December 30 soft and solidly radical

December 30 PISCES MOON  is softly sextiling the Capricorn planets

MERCURY in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus 

Conservative yet radical.This is concrete supportive energy to break up the old entrenched ways. Uranus in Taurus is our guide for the next 5 years.

We are almost on the last day of 2019 and the decade.

the New Year goes out under a soft very PISCES energy. I’ll write more tomorrow

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December 3 sexy sextile day

December 3 Lots of lovely sexy SEXTILES today

Moon enters PISCES and its the most psychic dreamy intuitive time for the next 2.5 days

Mercury and Pluto sextile each other

Moon sextiles JUPITER URANUS and VENUS in Capricorn

VENUS  in CAPRICORN and MARS in SCORPIO sextile each other

Venus in Capricorn is serious commitment business Mars in Scorpio just wants sex, or money or power or all three put together.

Moon sextiles Mars in Scorpio prepare for erotic dreams tonight.

Moon squares Sun in Sagittarius and we’re one week away from the next lunation cycle.

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Lucid Dreaming Time of the month

July 20 PISCES MOON is LUCID DREAMING time of the month

Practice dream incubation before you sleep. Some people recommend drinking half a glass of water before bed. Then drink the other half upon waking.

a big dreamy move Saturday and Sunday. Do pay attention to your dreams. Its the best, most psychic, creative, empathic time of the month, so tune into your soul’s callings.

Energies are relatively easy today so just chill. It gets more fun and adventurous later in the day. Play. be near water, take a ritual cleansing bath,

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Monday Astro Aspects

May 27 Moon’s in PISCES were flowin along. I find Pisces Moon’s make me feel enervated-exhausted, tired, fatigued, Do you?

Pisces Moon makes sweet sextiles to Venus in Taurus Saturn in Capricorn and Pluto in Capricorn.  That’s nice and dreamy.

Moon squares Mercury in Gemini at night. You may be having conversations with the devil then angles all night,

Moon squares Jupiter in Sagittarius

the best square evah because Jupiter also rules Pisces. Get up and inspire the world.

Moon goes VOID OF COURSE in the evening in PDT and moon is Void of Course all day until May 28 @ 11:32 am PDT/ 2:32 pm EDT/ 6:32 pm GMT 


please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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Rare no major astrology aspects Feb 6th

The living is easy for all of us February 6th as the planets are making NO MAJOR DISHARMONIOUS Aspects.

All of us on Planet Earth deserves it. 

The MOON enters soft dreamy spiritual psychic PISCES @ 6:02 pm PDT/ 9:02 pm EDT and Feb 6 @ 2:02 am GMT

PISCES Moon sweetly sextiles Venus @ 2:33 am EDT/ 7:33 am GMT and that’s it- clear sailing. All planets are moving direct. You all deserve a break.

What a day for a daydream.

Yes we’re still under a big Saturn/ Neptune sextile but that is an easy aspect too.

What will you do on your Wednesday Hump daybreak?

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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Aquarius chill benefits today

The living is easy for all of us February 5th as the planets are making NO MAJOR DISHARMONIOUS Aspects.

All of us on Planet Earth here deserves it. We are still in the New Moon of Aquarius energies too.

Aquarius is the Star in the Tarot # 17

All Aquarius Sun, Moon, Rising and all Aquarius planet placements on Feb 5 get the benefits as the Aquarius moon makes supportive energies conjunct Mercury, sextiles Mars, and Uranus, Aquarius ruling planet.

The energies are in general, airy, light, detached, a higher consciousness prevails. It’s an exciting inventive freewheeling time.

The need for independence is strong and this really affects Taurus, Leo and Scorpio- the other three Fixed signs.

The MOON enters soft dreamy spiritual psychic PISCES February 5 @ 6:02 pm PDT/ 9:02 pm EDT and Feb 6 @ 2:02 am GMT

Just when Trump gives his State of the Union Address

This is the best moon to dream under.  My dreams have been so intense for the past few weeks. DO pay attention to your dreams and do dream incubation. 

Moon sextiles Venus in Capricorn in PDT

Enjoy the breather. Tomorrow is even better,

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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Pisces dreaming big

Hi I’ve been on the road. Had a beautiful deep Autumn equinox ceremony in my friend Maureen Walton’s beautiful moon lodge/yurt. We sat in the wombspace  there was 5 of us in total doing a ceremony and dreaming in the dark wide awake for about two and a half hours.

The dreamy energy continues today Sept. 23

as PISCES MOON trined romantic venus in Scorpio

this energy is extremely psychic, soulful, intense and obsessive.

Sun opposed Chiron in Aries exact today

Our wounds and vulnerabilities are easily seen today. No hiding.  we are all feeling vulnerable and wounded but can heal ourselves through loving ourselves. This makes us very sensitive to relationship and worldly imbalances and injustice in the world.

Learning to love ourselves without the mirror of the other is a prime issue. We are all struggling with this. Sara Sophia Eisenman pointed this out on FB today and she writes about the struggle to truly love ourselves. We have been conditioned to hate ourselves and despise our bodies. We’ve been lied to that people are born in “original sin.” Even though I wasn’t raised Catholic the stench of that lie has taken up hundreds of years and millions of peoples lives and destroyed them. How insidious. 

Mercury squares Saturn in Capricorn

Relationships are being put to the test. There is a lot of tension and stress. 

Moon conjuncts Neptune and sextiles Pluto in Capricorn

This is a dreamy hyper psychic day. Many pleasant soul connections will be forged. 

Mercury in LIBRA trines MARS in AQUARIUS in the evening

Relationships move ahead with the lightning speed with those we are on the same wavelength with.

Pisces Moon trines Jupiter in Scorpio in PDT

Sept. 24 in EDT and GMT 

whoopee. this makes for excellent sexy dreams. Jupiter in Scorpio enhances transformation, death and rebirth energy. Meditate on the core energies of sex death and transformation through ego death. Surrender yourself. 

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene  

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July 30 Psychic and sexy Pisces Moon- Jupiter

Daily horoscope Tara Greene astrology

The moon is in dreamy psychic PISCES today. Have you been paying attention to your dreams? A Pisces Moon always enhances 6th senses your night dreams and daydreaming too.  You may feel like you are in a fog and floating with your feet off the ground this Monday the day to honor the Moon. 

Addictive urges are very high under Pisces Moons check in with anyone who may be feeling down depressed or suicidal. Pisces Moon brings up feelings of both isolation and the desire to escape deny and return to Souce.

                                                                         Aspects of the Day 

Mermaids Venus conjunct Neptune Astrology Tara Greene

Moon makes easy sextiles which enhances the energies between the planets and the moon’s feeling function. Uranus the planet of revolution and Saturn the planet of conservatism and hard knocks both receive this easy aspect. Think about all your options.



Moon inconjuncts SUN

Moon and Sun inconjunct each other making Pisces more reticent and invisible than usual out lit by the SUN in LEO. It’s just temporary.

Lastly, but certainly not least -a beautiful Moon Jupiter in Scorpio sexy bountiful Grand Trine makes it easy fun and intensely sacred and sexy all in one.

It’s also a special HINDU celebration to honor the Lord Shiva. If you are into Yoga or just enhancing the spiritual energy just chant OHM Nama Shivaya.

We’re almost a months end already.

The PISCES MOON energy continues all day Tuesday too. Do pay attention to your dreams. Record them. I dreamed I was going to see David Byrne playing and he will be in Toronto later this week.

The BIG BIG ASPECT is MARS squaring URANUS a very crazy making energy. MARS retrograde may have us revisiting old unexpected chaotic leaps off of cliffs into the great unknown once again.

Tune in on Tuesday, July 31 at 5:00 pm PDT/8:00 pm EDT  midnight August 1 GMT on FACEBOOK for my LIVE monthly Cosmic Intelligence Agency August Tarot and Astrology preview

My time is severely limited these days; I am prepping to go out west to Vancouver in late August for a few weeks and will be unavailable for readings while I am on vacation helping my daughter get set up for university. I will arrange to have posts set up.

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Spiritually grounded serious Christmas

Merry Christmas. 

Christmas Eve and Day are mostly in synch with a spiritual compassionate PISCES MOON. The Age of Christianity approximately 2017 years old symbol is the Fish or more correctly the Fishes- PISCES. All Ages are governed by the Sun’s 2160 year passing through each Constellation.  

Enjoy going with the PISCES flow.

The 24th

the MOON trines MARS in the wee hours in PST EST and early morning GMT.

This may enhance dreams of adventure war explosions sexuality and macho energies.

MOON conjuncts NEPTUNE its ruling planet in the a.m. 

A very dreamy emotional sensitive Christmas. This energy enhances psychic sponge energies. If you are visiting family and have uncomfortable issues around boundaries better get your shields up now. You need psychic protection to protect and ground yourself. 


Getting lost or distracted while on the road may be an issue to be aware of. Be careful about discussing politics. 


 Pisces Moon conjuncts charitable Neptune and trines JUPITER planet of optimism and expansion. Be kind give to those who really need help. Be careful with alcohol or other drug consumption and Be sure to get your psychic shields up.

Moon sextiles PLUTO in CAPRICORN

This is grounding energy. Beware of the family shadows of the ancient karmic baggage which inevitably reveals its head. Major power struggles and secrets may be revealed unconsciously.


VENUS enters CAPRICORN @ 9:26 pm PST December 25 @ 12:26 am EST and 5:26 am GMT until January 17, 2018 8:43 PM EST. 

Venus changes from cowgirl gypsy teacher outfit to standard conservative all business suit. Love and values become much more mature, serious, committed, all business with long-term goals. 

While Venus in Capricorn love is  practical. “Just the facts ma’am.”  Eat goaty things while Venus is in GOAT territory! It’s good for you.

LOVE is SERIOUS BUSINESS, and very real during this short period. Not so much airy fairy romantic or intense emotional stuff now. Venus in Capricorn wants to see your bank balance and your credit rating. It’s KARMIC LOVE, often with a much older person as Capricorn is ruled by SATURN. Long term engagements may occur.


Venus in Capricorn symbolizes receiving love for the job you love to do and how you shine brightest in the world through your career.

ARE YOU? DO YOU? YOU must re-evaluate your success story, from that standpoint.

What you do for a living must be  what you love to do.

Venus is the EMPRESS in the Tarot. Capricorn is THE DEVIL {SATURN} in the Tarot Trumps. 

She’s a Devil in disguise with a blue dress on.  VENUS rules money, the economy, your earnings and spendings, self-worth, values, luxury. Capricorn is conservative, blue chip, Old boys club.


FAMOUS VENUS IN CAPRICORN PEEPS- the cream of the crop!


ACTORS and other famous personalities

Brad Pitt, James Dean, Paul Newman, Scarlett Johansson, Bradley Cooper, Tyra Banks, Cindy Crawford,  Michael Jordan,  Richard Burton,  David Lynch,  Ru Paul, Elijah Wood, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Dianne Keaton, Jeff Bridges, Clark Gable, Humphrey Bogart, David Carradine, Kiefer Sutherland,  Howard Stern, John F. Kennedy Jr, Betty White, Danny DeVito, 


Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, Elvis Presley, Justin Timberlake, Bjork, Kesha,  Seal, Dolly Parton, Frank Sinatra, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Schubert, Edith Piaf, Maria Callas, Sarah McLachlan, Neil Diamond, Placido Domingo, Hector Berlioz, 


Henry Miller,Virginia Woolf,  Rainer Maria Rilke, J.D. Salinger, Andre Breton, 

INVENTORS, Designers, Artists

Steve Jobs, Louis Pasteur, Walt Disney,  Benjamin Franklin, A. Celsius, G. Eiffel, Jacques Cartier, J. Kepler, Philippe Stark,Toulouse Lautrec, 

PHILOSOPHERS, Philanthropists, 

Aristotle Onassis, Bhagwan Rajneesh -Osho, Dostoyevsky,  Joan of Arc, William Blake, Robert F. Kennedy, Noam Chomsky, M. A. Rothschild,


Jim Carrey, Seth Green, John Belushi, Andy Kauffman,


Ryan Seacrest, Dick Cheney ,J.Edgar Hoover,

Check out where CAPRICORN is in your natal chart. That’s where the Love light will be shining.

My husband has Venus in Capricorn {our daughter does too}. He is very responsible. V in C people show love by taking care of all the practical details for you, they are totally reliable.  They will get to their goals as they have infinite patience. Usually they are very career oriented and make lots of money because status counts.

All earth signs are blessed during these times. Especially Venus ruled TAURUS. LIBRA ruled Venusians may find these times challenging as they are being prodded by the square to be more real. Water signs benefit from sextiles.

ARIES and CANCER get the square and opposition. Many choices to make in Love, investments and the job.

VENUS CONJUNCTS SATURN exact Christmas DAY @ 9:55 am PST/ 12:55 pm EST/ 1:55 pm GMT.

Very serious commitments can be made right now. Declare your commitments long term to yourself  or to another.

The Sun Venus + SATURN are within 3 degrees + Lilith @ 5 degrees CAPRICORN

This is a very heavy duty karmic influence. All babies born now carry this incredible heavy weightedness. These are the power feminists of the future who will rebuild the world with earthy feminine values 28 years from now. 

 Venus in Capricorn going in to 2018 bodes much for women breaking through in corporate structure politics and bringing feminine values.

THE MOON enters fiery ARIES @ 4:27 pm PST/ 7:27 pm EST/ Dec. 26 @ 12:27 am GMT


Tensions will rise about duty loyalty love commitments values women and sentimentality. The Aries moon makes people tend to be IMPATIENT and argumentative. There is a more traditional versus inventive feminist independent energy.


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Sensitive Sunday, solar storm CME warning

We may feel like staying in bed all day and under safer coversbin the relative safety of our own dreamland scapes.

Saturn in Sagittarius retrograde is quincunx to CERES, the great mother on solid ground in Taurus. Lofty spirituality ideals versus actual nurturing of our resources of the earth. The hypocrites will be trying to hide their heads in the sand the day after earth day. 

Moon conjuncts Chiron

We will be feeling each other’s pain. 

SOLAR STORM WARNING A humongous CME from a massive hole in the sun will be hitting us on the 23rd and 24th. This solar storm is a very powerful one can can knock out satellites. If you are sensitive you may feel exhausted, have headaches,  dizzynrss and have nausesu. The electro magnetic shifts can stir up Epstein Barr  and other sensitivities. Rest if you must. 

Moon squares Saturn and conjuncts Venus

This promotes compassion, healing and understanding. Underlying depression or fear may surface. Be gentle with yourself. It’s a good day for charity work and practicing gentleness with self. Meditate. 

Moon enters Aries in the evening and the fig leaves fits and the mood pics up energy. If you feel too restless go for a run.  Like waking from a dream everything  abruptly shifts and now it’s all about número uno. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

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