Lilith, drama in Fiery Leo, Venus Retrograde, patriarchy is toast

January 9- October 6 Lilith the Queen of the dark feminine, she of sacred menstrual blood, independent, refusing to be less than any man a true matriarchal queen most rejected of divine feminine energies will proudly pure roar like Durga and party on as the Scarlet woman, the lady in red, wearing her heart on her sleeve, and putting all mysogynist patriarchal assesses in their place with one fell swoop of her claws. Laughing all the way.

Just as Greta thundberg put that Twit whatever his name is Tate to shame in one fell tweet, in response to his verbose limp show of masculinity via a very expensive multi horse powered gas guzzler intended as a threat to miss climate change (greta bless her teenage soul works for the WEF) responded sardonically with please send me more pics, email me at little

It was very funny. Tate then dozed himself and was arrested on suspicion of sex trafficking, was released but is now being investigated for money laundering

Lilith sojourn in fiery proud Leo will make women fearless lionesses in tooth and claw.

Lilith with square the nodes and great dates are ahead.

July 22 Venus stations Retrograde in Leo at 28 degrees 26’ which in July EXACTLY conjunct True Black Moon Lilith and square Uranus in Taurus!

Mean Lilith is at 21 ° Leo exactly conjunct Mercury. Still astonishing and conjunct Venus too, a truly inspiring turning point.

The SUN is at 29° Cancer

The South Node is 29° Libra karmic

Pluto is at 29° Capricorn opposite the nurturing mother goddess of Cancer sun. Karmic tense anoretic degree

These are extremely potent anaretic degrees.

Plus Lilith in LEO is Inconjunct to Pluto in Capricorn intensifying these energy’s.

Women which is Omen with a W in front of it. Will tolerate no more shit or put downs or being treated as sec objects lesser than or diminish themselves any longer! 7,800 years of patriarchal Bible shit is over.

There will be a very karmic showdown of all the denied shadows if the dark rejected feminine to the plutocrats, the WEF, the .001% of the world!

Look at where 28°Leo the sign of the heart, will power, creative self expression is in your astrology chart to see where Lilith the black jaguar is calling you. This is a higher dimension than women who run with the wolves. This is real shamanic magic.

My MC my highest public career and fame is is 28″° Leo and I have been waiting for this moment my entire life. As a proud Chrone I call upon all the elder post- menopausal Lilith women to fearlessly transform themselves into their true pussy power as female black jaguars the most powerful of all shamans. It’s truly Shape shifting multi dimensional medicines.

Feel her shadowy black jaguar energy begin to take you over. Allow your true feline nature to spill over and run freely in your veins. Cat stretch, purr, only do what you want to do when you want to do it. Call upon the Egyptian cat goddess Bast and black moon Lilith spirits to awaken one again in you.

Women reclaim what is rightfully yours, your sovereign Lilith queenship energy.

The black jaguar by Lilith’s side makes her invincible.

I have been called to bring this powerful Lilith energy out into the world on that date. Black moon Lilith aligns with the good darkness of the great void which is the dark matter/ mother womb of space and womens personal dark void of their womb space the great mystery of all the absolute source of pure potential.

I had just channeled this after a day or exhaustion and being very mothering. I could not give my energy outwards to no one.

Do you know where your natal Lilith is? She is your goddess force the one who demands equality or would rather be alone.

When women reclaim their original and innate strength this is what insecure off balance men are terrified of. Women have been systematically brainwashed by mens’ insecurity,jealousy and a loss of reverence for the great loving mother which they made a religion about, the ox testament.

I will create community a Black Lilith Jaguar community please join me.

Please share widely all content is copyright is Tara Greene

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