Taurus Surrealist Artist Salvador Dali

May 11 Famous Birthdays:

Salvador Dali, my fave surrealist painter and artist with his incredible moustache.

Dali has Jupiter in Aries and an Aries Moon on his MC and Venus sign of Artists in Taurus with Sun, Mercury Retrograde too and Mars all in Taurus. Jupiter just entered ARIES today. Synchronistically his Moon/moods, and emotions was on his MC of world career is at 2 degrees ARIES.

NOtice there will be more expansion of his notoriety and fame in the world. On May 29 MARS and JUPITER join at 3 degrees ARIES in his world fame point.

Dali WAS A SENSUAL EARTHY man with a lucky GRAND EARTH trine in his birth chart. he was very interested in wealth and he sold his work out at the end.

Interesting that Neptune the planet that governs Artists is moving up to connect with his PISCES south Node, i would expect Dali to get a major film or be reimagined somehow. He was a true artist and creative genius.

DALI had SATURN in AQUARIUS the sign of the inventor pioneer, eccentric, close to where it is now and conjunct JUNO the feminine face of genius. Dali was certainly a multi-tasking genius and very unique man, a natural rebel also his devotion to his wife and muse Gala.


I named our cat GALA after his wife who was also his Muse.


Did you know that Salvador Dali and Walt Disney made a cartoon surrealist film together in the 40’s which was never completed in their lifetimes but was finally put together and completed with the help of a 90-year-old animator who worked on the original film?


Happy Birthday Salvador Dali May 11 one of my fave artists.
Roger Higgins, World Telegram staff photographer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Please share widely all wiring is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading ,join my workrshops http://www.taratarot.com

Surrealist Tarot Deck

The surrealist Tarot deck of Leonora Carrington has gorgeous imagery based on her paintings. I need this deck. I’ve always loved surrealism and have been a strong proponent of women artists.

I wanted to be an artist since I was 9 years old. I told my mother that it was what I was going to be when I grew up. There was only Georgia O’Keefe that I knew of as a child who was a famous living woman artist and I loved her paintings. I went to Art College and specialized in Experimental Arts. I got involved in Feminist Art and found out there were many women artists since the Renaissance who have been suppressed and ignored.


Here is Leonora Carrington’s Astrology Chart.

An independent Aries SUN on MC of fame and Venus and Mars conjunct in Aries she was whole and complete within herself and Mercury in Aries too. Very firey.

LEO RISING with NEPTUNE sign of artists at 2 degrees in the 12th H of the unconscious, dreams, the underworld. It’s a very surreal resource.

Moon in Libra sign of the artist at 3 degrees is opposite to Mars and Venus too. Strong T-square of Moon-Mars to Pluto in CANCER at 2 degrees. That’s a lot of power

JUPITER in Sensuous artistic TAURUS in the 19th house of career trine her North Node in Capricorn in the 6th House of work. Saturn in the 12th House in CANCER inconjunct her Uranus in AQUARIUS. There were some issues with her father and her family as she was such an independent woman, She always felt like an outsider.

She was very smart and cerebral too with Juno in her 6th house of work in AQUARIUS.

CHIRON in PISCES at 27 degrees in her 8th house of inheritance, sex, power, control, secrets is trine Saturn in Cancer. She must have had some deep skeletons in the closet.

This is the chart of someone who is their own boss has a lot of energy and achieves a lot. very unusual woman, with a deep love of art Saturn Neptune conjunction in the 12th out of sign.

Leonora Carrington Astrology Chart

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

get a reading http://www.taratarot.com



workshop, ritual, astrology aspects explained. This is a powerful positive new moon for new intentions with Venus and Jupiter conjunct.

SIGN UP NOW u.ma/rzsbze01

Dream on, Landscape in the Mist, Greece….

It’s Decision day in Greece, I don’t want to get into predicting  on this. I synchronistically came upon this image and tracked it down. A picture is worth a thousand words. The pic is from a movie by famous Greek Film Director Theo Angelopoulos,translated as Landscape In The Mist whose synopsis perfectly encapsulates Greece’s current situation, as well as the rest of the world. chaos Uranus…. what do you think? 

Moon enters Pisces in the a.m.  Film, illusion, delusions, projection….

Dream on…. this is the perfect illustration for Greece right now

Landscape in the Mist a 1988 Greek Director Theo Angelopoulos

Landscape in the mist Astrology Tara Greene

SYNOPSIS by Theo Angelopoulos 
LANDSCAPE IN THE MIST is a film about the void. It is a film about despair, about the failure of contemporary society. The prodigal father who figures in almost every Angelopoulos film here has evaporated into his mythical essence – leaving his children to become the wanderers in search of him. In the «chaos», two children appear, little Alexandros and his older sister Voula. In order to exorcise their loneliness, they invent a secret universe for themselves, inhabited by their dreams. Every night they go to a train station to watch the departure of a train to Germany, where they have been deceived by their mother (herself an off-screen presence) into believing that their absent father is living. One night they finally dare to get on the train. But their voyage turns out to be hazardous and pointless and disappointing. They confront suffering, physical and moral illness, jealousy, evil and death, if also love – as many ordeals and rites as initiations. Evading the half-hearted pursuit of the police and uncaring relatives, sneak onto trains, hitchhike in vans and lorries, and suffering poverty, rape and exploitation, take a dangerous leap of faith, an eerie plunge into liberation and danger. The familiar Greek landscape – the cafes, the depopulated towns and deserted beaches – are played for a strangely harsh fairytale quality, seen through the eyes of two children whose introduction to the real world borders on the surreal. The film is filled with extraordinary, unforgettable moments that are at once real and hallucinatory and contains intriguing references to other Angelopoulos’ films. The children even encounter the Travelling Players now, thirteen years later, without a stage to act on, their costumes put up for sale. At the end Alexandros tells Voula the same story from Genesis that she told him at the start: «In the beginning there was chaos.» The children do finally reach the border, but of course there is no border with Germany and perhaps the river they cross is actually the Styx and perhaps their whole journey was a search for order in a chaotic world.

Moon trines Mars in Cancer

Good for family get togethers, big picnics by the water. and Moon conjuncts Neptune PDT at days end Monday in EDT. 

Happy Remembrance birthday to  Jean Cocteau another film maker,French poet, surrealist  born July 5, 1989

“True realism consists in revealing the surprising things which habit keeps covered and prevents us from seeing.”
surrealism, flm, Astrology Tara Greene
From  BLOOD OF A POET 1930 film still 
And how are you feeling with Saturn now Retrograde for three weeks now? I am still meditating on this. We do need support. I am going away to L.A. on the 14th of July I  am busy getting things ready for that. 
Please share widely
all writing is copyright of Tara Greene
get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com
Dream On Aerosmith 
Blood of a Poet 1930 with Massive Attack music 


Taurus XXX Full Moon, ground control Astrology

Almost a whole month since the Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 15 degrees cardinal cross energy.

Its been INTENSE!!!! not to mention the Solar eclipse two weeks ago at ZERO degrees Scorpio.

TAURUS FULL  MOON at 15 degrees of the Bull is right on the most powerful FIXED DEGREE. 

Its at 2:23 pm PST/ 5:23 pm EST

Two stars govern it. 

Almak  at 14 degrees 08 minutes of  Taurus Tropical  is in Andromeda’s foot.

It is a double-star. With a Venus Mars nature. This star points out the need for patience, rooted in faith {Jupiter} and trust in Divine Help.

Menkar in Cetus the Whale at 14 degrees 06 minutes Taurus,is directly opposite the south scale where the SUN IS NOW.

MENKAR symbolizes human consciousness or the collective unconscious. The old myths saw the whale as a sea monster, e now consider these gentle giants of the oceans our ancestors from other star systems and record keeps. Menkar  has a saturnine quality where one must consider the consequences of one’s actions. 

THE SOUTH SCALE at 14 degrees Scorpio relates to Saturn and Mars the two most difficult planets

PLanets conjunct this star pertain to loss, theft, betrayal, venereal disease, revenge, criminals. DIFFICULTY WITH HANDLING POWER. Isn’t it always?

VENUS is in SCORPIO and she rules this Taurus Full Moon 

Venus XXX Astrology Tara Greene

SLEEPING VENUS by Paul Delvaux 1944

Venus is  XXX Scorpio energy on this full moon

“The brightest flame casts the darkest shadow.” – George R.R. Martin

VENUS is closely conjunct the Scorpio SUN-  LOVE and Death, sex and death

She is turning up the LOVE, as she stands between the Sun and Serious karmic Lord of Death Saturn which rules Mars and Pluto in Capricorn right now as the depositer. All of these “planets are in mutual reception,strengthened in their combined energies of deep transformation and rebuilding a new earth.

This FULL MOON harkens a time for deep introspection and intuition and really opening our hearts to embrace our darkest shadow sides.


Sexual abuse of women, is a heavily featured topic by the recent Jian Ghomeshi sexual violence scandal in Canada. Girls being gang raped in India and Boko Harum stealing young girls all of these topics have the sane root cause, the sexual enslavement of women which is now finally and honesty coming to light in the west.

In the TAROT, TAURUS is the Sign associated with THE POPE TRUMP #5 – Christianity Patriarchal authority 

This Full Moon is holding the light for that deep sexual transformation which will transform the earth and rebirthing the Divine Feminine Goddess energies as necessary for human survival..

Yes it’s time to face the dark music, and make serious long term choices. Saturn is already in the home stretch of Scorprio at 24+ degrees.

MARS and PLUTO are already cheek to butt only 3 degrees away in Capricorn as they move into TOTAL CONJUNCTION November 10.

The recent explosions and crashes by the Nasa rocket and Virgin Galactic are part of this energy.The volcanic lava creeping over Hawaii as well 

We need to be prepared in advance as any real Taurus would for that INTENSELY FATED connection. 

If you are on the Sunny Scorpio side of this Full Moon you may tend to be more nihilistic. I know its ironic.

If we look at Mars Pluto conjunct as an APOCALYPTIC signature, they both rule SCORPIO,

 then this Taurus Full Moon  signifies that we should indulge our  every sense and drown ourselves and our loved  ones in rivers of  chocolate. 

It’s all about the body and this is the Garden of Eden. We are only our physical bodies right? Feel it, smell it, taste it, hear it, sense it.

Or you could use this Taurus Fullness to simply get grounded, be practical, make sure you have enough wood for the wood stove,

food in the pantry, blankets, candles,and  necessary resources to survive 

You choose which feels right to you.

JUPITER is squaring the Moon Sun and Venus and Saturn at 21+ degrees Leo

Jupiter  amplifies, exaggerates, makes everyone feel more egotistical and defensively Royal on the down side now

To use Jupiter in Leo on the higher side one must know that all power comes through the HEART. 

Chiron in Pisces is quincunx to JUNO at 11 degrees LEO 

Chiron the great wounded healer is not jiving with Juno Goddess of feminine genius. 

 It is up to women to honor their own genius their own ability to speak their truth, claim their power and take their rightful place of power on the world’s stage which has been denied to them for so long. The whole Islamic Terrorist movement boils down to this. Women have been brainwashed to be silent, living always in fear, loving their demon lovers.

The Sabian symbol for 15 degrees Taurus- my paraphrasing.

“Cover your head with an outrageous silk hat, protect yourself against the cold, brave the storm have the courage to meet the crises precipitated by social ambition.” 


all writing is copyright og Tara Greene

get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com

Daemon Lover Shocking Blue 1990 

LOVE BUZZ by shocking Blue 1969 

PISCES hangovers and Astrology


October 5 Moon enters PISCES at 2:24 am PDT/ 5:24 am EDT

In Toronto, Nuit Blanche Saturday Night most likely turned into a drunken stoned art infused night as usual. Talk about drunk in love. I love Art. I started out as an artist. I told my Mom I would be an artist at 9 years old. I went to special Art Technical High school and to the Ontario College of Art and graduated with Honors and a scholarship  in Experimental Arts. But Nuit Blanche has turned into a half million mainly kids roaming the streets. Sure there’s a few interesting pieces, usually always by foreign artists.  The art needs to be something commercial that the public can relate to. Makes the Scotia Bank look good, they write all the expenses off.

with a PISCES MOON your hangover will last all day and more…

Moon Trines Mercury RETROGRADE in Scorpio 6;06 am PDT

wait did I just see that? did I just see that? The brain fog is deja vu,

wine of the dreamers astrology Tara Greene

Aptly titled book for this days aspects 



This is double dosing on Neptune. SO HIGH, So very high. Very spiritual, unreal, illusory, foggy, emotional, creative, inspirational addicting and the other kinds of addictions too.

serious surreal art by a master

MAx Ernst art Astrology Tara Greene

MAX ERNST The Temptation of St. Anthony 1945 

You will still be seeing art and stars, hearing the celestial music, it’s very inspiring. You may want do some creating of your own. Moon Neptune conjunction every month is always great for dreaming, meditating, singing, dancing, making tantric love.

but then Moon QUINCUNX VENUS in Libra 4 hours later. Gosh darn.The come down. 

Uh Oh Venus is the human type of love. You know where real people live. They aren’t airbrushed. They have cellulite, are imperfect,their noses run,they don’t know what they want,they don’t look good without makeup or that smart outfit on when you get them naked and they fart. The romantic bubble BURSTS.

Moon continues on to Sextile Pluto in Capricorn

Maybe there’s a trick way your can fix that person up to suit your projected ideal of love and power. Throw some money at them.


Neptunian Pisces idealism and overly thought through relationships just don’t jibe. So keep yer mouth shut and don’t worry about anyone else’s opinion.

PISCES MONDAY MONDAY too. till 12:38 pm PDT when Moon goes VOID OF COURSE

Lay low and recoup a Mercury RETROGRADE thing, get prepared for the Big eclipse. It will pack a whallop.

Get your reading to find out HOW the Aries CARDINAL CROSS BLOOD Moon LUNAR ECLIPSE affects YOU http://www.taratarot.com

You will have to wait till Tuesday when the Moon enters ARIES to SOBER UP

3 days left till the BIG E. that means ECLIPSE 

MAX ERNST lived in Sedona on Brewer Road in the 40’s. The famed artist Marcel Duchamp came to visit him and Dorothea Tanning. I always was fascinated by Ernst’s works. That painting beat Salvador Dali in an art competition. Ernst dreamed of Sedona when in Germany. 


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with TARA she gets rid of hangovers  http://www.taratarot.com

SUMMER WINE – the Corrs  & BONO 


Inspirational Card, Venus lost in Lust, July Astrology

July 1 Canada’s Birthday 146 years young

Card of the Day 

Tarot of Metamorphosis

Tarot of metamorphosis


This is a spanking brand new deck for me. A woman at the Grail Lady Faire which I just attended and was giving a workshop at told me she’d seen a tarot deck in the Gift Shop and that she’d put it aside for me.

It’s got surrealistic, Salvador Dali type imagery, literary connections, it’s very trippy, published by European publisher Lo Scarabeo, the Scarab in Italian, with English French, Italian, German wording.


this card shows the lovers approaching each other, a flying frog sailing between them. A field of daisies, the Male is a tree like figure and the female a water sprite.


The metamorphosis of DESIRE. The card hints about getting enchanted by a lover or losing oneself in another, but we have choices.

WITH VENUS IN LEO now till July 22

its very easy to get lost in LUST love and desire

Love is full on passion,desire, strength, wearing one’s heart on one’s sleeve,

a red-letter three weeks, sexy, showy, vain,egotistic, big love, fancy gifts, 

purr, I am woman hear me roar, bang a gong get it on

a child like return to trust and innocence with Venus in Leo

wear your heart wide open, wear your love like Heaven,

on your sleeve in your hair, through your eyes

let your love light shine.


get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com

You’re dirty sweet T- Rex Marc Bolan 1971 

Wear Your Love like Heaven Donovan 

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford,crack head,eh? Astrology from Tara Greene

Well Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is personally destroying my home town city’s reputation in the world. There is no class in “world class city”  Toronto’s dreams on the world’s stage now. I have been disgusted by Mr Ford since he was elected in October 2010. How?  By  outlying Conservative suburbanite’s as a backlash to the downtown core of multicultural Liberal Toronto urbanites.

You may not know it but Toronto’s nickname is HOGTOWN and I find Mr. Ford’s behavior to embody that moniker totally. He says misogynist and racist things on camera.

THE GREAT WHITE NORTH has taken on a whole new significance.

Great white North Toronto Tara Greene

SCTV’s Bob and Doug Mackenzie  Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas 1980

The evolution of Hosers from 20th century to snow blowers in the 21st.

Mr. Ford allegedly caught on video with a crack pipe in his hands. Somali drug dealers showed it to two Toronto newspaper reporters and John cook from Gawker on an iphone. Their are asking for $200,000 to hand it over and Gawker, a U.S. company has a  fundraising campaign to get the sum together.- see link below

The Somali drug dealers for some reason aren’t being questioned or arrested for selling illegal drugs and were interviewed saying they want the money so they can leave Toronto for the “promised lands” of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s tax-free oil sands of Alberta and start a clean new life allegedly, or sell more crack to a rich and bored audience.

One of Mr. Ford’s former “buddies” another Somali fellow was shot dead in a gangland shoot out in Toronto in March.  Mr. Ford has become a household name for all the wrong reasons.

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford crack scandal

Jon Stewart spent 6 minutes of TV time totally lambasting the former football coach.

Jimmy Kimmel also produced a staged Interview with an actor posing as the Toronto Mayor

Jay Leno also mentioned it and said its’ because “there’s not a lot to do in Toronto.”

I beg to differ- Toronto is Heaven according to Michael Moore, and is the only city with 130 different ethnic groups living in relative peace in a GTA of  over 6,000,000 people,  it’s now the 4th largest city in North America.

This is not the first time Ford has been in trouble, he’s already fought many charges of being drunk, rerouting public transit for his football team, having his photo taken with a Neo Nazi, caught calling Asians “orientals” and saying racist comments in public. Walking right into a camera.  Talking on his cell phone and driving which is illegal.

I predicted Rob Ford’s win in October 24 2010 and briefly went over his astrology chart you can read that here http://www.taratarot.com/id177.html

Here’s a surrealist image of Rob Ford’s defense, after French artist Rene Magritte.

crack pipe Toronto Mayor Tara Greene

                                                                        digitally altered photo by Napoleon Brousseau

For Americans and others who don’t speak French, Canada’s “other ” official language.

It says  “This is not a crack pipe.”

My interview by The Toronto STAR newspaper on Mayor Rob Ford’s future on December 31 2012   see it on my website http://www.taratarot.com/id1.html

Lets look at Bob’s current astrology transits

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Astrology Tara Greene

click chart to view larger

I’ve intuitively Rectified Rob Ford’s chart as there  is no known birth time.

He looks very Taurus like to me, so I’ve put that sign as his Ascendent and guess what? Planet NEPTUNE planet of addicts, snake oil salesmen, deluded, secretive, glamour seeking individuals have this aspect and it is sitting in his 7th house of “others.” The recent Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Taurus would have fallen across his Ascendant /Descendent axis, the horizon line.

Transiting Jupiter in Gemini is nearing a 90 degree square to his North and South nodes in PISCES/Virgo. Jupiter rules the HIGHER law- no pun intended. I mean Sacred Law, the true justice not false corrupt justice. This is a karmic face the law for your past injustices. Seems perfect timing to me.

Jupiter is also squaring his Natal PLUTO JUPITER URANUS conjunction in Virgo.  That powerful Trinity spells out a power crazed big risk taker, who thinks he can do whatever he wants, is above the law, is so full of himself, conceited, Psychopathic.

Rob is also having his SATURN opposition which is also a get caught in your tracks holding the bag kind of aspect. Happens every 14 years or so.

Rob has a very difficult aspect at his birth, Mercury planet of thinking in GEMINI,Retrograde,which it rules, so its  indecisive, immature, irresponsible, usually labelled as learning disabled, is opposite  Mars also  RETROGRADE in Sagittarius which makes the usual truth teller a man who trips on his own words. Retrograde Mars in Sagittarius means abuse of the Law. This is a karmic aspect, his thinking and actions aren’t congruous. This man is not conscious and therefore  very dangerous.

The Lunar Eclipse on May 24 is opposite  his Mercury in Gemini and in square to his Natal Chiron, the wounded healer.  His double talking is as the Canadian comedian Russel Peters says “Someone’s gonna get a hurtin’.”

NEPTUNE PLANET OF ADDICTIONS delusion, illusions, glamour, secrets, is SQUARING-HARD Rob’s Sun. Neptune in his  natural 11th house of wishes hopes and dreams has turned in his delusions of grandeur from a Pipe DREAM into a PIPE NIGHTMARE.

I think I will rename him SPONGE BOB Square Crack.

He is turning only 44 in a few days, A Master number, 4  being the number  of Power in the Tarot. THE KING or Emperor. The opposite side of the King is THE FOOL. He is making a huge fool of himself and this city.

Oh well, so it goes as Kurt Vonnegut used to say in Slaughterhouse Five.

WATCH The Great White North Bob & Doug Mackenzie  THE SPACE ARM/SNOW ROUTES get it SNOW ROUTES


Get a reading with Toronto psychic Tara Greene http://www.taratarot.com

See more art by Napoleon Brousseau at http://www. napob.com

Happy 108 Birthday Salvador Dali! Have a surreal day from Tara Greene

Salvador Dali surrealist artist

A very happy 108th Anniversary of your birth May 11 today Salvador.

You had a huge influence on me as a teenager, I adored Surrealism and I think Dali was a true genius. 

If you have never had the pleasure of seeing a real Dali painting in person they are meticulous, and some huge and Dali’s most famous painting  The Persistence of Memory is tiny only 24 cm × 33 cm or 9.5 in × 13 in

Time, memory Salvador Dali Art

It’s the paintings’ imagery which makes it so well…memorable.

108 is an auspicious number, I am riffing off of Numerology , 11:11.see  previous article…

108 is the amount of beads in a MALA, a Hindu Buddhist Jains and Sikhs all use prayers beads with 108 beads, the same as a Catholic rosary built on the older traditions.

 the # 108 = 9 x 9 magical numbers multiplied by itself.

108 in Euclidean space is the interior angles of a regular pentagon, 5 angles + VENUS,  measure 108 degrees each.

Virgin Of Guadelupe Dali

Dai’s Virgin of Guadalupe Panting  is breathtaking,taken after Raphael . Mary = Venus

FUN 108 facts:

Stonehenge is 108 feet in diameter.

An Official Major League Baseball has 108 stitches. A very spiritual all American sport.

BTW Salvador Dali was a Quadruple Taurus with not only his Sun but VENUS,who rules Taurus and the Arts,

Mercury and Mars in the earthy sensual sign.

If you are born today or expecting a child before May 20 then Your child too will be born with the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in Taurus. A natural surrealist.

Do something surrealistic today in honour of Salvador. Where a Dali mustache.


 I think Lady Gaga used Dali as her muse.

wear something surreal


Have a Tarot reading using  Dali’s Tarot deck

THE FOOL the High Preistess the High Priest

 Sit on a surrealistic pillow, listen to some vintage Jefferson Airplane, John Cage, or Frank Zappa. 

see the world through Dali’s eyes.

Surrealistic Pillow 60's psychedelic

Have a Surreal Day

and P.S. Happy Birthday to MAy 11 to fellow Taurus,Eric Burdon lead singer of 60’s band of the Animals and War.
SPILL THE WINE , such a Taurus sounding title            http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i0DMbCKnAg