 11:11:11 ceremony was on Shnebley Road, by the area called cow pies. We created a tree of Life. set alcohol on each Sephiroth to make elixers with after. Did prayers. Circumnabulated the Tree 33 times in Total, Prayed in Hebrew, English, Sanskrit Sang, danced, It was joyfull. A couple was getting married off in the distance.

Spirit flattens me  but angels save me

Our 2nd cermeony of the day occurred in Fay Canyon off of Boynton canyon. There is an arch or cave up a pretty steep climb. Some women came by to our ceremony where there was a natural mesa, we used herkimmer diamond crystals, and charged more alcohol for elixiers. Apparently this cave has Arcturian enegies. I had brought my Medicine Pipe and did an Native American Ceremony and prayers off to the side. After my cermeony as I was getting ready to walk down from the cave I suddenly fell, it was  so fast, I landed flat on my face. I couldnt believe it, There I was face down eating that famous red rock dust and praying that my teo front teeth didnt get knocked out. And of course i am wondering what the heck was that? I had broked my fall with my hand and there was a little bleeding and I had a fat lip but seemed miraculously to be relatively unharmed. I was helped down by a nice man with climbing poles.  I realized afterwards just how lucky I was and truly felt protected by the many many angels that are all around me now.

The woman who found the Holy Grail

Part 3 of my 11:11:11 involved a woman who had come to speak with my freind Jospeh MArk about his Kabbalistic and esoteric knowledge, We went to his freinds house and waited for peopple to show up for a talk he had intended to give. This lady claimed she had actually found the Holy Grail in Wales, it was an olive wood cup, traditionally used for wine in Sabbath ceremonies. She said it had been kept secret but that the crown of England had extensive documentation in secret of the healings that had been associated with people who touched it or who drank water form it. As hse told her story I could see and feel the energy as she told us about the miracle of the ever replenishing waters and how drinking from the Holy Grail made her a total lover and knower that there is only One Unity,no duality.

Well that is what the 11:11:11 energies are all about

She gave me a hug and I felt that christ like energy of enlightenment, divine love and acceptance come through her. It was excilerating.

NOv. 12

I go to have a special treatment on a chakra lazer bed. This is form the John of God healing center I believe. I had tried this treatment a few days ago and liked it. I immediately saw visions of the Goddess Isis as I lay on the bed.

This time I needed more time and was given an hour but was going so deep I asked for more time. I spent one and a half hours on that bed. It opens one;s chakra’s. Answers your intentions, I was given some specificinformtion.

Following a flyer we found at the Health Food Store,later we ended up at the Sedona High School where there was a special performance of dancing drumming and a Meditation Teacher who we didnt know anything about.

The teacher is a Korean breath teacher Ilchi Lee, a famous Dahn yoga instructir who has livedin Sedona for 15 years. He showed this amazing video which showed the  benefits of breathing techniques. Here is a sample of this awesome footage of russian freestyle diver with Beluga whales insub zero waters swimming naked.

There were 3 big busloads of Korean tourists i think who drove in to watch this famous unbeknownst to us, cultish leader, he was fun.

One ting after another, people would show up to lead me or to absolutely synchronize into the flow of the ocnversation.

Revolutionary change. Advice on coping, love, the economy by psychic astrologer Tara Greene

I must say the energies are so tense right now. As a professional psychic I pick up on a lot of the world’s energies. Any sensitive psychic person would naturally do the same. R U Feeling confused? Should you stay or should you go? Bored with the same old same old?

This entire year that feeling most likely has something to do with the planet Uranus‘s energies. Uranus is the 1st “transpersonal” planet. The first to be discovered by modern technology. Uranus takes approximately 84 years to make one complete cycle. Uranus was in early Aries in 1927 just before the Great Depression. Women’s Liberation had just begun as woman won the vote in 1920 in America. Things were quite liberated, those was very high, loose times,breaking from older Victorian constrictions, there was big spending, new inventions, talking pictures, wild dancing, musicals.

We are returning to a higher octave of that last cycle now.  Uranus rules technology, inventions, revolution,freedom, individuality, collective consciousness, Higher consciousness, the Internet. Uranus’ energy is electric. It’s like a lightning bolt,akin to kundalini energy. We are all supposed to get a Bigger Higher picture that we are all unified and all one.

Uranus says stop being so anal.

A bad pun but it is true. Uranus energy liberates us from old restrictions.

We can certainly attest to the Uranian revolutionary energies in the news  all over the Arab world. Saudi women dare to drive!

Everyone has Uranus somewhere in their natal Western tropical chart and never mind the puns.. and in contact with other natal planets too. Uranus is the planet considered to rule the sign of Aquarius in modern astrology rulerships. 

 Uranus is associated with the symbol of THE STAR in the TAROT. # 17. The symbol shows the Goddess sometimes a God figure pouring down the waters of consciousness from the Heavens down onto the earth. Meditate on the image.

The Star Aquarius Thoth Tarot

The Star # 17 Tara Greene Tarot reader uses this image as her signature

Uranus is now Retrograde at 2 degrees 55 of Aries and directly opposite Venus in Libra on Sept. 17. Uranus is a bolt out of the blue. Expect the unexpected in your relations and social situations.

Dont just think outside the box,

get rid of the box.

Venus of course rules women. But all things of beauty, the arts, socializing, romance, money, luxury. Need some change ups there? This opposition will make your love life hop!  Venus, now temporarily in Libra is bringing some temp. balance, some peacemaking but also indecision.

Cardinal Cross 2010-2012

Uranus in early cardinal signs squared by Pluto who just went direct today Sept 17 pressures the early degrees of all cardinal signs. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Pluto,although remoted as I call it, is still very powerful, the soul itself, The Shadow. We are deep into the Cardinal Cross aspect. Something’s gotta give. Resistance is futile.

Watch out for sudden outbursts that you don’t recognize as you. Do people seem to be acting rather out of character? Watch your money for Unexpected expenses. The economy will continue to be unstable. There’s cracks in the entire worldly financial and global corporate structures. Plutonian fascist government control is being seen in the light of day and the collective which Uranus also represents, Won’t take it anymore.

 Instability and changes in your income and assets will be the norm for everyone. So learn to ride the cosmic wave, Nothing ever has been very stable or certain, that was merely an illusion. We are waking up to reality which is multi-dimensional. Are you a particle or  a part of the wave?

 If you need sound guidance to gain some clarity and a breath of fresh air through Astrological advice for relationships or business, I am here to dance you through your Birth chart and guide you in a language you can easily understand.  Email me taragreene@sacredartscentre.com