11:11 2023 is explosive, wake up to Oneness now

11:11 REMEMBRANCE DAY is in our DNA

All material copyright © 2023  – Infinity Tara Greene

NOVEMBER 11th is marked as Remembrance Day for fallen soldiers in two world wars. Memorial wreaths are laid at monuments and a minute of silence is observed at 11:11 in THE FALLEN DEAD’S HONOR. 

Since I was a child, Remembrance Day, marked by the wearing of a red poppy on a lapel signified the remembering and honouring of the shed blood of those who gave their lives in Battles and the poppies of Flander’s Fields from the first world war. It always felt like a very solemn serious and significant day to me.

Since the 70’s November 11th has taken on a far different and even greater depth of MEMORIAL significance.Through the technology of digital clocks, over the last 30 years or so millions of people around the world have taken note of repeatedly seeing the sight of the numbers 11:11. This synchronicity Phenomenon on clocks, VCR’s, etc. spread like a kind of wildfire. It became a worldwide phenomenon of note through word of mouth before the Internet was in use.

Remembrance Day, 11:11 morphed from not just a day of the mourning of  “passed” spirits but also  a New Morning of Spiritual Remembrance, a time for remembering our True Selves as Spiritual beings.

On Jan 11, 1992, a woman calling herself Solara created one of the first and largest International Worldwide meditations. Based on her book the Star Borne.  Over 144,000 people participated worldwide in groups, marking the opening of a Portal or Gateway of consciousness at 11:11 am and pm set to UT.  I took part in this. Were you part of the celebration too?

Solara says 11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our memory banks prior to our descent into matter. As we advanced technologically, we created the mediums to help us to remember. Solara claims that 11:11 triggers a memory of higher consciousness.

Solara claimed since 1987 that a merger is taking place of a Greater Reality, some say it is other dimensions, the 6th or the 22nd, being inserted into our everyday lives, between our vast Cosmic Selves and our physical bodies. Some people call it Ascension.

Solara states that seeing 11:11 quickens the consciousness making us more vibrationally alive. it helps us to RE-MEMBER our true purpose here on earth. see her 11:11 website for more.

The number 11 is called a Master Number; any doubled number is referred to as a Master Number. Master numbers are very powerful because they multiply the energies twofold.

The Number 11 is a visual representation of a gateway, a portal. It is the number of Duality 1 + 1. It is yin/yang. It symbolizes all beginnings, the birth canal, and the twin pillars of Solomon at his sacred temple.  we’ll pick up the twin towers symbolism later. Catch my drift?

In the Tarot the number 11 symbol is seen on the Tarot Trump # 2 which is at the root of 11 as the twin pillars – called Joachim and Boaz.  the twin pillars of 11 are the Twin Pillars on the Tree of Life, the outside pillars of Mercy or Severity.


In the Kabbalistic Tarot, the 11th Key is called JUSTICE, or Sacred Law, which is Karma and the planet Saturn, symbolized by the Twin scales of Justice, originally the Scales of Ma’at from Ancient Egyptian times and which we still use as the modern symbol of the Law.

In the Kabbalah Justice # 11 is on the 22nd path of the Tree.

#22 is a Higher Vibration of 11.

 On the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah, the 11th Path, the one emanating from the Crown Chakra at the very top of the Tree of Life is the path of the Fool. Which is Zero- naught and the number 22 combined. The end and the beginning ,all contained in One. So there you have it! We are the end and the beginning.

Seeing 11:11 is an activation, a GENTLE ANGELIC prod, a quickening of your consciousness, it is an alarm bell waking you up to re- member, to put your Self back together, to wake up out of forgetfulness and sleep to your true Higher Self.

11:11 is made up of Four 1’s. In the Tarot the # 1 card is the Magician. The Magician emanates from the crown chakra at the Top of the Sephirot on the Tree of Life as a paired opposite to the Fool.

The Magician is symbolized by the planet Mercury, which is Consciousness, awareness, the Mind, communication Itself.

The conscious awareness of seeing 11:11 helps us to realize that an invisible force, angels, archetypal symbols are silent helpers in our midst, lighting out way.

 Solara claims that a great doorway opened on January  11, 1992, and it only allows ONE being through it. We must become the ONE. Remember in the first Matrix film where the oracle asks Neo are you the one?

It is the same question that the hookah-smoking caterpillar asks Alice in the wonderland. It’s all the same question. There is only one question. ONE ANSWER. We must all become ONE to go through the doorway which has been open for the last 18 years, only opens once and is destined to close on Nov. 11 2011, which will read as 11:11: 2011 All variations on 11. it is the max 11.

 So every time you see 11:11 OR 12:12, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 am or pm REMEMBER it is a Wake up call!

Stop and Pay Attention!  Breath, slow down, ask your Higher Self, Your Guardian Angels for what it is you’re supposed to remember. Be present in the NOW.

 The Astrology the Heavens Above of this 11:11

Astrologically with Justice the Tarot Trump # 11 {sometimes  interchanged with number 8, which also signifies INFINITY, KARMA}. All the symbols infer the same meanings.

The Justice card is the symbol of the Sign of LIBRA. Saturn, which symbolizes Karma is in Libra right now, where it is considered to be exalted. Acting at Saturnine best behaviour as it were. Saturn was involved in the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers on 9/11. Saturn, Lord of Karma was in the Sign of Gemini at the time, the twin sign.

Venus has just re-entered Libra in 2023, as it did when I first wrote an article about this in 2010,  the Sign She Rules.  Venus is another symbol of the High Priestess, as the Goddess in Libra she is exceptionally all about Love, Beauty Harmony, the Arts.

VENUS has just risen from her Journey through the Underworld {in Leo} and is visible again as the Morningstar. Venus is also known as Inanna the Ancient Sumerian Great Goddess. Venus traditionally rules both Love and War

  This 11:11 remembrance really COUNTS! Our consciousness on this 11:11 really needs to expand to the Heights.

The planets Venus and Jupiter in TAURUS which Venus Rules are two very big lights in our local skies. They mark one of two pillars, part of the 11:11 symbolism. Venus in Libra is Love Beauty, harmonious relationship Jupiter in Pisces is Spiritual expansion, Truth, Inspiration, knowledge, Compassion, ONENESS.We need this now.

The two planets are synchronistic ally reflecting our state of evolutionary consciousness. 11:11 celebration they give us the opportunity to Really RE- member what our essential ONENES is.

Venus lights our daylight consciousness in Libran harmony and balance. so, in the morning when you meditate at 11:11 breathe in Venusian Feminine Goddess Unconditional Love Energy.

In the evening at 11:11 pm call in Jupiter’ in TAURUS expansive, truth seeking, inspiring Energy of humour, good-fellowship, forgiveness, compassion, Bliss, endings, karma, Oneness in the physical form because we really need it now.

MEDITATION for 11:11

Before 11:11 am prepare yourself to Remember. Get comfortable wherever you are. It is good to purify your aura using smudge, a Native American cleansing natural herbal combo of dried cedar, sage, sweetgrass which is lit and the smoke brushed over your chakras. It is very powerful and effective. Any Natural incense will do the same thing. use your intent. Have your feet flat on the ground and your hands in your lap. Make mudras by putting your first finger and thumb together, this creates a closed energy circuit channel. 

Close your eyes. Put your attention on your third eye, just above the center point of your eyebrows and also towards the inside of the head at the pineal gland, the visioneering gland and to your crown chakra simultaneously. Being two places at once.

11:11 am  Meditation

In the daylight consciousness time, we are tuning into the Feminine. Simply ask to remember who you really are. Consciously bring in the energy of Venus, the Feminine energy. Simply ask to feel Her Unconditional Love for you and for all beings. Breathe through your Nose and hold for 2 seconds and release through your mouth. Do this 11 times. Breathe and stay with that for 11 minutes if you can. 22 minutes or multiples double numbers for as much time as you have11:11 pm  NIGHT TIME MEDITATION

At night at 11:11 when the 2nd round of meditation is about to occur prepare yourself again in the same way. This time at night, the feminine time of the day we are bringing in masculine active oriented energies of Jupiter. Again ask to remember your God self. Ask to find and remember your Truth, Your Higher Self, True Oneness. And don’t forget to remember to ask how to laugh again at yourself and all the foibles of this world. Humour is the height of Healing.

By doing a two-fold balancing act of the Masculine and the Feminine at this time I feel this is essential to create Oneness and embody the 11:11 in all its polarity.

Let me know how this visualization and meditation worked for you.  I am also available to coach individuals on their sacred spiritual journeys back Home.



Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com


18 and 23 ° Astrology Numerology, Magical thinking

Two very interesting and powerful aspects in effect October 12 and 13.

18° in degree theory is Virgo-ruled. This governs the SUN and SATURN in trine right now in LIBRA and AQUARIUS. Shine a light on the details, and get some mundane jobs done.

23 degrees is AQUARIUS association. which fits perfectly into MARSin GEMINI and NEPTUNE in PISCES squaring each other now.

If you have any planets or angles modes etc at 18 or 23 degrees you are impacted directly.

Saturn, Lord of patience, hard work, Discipline, Father Time/ Chronos Lord of Time and Timing trine each other at magical 18° today of Aquarius Rx almost direct and Sun at 18° Libra.

The Sun is you- living your light, your purpose, it’s your ego, and vitality.

Saturn is the builder and architect, the Buddha touched the earth, the material world,as witness to his enlightenment, Uranus takes apart what Saturn built and innovates, revolutionizes and wants a higher purpose which benefits all. Not just Saturns old boys club. Uranus is the disrupter, and the bringer of the shock of the new.

Best use for these energies is to work hard doing something different, alternative, putting a creative spin on things.

This can be used to break up old stake routines and habits, even enabling you to do things you don’t really want to do, or have been procrastinating about maybe like forever. Use the Urania energy up boldly blast through a lot of old shit.

Mars in Gemini is EXACTLY square Neptune in Pisces at 23° a magical number. It’s the degree of the present axial tilt of the earth abs a number which can’t be subdivided no how.

This tough aspect can be used to bring the power of positive intention but also can be delusions illusions projections and denial in the media and with friends and acquaintances. This aspect brings Magical thinking and communication. Neptune is creative inspiring, and intuitive. Have inspired conversations. It’s great aspect for artists filmmakers and all creative types.

This is also a wonderful aspect to dialogue with your dreams..do you dream journal? Start now under this beneficial influence.

Want to learn how to decode your dreams?

Join me for an 8 week virtual dream healing temple starting October 27th in synch with Jupiter returning to Pisces.

Find out more at https://linktr.ee/TaraGreenehttps://linktr.ee/TaraGreene

Let me know how your dreams are going. Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene. Get a reading

http://www.Tara tarot.com

Mercury turns Direct February 3

February 3 Mercury turns stationary Direct at 24° ♑️ Capricorn very close to a Pluto now at the 27th degree of Capricorn for the 1st time since 1776!

At 11:13 pm EST. Mercury turned Retrograde January 14-why does three weeks ago seem like 6 weeks ago? Mercury went retro at 10° 19’ Aquarius ♒️ and will take until February 22/ 23 so even though it is moving forwards now slowly it will take until later on February for things to move forwards.

Mercury conjunct Pluto is a heavy message. Because the first Pluto return of the USA is now only 17 days away. Pay attention to the messages from your body. Saturn ruled Capricorn rules the bones of the ancestors. It us the patriarchy itself Pluto rules death and transformation and something must always die off for new growth to take place. When you lose weight the fat dies off, you become slimmer, you from that transformation. When you have a baby the mother dies from identifying as a single person and is transformed through the pregnancy, labour and birthing of their child into an entirely new being as a mother.

The US has been approaching this historic time since the Saturn Pluto conjunction two years ago on January 12, 2020 at 22° which was the symbol of covid taking over the world.

Pluto rules Plutocrats and Capricorn is world power, domination, ruthlessness, death, secrets, control, big wealth, all those Scorpio modern adjective descriptions.

The US will go through its death and rebirth and I believe it will have a civil war and a break up and a new revolution, especially when Pluto enters Aquarius in 2023/2024 until 2040.

Aquarius rules technocrats, the internet, freedom, organizations, inventors, science, AI, The internet, the Metaverse, cryptocurrency and NFT’s robotics etc. “Brave New World” which author Aldous Huxley Warner about some many years ago.

The synchronicity of that 22nd degree and the first retro at 2/20/2022 and continuing on for 2/22/2022 which falls on a Tuesday BTW.

22 is a Master. Number of knowing that you are an old soul you are already and enlightened being. The 22 is also the symbol of the Fool in the Tarot, the Divine wisdom of the soul, the Whole innocent child, the one who lives fully in the present.

The other side of the Number 22 is #4 The Emperor King or masculine ruler, boss or leader. We just always look at the shadow side of everything.

Revolutions are messy. People get killed. It’s uncomfortable sacrifices are made. I just saw someone complaining about the freedom convoy in Ottawa blaring their horns all the time because they legitimately demand to have their concerns met by Trudeau and some poor elderly people were dying in hospitals nearby. And pulling the “they are so selfish” medusa bite. So my intuition just said? the truckers honking is Angel trumpets to an old person who lived with freedom when they were a child, who likely fought in WW2 for freedom. This is no different. Trust me on this.

We are in total war right now in the world. Freedom and human sovereignty are what America was founded on. America is the symbol of the world and is as individuals. How is your breakdown going? The only thing to focus on us what is your soul telling your to do. Soul search constantly. Not your ego, not your shadow, not the mainstream media or your friends and family even. You must walk your soul journey alone as we all must. Yes we signed up for being here now. As incomprehensible as these times are. Dig deeper my friends.

I keep thinking about Leonard Cohen the great prophetic and his song The Future from 1990 he laid it all out. He also made sure he left the earth plane before the bat shit crazies took over the planet.

Please share all writing is copyright of Tara Greene. Get a reading http://www.taratarot.com.

Live Workshop 2/2/2022 join me


Join me February 2 live on YouTube for an astrology magic workshop & Ritual for St. Brigid tonight the spark of Spring. Poetry healing protection, divination and ceremony. Free. 8:00 pm EST on my YouTube channel #february1 #imbolc #stbrigid #goddess #ceremony #ritual #newmoon #Aquarius #divination #protection #poetry #live #youtube #psychic #astrologyworkshop https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKiaTzkSadKdI3dj3cHH1Hw

Once in 40,000 years, watch Comet Leonard, Heart Initiation

Catch a once in 40,000 year glimpse of a green tailed comet, C/2021 A1 or Comet Leonard named for its discoverer. First spotted January 3,2021 a year before making its closest approach to the SUN Jan 3, 2022. It has been travelling towards us for roughly 40,000 years inbound on an 80,000-year orbit moving Retrograde.

According to Wikipedia Comet Leonard aka “C/2021 A1 has been inside of the orbit of Neptune since May 2009.[10] Using an epoch of 1950 which is well before the comet entered the planetary region of the Solar System, a barycentric orbit solution suggests the comet had roughly a 80 thousand year orbital period.[2] Therefore the comet had spent the last 40 thousand years inbound from approximately 3,700 AU (550 billion km). After perihelion the comet will be ejected from the Solar System. The barycentric orbit will remain hyperbolic after September 2022.[2]Animation of C/2021 A1’s orbit around Sun – 2021 close approach
The object is about 1 km (0.62 mi) across and is likely to break apart as it approaches the sun. It will approach Venus, passing within 4 million km (2.5 million mi) of the planet, the closest-known cometary approach in recorded history to Venus.[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C/2021_A1_(Leonard)


The Hopi Indians in the U.S. have many prophesies about Future warning about the end of the Fourth World and the beginning of the 5th. According to Frank Waters, in The Book of the Hopi, 1963 A Blue Kachina {or God} will appear as a blue star or comet. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease”.[citation needed]  “The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a Kachina removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children.” This absence of Hopi ceremonialism will coincide with the destruction of the Fourth World. Waters suggested that World War III will begin and the United States will be ripped apart by war, leaving only the Hopis and their homeland intact. The war of the end of the world is described by Waters as “a spiritual conflict with material matters”. =https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Star_Kachina

Read an old article from 2008 about Comet Holmes https://infinitynow.wordpress.com/2007/12/30/comet-holmes-fulfills-hopi-prophesy-of-blue-kachina-2008-watchout-from-tara-greene/

another one here https://infinitynow.wordpress.com/2020/07/19/the-meaning-of-comet-neowise/

A friend of mine Indigenous shaman Eileen Nauman aka multi-million book sales author Lindsay McKenna, is also an astrologer and wrote one of the first American modern Medical Astrology books. She is an extremely powerful woman who received her shamanic initiation by being struck by lightning on two occasions as a child. Lindsay felt that she saw an opening into another dimension on the November 19 Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct Algol and The Pleiades, which are the good aliens. The Lakota of North America and many native tribes worldwide including the Dogon Tribe in Mali say that the Seven Sisters are their ancestors and that humans were created by them. Lindsay is feeling this comet is a harbinger of the opening up to great higher dimensional level of love as it is green-tailed and green is the colour of the heart.

The comet will be visible near the STAR ARCTURUS which is also a well-known spiritual force of star wisdom that I have connected with in a dream many years ago.

The comet is also visible at the VENUS PLUTO conjunction making it extra significant.

Please read what Eileen Nauman has to say about this heart-opening event,

Lindsay says to pay attention to 12/12/21 for this initiation and that’s when Comet Leonard makes its closest approach to earth.

Here are links of where to watch.



If you can get a chance to get up early from now until Dec. 12 you may spot the green tailed harbinger just before dawn then it switches to a sunset sighting and will be seen clearer by those in Southern hemispheres.

I will be doing ceremony with a friend in the country to make VENUS and PLUTO’s conjunction and to hopefully See the comet and also to do prayers and ceremony this weekend.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene




$28 US./ $33 Ca. live zoom workshop. PayPal.me/taragreenetarotastro and please email me to let me know if you pay this way or Canadians via e-transfer to taragreenetarot


5/5/5 Meaning and Cinco de Mayo

May 5, 2021 is a triple 555 numerology date today. Many people are into Numerology which have been popularized as “Angel Numbers.” Numerology derives from Hebrew gematria. So that is the source I always go to. The angels and their symbols and numbers come from that source. I don’t subscribe to the modern “airy fairy New Age interpretations which all sound blandly positively a such as like Luck is coming to you and make wishes and your angels are there, to me.

Yes it’s also Cinco de Mayo which commemorates the Mexican Army’s victory over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla, on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio ZaragozaI.

2021 reduces to 5. So a triply 5 number is a big signifier. Yes we have 5 fingers and toes. So 5 is the basis which many counting systems are based on.

In Hebrew the 5th Number is He pronounced Hay or more gutteral Chai. It is the letter E in English. Read more about He =see link at bottom.

There are so many interpretations to 5.

The number 5 is associated with VENUS as in her upturned Pentagram she traces a 5 pointed star in her 8 year cycle. Which is totally awesome. The number 5 is associated with Venus and the 5 petalled rose.

The Chinese use 5 elements Water Earth Fire Wood Metal

Hindu Tantrism uses 5 tattvas creating global energy cycles of tattvic tides which begins at dawn with Akasha and ending with Prithvi.

Akasha  Spirit tattva symbolized by a black egg

Vayu AIR tattva symbolized by a blue circle

Tejas Fire tattva symbolized by a red triangle

Apas Water tattva symbolized by a silver crescent

There are 5 books of Moses and five divisions of the Psalms. Magical, mystical texts are also divided into 5 and 5 symbolizes Protection as in the HAMSA or talismanic  which both Jews and Arabs use.

The Numbers 555 I Hebrew translate as an Eagle and also associated with Lust.

The Number 5 has various interpretations as it is midway to 10 which is the beginning of all the numbers again.

I always refer the numbers to the symbols in the Tarot with the Numerology.

Geburah is the 5th Sephirot on the Tree of Life. It means severity and sometimes strength and causes instability in the 5 states of matter/energy.

5 is the Hierophant or The Pope or High Priest in the Tarot. He is the male counterpart of the High Priestess #2. Note that the Priestess comes before the Priest. She is in the Supernal Triangle on the Tree of Life.

“A hierophant (Ancient Greek: ἱεροφάντης) is a person who brings religious congregants into the presence of that which is deemed holy.[1] As such, a hierophant is an interpreter of sacred mysteries and arcane principles.”

The #5 is also interpreted as Christ on in a Painting. Some people see 555 as the Number of Jesus Christ.

In many modern TAROT decks, the Hierophant is shown with his right hand raised in blessing or benediction, with two fingers pointing skyward and two pointing down, thus indicating an “As above So Below” image which forms a bridge between Heaven and Earth. ” reminiscent of that formed by the body of The Hanged Man #12. The Hierophant is thus a true “pontiff”, in that he is the builder of the bridge between deity and humanity. In his left hand he held a triple cross. The Hierophant is typically male, even in decks that take a feminist view of the Tarot, such as the Motherpeace Tarot, The Hierophant was also known as “The Teacher of Wisdom”.

“In most iconographic depictions, the Hierophant is seen seated on a throne between two pillars symbolizing Law and Liberty or obedience and disobedience, according to different interpretations. He wears a triple crown, and the keys to Heaven are at his feet. Sometimes he is shown with worshippers, as his alternate title is the Pope or, sometimes, Jupiter.” [1]  in older Swiss tarot versions which used planets as signifiers.

“The more commonly encountered modern name “Hierophant” is due to Antoine Court de Gébelin. According to de Gebelin, “hierophant” was the title of the chief priest in the the Eleusinian mysteries (an ancient Greek ritual).”-Wikipedia

Standard meanings of the 5. The HIEROPHANT- marriage, alliance, captivity, servitude, mercy and goodness, inspiration, the man to whom the Querent has recourse.

My Tarot teacher taught that 5’s are difficult as shown in all the minor numbered cards in the THOTH tarot.

5 of Wands STRIFE 5 of Fire- 1st decan of Leo- Saturn

5 of Disks WORRY 5 of Earth Five of Pentacles: 1st decan of Taurus – Mercury

5 of Swords DEFEAT 5 of Air -1st decan of AQUARIUS-Venus

5 of Cups DISAPPOINTMENT 5 of Water- 1st decan of Scorpio -Mars

For me the 5’s are always challenges. This is a MASTER Number triplicity of 5’s.

555 challenges, but also triple the Venusian love.

What challenges you from receiving all the love?

And in terms of synchronicity I went to the grocery store yesterday and bought a few things. The Total $5.55

Yes the universe is always messaging us.

Enjoy the 555 day. Tune in and meditate what is 555 for you?

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated.

Get a reading sign up for workshops http://www.taratarot.com

1. Dummett, Michael and Ronald Decker. History of the Occult Tarot. Duckworth, 2002.

According to A.E. Waite’s Pictorial Key to the Tarot, the Hierophant card carries several divinatory associations:[2]




Tattva – Wikipedia


April Fool’s Day

Celebrate April Fool’s Day by embodying the Divine Wisdom of the Master Symbol number 0/22.

Get a tarot reading with me

Tara Greene Tarot Astrology Psychic Consultant http://www.taratarot.com

11:11/2020 Master Number Gateway

11:11:11 in Sedona Tara Greene ceremony
11:11 2011 Tara Greene in Sedona Arizona in a Kabbalistic Ceremony with Joseph Mark Cohen and Iala jaggs

11:11 is Remembrance day. It is also a pre-encoded Master Number wake up call. Every time you see 11:11 on the clock it is a trigger for you to be conscious of where you are, who you are and what you came here to do. 

In a MASTER # 22 YEAR 2020 = #22 it is an even more powerful stargate, galactic connection time of mastery.



At 11:00 o’clock on November 11 there is a minute of silence in Allied Nations for the millions of soldiers who died in the First and Second World Wars.

Use this day to remember who you really are. Use that knowledge to know that you have survived and thrived through so many life times and hard difficult dark times. You have come here to remember who you authentically are and have no fear. All of the apparitions that seem so real are merely illusions.

11 in the Tarot is #STRENGTH

Leo like energy passion, Heart, courage and will is needed.

A BIG WAKE UP call is certainly in the ethers now.

Have you been seeing those digital 11:11 numbers all the time on the clocks for ever now?  or any combo of repeated numbers like 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 12:12, etc?   why is this happening? This phenomenon is a metaphorical digital trigger code.

The world has the symbolic remembering of the dead from the first and 2nd world wars which has been celebrated for many many years now on Nov 11 at 11:00 am.

When digital clocks were invented we began to see time in a  different way. Instead of circular, sun wise time we now had new improved, digital symbolic time. Numbers as symbols. That was a big consciousness shift.

All doubled numbers are called master numbers. 11 is the number of Memory, or aligning the One individual with the One Higher Self, or the human incarnation with its double, its mirror image, its Doppelganger.

11 is the twin pillars in Solomon’s Temple.

11 is the I & I, the I self and the You I self, the two each being conscious of their shared ONE NESS.

11 in the Tarot is a complex number as it can be interchanged with the number 8.

This is a bit of a mystery but suffice it to say the number 11 in the Tarot can be symbolized by the Tarot Trump of Strength, like the sign of LEO, or 11 can be shown by the Tarot trump 8 called Justice, or Adjustment in the Thoth Tarot.

11/8 in the Tarot   8 when turned on its side is the INFINITY symbol, that is its is KARMIC.

Infinity is the symbol of all time being NOW. Past Present and future are all interconnected at the nexus, the centre still point, between the two.

11 is Memory, remembering, remembering. As such it is a pun on the Egyptian mythology of Isis and Osiris, and a lot of the ancient symbols originated in Egypt or further back from Atlantean and Lemurian times.

It is said that when souls decide to come to earth agin, after they have worked out their perfect choices of who they will meet what they will do, who their parents are that they drink from the cup of forgetfulness, Leith, so that they can be unconscious of their past lives and therefore more challenged to get in touch with their soul purpose. We make it a challenging game for ourselves this thing we call life on earth.

 The 11:11 and the MASTER OLD SOUL #22 are aligned making this doubly and triply important to remember your soul mission now.

Many more people are awake and aware and tuning into the 11:11 gateway as they did originally on January 11, 1992 and as on 11:11 2011.

On 11:11 2020 Create a sacred space, sage yourself, or take a cleansing ritual bath before the ceremony, Light 2 white candles Meditate and see everyone on earth’s Higher Self aligned with their Lower Human self.

The purification is happening, just decide to drop your own petrified viewpoints about anything and everything in the world and watch it magically change! Presto chango!

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

10 10 2020 Numerology Magic ritual

10 10 2020   Numerology significant Quantum Magical Intention Time and Ceremony   

 Two 10’s are Twice as LUCKY as one. Number 10 is the WHEEL OF FORTUNE IN THE TAROT. It also reduces to #1 the Magician or Magic. 2020 is two 20’s two Judgement Days symbols, Aeos, rebirths, 2020 also reduces to #22 The Master Number symbol of the soul, of Enlightenment, the Fool.

Lets co-create a positive fortunate Magical World You and I want to live in  

Numerology is the symbolic meaning of numbers. Mathematics, the language of numbers shows the order by which we can actually reckon the nature of the Universe.  

The Ancient Hebrews created Gematria, a system where all letters were associated with numbers, as all the universe is seen to be a beautiful mathematical harmonious tool whose meanings and hidden gleanings could be deciphered, to help better understand the Divine plan. Science has revealed that it is so.  

Most people have heard of the 11:11 Numerology phenomena. The doubling of Master Numbers is very powerful and a magical memory trigger,

 So there’s Top 10 reasons … David Letterman used the format often on his TV show.  

10 is primal. You’ve got 10 fingers and 10 toes.  Its metric! It’s the top 10!  


The Wheel of Fortuna or Fortune in the Tarot has nothing to do with Vanna White, or that game show on TV or does it?  The Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot is the spinning wheel of Karma, of Time. The ROTA or TARO whose linguistic simile equals the Tarot, and spirit uses puns, is associated with fortune, with luck, with gambling yes, with chance, in that life is a game of chance to a large extent if we are unconscious, not thinking, not using the magical tool of a focused mind to create our reality, to our own satisfaction.  

The Wheel of Fortune is under the rulership of the Planet JUPITER, king of the planets. Whose presence is looming very close with Saturn in the sky right now.

Jupiter is expansion, optimism, humour, easy fellowship, higher truth, education, philosophy, travelling, inspiration, zeal. Jupiter Sagittarian- centaurs and other animals and in ancient Astrology the Sign of Pisces as well.

Jupiter is like your fairy Godmother. So take the symbolic synchronistic message of 10 10 20 as new beginnings in magical, miraculous, mind creation to infinity and beyond. It’s up to us. Now.  

Let’s all spin that big old wheel of Fortune, chance, change, inspiration, fun,Let’s take this opportunity to go back to step one  

The # 1 Tarot Trump Card is the MAGICIAN.   We can use the sub influence of two MAGICIANS as well in this ceremony.

Do you believe in Magic?  Lets get innocent again.  Lets Be the magic.   

Let’s create the magical world here, now.  Here’s what I suggest you do.  

OCTOBER 10 2020 AT  10:00- 10:20 MAKE THE MAGIC HAPPEN!  

On Oct 10 2020 at 10:00 am your local time till 10:20 am take 10 minutes to change, to make magic to save the world.  Again at 10:00 till 10:20 pm in your local time zone  

Take 10 minutes again to send out your magic wishes.  The wishes must be positive, loving, healing, for others.  

Start to plan NOW  for what you really want to create BECAUSE your mind creates your reality. That’s what THE SECRET Quantum Physics is about. The observer changes the reality. 

 What kind of magical world would you really like to live in, to love in. For yourself, your loved ones, your pets.   

10 10 10  Meditation Magic Instructions  

Get set up in advance. I suggest you get relaxed well ahead of time before  you begin.   Breathe. Intend to empty your mind of all conscious ego chatter. Breathe deeply and relax totally tale as long as necessary.  

Have high quality incense, candles- natural beeswax are best.  

Sage yourself and make your space sacred or use incense or whatever cleansing ritual, dried cedar, copal, Himalayan salt, whatever works for you. 

Have your wish list ready which you have been prepapring.  

Wear bright colours, dress magically, amusingly, whatever makes you feel good, happy, powerfull. Have magical inspiring music playing,  

Have your magic wand, branch or crystal wand ready to use to point your intent and crystals are particularly important as they hold energies and intents.  

 At 10:10 begin – State your wishes out loud.  You can extrapolate on them,  

The vibration of your voice creates your intention in 3-D reality,  

 Visualize the wishes clearly in your mind, as  being fulfilled.  

Do this 10 times. 3 x 10. for the entire ten minutes. Time can change and dilate. Ten minutes can be very long.   

Believe in your magical powers, believe in your magical ability to change matter, to change your world, to Be the creatress or creator. To live in a truly magical place.  

At the end say  So mote it be. Or And it is.   

Watch the Video using the Muse Tarot

Please pass this on to everyone.  All content is copyright of Tara Greene.

get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com


Tara Greene  

8/11 Tarot and astrology today

8/11 Significant numerology in the Tarot, do you know what it is?

here’s the video of the Muse Tarot for guidance and the astrology too


please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading http://www.taratarot.com