Sagittarius Solar Eclipse Angels

Serious Aquarius energy

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80"><strong>Please watch todays Video . all content is copyright Tara Greene</strong>Please watch todays Video . all content is copyright Tara Greene

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Billionaire’s Aspect Sun oppposte Jupiter and Pluto

The SUN at 22 Cancer opposes expansive JUPITER at 22+ Capricorn July 14 @ 12:58 am PDT/ 3:56 am EDT/ 8:56 am GMT
SUN opposes the great transforner PLUTO at 23+ Capricorn July15th @ 12:13 pm PDT/ 3:13 pm EDT/ 5:13 pm GMT
JUPITER is occulting PLUTO 
This is a balancing act of the “Billionaire’s Transit.” All oppositions are communications, conversations, and dialogues. All oppositions are tense.
The Cancer SUN is nurturing, nourishing, sensitive, empathic wants to feed all others. JUPITER is the Great benefactor, like Santa Claus handing out optimism, gifts, expansion, faith and hope. PLUTO is the Death Bringer, transformational changer upper, Lord of the Soul, toxic transformer and great wealth, Plutocrats are named after Pluton. JUPITER and PLUTO in conjunction is the Billionaire’s conjunction. Bill Gates has it natally in Leo. 
Sun opposing Jupiter expands and Pluto destroys.
This is an intense transit. The SUN shines the light of Jupiter’s truth on the wealth of secrets that PLUTO holds. You will see new light shed on old buried treasures. 
We had to put our beloved dog Jasper down suddenly July 12th

Sun is conjunct fixed star Pollux at 23+ Cancer. Ptolemy attributed Pollux with the nature of Mars, and Robson says it gives craftiness and boxing skills. Being like Mohammed Ali and float like a butterfly but sting like a bee would be a great skill to have right now what with these heavy Saturnine Capricorn skies.

Sun Opposite Jupiter and opposite PLUTO 

 Normally with Sun opposite optimistic Jupiter, everything would seem to fall in place with a kind of magical grace. But beware of overconfidence. Jupiter opposite the sun can be a huge sunburn.

they square 22 ARIES Stars ACAMAR at 23 Aries 16 ‘ and Baten KAITOS at 21 ARIES 57’

Both stars carry a direct line, to the Source of All Being.  Achernar is a very positive star. Unless severely afflicted by aspect, it indicates a show of ‘all’s well.” But JUPITER demands the truth so there is no hiding behind a facade. PLUTO will rout out any secrets revealing a rotten maggot filled core. 

Fixed star Baten Kaitos portends falls and ruin

Saturn like, this star relates to disgrace, ruin, calamity. Baten Kaitos in Belly of The Whale carries restrictive properties, inhibition, reserve, caution, solitude, and simplicity often are forced onto such people either by a mundane power or a higher power. Sound slike COVID-19 isolation. 

SQUARE 22 LIBRA conjunct famous star SPICA 23 Libra 50′ a BLUE GIANT STAR the ear of corn or grain

Note if you have planets conjunct 22-23 degrees CAPCIORN CANCER ARIES and LIBRA you will be feeling the oppositional energies and the squares very strongly in your life. 

PLUTO square Fixed star Spica to the end of 2020

Spica’s nature is of a rare Venus and Mars. This Star gives success, renown, riches, sweetness, love of art and science and unscrupulousness.

 Spica is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a bird, or a man laden with merchandise. It gives riches, overcomes contentions, and removes scarcity and mischief. Rules emerald, sage, trefoil, periwinkle, mugwort and mandrake root. [1]

Spica, as already said, is one of the truly great stars in the sky, the one which gave us our word ‘star’, and at least as important as the four archangel star.

Spica is also noted for its spiritual and religious qualities. Psychic awareness is above average for those with Spica in conjunction to the Moon, Venus, Neptune or Lilith are conjunct Spica. I have Venus and Neptune conjunct Spica.

As the star of the grain harvest, it is the provider of our material needs, We only reap a harvest if we have first sown the seed and cared for the fields, and what we reap must last us, and all who laboured in our fields, until the next harvest is ready. It is a very practical and very real karma.

SUN opposed to Jupiter and PLUTO and square SPICA

though beneficial with hard square from PLUTO shows up as Food shortages. Better to start stocking up early. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.66, 211, 235.

Wide awakenings this weekend

It’s going to be a hella mass awakening this weekend April 25-26 as Mercury the Messenger, Trickster and psychopomp who is a quick drawing impulsive shapeshifter in Aries squares Pluto the psychopomp on the 25th as Pluto turns Retrograde and st its most powerful and Mercury squares Jupiter on the 25/26th.

I’ve been tuning into David Wilcox and Corey Goode who have YouTube channels and they and many other new age channels are saying there’s a massive intergalactic awakening in the process. It’s a helping hand coming through now.

Covid-19 could be an NWO plot to break the economy and enslave the world and is turning out to be a wonderful gift maybe by intergalactic intervention helping us to Stop the World! A shamanic training technique that Carlos Castaneda wrote about in his anthropology studies of Yaqui sorcerer Don Juan.

Stopping the world gives you time to really reflect and look at what the heck we’ve been doing. My old teacher Stuart Wilde used to say that keeping the public busy with distractions, useless information and addiction to cell phones takes you away from your inner knowing.

So many say we are blending into the 4th dimension or the 5th. I wish these channels would be more specific. many of them rehash Alice Bailey’s channelling and teaching who is never acknowledged and a lot of rehashed Madame Blavatsky metaphysical works too. The women always get ignored. Yet the women hold the keys to true intuition and embodiment of spiritual knowledge.

SUN also conjuncts URANUS

Although this is an annual event. It’s an explosive revolutionary higher consciousness wake up BAM!

I’m definitely sitting at the midpoint trying to hold the tension between new-age ascension and knowing all the shadow politics and being open. I’ve been aware my whole life I’m much more critical about the info that is being presented.

It does all boil down to love. The unlimited intelligence is a living energy. Unconditional allowing love, Mother love,source energy, egoless not materialistic bliss.

This weekend could see major protests against the Quarantine, many people having spontaneous epiphanies, and the ability to really touch,taste, feel and sense what is the truth, Jupiter rules truth, and connecting with soul wealth.

Two psychopomps are better than one. Mercury and Pluto can show you a brand new revelation-not the Biblical one. You must find your own within. Mercury the messenger drops synchronistic breadcrumbs for you to follow.

Do pay attention to your dreams.

If you have planets at 20-30 degrees Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra you’ll feel that expansive Jupiter Pluto Mercury energy.

Use with planets at 1-9 degrees Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius will get the eureka lightning bolt. With Sun Uranus conjunction.

I feel excited, it feels like a big positive superwave, a tipping point, this is where we become the change in the works that we want to see, what was your biggest spiritual dream ever?      

{Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene 

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Super Pink Moon Horoscopes

THE SUPER PINK FULL MOON IN LIBRA AT 18+ DEGREES 7:34 pm PDT. 10:34 pm EDT and April 8 at 3:34 pm GMT

Rennett Stowe from USA / CC BY (

Full MOON are times for completions, endings, fulfillment. This energy lasts until the next New Moon on April 22.

HOROSCOPES with SOLAR Signs. If you know your Moon Rising etc use these keywords to guide you


Full Pink Moon in your 7th house of relationships. Bring to a close what is unfinished. Seal it in pink. Expect changes in earnings and networking. Balance your impatience by tending to others. Use your fighting power to encourage others to stay positive.


Full Pink Moon in your 6th house of health, work and community service. Take this time to pause and inventory your health and routine, and where you’re giving back. Balance the comforts of home with working suits you well. Eat healthily, don’t overindulge.


Full Pink Moon in your 5th house of lovers, children creative self-expression.  Make sure you keep others cheery and in the pink. Talk to as many people as you can. They will remember your kindness now. Relationships improve as you open your heart.


Full Pink Libra Moon in your 4th house of home, family, children, emotional safety and nurturing. Make sure you receive as much as you give. Ask for help if you are feeling isolated. Working from home makes you happy. Beauty your environment.


Full Pink Libra Moon in your 3rd house of communications, siblings, and short journeys. You may feel frustrated because you can’t be in control. Remember to relax and enjoy yourself. It’s a rare time out. Do reflect on new ideas, be supportive to family members.


Full Pink Libra Moon in your 2nd house of money, income, self-esteem. This can be a time where you know you are valued for your hard work and dedication. Gift yourself with something purely pleasurable, you deserve it. Balance is the key, dont over worry.


Full Pink Libra Moon in your 1st house of appearance, self-identity and health. Feel yourself bloom. If you are not feeling in the pink because you are alone, reach out to social acquaintances to feel balanced. Celebrate Full moon, stay balanced.


Full Pink Libra Moon in 12th house hidden things, isolation, dreams, creativity, This can be a good time for you to see how far you’ve come. Being secreted is your preference. Make beautiful, dark creations. Help support others feeling scared and alone.


Full Pink Libra Moon in your 11th house of networking wishes, hopes and dreams. A time of joy as you connect your vision to larger groups. Your optimism and truth is appreciated. New relationships can begin, Balance is key, new visions are coming.


Full Pink Libra Moon in your 10th house of career, reputation and fame. Show the world you are responsible and balanced. Stay poised, strong and the rock for others. You can appreciate the finer things in life in a deeper way. Focus on the next goal.


Full Pink Libra Moon in your 9th house of career, adventure, mysticism, teaching. You may be starting a new business, connecting with new platforms and like-minded people. Bring some radical beauty into the world now. Imagination takes you anywhere.


Full Pink Libra Moon in your 8th house of desire, transformation, death, rebirth. A time of many tears, as you feel the world’s pain, Staying balanced is crucial. Use this full Moon to create with paint, dance, singing, film. Pray for the world and its children. Know that you and your Beloved are one.

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Big Pink Super Moon in Libra

Rennett Stowe from USA / CC BY (


April 7/8 is the year’s BIGGEST brightest SUPER PINK MOON in LIBRA at 18+ degrees at 7:34 pm PDT/ 10:34 pm EDT and April 8,  2:34 am GMT. 

LIBRA is the sign of marriage traditionally, relationships, socializing, friends and justice. Libra’s need others. A LIBRA  SUPER Moon will highlight the sad sorry sense of being alone, isolated, in quarantine and miserable because of COVID-19 now. Libra’s define themselves by others. 

It’s the beginning of PASSOVER on April 7/8th its one of the Highest Holiest celebrations in the year and we will have to take a pass. The Full Moon is just before GOOD FRIDAY too. No one will be celebrating together. 

The Pretty pink MOON is conjunct JUNO the feminine form of genius, use your feminine genius to multitask.

Libra love flowers beauty

April 7th was my Mom’s birthday. She would have been 95. She passed away in 2009. I will think of her on the Full Moon. She always loved to look at Full Moon’s I will light a candle for her. She was born on Passover too. 

LIBRA wants everyone to think they are NICE  BUT this Super Moon packs a heavy wallop.


Squared by PLUTO JUPITER and ATHENA in CAPRICORN with ERIS dwarf planet of Disturbia the bountiful energy of JUPITER and PLUTO adds weight and depth to the lighter side of LIBRA. ERIS shows a malicious bloodthirsty underside to what we see on the surface. Jupiter and Pluto can uncover a lot of power playing secrets and will bring them up to the surface.

IF you are a CANCER ARIES OR LIBRA with Sun Moon rising or other planets at 13-23 degrees you will feel the impact of this Super Moon the most. 

The LIBRA moon will have to find a steady balance. LIBRA IS THE TAROT CARD #8 or #11 JUSTICE. We will feel pulled between one thing or another. The MIDDLE WAY the MIDDLE PATH of peace and equanimity is what the Buddha taught. Carl Jung told us to hold the balance of the complementary and necessary opposites.

VENUS the ruler of Libra is in Dualistic GEMINI conjunct VESTA the flame of focus and investments.  We keep getting two sides at least to the same story in the news. I heard a brand new conspiracy theory today which stated it was the real deal.


already 5G towers are being set afire in Britain and towers were rammed down in Australia as theories about the Wuhan Coronavirus being a cover for a 5G rollout make themselves known in the world. ANARCHY IS ABOUT TO BE LET LOOSE.


things are gonna blow up. People will not be able to sit quarantined. there will be major clashes with authorities and government, protesters and police worldwide. The Internet may go DOWN for 3-10 days.


they are in sextile to PLUTO and JUPITER bringing compassion, charity, forgiveness, the ability to see riches in quarantine. This is a lovely aspect.

use the time well to invest in your mind which is the greatest thing to waste. Dont get polarized. This is LIBRA energy,


Hot issues and angry women. Healing comes from letting the anger and defiance out.

The perfect playlist for this SUPER MOON MUSIC FROM BIG PINK by the BAND 1968

Song CHEST FEVER- sorry i couldn’t help it, it was totally synchronous.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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To be in the PINK watch this link video from SEDONA Arizona from Iala of Sedona Red Rock Tours


Scorpio moon time

The Scorpio moon time is the most intense two and a half days of the month. Sex, money, power, secrets, that’s all the biggies. Scorpio rules the psyche. It’s obsessive, willful Fixed energy.

Moon opposes Uranus and Venus

Expect unexpected love, shocks. Not necessarily a bad thing. You may be feeling hi-wired. Should I stay or should I go?

Scorpio Moon inconjunct Chiron in Aries

You may not see a big manipulative thing coming at you.

Hope you are staying well. I’m feeling much better thanks for your prayers. Tomorrow is Friday the 13th. You ain’t superstitious are you? Please share widely all writing ya copyright of Tara Greene

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March 2-8 Horoscopes

Your horoscopes with Natural Solar Houses









Focus on your career until month’s end. Serious love issues on the 3rd. Put in the sweat, reap big rewards, Early Aries may feel angry, defensive and vulneable. Love energy stabilizes on the 4th/5th. Financial increase is on the up but also spending. Women can provide valuable tips and tools. The 8th is an Unexpected love shock. 


Until the 4th/5th use your charisma to the max. Your time has come with VENUS in your sign from the 4th/5th. Keep your drive and passion high for higher education and career goals, they will pay off. Unexpected financial change on the 8th for better or worse, be prepared. You may get or give a love zap as you are feeling uber-romantic.


The Moon is in your sign on the 2nd-3rd. Your feelings and ideas are connected. Mercury Retrograde into Aquarius on the 4th affects you stronger. Lay low. Pay attention to dreams after 4th/5th especially ones with women. Finances need securing, try to save money. Think about an ideal dream job. Do a ritual on the 8th to manifest it.


The Moon is in your sign 3rd-6th heightening your emotions. You may feel angry, vulnerable and anxious about the world. Pay close attention to your dreams as Sun and Neptune prepare to meet on the 8th. All your attention is on everyone else you love, especially father, or boss and it’s weighing you down. Give yourself some needed self-care. Watch your diet as your tummy can be affected by the world chaos.


The Moon is in your sign 6th-8th, you have extra emotional power. Work, work, work, and your health continue to be of primary importance this week.  Rewards are coming. As of the 4th/5th Venus brings financial gain, women, luxury and joy into your life. But be careful of overspending. A financial windfall or inheritance may arrive. Your dream lover will contact you at the week’s end.


So many responsibilities, endings, solidifying love affairs and children. You’re building a strong sense of pride for your hard work. Mercury is still Retrograde this week, not time to move forward. Focus on your ideal soul mate and create a ritual on the 8th to manifest it. Be conscious of viruses but be careful not to be over-anxious. A get a new love education after the 4th/5th. 


After the 4th/5th you’ll feel on solid ground and able to relax from all the home issues, relatives, security, safety and simply life is hard, toughing it out. Focus on your dream job and soul mate. On the 8th have a luxury bath and do ceremony to manifest your dream lover. Watch out for money drain. You may be feeling extra defensive about needing freedom now, speak up.


If you put your incredible desire nature into a form you will get the power and control you crave. Communicating concretely gets good results. Stay practical. Siblings may be troublesome. Love heats up after the 4th./5th. A dream lover blows your mind in your dreams then your life. Examine addictions. Come out of the shadows and vent your righteous anger if you are a woman feeling put on the back burner. 


Money, tangibles, resources, are your focus this week. Pay attention to being on the job.  Mercury is still Retrograde its time to get projects done and complete all unfinished business. Meditate and visualize your highest dreams and do ceremony to call it in on the 8th. Finances should pick up after the 4th/5th. Get out and show your solidarity and march on International Women’s Day on the 8th.


All the Capricorn balls are in your court, this is a rare time. Keep your passion for putting your soul into your career in overdrive all week. Mercury Retrograde is still frustrating. Patience is a reward. Examine any financial drains. Focus on the ideal of communication and be creative with it. After the 4th.5th, a new love may enter your life.


Career worries are making you stressed. If your boss is driving you crazy it’s time to leave. Debt is an issue don’t ignore the leaks. What does your dream toolbox look like? What resources do you need to fulfill your ideals? Focus on these and visualize them on the 8th. You’ll feel more grounded after the 4th/5th when Venus enters your 4th House. Decorate your home space. Spread the love to family.


Show your courage and refuse to be a victim. You have a right to be heard so voice your anger. Express your creative side in more concrete ways after the 4th/5th. Working in charitable groups or inspiring organizations to give back is rewarding. Your dreams will be stronger this week Mercury Retrograde is a good time to record them.  Focus on your ideals and soul mate and do water rituals to manifest on the 8th. 

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Great Luck and dreams, 2/20/2020 Numerology

Do a ritual and ceremony today to pray and affirm for the luck and dreams you want to on Jupiter’s day Thursday on this auspicious Jupiter Neptune Sextile.

Especially with the Numerology of 2/20/2020 a super Master Number day.

2 is the Number of the High Priestess, ruled by the Moon. and 20 is Judgement day in the Tarot which is a Maternal Letter and is associated with Archangel Gabriel which is in Tropical Pisces. 2020=22 a Master Number of enlightenment, or The Fool in the tarot. 

Jupiter from The Planets by Jacob Matham is licensed under CC0 1.0

We are currently in Jupiter’s Hour in EST calculate Jupiter’s hours in your location. 









Meditation for Jupiter luck

Colors- Jupiter is Royal Purple and Neptune is blue


Smoky or Blue Topaz, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Tourmaline, amber, chrysocolla, Jasper, Malachite and Moonstones, and pearls for Neptune

Incense – Cinnamon or Sage
Oils – Aster, Narcissus, Clove Balsam and Sage.

Sound Note A

Animals – Mare and Lion

Birds – eagle and peacock

Gods/Goddesses – Jupiter/Zeus/Thor/ Nepthys, Apollo, Artemis/Diana, Vishnu

Metal is Tin

Trees – Mulberry, vine and chestnut tree

Herbs which may be used in teas  -Blackberry Leaf, Myrtle Leaf, Uva Ursi Leaf, Rose Hips, Alfalfa Leaf, Nettle Leaf, Juniper Berry, Psyllium Husk, Licorice Root, Sage Leaf.

Gather and set up your sacred circle and alter with any associated images,


Begin by smudging yourself first. Light your candles. One for each direction. I always work EAST to SOUTH to WEST TO NORTH. Always move clockwise. Call in the four elements and the four directions into your sacred circle.
Call in the four Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, Raphael in the same order. Center yourself by breathing, sit in a lotus position if you can. You can also do this ritual outdoors. It would be good to be by fire and water for Neptune. Light your candles and incense and close your eyes.

Set your intentions on expanding your ability to connect with your Holy Guardian Angel and the Higher Master Teachers which Jupiter governs and PISCES too,

Breathe in through your nose naturally, and breathe and send your intention to your root chakra, breathe and spark the flame of your passion in your root chakra. Connect your breath down by growing a tail with each breath that roots down from the base of your spine, down, down into the earth’s molten lava iron core.

When you feel the connection to the earth’s fire, breathe it up through the rocks and crystals back up into your root chakra and breathe it up in sequence from the lowest 1st root chakra up to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th chakras. You can also send your energy breath and intention out and beyond your crown chakra to the 8th and 9th chakras. The 8th is your Higher Self, it is Gold about 1 foot above your head. The Peruvian shamans send energy to a 9th chakra which symbolizes the Galactic Center and beyond, the Viracocha. Direct your energy out there, and call upon your Holy Guardian Angel and Michael and Uriel and the Master Teachers to come and connect with you.

Now direct your attention within. See your inner feminine and inner masculine sides. Sense their individual energies. Watch them yearn for and meld and blend into each other, transforming totally into each other.  Watch the masculine become feminine and the feminine becomes masculine. Sense and feel this new essence, this unified golden being that has been transformed into a whole and completely new you.  Feel yourself radiate the Gold. Sound AUM or OHM.

For those of you who are single and still longing to find your soulmate, doing this exercise is mandatory to magnetically attract your “other half” to you. When you are whole and complete and can empathize with the other than your other appear but you don’t need them. You can have a relationship based on mutual respect and strength.

See in your mind’s eye an open book. In this book write in gold ink your intentions to live from your highest spiritual consciousness and your strongest instincts. Write about your aspirations, write about what you want to learn, and how you can teach and inspire others.

Listen and watch your Holy Guardian Angel talk to you. You can call in Archangel Gabriel who governs PISCES in Tropical astrology. Make a vow with your Guardian Angel. The angel has been waiting for you to connect to them. They have always been watching over you. 

Allow yourself to be released from all Judgements from all time. Take a very deep breath and let out a big sigh. Allow, joy, ecstasy, laughter, happiness to erupt inside of you. It may feel like a total body orgasm. This is your natural state.

PISCES is about compassion, forgive yourself and any others from the place of your higher self, take as much time as you need. Pisces is all about creativity, making art, love and not being a doormat, martyr or playing the Victim. You do not have to sacrifice yourself. Pisces is about being alone but never feeling alone because you know you are connected to spirit. 

Pisces is about GRATITUDE and completion, Make a list of everything you are grateful for in your life. Be aware that simply being alive in a human body is a miracle in itself.

Make a gratitude list in your mind or write it down every day.

When you feel complete. Give thanks. Know that your Guardian Angel will always and protect you.

YOUR MANTRA IS: I am lucky, bountiful, One with spirit and my soul. I am creative, at peace, Whole, I see beauty and joy within me and all around. 

Come out of your meditation and dance. Celebrate, sing, do something generous for a stranger, PISCES is about giving, Pisces is a receptive sign, so remember to give back to yourself. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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Nirvana Day

February 15 is Nirvana day

I had been told about this day many years ago and it had always stuck in my memory. It’s not to commemorate the band or Kurt Cobain. It’s the day that Buddhists celebrate the death of the Buddha and his attainment of Nirvana. Other Buddhists use February 8th. Read more about that here.

Why Buddhists Celebrate Nirvana Day

Astrology and tarot cards of the Day 

How was your Valentine’s Day?

Scorpio Moon vibes continue until later tonight

Moon trines Neptune in Pisces a very romantic idealistic energy. This energy exaggerates deep emotions, there may have been many tears for many on V day.

Moon sextiles Pluto then Saturn to help us ground our dreams and anchor our emotions.

Scorpio Moon squares Aquarius Sun 

we are a week until the next moon cycle a new Moon in Pisces at 4+ degrees.

that’s right on my North Node.

MOON is VOID OF COURSE from 2:20 pm PST/ 5:20 pm EST/10:20 pm GMT

use VoC times to chill. Remember that MERCURY turns RETROGRADE on the 16th so its standstill in the sky. Mars is at the last degree of SAGITTARIUS the Most critical one get all your Sagittarius optimism together now to get you through the long haul in Capricorn

Moon is in Upbeat Honest adventurous Sagittarius tonight which switches gears. 

Please share widely all writing except noted is copyright of Tara Greene

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Daily Tarot reading is from The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne

The winged horse is a vehicle to fly to Heaven like Pegasus in the Greek myths. I’ve always loved winged horse. This card related to AIR and the Mind or thoughts so imagine the winged horse coming to uplift you. Interesting synchronicity of this card. In Islam. Mohammed went to Heaven on a Winged Horse named Buraq with the Angel Gabriel which is the same mythology/symbolism as the Buddha attaining enlightenment/Nirvana.