Love and Light, Venus in Heart of the SUN

Your search for a heart of Gold is over now as Venus and the SUN conjoin June 3 at 13 Gemini 35 minutes at 10:44 am PDT/ 1:44 pm EDT/ 6:44 pm GMT. Venus is considered to be in the heart of the SUN until she reaches 13 degrees 18 minutes in GEMINI. This period lasts according to my calculations, using the Classic orb of 17 minutes until June 3 at 9:40 am PDT/ June 4 at 12:40 am EDT and June 4 @ 5:40 am GMT lasting around 11 hours. 

Venus at the heart of the Sun June 3 2020

Venus at the heart of the Sun June 3 2020

That’s an extremely special and rare event. A Good long time to Lighten up your heavy heart and bask in the heart of the sun.

Ishtar on Akkadian Seal Venus Retrograde Ishtar/Innana/Venus in Gold

Venus is in her Retrograde cycle, a 19-month transformation. She is in invisible and in darkness from our vantage point until she rises again as the morning star around June 11th. Venus Retrograde is enshrined in the Myth of Inanna in the Underworld also known as Ishtar.

This is LOVE And LIGHT for real. Use this rare and special time to send love and light from your own heart out into the world which needs it now. 

This is a time that completes the very rare and historic Venus crossing in front of the SUN on June 6, 2012 a once in a lifetime event. Think back to where you were 8 years ago. The number 8 is the number of infinity. This is INFINITE LOVE and LIGHT.

read more about that here

Venus  Cazimi should be a great day for creative and artistic pursuits and for developing love. Hit the drawing board, paint, dance, sing, tone. VENUS RETROGRADE in GEMINI, increases social media, texting, online dating, quick connections. yes, traditional cookbook astrology says old lovers will connect with you, You may be unable to stop thinking about them. 

WOMEN crown yourself with the SUN, You are Queen for the Day as is everyone because all genders even non-genders have a feminine aspect of receptivity, love and creativity within themselves, The Masculine and the Feminine is not gender-related necessarily. These are anthropomorphic, Patriarchal and sexist attitudes of good-bad, overlayed. Masculine and Feminine or active and receptive are equal polarities and that is what GEMINI is all about. The Sun can dissolve all boundaries. 

VENUS rules LUXURY and this conjunction can indicate a fall of the gold markets. Gold is the SUN in material form. Wear gold jewellery and gold and green clothing. It may increase socializing, luxuriating,  going out for fun and amusement.  

Cue the Neil Young song

This cycle ends with Venus in GEMINI squares Mars in Pisces and an ongoing square with Ceres in PISCES applies thru the whole 2-week transition. Ceres the Great Mother is conjunct MARS now. The GREAT MOTHER offers compassion, empathy an abundance of feelings and most importantly the realization that we are all ONE. Mars and Venus are locked in battle indicating the taking of sides and polarity exaggerating things.  Ceres Great Mother energy steps in to make sure her children dont squabble and scrap. 

Take time out to meditate, make love tinctures, and open your heart to the Source of LIGHT and LOVE and send it out 

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Money, Beauty, power, sex, death, rebirth


Venus Trines Jupiter and Pluto. The Goddess of LOVE and Sex enchants the brothers JUPITER the HEAD God on Mount Olympus and PLUTO LORD of the Underworld with her magic girdle which makes her irresistible. This is all about money, beauty, sex, death, power, rebirth. And healing from sexual abuse as well.

VENUS as Love the Divine feminine the heart and relationships is the bridge between the Masculine Patriarchal As above, so below.

these are very big aspects. There is also great healing energy for WOMEN as it points to VENUS, women healing from sexual abuse which Jupiter the philandering rapist and Pluto another rapist symbolize.

Use Venus in Her home sign Taurus where she is very strong to do healing rituals tonight. Love your body and send LOVE to heal your womb. You are in quarantine and it is a spiritual Hermitage on one level.

watch the vlog.

I work with many women who have had sexual abuse issues and helo them to heal.

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Absolutely free today astrology






Listen to my interview on the Xzone radio network about 2020, the next decade, psychic protection, Tarot, women’s spirituality, The U.S. future,and dreams. I will broadcast it tomorrow on a Live Facebook watch party on my page at 4:45 pm PST/ 7:45 pm EST Jan. 22 at 12:45 am GMT where you can join me and ask questions. It’s an audio recording.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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Astrology for 1:11 2020 Numerology

Daily Astrology vlog January 11, 2020

This is the anniversary of the original 11:11 event created by Solara on January 11, 1992. I said 91 on my video but it was 92. I was part of that huge worldwide meditation in Jupiter, Florida. 

the day after the big cancer full blood wolf moon and the day before the Saturn Pluto conjunction

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Watch out for power abuses

Mars square Pluto power abuses


This week’s astrological highlights feature a heavy Mars-Pluto square.

These 2 planets both co-rule Scorpio. Many new traditionally astrologers and of course some astronomer’s downgraded Pluto to a dwarf planet. In Modern Tropical and especially Evolutionary astrology, Pluto is a major player.

You may want to put on your superhero or heroine suit today as protection from power-grabbing and chance of big blowouts in relationships personal corporate and International. Danger of terrorist attacks, volcanic eruptions and general angsty angry repressed anger and shadow material uprisings.

On top of that Venus in Sagittarius is inconjunct to Uranus in Taurus making for a minefield of hoof in mouth issues, and missed cues. Don’t bait the bull. 

Take a big breath. 

The Moon will be Void of Course for most of the day too.

Moon enters Pisces at 3:08 pm PDT/ 6:08 pm EDT/ 11:08 pm GMT and then you can crawl into your cave and lick your wounds and call your guardian angels in to help. 

The next 2 days under Pisces moon are the most sensitive, psychic, dreamy and creative.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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Vesta Juno Pluto Pleiades Archangel grounding device

This is a lovely transcendent yet grounding energy between Vesta at 26+ TAURUS conjunct the famous 7 Sisters of creation the Pleiades and conjunct famous “Watcher in the East” brilliant red star of Archangel Michael Aldebaran. Vesta is the asteroid of focus, dedication, keeping that spiritual flame burning no matter what the illusions of the material world.

Creating a grand earth trine with JUNO in VIRGO @ 21+ degrees sharping our relationship communications and our multitasking Feminine genius.

Trine to Pluto @ 20 degrees CAPRICORN

This grand Trine is A powerful earthy, exacting, humble, hard working, practical energy. Ot brings us strong boundaries, higher conscious with the Pleiadians and Michael, practicality, soul wealth, riches and wants to get the job done, to bring down the higher spiritual teachers down to the earth. Sit on meditation integrating that body knowing feminine genius of JUNO with .

Juno’s symbol is the peacock and she is like Saraswati the Hindu Goddess of creativity.

It’s Columbus/ indigenous day in the US and Canadian Thanksgiving this holiday weekend.

Give thanks for all the abundance in your life..integrate all the lessons.

I’m tuning in and grounding my energy with the “A’s above do below.” here in Sedona.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

Tara Greene tarot Astrology Psychic Consultant Get a reading

Big wish time today

Jupiter ruler of fiery Sagittarius and watery Pisces is squaring Neptune September 21st @ 16 degrees.

This is one of the major signature aspects of 2019.

Jupiter is the most expansive opportune, the Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot, the feel good, make you laugh, lucky planet. Jupiter expands our spirits, energy, truth and our scope in Sagittarius. Jupiter expands our psychic energy, intuition, spirituality, faith, creativity, compassion, forgiveness and our emotions in Pisces.

Believe in yourself and your vision, stay positive, upbeat,optimistic, see the bright, light side of life. Seek truth, new insights in philosophy, connect with people on a deeper level, mediations are enhanced. Speak your truth and trust your visions.

Join with likeminded philosophers, Mystic’s and seekers.

This is a good time to plan to, or to travel, teaching, publishing, and inspiring others is what’s happening.

I’m travelling and teaching, connecting with peers and visionary writers at a tarot conference in Montreal.,the 2nd annual love & Light International tarot reading conference which is perfectly timed, although I know the organizer wasn’t consciously aware of the synchronicity.

Yes buy some lottery tickets..spend time focussing on your night dreams and daytime visions. Inspiration is strong and high. Expect epiphanies and miracles.,

Downside: too trusting, naive, addicted to fantasies , escapism, drugs, alcohol, workshop addictions. Delusions, mental illness, gambling, your immune system us highly sensitive now.

Please share widely all writing us copyright of Tara Greene. Get a reading http://www.taratarot.comTara Greene tarot Astrology Psychic Consultant

Get a reading http://www.taratarot.comTara Greene tarot Astrology Psychic Consultant

Labor Day Light Love and luck astrology

Very High energy today as SUN and MARS meet up in Virgo @ 9+ degrees square the Fixed Star Uriel. Make big wishes and get your act together now. 

Venus squares Jupiter both very high energy positive things. 

Happy Labour day get down to work and clean the crap out of everything, Tie up all your loose ends. It’s Back to School energy vibes.

Join me live tonight at 5:00 pm PDT 8:00 pm EDT / Sept. 3 midnight GMT

on the Cosmic Intelligence Agency Page for September Astro-tarot preview

and speaking of Light & Love, the 2nd Annual tarot Love and Light festival is September 20-22 in Montreal Quebec Canada

Join me and The amazing my heroines Mary Greer, and Rachel Pollock, the Grand Dames of Tarot and a host of other amazing International Tarot teachers.

Buy tickets now.

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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March 18 feeling Quincunxy?

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces I am swamped, and late.

March 18 A very busy LEO MOON is on stage and dramatic as can be with 8 aspects 5 of which are inconjuncts or Quincunx’s. There are more inconjuncts than you can shake a stick at. I know the word sounds like a rare swear word for a woman’s vagina.  A quintuple c*nt. 

Remember that the effects of an aspect reverberates until the Moon aspects that same planet again. 

  1. Moon inconjuncts  Neptune in Pisces in wee hours- the first inconjunct. How were your dreams? I had another repeat dream that I am trying to leave New York. I am always packing up stuff, looking at the clock, running around and realize I may be late again.
  2. Moon inconjunct Saturn in Capricorn- # 2 inconjunct a heavy aspect, The proud outgoing energetic Moon doesn’t see the responsibilities or weight behind the scenes. There will be consequences to be sure. 
  3. Moon opposes Venus in Aquarius -the two signs are both fixed and stubborn and want their own way. Venus in Aquarius gets what she wants through appearing cool and detached but she is very smart and calculating.
  4. Moon inconjuncts Mercury Retrograde in Pisces- # 3 inconjunct. Watch for miscommunications, in the form of backfiring demands, angry dramatic arguments by bosses or higher ups because of mishandled or lost information. Its not your fault. 
  5. Leo Moon squares Mars in Taurus-stubborn stand-offs. Be careful about indulging too much. Spiteful actions. 
  6. Moon inconjuncts Pluto- # 4 inconjunct. power struggles, The royal Boss versus the underworld one. Pluto always wins. Watch your shadow. 
  7. Moon trines Jupiter- a positive upbeat happy go lucky super honest energy
  8. Moon inconjuncts the Pisces SUN this is the  5th and last one of the day. The Sun rules Leo so it may feel like your energy fizzles out later in the day.

This is quite crazy energy.

The Moon enters Virgo to temper things down @ 6:41 pm PDT/ 9:41 pm EDT

We are grounding ourselves. Always watch what you eat when the Moon is in Virgo as you are more susceptible to digestive issues acting up. Worry is easier to come by. 

Moon trine Uranus in Taurus- a good time to get organized and start some spring cleaning.

Moon inconjuncts CHIRON in ARIES in PDT March 19 in EDT and GMT

Indigestion for sure. Don’t ignore your body’s wisdom. Inflammation is likely, pulled muscles, and a sense of being frustrated by not being able to move fast enough.

March 19 the aspect are easy after such a busy day on the 18th.

VIRGO Moon opposes Neptune in the evening in PDT and March 20 in EDT and GMT

good for solid dreaming and remembering your dreams as the body holds the memory. Don’t jump out of bed or think about anything when you first wake up.

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InVest in your Heart, Vesta Sun Cazimi

Sacrifice to Vesta Francisco Goya Public Do,oain Wikimedia commons

Francisco Goya [Public domain]    

Public Domain Mark



Vesta the Asteroid of Sacred Sexuality, and dedication, whose name   is the root word of investments, and investiture is In the Heart of the Sun, called Cazimi March 7 @ 2:12 pm PST/ 5:12 pm EST/ 10:12 pm GMT.

The Vestal Virgins, the word Virgin meant a woman who was complete in herself and belonged to no man. The priestesses of Vesta were women who were dedicated as High Priestesses who kept the fire and flame of sacred sexuality/spirituality alive. I remember a past life serving as a Vestal Sacred “whore” tantric priestess. 

The word invest is not only our monetary investments, but it is also what we invest ourselves into. This aspect with Vesta supercharged in the heart of the Sun is extremely auspicious. It makes me think about the recent untimely early death of actor Luke Perry from a stroke. In Pisces, this is a symbol of investing in your heart, and in what makes your spirit soar. 

Vesta is associated with the Sign of Virgo, the sign of the Virgin Mother Goddess.

Vesta is the Goddess of the Hearth and the sacred flame which traditionally cooked all the food and served as the beacon of the Temple of the Vestals in Rome. It was their job to ensure that the Fire never went out.

We do revere this Goddess. She is the investiture of power. The Vestal Virgins were very important in Ancient Rome. They created special items used in everyday offerings and rituals they had power and freedom. The last Vestal Virgin existed until A.D. 394.  They had to make vows of chastity which if transgressed resulted in torture and disgrace. 


Before the ROMANS: A Vestal Virgin was a Priestess dedicated to serving the Goddess VESTA as the hearth flame and earth mother. They were not non-sexual originally at all but totally sexual Tantric Priestesses. In ancient Greece, every unmarried woman had to serve in VESTA’s temples for a year before being was allowed to marry. These Priestesses focussed their hearts and wills and knew how to raise kundalini energy. They had sacred sex with men to heal them from PTSD before the men were allowed to integrate back into society. This was a very revered and honored position.

Invoke and integrate the energies of Vesta and the SUN in Pisces by focusing on spiritual practices, yoga, meditation and strengthening your telepathic focus in visualizations as part of everyday maintenance to your sacred soul light. 

On March 7 dedicate yourself to serving as a Vestal to focus on your own spiritual and soul work. Also, do something charitable, give your time at a food bank or to help raise money for clean water or whatever your choice.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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