11:11:11 report from Sedona,Tara Greene psychic spiritual adviser

I journeyed to the magical red rock vortexes of Sedona Arizona along with many hundreds of other spritual seekers and other tourists who just happened to be here fot the event.

I arrived Nob. 8th which is the cross quarter day in the Amerindian sacred round of the year occupying the position of the North west on the wheel,

This is the place of karma and dharma the place of sacred magic ruled by the crow or raven, and in other teachings ve come across also symbolizes the Places of Power on the planet. Of which Sedona is well known, as well s the pyramids, Mt. Shasta, Lake Titicaca, Tibet etc.

It snowed the day before, and I heard the road up to Flagstaff was closed done. The 13 crystal skulls from Mayan legend, or facsimiles were brought to Sedona on the 7th and there were supposed to be ceremonies and 400 peopple showed up. But I heard that no ceremonies occurred. Drunvalo Melchizadek was on hand though.

There were many workshops,talks,lectures, info sessions,preparations going on by various and sundry spiritual groups and individuals: Chakra tours, DNA strand activations, ascention preparations, meditations, body work, vortex tours, weddings, chakra balancings, UFO sightings, crop circle info. exchanged, metaphysical music, sound healing performances, sweat lodges, horse back rides, clearings, past life channelings, Arcutrian, Lemurian, Atlantean, Sirian, Pleaidian, Zeta Reticuli, 10th dimensional, 9th Dimensional, walk-ins, NDE exchanges, Burning man devotees, John of God followers, Dahwn yoga,angelic messngers,deep trance, crystal healing beds, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy, rolfing,dancing, drumming,camping out, yoga, trance dancing,Kabbalah, Astrology, synchonicities, healings, searches for the Holy Grail, raw foodies, organic everything, arts and Mary Magdalen’s name bantered around everywhere. MM knows everyone in town here.

Nov. 8th I am a bit jet legged upon arriving. Check in at the Super 8. Symbolizes Super Infinity. My friend Jospeph-Mark a Kabbalistic Astrologer and scholar of many metaphysical mediums from Nelson british Columbia comes to fetch me as  I don’t drive due to an unusual visual perceptual issue.

11:11:11 goings on in Sedona

OUr 11:11:11 ceremony was on Shnebley Road, by the area called cow pies. We created a tree of Life. set alcohol on each Sephiroth to make elixers with after. Did prayers. Circumnabulated the Tree 33 times in Total, Prayed in Hebrew, English, Sanskrit Sang, danced, It was joyfull. A couple was getting married off in the distance.

Spirit flattens me  but angels save me

Our 2nd cermeony of the day occurred in Fay Canyon off of Boynton canyon. There is an arch or cave up a pretty steep climb. Some women came by to our ceremony where there was a natural mesa, we used herkimmer diamond crystals, and charged more alcohol for elixiers. Apparently this cave has Arcturian enegies. I had brought my Medicine Pipe and did an Native American Ceremony and prayers off to the side. After my cermeony as I was getting ready to walk down from the cave I suddenly fell, it was  so fast, I landed flat on my face. I couldnt believe it, There I was face down eating that famous red rock dust and praying that my teo front teeth didnt get knocked out. And of course i am wondering what the heck was that? I had broked my fall with my hand and there was a little bleeding and I had a fat lip but seemed miraculously to be relatively unharmed. I was helped down by a nice man with climbing poles.  I realized afterwards just how lucky I was and truly felt protected by the many many angels that are all around me now.

The woman who found the Holy Grail

Part 3 of my 11:11:11 involved a woman who had come to speak with my freind Jospeh MArk about his Kabbalistic and esoteric knowledge, We went to his freinds house and waited for peopple to show up for a talk he had intended to give. This lady claimed she had actually found the Holy Grail in Wales, it was an olive wood cup, traditionally used for wine in Sabbath ceremonies. She said it had been kept secret but that the crown of England had extensive documentation in secret of the healings that had been associated with people who touched it or who drank water form it. As hse told her story I could see and feel the energy as she told us about the miracle of the ever replenishing waters and how drinking from the Holy Grail made her a total lover and knower that there is only One Unity,no duality.

Well that is what the 11:11:11 energies are all about

She gave me a hug and I felt that christ like energy of enlightenment, divine love and acceptance come through her. It was excilerating.

NOv. 12

I go to have a special treatment on a chakra lazer bed. This is form the John of God healing center I believe. I had tried this treatment a few days ago and liked it. I immediately saw visions of the Goddess Isis as I lay on the bed.

This time I needed more time and was given an hour but was going so deep I asked for more time. I spent one and a half hours on that bed. It opens one;s chakra’s. Answers your intentions, I was given some specificinformtion.

Following a flyer we found at the Health Food Store,later we ended up at the Sedona High School where there was a special performance of dancing drumming and a Meditation Teacher who we didnt know anything about.

The teacher is a Korean breath teacher Ilchi Lee, a famous Dahn yoga instructir who has livedin Sedona for 15 years. He showed this amazing video which showed the  benefits of breathing techniques. Here is a sample of this awesome footage of russian freestyle diver with Beluga whales insub zero waters swimming naked.

There were 3 big busloads of Korean tourists i think who drove in to watch this famous unbeknownst to us, cultish leader, he was fun.

One ting after another, people would show up to lead me or to absolutely synchronize into the flow of the ocnversation.

11:11:11 did U get the message 2 remember who you really are Tara Greene in Sedona

11:11:11 in Sedona Tara Greene ceremony

11:11 2011 Tara Greene in Sedona Arizona in Kabbalistic Ceremony with Joseph Mark Cohen and Iala jaggs

Have you been seeing those digital 11:11 numbers all the time on the clocks for ever now?  or any combo of repeated numbers like 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 12:12, etc?   why is this happening? This phenomenon is a metaphorical digital trigger code.

The world has the symbolic remembering of the dead from he first and 2nd world wars which has been celebrated for many many years now on Nov 11 at 11:00 am.

When digital clocks were invented we began to see time in a  different way. Instead of circular, sun wise time we now had new improved, digital symbolic time. Numbers as symbols. That was a big consciousness shift.

Al doubled numbers are called master numbers. 11 is the number of Memory, or aligning the One individual with the One Higher Self, or the human incarnation with its double, its mirror image, its Doppelganger.

11 is the twin pillars in Solomon’s Temple.

11 is the I & I, the I self and the You I self, the two each being conscious of their shared ONE NESS.

11 in the Tarot is a complex number as it can be interchanged with the number 8.

This is a bit of a mystery but suffice it to say the number 11 in the Tarot can be symbolized by the Tarot Trump of Strength, like the sign of LEO, or 11 can be shown by the Tarot trump 8 called Justice, or Adjustment in the Thoth Tarot.

11/8   8 when turned on its side is the INFINITY symbol, that is its is KARMIC.

Infinity is the symbol of all time being NOW. Past Present and future are all interconnected at the nexus, the centre still point, between the two.

11 is Memory, remembering, re-member ing. As such it is a pun on the Egyptian mythology of Isis and Osiris, and a lot of the ancient symbols originated in Egypt or further back from Atlantean and Lemurian times.

so Remembrance day was placed in our consciousness in 1917. Now the 11;11:11 is expanding that remembering from remembering humans who laid down their live sin war to a far greater remembrance.

It is said that when souls decide to come to earth agin, after they have worked out their perfect choices of who they will meet what they will do, who their parents are that they drink from the cup of forgetfulness, Leith, so that they can be unconscious of their past lives and therefore more challenged to get in touch with their soul purpose. We make it a challenging game for ourselves this thing we call life on earth.

 the triple remembering is upon us.

The Mayan calendar has ended on Oct 28 2011 according to Calleman. The MAyan calendar and the Gregorian calendar which we reckon by has a differential of about 14 days. so the equivalent date would be guess what? Yes you get the prize 11:11:11.

Whether you are aware of or believe in 2012, a lot of New agers, and consciousness raising people, ascension people, Merkabah, DNA activation extra stranded  Sirian, Pleiadians, Arcturian Angelic healers, crystal skull aficionados etc etc. are all tuning into this Nov 11 as THE major gateway rip your consciousness open, rent that veil between the worlds, become who you really are Divine and HUman.

There are groups gathering worldwide at many sacred sites to do ceremonies to gather to raise the vibrations of everyone on this planet.

Haven’t you been feeling this profound energetic higher vibration shift since Oct 28? I sure have. The apparent 13 crystal skulls have been on the move from their Mayan home across the U.S. of A. to purify it. A mysterious comet will be headed cheek to cheek with earth on Nov 8/9. A beautiful Taurus Full Moon on the 10th and then, lots of consciousness-raising.

 Watch Drunvalo Melchizedek a famous sacred geometry researcher, channeler and angelic teacher talk about the meaning of 11:11:11

The purification is happening, just decide to drop your own petrified viewpoints about anything and everything in the world and watch it magically change! Presto chango!

No hocus pocus needed, no new age channelling even necessary. Just like Timothy Leary said Tune In, turn on, drop out.

I felt called to be in  Sedona, Arizona from Nov 8th – 15 to participate in the ceremonies meditations and celebrations. So I so will be blogging from the front lines so to speak.

 If you’d like to have a reading with me while I am there I can do that with Skype.

Do stop and tune in yourself, some people are aligning with the first 11:11:11 wave coming from New Zealand which will be equivalent to Nov 10 in the U.S. check your local time zone calculator.

I will be writing about the astrology of 11:11:11.

Trust, open, take back your projections, we are here to create heaven on earth, my Buddhist teacher used to say. It has become a very popular phrase again these days.

Gotta get ourselves back to the Garden. We never really left, that was just an illusion.

Many Blessings, TARA http://www.taratarot.com

Venus in Leo! I am woman hear me roar! July 28 -Aug 21 plus Love,drama. Pres. Obama 50th,the whole Kit ‘n canoodle predictions by Tara Greene

Venus in Leo sure heats things up! Record heat waves, The Goddess is loud, proud, SEXY, in the spotlight, flashing red  puple and Gold, taking center stage.

R U getting enough DRAMA these days?

Excellent time for passionate love affairs!

Fires are sparking everywhere!

Leo is the HEART, Venus in Leo is the Heart Flame! Wearing your heart on your sleeve.

Leo is  Royalty, the King, the Sun, Gold, the Source, the Will, Center stage

Venus in Leo is the Queen, the Feminine Source, Golden Haired Goddess, Marilyn Monroe

It’s super dramatic, did they wait till the last minute to sign some sort of treaty re the DEBT?

It’s Mr. Obama’s 50th Birthday Aug 4, so Happy Birthday Mr. President


The President is going through what every 50 year old goes through. It’s called your Chiron Return.

Chiron whose symbol resembles a key, is an outer space object with a 50 year elliptical orbit. Discovered Nov. 1 1977 Chiron was, in Greek Mythology a Centaur, half immortal, rejected by his parents who became a great healer. Long story short, he asked to give up his immortality to quell the pain, he is immortalized as a Constellation in the skies. His discovery brings to our present day consciousness the unconscious psychological symbol of being human, of being archetypal vulnerable and therefor inherently, humanly wounded.

 So where that little key is in your birth chart  shows where you are the most vulnerable, wounded but also where the greatest healing lies, for as each individual heals themselves and the greatest strength lies in being able to open the wounds, show the soft underbelly, own it, take responsibility for it, cherish it, thank it, understand it, bless it, that we may become wounded healers for others. 

And as Kurt Vonnegut would say, and so it goes.

So I send HAPPY BIRTHDAY greetings to President Obama. Lord knows we can all see the vulnerability, the wounds, he is feeling right now trying to fix a wounded U.S.A.  It’s a mighty big job.

So lets take a look at Mr. Obama’s birth chart as he turns 50.


President Obama's birth chart

President Obama's birth chart and transits

Were you  born in 1961?

then U 2 will have a Chiron return this year as well.

Mr. Obama’s 50th shows Chiron directly on his natal Chiron at 5 degrees of Pisces in his first house of Self. Who he is. What he identifies as.

Mr. Obama has Chiron opposite Pluto in Virgo in the 7th house of others in his Birth chart, indicating that he is a wounded healer with Big Soul, Big Power,[ Pluto}  a rebirth, around health, work, service to others. Very intelligent, that’s pluto in Virgo, a perfectionist, a very hard worker, someone who always gets te job done. The Chiron return amps up his innate wounding which he felt as a child. Pisces is the most spiritual and sensitive of all the signs, with no boundaries, feeling one with everyone.

I do believe and I tell all my clients that I totally know inherently that we chose our parents, our place and time of birth before we come into this life the characteristics, which allows us the perfect opportunities for our souls to grow,learn and hopefully to complete our journeys of why we came into this life time again, this time around.

Mr. Obama came into this life already spiritual already a wounded healer with a lot of power directed out to the world at large. A Pisces Chiron is compassionate, all-inclusive, can be a martyr.Being of mixed racial background is a perfect symbol for him.

Mr. Obama’s North Node or highest spiritual goal is at 27 degrees 18 minutes of Leo in his 7th house, the house of marriage or all others, his interface with the world, and conjunct to Pluto.  North Node conjunct Pluto is considered to be very powerful, very purposeful.  Becoming President with a capital P. is his fulfilling his highest destiny.

27 degrees of Leo is conjunct to a very famous Fixed Star REGULUS, the heart of the Lion. This famous star is connected to the ArchAngel Raphael the healer of the heart.  His South Node representing the Past, is at 27 degrees of Aquarius in his first house.

Neptune the planet of dreamers. chameleons, actors, addictions, illusions, delusions, Hollywood, OIL. HAs been passing over Mr. Obama’s South Node and will do so again soon. He may seem tobe shifting his position, or being too idealistic. 

Venus is now in Leo and Venus will make a Superior Conjunction to the Sun on Aug 16th at 23 degrees of Leo. 

Every year the Sun is at the 23 degree on this date and co-incidentally it is the Anniversary dates of two very important festivals, gatherings, shifts in world consciousness.



Aug 15 017 1969 Woodstock


 WOODSTOCK took place  on Aug 15 16 and 15 in where else?  

hundreds of thousands of young people arrived bare foot, long-haired, to tune in turn on drop out, create their own city, babies were born, musicians played as they never had before, Joni Mitchell summed it up in her famous song,


I just came across this TWEET synchronistically by Deepak Chopra like an hr ago!  We are golden.

Also on Aug 16 and 17 1987 the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE

Jose Arguelles, who recently passed on, one of the co-founders of Earth day, declared these days a world-wide meditation and higher consciousness gathering and brought the Mayan calendar “end date” of Dec 21, 2012 into mass consciousness.

For these 2 days Light workers gathered at various high energy vortex power spots around the world, Mt. Shasta. Niagara Falls, Sedona Arizona etc. 

I happened  to be drawn to living in Sedona a year before there and arrived there at Spring Equinox in 1987 to find out unbeknownst to me consciously and after the fact that 10,000 people were scheduled to arrive on  these dates in a town of 7,500 people. They did. I was there on Bell Rock and the Airport Vortex doing movement meditations. It was on National News.

My point is folks, that Venus the Goddess of women, beauty, love, harmony, balance the Arts is going to Kanoodle with the Sun on this very same date bringing the point that as in the Harry Potter Deathly Hallow’s part 1 – the Golden snitch says “I OPEN AT THE CLOSE.” cryptic words those.

So we are back to where we began this little story, Venus, the Sun , Leo, The President, Golden Girls- Marilyn Monroe, Happy 50th, anniversaries.  

The Ancients called the convergence of Venus with the Sun “CAZIMI” meaning under the Sun’s beams, burnt out, disappeared, and evil.

As a symbol of what these dates have symbolized to the collective consciousness and to have this important rendezvous now means:

Now we don’t live in fear, but in insight from our hearts, the place that LEO rules. So throw open the gates of your heart, 

Love  loud and proud, not vaingloriously but un- egotistically.  Venus disappearing, being swallowed up by the Sun,

means she is entering a Golden Palace, a Heaven world, and we as the microcosmic mirror of the Marcocosm. “AS ABOVE< SO BELOW>”

as She is dying to Herself to rise like the Phoenix from the ashes of her own immolation,

out of compete unselfish Love for the Sun, the Source of all Light and Life, to have her ego/self extinguished.

 Venus will then no longer be visible as the morning star [ DAWN STAR} where she has risen so beautifully at night in the East,

she will go to the Underworld, the night Sea journey, to the dark side of the SUN, to be reborn many months from now.

And we must go with Her whether consciously or Unconsciously.

The Lust and speculation over Gold as security in a changing worldscape is a projection of our need for what Gold holds and trasmits, what it symbolizes.  the Light of the Sun, our very Selves, our Golden Self, our Spirits, our Souls,. shining Lights, Stars. 

.The symbol # 17 in the Tarot, The Star symbol of Aquarius and you remember that song, from another famous ‘60’s musical icon don’t you?

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Aquarius.  

We are Stardust, We are Golden, and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the Garden. Thank You Joni Mitchell for so eloquently tuning into the cosmic vibe of Eternity.

Back to Obama

And as for Mr. Obama the Venus Sun conjunction occurs in his 7th house, on his Uranus, planet of REVOLUTION in-between that planet and LILLITH, at 20 degrees of Leo very near to his Descendant.

LILLITH the archetypal first woman proceeding EVE. Didya read that story in the Bible? Not just a women’s songfest. LILLITH was the first woman, She was the original “I am woman hear me roar. ” She refused to allow Adam to dominate her sexually, like an animal. Pointing out rightly so, that G*d had created Her and Him EQUAL, of the earth, so what the heck was he thinking?

He wasn’t obviously, he was Unconscious. So Lillith took off and flew the coop and she left Eden. Yep that’s right, she flew right outa there and went to reside by the Red Sea. Ok. Long story short. She refuses to compromise in any way and is demonized by the Patriarchs who were trying to re-write HIStory from He point of view, when everyone knows deep down in their cellular memories that it was and is and always shall be SHEstory.

That is a Matriarchal comprehension of the Universe, self-evident, common sensicle. So Adam is in the Garden and asks God to make him a mate. So G* d creates Eve to be the perfect Lord it over the women prototype and women are blamed, defamed, and eternally damned in this historical rewrite.


So what does that mean? Well I believe the Women will revolt and take back their power!!!!!!!!!!!! I am woman hear me roar!!! Venus in Leo, conjunct the Sun. Which is ungoldenly the Ego, vanity, greed, fear and in the Light, and spiritually the divine essence, the spirit itself, rising again as Divine Love.

So guys ya better start workin on getting nice to your own inner female side, yah you. You got one too. Everyone does. Ya’all never be alone ya know.

and I stumbled upon through sheer Grace /Synchronicity through a woman named Jennifer Hough, who I recenly met at the Grail Lady Faire at the Grail Springs Spa in Bancroft Ontario.    http://www.grailsprings.com/

Grail LAdy FAire 2011

Tara Greene presenter at Grail Lady Faire 2011

she just had this on her FB page. It is a poem by David Whyte, the Washington based bard who began his writing lessons with It doesn’t interest me… which inspired my former teacher Oriah Mountain Dreamer to write  a poem which was originally a newsletter which eventually became The Invitation,






(After Derek Mahon) 


Your great mistake is to act the drama
as if you were alone. As if life
were a progressive and cunning crime
with no witness to the tiny hidden
transgressions. To feel abandoned is to deny
the intimacy of your surroundings. Surely,
even you, at times, have felt the grand array;
the swelling presence, and the chorus, crowding
out your solo voice. You must note
the way the soap dish enables you,
or the window latch grants you freedom.
Alertness is the hidden discipline of familiarity.
The stairs are your mentor of things
to come, the doors have always been there
to frighten you and invite you,
and the tiny speaker in the phone
is your dream-ladder to divinity.


 Put down the weight of your aloneness and ease into
the conversation. The kettle is singing
even as it pours you a drink, the cooking pots
have left their arrogant aloofness and
seen the good in you at last. All the birds
and creatures of the world are unutterably
themselves. Everything is waiting for you.


~ David Whyte ~
Please come and join me at the beautiful amazing very spiritual Grail Springs Spa in Bancroft Ontario
Aug 15 16 17
on the anniversaries of Woodstock and the Harmonic Convergence
I will be teaching and leading meditations and dreaming
and we will remember our Starry selves.
Watch and be enchanted by the voice of a living Angel,divinely inspired songstress and writer Pam Gerrand as she sings
the Grail Lady Faire song she wrote at the inaugural Lady Faire in 2010




(Everything is Waiting for You)




The Rapture,The Raptors,What the tweet! Cosmic Golden Spiritual messages by Tara Greene Psychic spiritual musings

Well Judgement Day and The Rapture may have not come yet and are still much in the news and on people’s  minds these days,  even though he got the timing wrong,but the symbolic archetypal image and the meaning of the rapture is all around us. Rapture or to be enraptured means to be uplifted or transfixed or transported by a lofty emotion.

I always know that the Cosmos is always sending us back messages if we are aware enough to see them. The enrgies have been a bit intense lately haven’t you noticed?

Rapture and Raptors are puns, homonyms.  R U ready for it?  

A real Toronto Raptor 

Toronto Raptors

Toronto Raptors rapture

I live in Toronto, I was born in Toronto. I’m not that into basketball.  Ok Ok I’ll get to the point.

Today May 31, the 2nd sunny day in a row in weeks here in Toronto. Its been the wettest month of May on record I think. We are lucky to be outside of the terrible tornadoes and flooding further south but am sad to see all the destruction in the U.S.  A dear friend of mine passed away suddenly May 26, at 59 years old. We’ve been BFF’s since we were 15 years old in grade 11. Even thought I didn’t see her that much we spoke on the phone regularly and i always felt her inside of me. I’ve known over the years that she had a compromised immune system, I knew she’d been experiencing bad health for a number of years, yet her death was sudden and unexpected. I’d spoken to her about 10 days ago. I felt very bereft of someone I’d shared so much of my life with, we were witnesses to each other, we validated each other and I am feeling very sad for the last few days. She was like a sister to me.

As an intuitive and as a psychic I really felt I was tracking her energy as she crossed over. I also enlisted the help of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk I know, and asked him to say prayers  for her, {even though she was raised Catholic, she wasn’t a practicing one}, to protect her and to help her leave the Wheel of Karma, to go into the Light. The energies around her felt heavy to me the first three days, it is difficult to pull away from the earth plane and the emotional and psychic love bonds and then the sadness of those you love who are feeling .

On the 4th day which was Monday the 30th I felt my friend Lynn’s presence speaking to me clearly and in her voice was the old tinkling upbeat, happy young woman I used to know. She said “Hi. Boy, you won’t believe how beautiful it is once you cross over and are out of the earth plane.” She said “Everything was shining, light, bright.” She still had a body but it was made of light,healthy, whole,happy and energized. Everything was available to her with just a thought, a whim. “I can see through everyone and sense everything they feel, no secrets.” she said.

She said she was so touched by everyone’s heartfelt emotions. It’s  surprising to find out just how much everyone does care for me now.- she said.”At first I almost couldn’t believe it” but she knows it’s true because she can read everyone’s minds and hearts.  I am very happy to hear this message as it greatly alleviates my sadness.

Messages from Spirit

Today Tuesday May 31 my husband and I are in our backyard. It’ sunny after 11;00 am. I look up and to the left of our house by the next street over is a very tall evergreen tree and at it’s very top is a huge “thing.” I say what the hell is that? My hubby thinks it’s a hawk. I say that’s the biggest hawk I’ve ever seen. It is brown with a white stomach and bit of brown lines on its’ breast. It has an eagle shaped head and huge bright yellow claws. A smaller black bird is flitting around it chirping at it.  It is the most magnificent bird I’ve ever seen. It is sunning itself and it is radiating a golden colour from its breast. Then it ups and flys off revealing a huge wingspan which is most definitely an eagles’ not a hawks and it is awesome like glittering gold. OMG our jaws have dropped. Then while we wait with bated breath to see if it’ll return, a brown head pops up from below where the bird was perched and it is obviously a female.

The huge brown golden eagle return and his mate flies off, I have my binoculars by now. We can see there is a huge nest built way up near the top of that tree. The golden eagle returns and so does his mate, and my husband and I are almost in tears, We are whooping it up, talking to that gorgeous creature. I am on my knees sending it prayers and thanks. I am enraptured by the Raptor. He chirrups and tweets very loudly.

Here’s a picture of the RAPTOR that gave me the RAPTURE

Raptor Rapture

Raptor Rapture

The messenger of SPIRIT

So if that isn’t a message and a blessing from the Cosmos i don’t know what is. I have looked it up and it seems like a Golden Eagle but these are quite rare in Toronto where I live. I am not an expert bird watcher, although I love birds. If anyone can identify this creature please do let me know. It’s not an osprey. I have seen bald eagles, it is definitely an eagle. Eagle is the Spirit itself, the Sun, the Light. I am overjoyed and humbled. Thank You

Nuclear Plant Meltdown and PLanet X Influences by Tara Greene


Copyright Tara Greene 2011- infinity


PLanet X Nibiru

is Planet X the comet Eleni/ Nibiru?


Japan so known for its meticulous diligence in quality control, robot technology, the highest quality technology is shown to be frail, insufficient, and critically failing at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants after the devastating earthquake and Tsunami which struck March 11. Even tif they manage to get the power up and going now, much radiation has escaped and this affects the world. If they can’t stop it and 4 reactors go into meltdown this is a critical disaster for Japan and will affect the rest of the world.  


Nuclear energy, which is Planet Pluto’s realm-DEMOTED OR NOT- is being squared by a Retrograde Saturn at 15 degrees of Libra.  That’s a karmic pay back time folk. 

But wait, there’s a Big Back story 

When the tsunami hit and I first heard of the Nuclear power plant failure at Fukushima- no pun intended- I looked up Pluto’s discovery chart.  

The discovery of Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, Death and Rebirth, Power and Secrets happened as a presage to the splitting of the atom and the U.S. racing against Germany to be the first to use the unfathomable power which they would unleashed for use in warfare. Einstein was appalled. 

The interesting coincidence is that on Feb 18 1930 in Flagstaff Arizona at 4:00 pm when Pluto was first discovered by Clyde Tombaugh who had set out to find Planet X.

Very very powerful interesting synchronicities, almost 71 years later.  71 years in itself is significant as it takes a star 72 years to move 1 degree. 

In that Birth chart shown – click on it to see larger


Pluto discovered in Flagstaff Arizona 1930

Pluto Birth chart for discovery


The Sun was at 29 degrees of Aquarius– exactly where Neptune and Ceres are right now. Remember that Neptune takes    years for one orbit. 29 degrees of Aquarius is a Critical degree and opposite Fixed Star Regulus at 29 degrees of Leo- the Lion’s Heart. Also known as the Archangel Raphael’s X  marking spot in Heaven.  

Venus was at 2 degrees of Pisces exactly where Chiron is right now as well. @ degrees of Pisces is also conjunct to the Fixed Star Fomalhaut aka Archangel Gabriel’s marking star.


13 th century Illuminated painting of Archangel Gabriel by Martini

Angel Gabriel

The birth of Pluto had a Neptune Venus in Virgo/Pisces opposition in it. Always a sense of illusion, karma, hidden things, self-undoing as befits Pisces. Venus conjunct the Sun is of course in the 8th house which is always considered to be Scorpionic- all about death, power, secrets, control, money. 

Saturn was at 8 degrees of Capricorn then, and Pluto is now March 2011 at 7 degrees and change of Capricorn.  Saturn and Pluto are very powerful planetary energies.  See further below- for upcoming intensities of Saturn Uranus Pluto and more! Coming up shortly. 

Read full article and more on my website at http://taratarotweb.tripod.com/id40.html

WONDERLAND opens everywhere March 9 2011. Astrology updates by Tara Greene

WONDERLAND BEGINS, 4 real as WE COLLECTIVELY go down the RABBIT HOLE in the year of the rabbit ding! ding!

Major new Cycles begin March 9  End of the last cycle of the Mayan calendar begins

 UNITY CONSCUIOUSNESS,  + March11 Uranus enters Aries copyright by Tara Greene 

March is one heck of a busy month, we are set to boldly go where no one has travelled before, or not since 16 billions years or so with major long-term placements happening. Hold onto your hats and get ready to jump. And remember to bring some carrots will ya Doc? 

March 9 is the beginning of Universal underworld the “end” of the Mayan calendar

 The Mayan Calendar, like the God/dess is a circle whose center is everywhere and the circumference is nowhere.” To paraphrase a famous Greek. We are beginning the final wave of human consciousness today! The Mayan calendar, which is popularized as 2012, is not a calendar as we understand it. It is a sacred reckoning, a philosophical spiritual time line of evolution of consciousness in the Universe. The Mayan calendar.

 According to Carl Johan Calleman, a biologist who become a Mayan scholar, the ancient texts describing the birth of the universe, and includes 9 waves or underworlds that bring forth 9 levels of consciousness.These levels reflect an acceleration of time.

9 stages of Mayan consciousness

Mayan Pyramid Mayan calendar

The 1st level begins with the “big bang” or Big bubble” 16.4 billion B.C.

The 2nd wave begins 819,998,000 B.C. with the first stirrings of life

The 3rd wave began 41,000,000 years ago. Dinosaurs,

The 4th wave began 2,050,000 years ago. First human like beings.

The 5th wave began 102,000 years ago. Early civilizations, Lemuria, Atlantis.

The 6th wave began 5,125 year ago, the age of Egypt’s reign, beginning of Judaism? Greek Golden age, Guttenberg, Renaissance,

The7th wave began in 1755, French & American revolution, Age of reason, science, Industrial revolution, atomic age,space age, feminism, INternet

The 8th wave began Jan 5 1999 beginning the present millennium, 9-11, 1st black U.S. president,

9th and final waves begin March 9 2011.

In each cycle time or consciousness runs 20 times faster than the previous one.

And the end of this huge 16 billion year evolutionary cycle ends Oct. 28 2011. 

Think about it as the dance of the 7 veils, with each veil dropped we achieve greater awareness, consciousness, enlightenment. 

In numerology Number 9 is the number of completion. In the Tarot it is symbolized by THE HERMIT. Buddhist believe there are 9 levels of consciousness, Dante wrote of 9 circles of hells,Classically 9 choirs of angels, etc. 

So today we enter the beginning of the final rush to UNITY consciousness, this is end the alpha & the Omega. We can see and feel time moving faster and faster information moves instantaneously. We are all interconnected and I had felt in the early 90;s that we had to invent the Internet so wed have a physical read 3D model of out actual telepathic concrescence to validate that for ourselves. Terrence McKenna wrote about what he labelled TIME WAY ZERO mixing the Mayan calendar with the Ancient Chinese oracle of the I Ching and correlating the hexagrams with the calendar creating a computer programme which “ended in Dec 21 2012 with total NOVELTY.

Terrence McKenna's I Ching Mayan prophecy system

Time wave zero- I ching and Mayan calendar coinciding


We are moving into light-speed transformation Now. The old system of consciousness till exists, but it will be transformed as each one of us allows the

Conscious ness to change us. We are all losing our religions as REM prophesied, It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.


Time Wave zero Baby Boomers - 2012

Time Wave Zero- wave/particle consciousness shifts

We will know longer know ourselves as egos isolated alone, alienated from each other, we will recognize out Oneness. Ekhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Oprah, etc.

we are becoming THE FOOL. The ought/ zero.

The Fool in the tarot is Zero. the beginning the Alpha, the  Soul, ZERO is abstract, the circle is eternal,

like God, the Mayan calendar. We are retruning to our original state of innocence, trust, Be like children said Jesus. we are returning to that innocent, state we are retrunign to our source. Oneness.

the circle, the stone circles of the druids, eternity, the great maw,the Galactic Center.


the fool innocence, trust, soul, eternity

The fool is Enlightened allready,

Things will never be the same. Be extremely mindful of every thought you think every feeling, every word and deed . It is time to be loosed from the veils of illusion and freed. 

People who have been working consciously on themselves, the Baby boomers who are now in late 60’s early 70’s like Bob Dylan, the Beatles,Ram Das, early technicians of the sacred, Stuart Brand, Stanislav Grof, and the Indigo children who were born since the 50;s have achieved veryhigh levels of non-ego awareness and are committed to the spiritually conscious way of life, for being spiritual metaphysical messengers. Working with their communities, developing new paradigms there are  so many I can’t list them all here.

Since the first official consciousness raising worldwide event the Harmonic convergence of Aug 16-17 1987 think about how far and how fast We’ve gotten to now.

 So be prepared for Quantum Leaps INTO worlds you may have only glimpsed and not even imagined yet.Expect miracle everyday and no-limitations. You will experience things you may have only sensed in dreams and even the totally unimagined, we are going Collectively down the rabbit hole in the year of the rabbit!!!!!  Alice in Wonderland re-imagined by Tim Burton in 2010 is a huge portend and an archetypal prophesier of the collective consciousness shifts upon us.  Facing the Jabberwocky dragon, no matter how small weak, ill fitted or prepared is what we al have to do. We are all Alice in the looking glass, needing to fight out fears, to become self- autonomous. I believe there is a movie called down the rabbit hole using Quantum Physics as the metaphor for this mirror world.

 Astrologically the planets are corresponding to the Mayan system somewhat.. 

Uranus the planet of Revolutionary Higher consciousness enters ARIES March 11

Beginning a brand new 84-year cycle Uranus has been at the 29 th degree of Pisces, the last critical degree in a whole karmic round Uranus’s revolutionary impulses and its square to the Galactic Center for most of 2011 is shown as the sudden revolutionary urge for freedom in Egypt, Tunisia Libya, Yemen etc. Uranus was in early aries during the Great Depression in 1929. 

Neptune the planet of Spirituality bliss, oneness, enters its’ home sign of Pisces 4/04/011 

When a planet is passing through its home sign it is at its most powerful, it’s just like you, at home!Uranus when it entered its ruling sign of Aquarius in 1995 is when the Internet really took off.Uranus has been transiting Pisces and Neptune has been transiting Aquarius for the last few years binging what’s called mutual reception.Enabling Uranian technology to make us all totally interconnected and conscious of each other’s words instantaneously allowing for revolutions to start from tweets etc.  Neptune will enture Pisces in 2011 and back into Aquarius Aug 6th it won’t finally enter Pisces until 2012

Neptune takes 164 years to orbit the sun. Neptune has been at the pint it was discovered at 25 degrees of Aquarius for most for 2010. Neptune was the first planet discovered by mathematical deduction. So for us earthlings we are having our 2nd birthday consciously of Neptune. Traditionally Jupiter was the ruler of Pisces. Jupiter is in Aries for most of 2011 indicating a new cycle in action from that spiritual dreamy space.

Dream work is going to become extremely popular; telepathy is going to start just happening everywhere. You will not be able to eat that hamburger anymore without sensing the poor animals life which has been so cruelly treated, used, killed, objectified, used so selfishly for greed.  Our ancestors would always thank any life it took because then the animal had sacrificed itself in order to come into a participation mystique a sacred communion with a human life.

So be prepared, as you may feel overwhelmed when all the false bridges between minds come toppling like a great string of dominoes.

There will be a lot of craziness too. As those egos will be naked, unsupported, outcast, ghosts, like cast off fashions, as fast as John Galliano was fired after being caught saying love Hitler, that’s the way it is going to be everywhere! So better get on your knees bous and start redeeming yourselves.

There will be no place to hide, no foxhole, no island. Only a pure and tender heart, and a clear conscience. 

Chiron, the wounded healer is in Pisces Feb 9 where it will stay for the next 8 years.

The only healing is through spiritual healing, compassion, forgiveness, and act as Jesus acted, as the Buddha taught, cast no stones, love thy neighbour. There won’t be an Armageddon, though lots of tyrants like old Gaddafi there will end up committing suicide as his tyrannical insane regime dies.

Smaller cycles: 

LOVE:  Venus in AQUARIUS March March 1st – March 26

Venus Goddess of love, values, money, arts, beauty In Airy revolutionary Aquarius open sour hearts to humanitarian ideals, freedom, innovation, So out with that old stale stodgy relationship or reinvent it. 

ACTION: Mars is in Pisces from Feb 22- APRIL FOOL’S day

Mars in Pisces simmers the testosterone down, heights emotions, defences can go up to protect very tender underbellies, Mars is what we fight for, what we die for, where we are the most deluded, where we are most under the illusion of the macho- see Gaddafi Or Charlie Sheen’s meltdown from drugs, delusions, truth. Pisces is the last sign, on Bliss, oneness, karma; Mars in Pisces is defending the last stand And we can see the event in Libya being mirrored here now. 

The True North Node in Sagittarius March 3- 2012

A new  higher truth 1.5 year cycle of consciousness begins when the North Node of the Moon {The Dragon’s head or Rahu in Vedic Astrology} shows what the collective consciousness is open to. In Sagittarius it is all about expansion of truth, of higher learning of guidance from the Master Teachers in esoteric teachings Jupiter ruler of Sagittarius and of Pisces traditionally, is the home of the Master Teachers. We will collectively be seeking out highest truth, being honest, transparent.  In search of spiritual law sacred law not man made law. From what I understand, the Mayan’s mythology believes that souls emanate from and return to Source.

Through the Galactic Centre, a huge black hole 23 million Light years away but clearly visible as a dark rift, a “cosmic vagina” at the Centre of our Milky Way Galaxy.

This space was and is seen as the birthplace. Doorway to birth and death for all of us. It is our home and destination. In other words it is attuning to the highest Source, it is Feminine in Nature. We are now 1.5 years from the famous Mayan Dec 21 2012 date. It is like the Hebrew Ain Soph Aur the unknowable God/dess head the  “darkness that is all Light.”

At Spring Equinox the North node aligns with the Galactic Center 27 degrees of Sagittarius tropical astrology. 

Almost anything can happen, anywhere anytime. Be at peace within yourself.

Meditate ont he true nature of the selfless Self. See you self everywhere.  You are the Beloved, we are evolving to this place whenwe can turn around and see OURSELF everywehere.

Well its been along  journey,16 Billion years,but really only a blink of an eye.

Are you a particle or are you a wave?

Now what?    

I leave you with the lyrics to Talking Heads David Byrne’s song

Time isn’t holding us,  time isn’t after us, Time isn’t holding us, time doesn’t hold you back

Time isn’t holding us, time isn’t after us, Time isn’t holding us,

Letting the days go by,

Same as it ever was, same as it ever was,

Same as it ever was, same as it ever was.

Chinese New year,Water and predictions,Tara Greene astrology tarot psychic reader

Wow It’s Feb 4th already! Happy Chinese New Year! Year of the Metal Rabbit! I am proud to say that I am a Golden rabbit so it’s m year too! along with many other very fertile bunnies. Here’s a short list of Bunny years and elements. Some equate the bunny with  the cat. Its up to you.   Would you rather be Bugs Bunny or Sylvester?

In Chinese, the name is TU meaning Peace. It is akin to the Sidereal Sign of Pisces, Jupiter is now in Aries in Western Tropical Zodiac. The 13 sign thing alludes to this.

JUPITER is the planet passing through each of the constellations, which symbolizes each animal as Jupiter takes 12 years to go all the way round the cycle.

1987 Fire rabbit year and 1927, 1975 Wood rabbit, 1963 is water rabbit, 1951 and 2011 metal rabbit, 1939 and 1999 Earth Rabbit.


According to Chinese the Year the Golden rabbit is a year to relax reflect catch your breath and finally calm down. Oh those words are music to my soul. Negotiate. Don’t force anything. Safe peace calm is the mental and emotional rabbit state. Rabbit’s love fashion, they are classy, sophisticated creative, they love art. Spend time in art galleries, going to beautiful operas, cultural events,a appreciating beauty.  Money flows easily without too much hard work, we can indulge a little. Tempered. Restful, contemplative even. Rabbit is associated with the Moon. She is very feminine. Bodes well for a happy, obstacle free year. The Rabbit or Hare bounds easily over all obstacles and always lands on her big lucky feet. Be nice ot rabbits this year and animals in general.

The Year of the Golden rabbit in particular MULTIPLIES the Wish GRANTING ASPECTS OF THE SUN AND THE MOON MAKING THIS ONE AWESOME WISH FULLFILLING YEAR! Remember to pray and envision and ask for your Highest Goals and Good to come to you, for the sake of all beings.


 BRANGELINA-both are rabbits born in different cycles and different elements, Ingrid Bergman, Orson Welles, Cary Grant, Drew Barrymore, Edith Piaf, Kate Winslet, Tina Turner, Helen Hunt, writer Arthur Miller.  2011 will be a soft touch, furry, gentle creative year .A good year to become a vegan. Very horny. Well travelled, optimistic. Of course there are many other astrological factors as well.


I will be reading Tarot Cards at THE CROHN’S and COLITIS and Grocery Foundation SUPER GALA http://www.groceryfoundation.com/super_gala.html for the 7th year along with about 15 PSYCHICS, TAROT READERS, ASTROLOGERS, RUNES, NUMEROLOGISTS, HANDWRITING ANALYSTS, CHAKRA READERS, AURA READERS all colleagues of mine. This year it is Huey Lewis and the News playing and comedian Russell Peters and more. It’s always a fabulous night, an amazing auction and they raise a lot of money for very worthwhile charities. I hope I see you there.

Aquarius New Moon Feb 2-3 

All the planets are bunched together in a very tight basic 90 degrees configuration all in the higher evolutionary signs- Venus is at 28 degrees of Sagittarius RIGHT ON THE GALACTIC CENTER on the New moon. Values are Inter Galactic large open. Chiron is at 29 critical degrees of Aquarius. The furthest ahead planet is Jupiter at 2 degrees of Aries exactly pressuring the North Node at 2 degrees of Capricorn. Pressure to grow, change the old established ways of power and authority-i.e. Egypt’s revolution perfectly fit this ocnfiguration.


The only planet all by his lonesome is stalwart Saturn, silver haired and in his exalted state at 17 degrees Retro of Libra. The only other main planet is Asteroid Juno at 28 degrees Rx. of Virgo, she is opposite Uranus and Jupiter. A T- Square of dynamic proportions urging new revolutionary changes, Feminine wisdom- Juno is the feminine form of Genius, which meant an exclusively male form of Genii. Yes we need this particular location now. Saturn is asking us to stand back and access the situation with a cool Hand Luke kind of Paul Newman gaze and rebalance rebalance rebalance.


Communications, the idea bank, the big picture, group thinking gets bigger higher broadband freer, way out there and more expansive while Mercury is  in Airy Aquarius. Think of yourself wearing Mercury’s groovy winged hat, those fab matching winged sandals and carrying that cadeusus.

VENUS ENTERS CAPRICORN  FEB 3 @ 9:59 pm PST– March 2nd

Venus leaves fiery sag behind her and dons her brogues and all business suit. Values, money, women’s issues, arts, relationships, love gets very practical and all biz. Just the facts ma’am. Budgetary cuts lean thinking, cutting off excess,Hard work, corporate hierarchies, older women, Female seniority, Crones, are the memes of the day with Venus in Capricorn. Committed relationships, attracted to older others,

WATER, major issue as CHIRON Re-ENTERS PISCES again FEB 8 12:10 PM PST for 7 YEARS!!!!

This is a long-term major cycle. Chiron briefly touched his toe into Oceanic Pisces April 19- July 20 in 2010. The first day of Chiron in Pisces the Deep water HORIZON BP OIL rig blew and spilled unknown tons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico creating one of the worst eco-disasters ever. So expect more of the same as Chiron is the Wounded Healer, in Pisces he will stick his finger symbolically in wherever we are wounded, vulnerable, sore, covering up, in denial of. We are 70-% water. So is the earth.

We need to drink many litres of pure quality life renewing litres of water each day to stay alive. It is the 2nd most important life-giving nutrient after air. Water resources will be a major scarcity issue. The oceans, purifying sea water, energy from the oceans, new life forms, who owns what around water. Dying oceanic life forms as well, no more fish left in the seas, whales doplohins, extinctions. Not good for us humans at all.

PISCES is also the sign of religion,spirituality the arts,

OLD fashioned religion is on its way out. Despite religious fundamentalists, fanatics the old religious games are ending. Teh Church will lose its power, more and more people are cecoming pagan, discovering yoga, other forms of imminent religous experiences,not authoritative religions. Did I mention Pisces rules drugs?  Allready very big- touted by Daniel Pinchbeck, Terrrence McKenna et all – ayahuasca and San Pedro two South American indiginous medicine plants will gain huge followings as ways of  directly experiencing other realities,used for religious cermeonies.

Art will become more of a spiritual vehicle. Colours will be softer greens and blues, more subtle, sensitive.  Neptune rules Pisces and it in turn rules OIL, It is the end of OIL as Pisces is the last of the signs. We are reaching the end of an era on oil dependence over the next 7 years. Pisces is also escapism, Hollywood, film and photography, addictions, viruses, ashrams, karma. Chiron also known, as Soul tenderizer will stick it to each and every one of us dealing with our own karmic issues, our addictions, our martyrdom, and our victim hood.

Hollywood itself will go through another upheaval in entertainment, direct mind to mind entertainment, dream recall.  Inception is the prophetic film released with Chiron in Pisces.  The danger is mass escapism into mindless drugging, as the consciousness gets higher and more refined and a lot of “Sheeple” are afraid.


We are on an evolutionary turning point this year. Almost at the last day in the Mayan Dr. Calleman reckoning which begins  MARCH 9 2011. There’s only  234 days to complete the UNITY WAVE, the final approach to ONENESS CONSCIOUSNESS. THis is the alternative to Dec 12 2012 MAyan calendar date. There are a few schools of thought on this cycle and how consciousness is expanding at faster and faster rates. Over the last 16 BILLION years, we are now at the last level. Time as we experience it, is now 20 x’s faster than it was only a few years ago. Dnt you feel it? Information is definitely whats moving faster.

According to Carl Calleman the 9th wave of evolution ends 10/28/1 1

Awesome consciousness awakenings are beginning everywhere! Time to wake up!!!!

I am here to help assist you.