Venus conjunct Aries North Node is Love and War

Here’s a very interesting thing that happened in the world in synch as Venus conjuncts the North Node in ARIES at the mid-15th degree ruled by Mars pose by Julija Simas of the Cosmic Intelligence Agency .

Spiritual Total Solar Eclipse,Red Heifer

There is so much spiritual energy during in Total Solar eclipses, and especially this long one. It is getting mired in with Biblical Prophecy, conspiracy theories and general spooking out instilling fear into people because of specific synchronous events. April 8th, which most people focus on and get “freaked out” about.

Luc Viatour / CC BY-SA (
Luc Viatour / CC BY-SA (

NASA will shoot rockets into space to gather scientific info during the Totality a rare opportunity for that. Some call it a “Serpent Deity” launch and the APEP project which is an acronym and a similar sounding name of an ancient Egyptian deity who embodied darkness and disorder which is what a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE brings.

A DARK FEMININE LUNAR ENERGY temporaily blocking out the Masculine Sun which all life depends on. Because Patriarchal religions are so terrified of the Divine Feminine Lunar energies and project that out as fear and monstrous evil this is where some of this energy originates.

But there is also a real EMF shift that happen during a Total Solar Eclipse affecting our physical mental and emotional bodies.

There may be a Rare sighting of the “Devil Horns” or DRAGON comet which comes around every 70-71 years.

CERN the interndimensional portal opening mechanism is being re-activated, Its been in for upgrades and repairs for the past two years. All atomic experiements depend on the SUN even an atomic bomb exploding depends on this.

But these outer events are synchronicities and not as popwerful as the actual SOLAR event which affects everyone even those who can’t see the eclipse because it has deep profound cycles and history relating to it.

Eclipse Effects

The effects of an eclipse generally last 6 months until the next eclipses season. every year there are at least 2 solar not always total and two lunar, not always total eclipses.

The Indigenous Navajo peoples of the South West believe that the sun dies during an eclipse and is “eaten by” the Moon as it appears to swallow the Sun while, the dragon eating the sun is the old name for the North Node of the Moon.

Their word for eclipse resembles the phrase “eating the sun.” This belief is also held by Hindu peoples and many other cultures.

During the Totality dark period, people stay inside and remain still just like all of Nature does too. Birds stop singing, insects stop chirping, it is eerie and strange leaf shadows fall onto the ground. Day turn into night is a rather terrifying thing to observe. The Navaho do not eat, drink, celebrate, work, or engage in any other activity during total solar eclipse. Traditional Navajo people believe that not following this practice could lead to health problems and misfortune for the family.

The malevolent effects may not be apparent right away but usually manifest months or years down the road. Looking at the eclipse can even cause birth defects. Hindu religion also prohibits pregnant women from being outside during a Total Solar Eclipse, this is not superstition but a real felt sense of what is going on esoterically.

Spiritual teacher and mystic Christian Rudolf Steiner, who was way ahead of his times and a true mystic, has this to say about Total solar eclipses

Rudolf Steiner’s statement on eclipses is mirrored in many other esoteric spiritual teachings as well:

“Under normal conditions, the evil impulses of will sent out into the cosmos by human beings are, as it were, burned up and consumed by the rays of the sun, so that they can injure only man himself but can do no universal harm. However, when the sun eclipses, the evil willed on Earth has an opportunity to spread over the cosmos. An eclipse is a physical event behind which lies a significant spiritual reality. And again, when there is an eclipse of the moon, the man of today merely says: “Now the earth comes between the sun and the moon; hence we see the shadow cast upon the moon by the earth.” One of the safety-valves which makes its appearance in the cosmos and to which we give the name of a solar eclipse, serves the purpose of carrying out into space in a Luciferic way the evil that spreads over the earth. In order that evil may work havoc in awider, less concentrated sphere. The other safety-valve, the lunar eclipse, exists for the purpose of allowing the evil thoughts which are present in the cosmos to approach those human beings who are desirous of being possessed by them.” – Rudolf Steiner

and G.I. Gurdhieff a very reknowned spiritual philosophical mystic teacher of the 20th century saidd this:

“Everything living on Earth, people, animals, plants, is food for the moon. All movements, actions, and manifestations of people, animals, and plants depend upon the moon and are controlled by the moon. The mechanical part of our life depends upon the moon, is subject to the moon. If we develop in ourselves consciousness and will, and subject our mechanical life and all our mechanical manifestations to them, we shall escape the power of the moon.” – G.I. Gurdjieff, In Search of the Miraculous

Gurdjieff taught that people cannot perceive reality as they are, because they are not conscious of themselves, but rather live in a state of hypnotic “waking sleep” of constantly turning thoughts, worries and imagination. The title of one of his books is: Life is Real, Only Then, when “I am.” “Man lives his life in sleep, and in sleep he dies.”[52] As a result, a person perceives the world while in a state of dream. He asserted that people in their ordinary waking state function as unconscious automatons, but that a person can “wake up” and become what a human being ought to be.” – P. D. Ouspensky (1949), In Search of the Miraculous

Biblical references

The Red heifer, in Jewish history, an unblemished, never-before-yoked animal that was slaughtered and burned to restore ritual purity to those who had become unclean through contact with the dead. Certain spoils of war and captives were also purified in this way. After the blood of the red heifer had been sprinkled by a priest, the carcass was totally immolated with cedarwood, hyssop, and a scarlet thread. The ashes were then carried to a clean spot and mixed with fresh water in an earthen vessel. A sprinkling of the mixture restored purity to all who had taken part in the ritual.

Many Bible thumpers want to believe that this is the return of the Messiah and the founding of a Third Temple no the Temple Mount where the great Mosque now stands. That would be ridiculously stupid of Israel to attempt to do that and basically a suicide.

The only real thing that this ancient ritual, which hasn’t been performed in over 2,000 years apparently?, is an expiation of the sins of all the bloodshed on the hands of Israel soldiers for killing Palestinians innocents children and all their other enemies as they were a great warrior tribe thousands of years ago too.

You MUST NEVER MANIFEST for who purposes during eclipses.

It is a super new moon and a rare spiritual experience anything ego related is magnifies 1 million times and all good prayers mantras positive energy is magnified 1 million times.

Purification and fasting is recommended before and during. Pray for the well being of Mother Earth and all the children. Chanting Om Mani Padme Hum or a benevolent prayer would be awesome. Reciting a rosary if you are Christian. Saying shalom, salam, or any words of peace it can be as simple as that.

If you wish to stay inside and not view the eclipse or try your see it. Please do so safely.

Watch this video I did explaining the details of the Chiron healing of this total solar eclipse and the us 5th Chiron return

Please share widely all content is copyright ©️ of Tara Greene

Get your personal solar eclipse chirotic healing reading



Prayers for the World March 17

March 16 rare Neptune received golden blessings in the heart of the sun for 11 hours at 27° Pisces.rare event, dream it and they will come. Imagine peace. I will be doing ceremony, email he to add your name or someone else’s’ or a pet you’ve lost at


Alejandro Jodorowsky turns 95

The infamous and cult revered Spanish-French filmmaker, shaman Tarotist, author, graphic novelist, cartoonist, turned 95 on February 17.

Famed for his two best know. Surreal archetypal violent spiritual films El Topo and the John Lennon supported The Holy Mountain, Jodor is an auteur.

He claims he created modern phone tarot readings by doing these live when working on UK Pirate Radio ship in the 1960’s. He creates his own unique system of tarot with the Marseilles Tarot.

His archetypal and surreal films El Topo were the first midnight alternative film raves.

John Lennon gave him 1 million dollars to film his second film The Holy Mountain.

He worked with artist Moenis to do a full cartoon mock up of Dune in the 70’s which was shelved and his ideas were totally ripped off and used for the basis of Star Wars. This was documented in a film.

Jodorowsky studied shamanism with the famed Oaxacan seer Maria Sabina. He’s written books about a kind of psychological healing called psycho magic.

It’s amazing to see Jodor surviving Pluto conjunct his Natal Saturn at 28° Capricorn, this transit brings major death and transformation but because Alejandro has lived so true to his soul essence and because Saturn rules Capricorn I believe this could give him even more power strength and longevity.

Jupiter Direct in Taurus, manifesting benefits

Jupiter Stations Direct December 30

December 30, Jupiter, the big Benefic planet stationing in the sky at 6:40 pm PST/ 9:40 pm EST/ December 31 at 2:40 am GMT is a big special Holiday bonus at 5° plus Taurus. All planets are at their strongest when they Station from moving in one direction and stopping before they move on again.

Jupiter in TAURUS is big bullish energy. More so now. It’s Great for Manifesting. This is good news for all Taurus, especially those born in the first 5 days. This is great for all resources, gold,real estate, beauty, luxury, creativity, expansion and the bull stock market.

Move ahead now with big tangible Sagittarius type adventures, travels, optimism, body oriented philosophy, boldly go ahead with wealth enriching courses, spiritual knowledge, shamanic teaching, honest questioning, anything things that benefit your body like deep tissue massages, being in nature and on the land, adornments, crafts, tangible goods that have metaphorically been “smelling the roses” behind the scenes since September 4 when Jupiter turned Retrograde.

The great benefactor trines and also blesses VIRGO and CAPRICORN born in the first 5 days or with any degrees in angles or nodes at 1-5°.

Jupiter’s station opposite to 5° SCORPIO and squares 5° LEO and AQUARIUS these are pushy hard aspects. Jupiter is kicking your butt to get off the pot. Look to where these points are in your natal charts.

Jupiter at 5° Taurus is Quincunx to 5° LIBRA and 5° SAGITTARIUS The sign it rules which pisses off SAGITTARIUS big time. This is a Difficult aspect, itchy, blind spotted, can’t see the opportunities.

But it’s not all that bad.

VENUS entered SAGITTARIUS December 29 ruled by Jupiter. Venus and JUPITER are in mutual reception because The goddess of love, beauty relationships and money is in Jupiter’s home sign and JUPITER is in hers. They’re hosting each other This is so lucky for Taurus Sagittarius, Libra and Pisces. Venus is exalted in Pisces too. Extra points.

PISCES and CANCER at 5° get the sextile, a Positive supportive aspect at 60°

GEMINI and ARIES don’t get very much help as they are breathing down Jupiter’s neck in a 30° semi-sextile. They aren’t really affected by this station.

Take advantage of this beneficial expansive Wheel of Fortune as Jupiter is that Tarot major arcana card #10 energy. Jupiter stays at the stationary degree until January 2, 2024.

This is extra nice and beneficial energy and absolutely a lovely way to end 2023. The only kink is Mercury still Retrograde until January 1,2024 but it does turn direct on the New Year’s Day In Sagittarius.

Please share widely all content is copyright ©️ of Tara Greene

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$199 US for an hour.

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Women’s star power and the glass ceiling

October 6 VENUS and PLUTO are quincunx each other from Leo to Capricorn.

These two elements don’t see each other being 150 degrees, and 5 signs apart and can’t communicate well. They are truly in each others blind spots.

It is interesting because many famous stars-Leo is the sign of Big Stars women especially with Venus in Leo and leaders are big business people which is Capricorn territory.

Venus rules Love, Wealth, Beauty and relationships and in LEO the sign of the heart, courage and charisma, she magnifies the star bling golden leadership power and BIg drama but her blind spot in Pluto in Capricorn. This can play out in a number of ways. Women are not seeing how the Corporate world keeps shutting them out.

The heart and your career ambitions are in two different camps totally.

Women stars being used by Governments and advertising and corporations for their own secret agendas. I can think of a huge superstar who fits this bill.

VENUS is at the Put your heart where your true ambition is. Venus is going to finally get to her Retrograde point tomorrow see the next article.

Wishing you all the best blessings

Get a reading and sign up for OCTOBER SOLAR ECLIPSE WORKSHOP on ZOOM

Join my Live Zoom Workshop
FRIDAY OCTOBER 13, 4:30 pm PDT/7:30 pm EDT/ 11:30 pm GMT

Work with the Dragon energy of the Nodes which create all eclipses.Solar eclipses usher in new realities, a perfect time 
for letting-go with a South Node eclipse

Eclipses only repeat once in 18+ years 

Use this powerful time to free yourself of old toxic relationship patterns now

Fees are $33 Ca. Join now ZOOM link will be sent and a PDF

Buy Now 

Get your personal reading with me to find out how the elcipse is affecting you

Lilith on Regulus,empowering the dark Goddess

Lilith at the last most powerful 29th ° of Leo September 25 is inconjunct Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn.

This is a wonderful time to meditate on the heart and strength and courage and will power of Lilith,

She has been falsely demonized, and slandered, but she is the essence of the archetype of the first woman.

Meditating and asking her to come into your dreams especially with Neptune abs empower you wherever you need the strength, independence, creativity and passion of Leo’s last degree conjunct fixed Star Regulus which is Archangel Raphael. Lilith is an angelic being too. She is one quarter of all that is. It’s Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year in the Jewish calendar, the day of atonement and ironically the Jewish patriarchs created Lilith’s story ot to demonized and control women’s innate strength power and omnipotent sexuality. The patriarchs must atone to Lilith, for age is more ancient than that made up religious idea. Yes they understood her primal power as nature goddess, death bringer and while once they revered and celebrated her, they became fragile and insecure and projected their own fears into the divine goddess and attempted to defile and destroy her. A ridiculous idea anyway. Lilith is older than time, older than man made civilizations. Her beauty and good darkness is there for anyone to connect with. 29° Leo is the most heart opening degree. Ask Lilith to right the wrongs in the world now too. As the unconscious or shadow aspect she understands what evil lurks in the hearts of men. She is connected to menstrual blood which is the sacred blood of life, if you are a woman who is bleeding now honor Lilith and offfer your sacred lifeblood back to mother earth. let me know how your connection with Lilith goes. Please share widely all content on copyright of Tara Greene.

Find out how Lilith operates in your chart or get a reading Tara Greene tarot astrology constantDante Gabriel Rossetti, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Rejuvenate as Jupiter goes Retrograde September 4,

Jupiter stations and turns Retrograde September 4 at 10:10 am EDT at 15° 35’ until December 30 when it stops retrograding at at 5° 5’ Taurus. Great for trying to travel over the holidays!

Check out where those degrees are in your natal chart. These are areas needing review, regimentation, rest, and most of all rejuvenation..

At the same time Venus is also stationed Direct. To have Two planets stark naked stopped in the sky is a pretty rare thing. It’s Happening today. Both beneficial planets Venus and Jupiter are stationary. do draw down their magical powers. Make offerings to them. As above so below

Jupiter retrograde mainly affects Taurus, Sagittarius and Pisces, also Cancer by exaltation.

Prepare to redo, redefine, re-educate, reflect, render, review, repair, rebel, reparations,rectify, redact, regurgitate, reclaim, reject, rejoice, relocate, remedy, reneg, repurpose, rest, retribution, revisit,rewrite, resuscitate, etc.

Use this time wisely to finish any educational, travel, legal, foreign matters, brush up on old artistic pursuits, and get some humour back in your life.

Get a reading with me.

Weekly Astrology March 13- 19

all times in EDT unless otherwise necessary

March 14 MARS square NEPTUNE at 25 degrees at 7:39 pm

Brain fog, Feeling delusional, in a fog, confused about choices and which media to believe? triggers bank run and debts.

March 15/16 SUN conjunct NEPTUNE at 7:39 pm EDT

MORE OF THE SAME CONFUSION HIGHLIGHTED BUT also great for meditation, visualization, creativity and feeling connected to the spiritual source of water the Cosmic Womb, a great day for letting go allowing. Be aware of where you are self-sabotaging or playing the victim/ martyr.Meditate connect with your spirit huides send out telepathic messages and see who gets them. Make offerings of water and gifts to those needing them. LOOK your addictions right in the eye. A great day and this entire week is great for lucid dreaming, channeling meditating and mediumship. Pay attention to your debts. Watch out for plumbing issues and flooding. A great fishing week or protection for the oceans.

PHILLIP GUSTON is one of my fave artists- he dealt with this subject head on-or off-literally in his paintings


Piedmontese Tarot Soli wikimedia commons

March 16 MERCURY conjunct NEPTUNE

TAKE THE DAY OFF-, be aware of spiritual messages coming to you in your dreams and in synchronicity- this is a super high powered spiritual day. but beware all that glitters is not gold. Communications needs to come from your intuition not your brain. Experiment if you can tell which side is speaking to you.

More of the same imagery- if you didnt get it the first time, the mind needs to understand what the spirit and soul are saying. Get into the bath shower, float tank and enjoy turning off your mind relaz and flopat downstream.

March 16 PISCES SUN square MARS in GEMINI

Punctuating the Neptunian mind spirit interface. Brain waves on speed and theta waves.
March 16 VENUS square PLUTO at 29th anaretic degree.

Big banking issues, Venus rules money, in Aries this is new aggressive government controls. Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, Beware of obsession in relationships, jealousy, possessiveness, and vindictiveness. It’s also women’s empowerment.

March 16 VENUS enters TAURUS till April 10/11

She’s going home to indulge her senses. Be good to and lavish your body in luxurious soaps, massages, oils, organic food, jewellery, beauty products, and art immersions. The stock and real estate markets should pick up while Venus is in Taurus.

March 16/17 MERCURY in PISCES squares MARS at 25 degrees PISCES/GEMINI

It’s such a Neptunian week. Work with your dreams, write them down, talk about them. Plan out a spiritual path.

March 17 SUN conjunct MERCURY at 26 degrees PISCES at 6:45 am

Mercury Cazimi a good time to tune into everything spiritual, get solar Neptunian downloads. Lucid Dream, practice telepathy, long distance viewing, channel a higher spirit. Most of all be compassionate and charitable. Pray for the waters of the earth and for women’s and children’s wombs.

March 17/18 VENUS sextile SATURN at 1+ degree TAURUS/ PISCES

A nice soul mate in the physical energy. Spiritual romantic sparks can fly. But be careful of projections onto false gurus and soul mates.

March 18/19 MERCURY enters ARIES

A new beginning mentally just before the spring equinox. Give your mind a spring cleaning. Start new projects, initiate entrepreneurial enterprises.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene. Get a reading

Monday astrology February 27

Feb. 27 todays astrology

Under a quicksilver Gemini moon, perfect for merchants, sales, advertising, fast talking, fast moving info, and quick changes of mind, there’s three sweet sextiles as the Moon kisses Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron after squaring the Pisces Sun- were half way to another lunation cycle.

Moon conjunct Gemini Mars late in the day in PST and EST making our minds and emotions restless. This is hood for debating all kinds of subjects and generating fun flirty conversations.

Practice meditation and deep breathing-Gemini rules the lungs, to combat that Gemini restlessness mind syndrome.

Big day March 1st/2nd

Venus and Jupiter conjunct at 12° Aries!

March 1 at 9:36 pm PST and March 2 at 12:36 am EST and 5:36 am GMT

This is super beautiful and lucky expansive opportunities for Aries and all Cardinal signs. If you have any planets, angles or nodes at 11-13° Aries you get the big jackpot, or should I say jillpot.

It’s a powerful degree for me . I have Saturn at 12° Libra, my husbands AC is 12 Aries and my sons AC is also 12° Libra. I will be doing ceremony from San Miguel de Allende. This is potent love and luck talisman and love potion time. I will do a live broadcast. Stay tuned

I’ll write Separate horoscopes for each sign.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene. Get a reading http://