Winter SOLSTICE, Abundance ritual Astrology from Tara Greene

WINTER SOLSTICE is upon us here in the Northern Hemisphere. Summer Solstice begins down under.

We’re 1 year past the Mayan Calendar “End date” of December 21 2013.

Some people were disappointed and many were relieved that the world didn’t end. Others believe a shift did happen last Solstice. One needs to be very highly tuned, vibrating at very high spiritual levels, cleansed, centered, vegan, meditating regularly and managing your ELF’s efficiently to know that and are on your way to Ascension into the 5th Dimension. Everyone can feel how intense the energies are right now.

I do feel the DIVINE GODDESS ENERGIES were seeded in a very concrete way last year. It’s subtle, but it’s here.

WINTER SOLSTICE is one of the 4 Main power gates and 4 cross- quarters in the Year.

Zero degrees Capricorn marks the WORLD POINT. The SEEDING of all consciousness for the next year. It is a time of great HOPE, the SUN IS REBORN. An ancient pagan festival, Christianity overlaid its religious tenants over the ancient knowledge.

We are in the middle of the Ancient festival of SATURNALIA which the Romans celebrated. Red and Green colours were worn and candles were lit to SOL INVICTUS the SUN which is reborn on the Solstice. There was major partying and revelry, slaves were allowed to be equals, It was quite a wild time.


Great day for CANCER peeps and magic rituals of increase of abundance and love

Motherly Moon conjuncts JUPITER in the wee hours. Thursday is Jupiter’s day. VERY GOOD LUCK.

Moon Trines Saturn also great for feeling good in your tumultuous revolution. It feels good to die and be reborn.

Moon opposes VENUS in Capricorn at latter degrees. Motherly and romantic/earthly love.


The Moon makes a couple of awkward quincunx’s to Mercury and the SUN. So don’t attempt any magic between 10:37 am and 10:34 pm.

Magic must be done towards and after Moon opposite Venus at 11:37 pm EST

the MOON goes Void of course till the 20th at 1:48 am


Stay up late and meditate on having emotional security and safety with the Goddess and CANCER MOON.

Know you are always held in the Goddess’s arms and fed on her breast milk.  

Venus in Capricorn is Lady Luck in business, she manages her affairs very well.

YOU will need 2 bowls, goat’s milk for Capricorn and 5 copper pennies, 4 candles. Incense.

Smudge and purify your self with incense. Start in the East and call in the elements, fire, water, earth, air clockwise, lighting a candle for each element and direction.

Pour the milk into one bowl and put the 5 copper pennies into another.

Breathe and empty your mind. Imagine yourself in a beautiful home by a pure ocean, with dolphins playing and whales singing. A magical Heavenly place, a place you remember in your cellular memory.

Or create a beautiful earthly oceanic paradise in your mind.

Visualize Venus coming up out of the ocean as in the famous Boticelli painting. She comes up to you and becomes more of the Motherly archetype of Venus. See yourself becoming child like and being held so safe and secure in Her arms. Hear her say you are her most cherished child and that you will always be safe in her arms.  Ask her for whatever your Inner Child needs. She will offer it to you gladly. Venus also approaches from another side as a very practical woman, a strong woman, a Feminine working woman, a woman who brings relationships and caring into her success. See her coming and supporting you too. She says listen to me, I am your Intuition, I will advise you on how to be confident, strong in yourself, successful, with high self- esteem. You will never sell yourself out for money or for less than you deserve. I will teach you how to manage and grow your finances.

Be with these 2 aspects of the Feminine and let them teach you. They will be your advisers. Give thanks for all the abundance in your life. Thank the two Goddesses. See them Bless the goat’s milk. Drink the Goat’s milk, feeling its grace purity and abundance entering your body. Take the 5 pennies and place them in a pot of earth and keep them on an altar and hold the pot of earth every day or bring it into your meditation. I would go and take a goat’s milk bath as well after this.

IT is important to clear your intentions NOW for the SOLSTICE, you will be seeding youe intent as the LIGHT advances. You are seeding an entire year/quarter.



READ MY WINTER SOLSTICE Astrology forecast which governs the next 3 months


Winter Solstice 2013 by Cal Garrison

Day 2 Aries Tantric trans sexual Alchemy mystic ritual, Tara Greene

Moving from PISCES into Aries, the zodiac wheel precesses backwards, we are finishing off the Jesus Christ ruled Age of Pisces now.

ARIES is the fastest moving red-hot, passionate, spontaneous, MARS ruled, strong intent, forceful, spark of life that creates everything else. ARIES is like the BIG BANG that one spark/boom bang ignited and created the entire Universe or Universes. 

Aries is independent, entrepreneurial, believes in themselves, confident, NOT Patient, frustrates easily, head strong.

The Aries Age is the Age of the Jewish Patriarchs, the Old Testament, a warlike tribe of 12 clans, the ancient Jews were fierce warriors, raping pillaging, circumcising men in their wake to stop the old Golden Calf worshipping Goddess loving pagans 4,000 years ago. Aries the RAM, is the male orgasm which initiates new life. 


INinitiation sex tantra astrology


A shout comes out of my room
where I’ve been cooped up.
After all my lust and dead living I can still live with you.
You want me to.
You fix and bring me food.
You forget the way I’ve been.

The ocean moves and surges in the heat
of the middle of the day,
in the heat of this thought I’m having.
Why aren’t all human resistances burning up with this thought?

It’s a drum and arms waving.
It’s a bonfire at midnight on the top edge of a hill,
this meeting again with you.

Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks

We will ignite a new spark a new life – it represents the male Orgasm. Ladies you were once men, most of us have transmigrated from the Opposite sex more than one time. So this is your time to contact your own inner male your inner warrior.  

Men you know how to orgasm,in this case you must learn to control it and subsume in to experience TANTRIC Sexuality. Mantak Chia taught ancient Chinese energy techniques for men to hold back their orgasms to keep the ojas or sperm with in the body to nourish and purify the inner organs and especially the pineal gland. These techniques are ancient and hail from India as well.

Sit in your sacred Fire circle-have a red candle lit and incense or smudge burning,

The song by U2

Imagine that you are the Sun, the Light, the Source which YOU ARE

you are the creator- co-creator with the Divine Light which we shall witness and breathe in and incorporate 

close your eyes, and feel yourself to be in an erotic atmosphere, this is not PORN at all

but erotic pleasure wholesome willing equal participation,

imagine yourself in sexual union with a God or Goddess depending on your sexuality

they will be your FIRE MEDICINE teachers, like VEstal Virgins who were sexual initiators

not Virgin in the Catholic sense at all.

Sense this feel it, make it as real as possible. feel yourself being kissed held tenderly that you are totally soul telepathically heart to heart bonded.

YOU will feel kundalini energy rise, it will feel sexual but not directly, You are not to have an orgasm.

Allow the chakras to open, first the root chakra then 2nd 3rd 4th up to 7th crown chakra,and feel a delicious honey like substance emerge from your crown chakra and spill out over your bodies.

Ride this wave of ecstasy on the edge of pleasure/release but hold o, control it like riding a wild horse, don’t let go of the reigns.

stay with this energy as long as you can. Then in your mind’s eyes visualize new stories, new sense, thing unimagined before, the purpose of all the passion rocket fuel is to ignite a new spark in your energy field.

stay with it then begin to slow your breathing down, see your Beloved Goddess or God slow down still holding you still engaged by the energy is 

almost neutral, stable.

When yu feel ready slowly release yourself from each other, bow kiss and thank your Beloved.

write your experiences down, something is being conceived here. You may not know exactly what it is yet and that’s oK

you are an explorer of the Uknown at this point. feel th passion, go boldly forwards,

Need guidance get a reading-

Celebrate Harmonic Convergence 25th anniversary, Tara Greene

Toronto Psychic Tara Greene in Sedona Arizona

 Psychic Tara Greene in Sedona Arizona for Harmonic Convergence

Wow 25 years, a quarter of a century since the first Harmonic Convergence happened. Created by Jose Arguelles it was the first world wide Globally synchronized mediation occurring on August 16 and 17 in 1987. The H.C. was correlated to significant astrological transits.

It was correlated to the Mayan calendar. According to Argüelles’ interpretation of Mayan cosmology, the date marked the end of twenty-two cycles of 52 years each, or 1,144 years in all. The twenty-two cycles were divided into thirteen heaven cycles, which began in AD 843 and ended in 1519, when the nine “hell cycles began, which ended 468 years later in 1987. The very beginning of the nine hell cycles was precisely the day that Cortez landed in Mexico, April 22, 1519  correlating to the date “1 Reed” on the Aztec/Mayan Calendar – the day sacred to mesoamerican culture hero Quetzalcoatl). Montezuma knew that Cortez was coming from a trance. The 9 hell cycles of 52 years each ended precisely on August 16-17, 1987.

Harmonic convergence Tara Greene psychic in Sedona

click on the chart to view larger

There was also a grand Trine alignment of  Sun Moon Mars and Venus conjunct in late degrees of Leo and Six out o f the 8 planets were forming a Grand Fire Trine. That’s one powerful light worker’s hot tamale!

 Harmonic Convergence also began the final 25-year countdown to the end of the Mayan Long Count in 2012, which would be the so-called end of history and the beginning of a new 5,125-year cycle.  Arguelles believed that all the modern worlds evils, e.g. war, materialism, violence, abuses, injustice, oppression, etc. would end with the birth of the 6th Sun and the 5th Earth on December 21, 2012.

Many thousands of New Age light workers gathered at sacred ancient power sites worldwide. Mt. Shasta, Mt. Fuji, the Pyramids in Egypt, Stonehenge, Niagara Falls and Sedona Arizona to name a few spots. There was world wide coverage of the event. Remember this was 10 years before any major internet.

Arguelelles who later believed that he was the reincarnation of Lord Pakal, the Mayan King buried in the pyramid tomb at Palenque passed away suddenly March 23 2011.

Jose Arguelles made the December 21 2012 “end date” popular thorugh his writings and lectures. He was  avery influential colourful man, anthropologist, artist.

I was one of the New Age spiritualist’s who heard the call before I heard the call in the physical. My first husband our young son and myself were inspired to travel to Sedona Arizona about a year before HG. I had never heard of Sedona before but the first time a friend said Oh it’s th perfect place for you to go, the Bell rang in my head. Loudly,literally. My family and I arrived on Spring Equinox 1987 and within a week had found a place to live. Then we started hearing about the Harmonic Convergence and the 10,000 people who were expected to arrive for the event

Sedona has a very fragile environment. The population was about 7,500 people. August 16  I was at Bellrock doing a 7 point meditation.  On

Aug 17 we were at the Airport vortex sitting in a medicine wheel with some friends and looking at Saturn thorough  a telescope at night.

Where were you? Some of  you may not have even been born yet.

Go back and review all that has happned in your life in the past 25 years, or less.

The Moon is  still in Cancer and it’s all about reflection my dears.

Interesting that the alignment of those days is also aligned with the planets now.

Mars and Saturn recently married up in Libra are opposite Jupiter at 29 degree Aries.This brings a present karmic drive to the Wanderlust for higher truth energy and independent actions initiated then. 

URANUS and PLuto, the ignition team of the 60’s  are also strong. Pluto is presently conjunct Neptune at 5 degrees Capricorn and  Uranus is also just past a conjunction to the North Node in Aries.

Jupiter at 12 degrees GEMINI is smack dab right on the 1987 Moon! Expansion curiosity duality, union communications, for those who think  talk and travel at light speeds. Jupiter is also opposite where Saturn was at 14 degrees Sagittarius Retrograde.

 transiting Neptune is conjunct Juno in the 1987 chart. Juno’s symbol looks like a magic wand and I define it as Female magical genius.

Do you know where your JUNO is?  She is very important.

Find out who HOW what power Juno has in your natal chart

The transiting North Node at 1 degree of Sagittarius is also square exact to Juno and Neptune. OUR highest spiritual goal right now is to use Feminine Genius to create our dreams, wishes, hopes, magic.

Day 9 August 15th. The mean and heavy aspect day.

 That’s s why I was encouraging you to get ready. Have you been meditating?

DAY 8* meditation REPORT

WOw I closed my eyes earlier today and instantly dropped down. There were no major planetary aspects on Tuesday. It was sooo magical. Magnificent other dimensional beings came in clearly so fast. They were half human and half animal. Fractals shimmered everywhere. It felt awesomely sublime. Doorways and wormholes opened and closed appeared and disappeared. The atmosphere was a dark misty calm blue.

What have you been seeing and feeling  in your meditations?

NEW Moon in LEO Aug 17

My wedding anniversary. Will write more later.

NOTE I will be in Sedona September 4-10th

If you are in Red Rock country and would like to have a personal reading, please email me

The SATURN MARS duo have been testing me mucho.

Blessings TARA

Saturn Re-loaded “critical degree” times by Tara Greene Astrologer Tarot Psychic spiritual coach

SATURN aka the cosmic cop is RETROGRADE @ 29 degrees, “slowly he turned step by step inch by inch…”

the grim reaper

the grim reaper Saturn

of Libra. The very last and Critical degree in the sign of Relationships, Balance, Karma,the Arts, the judicial system, beauty, the sign of marriage and relationships. All things in relationship to each other, which is in essence ALL THAT IS are being weighed in the Egyptian Great Goddess Maat’s scales of Justice. All relationship issues especially marriage are being revamped, repealed, revealed, re-enacted, renewed, renovated, reinvigorated, resting,reset, reviewed. The cosmic Doctor Saturn is giving us all a big prescription, a time for tonic.  A general Rx time as this is the Retrograde glyph.

Interesting that as Saturn went Retrograde and  The California upholding of  Gay marriages law was reinstated.

NOTE on your calendars that  the “critical weighing time” lasts from  Feb 7 until June 25th!

Saturn, also known as THE GRIM REAPER will bring endings for many relationships that aren’t in balance on all levels to fold during this time period. Literal ones, his and hers ones and political alliances, Laws will be repealed, government imbalances will be brought under scrutiny, tax overhauls, arts funding, redressing what is fair and what isn’t on many levels. Saturn is considered to be ‘exalted” in Libra which means it expresses itself  in the most fair way as Saturn is always hard, harsh, Father Time.

So Saturn is giving us a last chance to redress all the imbalances with ALL OUR RELATIONS over these many months since Saturn entered Libra waay back in October  29, 2009 {with a small Retro back to Virgo} then straight ahead in Libra since July 21, 2010-  read more about Saturn’s escapades in my entire article here

The REALLY critical parts are Feb 7 – March 3rd when Saturn is standing almost still at that infamous 29th degree, grinding the message in as it were. Expect things to be harsh, tough, leaden,heavy, weighty, difficult, slow.  So a lot of literally hanging in the balance, waiting with bated breath, waiting for the shoe to drop, so quiet you could hear a pin drop kind of thing.

Then Saturn will revisit that 29th degree from September 27-October 5th when Saturn then enters SCORPIO! And a new era begins.

A VERY TOUGH SATURN RETURN for those born 1982-83

BORN on January 1982,September 82-November 1982; then May 1983-Aaugust 83 ? This will be a very tough Saturnine REALITY CHECK! a Whopper of a hard ‘n heavy one for your 1st Saturn Return for all of you kids born with Saturn and Pluto in late Libra. Life isn’t easy, no bed of roses, you may have thought your were ENTITLED, BESPOKE etc. unh unh unh.

Sorry Kids, I also have a son born in June of 1983. I understand but it is time to wake up and smell the coffee,the writing on the wall etc.

Also if you are A BABY BOOMER ? Born November 1952-May 1953, and then August 1953-October 1953

Your 2nd Saturn return will also be pretty harsh. Health issues,depression, arthritis, divorce will all be prevalent.

Although you also will have Neptune at the 22 degree point and Saturn will be conjunct your Natal Neptune planet of spirituality, illusion, delusion, addictions, bliss, oneness, yoga, ashrams and not to mention SOUL MATES. This means manifesting your highest dreams, letting go of material reality and following the higher spiritual path of someone who renounces material and worldly things.  Many of the boomers will choose to opt for simplification and the pure life. And this will affect those born up until December of 1955 who have Neptune at 29 degrees.

What falls apart, down, into place, has worn out its welcome, will take mucho time to integrate back into place.

Who gets hit the hardest?

All late Librans of course born between Oct 15-22nd.  Saturn goes back to 22 degrees of Libra. But also if you are born late in ARIES also 15 -22nd of March. CANCER  July 15-22 and CAPRICORN, born Jan 15- 22 especially Capricorn as Saturn is your planetary ruler, head honcho, first in command. 

If you know your natal chart check for where all the late degrees of these cardinal signs -22-29 degrees are in your chart to see where you will be tested. I can help guide you out of the murky depths.


Think of it like this, the modern metaphor for Saturn Retrograde is just like going through Security at the airport. You have to wait in line for aeons, you have to take off your shoes,surrender your belongings, maybe get searched, patted down, invaded, x-rayed, etc. If you don’t past muster with the powers that be, you may be tasered, and hauled off for interrogation on suspicion of being a terrorist {substitute wall street occupier, political activist, revolutionary.}

But, there are other factors at work now like higher consciousness PLUS the influences of the infamous Uranus, planet of Revolution in early Aries squaring Pluto now one of the major hallmarks of 2012. Remember that Saturn is the Ancient ruler of Aquarius, until that  planet was discovered in 1781 by Hershel, the symbol looks like an H.

Vedic/India Astrologers only use the 7 traditional “planets” so Saturn does rule revolutionary Aquarius to them. So this brings in added meaning. Saturn Retrograde then will take us back over the revolutionary track that was laid over a year ago and was never completed to the people’s will and the peole will triumph and will be victorious in Syria, and also in Iran.  I will talk about Iran’s astrology in the next article. Modern Iran was founded Feb 1,  1979 making it a,what else? an Aquarian country. Still needing the people’s revolution.



How many of these are in the news these days?  China’s economy will go south of the border. TIBET will demand freedom from China, Siberia, feeling its enormous raw materials wealth will also seek to break from China. Belgium is the seat of  The EU in much trouble these days, and will see much more tightening of their belts.


As Mars is also Retrograde in Virgo, the work sign during this time period Jan 24- April 14 things will feel decidedly S_L_O_W  as 



From 6 degrees Aries back to 23 degrees Pisces on April 4 where it turns DIRECT. But it will take until  April 23 till it’s past point of Retrogradation an dits clear communications again.

So take this very precious rare time, it’s a real PEARL, a  gift, I call it FAT TIME, when time dilates and slows down.

especially when time is going so fast, a rare treasure to review, reset new intentions, relax, patience is a virtue now.

Meditate on where you’ve been, who you were then, who was/still is in your life, what you’ve been doing, thinking about.

 What goals have you met? What have you learned? How have you changed?  since 2010.

How were you  anticipating 2012? Here you are!

It’s time to let go of all old habits, activities and action { MARS} old vendettas, hard habits, work and relationships both within and without that do not suit the new evolving higher consciousness and transparency that is being ushered in now.

Thar will be no fooling in relationships,to Mother Nature, in beauty,or injustice allowed after this time period. Saturn as Grim reaper will put an end to that sort of thing. We cannot evolve unless we face the truth, our inner truth and let die the old, outworn, patterns.

Just breathe. Follow the breath in and out naturally deeply slowly in through your nose into the belly out through your mouth. Say to yourself who is it who is breathing? over and over and over, Saturn brings discipline, routine, realness.

As you do this every day, you will go deeper and deeper into your Self.  Simple be aware of your ingrained old outworn karmic patterns of thought, the behaviors, the patriarchal lead weight of rules that you were indoctrinated with.

If you are in a relationship the criteria to ask is Do you each honor the other? Are you equals? Whats the balance point?

Simply ask your Higher Self, your Guardian Angels to come and oversee you, simply let go of all the excess weight you are carrying. Ideas, beliefs, emotional weight that isn’t yours, your children’s issues, your parents, the weight of history.

Do this every day, write down what you have learned at the end of each session. It’s basically a whole month of the 29th degree. Be your own interrogator, get to the truth, the truth will set you free.

The song for this Saturn Retro is LIVE AND LET DIE by Paul McCArtney

Dont be afraid of losing your relationship, you can’t lose what you don’t really have. If you can’t set your loved one free then it’s not love. It is possession, and fear. The famous psychologist Carl Jung said there are only two emotions, love and fear. they cannot co-exist.

The saying is Art is long and time is fleeting. But now Time is slow,and so is art during the Saturn Libra retrograde. Make art, make beauty, make love.Love yourself,

No time for pushing and fussing. Allow yourself to remember how to relax. Spend time in nature if you can, do yoga, cook wholesome slow cooked meals. Be sentimental.


Remember the good old days and recreate them. The more you go slow now the more you will be rewarded. It’s still winter in  the north,and in North America even though there isn’t any snow, be like the bear and hibernate, dream a lot, sleep a lot, think of Camelot.

Ultimately you will be freer than ever. This is the real serious necessary step and prep for 2012.

Blessing  your shedding. You are like the butterfly entering the coccon stage. It will be dark and you are feeling restricted, the unknown can be scary or exciting. Deep inside, your inner knowing senses that something bigger, brighter, more glorious and freeing will emerge as you ALLOW to die  your old habits so you may be reborn as a beautiful butterfly.

11:11:11 report from Sedona,Tara Greene psychic spiritual adviser

I journeyed to the magical red rock vortexes of Sedona Arizona along with many hundreds of other spritual seekers and other tourists who just happened to be here fot the event.

I arrived Nob. 8th which is the cross quarter day in the Amerindian sacred round of the year occupying the position of the North west on the wheel,

This is the place of karma and dharma the place of sacred magic ruled by the crow or raven, and in other teachings ve come across also symbolizes the Places of Power on the planet. Of which Sedona is well known, as well s the pyramids, Mt. Shasta, Lake Titicaca, Tibet etc.

It snowed the day before, and I heard the road up to Flagstaff was closed done. The 13 crystal skulls from Mayan legend, or facsimiles were brought to Sedona on the 7th and there were supposed to be ceremonies and 400 peopple showed up. But I heard that no ceremonies occurred. Drunvalo Melchizadek was on hand though.

There were many workshops,talks,lectures, info sessions,preparations going on by various and sundry spiritual groups and individuals: Chakra tours, DNA strand activations, ascention preparations, meditations, body work, vortex tours, weddings, chakra balancings, UFO sightings, crop circle info. exchanged, metaphysical music, sound healing performances, sweat lodges, horse back rides, clearings, past life channelings, Arcutrian, Lemurian, Atlantean, Sirian, Pleaidian, Zeta Reticuli, 10th dimensional, 9th Dimensional, walk-ins, NDE exchanges, Burning man devotees, John of God followers, Dahwn yoga,angelic messngers,deep trance, crystal healing beds, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy, rolfing,dancing, drumming,camping out, yoga, trance dancing,Kabbalah, Astrology, synchonicities, healings, searches for the Holy Grail, raw foodies, organic everything, arts and Mary Magdalen’s name bantered around everywhere. MM knows everyone in town here.

Nov. 8th I am a bit jet legged upon arriving. Check in at the Super 8. Symbolizes Super Infinity. My friend Jospeph-Mark a Kabbalistic Astrologer and scholar of many metaphysical mediums from Nelson british Columbia comes to fetch me as  I don’t drive due to an unusual visual perceptual issue.

11:11:11 goings on in Sedona

OUr 11:11:11 ceremony was on Shnebley Road, by the area called cow pies. We created a tree of Life. set alcohol on each Sephiroth to make elixers with after. Did prayers. Circumnabulated the Tree 33 times in Total, Prayed in Hebrew, English, Sanskrit Sang, danced, It was joyfull. A couple was getting married off in the distance.

Spirit flattens me  but angels save me

Our 2nd cermeony of the day occurred in Fay Canyon off of Boynton canyon. There is an arch or cave up a pretty steep climb. Some women came by to our ceremony where there was a natural mesa, we used herkimmer diamond crystals, and charged more alcohol for elixiers. Apparently this cave has Arcturian enegies. I had brought my Medicine Pipe and did an Native American Ceremony and prayers off to the side. After my cermeony as I was getting ready to walk down from the cave I suddenly fell, it was  so fast, I landed flat on my face. I couldnt believe it, There I was face down eating that famous red rock dust and praying that my teo front teeth didnt get knocked out. And of course i am wondering what the heck was that? I had broked my fall with my hand and there was a little bleeding and I had a fat lip but seemed miraculously to be relatively unharmed. I was helped down by a nice man with climbing poles.  I realized afterwards just how lucky I was and truly felt protected by the many many angels that are all around me now.

The woman who found the Holy Grail

Part 3 of my 11:11:11 involved a woman who had come to speak with my freind Jospeh MArk about his Kabbalistic and esoteric knowledge, We went to his freinds house and waited for peopple to show up for a talk he had intended to give. This lady claimed she had actually found the Holy Grail in Wales, it was an olive wood cup, traditionally used for wine in Sabbath ceremonies. She said it had been kept secret but that the crown of England had extensive documentation in secret of the healings that had been associated with people who touched it or who drank water form it. As hse told her story I could see and feel the energy as she told us about the miracle of the ever replenishing waters and how drinking from the Holy Grail made her a total lover and knower that there is only One Unity,no duality.

Well that is what the 11:11:11 energies are all about

She gave me a hug and I felt that christ like energy of enlightenment, divine love and acceptance come through her. It was excilerating.

NOv. 12

I go to have a special treatment on a chakra lazer bed. This is form the John of God healing center I believe. I had tried this treatment a few days ago and liked it. I immediately saw visions of the Goddess Isis as I lay on the bed.

This time I needed more time and was given an hour but was going so deep I asked for more time. I spent one and a half hours on that bed. It opens one;s chakra’s. Answers your intentions, I was given some specificinformtion.

Following a flyer we found at the Health Food Store,later we ended up at the Sedona High School where there was a special performance of dancing drumming and a Meditation Teacher who we didnt know anything about.

The teacher is a Korean breath teacher Ilchi Lee, a famous Dahn yoga instructir who has livedin Sedona for 15 years. He showed this amazing video which showed the  benefits of breathing techniques. Here is a sample of this awesome footage of russian freestyle diver with Beluga whales insub zero waters swimming naked.

There were 3 big busloads of Korean tourists i think who drove in to watch this famous unbeknownst to us, cultish leader, he was fun.

One ting after another, people would show up to lead me or to absolutely synchronize into the flow of the ocnversation.

11:11:11 did U get the message 2 remember who you really are Tara Greene in Sedona

11:11:11 in Sedona Tara Greene ceremony

11:11 2011 Tara Greene in Sedona Arizona in Kabbalistic Ceremony with Joseph Mark Cohen and Iala jaggs

Have you been seeing those digital 11:11 numbers all the time on the clocks for ever now?  or any combo of repeated numbers like 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 12:12, etc?   why is this happening? This phenomenon is a metaphorical digital trigger code.

The world has the symbolic remembering of the dead from he first and 2nd world wars which has been celebrated for many many years now on Nov 11 at 11:00 am.

When digital clocks were invented we began to see time in a  different way. Instead of circular, sun wise time we now had new improved, digital symbolic time. Numbers as symbols. That was a big consciousness shift.

Al doubled numbers are called master numbers. 11 is the number of Memory, or aligning the One individual with the One Higher Self, or the human incarnation with its double, its mirror image, its Doppelganger.

11 is the twin pillars in Solomon’s Temple.

11 is the I & I, the I self and the You I self, the two each being conscious of their shared ONE NESS.

11 in the Tarot is a complex number as it can be interchanged with the number 8.

This is a bit of a mystery but suffice it to say the number 11 in the Tarot can be symbolized by the Tarot Trump of Strength, like the sign of LEO, or 11 can be shown by the Tarot trump 8 called Justice, or Adjustment in the Thoth Tarot.

11/8   8 when turned on its side is the INFINITY symbol, that is its is KARMIC.

Infinity is the symbol of all time being NOW. Past Present and future are all interconnected at the nexus, the centre still point, between the two.

11 is Memory, remembering, re-member ing. As such it is a pun on the Egyptian mythology of Isis and Osiris, and a lot of the ancient symbols originated in Egypt or further back from Atlantean and Lemurian times.

so Remembrance day was placed in our consciousness in 1917. Now the 11;11:11 is expanding that remembering from remembering humans who laid down their live sin war to a far greater remembrance.

It is said that when souls decide to come to earth agin, after they have worked out their perfect choices of who they will meet what they will do, who their parents are that they drink from the cup of forgetfulness, Leith, so that they can be unconscious of their past lives and therefore more challenged to get in touch with their soul purpose. We make it a challenging game for ourselves this thing we call life on earth.

 the triple remembering is upon us.

The Mayan calendar has ended on Oct 28 2011 according to Calleman. The MAyan calendar and the Gregorian calendar which we reckon by has a differential of about 14 days. so the equivalent date would be guess what? Yes you get the prize 11:11:11.

Whether you are aware of or believe in 2012, a lot of New agers, and consciousness raising people, ascension people, Merkabah, DNA activation extra stranded  Sirian, Pleiadians, Arcturian Angelic healers, crystal skull aficionados etc etc. are all tuning into this Nov 11 as THE major gateway rip your consciousness open, rent that veil between the worlds, become who you really are Divine and HUman.

There are groups gathering worldwide at many sacred sites to do ceremonies to gather to raise the vibrations of everyone on this planet.

Haven’t you been feeling this profound energetic higher vibration shift since Oct 28? I sure have. The apparent 13 crystal skulls have been on the move from their Mayan home across the U.S. of A. to purify it. A mysterious comet will be headed cheek to cheek with earth on Nov 8/9. A beautiful Taurus Full Moon on the 10th and then, lots of consciousness-raising.

 Watch Drunvalo Melchizedek a famous sacred geometry researcher, channeler and angelic teacher talk about the meaning of 11:11:11

The purification is happening, just decide to drop your own petrified viewpoints about anything and everything in the world and watch it magically change! Presto chango!

No hocus pocus needed, no new age channelling even necessary. Just like Timothy Leary said Tune In, turn on, drop out.

I felt called to be in  Sedona, Arizona from Nov 8th – 15 to participate in the ceremonies meditations and celebrations. So I so will be blogging from the front lines so to speak.

 If you’d like to have a reading with me while I am there I can do that with Skype.

Do stop and tune in yourself, some people are aligning with the first 11:11:11 wave coming from New Zealand which will be equivalent to Nov 10 in the U.S. check your local time zone calculator.

I will be writing about the astrology of 11:11:11.

Trust, open, take back your projections, we are here to create heaven on earth, my Buddhist teacher used to say. It has become a very popular phrase again these days.

Gotta get ourselves back to the Garden. We never really left, that was just an illusion.

Many Blessings, TARA

Venus in Leo! I am woman hear me roar! July 28 -Aug 21 plus Love,drama. Pres. Obama 50th,the whole Kit ‘n canoodle predictions by Tara Greene

Venus in Leo sure heats things up! Record heat waves, The Goddess is loud, proud, SEXY, in the spotlight, flashing red  puple and Gold, taking center stage.

R U getting enough DRAMA these days?

Excellent time for passionate love affairs!

Fires are sparking everywhere!

Leo is the HEART, Venus in Leo is the Heart Flame! Wearing your heart on your sleeve.

Leo is  Royalty, the King, the Sun, Gold, the Source, the Will, Center stage

Venus in Leo is the Queen, the Feminine Source, Golden Haired Goddess, Marilyn Monroe

It’s super dramatic, did they wait till the last minute to sign some sort of treaty re the DEBT?

It’s Mr. Obama’s 50th Birthday Aug 4, so Happy Birthday Mr. President


The President is going through what every 50 year old goes through. It’s called your Chiron Return.

Chiron whose symbol resembles a key, is an outer space object with a 50 year elliptical orbit. Discovered Nov. 1 1977 Chiron was, in Greek Mythology a Centaur, half immortal, rejected by his parents who became a great healer. Long story short, he asked to give up his immortality to quell the pain, he is immortalized as a Constellation in the skies. His discovery brings to our present day consciousness the unconscious psychological symbol of being human, of being archetypal vulnerable and therefor inherently, humanly wounded.

 So where that little key is in your birth chart  shows where you are the most vulnerable, wounded but also where the greatest healing lies, for as each individual heals themselves and the greatest strength lies in being able to open the wounds, show the soft underbelly, own it, take responsibility for it, cherish it, thank it, understand it, bless it, that we may become wounded healers for others. 

And as Kurt Vonnegut would say, and so it goes.

So I send HAPPY BIRTHDAY greetings to President Obama. Lord knows we can all see the vulnerability, the wounds, he is feeling right now trying to fix a wounded U.S.A.  It’s a mighty big job.

So lets take a look at Mr. Obama’s birth chart as he turns 50.


President Obama's birth chart

President Obama's birth chart and transits

Were you  born in 1961?

then U 2 will have a Chiron return this year as well.

Mr. Obama’s 50th shows Chiron directly on his natal Chiron at 5 degrees of Pisces in his first house of Self. Who he is. What he identifies as.

Mr. Obama has Chiron opposite Pluto in Virgo in the 7th house of others in his Birth chart, indicating that he is a wounded healer with Big Soul, Big Power,[ Pluto}  a rebirth, around health, work, service to others. Very intelligent, that’s pluto in Virgo, a perfectionist, a very hard worker, someone who always gets te job done. The Chiron return amps up his innate wounding which he felt as a child. Pisces is the most spiritual and sensitive of all the signs, with no boundaries, feeling one with everyone.

I do believe and I tell all my clients that I totally know inherently that we chose our parents, our place and time of birth before we come into this life the characteristics, which allows us the perfect opportunities for our souls to grow,learn and hopefully to complete our journeys of why we came into this life time again, this time around.

Mr. Obama came into this life already spiritual already a wounded healer with a lot of power directed out to the world at large. A Pisces Chiron is compassionate, all-inclusive, can be a martyr.Being of mixed racial background is a perfect symbol for him.

Mr. Obama’s North Node or highest spiritual goal is at 27 degrees 18 minutes of Leo in his 7th house, the house of marriage or all others, his interface with the world, and conjunct to Pluto.  North Node conjunct Pluto is considered to be very powerful, very purposeful.  Becoming President with a capital P. is his fulfilling his highest destiny.

27 degrees of Leo is conjunct to a very famous Fixed Star REGULUS, the heart of the Lion. This famous star is connected to the ArchAngel Raphael the healer of the heart.  His South Node representing the Past, is at 27 degrees of Aquarius in his first house.

Neptune the planet of dreamers. chameleons, actors, addictions, illusions, delusions, Hollywood, OIL. HAs been passing over Mr. Obama’s South Node and will do so again soon. He may seem tobe shifting his position, or being too idealistic. 

Venus is now in Leo and Venus will make a Superior Conjunction to the Sun on Aug 16th at 23 degrees of Leo. 

Every year the Sun is at the 23 degree on this date and co-incidentally it is the Anniversary dates of two very important festivals, gatherings, shifts in world consciousness.



Aug 15 017 1969 Woodstock


 WOODSTOCK took place  on Aug 15 16 and 15 in where else?  

hundreds of thousands of young people arrived bare foot, long-haired, to tune in turn on drop out, create their own city, babies were born, musicians played as they never had before, Joni Mitchell summed it up in her famous song,


I just came across this TWEET synchronistically by Deepak Chopra like an hr ago!  We are golden.

Also on Aug 16 and 17 1987 the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE

Jose Arguelles, who recently passed on, one of the co-founders of Earth day, declared these days a world-wide meditation and higher consciousness gathering and brought the Mayan calendar “end date” of Dec 21, 2012 into mass consciousness.

For these 2 days Light workers gathered at various high energy vortex power spots around the world, Mt. Shasta. Niagara Falls, Sedona Arizona etc. 

I happened  to be drawn to living in Sedona a year before there and arrived there at Spring Equinox in 1987 to find out unbeknownst to me consciously and after the fact that 10,000 people were scheduled to arrive on  these dates in a town of 7,500 people. They did. I was there on Bell Rock and the Airport Vortex doing movement meditations. It was on National News.

My point is folks, that Venus the Goddess of women, beauty, love, harmony, balance the Arts is going to Kanoodle with the Sun on this very same date bringing the point that as in the Harry Potter Deathly Hallow’s part 1 – the Golden snitch says “I OPEN AT THE CLOSE.” cryptic words those.

So we are back to where we began this little story, Venus, the Sun , Leo, The President, Golden Girls- Marilyn Monroe, Happy 50th, anniversaries.  

The Ancients called the convergence of Venus with the Sun “CAZIMI” meaning under the Sun’s beams, burnt out, disappeared, and evil.

As a symbol of what these dates have symbolized to the collective consciousness and to have this important rendezvous now means:

Now we don’t live in fear, but in insight from our hearts, the place that LEO rules. So throw open the gates of your heart, 

Love  loud and proud, not vaingloriously but un- egotistically.  Venus disappearing, being swallowed up by the Sun,

means she is entering a Golden Palace, a Heaven world, and we as the microcosmic mirror of the Marcocosm. “AS ABOVE< SO BELOW>”

as She is dying to Herself to rise like the Phoenix from the ashes of her own immolation,

out of compete unselfish Love for the Sun, the Source of all Light and Life, to have her ego/self extinguished.

 Venus will then no longer be visible as the morning star [ DAWN STAR} where she has risen so beautifully at night in the East,

she will go to the Underworld, the night Sea journey, to the dark side of the SUN, to be reborn many months from now.

And we must go with Her whether consciously or Unconsciously.

The Lust and speculation over Gold as security in a changing worldscape is a projection of our need for what Gold holds and trasmits, what it symbolizes.  the Light of the Sun, our very Selves, our Golden Self, our Spirits, our Souls,. shining Lights, Stars. 

.The symbol # 17 in the Tarot, The Star symbol of Aquarius and you remember that song, from another famous ‘60’s musical icon don’t you?

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Aquarius.  

We are Stardust, We are Golden, and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the Garden. Thank You Joni Mitchell for so eloquently tuning into the cosmic vibe of Eternity.

Back to Obama

And as for Mr. Obama the Venus Sun conjunction occurs in his 7th house, on his Uranus, planet of REVOLUTION in-between that planet and LILLITH, at 20 degrees of Leo very near to his Descendant.

LILLITH the archetypal first woman proceeding EVE. Didya read that story in the Bible? Not just a women’s songfest. LILLITH was the first woman, She was the original “I am woman hear me roar. ” She refused to allow Adam to dominate her sexually, like an animal. Pointing out rightly so, that G*d had created Her and Him EQUAL, of the earth, so what the heck was he thinking?

He wasn’t obviously, he was Unconscious. So Lillith took off and flew the coop and she left Eden. Yep that’s right, she flew right outa there and went to reside by the Red Sea. Ok. Long story short. She refuses to compromise in any way and is demonized by the Patriarchs who were trying to re-write HIStory from He point of view, when everyone knows deep down in their cellular memories that it was and is and always shall be SHEstory.

That is a Matriarchal comprehension of the Universe, self-evident, common sensicle. So Adam is in the Garden and asks God to make him a mate. So G* d creates Eve to be the perfect Lord it over the women prototype and women are blamed, defamed, and eternally damned in this historical rewrite.


So what does that mean? Well I believe the Women will revolt and take back their power!!!!!!!!!!!! I am woman hear me roar!!! Venus in Leo, conjunct the Sun. Which is ungoldenly the Ego, vanity, greed, fear and in the Light, and spiritually the divine essence, the spirit itself, rising again as Divine Love.

So guys ya better start workin on getting nice to your own inner female side, yah you. You got one too. Everyone does. Ya’all never be alone ya know.

and I stumbled upon through sheer Grace /Synchronicity through a woman named Jennifer Hough, who I recenly met at the Grail Lady Faire at the Grail Springs Spa in Bancroft Ontario.

Grail LAdy FAire 2011

Tara Greene presenter at Grail Lady Faire 2011

she just had this on her FB page. It is a poem by David Whyte, the Washington based bard who began his writing lessons with It doesn’t interest me… which inspired my former teacher Oriah Mountain Dreamer to write  a poem which was originally a newsletter which eventually became The Invitation,






(After Derek Mahon) 


Your great mistake is to act the drama
as if you were alone. As if life
were a progressive and cunning crime
with no witness to the tiny hidden
transgressions. To feel abandoned is to deny
the intimacy of your surroundings. Surely,
even you, at times, have felt the grand array;
the swelling presence, and the chorus, crowding
out your solo voice. You must note
the way the soap dish enables you,
or the window latch grants you freedom.
Alertness is the hidden discipline of familiarity.
The stairs are your mentor of things
to come, the doors have always been there
to frighten you and invite you,
and the tiny speaker in the phone
is your dream-ladder to divinity.


 Put down the weight of your aloneness and ease into
the conversation. The kettle is singing
even as it pours you a drink, the cooking pots
have left their arrogant aloofness and
seen the good in you at last. All the birds
and creatures of the world are unutterably
themselves. Everything is waiting for you.


~ David Whyte ~
Please come and join me at the beautiful amazing very spiritual Grail Springs Spa in Bancroft Ontario
Aug 15 16 17
on the anniversaries of Woodstock and the Harmonic Convergence
I will be teaching and leading meditations and dreaming
and we will remember our Starry selves.
Watch and be enchanted by the voice of a living Angel,divinely inspired songstress and writer Pam Gerrand as she sings
the Grail Lady Faire song she wrote at the inaugural Lady Faire in 2010




(Everything is Waiting for You)




US Debt crisis Aug 2, 2011. 8 ball, X marks the spot,in detriment. The Astrology of,predictions from Tara Greene,financial crystal ball consultant


U.S. Sebt crisis Aug 2, 2011

The U.A. astrology chart 1776 and Aug 2 2011 debt crisis


This is the Astrology chart of the United States born on July 4, 1776 at 5:10 pm Philadelphia commonly known as the Sibley Chart. There is much debate over which exact time the Declaration of Independence was signed but this is the chart most used. The Ascendant or persona or mask of Uncle Sam is at 12 degrees + of  Sagittarius, the Centaur of the Zodiac known for  truth, Justice, foreigners, travelling, law, philosophy,humour,animals,expansion, inspiration, boundless optimism,doing things BIG. Sounds like the good old U.S. and A?

U.S. is a Cancerian Sun of course! Should be AUNT SAMANTHA not Uncle Sam!

We all know at heart Americas was Born on July 4 making Her a Cancer, all Mom and Apple Pie of course, homeland security is the perfect translation of Sun in Cancer.

Without going into detail suffice it to say that the Inner wheel with the planets in BLUE is the U.S.’s Natal chart. The all important MOON representing THE PEOPLE which the constitution represents is at 27 degrees 10 minutes of Aquarius,in the 3rd house of communications.

Mercury {communications, thinking} is also in Cancer at 24 degrees of Cancer RETROGRADE -which means appearing to move backwards, in the 8th house  which governs finances, other people’s money, TAXES, inheritance, secrets, power, control, birth and death, 8th house Scorpio issues,like sexuality.

Venus planet of Women, Money, luxury, balance, the arts,relationships, is at 3 degrees of Cancer placed inside the 7th house of Marriage, committed relationships, businesses, the interface for Self and all others in the world. Venus is conjunct or connected to Mr. Big himself planet Jupiter {Yahweh,Jah, Zeus} at 5 degrees of Cancer also in the relationship 7th house. They are Married in the 7th house therefore BIG SPENDER is the tag word here.


FYI the Cancer Sun the ego and identity is in that 7th house but very close to the 8th house get my drift.

MArs the God of War, defenses, action, libido, ruler of men is at 21 degrees of Gemini also in the 7th.

SATURN the planet that rules everything in matter, the 3D world, aka Father Time, Death, limitations, obstacles, Lord of Karma, the patriarchy, career, corporate structures, buildings, the elderly, seniority, senators, the TAX MAN, is up in the 10th house of World renown in Libra, where Saturn is considered to be exalted, or more favourable, more fair and balanced in the Sign of Peace, negotiations, relationships. But wherever we find Saturn we find difficulty.

URANUS planet of revolution, technology, inventions, genius, group thinking, individuality, freedom,sudden change  is at 8 degrees of Gemini in the 6th house of work, service,analysis but right on that 7th house cusp of where it interfaces with the world.

NEPTUNE  at 22 degree of Virgo is the planet of dreams, artists, spirituality, compassion, illusion, delusion, drugs, secret enemies, self-undoing, addictions, DEBT, fantasy. Hollywood, film and photography and OIL is in the 9th house which rules foreigners, expansion, truth, justice all Sagittaria type matters, airplanes, teaching, proselytizing.

PLUTO still very important astrological, rules the Soul, the Unconscious, shadows, power, control, secrets is at 27 degrees of Capricorn RETROGRADE in the 2nd house of Money,values, tools and resources, stubbornness, sensuality,the body.

The U.S. North Node , the N.N. symbolizes your highest spiritual goal, is at 6 degrees of Leo in the 8th house of death and rebirth all that Scorpio stuff- other people’s money etc. This is LEo like  courage, the daring, the leadership, the drama, the childlike nature of, the will. The U.S. is always the center stage where the U.S. will show its courage or its vanity, power-over or power with, and too much pride which always precedes its’ fall..

That Key like symbol is called Chiron the Wounded Healer,also a Centaur in classical greek mythology, never mind that the Greek economy has now cacked out, its Mythology is still ever powerful in its’ Archetypal meaning. Chiron, discovered Nov. 1, 1977 is a powerful point indicating where the greatest wounding and also the greatest healing are marked. At 20 degrees of Aries Chiron is a main focal point as it is opposite Saturn -see red lines-and in a square aspect of 90 degrees {L}  or so to the Sun, Mercury and to Pluto as well.

Chiron also squares the Vertex at 26 degrees of cancer. The Vertex is a “karmic point” an intake of crucial significance in connecting with other. Note that PLuto is opposite this Vertex point as well. the only other main Squares in the U.S. chart are from Mars in Square aspect to Neptune. Squares are pressures, they make things happen, they are tense. Mars in Gemini in the 7th house square to Neptune in Virgo in the 9th, means {Gemini like} Peter Pan, peur, instant gratification, immaturity, divided attentions,split personalities, indecisive, dual natured actions and desires, doubly macho, warlike and  all that energy is applying aggressively to an earthy  hard-working self-critical, diligent, prudent,conservative, work ethic {Virgo} infused with a highly evolved {9th house} Neptunian escapist unrealistic addiction. In other words, escapism,  Warlike  tantrums and childlike actions.  Life built on fantasy and illusion, drug and alcohol addictions, false dependency on foreign oil, mass communications { Gemini}  used to brainwash the public.  Illusions about work, life, morals, philosophy, history, laws, all 9th house issues.

 One more thing the U.S. Moon is flanked by two Asteroids named for Greek goddesses. Athena is at 26 degrees of Aquarius a degree away from the moon. She is the patriarchal Goddess representing the transition from Matriarchy to Patriarchy as she is born from Zeus head fully armed. She is  a war strategist, she wears an owl on her shoulder. The city of Athens is named in her honour and the Parthenon her main temple. The sickle-like symbol to the other  side of the crescent moon is the asteroid Ceres at 8 degrees of Pisces but close enough to be considered conjunct the Moon. She is Ceres to the Romans and Demeter to the Greeks.  Ceres is the great mother of the earth Herself, Mother Nature,or Gaia we would popularly call her. This gives the U.S. Moon a very interesting Strong Matriarchal focus, but one that has not been fully realized yet.


The outer planets in green ringing the natal wheel are the planets today Aug 2 2011.

The U.S. has held debt for many many years. On Oct 1, 1917  during the first World War, the first effective debt ceiling was created,called The second Liberty Loan Act. On this date, just after a full moon, the Sun and Moon were squaring Pluto which was conjunct the South Node at 5 degrees of Cancer,and the Sun and Moon were also squaring the North Node at 5 degrees of Capricorn. That lunation was mid-way between an eclipse as well,as eclipses can only occur when the sun nd moon are aligned with the nodes.

And where is Pluto now? at 5 degrees of Capricorn, exactly Dead on where the North Node was on Oct 1, 1917. The Nodes and Pluto are interconnected in Evolutionary Astrology as they symbolize the soul’s growth. Pluto {death and rebirth, secrets, power and control issues} also opposes Natal Jupiter at 5 degrees of Cancer exactly now Jupiter is always associated with expansion and wealth and with Venus ruler of money as well.

 Pluto is exactly opposite to where it was when this first debt crisis was created. So half way in the entire cycle.

THE  U>S> SATURN RETURN, the Return of Satan,  U.S. behind the 8 ball  the 8 ball

Saturn that ole’ devil is returning once again for the 8th time to the place it was when the U.S. was born. The U.S. has just had its’ 235th birthday.  more about that soon.

Have you turned 28 or 29/30 ? 56 -60? 84-90? congratulations! Then you have lived through one, two and three Saturn returns yourself.  Saturn is the great TESTER, the challenger, makes you jump through the hoops. Saturn is time, the old boys system. Corporate structure, senility, seniority, maturity.

The U.S. is now getting it’s 8th of such Saturn returns. 8 itself is the symbol of infinity, I know 8 is considered lucky for finances in China. Since China holds most of the U.S. debt they dont want the U.S. to default, or do they? 8 is karma, what you put out is what you get back and in the simplest of terms, if you overspend the piper must be paid sooner of later.  As Saturn is connected traditionally to the Devil,and those Tea Partiers are sure acting like devils accusing Obama or every sort of heinous crime.

 is the U.S. SELLING ITS’ SOUL to the devil now?  Who is plea bargaining? Just who are the terrorists these days? V.P. Biden referring to those ultra right-wing Tea partiers as terrorists is one way of calling  a spade a  spade, no puns intended or racial slurs at all.

July 1, 2011 the Cancer Solar eclipse falls at 3 degrees from the U.S. Sun and right on Canada’s Sun.

Eclipse are always strong portends of change. That eclipse has the Sun and the Moon  on the U.S. Sun. The feelings of the People as symbolized by the Moon eclipsing the Sun, the Light  shows the state {the Sun} being changed by the popular feelings of the People.

The bad news is the  cuts! Usually all the good friendly public welfare stuff gets cut. the stuff that benefits the children the poor the elderly.

The Leo New Moon of July 30th just saw Venus at 2 degrees of Leo conjunct to the Sun and Moon at 7 degrees of Leo. And Venus  is in a square aspect to Jupiter at 8 degrees of Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus is earthy, sensuous, will never go on a diet! Jupiter is also in a positive Trine aspect to Retrograde Pluto right now. So Venus Jupiter and Pluto are aligning  in a Grand trine now, a very positive optimistic expansive energy although one where the corporate structure is being overhauled. This is the first new moon since the Eclipse so it brings in new fresh energies. 


The U.S. North Node is at 6 degrees of Leo. So this is promising as Venus in Leo is largesse, queenly, dramatic! going right to the 11th hour are we just for the stage presence.

Let’s remember that Obama is a Leo after all. and more about the President’s 50th birthday is well, That’s why it’s hurting him so much. He is experiencing his Chiron return! 

R U Turning 50 this year like the President? Join the Hurts so much club.

 Dont take it personally. Everyone during their 50th year gets to experience their Chiron return. Chiron takes 5o0 years to make one complete round. If you live to be 100 you’ll get 2 of them. It hurts, it is a healing crisis. Mr Obama is feeling ultra vulnerable and those Tea Partiers keep sticking their fingers into the wounds. Not al of this mess he created, he stepped into this mess lets remember.

But still the Wall Street crooks are still free and laughing all the way to their personal Ferrari’s and bank vaults.  Goldman Sachs, the lawmakers, the shyster, the wheeler dealers for the banks,the credit card companies are all in cahoots ,are all culpable. The Federal Reserve, the lobbyists etc etc etc.  are to blame for this mess. Who’s going to pay? That’s right. the little guy, the poor, the powerless, the young. Not the corporations, the banks, the car companies, the wealthy.

One more thing MERCURY is going RETROGRADE Aug 2.

 Why is it dragging out to the last minutes? As Mercury turns retrograde he slows down. Going Retrogarde  at Zero degrees of Virgo, that’s OK for the U.S. it is in harmony with the U.S. think outside the box ways. Mercury is also directly opposite Neptune also moving Retrograde at Zero degrees of Pisces. Mercury will be retrograde from Aug 2 -26 but wont go back to Zero degrees of Virgo again where it turned Retrograde at, till Sept 9, 2011. 

Note the Big RED X marks the Spot in the U.S. chart.   x marks the spot

The crux or cross or red X in the chart indicates, too much rashness Chiron at 20 degrees of Aries opposite Saturn in Libra in the 10th house can be a fall from the world’s stage, as squared by Pluto at 27 degrees of Capricorn Rx opposite the Vertex and Part of Fortune at 26 degrees of cancer. The Part of fortune is the pot of Gold in the chart. This point to certain transits Saturn will be at 20 degrees of Libra opposite Chiron in mid-October of 2011, this can indicate further stress woes and trouble. Saturn will also be at 27 degrees of Libra squaring its natal Pluto and Squaring that PART OF FORTUNE/ VERTEX point around the same time. These are all super hot spots in the chart.

MARS RETROGRADE In the U.S. Progressed Astrology chart for the next 80 years!!!!

 And last but not least in anyone’s chart planets change direction during your lifetime. All charts Progresss. The U.S. is no exception. Since  July 19 2006 the U.S. Mars. its’ vigor, libido, strength, power, force has turned Retrograde and will continue to do so for the next 80 years till March 27, 2086!!! 

My advice. Some antidotes?

Do a collective Rip Van Winkle and go to sleep for about 20 years until a solution is found. By 2031 well Pluto will be in Aquarius. The Age of Aquairus will be happening. Some new fangleddebt ridder invention will have been created. there will be no more money in the world, and according to quantum physics, no separation, no debt, no others.

The U.S. consciousness needs to either prick its’ collective finger,and not THE finger, on the spinning wheel of karma and time, that is Saturn and go into a Neptunian collective fantasy and illusion addiction sleep for about 80 years until Prince Charmant comes along to wake up Sleeping America the Beautiful at long last. By that time at least no more debt is racked up,  if no Americans are spending all that newly printed cash, well it wont be so bad, will it?

What’s the interest on 12, trillion for 80 years at what %?





Nuclear Plant Meltdown and PLanet X Influences by Tara Greene


Copyright Tara Greene 2011- infinity


PLanet X Nibiru

is Planet X the comet Eleni/ Nibiru?


Japan so known for its meticulous diligence in quality control, robot technology, the highest quality technology is shown to be frail, insufficient, and critically failing at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants after the devastating earthquake and Tsunami which struck March 11. Even tif they manage to get the power up and going now, much radiation has escaped and this affects the world. If they can’t stop it and 4 reactors go into meltdown this is a critical disaster for Japan and will affect the rest of the world.  


Nuclear energy, which is Planet Pluto’s realm-DEMOTED OR NOT- is being squared by a Retrograde Saturn at 15 degrees of Libra.  That’s a karmic pay back time folk. 

But wait, there’s a Big Back story 

When the tsunami hit and I first heard of the Nuclear power plant failure at Fukushima- no pun intended- I looked up Pluto’s discovery chart.  

The discovery of Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, Death and Rebirth, Power and Secrets happened as a presage to the splitting of the atom and the U.S. racing against Germany to be the first to use the unfathomable power which they would unleashed for use in warfare. Einstein was appalled. 

The interesting coincidence is that on Feb 18 1930 in Flagstaff Arizona at 4:00 pm when Pluto was first discovered by Clyde Tombaugh who had set out to find Planet X.

Very very powerful interesting synchronicities, almost 71 years later.  71 years in itself is significant as it takes a star 72 years to move 1 degree. 

In that Birth chart shown – click on it to see larger


Pluto discovered in Flagstaff Arizona 1930

Pluto Birth chart for discovery


The Sun was at 29 degrees of Aquarius– exactly where Neptune and Ceres are right now. Remember that Neptune takes    years for one orbit. 29 degrees of Aquarius is a Critical degree and opposite Fixed Star Regulus at 29 degrees of Leo- the Lion’s Heart. Also known as the Archangel Raphael’s X  marking spot in Heaven.  

Venus was at 2 degrees of Pisces exactly where Chiron is right now as well. @ degrees of Pisces is also conjunct to the Fixed Star Fomalhaut aka Archangel Gabriel’s marking star.


13 th century Illuminated painting of Archangel Gabriel by Martini

Angel Gabriel

The birth of Pluto had a Neptune Venus in Virgo/Pisces opposition in it. Always a sense of illusion, karma, hidden things, self-undoing as befits Pisces. Venus conjunct the Sun is of course in the 8th house which is always considered to be Scorpionic- all about death, power, secrets, control, money. 

Saturn was at 8 degrees of Capricorn then, and Pluto is now March 2011 at 7 degrees and change of Capricorn.  Saturn and Pluto are very powerful planetary energies.  See further below- for upcoming intensities of Saturn Uranus Pluto and more! Coming up shortly. 

Read full article and more on my website at

Nuclear meltdown in Japan,women have the anti-dote, SuperMoon by Tara Greene

March 12-14th 2011 With the 2nd or 3rd Nuclear power plant at the Fukushima plants in meltdown and dangerous types of nuclear fuel used this is  a very dangerous situation and is being covered up in the media. see

I meant to write feminine and masculine and my Freudian unconscious slip went  faminine and mesculine as in the famine of the Feminine created by the mess of the masculine. How apropos.

The latest powerful earthquakes and  tsunami’s in Japan is the earth crying out for women to pay attention to her and act in right relationship.  If we are really humanKIND we must act kind, we must be kind, we must reKINDle ourselves in harmony with the heartflame of Grandmother Earth.

We are all Her children. We are but little specs, like ants upon her bosom, see how fragile we truly are when Mother Nature shakes us about, she is showing us who is boss she’s giving us humans a time out for acting badly to her. 

MOTHER EARTH, the Divine Feminine is full of unconditional love for all of us but we, MEN  have raped and abused her for thousands of years now and her womb,the oceans are polluted and the air, her breath and the earth, her body had been so ravaged by greed and masculine dominator models for over 5,000 years. None of her earth should be mined, blasted, no oil pumped out, no radioactive materials used.

Any mistreatment of women and children who are created in her DIVINE IMAGE, Feminine like Her Self is an affront to The Goddess= Our Mother. To further strengthen our commitment to the 100th anniversary of International Womens’ day we need to honour the earth with our bodies and our blood more than ever. Desperate times call for ACTION and commitment.

Women- written by Canadian Singer Nancy Ward  from her album

To the Planters of Trees produced by Jack Lenz. 1989{ ?}

Women, we are strong like the trees,

we can bend in the wind,

we can bend in the wind without breaking

Women, we are patient as mountains,

we endure like the rivers,

 we are waters on the storm,

 we are peacemakers.

Women, Mother Earth is our baby,

 she is sick and in trouble,

 Mother Earth is our baby,

 our own, Mother  Earth is our baby, our own.

People, we must call on our powers,

from the earth sky and waters,

 we must heal Mother EArth with

our Beauty, our Beauty 

 we must heal, Mother Earth, with our Souls.

Holy Grail, Sacred Blood heals the earth

In ancient times Women’s menstrual blood was considered Holy, the Sacred Blood of Life. The Holy Grail is the womb itself the Sang Real is royal blood. Menstrual blood was the first blood used to fertilize crops, the beginning of agriculture. The red carpet which we know to today used by Hollywood stars denoting power, wealth, beauty was originally a special carpet that women  bled upon which gave it its power. 

Women your monthly period is your sacred menstrual blood of Life and will help to heal the earth. As in homeopathic cures, like cures like and in magick intention is everything. We must give back what She has honoured us with, the Gift of Life and to give back .

You know this in the deepest part of your wombs in your unconscious in your cells. All you have to do is get past the programming and remember what your body tells you. Ask your womb if it is holy? Is your monthly bleeding time sacred? Is your monthly flow not the root of and intended to bring forth the miracle of life? How could it be any other way? We need to move out of unconsciousness into empowerment and enlightenment, this is it. Your body hold the magick. You need to free yourself til you can laugh at how ridiculous it is to believe that your sacred body and its natural flow could be anything but sacred and holy.

If you are a woman who still bleeds, save your blessed menstrual blood in a non-toxic pad or cup and pour some onto the earth or in a body of water with a prayer of powerful intention to heal mother earth NOW. This will greatly benefit the earth and all her relations.

Especially at this very powerful u[coming Super Moon on March 19 when the full Moon will be closest to the Earth in 20 years, if you are bleeding then use that time especially. Anytime and always is the best time. Give back to Mother earth that which She has given you. This is ancient pagan wiccan ceremonial magick. It is very powerful menstrual blood,  that is why there was all the taboos about women bleeding. 

I made a vow at a women’s ceremony in 1992 to teach women and young girls about the sacred power of their menstrual blood. I  offer to coach to educate, to lead ceremonies and rituals.

See other women doing the same:

Herbalist, Wise Woman, best-selling author Susun Weed

Susun initiated me as a Green Witch in 1987 at her beautiful magical gardens and goat farm in Woodstock New York.

Another lady passionate about spreading the Good word about our monthly wise blood.