light up your wound

Bring light to your vulnerabilities in relationships as The Sun newly entered into the love and socializing sign of Libra, the scales of justice, karmIc relationships and beauty will be opposed to Wounded healer Chiron over the next 2 days.

The Sun can cauterize wounds and also heal.  Relationships imbalances will be seen as plain as day.

Blake_Hell_25_Centaur_CacusWilliam Blake [Public domain]William Blake [Public domain]

Libra tends to give into others’ views and opinions on things often losing themselves along the way because they’re so focussed on being “nice”at all costs.

Look at where you have contravened your own personal authority and plp because you wanted to save a relationship or save face.

The wounds are still there perhaps nagging away under the surface. This is a good time to talk about any imbalance and to make it right.

Early cardinal signs Aries and Libra, as well as Cancer and Capricorn, will feel this the-most.

check out where 0-5 degrees Cardinal is in your natal chart and what aspects they make to feel where it hurts the most and where the greatest healing opportunities are. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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PTSD Astrology healing for the world

March 22 There’s a lot going on today.  It’s a Master number day.

The LIBRA Moon makes 3 inconjuncts to Neptune in Pisces Mercury Retrograde in Pisces and Mars in Taurus. Make sure you have some good shields up. Your Dreams may be very weird, and communications snafu’s extra high, with sudden outbursts of anger, and irritation.

March 22 a Master Number.

Let the Healing Begin as Chiron and the Sun conjunct at 1+ degree Aries.

Blake_Hell_25_Centaur_CacusWilliam Blake [Public domain]William Blake [Public domain]

CHIRON is CAZIMI, very powerful in the Heart of the Sun. It may feel like a sad country and western song too. Embrace the pain so it can be healed.

Where is your natal Chiron? Look to see how this powerful CAZIMI CHIRON so close the world point affects you. It affects the entire world. The whole world is mainly PTSD in my opinion and the patriarchy and the philosophy and the culture of war has to be healed. It is not human nature to war against each other. Patriarchy is over. It is killing us. We can’t survive as a species form this mindset.

I am going to read Melanie Reinhart’s updates Book on Chiron and the Healing Journey

Moon enters Obsessive soulful Scorpio at night and all weekend

Moon opposes Uranus so expect any plans to be suddenly changed. Stay flexible. Moon inconjuncts CHIRON and SUN in PDT March 23 in EDT and GMT

Scorpio’s obsessive nature will be very hard put to let down its defenses and secret camouflaging built-in technique.  Let those who don’t want to open to reveal their vulnerabilities alone.

Aspects are much lighter on Saturday.

With only a Trine from Moon to Neptune in Pisces enhancing visions, psychic sensitivity, creativity, spiritual immersions, and major transformations. Go with the flow.

I will be away on a healing ceremonial journey from Saturday night and not back online until Monday most likely. I am doing this for myself and for the planet under these auspicious energies. I will try to post articles in advance. Please feel free to browse through past articles there are thousands of them here.

Please support my writing by donating 

I just checked my website though and my donate button has disappeared.  Mercury retrograde. I’m going to get my Patreon finished. and up.

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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Astrology in the News Chiron in Aries, Toxic masculinity

This story in the news just days after Chiron enters into Aries.

The Wounded Healer Chiron in Aries exposes the Macho Toxic Masculine warrior wounds which is about to fall to be healed because it’s inherently weak and suffering.

I really applaud and appreciate Barack Obama slamming the misogyny and promotion of toxic masculinity

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated.

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