Sun on the Galactic Center, Sacred Marriage Time

The Galactic Centre is the holy cosmic womb of our Milky Way galaxy. It’s the Divine Feminine black void/ womb and births everything and receives back all souls. The divine void births all.

Photo by Pixabay on

The sun is the light, the masculine energy. Every year as the sun aligns with the GC at 26-27 degrees Sagittarius December 18-19 this is a magnificent Hieros Gamos or Sacred Marriage Alchemical portal.Today December 20 as Sun sits at 28-29 Sagittarius is the last day to lean into these cosmic energies

There is no such thing as coincidence the Saturnalia and Solstice are all celebrated at the same time because they mirror each others and are ancient ancient pagan indigenous celebrations. Honoring and and turning with the wheel of the year.

The GC moves backwards 1° every 72 years apparent from our position. The whole galaxy is streaking through the universe at rapid rates.

The dragons 🐉n astrology are the Lunar Nodes which are something different on a much smaller cycle of 18+ years repetition moving backwards through the zodiac. Dragons have become popular as the latest new age catch phrase. Dragons were worshipped in ancient China and India because the North and south nodes are referred to as dragons head and tails. Eclipses are draconic times.

The Nodes of the Moon are responsible for creating all eclipses. The dragon also refers to the Constellation Draco which was once our North Star pole over 10.000 years ago. The Great Bear Ursa is our North Star now and slowly another constellation will move into alignment and eventually Draco and Thuban will be our North stars again in 26,000 years .

I love the Galactic Center and have used it for over 30 years in my astrology practice. If you have any planets angles nodes or asteroids here you have a direct contact to that cosmic entity

I have my Mercury conjunct to the GC and I know how powerful a portal it is.

Aligning now with the Saturnalia and the Solstice it’s important to tune into the energies constantly channelling in through it. Mark these days in meditation and contemplation as well as celebration abs revelry.

Please share widely all content is copyright ©️ of Tara Greene

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Gemini Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse “Royal Wedding”

GEMINI Ring of Fire SOLAR ECLIPSE JUNE 10 at 3:52 am PDT/ 7:52 am EDT/ 10:52 am GMT

The instant of greatest eclipse takes place June 10 at 10:41 GMT

The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse in Gemini is a “Royal Marriage.”

Gemini is the archetype of the Lovers in the Tarot #6 . This Gemini Solar Eclipse puts a Ring on it in a sacred marriage union of the opposites. The Lovers card n the tarot is Gemini. A complex Mercury Retro ruled Eclipse we are recalibrating our minds and revisioning our dreams. Mars at 29 Cancer is critical opposite Pluto, explosive sublimated family secrets.

“Everything is dual; everything has poles;

everything has its pair of opposites.

Like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature,

but different in degree.

Extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths;

all paradoxes may be reconciled.”

— The Kybalion.

The Moon moves Out of BOUNDS on Gemini Solar Eclipse and VENUS is also OOB

The Moon is in a wild freely emoting state and our receptive, emotional loving side is in a free wheeling state too. This is rather unusual and adds to the intrigue of the Ring of Fire eclipse.

GEMINI the Sacred Twins, the first AIR ELEMENT sign and symbolizes the first breath of life at birth.

Gemini is the winds in the sky. It is a detached, a Masculine or active element, a changeable, adaptable, Mutable sign. Gemini is duality, choices, self and other, partnes ,siblings, consciousness itself, communication, thinking and information, marketing and by extension all of our computers and social media. Gemini is the twin halves of the brain. Gemini rules our lungs.


GEMINI is ruled by the Planet MERCURY, or Hermes, a hermaphrodite, {Hermes/Aphrodite] a dual sexed Archetype. Mercury is the Mercurial, fleet footed winged messenger of the Gods. As Hermes he is THOTH to the Egyptians who taught humankind the secrets of immortality and to whom the famous “As above, so below.” maxim is attributed.

Mercury rules Wednesday. Mercury is also known as a Trickster in mythology ,like the Norse God Loki. The Trickster is known as Coyote in Native American tails.

How does your mind play tricks on you?


If you have a Tarot deck pull out these cards to act as Guides and Mascots for this meditation.

GEMINI is associated with the Trump Card #6 THE LOVERS.

THE LOVERS and the union of the inner Feminine and Masculine is what this eclipse energy is all about. If we are united within we are whole and complete. In the Tarot, Air is symbolized by swords, which cut through the tangle of distractions. All heroes and heroines must battle with their swords of discrimination.

MERCURY in the Tarot is the 1st Trump the MAGICIAN.

The word magician comes from the root word Magus, Magi, whose root word is Image, imagination. The Magician/Mercury is everyone’s internal magic wand. Just like in Harry Potter, your intention, your thoughts/sword, is your mental focus, your consciousness. Combined with desire/intent creates whatever you wish. This the Law of attraction. As you imagine or think, so mote it be. Consciousness is all that is, is everything that exists.

Mercury is RETROGRADE in GEMINI ruling this eclipse and tightly conjunct the SUN. We are recalibrating our minds to go in a new NORTH NODE direction. We need to let go of the past the South Node in Sagittarius where Juno is

THE SUN and MERCURY meet on the 10th at 9:13 pm EDT which is called CAZIMI. Mercury at the heart of the sun is an auspicious golden initiation.

NEPTUNE in PISCES is squaring the Eclipse at 23+ degrees and ATHENA at 24 degrees.

This indicates we need to use our imagination and visualise new dreams, new creativity new compassion, clarity and connect in a spiritual way not just with our minds.

ECLIPSES come in series every 18+-19 years. The eclipse belongs to Saros Cycle #147 and is 23 of 80 eclipses in the series.

The first eclipse in this series started October 12, 1624

The previous one was May 31, 2003, May 19, 1985, May 9, 1967, April 28, 1949

Where were you in 2003? The eclipse cycle ends December 14, 2,327.

THIS ECLIPSE IS ALSO THE BEGINNING OF A 6 MONTH CYCLE WHICH CONCLUSED DECEMBER 4 ONA TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE AT 12 DEGREES SAGITTARIUS. What you planet now will cone to fruit in 6 months. AN eclipse effects can last 6 months to a year. Different astrologers have different theories about this.

THE MOON and VENUS are out of BOUNDS  on the eclipse.

12 am 6 am 12 pm 6pm

Jun 10 N22°51 23°27′ 23°58′ 24°25′

Jun 11 N24°48′ 25°37′ 25°22′ 25°32′

Jun 12 N25°37 25°38′ 25°34′ 25°26′

Jun 13 N25°13′ 24°55′ 24°32′ 24°5′

June 14 N23 34′ N22 58′ and VENUS is OUT OF BOUNDS TOO!

This indicates a freedom from conventions, and values. The Moon goes OOB on the day of the eclipse.

MARS the action planet is at the critical 29th degree of CANCER opposite PLUTO.

Mars submerged in water is holding onto old family resentments and this is a difficult aspect. Mars Pluto is dangerous energy. A fiery Solar Eclipse can ignite and heighten this energy. Pluto rules the Underworld. A bunch of criminals were just busted in a worldwide sting yesterday. That’s a positive use of this energy.


VESTA in VIRGO at 15 degrees and JUNO in SAGITTARIYS conjunct the South Node

squares and oppose the Eclipse and Mercury  in a tight T-square. Vesta is about focus on the spirit and the practical matters of work service health, our pets, and budgets. VESTA rules investments. Be careful these days. SOLAR eclipses show in real daylight out in the open events.

JUNO is the Goddess of marriage and the Feminine Form of Genius especially in education and justice loving Sagittarius. Juno on the South Node is out ability to connect with ancient multi-dimensional Feminine philosophies, justice, ethics.

SATURN and URANUS plus CERES are squared off.

URANUS CERES conjunction at 12 degrees Taurus is trine VESTA.

We are in a tens time between holding onto the past and bravely jumping into a new h-tech revolutionary future.

The wounds that we have been hiding can be shared through our collective technology and we can focus on healing and keeping the flame of spirit sacred and live by continued focus and reverence.

LILITH AT 27 TAUUS is on ALGOL and trine to PLUTO.

This is a rebirth a transformation oof the denied “dark “ feminine sexuality raw power and demand for absolute equality in relationships. Algol’s reputation needs to be cancelled as the Demon star and reinstated as the beautiful Amazon warrioresses who fought against oppressive patriarchal tyrannies.

This is a powerful Solar eclipse. I have been feeling like my brains have been scrambled from this Mercury Retrograde and exhausted by MARS PLUTO opposition too. I had to cancel my Eclipse workshop.

Sending you all the best blessings on the Eclipse. I will be doing ceremony and mantras. Remember according to Tibetan Buddhists all Mantras made during a Solar Eclipse magnify a million times. Om MANI PADME HUM is the basic Buddhist mantra.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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The Midnight Sun- Solstice


an interesting article about the meaning of the solstice.

via The Midnight Sun – A Generous Invitation to the Marriage of the Moon Spirits and the Northern Winds. Slavic & Balkan Tradition of Kolyadky & Auseklis

Venus Jupiter love magic rituals

A short video for you. I did a ritual invocation of Beautiful Venus and Bountiful Jupiter tonight at 3:15 am EST.  I called upon Venus and her pentagram her copper and emeralds her symbols of love and beauty. I called upon Jupiter as initiator benefactor higher master teacher lightning bolt thrower and expander.

This cosmic conjunction brings a balance of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. “As above so below” @ 3:15 am EST. Nov 13 at the conjunction of Goddess Venus and God Jupiter I called in the two planetary lovers to bless all of us and in all worlds with a new balance of divine cosmic blending of love beauty power and strength.

 A more potent auger of what we need right now in the sign of SCORPIO sign of sex death secrets power and rebirth. How amazing is this synchronicity!

In the Tarot, VENUS is #3 THE EMPRESS and JUPITER is #10 Wheel of Fortune

Venus and Jupiter Love Astrology Tara Greene

Venus and Anchises-Annibale Carracci 1597- Farnese Gallery, Rome copyright free image

I then picked a tarot card to help guide you. The Chariot Tarot Arcana #7. Cancer energy the womb birth nurturance nourishment sustenance safety. Home. The primal ocean of emotion and consciousness. The Great Mother. 7 is the laws of cycles the 7 Heavens. 

The Day is ruled by the Moon. The planetary hour was ruled by Mercury the messenger.

Please share widely. all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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Dark Venus Alchemy with the Sun

Venus is Retrograde and moving quickly to her next STAR POINT in her pentagram shaped cycle. On March 25/26, Venus, now invisible in the skies, is in in her dark, Black, New Moon or negrido phase, the alchemical term. VENUS in ARIES is getting all beautified for her rendezvous with APOLLO, the Sun God. She weds and beds the SUN in an ALCHEMICAL SACRED MARRIAGE.  This symbol ensured wholeness, fertility and exchange of energies. That Alchemical marriage is the Tarot card of TEMPERANCE #14 major Arcana in the TAROT. 

Venus in ARIES symbolizes LOVE OF SELF.

Yes, selfies is one way to put it. Aries is the  “I AM”  sign. The mantra would be “I am love, I am that I am. I am a Warrior Goddess.” Note the movie Wonder Woman coming out soon, which is VENUS in ARIES, another synchronicity with Hollywood. 

Venus is under MARS’ rule as she is in his home sign. Mars is in TAURUS, which is VENUS’s sign. The two planets of sex and relationships are in each other pants, er houses. This is called mutual reception,just like it sounds, they partake of each others qualities.

Temperance #14 tarot trump Alchemy Tara Greene

#14 Temperance or Alchemy/ Art Thoth Tarot 

Venus in ARIES is strong, powerful, independent, needs no man to protect her. MARS in VENUS’s sign learning to be more feminine, receptive, sensuous, creative, earthy, adoring the Goddess. The Taurean Age was the Age of the Goddess-worshipping and Bull or cow worshipping cultures world-wide. In Crete, in Egypt, in India, Taurus, the Bull or cow was considered the animal sacred to the Goddess, because its horns symbolized the waxing and waning crescents of the Moon.  These are all excellent symbols of alchemical renewal, a rebalancing of the opposites and the roles the Feminine and the Masculine have been defined by. WE NEED THIS NOW> 

Venus Turned Retrograde at 13+ degrees Aries= 14.  The SABIAN SYMBOL,

“A Serpent coiling near a man and a woman. ” This is the story of LILITH in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Genesis is a prime myth in Patriarchal culture which was designed to take away women’s sexuality and power which Lilith symbolizes.

Venus turned Retrograde with LILITH at 2 degrees SAGITTARIUS squaring the NORTH and SOUTH NODES of the MOON. This is a fateful symbol as well as the turning point in Lilith’s cycle of truth, independence, education and Justice. 

VENUS Star Point March 25/26 @ 5 degrees ARIES is opposite SUPER GALACTIC CENTER and trines {120 degrees}  LILITH in SAGITTARIUS.. 

LILITH is helping women and Men symbolized by the SUN, to come to consciousness about the DARK GODDESS, about the negated aspect of women’s sexuality and power in order to bring a new respect honor and balance into relationships. 

The SGC, M87, @ 2 degrees 3 minutes of LIBRA, is a supermassive BLACK HOLE with the mass of 30 trillion Suns, though 90% of it remains invisible. Black Holes suck all light and matter into themselves, they are the great voids/ wormholes/cosmic vaginas of space/time. They symbolize the SUPER GREAT MOTHER.

Read more about the SGC

VENUS =Women and Love is in the darkness. Darkness has always been associated with magic, mystery, the feminine, the unknown, the void, the womb, death, rebirth. The Dark was always considered sacred and safe up until Patriarchal times.  With the ascent of SOLAR GODS like Apollo, who were once the Goddess’s consorts or brothers, the SUN, the Masculine Light of Consciousness, and literacy, dominated the magical, intuitive, feeling nature of the heart and the Feminine.

Darkness began to be feared.  A split in the psyche associated darkness with fear, loss, the hag, crone, witch, isolation, separation, negativity, madness, demons, depression { Saturn} and the shadow.  The dark or negrido blackened phase is important. It is when Inanna is turned into rotting meat in the Underworld. It is PERSEPHONE’s archetypal journey into HADES. all part of the entire journey and one part is no better than another and all are dependent on each phase in order for wholeness to be achieved.

The dark is a phase of quiet, of retreat, of stillness, of sitting in the void, it is a liminal time. It is the holding of the breath, the unknown space between the inhale and the exhale. 

Venus is not actually Dark as she joins the SUN. She is like the image of the Goddess in the Book of Revelations, the woman clothed in the SUN. 

Barney, Woman Clothed with Sun 1904

a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars” (12:1). … Then there is “a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns …Dark Venus is associated with dark matter, she is not a reflection of the Sun, she becomes the Sun as she consummates the sacred Marriage. She is as strong as the SUN, although much smaller, and she is one with the LIGHT again.  This is a huge symbolic love feast between the Goddess and her Masculine counterpart. 

During the next three days think about what VENUS as you, the Love Goddess preparing for her big Wedding Night. You are the Goddess ready to meet her Sol Mate. 

Review your past relationships; your lovers. How were you loved? or not. How did you love? Could you receive love?

Review your values; Venus represents money and Luxury, re-evaluate your relationship to luxury and abundance and the Light, it is based on your self-worth. 

Review the life scripts and Karmic Patterns you play out in all relationships; as daughter, sister, friend, co-worker, mother, aunt.

Review what your heart truly longs for. 

Allow your yearning to unite with the Beloved to be strong. Venus is filled with light, consciousness, she is brilliant, fiery, a living flame, super hot, dangerous, burning with desire, wild, unknown, passionate, independent, demanding. Allow yourself to become VENUS, to become desire as the SOURCE of your life by bringing light and LOVE to all the dark shadows and fear.

The SUN is VENUS’s lover, he loves all parts of her. He loves her shadows, her beauty, her strength, her power.

The Union of Venus with the SUN symbolizes a Tantric union. One which is energetically and spiritually always going on. The love of the Goddess and the God for one another is the very nature of Creation and the Universe. 

CHANDRA SYMBOL for Aries 5: A woman harvesting rose petals to make perfume. 

(Degree Angel: MAHASIAH (mah-HA-see-YAH) Healing, Rectification)

Your loving and positive intentions can be a healing balm to yourself and others. You have the ability to stay attuned to a spiritual wavelength which simplifies, harmonizes and elevates the atmosphere around you. To the extent that you can just be yourself all negativity falls away and your path opens clearly before you.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “The statue of a God worn smooth by devotees’ kissing.” So many kisses, so many rose petals – the drop by drop accumulation of love which gradually accumulates a focus of spiritual light in the physical realm. The hardness of stone meets the softness of a kiss and finally, at last, the stone disappears, is worn away, just as, also, the fragrance of divine love as embodied in the rose distills itself into a healing balm.

Pleiadian Symbol: Gently a feather falls from the sky, settling on a gigantic pyramid.

Seed Degree: Taurus 19. A bottle of gold dust The SUN = GOLD, gathered from many places over many years.  The gold gathered is transmuted into a higher form – love, whose healing fragrance is once again dispersed.

The symbol is so perfect. Venus pentagram cycleVenus makes a rose pattern in her cycle.
Please share widely so that more people can benefit. 
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Rare Blue Sagittarius Rose Moon June 20

Rare Blue Sage Full Moon Solstice June 20

This moon is known as the Strawberry Moon to Native Americans and the ROSE MOON in Europe.  I like the combo of the Blue Rose Moon or roses and sage, smells wonderful..

These are powerful times we’re living in. The movement of the planets and stars, “as above, so below” indicate our interconnection to point out what we need to integrate in the cosmic round of events. 

This is a very rare, very potent synchronistic Blue Full Moon, which occurs at the very last and most critical degree of SAGITTARIUS @ 4:02 am PDT/ 7:02 am EDT/ 11:02 am GMT.

A Blue Moon is when there are 2 full moons in one month or one extra Full Moon in a season. This year there have been 4 since Spring. Once every 19 years the phases of the moon recur on, or near, the same calendar dates. 

But to have a Blue Moon on the SOLSTICE is much rarer.  This is the first full moon to fall on the June solstice in 1967, which was the beginning of the Hippie PEACE LOVE movement. We are referring to June Solstices here. A December Solstice and Full Moon happened in 2010.  

The Next Full Moon exactly on the Solstice in June using GMT will be on June 21, 2062. That is 46 years from now. So better celebrate this BIGGIE!

The Solstice, one of the four major Gateways in the turning of the wheel of the year occurs almost 12 hours after the Full Moon. This is the day of the longest LIGHT in the entire year in the Northern Hemisphere where the energy shifts into the ascent of the FEMININE and vice versa in the Southern. It is a day of balance and honors the SACRED MARRIAGE in the entire world.

Pagans and indigenous peoples worldwide have marked these solstice turning point since time immemorial. There will be tens of thousands at Stonehenge and other major ancient sites. If you do celebrate wiccan or pagan rituals it will be a beautiful night to be outside under the shining Capricorn Full Moon Light, as the moon enters Capricorn 53 minutes after the Full Moon.

The Grand Mutable Cross is also potently powerful and reminds us to stay flexible and to be aware of working with all of the elements. Venus is still conjunct to the SUN in Cancer since June 17th indicating that love and Light and living in harmony are the goals to guide us.

CANCER Sun and Venus times primarily focus on family, home, our childhoods, our moms, our stomachs, what we need to keep us feeling safe and emotionally secure.

29 degrees SAGITTARIUS is the most critical of the 9th signs degrees. It is conjunct to the Galactic Center the Black Hole or cosmic Vagina of our Galaxy. This is the place the Mayans revered as a place for Cosmic REBIRTH and which the December 21st Solstice was aligned with in 2012. We are three and a half years from that shift in Consciousness, we may want to take stock of how far we have come.

This powerful Full Moon is one of alchemical change and transformation. We must stay optimistic and trust, but we must also act.

Symbols for 30 degrees Sagittarius from John Sandbach

By time traveling, a man takes a photograph of dinosaurs. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Inspired

(Degree Angel Name: Nithael (NIT-ha-EL) The Death of Death, Rejuvenation and Eternal Youth)

So deep are the roots of karma, sometimes when it is only cleared on surface levels it can grow back and then we find ourselves once again in an old pattern. This degree has an instinct for going deep into the self or any problem or complex of circumstances to really contact the source of it. This can give a whole new perspective on reality, and eventually loosen the energetic knot that has bound us.

Chandra Symbol “The completion of a large Persian rug.”

It is a joy to come to the end of a long, arduous task, and the truth is, every minute of our lives is just that – the completion of a process that has been going on so long that its beginnings are far beyond memory’s normal capacity. This degree carries the precious truth that every moment is complete in and of itself, and is full of the richness and abundance of a grand and tremendous history. It personifies cosmic perspective carried to the most glorious and nth degree.

Pleiadian Symbol: A man in a tall hat is reading omens in the smoke from an altar.

Azoth Symbol: People sleeping as they travel near the speed of light.

Seed degree: 27 Pisces. A spider searching its web. (Omega Symbol). By looking at what we have drawn to ourselves karmically we can perceive the depths of our own past.

A ritual sand painting. (Chandra Symbol). When we let go of attachments to permanence, we are able to do what we need to do and finish what we have started.

Fulfillment degree: 23 Virgo. A library is burning. A man therein continues to read. (Omega Symbol). When we sense the vast chain of events of which we are a part, we attain eventually an unshakable patience.

 Reflect on the depth of these symbols.

Sagittarius, the 9th sign is known for distant travels, truth, justice, freedom, higher education, philosophy, humor, religion, politics, teachers, optimism, risk-taking, trust, adventure, faith and mysticism.

The root of the word Sagittarius is related to the word sage. A sage is a venerable, older, wise teacher who inspires and passes on valuable information. The Sagittarius mission is to inspire and to point its arrows of truth higher towards the Galactic Center. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, King of the Gods. Jupiter now in VIRGO keeps our mission practical, grounded and humble.

Sagittarius is connected to the Greek Goddess Diana, the wild virgin huntress, Goddess of the Moon. The wolf or the dog is also associated with Sagittarius. Call upon her wild independent wisdom if you need.

The Tarot Major Arcana for SAGITTARIUS is #14 Temperance /ALCHEMY or ART

Alchemy/Temperance Tarot Tara Greene

Thoth Tarot Trump #14 Sagittarius

This is the card of balance and Transformation. It is related to the Philosopher’s stone which symbolizes turning lead {Saturn, matter} into Gold {the Sun or spiritual Light}.

The TEMPERANCE ANGEL symbolizes our Higher Self. It combines the masculine fire {mind} and the feminine water {instincts} to transform both into something entirely new. In this way we combine our shadow selves and become more than we were. This card is also known as the SACRED MARRIAGE card.

At this powerful Full Moon imagine the union of your feeling function, the Feminine intuition and your active fire masculine side. Send that loving union energy throughout your whole body and out into the world. If each one of us does our inner work, the outer world will be transformed. 


all writing is copyright of Tara  Greene unless otherwise indicated. 

I will create a podcast meditation for you to listen to at the Full Moon which should be out tomorrow.

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Sedona September cosmic ceremony

Sedona Tara Greene shamanic tours

Are you feeling the call to be on sacred ground and align with cosmic synchronicity? Are you feeling the need to let go of outworn patterns and step into a new more enlightened and clear path? As the dimensions open, it greatly accelerates your growth process to be on the red rock vortexes of Sedona.

Please join me in September to experience the magic of the famous red rocks whose natural energies magnify all healing, ceremony and ritual 10 x’s faster and more powerfully according to Drunvalo Melchizedek and thousands of others who have experienced it for themselves.

Sign up now to experience, heal, journey, learn, expand, and align with your unique soul’s path next month. I invite you to join me to align with the stars, planets, the earth, the elements, the ancestors, higher magical dimensions, opening your chakras and experience profound alignment.  Special individually tailored ceremonies and group ceremonies in Sedona.

There are many optimum dates in September for working with the planets, between September 13- 24. Jupiter and Neptune, the wish-fulfilling gems, Saturn, eclipses,and the Autumn Equinox, the balancing of the Sacred Feminine and Masculine. It is hugely important to do this work during the sacred gateways.

Buddhist Sedona tara Greene

Amitabha stupa and Peace Park in Sedona

photo by Tara Greene

TAROT, guided meditations, Astrology, chanting, sacred moon cycles, dream work, women’s spirituality, sound healing, past life regression, chanting, Buddhist stupa perambulation, ascension magic, medicine wheels, rights of passage, crystal laser bed. Blessings ceremonies and initiations. and more. I am also working with other healers in Sedona.

email me for more info ASAP.or call 416 461 1999 to speak with me directly about any questions or concerns.

One, two, or three day workshops. Can tailor specially for YOU.

Small intimate groups. I will  help you arrange your hotel accommodations. There are many options,for all types of budgets. Simply meditate and ask your higher self is this right ? JUST DO IT!

I am a certified as a Transformational Psychotherapist, in Past Life Regression, a High Priestess of Isis, Tarot teacher, Astrologer, received shamanic training with Oriah Mountain Dreamer from 1989, Oneness faciliator, Awakening the Illuminate Heart, andwomen’s spirituality workshop leader since 1987. 

PLEASE SHARE TO ALL who you know would benefit. 

email for more information and to sign up. 

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Sedona scenic tour  

After sex, Venus Jupiter cosmic lovers

FULL MOON, after sex, sacred marriage of the stars.

Venus Jupiter Tara Greene astrology

from NASA MARSHALL News on Twitter

Did you get to see the beautiful Venus Jupiter high romance last night? The two planets were getting very sexy in Leo. That is the closest Venus-Jupiter conjunction until August 27, 2016. They will remain visually close in the sky for the next few weeks. The Full Moon was a beautiful rose color like the wine from my window. There were real fireworks as it was Canada’s birthday last night.

I thought it was Bible thumper fundamentalist media sensationalism, but it is true that the Venus/Jupiter Regulus conjunction now was very much like the Star of Bethlehem that happened in the years 2 and 3 B.C. when Jupiter conjunct both Venus and Regulus in the Constellation of Leo the Star of Kings in Sidereal. Of course the “Fixed” stars have moved almost 24 degrees backwards over the last 2000 years. Still in Leo, a different part of the Lion.

From Wikipedia: Modern calculations show that there was a gap of nearly a degree (approximately twice a diameter of Moon) between the planets, so these conjunctions were not visually impressive.An ancient Babylonian almanac which covers the events of this period, does not indicate that the conjunctions were of any special interest. In the 20th century, Prof. Kaufmanis, an astronomer, argued that this was an astronomical event where Jupiter and Saturn were in a triple conjunction in the constellation Pisces.sidereal.

In 3–2 BC, there was a series of seven conjunctions, including three between Jupiter and Regulus and a strikingly close conjunction between Jupiter and Venus near Regulus on June 17, 2 BC. “The fusion of two planets would have been a rare and awe-inspiring event”. This event however occurred after the generally accepted date of 4 BC for the death of King Herod. Since the conjunction would have been seen in the west at sunset it could not have led the magi south from Jerusalem to Bethlehem. It also does not fit with an event seen at rising that might have started them on the journey.”

Did you make love along with the planets? When two people make love from their hearts first, as a spiritual sacrament, as living prayer, in Tantric love, to be one with the Gods and Goddesses, that is how new star systems, new spiritual learning, dimensions and babies are conceived.  As above, so below.


Did you meditate on the planets’ energies? You would have accessed and downloaded the keys, energies and codes from the two planets’ union, and the template of the Sacred Marriage cosmic orgasms into your etheric, physical and higher dimensional bodies.

That’s what cosmic orgasms feel like and the true secret of sexuality and why the Church repressed it and forced people into believing in celibacy. It is knowledge repression of sacred sexual wisdom.  Christ was married as was the Jewish custom to Mary Magdalene. 


I stayed up late preparing an alter for this special magical conjunction with Venus and Jupiter symbols, crystals, 5 candles, apple, incense, copper and tin and objects that relate to the  planets ready for the conjunction at exactly 3:50 a.m. EDT.  

I called in the powers of the planets, the directions and elements, their sacred marriage love-making, and the gifts, blessings, expansion, healing, joy, creativity, consummation and love to come into the magical circle, in my heart, for all the people I love, and for the entire world.



I also made a tincture with the planetary energies, my intention, some herbs, and alcohol. This tincture needs to sit for 6 weeks. If you’d like to have a love, wealth, creativity, Sacred Marriage and heart expansion tincture this will be the one. email

The Venus/Jupiter conjunction is a symbolic love-making and sacred marriage. What was conceived early in the hours of July 1st/2nd will begin to quicken on August 15 when the Sun itself, ruler of Leo crosses that 21+ degree point. Mercury will cross the degree on August 3rd.

The energy is very Capricorny till Friday.  After the big optimistic lead up to Jupiter and Venus ‘sacred marriage, the Full Moon peaked late July 1st. Thursday, which is Jupiter’s day may feel like a let down. Capra Moon is inconjunct, “out of phase” statick-y a 150 degree aspect, to Mercury in Gemini, Jupiter and Venus in Leo. These 3 aspects are irritating to say the least. We are also on a Cardinal Cross energy day. Walk softly, stay grounded.

On July 18, 2015 Venus will be conjunct to Regulus at Zero degrees VIRGO.The crescent moon, Venus and Jupiter, the 1st 2nd and 3rd brightest objects in the night sky will be closely aligned visually.  Venus enters the 6th sign of VIRGO in Tropical Astrology, that very day, appearing  slightly ahead of Jupiter who follows here there on August 11 to stay until September 9, 2016.  

Regulus is almost right on the Ecliptic, 0.46 degrees away. It is the closest of the bright stars, and is regularly occulted by the Moon. Occultations by the planets Mercury and Venus are possible but rare.  The last occultation of Regulus by a planet was on July 7, 1959, by Venus. 

Was anyone reading this born then? The next Venus occultation won’t occur until October 1, 2044.

FULL MOON Aftermath the moon was a beautiful rose color like the wine. Its very Capricorny till Friday.
After the big optimistic promise of Jupiter and Venus Thursday, which is Jupiter’s day may feel like a let down. Capra Moon is in conjunct to Mercury in Gemini,Jupiter and Venus in Leo. These 3 aspects are irritating at best. We are also on a Cardinal Cross energy day. Walk softly, stay grounded.

Please share widely 

all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with Tara

The morning after Maureen McGovern  



Alchemy of Marriage, Astrology by Tara Greene


A very important aspect forms January 19/20 which symbolizes one of the main goals in human life, in spiritual growth and transformation, the Alchemical Marriage.  We are all seeking our divine other-half, the Beloved, our soul mate.  The Sacred Marriage within means to be whole, complete in oneself, as we are originally and to love fully.

You are all invited to participate in the Wedding party. Everyone gets to catch the bridal bouquet.

wedding invitation tara greene

Neptune, ruler of spirituality, dreams, Oneness, Bliss, the Unconscious, completion and Hollywood blesses this rare event. Whether it is the glamour of Hollywood stars we are watching or planets, they both carry symbolic, synchronistic, archetypal messages. Hollywood and its films and movie stars are often very prophetic messengers perhaps unconsciously. They are playing out archetypal roles.

The old Hermetic maxim is “As above, so below.”  And as without- outside, so within. Everything is a mirror. George Clooney recently announced to his new wife Amal when accepting his award for lifetime achievement “I don’t know what kind of alchemy brought us together, I am so proud to be your husband.”  A prophetic speech.

What is this Alchemy?

The transformation which turns Saturn which rules lead, trials, obstacles, negativity, karma, into Gold- the Sun or the Light, the Source itself. This process describes how we are to meet the challenges and difficulties in life. It is a complex process of spiritual, psychological, even physical, mixing and burning away of various elements; like Mercury, planet of communications, and analysis, into the Source/Light/gold. All of the symbols/metals/planets together form this Alchemical Marriage. When planets combine their energies in conjunctions, oppositions and squares this is also a type of Alchemy.

The powerful “as above” of this Alchemical wedding is a conjunction, which literally means sexual union between Mars and Neptune in Pisces which is exact January 19 @ 4:08 pm PDT/ 7:08 pm EDT/Jan. 20 @ 12:08 am UT.

Mars, is sexuality, passion, desire, fear, defenses, raw masculine life giving energy. The warrior God lays down his arms when he is joined to Neptune, the God of the Oceans. Mars is being baptized by Neptune’s Holy waters of spirituality, Oneness, Bliss, compassion and forgiveness. Pisces, the last sign symbolizes endings. This symbolizes a martial purification and cleansing from bloodshed in war. It is also a spiritual initiation of the masculine towards spirituality and the Feminine.

Who is the Bride?

LILITH. Lilith is in Virgo, opposite Mars and Neptune which are in an exact conjunction in Pisces at 5 degrees 55 minutes. Oppositions symbolize a tense relationship, where we must find a balancing point in order to have peace.

Lilith, symbolizes the original woman, the ancient Archetype of the Goddess who existed before Eve. She is a Virgin Goddess, in the original sense, whole, complete unto herself, and she answers to no man. She was worshipped world-wide by hundreds of names since the beginning of time. 

The Patriarchal {Saturn} religions have sought to destroy her worship and to split man from Nature to dominating the earth, which they have done for the last 5,000 years. Lilith is beautiful, sexual, fertile and powerful. She is also the projected {Neptune] fear- {Saturn} of men onto women’s’ sexuality and power

The original Genesis Biblical story of Lilith’s refusal to be dominated sexually be Adam in the Garden of Eden is the original archetype of this split.  If women {Lilith} refuse to participate in man’s power games, then there are no relationships or children and no life continues. Lilith symbolizes man’s own vulnerability and fear of being rejected, abandoned, and unloved, which has caused him to dominate and control women. The women have the power, and the men know that. This story also symbolizes where the healing needs to take place, through the sacred alchemy of marriage. The masculine energy needs to learn to surrender and to trust the Feminine in order for life to flourish on all levels, psychologically, spiritually and practically.

Lilith, in early Virgo, is an earthy, practical, workaholic. She helps us to be conscious of our bodies, of the earth, of boundaries, and limitation of what we harvest.  Lilith also symbolizes the duality of sex, {Mars} and death, {Saturn.} The French call orgasm “the little death.” For true intimacy, both egos must die to become one, {Neptune}. 

Saturn in Sagittarius, symbolizes the Father, Patriarchy, the LEAD in the Alchemy, that “old tyme religion.” Father time, Lord of Karma is also involved in the alchemy in a waning square to Neptune but still in the marriage party. Someone’s got to give the bride away of course.

This planetary alignment signifies a Masculine surrender, a laying down of arms and ego games, a return to the Goddess, to worshipping the earth. Mars is transformed into the Positive Masculine, a Knight in shining armor, protecting the Holy Grail, the Feminine, and his own feeling intuitive function. This is the image of the transformed new Aeon masculine. Lilith also learns to compromise, and give man another chance to respect her in her beauty power and glory. This is the alchemy.

And there is more. Venus, Goddess of women, is in revolutionary, freedom loving form at 19 degrees + of Aquarius, the sign of higher consciousness, opposite Jupiter in Leo Retrograde. Jupiter in Leo symbolizes the Sun King. Venus in Aquarius, is a revolutionary new Feminine in relationship to the golden, optimistic, creative, self- expressive Masculine, the heart of power with Jupiter in Leo. The “golden crown” of power is worn by he who has the biggest heart, who gives away the most. Jupiter is ancient ruler of Pisces. Mercury, the “ring bearer” is also close by to Venus as he has been for the last few weeks.

MARS and NEPTUNE marrying Lilith in Virgo with Saturn in square dissolves the old projections {Neptune {and fears- {Saturn}, of Lilith, of women. This planetary alignment signifies a Masculine surrender, a laying down of arms and ego games, a return to the Goddess, to worshipping the earth.

Mars is transformed into the Positive Masculine, a Knight in shining armor, protecting the Holy Grail, the Feminine, and his own feeling intuitive function. This is the image of the transformed new Aeon masculine.  We need positive Masculine energy to help save the environment, to respect women, to live in balance. Lilith also learns from Neptune to compromise, to surrender and give man another chance to respect her in her beauty power and glory. We are all originally one whole and complete.

It is a mystical transformation. Carl Jung said that there are only two emotions. Love and Fear. All the planets are involved which represent these symbols. Only when we love and accept and surrender our fear can we meet the Beloved within and achieve the sacred Marriage. .

Bring down this powerful cosmic symbol into our consciousness so that we can be transformed by marrying the opposing forces of Love and War of Martial desire and Fear within. Only when we experience this Alchemical change can we become unified, balanced, loving. Then we are the Gold, the Source and we can we see all others as the Beloved as well.

This Sacred Marriage, the Beloved within, is what we are all seeking. The great Persian poet Rumi wrote thousands of poems devoted to the Beloved.

 “When you find yourself with the Beloved, embracing for one breath,

In that moment you will find your true destiny.

Alas, don’t spoil this precious moment

Moments like this are very, very rare. – Rumi

This is a truly wonderful and very positive omen and expression of divine love.


Lilith sacred marriage TAra Greene

 Please share widely.

All writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

Your feedback is very welcome.

Get a reading with Tara


Going to the Chapel 




Scorpio Solar Eclipse Descent of Love Astrology

The Second Solar Eclipse of the year on October 23 is at Zero degrees of Scorpio @ 2:56 pm PDT/ 5:56 pm EDT/9:56 pm GMT is a partial one. 


It’s very special, as the Planet/Goddess Venus is conjunct to the Sun and the Moon, THE GODDESS Venus is our Cosmic guide, way shower initiatrix and hostess as the world descends with Her into the Underworld for the death of the ego to be rebirthed as a purified Love sourced identity as Quan YIN, Avalokitishvara The Goddess or the Feminine form of compassion.

I’m calling this Eclipse a QUANTUM YIN transformation

Quan Yin Solar eclipse Tara Greene

The DIVINE FEMININE exists in all beings hearts whether in form as a man or a woman. 

Venus was embodied as the original Sumerian Goddess Innana who was worshipped over 5,000 years ago in Babylon where present day Baghdad is and the ancient city of  Uruk. Inanna’s archetypal mythic descent into the Underworld is the story of Venus’ 5 fold cycle from an Evening star to a Dawn Star. Inanna supposedly went to the land of the dead to mourn for her sister Erechkigal’s husband Nergal who was the God of Plagues. I thought this was an  interesting detail in relation to the current EBOLA virus scares.

Inanna goes through 7 stages or levels of initiation.  As she descends she needs to drop another item of power, until she is naked, stripped of her ego. Inanna is sentenced to  die by the spirits of the underworld. She is turned in to a rotting corpse and hung on a nail. But she had sent helpers to come to her aid beforehand. Her life is bargained for and Inanna is the only being who rises from the dead reborn. She sends her consort Damuzzi as her replacement to the Underworld, as he has abused the power which she gave him.

We are all being initiated like INANNA into the Underworld now. No matter how black, dark, fearsome, plague filled, it seems. We must be regal, queenly, Goddess-like and hold our heads high. Inanna/Venus is a clever warrior Goddess. with escape methods in place. We too must have escape plans, friends, supporters and Plan B ready to go.

You must be ready to leave all of your ego attachments to your stuff behind. Your title, trophies, cars, credit cards, education, salary, addictions, all your material things and your stories which  identity you behind to truly die and be reborn. Solar Eclipses always carried fated deaths of famous leaders historically.

Are you ready to rock and roll? 

Here’s a short checklist of aspects – DO NOTE if you have planets, angels etc. conjunct to, opposing or squaring these points where you will be impacted and how by the houses..

1.CARDINAL CROSSES -Uranus  and Pluto ongoing squares + Mercury Retrograde conjunct the North Node at 17-19 degrees Libra in the mix


Four planets in Scorpio SUN MOON VENUS = Asteroid ATHENA all with in one degree of each other + SATURN + dwarf planet CERES

3. ZERO degrees of any sign heralds new BEGINNINGS, in SCORPIO new powerful emotional soul transformations deaths and rebirths. All fixed signs.

4. MARS- where the action is, is on the Galactic Center at 28 degrees Sagittarius

5. Lilith at 26 degrees of Leo trines Mars and the Galactic Center- deep dark Feminine shadows courage heart and leadership

5. Jupiter at 19 degrees Leo is trining Uranus and the South Node- big changes, letting go of past

6. SUN MOON VENUS Trine Neptune in Pisces- new spiritual awakenings

7. Asteroids Juno @ 6 degrees of Leo is square to Asteroid Vesta @ 8 degrees Sagittarius in square to Neptune in Pisces which is quincunx to JUNO in LEO.


Scorpio is the 8th sign, 8 is INFINITY when turned horizontally. We are dealing with the Great Mysteries of sex, money power, life death and rebirth in Scorpio.

We are tapping into a deeper awareness of our unconscious motivations on  more profound emotional levels on this eclipse. Solar eclipses affect the daylight masculine consciousness. The Sun’s light is temporarily dimmed by the Moon passing in front of it, the FEMININE  which is the instincts, unconscious feeling tone of the people disrupts the  day worlds “everything is perfectly normal” routine..

Scorpio is the DEATH CARD #13 in the TAROT

which is THE Great Mystery. whose name and meaning is closest to God, the Void, the Goddess, all that is and is NOT, Nothingness.


the primal life force. What happens when SEX is eclipsed by LOVE? When sex as violence/Rape is no longer possible?


in any newness- be it a relationship, becoming a mother, getting married, the old self as single, must die for the new coupling to be born.

WHAT do you need to let go of  within you, your own shadow and  unconscious now so that you may ascend into new awareness of an egoless state?

THE ECLIPSE will be most visible from northern California right across the Southern United states,Northern Mexico across to Florida and east to Montreal Canada and North eastern Russia. The areas where the eclipses is most visible is where the strongest effects are.It will be less visible right across North America except for the east coast of the U.S.and Canada.

eclipse map Tara Greene astrology

The purple and red are visibility path


A Solar Eclipse brings to light the deep darkest secrets. Many relationships will break up under the Scorpio eclipse. Things will feel EVEN MORE INTENSE than they already do.

MARS is the ancient planetary ruler of Scorpio. Mars rules the first decan of Scorpio as well so more powerful. Mar is sitting up in the 9th house on the Galactic Center- beam me in Scotty. This is a great opportunity to ask  direct questions with the Big Brain- the Void itself.

VENUS is less than 20 minutes separated from the SUN and MOON in combustion. This is like being a willing sacrifice, letting the old father/ mother scripts, the memories and attachments be totally  burned away. All the old vestiges of the self are destroyed and consumed by both the Sun, the Father and the Moon the mother leaving one as vulnerable and new as a newborn babe.

Mercury RETROGRADE conjunct the North Node 

Retrograde Mercury has just conjunct the Sun  October 16, Mercury has been enthroned. The Retrograde question is: Are we operating in a balanced conscious way? We need to be detached in the midst of tumultuous emotions. This is a good thing.We aren’t ready to move forward until Mercury is out of the retrograde shadow November 10.

Use this super powerful Scorpio solar eclipse to tally transform every aspect of your life.

Scorpio is SOUL Lessons, soul work, that is what each of us came to earth to work on.

Die to be reborn and the Love of the Goddess will guide your heart.


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with Tara

VICTIMS OF THE FURY Robin Trower 1979