Julian Assange Astrology Predictions

Julian Assange Astrology b. July 3, 1971, 3 pm Townsville, Australia.

Julian Assange Astrology chart and transits
Julian_assange Astrology chart and transits

Australia’s Sun is at 17 Taurus in the 1901 Chart.

Julian’s Sun is conjunct to the U.S. in Cancer and FIXED STAR SIRIUS the dying and re-assembled God Osiris.

He is having his CHIRON RETURN wih the North Node on his Chiron Too. Such a fated time. He is a wounded warrior.

His Lot of Fortune is 29 PISCES, and NEPTUNE the planet of compassion, is conjunct that and opposite ot his Natal Pluto at 27 VIRGO both squaring his Venus at 25 GEMINI conjunct to the North Star.

Neptune trines Natal Jupiter in Scorpio in his 12th house of secrets, spies,death and his Mercury at 24 CANCER in his 9th House of International biz.

Transiting Pluto in his 3rd house trines Natal Saturn at 1 GEMINI on his DC and his LILILTH in LIBRA conjunct to the Lunar Elcipse on March 24.

Even though my psychic vision sees him hanging, I believe that divine Goodness will ship him back to Australia. He is a hero, and the US doesn’t have power anymore. Sending Julian Blessings

This was a previous article I started in February.

The Wikileaks founder is in his last ditch attempt to appeal extradition to the U.S. which could potentially see him tried and spend 145 years in jail, The Australian government has launched a huge appeal to bring him back to his birthplace.

I am sure you are familiar with Assange history. Mr Assange, has been in a UK prison since 2019, is wanted by the US for disclosing secret military files in 2010 and 2011. He published documents on Wikileaks that were classified to help Americans understand how they were being spied upon by the NSA.

In 2006, Mr Assange founded the Wikileaks website. It claims to have published more than ten million documents, including many confidential or restricted official reports related to war, spying and corruption. In 2010, it released a video from a US military helicopter which showed civilians being killed in the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

Wikileaks also published thousands of confidential documents supplied by former US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning. who was tried and spent time in Prison for those allegations. These suggested that the US military had killed hundreds of civilians in unreported incidents during the war in Afghanistan. https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/

The 2019 US extradition request was granted after a series of court hearings, but Mr. Assange has spent several years fighting to overturn that decision. His health is poor and he has not appeared in London court now. He got married in 2022 in prison to his lawyer Stella and he has fathered two children with her while in prison. His wife says he will not survive being sent to the US and will commit suicide.

He was sent to London’s high security Belmarsh prison, for breaching bail conditions in a separate case. Mr Assange has been kept there while the US extradition case proceeds, because of his history of absconding.

The CIA and the FBI and the military industrial complex have been running the US at least since President J. F. Kennedy death who they assassinated on November 22,1963. They have way more power now and Assange’s case is crutial because Free Speech in the US has never been this demonized and the public has been totally brainwashed by Covid.

Since 1963 democracy has trashed and burned and suppression and propaganda which we once in the West associated with communism is how North America and The EU is now run. Don’t believe anything in MSM, I turned all that off in the early 90’s. Actually X, Telegram, Rumble, Revel News in Canada are the only free speech outlets. Imperfect as X is I prefer it to FB, etc.

Let’s look at Julian Assange’s astrology.

Julian Assange born July 3, 1971, 3:00 pm Townsville, Australia.

I have compared Assange’s chart to the U.S. Natal chart. They’re Sun’s are conjunct 1 degree apart.

Jupiter Sagittarius AC rule is at 10° Taurus in his 6H of health,service, community is opposite Scorpio Moon in 12H,secrets,jails,karma. Pluto trines Saturn at 1° Gemini, power to a journalists who’s paid his dues.

Sorry I didnt get far with this. I will come back to it and finish I promise

Im praying for Julian Right now. He is an exmaple of freedom of speech. i am watching on X to see what the outcome is.

Please share widley all content is copyright of Tara Greene

get your reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

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Uranus Turns Direct, cue the Revolution

File:Eugène Delacroix – Liberty Leading the People (28th July 1830) – WGA6177.Jpg. In Wikipedia. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Eug%C3%A8ne_Delacroix_-_Liberty_Leading_the_People_(28th_July_1830)_-_WGA6177.jpg

Let the revolutions begin. Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, Stations DIRECT January 26 at 11:35 pm PST, January 27 at 2:35 am EST, 7:35 am GMT, bringing the real Aquarian energy to bear now with Pluto in Aquarius.

Uranus that wild and crazy planet is at its most potent as it Stations DIRECT. Uranus has been moving Retrograde since August 28,2023. URANUS is considered the Higher Octave of Mercury, meaning its about higher consciousness.


Watch the news for Rebellions increasing, like in France, where farmers are pouring shit and breaking up roads and blocking them so no food can get into Paris as protests for the WEF and EU trying to force them not grow food or have cows because of “climate change” which is being revealed as a hoax. There will be no fresh food in 3 days.

In TEXAS the Governor and the National Guard supported by a number of States are blocking the border against the instructions of President Biden. Cue the overdue Civil War 2.0

URANUS governs BITCOIN and cryptocurrencies and AI you see the news about the Taylor Swift A! porn? and bitcoin bounced up 5%.Uranus rules all hi-tech inventions, you will hear about a lot of new AI and food revolutions but don’t buy the lab grown meat.

Saturn traditionally rules both Capricorn and Aquarius. Uranus was discovered March 13, 1781, with a telescope. It was the first planet to be discovered with man-made technology. Telescopes were first invented in 1608. Aquarius is all about new tech, inventions, and extending naturally occurring things.

If you have planets at 19 degrees TAURUS, where Uranus Stations january26- 31 you will feel the GO FOR FREEDOM sign flashing now; whatever advancements, inventions, networking ideas or any forward-thinking thing will be able to move ahead now. Increase that orb of effect to 15-20 Degrees

Also SCORPIO’s with planets at 15-20 degrees, Aquarius and Leo too are mainly impacted. Earth signs get the trine to boost your break from the mundane,

What are your plans to think and be outside of the box of MSM programmed thinking? did you get to be rebellious as a teen? This is like it all over again.

Watch BREAK FREE by QUEEN https://youtu.be/WUOtCLOXgm8?si=3fJHnsIrS07p9NcN

At Uranus’s discovery, the planet was at 24 Gemini, and Mercury, the ruler was in pioneering Aries,a bold new beginning. Which “broke people’s minds” when Uranus was discovered as it disrupted the ancient worldview of only 7 classical planets. Uranus was opposite Saturn at 19 Sagittarius conjunct Mars at 23 that passion for adventure and higher learning and square to the Pisces Sun at 23 degrees. Jupiter is currently on the North Node of the Uranus discovery chart at 6 degrees Taurus helping the revolution.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

Get your reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

Brilliant Aquarian Argentina President Javier Milei urges Davos elite to reject socialism

Milei’s trip to Davos marks his first overseas tour since taking office last month.
— Read on www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/01/17/argentina-president-javier-milei-urges-davos-elite-to-reject-socialism.html

Turkey Election Astrology

On May 28,2023 Turkey has its first run off vote. This is only the third time Turks have voted directly for their president. Election turnout is incredibly high in Turkey 89% of the population voted in May 14 and an expected 84- 85 % turnout will happen tomorrow. Erdogan won the 2014 and 2018 polls in the first round. In the May 14 polls, incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdogan scored 49.5 percent of the ballots, while the candidate of the main opposition alliance, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, acquired 44.8 percent.

Erdogan has governed the country for the past 20 years, first as prime minister from 2003, then as president from 2014 onwards. He has shaped modern Turkey more than any other politician and is seeking to extend his power for another five years.

In spite of the ongoing economic crisis and the negligence of the government during and after the devastating earthquake, Erdogan still got nearly 50 percent,” when many younger people opposed to Erdogan felt the new challenger Kemal Kilicdarogly {KK} could win.

Let’s look at Turkey’s natal chart,born October 29, 1923, 8:30 pm Ankara . Erdegon’s and his opponent’s astrology charts, too

The last Eclipse May 5 at 14 SCORPIO conjuncts Natal VENUS-women, money and VESTA in the 5th house of creativity, drama. self-expression an open hearted will power. This opens a window for the next 6 months focusing on women forces.

The upcoming OCTOBER 28 Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees TAURUS is exactly opposite Turkeys SUN and conjunct the upcoming rare Jupiter-politics, international affairs, justice, faith, and freedom of publishing at 3 degrees TAURUS conjunct the North Node. The South Node is on the country SUN the current leaders ship is sinking.

May 28. Turkey is in its’ 2nd CHIRON RETURN , meaning it’s vulnerable and wounded and in need of healing.

SATURN-the reality planet of limits obstacles, maturity and the patriarchy, controls the conservative element, is sitting on its’ SOUTH NODE-the past, the old in PISCES-out with old.

MARS in LEO-the action, the passion is square its’ controlling SCORPIO Sun.THE MOON representing women and the PEOPLE is on Turkeys North Node in VIRGO-they want a down to earth leader.

Revolutionary change planet URANUS in TAURUS in Turkey’s 10th house of world fame is square Natal NEPTUNE in LEOpride, illusions, projection, debt, inflation opposite VENUS/VESTA and JUPITER which means Revolutionary change is inevitable and coming.

Turkey Has its VENUS and VESTAm root of investments, at the 19th degree of SCORPIO called the Cursed degree. Turkey’s leader would be symbolized by the planet ruling its 10th house of public fame which is PISCES traditionally ruled by JUPITER in SCORPIO or NEPTUNE in LEO both signs indicating dictaorships, underhanded dealings, spying, money laundering, corruption, control and religious gaslighting.

PLUTO at 0 Aquarius RX in Turkeys 8th house of transformation, recycling, and other people’s money is slowing moving up to square Turkey’s Sun at 5 Scorpio. Five years from now this aspect will be in a direct revolutionary change to where Turkey is now.

JUPITER and NORTH NODE are having a rare once in 94 year fated conjunction-exact on June 1st and in effect now- this is opposing Turkeys’s sun. Meaning the South Node is on the Sun indicating the old force is out.

Fascinatingly in challenger Kemal Kiliçdaroglu Astrology his North Node at 3 degrees Taurus coincides with this very rare once in 94 year Jupiter North Node of Fate conjunction at 3 degrees Taurus, June 1st applying now and Pluto in Aquarius is squaring those nodes. He could win if the election isn’t rigged. Erdogan accuses all of his opposition of being terrorist leaders and won’t let them get any media coverage.

NEPTUNE the planet that rules Turkey’s religious MC is in the 10th house at 27 degrees and is squaring Turkey’s Natal Moon at 29 GEMINI in its 12th HOUSE which symbolizes the women and the popular mood. Moon in the 12th is keeping women down. Neptune can indicate illusions, projections and idealizations. It is ephemeral and unreal. Neptune rules Oil, and water, Turkey’s location is critical to the West and Turkey has gotten increasingly conservative Islamic fundamentalism and turned away from its former more democratic Western ways. Women are the unseen force which can topple power.

SUN at 6 Gemini is squaring the nodes indicated this double-take and a sense of power being in the balance.

Erdogan was born February 26,1954,4:25 pm ISTAMBUL. His transits show the SOUTH NODE in SCORPIO conjunct his Saturn, the planet of elders, reality, history, fathers, limitations, obstacles endings and respect. This indicates the populace wants him out of power.

Transiting SATURN is sitting on his PISCES SUN. Saturn can consolidate power but in Pisces this dissolves what was formerly real. Saturn can be the establishment of power but also the end of it. Saturn conjunct the SUN is a hard, depressing, difficult once in 29 year transit, shows limitations of the illusions, of power and delusions and projections.

Transiting URANUS IN TAURUS in his 4th house of an internal revolution from within is squaring his PLUTO-power and control Plutocrats. This does not look good for Erdogan.

VENUS at 21 degrees in CANCER is conjunct revolutionary change and chaotic upsets URANUS and the SOUTH NODE in the natal chart and square natal NEPTUNE in LIBRA don’t underestimate the power women have to create revolutionary change. Pluto has already been crossing his CHIRON, his wounds- and this will enter again June 11 at Pluto regresses back into Capricorn again and this pattern reoccurs into late 2024.

KK, has transiting NEPTUNE at 27 PISCES in his 12th house of being invisible squaring his own Uranus in GEMINI at 26 degrees. The North Node Jupiter conjunction on his NORTH NODE is very powerful.

My sense is Erdogan could lose in a surprise change. The Moon is in Virgo on May 28 and crossed the North Node of the country.

Even if Erdogan does win again as he is corrupt and controls the media he won’t last long. In 5 years if not before the young people will revolt against the old regimes.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

Leo Full Moon and urgent call to action. 27 degrees Astrology

Leo Full Moon 27 degrees, standout of Sun, Moon, Pluto, and Nodes,

Please watch my Youtube video where I go in-depth into the Full Moon, the significant 27-degree placements and the current politics of the situation in Canada.https://youtu.be/7VztqXNH86E

If you are not aware Canada’s PM “pretty boy” Justin Trudeau is trying to force Emergency {war} Act on All Canadians as part of the WEF NEW WORLD ORDER takeover.

From the Wall Street Journal.


“This is not a peaceful protest,” Mr. Trudeau says, though in more than two weeks, there has been no violence. The protests have been highly disruptive to downtown Ottawa and to cross-border trade. But truckers have followed a judge’s order that they cease honking horns in Ottawa., and on Sunday, police were able to reopen the Ambassador Bridge connecting Detroit with Windsor, Ontario, without incident. Ordinary laws authorize police to clear illegal blockades. Why are sweeping emergency powers needed to get government and police to do their jobs?

Canadians need to phone, email and phone and email their local MP’s in their locality and at their offices in Ottawa and demand they VOTE NO TO THE EMERGENCY MEASURES ACT. The Trudeau government is illegally trumping up fines and arrests against peaceful truckers and freezing their funding. If this EMA passes the government can deem anyone a “terrorist” and freeze funds, assets or whatever they want to whomever they want. Look at the dictatorship going on in Australia and now New Zealand. They have concentration camps for the unvaxxed in Western Australia and fine the unvaxxed in New Zealand.

In Ontario Premier Doug Ford a Conservative made a 360 from supporting Trudeau to saying he’s through with all vax mandates and to stop segregating the unvaxxed and lets everyone get along and try to get some normal life back because everyone is sick of mask-wearing and restrictions. This is a great thing for Doug Ford to say and I want it in writing. Plus all QR codes are to be abolished and all travel sanctions lifted ASAP. There is an election upcoming in June and Ford wants to win the popular vote.

Oppose Trudeau’s tyranny over all CANADIANS of proposed Emergency Measures Act NOW. You can stop Trudeau’s illegal and misguided attempt at Dictatorship over all Canadians which will impact your freedom. Americans and other citizens of the world who believe in freedom can contact the Canadian Embassy in your location and lodge complaints.


Be part of the wave of freedom.

And they said it couldn’t happen here. But we are your vote away from stopping Canada from turning into a Fascist police state. This is how it started in Nazi Germany.

The HOUSE must vote on this within 7 days of Trudeau’s announcement. It was Trudeau’s Valentine’s Day gift of LOVE to all Canadians which could make anyone a terrorist, up to the government discernment.

Chrystia Freeland’s Financial Minister and stand-in for the PM is a tool of Klaus Schwab, who created the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, whose father was a Nazi in Ravens Bruck Germany under Hitler. Schwab Junior learned from his father. Google Schwab if you dont know who he is. And Agenda 2030 for the uninitiated too. You may have to go to alt channels as this knowledge is censored. Go to Rumble or Bit Chute. These are not conspiracy theories. These people along with Fauci are being accused of Crimes Against Humanity in a human rights tribunal in The Haag as you read this.

Bill Gates, whose father was a Eugenicist, Angela Merkel, Trudeau, Macron, Jacinta Arden, and many other influential world leaders, all graduated from his WEF school. The World Economic Forum has had a NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA 2030 in place since 2020 where they initiated Covid. Their goal is totalitarian control over the world, implanting every person with chips and the METAVERSE is a way of monitoring social credits which they already have in place in China.

Christia Freedland is a Board Member of WEF announced changes to the former War Measure Act invoked by PAPA Trudeau which was used in the FLQ October crisis of 1970.

The new EMERGENCY MEASURES ACT would give the government the power to arrest without any warrants or reason anyone they deem “a terrorist” or seditious. This means you.

Ms. Freeland announced changes that allow the Emergency Measures Act, which would give the government unprecedented power to freeze your bank accounts or crypto assets of cash, from anyone who refuses to do what the Government says basically. This is what it all boils down to.

You too can become an enemy of the state for whatever reason, up to the discretion of Big Brother, for donating to or supporting a group of animal rights activists, for example, which could be deemed a right- or left-wing organization, up to them, or protest anything.

Anything you do that the state deems is against their party line is “ a conspiracy theory.” In their terminology, according to the Collins Dictionary of Socialism, who says Jaywalking can’t be a terrorist act? You don’t pay your parking fines could make you an enemy of the state.

This is a totalitarian attempt to make Canada a prison state, the opposite of what the Charter of Human Rights Guarantees and what our national anthem states. The True North Strong and Free. Freedom is free will beyond any party lines. Every human must have the autonomy to do what they think is right.

EMAIL your MP and phone their local and Ottawa Office and state the following

Canadians who oppose this latest provocation should call their MPs at both their constituency and parliamentary offices and send them an email. You can obtain contact information by going to https://tbof.ca/call-to-action-stop-the-emergency/

https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en and entering your postal code.

Non-Canadians living abroad can still help by looking up their local Canadian embassy and/or consulate and calling them.

Opposing the Emergency Act

Here are a few points that you should make when speaking with and writing to your MP.

  1. Section 3 of the Emergencies Act spells out the circumstances under which it may be invoked. T

These are: a. A national emergency that seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians and is of such proportions or nature as to exceed the capacity or authority of a province to deal with it, or

b. A national emergency that seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity of Canada.

• Neither of these conditions are met.

Opposing the Emergency Act What to Say

2. Accusations of widespread intimidation and violence on the part of convoy participants, or of racist or homophobic behaviour, are utterly false. They were first made by Mr. Trudeau and other government leaders to marginalize and vilify convoy participants and have since been repeated by so-called journalists who simply repackage what they have read from other sources without verifying the facts for themselves.

 3. The issue before Canadians is no longer one of eliminating COVID-related restrictions. By invoking the federal Emergencies Act in the complete absence of any reasonable justification, Justin Trudeau is setting a dangerous precedent that threatens the right of all Canadians to peaceful assembly and protest.


Thank you for voting for your own freedom, your families and everyone in Canada we are all in this together.

Please share widely to those that believe in freedom and justice. Thank you for supporting freedom from tyranny. If one of us is not free no one is free. This is my job as lightworker to do this work right now.

Join me tonight LIVE FEB 16 at 8:00 pm EST for a FREE LEO FULL MOON VENUS MARS MAGIC AND TAROT READINGS on FB https://www.facebook.com/Tara-Greene-Tarot-Psychic-Astrology-Consultant-193065840714514/

Inauguration Astrology

I filmed this January 18 based on the Astrology chart of the Inauguration January 20 astrology which is a Taurus Moon MARS conjunct Uranus conjunction still under the Mars Uranus square to Jupiter and Saturn. Bullish anger and explosive energy. This is one of the hardest dates of the year astrologically. Anything can happen especially with internet outage, radical warriors, chaos, wars being started and maybe not exactly on this date the chaos is set to continue up until January 26 when the Sun squares URANUS after Mars ruler of Aries squares Jupiter in Aquarius on the 22,

This chart is the birth chart of the next four years.

As you can see Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, Athena, Mercury all in radical higher minded revolutionary AQUARIUS in the 10th house of public career and worldly fame. This means America is in a revolutionary state of mind. Which can manifest two ways. One is an egalitarian non-hierarchy of sharing ideas, technological advances, innovation, G5, A1 robotics and one world government. Revolution pure and simple will be a major tone and America was birthed in revolutionary wars and with its Pluto return coming in 2022 this is totally accurate.

The majority of planets are in the nefarious 12th House of mental illness, secrets,the unconscious, spirituality, delusions, addictions, debt, hidden enemies, glamour, oil, drugs, prisoners and self sabotage. This will be where the majority of energies are emanating from.

Chiron is in Aries, here’s a firewalking healer. The Moon is at the last Anaretic most critical degree of warrior ARIES conjunct Eris the planet of disturbances and lust for revenge to “set the record straight.” Eris and the Fiery impulsive angry defensive Moon is squaring Pluto in Capricorn. The Moon always symbolizes the people, angry, defensive,ready for action, impulsive and reckless. Burning everything down.

Mars Uranus conjunction is another volatile aspect a raging bull in TAURUS ruling Bull markets, and Uranus governance of Aquarius is cryptocurrencies overturning old money. Lilith is also conjunct Mars and Uranus indicating a denial of the values of the Dark Feminine powers may explode as she and Mars uranus are squaring Sun Saturn Jupiter in AQUARIUS.

TAURUS rising at the 15th strongest degree of earthy, sensual, stubborn, feminine, lazy, values, luxury, music, and arts loving resourceful sign. Is ruled by VENUS in CApricorn also at the 15th degree in an Earthy Trine. Women in government, women running business, flourishing of crafts, handmade, practical beauty. Restrictions, limitations, conservative, practical times.

NEPTUNE at 18 PISCES conjunct CERES the Earth Mother squaring the NODES of FATE

This is a very powerful configuration. CERES rules the earth, food, harvesting, nourishment, cereals grains. Neptune rules viruses. secrets, delusion,deception, debt, confusion, projections, intangibles, mental illness, glamour, self-sabotage. The North NODE in GEMINI the sign of communications and two-faces, the South Node in Sagittarius is foreign countries, higher education, travel, justice, truth, humour philosophy is what we are leaving and also drawing from. This KARMIC critical aspect will prevail into 2024. As Neptune moves through the last degrees of PISCES where it is even stronger I feel and more deceptive. Deception, projection mental illness, addictions, glamour debt are all huge issues with everything. This had to do with Monsanto/Bayer GMO, food being manipulated, food shortages, drugs to control people’s behaviours, germ and viral warfare, control by Big Pharma, false gurus, deception,delusion, endings.

I talk about this in the video.

I was going to do a tarot card reading at the end and my video mysteriously turned off. Guess i wasn’t supposed to do that.

I just did the U.S. Numerology July 4, 1776, adds up to 1787 a destiny year in the U.S.

The U.S.’s numerology is 1 + 7+8 + 7 =23 = 5 The U.S. is THE POPE, Spiritual authority, Taurus energy.

5 = VENUS’s upturned pentagram. Taurus rules physical strength, the body, sensuality, wealth, resources, tools, speech, the voice, the 5th chakra, embodiment, stubbornness, resourceful, toolmaker, materiality, Bull market, wealth, luxury, artistic, lazy, nature, feminine, cattle, creative, Venus-ruled, all about the money.

The U.S. is currently in a #6 year since its birth in 2020. The Lovers Year which is Gemini is dual-natured communications driven energy. Ideally it is about the divine union of masculine and feminine. 2021 adds up to #7 a Cancer ruled year in a Cancer country. Home, family, food, emotional safety, defences, women, children, nurturing, nurses, security a return to the womb will all play a key theme this year. We are 10 months into LOCKDOWN most of the world is locked in at home.

Please watch the video

My observation that having 25,000 soldiers Protecting the Inauguration doesn’t look democratic means that it simply doesn’t look like what happens in a Democracy. Yes, those crazed white supremacist rioters, anti-semitic racists and Confederates are out of their minds and should be arrested for destruction at the Capitol and other hate crimes. You need to step back and observe what you see and not the rationale for it to understand what’s really going on. This has been my perspective my entire life. I am not a Trump Supporter I am a Canadian and am affected by U.S. politics. I live 100 miles north of the U.S. border. I feel it. America needs to be rebuilt and have their “reset because of Pluto return whichever party is in control. Politics is totally corrupt and the Democrats are not the “pure saviours of liberalism” that is also dangerous rhetoric. Everything is too oppositional on purpose. They’re all just puppets. It’s a Punch and Judy show. Some puppets have more decorum and communicate better and do more social things and appear to have a conscience.

We need new political parties worldwide that represent the higher states of consciousness, love of Mother Earth and egalitarian, peaceful, female and racial equality and support between nations, not UN domination or WHO or IMF, Bill Gates Big Pharma, not a world controlling one-world government. These are dire times.

Use discernment and question everything.

please share all content is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

Weekend Astrology, rebel, rebel,

Jan 15 How did we get to the middle of the Month already?

Moon enters PISCES and its chill out and be psychic and relax meditate be creative that continues on Saturday just sextiles all day and easy aspects all weekend. Escapist tendencies will be high. This is the best lucid dreaming and visualizing time of the Month.


Uranus in Taurus Napoleon Broussuea art, tara Greene astrology
Taurus painting Napoleon Brousseau

 URANUS has just turned direct on the 14th and is immovable. You know a bull that is stamping its feet and snorting getting ready to charge? yeah like that energy.

Expect the UNEXPECTED at 6+ of both air and earth fixed signs as this is rebellious energetics. Play Rebel, Rebel by David Bowie.

and the wild radical MARS conjunct URANUS on January 20 on INAUGURATION DAY

Anything can happen, it will be wild, chaotic,inventive, tech jamming, could be big computer shut downs, hacking, maybe no internet, and radical crazy energies.

It’s like lightning strikes, but with Uranus in Taurus wanting radical stability radical hands on tools.

These energies act on the Cryptocurrency market big time. There can be more protests radical actions and rebellion.

Watch the videos. stay safe, all content is copyright of Tara Greene


get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

art by Napoleon Brousseau http://www.napob.com

Global resistance

Those who cannot remember history are condemned to repeat it.

Late Terminal Capitalism Napoleon Brousseau
Late Terminal Capitalism Napoleon Brousseau

Please watch this informative video from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the Global Resistance movement that is going on and gathering speed.

The only thing to fear is fear itself.

We must be aware of what’s really going on. This is not a conspiracy theory. It’s important that you question everything, everything. Watch the video. And i send blessings of light and protection to Robert Kennedy Jr. carrying on the legacy of his Father and President John F. Kennedy to stop a corrupt government since the 1960’s. Right now is one of the most dangerous times in history.

As a lightworker who came to this planet to teach and to enlighten people I feel it is my job now to step up and make you aware. I use astrology to help navigate these times. I use my higher guides to tell me what I need to know. We must all be able to tune in and listen to our own higher guidance or gut instincts and not panic.


More art by Napoleon Brousseau http://www.napob.com

info about this Siberian charcoal drawing. https://viedesarts.com/critiques/napoleon-brousseau-in-the-black/

Blessings to you Tara http://www.taratarot.com

Pluto Direct, Covid-19, Big Crunch

Pluto Lord of Death, rebirth, transformation, wealth, the Soul, sex, money, power, secrets and control turns DIRECT October 4 @ 22 Degrees 20 minutes CAPRICORN very close to the exact degree PLUTO and SATURN had their famous conjunct at on January 12 triggering the Covid-19 world-changing event. This explains why things have been so intense and will continue to be s over the next few weeks.

SATURN has also just turned Direct at 25 degrees 20 minutes Capricorn releasing energy to move S-L-O-W-L-Y forward now. Saturn and PLUTO are in a very tight 3 degrees of separation on a CAPRICORN CONVERGENCE. You’ve heard of 6 degrees of Separation this is even tighter- A fear zone. But dont be afraid it’s always darkest before the dawn.

If you have planets at 22-25 degrees Capricorn you are feeling that tight noose grip very intensely and it is obvious how this is affecting the world. Saturn the Grim Reaper, Father Time, Reality, hard Knocks and patience in his own Sign of Capricorn is fearsome.

PLUTO in Capricorn is DIRECT October 4. What happens now? Its’ 3 degrees of separation from Saturn means that the big trap has been set. PLUTO rules the PLUTOCRACY. BIG SEX SECRETS WILL OUT. Ghislaine Maxwell will tell all. Financial dirty deeds will out. Many heads will roll. A huge Financial Market crash expected this month. Stay safe. Be safe.

This a BIG TEST says SATURN and the stakes are life or death says PLUTO. Be real, Be gear now.

Things will be more intense as JUPITER and SATURN move closer and closer until December 21 2020 when the two meet to usher in a new20 year er. You will hear a huge clash of cymbals and fireworks and harkening of a new era like fresh air as they meet at 0 Aquarius.

Until then there still much dirt to be dig up and shadow work to be processesin the Collective unconscious,

please watch video of Todays astro energetics

Please share all conent is copyright of Tara Greene.

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

Super Tuesday Astrology Predictions

SUPER TUESDAY astrology of the 4 main candidates  #SuperTuesday Astrology prediction. Under a GEMINI double-trouble, flip-flopping, Trickster MOON ruled by Mercury Retrograde Mercury. $10 bet there’s recounts, lost votes, and major arguments. Good luck. I’m in Canada just watching from the sidelines.

Just wanted to mention for those who don’t believe in Astrology. That Saturn Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn with Saturn there rules seniors. Elizabeth Warren is the youngest at 70,  Joe Biden is 77, Mike Bloomberg and Bernie Sanders are both 78. Sanders and Bloomberg are both Jewish. There has never been a Jewish president of the U.S. With Saturn entering Aquarius on March 21 and with Jupiter on December 21, 2020 we are moving into an age of major radical change. The candidate who is more open, different, and humanitarian is what the world needs. But the backlash is still very strong. 

Bernie Sanders astrology.

BERNIE is a hard-working blue-collar Virgo with an impulsive MOON-MARS in ARIES opposite Venus in LIBRA and Scorpio Rising. He is intense and obsessive.

Transiting  Neptune opposite Virgo Sun, he can spin dreams now. Uranus in Taurus square his Pluto in Leo, that’s a big change, unexpected power. Saturn/Pluto are squaring Venus in Libra opposite Moon-Mars in ARIES and Venus is conjunct his MARS now that gives him appeal. He has a good chance,

Bernie Sanders astrology chart

Bernie Sanders astrology chart


Joe_Biden,_official_photo_portrait_2 United States Senate. Public domain

Joe_Biden,_official_photo_portrait_2 United States Senate. Public domain

Joe Biden is a quadruple planet SCORPIO all in the12th HOUSE RUN! Moon in stubborn Taurus. Don’t let that big shiny Sagittarius teeth ascendent fool you. North Node at 0 Virgo is now conjunct Royal Star Regulus. 

Joe Biden also has Transiting Neptune on his IC/MC like Bernie, something is fishy here. is not real. Transiting Pluto/Saturn opposite his Jupiter in Cancer is very strong. Biden has risen from the dead literally. Transiting Saturn squares his Taurus Moon with Venus conjunct now. Women play an important role in his success. He has some good prospects to win. He was V.P. he has experience. 

Joe Biden astrology

joe biden astrology

Mike Bloomberg

Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus in Aquarius squaring Mars and Saturn in Taurus. Pluto opposite Venus is Wealthy. He is a law unto himself. Jupiter in Gemini is a two-faced double talker. Mercury and Venus Retrograde natally. Cancer ascendant. 

 Transiting Saturn on his DC/oppose Natal Pluto in Leo now and in 2021. Chiron in Aries square VESTA in 6th H, he will lose lots of money but he can afford it.

mike bloomberg natal astrology chart

mike bloomberg natal astrology chart from Astro.com


An unusual radical Cancer, Moon in Earthy Taurus, 

Saturn is conjunct her natal Jupiter in Aquarius in the next week that is incredibly lucky but Saturn can also bring ends. Saturn/Pluto have been opposite to her Natal Venus in Cancer and square to her Nodes of Fate in ARIES/Libra with Jupiter adding extra luck to that. she has URANUS conjunct SUN at 0 Cancer, JUNO on SIRIUS which is on the US SUN and they make a sextile to Saturn and Ceres in VIRGO creating a YOD or FINGER OF GOD to Natal JUPITER at 0 AQUARIUS which Saturn will conjunct.

ELIZABETH WARREN actually has the most innovative perfect for these upcoming times chart! I wish she could win. There would have to be major disruption for her to win. 

Elizabeth Warren astrology

Elizabeth Warren astrology chart interpretation by Tara Greene Super Tuesday

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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