Mars in Virgo, Work love,

Mars, the action planet is in earthy, practical, perfectionist, hard-working Virgo July 10 at 7:40 am EDT- August 27 brings a drive to improve your health, and may trigger and irritates your upper digestion. Mars is desire, so the desire to eat better, be more responsible, organized and passionate for work, read more, be more intellectual, and of service to community, get a pet, and be humble are aspects of this transit. All very important things.

DO YOU LOVE YOUR WORK? is a big question to as. If not what are you going to do about it?

Seven weeks of spontaneous fire-powered testosterone energy being forced into a perfect hard-working earthen box, feels kind of like being buried alive for Aries and Scorpio.

While Mars is in Virgo, Mercury governs Mars actions. Mercury will be in VIRGO from July 28 at 5:31 pm EDT and turns Retrograde at 21 degrees Virgo 49- on August 23 at 3:59 pm EDT until September 15 at 8 degrees 04 minutes. The Mercury Shadow period begins on August 3/4 and it will take until September 30 for Mercury to get up to speed clearly again.


The minutia of Life is all that matters, its all in the details. Read Marcel Proust, Virgo’s love to read,

A good time to start to build a new home office or work-space. Seek a new job, change your diet, do a lot of walking or running. Virgo is associated with community and pets. You may fall in love with a cat or dog and adopt a rescue animal.

Mars in Virgo Read Marcel Proust, À la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time) Virgo’s loves to read. Set yourself a goal that you can finish, Virgo always gets the job done .

Positive ways to use this energy are: start a new workout routine, and diet regiment and clean out your desk, office or your home. Sign up to do martial arts such as Kung Fu, or kick boxing.  Vent the anger positively. Clean up trash in your environment or at work. Make your own homemade lunches reducing waste and eating healthier and saving money. Virgo loves to save. 

MARS IN VIRGO is about cleaning up the environment. Yes Mars is needing to learn to ground itself, to be under the tutelage of nit-picky, diligent, organized and accounting for everything VIRGO.

Mars in Virgo is a good time to elect or have surgery, or get dental work done as Mars is caffeinated Virgo precision. Virgo is meticulous, and Mars is sharp weapons, knives, and scalpels.

The sign of Virgo is the Hermit #9 in the Tarot 

It is a good time to be in nature and connect deeply with the earth.

Mars in Virgo/Earth warrior is the Knight of Disks in the tarot  

MARS IN VIRGO wants to clean up the environment. Mars fiery energy is needing to learn to ground itself, to be under the tutelage of nit-picky, diligent, organized and accounting for everything VIRGO. As you can imagine, Mars the warrior God is not happy so about having to build a whole fort, stock it with supplies and have his battle plans ready when what he wants to simply attack and win. Mars isn’t happy having to hold back and be accountable although that is what a lot of the military is about discipline and order. Think of the next seven weeks as trying to break a wild cat so you can ride him.

“There’s more to being a warrior than killing. A true warrior — the best warrior — isn’t cruel or mean. He doesn’t claw an enemy who can’t fight back. Where’s the honor in that?” ― Erin Hunter, Forest of Secrets

Famous MARS in VIRGO PEOPLE, and their Mercury placements

Barack Obama, Mercury in LEO and SUN

Princess Diana Mercury in Sagittarius

Gordon Ramsay Mercury in Sagittarius-of course.

Mother Teresa Mercury in Virgo

George W Bush Mercury in Leo

Will Smith, Mercury in Libra

Britney Spears Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius

Robert Downey Jr. Mercury in Aries

VENUS will also be in VIRGO October 8 at 9:11 pm EDT unit; to November 8 at 4:30 am EST and she rules both eclipses October 14 LIBRA SOLAR Eclipse Annular Hybrid and October 28 Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Taurus. Virgo really becomes a dominant sign over these months.

It isn’t until November 8 when Venus enters Libra that this year’s Virgo story completes.

Where is Virgo in your Natal Chart? Look to those areas for Magnification, energy and of course Mercury Retrograde.

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Astrology in the News Chiron in Aries, Toxic masculinity

This story in the news just days after Chiron enters into Aries.

The Wounded Healer Chiron in Aries exposes the Macho Toxic Masculine warrior wounds which is about to fall to be healed because it’s inherently weak and suffering.

I really applaud and appreciate Barack Obama slamming the misogyny and promotion of toxic masculinity

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated.

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Hurricane Sandy Full Moon Stormy Monday Astrology by Tara Greene

Full Moon over New York astrology

Full Moons always bring High Tides. Hurricane Sandy ripped up the East coast of the U.S. after battering  the Bahamas.  Hitting Cape Hatteras and up the coast, then slammed into New York City on Taurus Full Moon.  Waves 13 feet high destroyed part of Atlantic City’s famed Boardwalk. President Obama declared emergencies in 6 states. The storms put the election campaigning  on hold.

Subways are closed, the Stock Exchange and NASDAC are also closed and will remain so on Tuesday. Thousands of flights were canceled. Winds of 100 miles an hour brought electric power outages to hundreds of thousands of people in New York City and in major New York Hospitals.


As earth and climate change created storms, tsunami’s,earthquakes, tornado’s and hurricane’s getting stronger and wreaking more havoc  and devastation than ever before, the U.S. will need more $ to FEMA not less.

A replica of the 18th Century sailing ship HMS Bounty, built for the 1962 Marlon Brando movie “Mutiny on the Bounty” movie sunk off North Carolina.- There’s something symbolically significant to me here. Those that reap the Bounty are sinking and/or Mutineers-Anonymous WIKILEAKS ETC.  will be sunk. A Jupiter in Gemini double sworded images.

Read more:

The storm has killed 11 Americans and 1 Canadian so far. As I  am writing this SANDY has  hit Toronto, de-classified but still packing 80 mile an hour winds- that’s 128.7 kms an hour to you CANUCK’s and EURO’s. I can hear and feel the wind, and saw long flashes of lightning. I hope the power doesn’t go out before I get this done.

I do pray for everyone’s safety who’ve been affected by the Huge storm. I have relatives and friends in New York and New Jersey.

I predict an increase in births in these areas 9 months from now. Always happens when the lights go out.

What’s the planets got to do with it?    Many planets in WATER signs

Astrological 6  – 1. SUN-Identity is conjunct 2. SATURN – obstacles, tests, limitations, karma in Turbulent Scorpio waters

3. NORTH NODE  in SCORPIO- N.N. the collective highest spiritual goal is Scorpionic- destruction to make way for rebirth

Plus 4  & 5. NEPTUNE { GOD of OCEANS} conjunct Wounded Healer CHIRON in PISCES-Neptune rules fantasy, illusions, delusion, addictions, oil, spirituality, dreams. Chiron is  feeling vulnerable and where the healing is-about the ocean, the Spiritual Unconsciousness

& 6.  Ceres  in Cancer are all  WATER signs

Sun Saturn, Neptune & Chiron are in a Grand Trine with Ceres 

Which symbolically means  hard times, trials, by water, obstacles which transform { SCORPIO} through death destruction; illusions, delusions and vulnerability { NEPTUNE and Chiron the Wounded Healer} ; at home CERES, the Great Mother Herself , the WOMB, the OCEAN, in Cancer, roots, foundations,nurturing, women,is the homiest of the home.

CERES in Cancer is Mother Nature, Mother Nurture

A Grand Trine brings all the planets/points into one big cosmic sacred geometric formation-

We must honor and nurture and respect and care for the OCEANS they are the largest 70% of the Earth’s surface, our bodies.

this malestrom occurs with  Mercury newly in Sagittarius-Oct 29 @ 2:18 am EDT

the arrow of truth in square aspect to Neptune in afternoon means  Communications breakdown-

Mercury is in its STORM period, so-called because it is moving V-E-R-Y slow, about to turn Retrograde on November 6

Moon entered Taurus Oct 29 @ 2:15 am EDT     Trining Pluto at around 5:00 pm EDT

Uranus Retrograde @ 5 degrees Aries  is STILL square to PLUTO in Capricorn; Venus at 1 of Libra completes the T-square. Add  Ceres to form a presto! Cardinal Grand Cross which indicates-  Lots of tension, sudden- Uranus chaos, breakdown!- Pluto, highlighted on Full MOON, you get the picture.

There’ ALWAYS my theory that everything OUT THERE is a mirror image of what’s IN HERE.

A storm of this magnitude Archetypal-y was always seen as an angry God or Goddess, Thor sending lightning bolts in Norse Mythology.  Ancient Egyptians would explain a storm as, Tefnut, the  Goddess of moisture  and rain. Sister and consort of the God of the Winds, Shu. She is the mother of Geb the earth and Nut the sky. Tefnut is a pointed eared lion-headed Goddess. She was connected with other Lion headed Goddesses as “The eye of RA.”  A more poetic way of viewing the climate was to say -Sun God Ra commanded his daughter Tefnut to him, the moisture would leave the ground ascending to her Father. Tefnut would drift, play, hang out with Shu her long-winded brother and they would carouse and create storms. Tefnut’s moisture-rain would then go to Geb her brother as rain. A post note about Tefnut at end…

I love the more magical poetic anthropomorphic way of viewing the world. At least they name the storms after women nowadays.

Also the Earthquake on Haida Islands off of British Columbia Canada as the Natives protest drilling for oil. Synchronicity here too.

REAL CLIMATE CHANGE was not discussed by President Obama or Romney. tsk tsk. Polar ice caps melting contribute to huge tropical storms.

BAnksy I don’t believe in global warming

Conspiracy theorists suggest that Hurricane Sandy is HAARP made


The media- controlled by the conservative uber rich who tell you what they want you to know, think and buy,already had a pre-set talk of Hurricane Sandy shutting down and interfering with the elections as they are projecting power outages up to a week after.realistic but also mumbo-jumbo.

How convenient a cover is that for some didling the election outcomes.

As the Stock Market and NASDAQ will be shut down for two days that allows a playing field for secret negotiations to take place and market fixing. Billionaires are selling off massive amounts of stock. WHY?

TEFNUT– a tough nut to crack

earlier Pyramid Texts about her say that she is able to produce pure waters from her vagina.

How magical does a storm get when thought about in those terms?

Some WET and stormy songs to help you deal with it

OF course, they call it Stormy Monday by T- Bone Walker

RAIN by The Beatles

Venus in Leo! I am woman hear me roar! July 28 -Aug 21 plus Love,drama. Pres. Obama 50th,the whole Kit ‘n canoodle predictions by Tara Greene

Venus in Leo sure heats things up! Record heat waves, The Goddess is loud, proud, SEXY, in the spotlight, flashing red  puple and Gold, taking center stage.

R U getting enough DRAMA these days?

Excellent time for passionate love affairs!

Fires are sparking everywhere!

Leo is the HEART, Venus in Leo is the Heart Flame! Wearing your heart on your sleeve.

Leo is  Royalty, the King, the Sun, Gold, the Source, the Will, Center stage

Venus in Leo is the Queen, the Feminine Source, Golden Haired Goddess, Marilyn Monroe

It’s super dramatic, did they wait till the last minute to sign some sort of treaty re the DEBT?

It’s Mr. Obama’s 50th Birthday Aug 4, so Happy Birthday Mr. President


The President is going through what every 50 year old goes through. It’s called your Chiron Return.

Chiron whose symbol resembles a key, is an outer space object with a 50 year elliptical orbit. Discovered Nov. 1 1977 Chiron was, in Greek Mythology a Centaur, half immortal, rejected by his parents who became a great healer. Long story short, he asked to give up his immortality to quell the pain, he is immortalized as a Constellation in the skies. His discovery brings to our present day consciousness the unconscious psychological symbol of being human, of being archetypal vulnerable and therefor inherently, humanly wounded.

 So where that little key is in your birth chart  shows where you are the most vulnerable, wounded but also where the greatest healing lies, for as each individual heals themselves and the greatest strength lies in being able to open the wounds, show the soft underbelly, own it, take responsibility for it, cherish it, thank it, understand it, bless it, that we may become wounded healers for others. 

And as Kurt Vonnegut would say, and so it goes.

So I send HAPPY BIRTHDAY greetings to President Obama. Lord knows we can all see the vulnerability, the wounds, he is feeling right now trying to fix a wounded U.S.A.  It’s a mighty big job.

So lets take a look at Mr. Obama’s birth chart as he turns 50.


President Obama's birth chart

President Obama's birth chart and transits

Were you  born in 1961?

then U 2 will have a Chiron return this year as well.

Mr. Obama’s 50th shows Chiron directly on his natal Chiron at 5 degrees of Pisces in his first house of Self. Who he is. What he identifies as.

Mr. Obama has Chiron opposite Pluto in Virgo in the 7th house of others in his Birth chart, indicating that he is a wounded healer with Big Soul, Big Power,[ Pluto}  a rebirth, around health, work, service to others. Very intelligent, that’s pluto in Virgo, a perfectionist, a very hard worker, someone who always gets te job done. The Chiron return amps up his innate wounding which he felt as a child. Pisces is the most spiritual and sensitive of all the signs, with no boundaries, feeling one with everyone.

I do believe and I tell all my clients that I totally know inherently that we chose our parents, our place and time of birth before we come into this life the characteristics, which allows us the perfect opportunities for our souls to grow,learn and hopefully to complete our journeys of why we came into this life time again, this time around.

Mr. Obama came into this life already spiritual already a wounded healer with a lot of power directed out to the world at large. A Pisces Chiron is compassionate, all-inclusive, can be a martyr.Being of mixed racial background is a perfect symbol for him.

Mr. Obama’s North Node or highest spiritual goal is at 27 degrees 18 minutes of Leo in his 7th house, the house of marriage or all others, his interface with the world, and conjunct to Pluto.  North Node conjunct Pluto is considered to be very powerful, very purposeful.  Becoming President with a capital P. is his fulfilling his highest destiny.

27 degrees of Leo is conjunct to a very famous Fixed Star REGULUS, the heart of the Lion. This famous star is connected to the ArchAngel Raphael the healer of the heart.  His South Node representing the Past, is at 27 degrees of Aquarius in his first house.

Neptune the planet of dreamers. chameleons, actors, addictions, illusions, delusions, Hollywood, OIL. HAs been passing over Mr. Obama’s South Node and will do so again soon. He may seem tobe shifting his position, or being too idealistic. 

Venus is now in Leo and Venus will make a Superior Conjunction to the Sun on Aug 16th at 23 degrees of Leo. 

Every year the Sun is at the 23 degree on this date and co-incidentally it is the Anniversary dates of two very important festivals, gatherings, shifts in world consciousness.



Aug 15 017 1969 Woodstock


 WOODSTOCK took place  on Aug 15 16 and 15 in where else?  

hundreds of thousands of young people arrived bare foot, long-haired, to tune in turn on drop out, create their own city, babies were born, musicians played as they never had before, Joni Mitchell summed it up in her famous song,


I just came across this TWEET synchronistically by Deepak Chopra like an hr ago!  We are golden.

Also on Aug 16 and 17 1987 the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE

Jose Arguelles, who recently passed on, one of the co-founders of Earth day, declared these days a world-wide meditation and higher consciousness gathering and brought the Mayan calendar “end date” of Dec 21, 2012 into mass consciousness.

For these 2 days Light workers gathered at various high energy vortex power spots around the world, Mt. Shasta. Niagara Falls, Sedona Arizona etc. 

I happened  to be drawn to living in Sedona a year before there and arrived there at Spring Equinox in 1987 to find out unbeknownst to me consciously and after the fact that 10,000 people were scheduled to arrive on  these dates in a town of 7,500 people. They did. I was there on Bell Rock and the Airport Vortex doing movement meditations. It was on National News.

My point is folks, that Venus the Goddess of women, beauty, love, harmony, balance the Arts is going to Kanoodle with the Sun on this very same date bringing the point that as in the Harry Potter Deathly Hallow’s part 1 – the Golden snitch says “I OPEN AT THE CLOSE.” cryptic words those.

So we are back to where we began this little story, Venus, the Sun , Leo, The President, Golden Girls- Marilyn Monroe, Happy 50th, anniversaries.  

The Ancients called the convergence of Venus with the Sun “CAZIMI” meaning under the Sun’s beams, burnt out, disappeared, and evil.

As a symbol of what these dates have symbolized to the collective consciousness and to have this important rendezvous now means:

Now we don’t live in fear, but in insight from our hearts, the place that LEO rules. So throw open the gates of your heart, 

Love  loud and proud, not vaingloriously but un- egotistically.  Venus disappearing, being swallowed up by the Sun,

means she is entering a Golden Palace, a Heaven world, and we as the microcosmic mirror of the Marcocosm. “AS ABOVE< SO BELOW>”

as She is dying to Herself to rise like the Phoenix from the ashes of her own immolation,

out of compete unselfish Love for the Sun, the Source of all Light and Life, to have her ego/self extinguished.

 Venus will then no longer be visible as the morning star [ DAWN STAR} where she has risen so beautifully at night in the East,

she will go to the Underworld, the night Sea journey, to the dark side of the SUN, to be reborn many months from now.

And we must go with Her whether consciously or Unconsciously.

The Lust and speculation over Gold as security in a changing worldscape is a projection of our need for what Gold holds and trasmits, what it symbolizes.  the Light of the Sun, our very Selves, our Golden Self, our Spirits, our Souls,. shining Lights, Stars. 

.The symbol # 17 in the Tarot, The Star symbol of Aquarius and you remember that song, from another famous ‘60’s musical icon don’t you?

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Aquarius.  

We are Stardust, We are Golden, and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the Garden. Thank You Joni Mitchell for so eloquently tuning into the cosmic vibe of Eternity.

Back to Obama

And as for Mr. Obama the Venus Sun conjunction occurs in his 7th house, on his Uranus, planet of REVOLUTION in-between that planet and LILLITH, at 20 degrees of Leo very near to his Descendant.

LILLITH the archetypal first woman proceeding EVE. Didya read that story in the Bible? Not just a women’s songfest. LILLITH was the first woman, She was the original “I am woman hear me roar. ” She refused to allow Adam to dominate her sexually, like an animal. Pointing out rightly so, that G*d had created Her and Him EQUAL, of the earth, so what the heck was he thinking?

He wasn’t obviously, he was Unconscious. So Lillith took off and flew the coop and she left Eden. Yep that’s right, she flew right outa there and went to reside by the Red Sea. Ok. Long story short. She refuses to compromise in any way and is demonized by the Patriarchs who were trying to re-write HIStory from He point of view, when everyone knows deep down in their cellular memories that it was and is and always shall be SHEstory.

That is a Matriarchal comprehension of the Universe, self-evident, common sensicle. So Adam is in the Garden and asks God to make him a mate. So G* d creates Eve to be the perfect Lord it over the women prototype and women are blamed, defamed, and eternally damned in this historical rewrite.


So what does that mean? Well I believe the Women will revolt and take back their power!!!!!!!!!!!! I am woman hear me roar!!! Venus in Leo, conjunct the Sun. Which is ungoldenly the Ego, vanity, greed, fear and in the Light, and spiritually the divine essence, the spirit itself, rising again as Divine Love.

So guys ya better start workin on getting nice to your own inner female side, yah you. You got one too. Everyone does. Ya’all never be alone ya know.

and I stumbled upon through sheer Grace /Synchronicity through a woman named Jennifer Hough, who I recenly met at the Grail Lady Faire at the Grail Springs Spa in Bancroft Ontario.

Grail LAdy FAire 2011

Tara Greene presenter at Grail Lady Faire 2011

she just had this on her FB page. It is a poem by David Whyte, the Washington based bard who began his writing lessons with It doesn’t interest me… which inspired my former teacher Oriah Mountain Dreamer to write  a poem which was originally a newsletter which eventually became The Invitation,






(After Derek Mahon) 


Your great mistake is to act the drama
as if you were alone. As if life
were a progressive and cunning crime
with no witness to the tiny hidden
transgressions. To feel abandoned is to deny
the intimacy of your surroundings. Surely,
even you, at times, have felt the grand array;
the swelling presence, and the chorus, crowding
out your solo voice. You must note
the way the soap dish enables you,
or the window latch grants you freedom.
Alertness is the hidden discipline of familiarity.
The stairs are your mentor of things
to come, the doors have always been there
to frighten you and invite you,
and the tiny speaker in the phone
is your dream-ladder to divinity.


 Put down the weight of your aloneness and ease into
the conversation. The kettle is singing
even as it pours you a drink, the cooking pots
have left their arrogant aloofness and
seen the good in you at last. All the birds
and creatures of the world are unutterably
themselves. Everything is waiting for you.


~ David Whyte ~
Please come and join me at the beautiful amazing very spiritual Grail Springs Spa in Bancroft Ontario
Aug 15 16 17
on the anniversaries of Woodstock and the Harmonic Convergence
I will be teaching and leading meditations and dreaming
and we will remember our Starry selves.
Watch and be enchanted by the voice of a living Angel,divinely inspired songstress and writer Pam Gerrand as she sings
the Grail Lady Faire song she wrote at the inaugural Lady Faire in 2010




(Everything is Waiting for You)




x zone radio Sept 18 Tara Greene talks politics & Astrology

I’ve just been asked to make a special appearance on the x zone radio show Thursday Sept 18

10:00 pm EDT/7:00 PM PDT you can tune in on the internet, local radio broadcast or via satelite

I will be talking about politics especially the elections in the U.S. the birthcharts of Barack Obama and John McCain and Canadian politics as well. I will also be divining the future with my Tarot carts and a pendulum.  SO tune in