Will Smith Astrology, Acting out at Academy Awards

Mercury In Aries- war of words, Academy Awards- Will Smith smacks Chris Rock over a joke at his wife Jada Pinkett-Smith’s expense.

WOw, the slap that was heard around the world. I’ve heard white people are not allowed to comment on this as it is between black men.

As an astrologer i want to help everyone understand themselves better and why certain things happen the way they do. Everyone was shocked but if you understand astrology it makes perfect sense and why now.

I understand that Pinkett-Smith has alopecia, an autoimmune disease that causes her hair to fall out so she is embracing a bald look.

Chris Rock as an MC was making fun of couples at the Oscars, he said he loved Jada first, then said looking forwards to G.I. Jane 2 a reference to having a buzz cut. Will Smith laughed, Jada was obviously not pleased. Then Will gets up comes up to Chris and smacks him across the face. Chris is stunned and says Oh Wow Will Smith just smacked the shit out of it. Everyone in the audience is stunned and thinks this is a joke.

Smith is yelling at Rock to keep his wife’s name out of his expletive mouth. Rock defends with it was a G.I. Jane joke and Smith repeats the keep my wife’s name… Rock says OK dude I will. Then says OK. that was the most exciting Academy Awards ever and continues on totally professionally and gives out the nominees for documentaries.

Will Smith then wins an Academy Award for King Richard and goes on a tear-filled rather messianic speech, apologizing to the Academy saying Love makes you do crazy things but doesn’t apologize to Rock.

Chris Rock is a good few inches shorter than Smith but sure can take a slap in the face in stride. Born Feb 7, 1965, at 10:00 am Andrews, SC, Rock is a unique individual.

Chris Rock’s SUN at 18 Aquarius had a transit of MARS-planet of punches and anger sitting directly on it. Aries is Rising rules the head, ruled by Mars Retrograde at 27 Virgo. His Moon at 27 Aries, PLUTO is still squaring his MOON. Will and Chris share many similar aspects. 

I am just going to comment on Will Smith’s astrology and add in asteroid Academy for the awards and asteroid Rockn for Chis Rock. Let’s look at what’s going on with Will Smith.

Will Smith Astrology, Natal Chart , Academy Awards March 27, 2022, transits for The slap heard around the world.

Will Smith Astrology, Natal Chart , Academy Awards March 27, 2022, transits for The slap heard around the world.

Will Smith is a charming socially connective, needs to be in a relationship Libra born with some pretty touch aspects with the Sun conjunct his SOUTH NODE and  SATURN RETROGRADE in his 12th HOUSE opposite to his MERCURY and VENUS at the 29th degree of LIBRA in his 6th House of work and service. Offest by a lucky Jupiter Pluto conjunction + Uranus in his 5th House of creativity, WILL power, giving love and children. It’s still in VIRGO and relates to staying humble and hard work and perfectionism. Will has had an incredibly successful career as a musician, actor and producer. 

Will has CHIRON the WOUNDED HEALER at 0 ARIES the first sign of the Zodiac opposite his I need you to like me sign of relationships, charm and social status. He is definitely much more vulnerable and defensive than he lets on. Obviously, his public life defensive wounds were seen around the world.  

Interestingly Will Smith’s birth numerology adds up #4 He is the King or Emperor and finally wins an Academy award for King Richard. 

Smith finally publically apologized to Chris Rock on March 28 for slapping him and saying how being violent is wrong i a world of love and that’s he’s a work in progress. The Academy and SAG will still have to weigh in on his behaviour.

With Asteroid Academia #829 conjunct Will Smith’s South natal Karmic Node of Fate it looks like he will be parting ways with the Academy.

watch the video of WIll’s natal chart and explanation of the aspects. https://youtu.be/9nX_AdjJD44

please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated.

Get a reading, join my workshop http://www.taratarot.com

Academy Award’s Astrology “the slap heard around the world.”

March 28 under an Aquarian ♒️ moon 🌙

The Aquarius detached dual natures Airy Moon makes conjunctures with Mars, then Venus, Juno and Saturn 🪐 in a triple exact conjunction in AQUARIUS at 21+ degrees. A really beautiful romantic and serious love conjunction. t could be a great time for connecting with dating apps. But also tough because of the two malefics Mars and Saturn. Saturn can work for you and against you. If you have any planets here they will be feeling the virtual love hugs.

Everyone saw the “Slap that was heard around the world” at the Academy Awards last night when Will Smith slapped comedian Chris Rock across the face live for making a joke about his wife actress Jada Pinkett-Smith baldness. She has alopecia an auto immune disease which makes you go bald

This Major Conjunction aspect perfectly defines that Saturn protects and creates boundaries – “dont’ say my wife’s name in your mouth”- talk about Mercury in Aries i said -fighting words didn’t I? That’s what Will Smith was tearing up about in his acceptance speech for King Richard. Defending my Venus Juno wife. Also Will Smith’s chart is being heavily hit. I’ll do a video about that.

Jada Pinkett Smith’s chart b.September 18,1971 12:38 pm Baltimore

She has a stellium in VIRGO sign of health, perfectionism, and serving others. Transiting Jupiter in PISCES on her IC, her home roots and family and NEPTUNE = Hollywood at 25 PISCES is opposing her VIRGO SUN in her 10H. of PUBLIC FAME. This speaks of spirituality, delusion, projection, image, glamour, Messianic energy around her-her husband, Her Natal Pluto is conjunct her SUN at 29 VIRGO, and PLUTO is Trining her Pluto. This makes her Loom, large on the public stage and in the collective unconscious.

Transiting Mars at 16 Aquarius is conjunct her NORTH NODE at 14 and her Natal Mars at 12 Aquarius. Mars is her man Will Smith, fighting mad to defend his Venus Juno Wife.

Jupiter Beguiled by Juno on Mount Idea 1799 James Barry wikiart public domain

Mars is sandwiching Venus and Juno with Saturn

This is a difficult aspect as Mars and Saturn are malefics. Anger and Strife, war and limits, rage and death surround Venus and Juno, the leading Goddesses. Venus has been squeezed between these two since the first Venus-Mars conjunction in Capricorn at 15+ degrees in February and then Venus and Mars conjoined at 0 Aquarius on March 6 after today Venus pulls ahead.

Venus is virtual romantic love. In Aquarius this is non-traditional. Aquarius governs non-binary LGBTQ individuals.

Juno wants to put a ring on it, according to Greek mythology but Juno is the feminine form of multitasking genius that is essentially feminine and which anyone can access. Juno’s symbol is the beautiful all seeing eye’d peacock.

Saturn wants to make that Non-traditional commitment too.


“Juno – The Goddess of Feminine Genius, your personal Genie”

Juno, Asteroid #3, is not just the Goddess of Marriage and wife of Jove/ Jupiter/
Zeus as Hera. She was originally the Feminine Form of Genius or Genie. Her

symbol which looks like a magic wand illustrates the multi-tasking nature of
Feminine inspiration and creative powers that anyone can access and possess.

ONLY $15 US for non-members, $10 for members.

JOIN HERE www.tucsonastrologersguild.org/2022-eventsSaturn wants to make that Non-traditional commitment too.

The Chandra And Omega symbals from John Sandbach for insights

Aquarius 22. A master healer is gradually restructuring someone’s body. (Omega Symbol) Interacting/Sensitive

(Degree Angel: Lehahiah (Lay-HA-hee-YAH) Forget Thyself, Obedience)

The power of this degree is its understanding of how limitations can be changed gradually. To effect this change requires an understanding of the nature of those limitations and an intuitive sense of how to approach them, where their weaknesses are, and how to dialogue with any system. Here is the master negotiator who respects the integrity of whatever they are working with, and who can achieve far-reaching results by acknowledging what is and then working with it.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A woman making lace.” Here we find patience as well as the ability to concentrate and to perceive the overall patterns of whatever we are dealing with. This degree is adept at carrying out delicate procedures and of keeping all the strands of its motives and needs straight. It is one who brings people and situations together in an attempt to produce something harmonious and beautiful – a degree of great refinement.

Pleiadian Symbol: Children playing amongst scattered and diverse toys.

Azoth Symbol: Through a wormhole a man views the movements of a vast beautiful nebula.

Seed degree: Sagittarius 23. Strange tools no one knows house to use. (Omega Symbol). Through experimenting with the tools we learn new modes of being and can restructure our whole existence.

A woman wearing many tiny bells. (Chandra Symbol). We wake up and shake off all stagnation to ready ourselves for the delicate and complex process of living and coming together with others.

Fulfillment degree: Capricorn 27.A group of fish at the edge of a pool. They are looking up at someone. (Omega Symbol). As we restructure ourselves in such a way that we can manifest more of who we truly are, deep understandings of many different sources rise to the surface of our subconscious. This is basically Pluto’s degree and the U.S. Pluto return degree,

A long mirrored hallway lit with candles. (Chandra Symbol). Coming to a finer understanding of all the knots and entanglements of our existence we can see ourselves more clearly in the process of transition.” https://johnsandbach.net/160-omegachandra-symbols-aquarius-21-25/

You will see the planets conjunct in the sky tonight. Go outside and get a naked eye view. Offer the planet’s food or salutations. Remember this is a huge manifesting time.

21 Aquarius ♒️ is conjunct the BITCOIN Genesis chart Neptune at 22 Aquarius ♒️ this is one reason why bitcoin has gone up and regained all it last losses today.

Jupiter is also conjuncts bitcoin’s Uranus the planet that governs Uranus’s wild, chaotic, non-conformists, digital cryptocurrency ways in secretive idealistic creative, Pisces at 19° too.

How is the triple conjunction aspecting you? It’s in my 3rd house.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene except where indicated.

contact me for readings workshops and events http://www.taratarot.com

Famous Scorpio November 5 celebrity Birthdays

Lots of famous Scorpio’s having birthdays today

Momager Kris Jenner’s the matriarch of the Kardashian and Jenner billionaires turns 64.She doesn’t need to sing Paul Macartney’s famous Beatles song,

Singer Art Garfunkel one half of the famed Simon & Garfunkel duo turns 78. Sail on.

Canadian singer Bryan Adams turns 60 this is a 5th Jupiter return or Golden Dragon year. Bryan has become a photographer too.

The amazing actress Tilda Swinton turns 59.

Actor Sam Rockwell turns 51.

The beautiful Elke Sommer turns 79.

Peter Noone, toothy lead singer of Brit 60’s invasion pop band Herman’s Hermits, had quite a few hits with Mrs. Brown You’ve Got a lovely Daughter and Henry 8th I Am, turns 72.

Tatum 0’Neal, daughter of actor Ryan 0’Neal is 56. OMG she is the youngest person ever to win an Academy Award at 10 years old starring opposite her dad in Paper Moon.

One of the most famous and beautiful actresses Vivian Leigh was born Today. She played Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With The Wind.

Playwright and actor Sam Shepard also born with the sun at 13+ degrees Scorpio♏️.

check out John Sandbach’s Chandra symbols http://john-sandbach.blogspot.com/2010/04/140-omegachandra-synmbols-scorpio-11-15.html

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

Women, Words,Love Cosmic Power weekend

The MERCURY VENUS energies will be felt all weekend leading up to their Conjunction in PISCES exact on the 4th @ 27 degrees conjunct CHIRON the Wounded Healer and squaring the Galactic Center in Sagittarius!

Women’s Words have power

Love has the power to change

And transform and heal the world’s wounds

centred in spiritual cosmic love❤️

This is a time of intense immense cosmic healing endings of old addictions illusions and delusions forgiveness and compassion for others and ourselves.

Many of us are feeling overwhelmed emotionally and need to retreat quietly in PiSces womb-like energy. I’m feeling exhausted by it All. Especially as Chiron Venus mercury are squaring my natal mercury in Sagittarius.

If you have planets at 24- 30 degrees GEMINI Or VIRGO you will be feeling the tsunami of tears and grief. Don’t get into any guilt or blaming. Flush flush flush. Let it all go. It’s a biblical flood of cleansing.

Mercury VENUS and JUPITER in SCORPIO are still entwined in a trine. This is the dark side appearing also-Jupiter expands the shadows of The Death-eaters those unconscious hungry power freaks and controllers who are so afraid. They need guns and they think there is a big threat.

Yes a trine binds the three planets energies together positively. If you use it to transform and deepen what you don’t want to see in own your own darkness then its very cathartic and empathic.

This is a time of being In love with Love as SUN conjuncts NEPTUNE on the 4th.

drunk in Love by Beyoncé is the perfect music of this energy

It’s extremely positive a victory of the spiritual light

The dark and the light are being exposed like a photograph being developed. All is not black or white there is only one source and that is the light of spirit.

A very creative inspiring time to write make art dance fall in love.

Love the one your with. Many Ed Sheehan songs-he’s the modern romantic singer.

Be careful of the projections now. Pisces energy can be pure genius or madness.

Escaping from reality is huge. Drug addiction and deaths from prescription opioids and anti-depressants is dangerous and a disaster. Alcohol, sex, gaming, porn, consuming, raw or vegans, Yoga, working out and workaholism are all Pisces addictions when taken too far.

JUPITER in SCORPIO vis obsession with death money power sex secrets manipulation and control issues. We can see this too.

This is one of the most powerful times to move through your emotional baggage. The energy peaks on the 4th.

We are still in Virgo full moon energy. Get grounded. Mercury enters Aries followed by VENUS on the 6th.

This is the 11th hour.

The energy shift into cardinal fire soon enough.

Yes it’s the 90th Academy Award night on the 4th. Hollywood is ruled by Neptune and PISCES. Pisces blends into whatever surrounds it. In the highly charged post-Weinstein sexual abuse #Metoo #timesup energy it will interesting to see if the Academy will address these issues or be in denial.

The Shape Of Water movie has to win and Guillermo Del Toro as well simply because of the movies title and the Bull is the sign Uranus is moving into this Year.

If he dies this will be the 3rd year a Mexican director has won the award for Best Director almost three years in a row. Last years was one by a black director. Yes the times they are a changing.

Turn off you mind relax and float downstream…,

Please share widely All writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

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Pisces time, Lilith square Sun

It’s Pisces time,  February 18 and our Consciousness is more compassionate, confused, dreamy, delusional, escapist, creative and spiritual.

“Death Valley” painting by Napoleon Brousseau oil and acrylic on canvas 2011. See more of this artist’s works Napoleon Brousseau

This is the time to focus on completions as Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. We are a month away to Spring in the northern hemisphere.Down under autumn will begin.

Mars is at the 15th most powerful degree in Aries ♈️today. There is more energy, fire, anger and independence in the air. Can’t you feel it?

Lilith at zero degrees SAGITTARIUS ♐️is squaring the newborn PISCES♓️ Sun which is conjunct to the South Node in Pisces.

Lilith also squares the North Node of the moon, in VIRGO, thecollectives’  highest spiritual goal. Women need to hone Lilith’s uncompromising stance. Hell no, we won’t back down.

Lilith in Sagittarius ♐️is much more visible, passionate, and honest with a wicked sense of humour.

Focus on your dream life, the life of the soul which speaks in images and puns. Your dreams and psychic intuitive energies will be stronger anyways. Pay attention to your subtle feelings.

Pisces times are emotional and we feel like psychic sponges. It’s time to withdraw,to work behind the scenes for now.

  • It’s a good time to use the natural creative energy of Pisces. Allow the creative juices to flow through painting, music,drAwing, poetry and dance.
  • It’s Also especially good to meditate, ato do yoga, to work with a guru or teacher who has walked the path and knows the Territory.
  • Pisces energy makes us long to return to our original state of unity of oneness of bliss.
  • Spirituality through imminent connection is the true way to connect with the source, you can call it god or goddess. It’s what we feel we came from and to which we’ll return. Find that place within your heart.
  • The soulmate longing is strong now. Heal your own inner beloved relationship first so that you will see it manifesting outside of you.
  • Do charity work, help the less fortunate. Volunteeer your time, give to a charity.march for those who have less than you.
  • Pisces rules film photography and glamour. The academy awards always take place under Pisces sun time, it’s perfect. Work with these technologies as well.

Pisces ♓️is water element. Drink a lot of water, send prayers to heal the waters of the earth. Do ritual for purification with water.

Academy Awards Oscar Predictions

The red carpet is being rolled out today Feb 22 for the 87th Academy Awards Oscar presentations.

It’s all about the glamour. It’s almost become a fashion designer’s showcase more than about the movies and the cultural entertainement. Hollywood salutes its best. Really they are just stoking their own. The winning movie makes more bucks. It’s kind of like masturbating. Hollywood reflects the collective unconscious moods,

Academy Awards Tara Greene predictions

You know that the original Red Carpet was a carpet on which women had bled onto made holy by their menstrual periods. In ancient times menstrual blood was considered sacred and magical. It still is. To walk on the “Magic carpet” was and still is synonymous with prestige, and still considered to be an honor. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. 

Here’s some of my predictions:and some astrology around who and why.


Best Director: Richard Linklater for Boyhood 

BEST ACTOR: i pick Michael Keaton in Birdman

Steve Carrell for Foxcatcher – not this year

Steve  has a Jupiter Pluto opposition in his Natal chart at 9 degrees Pisces/Virgo. Thats good. 

Bradley Cooper -Has his Sun at 14 degrees Capricorn and Saturn  at 15 degrees Cancer. He is in the Cardinal Cross energy too. Explains also the popularity of this film.

Benedict Cumbebatch -no

Michael Keaton – is right in the Grand Cardinal Cross energy

with Uranus square Uranus and his Jupiter at 12 degrees Aries and Neptune at  17 Libra and his Saturn at 2 degrees Libra exactly opposite today’s Venus/Mars conjunction. 

Eddie Redmayne- He has his Sun at 15 degrees Capricorn and his Uranus and 2 degrees of Sagittarius so he is also in the grand Cardinal Cross plus Saturn on his Uranus which means established honors. He is the dark horse.  He is quite young. I saw the Theory of Everything it was s good, Eddie was great as Stephen Hawking. 

Best Actress: Patricia Arquette for Boyhood

Best Supporting actor: J. K. Simmons Whiplash

This year feels very close. 

I never expect to be 100% correct. I have only seen one movie this year. The Theory of Everything which I quite liked. . 

I will feature the best actors in my blog.

PLease share widely

all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com


Water and fire, Pisces time, inspirational Card

Sun and Moon are in PISCES now. It’s the year of the Wood Sheep. GUNG HAI FAT CHOY!

I am not a Chinese Astrology expert so will leave that to those who are.

With Pisces energy we know and remember that we came from Source

and that we are in essence all ONE.

Under Pisces beams we draw close to spirits, we are tuned into highly psychic realms,

we know we are the dreamers of this dreamwe are soul dreamers,

we are ultra-sensitive psychic sponges to everyone’s emotional states.
Boundaries are necessary to stay protected yet open.

We dive deep into the Unconscious world of our imaginations and creativity.
We connect in our meditations more easily.
We feel our own oceanic depths where all life formed on this beautiful earth.

Pisces loves movies, film, photography. The ACADEMY AWARDS are always on during PISCES time. I’ll post my predictions shortly.

Pisces projects, fantasies, illusions, wears rose colored glasses. Be careful of the too good to be true deal.

Feb 19 It’s a very active lunar day.
The Dark Moon is about to square Saturn, there will be serious dreaming tonight.

Moon will conjunct NEPTUNE

– lucid dreaming high alert.

Moon make sextiles to Pluto

– easy to feel deeply connected and ensouled

MARS enters ARIES -NEW CYCLE in ACTION, men, war…

which I wrote about previously

WAR ZONE ALERT! Fiery intrusion amidst all the water for today.

and a Moon/Quincunx to Jupiter in LEO can be tricky,

you may be impounded by someone else’s  big ego drama,

and lastly Lunar  conjunction to Chiron.

All the wounds will be healed by connecting with Source energy, with the Light in the darkness.


THE LOVERS Trump #6 

Osho Zen Tarot Tara Greene

The cards are always in synch. The lovers = MASCULINE & FEMININE together.

The combination of the planets mirror this.

THE LOVERS is all about relationships yes. But it is also about loving  yourself totally without ego. 

It is about  going beyond duality. Seeing the beloved everywhere, in everything.

“The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.
They’re in each other all along.”- RUMI


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com

Going with the Mars in Aries and the Pisces watery energy. Venus will enter Aries and this song popped into my head. It perfectly speaks to this energy.

RIPTIDE- by Robert Palmer  

Pisces Time, To Do list, Bliss out astrology

Feb 18- 23

The week ahead’s major planetary aspect is Mercury Retrograde squares SATURN Feb 18/19

A great day to go back and fix, finish, put the ink on the contract, review it, reinvent it, nail it down.

Moon is in Libra

Moon enters Scorpio Feb 19 @ 7:33 pm PST/10:33 pm EST

Moon enters Sagittarius Feb 22 2:12 am PST/ 5:12 am EST till the 23rd.

SUN ENTERS PISCES Feb 18 @ 9:59 am PST/12:59 pm EST.


You creative, spiritual, blissed-out, ultra-romantic, sometimes martyrs fishes have addictive personalities. You have channelled the spirit and blessed Humanity with your gifts. Virgo is your balance.

The SUN enters the most spiritual, sensitive, dreamy last sign, the 12th house, the behind the curtain, in the dungeon, house of the Unconscious, the secret, karmic, Blissed out, self-undoing sign. Pisces rules the Feet, the sole/soul.

PISCES contains the Fixed STAR Fomalhaut @ 3 degrees Pisces.

The star of the fishes mouths and the ARCHANGEL GABRIEL. RIGHT now this star is very powerfully illuminated by ruling planet Neptune.  Pray for Angel Gabriel to whisper in your ear.

PISCES is associated with the TAROT TRUMP of THE MOON

XVIII a card of magic, mystery, fear, the dark side of the moon.

Card of the Day from THE LOVERS TAROT



Michaelangelo, Yoko Ono, Photographers Ansel Adams, Diane Arbus,


Rihanna,  Justin Beiber, Adam Levine, Will I AM, George Harrison, Johnny Cash, Fats Domino, James Taylor,


Daniel Craig, Actor Alan Rickman, Eva Longoria, Bruce Willis, Elizabeth Taylor,


Anais Nin,  Jack Kerouac, John Updike, John Irving, Steinbeck, Dr. Seuss, Tom Wolfe,

BRILLIANT GENIUSES, Inventors, Personalities

Albert Einstein, George Washington, Steve Jobs, Rudolph Steiner, Copernicus, Linus Pauling, Alexander G. Bell.


Vivaldi, Schopenhaur, Chopin, Handel,Kurt Weill,

While the Sun is in Pisces everyone becomes very dreamy, Where is my SOUL MATE? The Holy Grail? The last drink, faith healing..

PISCES IS OCEANIC and water, emotions sensitivity is heightened. It is a great  time for all artists and creativity.

You may feel ungrounded, as if in a fog. Dreams are heightened and it makes sensitives Ultra sensitive. You will feel more compassionate, cry at the drop of a hat and want to help all the underdogs. A general emotional overload from people becoming huge psychic sponges. It can feel very disconcerting if you don’t know that that is what is happened.

Pisces rules HOLLYWOOD, and the Academy Awards which are always held at Pisces time. Pisces rules photography, film, images, illusion, glamour projection literal and psychological. Also rules religions, Gurus. ashrams.

Pisces ruling planet is Neptune now very strong in its own sign. Ancient ruler is Jupiter.

So I offer you a very simple list of TO DO’s to imbibe the Pisces spirit

READ MORE about PISCES On my website : http://www.taratarot.com/id119.html


This is most important. Psychic safety must be practiced. Like having safe sex you must create and wear a psychic circle of protection daily. Just visualize or intend a circle of ultra violet fire/light around you. Always move clockwise. You can call in St. Germaine or any Higher Master Teacher Guardian Angel to protect you. Yes there are many negative entities and energies out there. If you are wounded and vulnerable they can attack you via other people. You gotta have psychic armour.


Incubate dreams, meditate on remembering dreams before you sleep, keep a dream journal. The intention alone will help you remember. Work on day dreams, fantasies as clues for what you really desire. Don’t get lost in fantasy though.


If you’ve never done it before. It is not so easy to get to quiet the ego/mind’s chatter. Start a 30 day practice,  Keep it short and simple. Just watch your breathing, it will benefit you greatly. Watch everything that arises with detachment. You can use guided meditation Cd’s. Soft music.


Even if you have never down this before, sing, dance, get clay, paint or do collages. Do karaoke, plink on a guitar, write a poem. Go to art shows, museums, classical concerts and art films.


Practice prayer. Get on your knees and pray to whatever your Higher Spirit is. Jesus, God, the Goddess, Qwan Yin, your Guardian Angels. It is healing. Pray for your own redemption.


Volunteer at a Food Bank once a week, give money or time to help a women’s shelter, support animal rights, donate money, sign petitions..


Pisces is the most forgiving time. Forgive yourself and others releasing blocked energy. If you really forgive someone it will never come back. But you also need to forgive yourself for past mistakes, regrets and transgressions. These were all lessons you choose to learn and to grow from. 


Whatever your addiction, booze, drugs, meds, sugar, porn, TV, gossip, anger, workaholic, health fanatic. OWN it admit it, get into the healing of it for your soul’s sake and those around you who are being hurt by your pain. Some addictions looks healthy but are avoidance mechanisms.


Pisces is a water sign and our water is scarce, prescious, polluted. Educate yourself. Conserve it. Lobby to preserve your human right to have access to water. Meditate and send love to the oceans as Dr. Emotto’s studes show. Drink lots of it but not bottled. It is mere ordinary water in a plastic bottle which pollutes more.


Yes even if the world seems to be going to hell in a Cardinal cross hand basket. Have Faith. All of our lives are a test of faith.


Pisces rules the feet. Get a Reflexology treatment. All the acupuncture spots are on your feet. Go Barefoot, Earthing.

It is very important to also get grounded while in Pisces. My friend Sue Kenney, a writer whose book is My Camino, has designed the world’s first footless shoes.



all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with TARA http://www.taratarot.com

MY SWEET LORD_ George Harrison

Dream a little Dream of me Zooey Deschanel

Philip Seymour Hoffman life and death Astrology by Tara Greene

Philip Seymour Hoffman Astrology Tara Greene

Sad tragic news of Philip Seymour Hoffman’s death at 46 years old, from an  apparent heroin O.D. although the autopsy hasn’t been conclusive yet. Considered to be one of the finest actors of his generation. He won the Academy Award for his role in CAPOTE. His sudden passing has engendered a wave of shock and sadness throughout Hollywood. There was a  minute of silence on Broadway today in his honor.

Admired by his colleagues in the theatre and film for his intense, sensitive, honest, indepth acting. Mr. Hoffman leaves three young children. We will never watch more stupendous acting and directing roles which he could and would have accomplished.

He had  been an addict when younger but sober since he was 22 years old. A year ago prescription drugs then heroin and recent rehab stints were reparted. Why the relapse recently? What demons did Mr. Hoffman have?

Lets look at his astrology chart to discover who Philip really was.                                                               



Philip Seymour Hoffman Tara Greene ASTROLOGYBorn July   23 1967 Fairport New York, no exact birth time

I have no accurate birth time so have used NOON for a famous person.

The SUN had just entered LEO the sign of the actor, the dramatic, passionate, willful leader. A new experience in being born a Leo, needing to be center stage, being admired by the world. Leo is also the sign of the child and of the heart.

As his birth time is unknown, at noon, the Moon- his Mother appears to be in Aquarius. His parents divorced when he was young and his mother brought him and three siblings up alone. Moon in Aquarius people are strong individuals, marching to their own drummers, quite brilliant thinkers. If he was born later this day, after 10 pm then his Moon would be in Pisces, the sign of inspired actors,dreamers and addicts.

Mercury at 12 degrees Cancer, Philip’s modus communication is exactly on the United States Sun. This is  a very powerful degree. Connected to Fixed Star SIRIUS. It makes him sentimental, close to his mother, his roots, his foundation. Very emotional, moody, loves children, to eat, a nurturer. 

VENUS is in VIRGO at 9 degrees. He was a workaholic, a dedicated and humble man who loved to be of service. He was very intellectual and analytical, noticing every detail of a character’s mannerism and speech which he played.  He was probably insecure underneath it all, and his own worst enemy with a very well-developed inner critic.

Mars is his masculinity, passion, drive, defenses was at 1 degree Scorpio. This man was intense, powefull, secretive, in control, demanding. He was fascinated with the shadow, his own and his characters. He loved psychology and getting right inside of whatever character he portrayed. He was quite fearless.

JUPITER- expansion, optimism, was at 12 degrees LEO. Jupiter in Leo is the King, royalty, golden, striving to be the best, can be overly optimistic. Someone who wants to taste everything in life. A natural actor, a man of great passion and heart. Jupiter is optimistic, good humour, big bellied, JOVIAL. He strove to inspire others.

SATURN represents his father, karma, obstacles,limitations. At 12 degrees ARIES it’s in square to his Mercury. This man had enormous drives and energy to burn.  A fighter, a warrior, independent and entrepreneurial spirit. An original thinker. At odds with his father and the establishment in general. Saturn in Aries limits Aries natural unlimited energy and passion, one can burn out to quickly.

URANUS at 21 degrees Virgo is conjunct Pluto at 18 degrees Virgo. This is a hallmark of an entire 60’s generation. Naturally rebellious soulful tenders of their own psyche’s garden.  

CHIRON at 29 degrees+ of PISCES is opposite Philip’s Uranus. This is a most important degree in any astrology chart as it is the very last degree possible. Considered to be an extremely karmic point it indicates finishing up an entire cycle of lifetimes and getting ready to step off the karmic wheel to become enlightened. Chiron is Retrograde, indicating that Mr. Hoffman wasn’t quite ready to complete his liberation yet.This is something of a BODHISATVA aspect. Someone who attains enlightenment but returns to the earth plane out of compassion, to ease the suffering of others.


is at 21 degrees SCORPIO and Retrograde squaring JUPITER. Neptune in Scorpio indicates dark passions, shadow demons, nightmares, deep-seated fear, sex, power and control issues. Facination with the dark side, with death, depression. In Square to Jupiter in Leo these demons are enlarged, ferocious, hounds of hell. It also means being too optimistic and totally fascinated with how far he could push the edge, walking the razor blade and being obsessed by it.

NEPTUNE is also the ruler of Pisces and all creative people, artists, actors, and also the planet of addictions, illusion delusion, being able to be a chameleon, which is why he was such an incredible actor. 

NORTH NODE was at 2 degrees of TAURUS. Very solid, grounded, sensual, practical, reliable was what he was supposed to embody as his highest spiritual goal. The NOrth NOde is in square to his Leo SUN, indicating a karmic imperative, a necessity, to shine that spiritual light brightly on the stage of life. This he most definitely did. The SOUTH NODE {not shown in the chart} is right on his natal MARS in Scorpio at 2 degrees. 

These aspects  indicate a  fierce inner struggle, a battle. Philip was a fearless warrior, driven by his passions to be brilliant { his SUN in  LEO} and his demons and his obsessions { Scorpio} from birth and even before.  He achieved much in a relative short life.  His chart is really not that complicated. 


Apparently Hoffman had recently been in rehab but had been doing heroin heavily for the past six weeks or so preceding his death. Apparently he said if he didn’t quit heroin he knew that he would die. Can Astrology predict death?

death of a star Astrology by Tara Greene

click on chart to view larger

A number of MAJOR Hard astrology transits were hitting Mr. Hoffman for the past year or so but intensifying now. His Natal SATURN- karma, and Mercury at 12 degrees of CARDINAL signs was being pummeled by PLUTO, URANUS and Venus.

URANUS conjunct Saturn alone is sudden death in and of itself.  Unexpected chaos, uncontrollable erratic energy. And Pluto squaring that and opposing his sensitive Mercury in CAncer. 

SATURN was also transiting his natal NEPTUNE, planet of addictions, secrets, power and control. That is also an intensely heavy transit meaning SATURN= death by drugs, addictions. Saturn would also be squaring his MOON in late Aquarius or early PISCES. Another heavy emotional depressing transit. 

CHIRON at 11 degrees PISCES was opposite to his Natal Venus. He has been vulnerable and weakened by that transit. His old wounds had been re-opened. Addictions, as Carl Jung astutely observed are the thirst for spirit, the pun, alcohol or other drugs to numb the pain of separation from SOURCE.

Neptune at 4 degrees + of PISCES is also opposing his natal VENUS. Venus is desire, in Virgo it is desire for perfection. The illusion of finding it, the dream of bliss, the addiction to perfection, to spacing out, freeing oneself, victimhood, or guilt or simply numbing out or just the love of being High.

Transiting NORTH NODE is exactly on his natal Mars at 1 degree Scorpio and conjunct his SOUTH NODE at 2 degrees. This is a transiting nodal reversal indicating old Scorpionic obsessions being highlighted. These nodes conjunct every 18+ years and oppose every 9+ years. In one sense he was aligned with the movement of spiritual energy now. It did involve dealing with his obsessions, his shadows. The North Node was also in square to his SUN. Fighting the demons with the LIGHT of his own WILL or merging with the Phoenix of rebirth.

The last Total Solar Eclipse at 11 degrees of SCORPIO on November 3 2013 was exactly square to Mr. Hoffman’s Jupiter in Leo. Eclipse’s will trigger energies which last up to a year. Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth and in square to his Jupiter in Leo, makes one think they are the  King and can get away with anything. Pride, hubris, danger, playing fast and dark, love of speed demons is all part of that energy. 

Philip’ s work will be remembered. My condolences to his long time partner and their three children and his family.  He left a powerful acting legacy and serves to inspire future generations.

Mr. Hoffman was a number 8 in Numerology the symbols of Strength, Justice, the Star, a karmic number. He was under the influence of the number 9 since his last birthday. He was at the end of a 10 year cycle.

What do you think?

PLease share widely.

All writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

Get a reading with Tara Greene http://www.taratarot.com

Watch Philip Seymour Hoffman’s work


Mercury Retrograde, Born this way? 10 TIPS for Pisces Brain Fog Astrology

Prepare for MERCURY RETROGRADE in PISCES -Sat. Feb 23 @ 1:41 asm PST/ 4:41 am EST- MARCH 17 St. Patrick’s Day

Mercury Retrograde in PISCES -BRAIN FOG, smoke & Mirrors,

feels like being behind the Veil,  mind fog,  an Ayahuasca flashback, in Heaven again, in the closet/jail/hell of your own making

remembering where you came from, womb memories, remembering your True Self.

Were you  born during a Mercury Retrograde?

Statistically 1/3 of the population could be born during a Mercury Retrograde period. If you want to get your chart done for free there are many great online resources to help you find out.- see below

BORN THIS WAY – Mercury Retrograde

I have many a client have an amazing epiphany when they GOT IT  about being born during a Mercury Retrograde. That wrongly screwed in Light Bulb turned ON!   YOU function at best during Retro periods.

PIsces image

Mercury Retro people don’t know how really bright they are. Usually they are labelled as having learning disorders just because they think outside the box. M. Rx’s in any sign are all very creative,  the world hasn’t been wired  to accept people who think differently until now. They think in a less linear more feminine way.

During a Mercury Retrograde it’s your turn to be in your Retro flow which ever sign.

NOT born this way

Trying to swim against the current won’t work.

with Mercury retrograde  Don’t start any new endeavours, buy new things, usually they have to be returned are deficient etc.

you can buy used things. That THRIFT SHOP song is a great Mercury Retro in Pisces song -recycling.

10 BEST THINGS TO DO during this PISCES  Mercury Retrograde

1. SURRENDER your MIND to Intuition, Rewire your head, TRUST your feelings. Connect to your Guardian Angel.

2. BE CREATIVE- Explore your artistic side,draw, paint,drum, sound, sing, drama classes, photography, knit,

3. PISCES is the dream world,sleep as much as you can. Tune into your dreams.Write them down. Have your dreams analyzed I offer this service,

4. YOGA and MEDITATION  will be easier now. Practice daily

5. Watch old movies, connect with movies that inspire, move you, make you cry,inspire hope.

6. Heal your addictions, understand the mind, emotion, body connections, SWEAT,  sweat lodges, steam baths, foot baths in very hot water

7. Go on a Mini Vision Quest- why am I here? What’s my True Purpose?- see below:

8. Do charitable Work- give away what you don’t need, volunteer, see the suffering in the world and do something to help

9. Go fishing, visit a Sacred Place, allow spirit to speak to you directly, have an epiphany

10. Love Yourself, compassion, rekindle your faith, go to Church, Temple if that suits you.THE BIG FISH THAT GOT AWAY story is usually an oh poor me Pisces kind of story. Do ceremony as a right of passage of an old cycle.

Review, rewind, relax, resuscitate, reflect, relinquish, relish, all the RE- things, RE-memeber it’s symbol is Rx  a prescription.

Saturn Retro in Scorpio and Mercury Retrograde in Pisces Trine by Water element

CANCER’s get Retro blessings

See all as ONE.

If you need Guidance SPIRITUAL GPS during  Mercury Retro Pisces fog- Get a reading

I offer private and small group workshops in Sacred Arts, dream work, ceremonies, and one on one readings.

email me for more info  taragreene@sacredartscentre.com

30 min and 15 minute phone readings and 1 hour minimum in person  http://taratarot.com/id78.html