Dream on, Landscape in the Mist, Greece….

It’s Decision day in Greece, I don’t want to get into predicting  on this. I synchronistically came upon this image and tracked it down. A picture is worth a thousand words. The pic is from a movie by famous Greek Film Director Theo Angelopoulos,translated as Landscape In The Mist whose synopsis perfectly encapsulates Greece’s current situation, as well as the rest of the world. chaos Uranus…. what do you think? 

Moon enters Pisces in the a.m.  Film, illusion, delusions, projection….

Dream on…. this is the perfect illustration for Greece right now

Landscape in the Mist a 1988 Greek Director Theo Angelopoulos

Landscape in the mist Astrology Tara Greene

SYNOPSIS by Theo Angelopoulos 
LANDSCAPE IN THE MIST is a film about the void. It is a film about despair, about the failure of contemporary society. The prodigal father who figures in almost every Angelopoulos film here has evaporated into his mythical essence – leaving his children to become the wanderers in search of him. In the «chaos», two children appear, little Alexandros and his older sister Voula. In order to exorcise their loneliness, they invent a secret universe for themselves, inhabited by their dreams. Every night they go to a train station to watch the departure of a train to Germany, where they have been deceived by their mother (herself an off-screen presence) into believing that their absent father is living. One night they finally dare to get on the train. But their voyage turns out to be hazardous and pointless and disappointing. They confront suffering, physical and moral illness, jealousy, evil and death, if also love – as many ordeals and rites as initiations. Evading the half-hearted pursuit of the police and uncaring relatives, sneak onto trains, hitchhike in vans and lorries, and suffering poverty, rape and exploitation, take a dangerous leap of faith, an eerie plunge into liberation and danger. The familiar Greek landscape – the cafes, the depopulated towns and deserted beaches – are played for a strangely harsh fairytale quality, seen through the eyes of two children whose introduction to the real world borders on the surreal. The film is filled with extraordinary, unforgettable moments that are at once real and hallucinatory and contains intriguing references to other Angelopoulos’ films. The children even encounter the Travelling Players now, thirteen years later, without a stage to act on, their costumes put up for sale. At the end Alexandros tells Voula the same story from Genesis that she told him at the start: «In the beginning there was chaos.» The children do finally reach the border, but of course there is no border with Germany and perhaps the river they cross is actually the Styx and perhaps their whole journey was a search for order in a chaotic world.

Moon trines Mars in Cancer

Good for family get togethers, big picnics by the water. and Moon conjuncts Neptune PDT at days end Monday in EDT. 

Happy Remembrance birthday to  Jean Cocteau another film maker,French poet, surrealist  born July 5, 1989

“True realism consists in revealing the surprising things which habit keeps covered and prevents us from seeing.”
surrealism, flm, Astrology Tara Greene
From  BLOOD OF A POET 1930 film still 
And how are you feeling with Saturn now Retrograde for three weeks now? I am still meditating on this. We do need support. I am going away to L.A. on the 14th of July I  am busy getting things ready for that. 
Please share widely
all writing is copyright of Tara Greene
get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com
Dream On Aerosmith 
Blood of a Poet 1930 with Massive Attack music