Power, Control, Secrets, Shadows Sun conjunct Pluto

SUN CONJUNCTS PLUTO AT 24+ degrees at 6:18 am PST/ 9:18 am EST/ 2:18 pm GMT

The SUN is light and vitality ego and identity. Pluto is the Unconscious the shadow, ruthless Lord of Death and the Underworld. These two are opposed in nature but necessary complementary parts of each other.

The SUN/Sol/ Helios/ Apollo/ Ra represents the conscious masculine world of the heroic ego and Pluto the Other, the soul, the deep unknown hidden mystery world of death and rebirth. Pluto is seen as Masculine but traditionally the Feminine is both womb and tomb and the soul nature the anima in psychology.

This is big world ego death. We know of a few people whose ego’s are being trashed on center stage right nowPart of the U.S. Pluto returns coming February 2022 with three exact hits at 27+ Capricorn.

This is the perfect time to shine the hard light on your shadows and unconscious motivations. Our shadows are our own unintegrated parts we project onto others. Simplified means we are good they are bad in any case. The other is always mirroring our own shadows.

This is hidden enemies out into the light of day.

We can see the power plays going on in the U.S. to destroy, shame, eliminate and tarnish President Donald Trump on full display. The Democratic party powers are trying to kill him, impeach him for the 2nd time and blot him out. While I am not taking any sides as an outsider observer Canadian. To paraphrase Jesus’s attested statement. He who has casts the biggest shadow projects it onto others first.”

Pluto is the God of recycling, let go of old issues, agendas, resentments, your enemy list and all kinds of shit and dump it today.

We are still in NEW MOON Capricorn Energy.

Look to where the SUN and PLUTO meet in your Natal Chart at 24+ degrees CAPRICORN to see where the ego recycling energy is taking place.

Lets meditate on the images of the degree from John Sandbach.

Capricorn 25. During a ritual, a living woman is wrapped like an Egyptian mummy. (Omega Symbol) Interacting/Inspired

(Degree Angel: ACHAIAH (a-KA-hee-YAH) DNA of the Soul, Patience)

This degree innately realizes that sometimes it needs to completely let go of an old way of being and be reborn anew. The problem is, that old energies from a past existence, if not cleared sufficiently will come back to limit and oppress one until they are cleared away. And so this process of dying to the old and being reborn may have to happen multiple times until the clearing finally occurs.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A woman wearing a mask made out of butterfly wings.” This degree wants to be accepted by others, and to look good. There are two ways this can manifest: (1) a self-idealization that manifests in outer trappings that are put on in an attempt to feel safe and comfortable and socially appropriate, and (2) a continual and persistent identification with the soul’s purity and spiritual aspirations so that everyone you contact is radiated with an elevated energy that disperses the heavy depressive vibrations of this illusory, physical world. Only number 2 will lead to self-fulfillment.

The woman of the Omega Symbol is wrapped, like a butterfly, in a chrysalis, so that she may emerge from it as a higher being.

Pleiadian Symbol: A merchant has his assistants unroll an immense rug of intricate deisgn.

Azoth Symbol: In the middle of a bustling city a man walks alone among tombstones and mausoleums.

Seed degree: Capricorn 28. A roomful of people busily cutting diamonds. (Omega Symbol). As we provide a place for the light to appear, we find we become that place.

A mirror covered with a fine film of dust. (Chandra Symbol). The light at first obstructed by the physical, but then the mirror is cleared, revealing our brightness.

Fulfillment degree: Libra 25. New words magically appearing in a dictionary. (Omega Symbol). Taking on higher and finer energies, we find new ways of expressing the light.

In the midst of a forest, a great circular open area. (Chandra Symbol). When we are able to identify with the higher aspects of our being we find that life provides us with a safe, secure place in which to create, life and grow. http://john-sandbach.blogspot.com/2010/04/154-omegachandra-symbols-capricorn-21.html

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene unless other wise indicated.

get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

Rebalancing New Moon in Libra Oct. 8/9

Libra ♎New Moon perfects @ 8:46 pm PDT/ 11:46 pm EDT/October 9 @ 3:46 am GMT

Libra means “the weighing scales” in Latin. Usually held by the Goddess of Justice Dike or Astrea. 

How synchronous is this to have the very karmic balance of Justice held by the Goddess be such a prime symbol of anger from women {and men} over Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation to lifelong Supreme Court Judge after Ford’s testimony against him of sexual abuse in College which was not found to be reasonable to prevent his appointment. 

Venus, the planetary ruler of Libra is Retrograde which means that Justice is in a regressive stage. Venus is in the Underworld going through her 7 stages of rebirth for the 40 days from October 5-November 16. It appears that in the U.S. women’s rights appear to be backtracking. Mid term elections are coming November 6th and that is a very important day astrologically. 

Libra is about polarity and things are getting more extremely polarized now than ever.

At the New Moon we get to reset, review, renew, reflect and regroup as we sit in the darkness of what for many has ignited Scorpio known characteristics like revenge, obsession, control, power and manipulation issues. The Republicans see Ford’s testimony as a character assassination and attempt to stop a conservative Judge from sitting on the Supreme Court.  

Chiron Retrograde at 29 degrees Pisces is also contributing to the overall universal unconscious emotional wounding/healing we are all feeling at this last most karmic last degree of the zodiac.

Chiron is square Saturn in Capricorn the old Patriarchal boys club. Never underestimate Saturn’s power in Capricorn and Pluto’s too. He rules Capricorn and tradition and all of the white male privilege of history. Thus the wounds women are feeling. This is ancient ancient wounds coming up to be healed and released. Pisces is the sign of Jesus the male sacrificial God of ancient history who was the Goddesses son and lover who was killed annually to ensure the fertility of the earth. That myth was appropriated by the Patriarchy too. This does not mean that men should be made sacrificial victims, castrated or murdered either. These are all metaphors and not to be taken literally. 

Venus retrograde at 10 degrees Scorpio rules the roost at this New Moon. This 40 days and nights in the Underworld will be the resurrection of the Feminine. Sexuality, secrets, ruthlessness and power and control issues will be brought to light eventually. Surrender to the night sea journey. Cry as much as you need. I have been doing so as I have felt the sting of Venus retrograde, feeling my love is being rejected by a close family member. 

Uranus at 1 degree Taurus is opposite Mercury at 28 Libra squaring the Nodes of Fate 

A new wave, invention or practical idea must be built. Uranus rules inventions, freedom and revolution. A new idea or political movement is forming. New ways to express and communicating different from the past. South Node at 2 degrees AQUARIUS indicates a total break from the past ways of organizing. Of course, the internet will be a huge means of building this. Uranus in Taurus rules Money and women always have the power to buy or not which holds incredible power in their hands.

MARS conjunct LILITH in Aquarius square VENUS Retro in Scorpio

An angry mob of women the likes of which the world has never seen is swelling, organizing agitating and will be felt like a tsunami on election day November 6th in the U.S. The patriarchal conservativism of Trump, the election of a new conservative president in Brazil and in Hungary, the new premier of Ontario Ford are all a backlash to liberal views which have been imposed by the Deep State in Europe and in the U.S. with the intent of destabilizing cultures and nations so imposition of world rule and police states can be implemented. This has been going on since the end of world war I, Unfortunately, the conservative backlash is also mixed in with sexual and religious politics. The world needs some balance. Libra is an air sign of detachment so its best to stay as cool and detached as possible.

SUN and MOON at the 15th most powerful degree conjunct CERES the Great Mother.

Yes, we need Ceres to bring balance. The Great Mother can also be destructive as in the Myth of Persephone where she refused to let anything grow and the people were starving until the Gods stepped in to help. Venus Retrograde is part of the Ceres/Demeter story, the abduction, sexual abuse and rape of an innocent maiden into the Underworld is also a metaphor.  We can see these symbols being reenacted. 

Fairy tales and myths are archetypal teaching stories. Ultimately it is the story of a maiden being separated from an overprotective mother and becoming a mature sexual woman after being initiated into sexuality which is the great motivator of all humans, it is secret and hidden until she is old enough, the myth was initially a puberty myth and was then made patriarchal. It is also a myth explain why there is summer and winter. We need to know how to decode these stories which are explaining many deep facets of human life. We need to call upon the Great Mother to heal our broken hearts over this state of women’s truth and her domination by the patriacrhy which will be healed now.

Here is an eye popping synchronicity from John Sandbach 

Speaking the Right Words (Yud Yud Zayin)

Angel: YEIAZEL (YAY-ah-ZEL) Divine Consolation and Comfort

Libra 16. After many revisions, a poem is thrown away. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Experimental

(Degree Angel: Imamiah (ee-MA-mee-Yah) Passion, Expiation of Errors)

All seeming failures are experiments that provide a basis for future success. This degree is intent on communicating its deepest feelings, and willing to come at this from many different angles. What is of greatest importance here is ones attitude: non-attachment will protect against frustration, and if patience is maintained, much can be learned from all attempts to express oneself. The result will be empowered communication.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A woman: The lower half of her body is a serpent.” This degree is focused on allowing its deep instinctive impulses to manifest. It craves to live life with the whole of itself, rather than denying the primitive aspects of its being. It feels a deep connection to nature, and knows that the forces of nature working through it must be given expression, for they are bound to express themselves eventually – all efforts to repress them being ultimately doomed to failure.

And, as the image of the Omega Symbol shows, this expression is not always easy. The poet of this symbol must sometimes acknowledge that a particular experiment has failed, and rather than settling for producing something that is deficient in life energy, it is often best to give up and make a fresh start, in the hopes that through this the magic will come forth, and the inner serpent wisdom will find its way into the world through the conduit of words.

Pleiadian Symbol: At the shore a flight of stairs disappearing into the water.

Azoth Symbol: Wind Gods directing a cloud dance. 

Seed degree:Libra 7. The Great Wall of China making a huge shadow. (Omega Symbol) The limitations we have set up for ourselves become a basis for letting go of those creative experiments which we decide to be unsuccessful.

A group of old ladies gossiping excitedly. (Chandra Symbol). Mutual stimulation through communication sensitizes us to an awareness of our primal nature.

Fulfillment degree: Cancer 17. A man’s shadow moving independently of him. (Omega Symbol). Whatever in life we reject always comes back to us in another form so that we may integrate its energy into our being.

A woman working busily at a spinning wheel. (Chandra Symbol). Attuning ourselves to our primal nature provides us with energy that can fuel creative endeavors.”

The spinning wheel is the wheel of fortune and fate used by Spider-Woman  who weaves fate.

Please circulate widely. All writing is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated.
get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

Love or Power; White Supremacists

Venus opposes PLUTO Aug 15 @ 17 degrees Cancer/Capricorn @ 4:17 am PDT/ 7:17 am EDT/ 11:17 am GMT

The Moon will be Void-of-Course from Taurus.

Carl Jung the famous Swiss Psychologist said: “Where love rules, there is no will to power, and where power predominates, love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.”- “On the Psychology of the Unconciousness”, 1917  

I am quoting from a wonderful article I found by Duane Toops- 

He is comparing this quote above and Nietzsche’s Will to Power. I have read Jung but not Nietzche thoroughly in many years. I will quote his essay and edit down and comment as it is totally relevant to the Planets and the situation in America and the world.

“Jung seems to be suggesting that love which is VENUS and power which is PLUTO are absolutely antithetical forces, polar opposites. The acceptance of one is  necessarily the rejection, negation, and subversion of the other. To love is to forego power and to attain power is to vanquish love. Jung seems to equate ‘power’ with domination, specifically of another; a master and a slave. Jung implies that this is the “will to power”. Which is what these White Supremacists seek to do to dominate all “lower” less purity beings.

Nietzsche’s Will To Power

“Yet, is this what Nietzsche has in mind in his Will to Power? Is love nothing more than powerlessness? Is power only domination? This essay aims to show that Jung’s interpretation of the ‘will to power’ could not be more of a misinterpretation.

Nietzsche would specify that one whose status as a master -PLUTOCRACY-is defined only by one’s dominance over another is not actually a master but an indication of being a slave and of weakness. The master’s ‘power’ is absolutely externalized and completely contingent upon the presence of the slave. The master is truly a slave to the slave.

In Nietzsche’s mind, a master is not necessarily the master of a slave and a slave is not necessarily one who is enslaved or subservient to a master. Nietzsche’s classifications are of a psychological internality. A captive can be the epitome of master morality and a lord can all too easily exemplify slave morality. 

What exactly has the ‘master’ mastered and what is the slave enslaved to? This kind of power is disguised impotency lusting after power through the use of control, manipulation, and resentment. Nietzsche himself writes that “the state in which we hurt others…is a sign that we are still lacking power” (108). This is sado-masochistic behavior. I am totally against all forms of BDSM as deep emotional and psychological wounding. It doesn’t matter if both people are “consensual” as they are both unconscious. 

L. Nathan Oaklander explains that “The strong willed are those who have the strength to chart their own course, create their own values, and live in accordance with them” (85). A master is a creative force, a ‘powerful’ determination to direct their lives in a manner consistent with the values they have created (Nietzsche, 115). Master morality is the full acceptance of one’s responsibility for their existence as an individual. A true master is marked by their ability to ‘conquer’ to transcend and to determine themselves. (Hayman, 35).

In this regard, the slave is the antithesis of the master. The slave is one who lacks self-mastery and the strength of will to be creative and self-determinative. The slave is enslaved to normality, convention, society, tradition, conformity, and mediocrity which describes White Supremacists totally. The slave or Bible Thumper lives in complete compliance to external dictates, resenting those who have striven for excellence and attained freedom. The slave exercises their will to power through implicit domination and forced coercion, vilifying those who have achieved power and individuality and branding them as ‘evil’ (Oaklander, 86). 

“This is an “inversion” of the Will to Power, which “directs one’s view outward instead of back to oneself” (Nietzsche, 117). This is not an expression of true power but, only the desirous drive for the feeling of power which arises from an impotent lack of power. In this sense, it is true that “where [this kind of] power predominates, love is lacking”.

Those who seek to be “masters” like White Supremacists are actually living in total fear. Fear of change growth evolution and consciousness. They fear to have to look at themselves for who they really are. 

What does all of this say about the compatibility of love and the Will to Power?  Love is not for the faint of heart but for the strong-willed, those who have the strength to be self-transcendent. Perhaps, not only can love exist alongside the Will to Power; perhaps love is the Will to Power.


Love is, in fact, a ‘powerful’ force. This is undeniably seen throughout the pages of history. Jesus, Gandhi, Buddha, Martin Luther King Jr., self-empowered, strong-willed self-determined people, marked by self-mastery who through great acts of love had the power to impact the world. They are individuals who have not only directed themselves but, who directed the course of history itself. These are people of supreme courage, able to transcend themselves, overcoming and withstanding the abusive violence of societal norms and conventions, carving out and creating whole new ways of understanding what it means to be human. These figures demonstrate that love is an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. They reveal that it takes great power to bear the weighted risk of love and there is great power gained in taking the risk of loving.”

Now at this great crossroads of conflict with North Korea and in the U.S. and in Europe with immigrants. We need to demonstrate the power of love and see beyond our limited “tribal selves.” That is the very first step of individuation. 

The opposition of Pluto the HAwk in Capricorn to Venus the Dove and HEKATE the Goddess of the crossroads couldn’t be felt and seen more literally than the split in the world and those who choose Love and those who choose FEAR and feigned Patriarchal Power Over. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

Read full article here. https://duanetoops.wordpress.com/2014/01/02/love-and-the-will-to-power-between-nietzsche-and-jung/


Sage Full Moon,rare hexagon Star wisdom

Sagittarius Moon, sacred to Diana/Artemis

The Sagittarius Full Moon June 9th is a time For TRUTHS to be revealed. It’s a time to connect with your ancestral teachers and teachings. Sagittarius is a Masculine Fire Sign. It is sacred to the Goddess of the Hunt Diana/Artemis. Saturn, the planet of the elders Is conjunct the Moon. Sagittarius is the teacher of mysticism and wisdom.  Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius in Occult Astrology is the home of the Master Spiritual Teachers.

Jupiter IS stationary turnING Direct @ 7:03 am PDT/ 10:03 am EDT/ 2:03 pm GMT. This is when Jupiter’s influence is the most beneficial and impactful. This makes this truly a Sage FULL Moon. 

The Strawberry, Rose, Pink, or Long Nights MOON will appear smaller than normal as it is at its farthest distance to the earth. This is the opposite of a Super Moon. It is very much a “mere mortal” moon especially with Saturn, the Grim Reaper standing next to the Moon. This is a sobering, serious REALITY Check of a TRUTHER Moon @ 18+ degrees Sagittarius @ 6:09 am PDT/ 9:09 am EDT/ 1:09 pm GMT.

This is a sobering, serious REALITY Check of a TRUTHER Moon @ 18+ degrees Sagittarius. That’s not such a bad thing right now. 

To see how SATURN the planet of heaviness is curbing your enthusiasm, look at where 19-27 degrees of SAGITTARIUS is in your own chart. SATURN is the architect or 3D and anything worth building comes with great patience, discipline, and maturity.  Many people born in 1982-1983 are having the Saturn transit to their Natal Neptune now. This can be a time for really sorting out your dreams from reality and what you are willing to commit to. 

NEPTUNE the planet of creativity, the unconscious, illusions, glamor, martyrdom, oil, Spirituality, and addictions is about to turn RETROGRADE  on June 16 @ 14 degrees 15 minutes where it is now. All planets about to change direction either forwards or backward are incredibly powerful. 

NEPTUNE is squaring the GREAT ATTRACTOR at 14 degrees SAGITTARIUS, a huge deep space-time, light and mind bender that we can barely fathom. This connection creates a wormhole to greater Galactic information which is available to us through deep meditation and for being open to trusting the Great Mysteries spiritual lessons. Neptune is also squaring the Moon. 

What is real and what is an illusion is so much in play in the world right now. Reality Winner, who gets my vote for the best name destiny I have ever heard is in the news connected to a President who had his own reality show which is now daily life in the U.S. Life imitates reality shows and  Truth is stranger than fiction. 

LILITH at 12 degrees SAGITTARIUS is also conjunct to the GREAT ATTRACTOR and squared by NEPTUNE. Women will be blamed. Like Reality Winner who I believe is being set up, and British Prime Minister Theresa May on the eve of the election in Britain may take a big hit.  It appears she has with the Labor Party making huge gains. Lilith is also on the U.S. Sibley Chart Ascendant exactly. 

Lilith is also on the U.S. Sibley Chart Ascendant exactly. The shadow of the Dark Feminine, who is KALI like, She is independent and uncompromising and destroys egos. Women will rise up spiritually to change things. There is a destruction and resurrection going on at deep archetypal levels that we can’t see directly but there is deep change going on. 

There is a YOD or FINGER OF GOD formation. CERES and the SUN  in GEMINI  sextile to VESTA the Sacred Hearth flame of Tantric sexuality @ 13 degrees LEO. They are all inconjunct to JUNO the Goddess of FEMININE GENIUS @ 15 degrees CAPRICORN conjunct to PLUTO at 18 degrees.   This is a TRIPLE GODDESS YOD with Apollo the SUN and Hades Lord of the Underworld.  Very powerful energies to focus with on the Full Moon of Sage wisdom. 

There is a beautiful GRAND FIRE TRINE. 

Saturn trines the North Node @ 26 degrees of LEO and ERIS ,dwarf planet of Shit disturbers, Athena the Goddess of wisdom and battle strategy and URANUS planet of revolutionary change and higher consciousness @ 27 degrees ARIES.

RARE 6 pointed Merkaba formation with the SUN @ 18+ Gemini conjunct to GAIA Goddess CERES @ 16 GEMINI, trine to JUPITER @ 13 degrees LIBRA. The Fixed Star DORSUM at 13 degrees AQUARIUS completes the GRAND AIR TRINE and makes a Merkabah, a 6 pointed star or Hexagram with the Grand Fire Trine.

DORSUM in the Constellation Capricornus is supposed to have great influence over human affairs portending major changes in such areas as climate and political customs. 

GEMINI SUN time is a dual sign. We see mirror images. Saturn the Father Time, Grim Reaper is conjunct to the Moon, and CERES the GREAT MOTHER is conjunct to the SUN. This is a reversal of normal masculine and feminine roles. Issues of transgender rights and gay marriages may be in the news again. 

CHIRON at 28 degrees PISCES is also quincunx to the North Node. We may be feeling so lost in our own pain as well as the wounds in the Collective Psyche that we may forget to simply follow the North Node. This is our spiritual GPS at 26 degrees LEO. Follow your heart, have courage, Follow your Bliss, live from your will, 3rd chakra. Connect to your ORENDA or spiritual HARA center. LEO energy makes each individual SOVEREIGN over their own life. Trust your heart. 

Dream deep with the ancestors and meditate to open your Merkaba light body to much Galactic wisdom at this Full Moon cycle. It is in effect until the next New Moon on June 23/24 in CANCER. 

PLEASE Share widely all writing is copyright of TARA GREENE. 

Come to GRAIL SPRINGS Wellness Retreat Center in BANCROFT Ontario on June 23-24 for my “Into the Mystic” workshop. This is one of the Top 10 Healing Hotels in the world. Book now space is very limited. http://www.grailsprings.com/ 

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com






Fire trines, Saturn Retrograde,the buck stops here.

Fire Trines Astrology Tara Greene

Moon is in FIERY self-expressive passionate Leo today and moves into VIRGO at 9:20 pm PDT/ April 7 @ 12:20 am EDT

We are under the earth trine of MARS to PLUTO at night in EDT and GMT and you may be feeling more embodied and grounded than usual.

SATURN turns RETROGRADE in SAGITTARIUS -August 25@ 1:06 am EDT/ 5:06 am GMT 

Planets, as they station retrograde or direct are at their strongest. Sagittarius rules religion, foreigners, airplanes, terrorists, courts, judges, higher education, laws, comedy, taxes, death, and seniors. We may feel this energy screeching to a halt also in our dreams. Airplane strikes or slowdowns and travel restrictions and airplane accidents may be higher with Saturn Retrograde. Saturn very literally rules the father, so any issues with your father’s well-being may come up strongly.  If you are a father, you may want to look at how your fathering style is. Are you unconsciously doing what your father did to you. This aspect can help you say “The buck stops here.” Heads are already rolling in governments everywhere. So expect more of the same. Saturn is like LEAD and we may be feeling tired, as responsibilities pile up. This energy is also repressed authority and can result in anger, rage, foreign terrorism, shootings at schools and universities. The courts are going through a lot of pull back of laws. The cosmic TAX man and ruler of the 3rd dimension may have some old lessons to teach all of us over the next few months. They are all GALACTIC ones.  You may feel Saturn’s regressive pull in your dreams, males or authority figures, or your dad or deceased people may appear in your dreams.  If you are born in the last week of Sagittarius this Saturn Retrograde will affect you the most, also late Gemini and latter degrees of Pisces and VIRGO. 

LEO Moon sextile Jupiter at night and inconjuncts PLUTO
The LUNAR Sextile is harmonious but the inconjunct to PLUTO, Lord of the underworld -the soul world where we dream at night is not. Your sleep may be disturbed by vandals, criminals, and other shadowy figures. 

LEO Moon square Mars in TAURUS also in the wee hours, early a.m. GMT
The mood is “All about me.” The EGO is king and wants to fight.   The mood is pushy, and when push comes to shove, Taurus energy just won’t budge, road rage may be one aspect. Don’t rile authorities, don’t tempt the LION. Holding clout over another becomes the temporary mood.

LEO Moon trine Uranus and ERIS in ARIES he A.M. and SATURN Rx. in the evening.

This is a GRAND FIRE TRINE developing all day.  This is a high energy aspect which can be unpredictable and chaotic. It’s a good brainstorming, “heart storming” energy. If you don’t expect any concrete outcomes then you will be fine. This is a very freedom oriented energy with people being idiosyncratic and rebellious. 

Very good positive energy for all fire signs and air signs. You can be over the top energetically so be careful to use the excess energy wisely. Working out is recommended or dancing.  A lot can be accomplished today.

Leo MOON inconjuncts CHIRON in PISCES

Take those overwhelmed feelings where you are the big psychic sponge of the world’s woes and do something about it. Leo moon wants to act with passion. Start a movement, raise some money, be charitable. Remember that Leo’s have a soft tender side too. 


Trying to tango with a mermaid is the first image that pops into my mind. It is very much The Little Mermaid story who doesn’t accept herself and wishes to be with the Prince. Venus in Pisces can be too much the martyr and have no boundaries and low self esteem. The Challenge of an inconjunct is to try to bring two totally different energies together. Learn how to be proud, and strong, and have an ego, and be the Princess yourself. It’s all about role playing anyways that is something that Pisces likes to do. Act as if…. and see what happens. 

If you are born with this aspect then take that advise to heart. 

Moon enters VIRGO to turn the volume down for most of the weekend. 

Yes its intense. THE BIG CARDINAL CROSSESS of Sun opposed to JUPITER and square PLUTO are full tilt on! At 18+ 19+ degrees of ARIES-LIBRA and CAPRICORN these are the hot spots. It can be devastating for some and liberating for others. Change is the name of the game. 

and to add to the FUN, MERCURY turns RETROGRADE on the 9th/10th at 4+ degrees TAURUS and will remain RETROGRADE until May 3rd when it stations at 24 degrees ARIES conjunct URANUS and ERIS! 

EAT my words is MERCURY”S Motto. Doesn’t Trump say this a lot these days? We’ll see who eats whose words over this next month.  More on Merc Retro shortly.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of TARA GREENE

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com




Saturn Retrograde, the devil made me do it.

APRIL is going to be a very hectic intense month.

Starting the first week of APRIL with SATURN Lord of KARMA turning RETROGRADE joining Venus, and Jupiter.

EXACT times: on the 5th @ 10:06 pm in PDT/ 6th  @ 1:06 am EDT/5:06 am GMT

SATURN spend about 5 months of the year turning Retro. But this year it’s the point at which Saturn turns back, at the GALACTIC CENTER, 27 degrees of SAGITTARIUS. Remember that CHIRON is also squaring Saturn as it turns Retrograde leaving us feeling vulnerable and rather raw. The most powerful of karmic planets turns back at the Black Galactic hole void place until August 25th @ 21 degrees SAGITTARIUS.

Saturn, Versailles, Astrology Tara Greene

The fountain of Saturn. 1672-77. gilded lead. Francois Girardon.French. 1628-1715. Gardens of Versailles

While Saturn is RETROGRADE, I can’t say it won’t be heavy. SATURN is lead, depression, obstacles, limitations and testing. Old karmic issues of all types shapes and sizes pull us back through a wormhole to face any old unfinished KARMIC business. Saturn is the TAX MAN. He is LEAD. Saturn is hard-hitting reality. He is the great reality show itself. More than D. Trump/ He is time, and patience. He is discipline, and maturity. All of these SATURNINE qualities are important we need them in order to make our dreams reality, to build something that lasts; a career, a family, marriage or a lifestyle.

Saturn, aka SATURN or the illusion of the earth plane is the Symbol of THE DEVIL himself in the TAROT #15 / the opposite and complimentary of the LOVERS. 

the Devil Tarot Tara Greene

SATURN is the ruler of CAPRICORN equivalent to The DEVIL 

“Better the devil you know than the one you don’t” is an old saying. The Devil or demon is alas a Daemon or helping spirit guide according to ancient Greek philosophers and modern psychologists like James Hillman.  Saturn isn’t all bad, but discernment is necessary. 

Use the time of Saturn’s retrograde in SAGITTARIUS to grow up in areas where you may be avoiding responsibilities. Saturn is concrete work, he rules your career. Go over any steps you need to take to rebuild your career or see where aspects of your career need reworking, remodeling, or reviewing.  Saturn in SAGITTARIUS is higher education. Brush up on old knowledge, decide to take or re-take courses. Decide to go back to school. What knowledge do you have that needs to be repolished in order to take it out into the world and teach others?  Saturn is good for making long term goals. 

Yes, Saturn can be hell. It’s true. Depression, failure, wanting to quit can all be part of Saturn retrogrades heavy lessons. If you need help reach out and ask for it. Saturn has a horrible reputation. He ate his own children, he cut off Uranus balls and threw them away. He is a monster. Use this time to work out any old shadows, and “monstrous” qualities in yourself. One of my heroes is James Hillman and he talked about Saturn as the SENEX, the old wise man who helps us by using depression and heaviness as a means of resurrecting ourselves. Many people take drugs to avoid depression but there is a depth in depression that can be very helpful and necessary. What goes up must go down. Get down. 

Travel is also a big Saturn in Sag. issue as Trump’s travel ban is now in hiatus. Sagittarius rules laws, courts, higher law, teachers. All of these professions and activities will be highlighted. Laws are being repealed, and there may be much back and forth action around all of these issues. Many activists will be busy repealing, recalling, re-legislating,  in politics during this time. 

SATURN is our greatest goals; to climb to the top of the mountains, to be at the peak of our world. You must be clear about what this is. Saturn will always test us. Saturn makes you sweat for your success. But the discipline and the hard lessons which Saturn gives make the success all that much sweeter. 

Saturn rules the body. What do you need to do to improve your health.?As much as attitude is important, none of us is getting physically younger. There is a wisdom in aging, yes like fine wine. We need to applaud elders, we need to turn to them for their experience for simply having lived so long. We need to record the stories of all people. 

Saturn is history. What will the future, if there is one? say about these times? our times?

What is the GRIM REAPER: Facing your death and old age is a shamanic and Buddhist technique to help one wake up to living in the now. The Tibetan Buddhists meditate in Cemeteries and charnel grounds where bodies are burned after death. What do you want your life to be remembered for? What physical gifts do you wish to leave behind in this impermanent world? 

Saturn is the PATRIARCHY, and Trump and his too white, old boy, bible thumping racists sexists.  There will be more reaction and resistance to everything Trump is trying to push forward. Not much action will be advancing till August, so prepare to move slow. 

Seniors will come forwards as leaders. Their needs need to be recognized as pensions will be disappearing. Their quality of life needs to be held up.

For those with birthdays which fall on the Galactic Center on December 19 plus or minus 4 days. You will feel Saturn raking you back more than others. 

Remember Saturn is always your father. If he is still alive give him a nice hug, tell him how much he means to you or call him. If you dad has passed on as mine has, let the tears flow if you miss him or if you are angry at him, or can’t forgive him. 

Finish up all old karmic battles, revenge trips, anger, jealousy, or just can’t le it go. Let it go. The nice thing about Saturn in SAGITTARIUS is when Saturn goes direct again and is at the Galactic center again within two degrees from early November 2017- December 20th. We can use that big Galactic Center as an enormous recycling void for everything that we do not need. 

Make sure you get your taxes done. I am guilty of being late this year from last year for the first time. Or finish up whatever you have been avoiding or procrastinating about. Sagittarius tends to procrastinate. We can get refocused during Saturn’s retro. 

One of Saturn’s gemstone’s is blue sapphire. In Indian Astrology gemstones are used to alleviate a planet’s negative influences.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene.  Please share widely.

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

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March 23- weekend Astrology preview

March 23
AQUARIUS MOON sextiles the SUN and VENUS  in ARIES.
AQUARIUS, freedom, Tara Greene astrology
The mood is radical, rebellious and instigating new chaos into our lives. Our minds and hearts are electrified and freed up. We want to move past the limits in relationships, in making money and in anything that dulls our shine.
Stay grounded and focused on your goals. Push meets shove. It’s a good day for bodywork, massages, doing physical work, dancing or singing for working off any anger caused by, you know, all the events in the world.
MERCURY squares PLUTO, a CARDINAL SQUARE 5:45 pm PDT/ 8:45 pm EDT
Mercury Retrograde Tara Greene astrology spiritual
  Mercury is the message, the medium, consciousness, our minds,   thinking, and communications. Known as The Trickster, and the  God of merchants and thieves.
Mercury in ARIES  speaks without thinking. Words spontaneously rush out. Be careful to try to hold back your words because you might say things to hurt others and ruin your case.
Mercury in Aries is bringing in new ideas, insights, independent thinking and radical ideas.
Make your voice heard against these PLUTOCRATS.  The dark side of PLUTO in CAPRICORN is exactly what we are seeing in the U.S. now, a Plutocratic rather Nazi-like control. A take over by the old boys club, the Patriarchs, trying to take away any Feminine nurturing Cancer {the opposite sign} social benefits, and women’s rights. 
Mercury will opppose JUPITER in LIBRA on the 24th and conjunct URANUS and ERIS on the 26th PDT., EDT, GMT.
Relationships are rocking and rolling, especially with Venus Retrograde conjunct the SUN at this time too. Diplomacy will be hard to come by. Explosive anger will be spilling out.
Major Danger of terrorist attacks, explosions, volcanic eruptions, severe thunderstorms, hurricanes and the like. Chaos is on the menu and Radical change is in the air.
We have become accustomed to these Cardinal Crosses.  They keep pressuring us to change our thinking, to wake up! To think independently, to alter the way we communicate.
Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene
Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

Mercury, Moon’s Nodes square Lilith 

Mercury at zero degrees Pisces is conjunct to the South Node of the Moon at 3 degrees squaring Lilith at 1 degree Sagittarius.

The North Node of the Moon at 3 degrees Virgo is also in this 90 degree tense square aspect with Lilith.

I Lilith painting by Napoleon Brousseau http://www.napob.comNapoleon Brousseau

The nodes take 18+ years to complete a cycle. They are Karmic!

Lilith is the goddess of the dark or black moon. She symbolizes the most mysterious aspect of the moons phases. She is the moon that draws women’s blood from their wombs every month. She is the goddess of death of what might have been but wasn’t meant to be.

In Sagittarius, Lilith is the archetype of the fiery Sage fearless wild woman, the wise Chrone woman. She  is Seer, oracle, truth teller, gypsy, witch woman, healer, soothsayer, oracle. she is a diviner, a teacher, a visionary, an adventurous seeker of the highest meaning. she is a story teller, a history preserver. she uses humour and extremes to get her points across. She has been misunderstood and misrepresented throughout the patriarchal times. She is the original goddess. The death bringer, holy one, the wisest one who never compromises. She symbolizes one of the poles of the Laws of life.

Lilith lives in and through all women. In Sagittarius she is telling the truth now in totally uncompromising ways. Women must speak their truths. Truly it is they alone who have the right to sovereignty over their own bodies. Lilith very obviously relates to abortions and miscarriages. Sagittarius is the legal system which  Women are being challenged to free up through the nodes of the moon to be fearless in striking, in walking out of thepatriarchal  systems of bondage, also called religion. Which is another Sagittarius ruled item along with education which must be secular.

Women must refuse at every level of culture to co-operate with what amounts to their enemies right now. Any man or woman who does not back women’s right to total freedom is considered an enemy until balance can be restored. These are intense times, no pussyfooting around, no sugar coating, there is no time left to waste.

Jupiter rules both Sagittarius and Pisces. Jupiter governs this solar eclipse. Jupiter at present in Libra is trying to balance Us and them. Jupiter insists on truth and justice. In these grand cardinal crosses at present this issue of women’s rights and anyone considered an outsiders rights, is the major focus.

Women need to be the leaders the firebrands. The time is now. This solar eclipse pertaining to Lilith signifies a powerful time  in Lilith’s  redemption and integration back into the psyches of everyone. Original goddess, Virgin and complete unto herself she needs no man to create with.

Because this dark feminine has been repressed in the western psyche purposefully for 5,000 years her shadow has grown huge. We see it now projected by all men who try to repress women through religion, customs and culture.

The time has come to reclaim Lilith. The biggest taboo is menstrual blood. That is Lilith’s  power. First women must honor Lilith though their sacred monthly bleeding times as holy, a time to retreat like the dark moon.

If you are bleeding during the next three days honor yourself, thank your blood, and Lilith for you are at the height of your psychic power.  Menopausal women are considered to be the wisest as they hold their wise blood inside to nourish themselves.

Offer your sacred blood to the new moon, offer it to the Mother Earth, for her renewal. Offer your menstrual blood to the waters.

In this way you will remember. Blood is the sacred fluid of life and carrier of all memories in the DNA.

As you honour yourself as Lilith and your period as s sacred receptive emptying time you become one with your womb and the power of the divine feminine.

Start now at this new moon. A karmic time of new beginnings and endings. Pisces is the most spiritual sign. Open your 6th senses  to listen to Lilith speaking to you.

Disobey, resist, strike. The patriarchal system is at its end, the genii is out of the bottle. Lilith’s name is being spoken across the land again.

It is her time, women’s time. You can choose to be in relationship with a man who respects you as an equal. But if a man or culture attempts to put you down then bring on the death bringer, she who holds nothing back. Her rage knows no limits. She is raging to bring balance. That is what could have been put into place originally but now we must be the ones who bring it.

Please share widely,  all writing is copyright of Tara Greene. May not be reproduced without a link back and proper authorship atttibution.

Get a reading with me to find out how Lilith is affecting your life.

http://www.taratarot.comTara greene tarot astrology psychic

Moon Goddess by Tara Greene detail of sacred drum

Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse, endings and beginnings

This Annular Solar Eclipse in PISCES, in the last sign of the Zodiac is both the ending of a cycle, and the beginning of another one occurring on a New DARK Moon. This eclipse is filled with paradoxes. It’s also the last eclipse in the Pisces/ Virgo polarity until 2024. We’ve been dealing with this practical/spiritual duality for the past two years. 

A solar eclipse changes the electromagnetic fields of everything on the earth.  This eclipse promises new awareness and spiritual awakenings, telepathic visions, LUCID DREAMING, channeling, a fuzzy fog of fake news, denial,viruses, water issues, flooding, and a release of old dreams and addictions. And a whole lot more chaos, rebellion, anarchy, and fighting over power and control in the bringing down of the old systems of government cultural and in our personal lives too. 

The sign of PISCES is associated with the TAROT card #18, THE MOON  



This card symbolizes the unconscious, the dreamworlds, irrational fears, projections, karma, past life memories, and rebirth.#18 is associated with Life.

The Tibetan Lunar New Year begins on this solar eclipse. The New Year of the Red Female Firebird of Phoenix begins. According to Tibetan Buddhist Lama’s, during a (partial) solar eclipse the effects of positive and negative actions are multiplied by 10,000, and, 100 million times according to Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Doing practices like taking the Eight Mahayana Precepts are thus strongly advised. 

It is very important to cleansing of your house with smudge during the eclipse. Intentions for new beginning should begin once the eclipse starts. Chanting mudras, doing yoga, meditating and listening to mantras is very important. Remember PISCES is the sign of karma, we are releasing old karma now very powerfully.

We are beginning a new cycle of LEO/AQUARIUS energies and eclipses for the next two plus years. This new cycle was newly hatched at the Full Moon Feb 10/11 at 22 degrees LEO. The Nodes shift into this new Regal, dramatic, willful, creative heart power/us, the tribe, higher consciousness, new tech vibe on May 9/10.

This last Pisces eclipse is our LAST CHANCE to “let go and let flow.” Release your old unconscious patterns of martyrdom and avoidance patterns, let go of your addictions, let the boats of your dreams that you don’t want to float anymore go gently down the stream. Let go of projections. Virgo’s North Node is part of the message. Clean up your act and your health. Be accountable. Be of service. Virgo is practical, real, hardworking and humble. This is the time to manifest all your spiritual hopes and dreams and to bring them into reality. An eclipse effects last a year.

This eclipse is part of Saros Cycle 140. It began on April 16, 1512  during the heart of the Renaissance when Michelangelo’s painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was exhibited to the public for the first time. The cycle ends on June 1, 2774. The beginning of an eclipse cycle gives us clues as to what the cycle is all about. The Renaissance was a cultural flowering like nothing before. Through wealthy individual patronages, it created a new cabal of Jewish, Muslim and Christian cultures in alchemy, art, commerce, the Tarot, literacy and a great respect and tolerance amongst these cultures. We can pick up on this rich tapestry and creative outpouring.

The last eclipse in this cycle was on Feb. 26, 1998, 19 years ago, at 8° Pisces. Previous to that eclipse, February 26, 1979, fell at the same degree. Both of these dates are very significant to me. My daughter was born Feb 20, 1998 and I witnessed this miraculous Star Bird on Feb 22, 1979.  My own North Node is 4.59 degrees of PISCES. Mutable sign people-GEMINI, VIRGO and SAGITTARIUS whose planets fall between 0-17 degrees will feel the eclipse effects the strongest.

NEPTUNE is conjunct to the eclipse. This planet is the modern ruler of PISCES. But JUPITER is the planetary ruler of this eclipse. The largest planet governs PISCES and SAGITTARIUS. Jupiter governs SATURN in Sagittarius now, master of karma who is hanging out at the Galactic Center at 27 degrees SAG until the end of 2017. We can channel direct cosmic messages from the Pisces Vesica of the G.C., the wormhole of souls, as they pass back and forth into our milky way system.

SATURN forms an auspicious quintile, a 72-degree aspect to the Pisces eclipse degree.

This 1/5 of a circle division brings on VENUS energies. The number 72 is also related to the number of years it takes for a star to move 1 degree. Yes definitely meditate on this DARK MOON as it occurs at 2:58 pm GMT.  Bring out your crystals to soak in the invisible eclipsed moon light. This is a time to call on the DARK GODDESSES, KALI, LILITH and the like. This does not mean dark magic. 

The Eclipse is powerfully loaded with CARDINAL CROSS ENERGIES 


VESTA the GODDESS of fire and focus and inVESTments is also in the CARDINAL Cross making it a CARDINAL GRAND CROSS. 

Can you hear the clanging bashing, gnashing of teeth? Mars in ARIES rules this up leveling of CROSSES. MARS is in his testosterone heaven and is pushing, fighting, taunting, for a fight. 

MARS is in his testosterone heaven and is pushing, fighting, taunting, for a fight. 

ERIS, the recently discovered Dwarf planet is the new kid on the block. SHE is the GODDESS of DISCORD and ANARCHY. She feels to me like a combo of  URANUS and a feminine form of PLUTO. She represents ruthless revenge, a kind of Saturn Karmic balancer. She is the uninvited guest archetype, the 13th fairy who was overlooked and left out. She represents anyone who upends the status quo. D. Trump is the Eris embodied of politics right now. 

Jupiter in LIBRA is trying to bring fairness and balance into this heated challenge. 

Mercury is in PISCES conjunct the SOUTH NODE indicating that we have to mentally and intellectually review, write down and put into words what we are releasing. We need to analyze and think about it. 

SYMBOLS of the eclipse degree from John Sandbach 

“Pisces 9. A ghost peacefully coexisting with a family in a house.  (Degree Angel: Hahasiah (he-HA-see-Yah) No Guilt, Universal Medicine) Repeat this mantra as you release the past ghosts.

MEANINGS: An acceptance of the needs of others, no matter what they may be. No judgments. A lack of fear of what is unknown exists based on the belief that the universe is an inherently safe place. This degree knows that being deeply accepting can create an environment of harmony and peace in which all life can partake.

Chandra Symbol: “Dusk. A vampire awakens.” Until we can awaken those areas of ourselves that need healing we exist in a state of suspension. This degree senses how to turn the consciousness away from the outer, objective world, and allow the unredeemed energies of the subconscious to come forth. 

 It is acutely sensitive to desires and able to contact them without judgment, rationalization, fear, or anything else that might distort them and make them seem other than what they are. The fact is, that what we run away from we give power to, whereas what we are willing to completely own and accept eventually loses its negative charge and becomes integrated into our being. When the ghost of the Omega Symbol is ready to move on, it will.

Pleiadian Symbol: A pale naked man on a horse journeying through the forest.

Finding a way to make something beautiful out of even the most difficult and unyielding of situations, we create a place of nurturing and acceptance for all lost and displaced energies.

(Chandra Symbol).A black child playing with a tiger. Fearlessly and innocently encountering the powers within, we come to perceive the darkness within us that separates us from the light.

(Chandra Symbol). A garden planted solely with shade plants. As we see what it is within us that is resisting the light, we are able to allow in gradually more and more light, which balances and moderates our growth.”

These symbols are very powerful, relevant symbols to guide us through these major changes in our world.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene. Unless otherwise indicated. 

Get a reading with me to see how the eclipse affects you personally http://www.taratarot.com

Lord of the Starfields-Bruce Cockburn 1976

Monday the 13th

Is this some new superstition happening? The day before Valentine’s day can be scary if you are afraid to alone with no Valentine for sure. 

Moon in Virgo opposes Chiron the Wounded Healer in PISCES

Chiron, Asclepios, and Apollo the Sun God from Roman fresco

this happens in the early a.m. I can hear those sad blues songs being listened to by many. I can hear the tears falling. Virgo is the sign related to Health. Try to get some sleep and ask for a healing dream to come and help you in your plight. That was the ancient way of healing. Patients would go to the Asclepios, a dream healing Temple to be cured by being given intoxicating herbs and to sleep in the dream temple until they were cured by the Healing Dream.

dream healing temple of Asclepius by John Waterhouse 1877



My husband Napoleon Brousseau’s life was saved through a healing dream he had from King Solomon himself after the doctors pronounced that he would be dead in hours from brain malaria in a remote island in Indonesia years ago.  When you awaken just stay still and feel out your body sense. Don’t think stay in recall mode. 

Moon and SUN in AQUARIUS are inconjunct in we hours

This may be a difficult night to sleep under.  Tossin’ and turning, many people are feeling the fallout from the lunar eclipse still.

Moon squares Saturn in Sagittarius in the early morning

The body and the spirit are one. You will wake feeling more optimistic. 

Moon goes VOID OF COURSE at 4:36 am PDT/ 7:36 am EST/12:36 pm GMT

Donald Trump and Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau are set to meet today at 2:00 pm EST. I am writing a separate article about their synastry- the interconnection of their two astrology charts. To see how they will communicate and see each other and possible outcomes.  So won’t write much here now. Meeting under a Void of Course Moon – which usually means not such good outcomes. I hope they make small talk for awhile and wait until…

Moon enters LIBRA at 3:42 pm EST. 

Moon in LIBRA is perfect energy for a meeting between two nations that share the world’s longest border, totaling  5,524.611 miles or 8,891  Kilometres long, of which the Alaska-Canada border alone is 1,538 miles.

Moon in Libra is perfect for cordial ambassadorial issues. Nice polite talk and balanced relationships.  Trump has Jupiter in Libra, conjunct Chiron!  You’ll have to read my article on that separately. 

Sun sextiles SATURN in SAGITTARIUS at 9:53 pm PST/ Valentine’s day in EST and GMT.

Truth is the best aphrodisiac I’ve heard it said.

Please share widely. All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com