5 Mystics who created Sacred Geometry Art

Art and spirituality have always had a close relationship, from the early days of the church commissioning works by artists, to the questions that more modern artists ask of themselves in contemporary society. We curated a few here that we were inspired by. Most of them have amazing, strange and beautiful histories beyond their work as artists.

Source: 5 Mystics who created Sacred Geometry Art

Interplanetary Shock Waves, Heart activation May 27-30

The HEART CHAKRA of the earth is being blasted with Interplanetary shock waves-May 27-30th The scientific analysis is shown below at BP Earthwatch website.  https://www.bpearthwatch.com/

From http://www.spaceweather.com/?applecreek.com/weather.html

INTERPLANETARY SHOCK WAVE HITS EARTH: A minor interplanetary shock wave hit Earth on May 26th at approximately 22:00 UT. The CME-like disturbance was unexpected. It caused the density of the solar wind around Earth to abruptly quadruple, while the interplanetary magnetic field doubled in strength. Earth’s magnetosphere was rattled by the impact, but it did not spark a geomagnetic storm. 

Since yesterday I have been feeling tired, exhausted and with my heart chakra literally aching. All of my body was aching. I kept asking myself what it was. I rested as much as I could. Then I went on Twitter and asked if other empaths and sensitives were feeling it to. Someone directed me to another psychic who reworded the Interplanetary shockwave from BP earthwatch’s video. 

The influx of interplanetary shield bending shock waves affects all of us, some of us feel it much more than others will continue until the 30th. It seems to have lowered later today. We have to wait and see. Do tune in to what this change in the earth’s field is all about. 

The Big 8.0 earthquake in PERU is now on the Heart Chakra of the earth according to Drunvalo Melchizadek who discovered the  Sacred geometry of the Flower of Life.  This tells me that we are being bombarded to wake up the heart chakras and the Heart Chakra of Mother Earth up. 
Read my Instagram post posted here. 
All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

  Hearth shock waves cosmic awakening May 27-30

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces beautiful Jazz geometry

Pisces is the sign of musicians and all creative people. While Mercury is Retrograde in this sign we can investigate what the creative force is all about. 

Here is an amazing Tone circle created by Jazz Genius John Coltrane which illustrated the theory behind his famous compositions. The interesting thing is the patterns trace out Venus’s pentagram formation which she makes in her 8-year cycle.

Venus is considered to be Exalted in Pisces and I can see why.

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com




Solar Eclipse Sept 1 and rare Grand Goddess sextile

This North Nodal VIRGO SOLAR ECLIPSE SEPT 1st is so CHOCK full of power. Almost bigger than anything I’ve ever seen. But I didn’t see it all until now. 

The Annular- not total- Eclipse occurs at 2:03 am PDT/ 5:03 am EDT/ 9:03 am GMT it will only be visible over the Equator over Central Africa then cuts right through Madagascar. The places of visibility are the ones affected most by the Eclipse but it will affect all of us even if we don’t see it. 

Not only it is majorly KARMIC, with the Lord of Time SATURN @  10+ of Sagittarius conjunct to Fixed Star ANTARES, Angel Ariel/Oriel. But Mars the action planet is sitting right on the GREAT ATTRACTOR @ 14+ degrees which includes Saturn too.  The G.A. is a cosmic gigantic phenomena which bends time. They are both squaring the SUN and the MOON at 9+ degrees VIRGO and NEPTUNE at 10+ degrees PISCES Retrograde and the South Node at 12 degrees PISCES.  We can visualize what is up ahead before we get to what is just in front of us and adjust accordingly.

Eclipses occur every 19 years at the same degrees. Think back to where you were on this same date in 1997. I was pregnant with my daughter Leah. Comet Hale-Bopp had appeared as a major harbinger in the skies earlier that year. 

There is a GRAND GODDESS SEXTILE at the Solar Eclipse

goddess Grand Sextile Virgo Solar eclipse Tara Greene

JUNO, Goddess of Feminine Genius @ 9 degrees SCORPIO is conjunct LILITH, the original woman/Goddess @11 Scorpio, they are Trining NEPTUNE and the SOUTH NODE. This aspect is awakening ancient, long-buried cellular memories of being Whole, One with the Sacred Source and with the Goddess; in touch with the cosmos and all the dimensions. That alone is very powerful. 


JUNO, LILITH, NEPTUNE, the SOUTH NODE of the Moon is Trine {120 degrees} to VESTA, the KUNDALINI GODDESS of focus, Keeper of the Sacred Flame, @ 14 degrees CANCER conjunct to SIRIUS the brightest star in the skies. the U. S Sun, its identity is on Sirius. There some hot tamales boiling away there. 

PLUTO/Hades, Lord of Death and REBIRTH, Keeper of Souls, power and control, ruler of the Collective Unconscious, is @ 15 degrees Retrograde of CAPRICORN. The 15th is the most powerful degree. Pluto is in a wide trine to his mother-in- law, CERES the GREAT MOTHER now in solid sensuous earthy TAURUS at 5+ degrees. Persephone is Ceres daughter who is Pluto’s wife for half the year.  

Pluto and CERES are trining the SUN and MOON and the NORTH NODE at 12+ degrees VIRGO. This indicates a prime awakening, and movement towards protecting the Environment,the Food supply from GMO’s  and the Earth’s resources.  VIRGO is the Harvest. Native Americans are now protesting oil pipelines in Dakota. 

This MERKABA, 6 pointed Goddess Star of Heaven and Earth brings all of these super powerful feminine energies into the Eclipse itself. 

This eclipse will ignite worldwide mass protests against the Plutocracy, the power mongering TTP deal which can enslave all countries by corporate power. Mother Earth/ Ceres cannot sustain all her children when we rape and debase her through fracking, and raping her of her oil and her minerals, and pollute her lakes and oceans.

Wait, there’s still more:

There is a YOD or a Finger of Goddess

from ATHENA Goddess of wisdom, an AMAZON warrioress @ 24+ degrees AQUARIUS, seeking freedom and revolution. She is sextile ERIS, the forgotten Goddess who hexes those who ignore Her, and URANUS God of REVOLUTION and freedom.

Women will be standing up and leading this revolution. This doesnt necessarily mean Hillary Clinton. These three are inconjunct {150 degrees} to JUPITER and MERCURY Retrograde at 28 degrees VIRGO. This is a very powerful, Goddess finger, pointing to an expansive, ecological, grounded feminine warrioress energy of  nurturing by being in service to the Galactic Center, the Great Cosmic Vagina at 27 degrees SAGITTARIUS a huge metaphysical portal.  

Note that CHIRON, the Shamanic wounded healer is at 23 degrees PISCES also Retrograde and is opposite to Jupiter and Mercury and also square to the Galactic Center. We need to remember our original karmic wounds in order to heal them and let them go.

This ECLIPSE is a huge turning point in healing our collective wounds.

Nine million people, mainly women, were tortured by the Catholic Church for being healers, midwives, herbalists and wise women in the Inquisition in Europe. All of us have returned collectively now to honor and remember who we are, to  honor the Goddess, the sacred feminine, the powers of the earth, our bodies, and nature as magic herself. 

MERCURY is the ruler of VIRGO and this eclipse.

Wherever Mercury is, that’s where our consciousness is. The hermaphrodite trickster is newly Retrograde, indicating that we may have to wait until October 6th when Mercury is Direct and crosses the 28+ degree Virgo point again. There will be a 5-week integration period, to this unleashing of FEMININE POWER.  

VENUS sits on the SUPER GALACTIC CENTER @ 2+ degrees of LIBRA

This is the most massive black hole there is. Its gravitation pulls in more than 30 GALAXIES, our Milky Way is but one. It is so huge that it warps Time and Space. VENUS on the SGC allows us to know that All time is now.   Let’s assume that we all have past life karma in relationships, Libra is THE sign of relationships. We keep coming back together again and again, draw by the karmic glue of emotions, and soul memories to try to heal, balance and complete these issues. No matter what happened in the past, in a future lifetime there will ultimately be a healed, whole, positive, completely devoid of bad karma relationship between the two. 

Imagine the qualities of spiritual, emotional, mental, and soul completion,  and unconditional love flowing between them.   Ahhh, just imagining it makes it so. Feel how good that feels? Yes, bring that energy into every cell of your being and consciousness. Fuse it. Now just go sandwich those healed reality feelings onto the past preceding lifetimes, before the two individuals really fucked it up together. Insert names here________.  With that completed the negative results of the difficult lifetime case to exist at all. From a quantum physics standpoint,that is true. That “imagined” and felt healing clears all pasts and futures and everyone is now free to move forwards without any more pain or addictive karmic patterns. Just that simple.  Karma is a linear cause and effect concept and it becomes obsolete by using the SUPER GALACTIC CENTER. My thanks to great depth analysis by Deep space astrologer Philip Sedgwick.

This Virgo eclipse takes us deep into HERMIT MODE: as the sign of VIRGO

Tarot ARCANA #9 

The Hermit Tarot tara Greene

The Hermit is VIRGO energy

With all this cosmic synchronicity. The HERMIT will initiate us into our own bodily wisdom and gut instincts. We need to carve out time and space to be alone and sit with ourselves. The Hermit is our inner wisdom, our common sense, Virgo is the sign of commoners or servants. Virgo is the sign of intellect, conservation, analysis, humility, simplicity, down to bare essentials. Not frilly or excessive, only what we need to sustain us. Virgo is the silence of the cave and the beauty of the golden fields of wheat at sundown. It is gratitude for the food we eat which came from the hard work that we put in connecting to the earth, the elements and the Great mother Herself who sustains us. VIRGO is health. pay attention to what you eat and be present in your body. Walk barefoot, be in nature.

 Listen to your Inner Hermit, go to silence, go to Nature on this eclipse. Lie on the earth, put your ear to the ground and ask for the Great Mother to speak with you. Ask what she needs you to do to be of service to Her. Be accountable. Cultivate humility. Serve your community.

Be still, draw down the Goddess, listen, and remember to stay grounded. There is a LUNAR ECLIPSE in PISCES in 2 weeks on September 16th which will be psychically and soulfully cleansing. 

I do really feel called to have a teleconference workshop to help guide you through this process. I have stated this previously and never followed up. I am very aware of this. My work needs to move to the next level where I can reach more individuals on a wider basis. I will look into setting up a teleconference workshop to work with many individuals to help them get through these intense times and the 5 week period until we integrate all of these energies. If you are interested please let me know. I will be doing ceremony on the Eclipse and if you would like me to add your name or prayers for healing for yourself or anyone else please email me taragreenetarot@gmail.com

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated.

Get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com















Athena, Juno, Lilith, Venus, Vesta Sacred Astrology

Grand Trine Goddess Astrology

A rare six-pointed sacred geometry star forms in the heavens

There is very definitely a Grand WATER TRINE formed by; Goddess ATHENA the warrior Goddess and strategist, originally she was an AMAZON. She is at Zero degrees PISCES.

Goddess ATHENA the warrior Goddess and strategist, originally she was an AMAZON. She is at Zero degrees PISCES.

                       ATHENA in PISCES                      

symbolizes many things. She is mobilizing our psychic, intuitive and unconscious realms; stirring up our dreams and past life memories while she in PISCES. Pay attention to your dreams.She can also indicate our need to go to war about WATER rights, protect the oceans, whales, fish and coral reefs. As a Warrior Goddess, she says “You need strong boundaries.”  Pallas Athena is NEVER a martyr.

        VESTA in CANCER         

VESTA is what we invest ourselves in. Traditionally she focuses on keeping the hearth flame or heart-flame alive. She symbolizes passion, dedication, and intelligence. VESTA in CANCER asks us to focus on our feelings, and our emotional bodies; our needs for emotional security. We need to focus on our homes, literally. We need to dedicate ourselves to nurturing ourselves before we nurture others as a balance. We need to invest in the quality of what we eat. Investing in organic foods, good quality supplements and eating right is very important. 


JUNO the 8 armed Goddess,  who was known as HERA,in the Roman/ Patriarchal  version of her myth, Zeus’s long-suffering wife. Her symbol would be imagined as a toilet brush. I believe that JUNO is the FEMININE FORM of genius, whose symbol looks like a magic wand to me. In SCORPIO uses her emotional intelligence in all directions at once. In SCORPIO she can outmaneuver anyone emotionally. JUNO and LILITH make a very, very formidable duo. No one could get past these two. 


LILITH is so SCORPIONIC to begin with, she is the Death Goddess, associated with Menstruation, the Dark Moon. I realize now that her mythology is so very literal.  Lilith in Scorpio is extremely sexual, uncompromising, demanding, stubborn, refusing to cater to any man’s needs. She brings strength, and will power. Lilith in SCORPIO infuses our sexuality with wildness, abandon, and freedom. She is the QUEEN OF TANTRIC SEXUALITY. Make love when you are menstruating with someone who loves and adores you. Revel in the power of a menstruating, fully embracing her moon time and her highest psychic energy phase. She is indeed a taboo, originally tabu, meaning sacred woman. 



The Great Mother, call her GAIA or Pachamama is absolutely in her element in earthy Taurus. Bulls and cows were always her scared animals. Ceres in TAURUS is so sensuous, she loves everything that is naturally beautiful. She revels in the bounty that she provides everywhere-the flowers, the fruits, the trees. Ceres in Taurus helps us listen to our gut instincts. To enjoy this Heavenly Paradise as a place of beauty. Ceres in Taurus is the power of fertility, creativity, crafting, art, money, abundance, resources, and self-worth. Ceres will help you to birth all of these qualities and to nurture you to make them part of yourself . 


VENUS in VIRGO is very earthy, the Virgin Goddess, whole unto herself. She is the sex and love Goddess who is extremely hygienic, smart, organized, well read. She  knows how to order everything effortlessly. She loves to serve others, and she is dedicated to getting results. She loves to be walking the earth, tending her garden. She is one with nature, and her needs are simply met. She asks us to tune into our earthy instincts, to walk the sacred ground barefoot, to clean up the earth and the environment. She teaches us to love our bodies as sacred Temples, doing this through listening to our guts. She teaches us to live as simply, authentically and organically.


There is a missing point in this 6 pointed star. At zero- 5 degrees of CAPRICORN we need to wait for the MOON to fill in this empty point to create the six pointed star and that happens AUGUST 13 @ 9:12 pm PDT/ Aug. 14 @ 12:12 AM EDT and AUG 14 @ 4:12 am GMT.


The Capricorn Moon is grounded, hard-working, sure-footed and focussed on her long term goals. Capricorn was in ancient times the symbol of the GREAT MOTHER HERSELF, Capricorn is a Feminine earth sign. The time of the WINTER SOLSTICE signifies the darkest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the most feminine time. Capricorn moon is receptive, cool, unemotional and practical. Her energy is stable, mature, and responsible. Capricorn moon is always focussed on results. She will reach the peak of her goals. 

I would prepare now for Sat. AUG 13th to create a 6 pointed star ceremony and an altar for all of the Goddesses. You can use 6 different candles. little pots of earth and cups of water for each Goddess. Use crystals, votive candles, symbols, attributes, for each Goddess. Use your imagination. Ask the 6 goddesses to work with you. Vow to embody each one of their strengths and powers. I will be doing this ceremony too. 

The Grand Sextile lasts until August 14.


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with TARA http://www.taratarot.com/#!private-sessions/c1vw1

Powerful Weekend Gateway Astrology

 August 6-7th
A powerful weekend to launch us into parallel worlds.  Really !
The Moon moves into LIBRA, Aug 6-t which always brings happy social times, peace and that yearned for balance into our emotions and relationships.
When two personal planets aspect each other it’s a major big deal.  When two pairs of personal planets aspects each other both on the same day that’s an even bigger deal. When three major planets including the Sun align that is an even bigger push from the cosmos.
1. Mercury in Virgo squares SATURN in SAGITTARIUS
Harry Potter, wizard, astrology Tara Greene
 A curious intelligent student seeks out a master teacher/shaman/ wizard to learn from.  A HARRY POTTER, Wizard’s apprentice aspect. 
Mercury or HERMES in Roman was traditionally a PSYCHOPOMP, a word I love, a guide of souls, to the Underworld/Hades, the realm of the dead.   Saturn is also the Grim Reaper, traditionally connected to DEATH. The planets beg the questions?
What ideas and perceptions have become too concretized? Where are you feeling heavy, immobile, scared and feeling weighed down? 
Communicating with accuracy and clarity inspires others to climb to greater visions. 
Critical thinking can lead to long-term success, inspiring your educational and travel plans. Structure your vision and speak your truth.
Thinking about going to Brazil, Peru or some other “exotic” location to experience a “vision quest”/ ayahuasca spiritual plant medicine ceremony for clarity?
The Goddes and the God square off in another battle of the sexes. Venus in Virgo is a very intelligent, VIRGIN Goddess, meaning that she is whole and complete unto herself, belonging to no man. She can be very critical and appears humble. She doesn’t need to attract attention, so secure is she in herself. 
MARS in SAGITTARIUS is truth warrior, a soldier, who fights for freedom, he could be a spy. He makes you laugh, he is easy going and honest. He needs space, he loves sports and is a good sport.   You may find yourself attracted to these types this weekend.
Mars in Sagittarius

 3. A GOLDEN FINGER OF GOD- forms with PLUTO in CAPRICORN, NEPTUNE in PISCES and their 150-degree inconjunct aspect to the Royal SUN in LEO. This Sun/Neptune aspect has been building since the New Moon of August 3rd. The Sun inconjuncts Pluto on Aug 7th. The effects will linger for the next couple of weeks. Inconjuncts are the universe notifying us as to where we are out of alignment. Like a cosmic chiropractor. This is a necessary part of a realignment.

Breathe into your spine and feel the connection with your feet { Neptune/ Pisces} and the earth { Capricorn}. Connect that grounded spiritual energy to the SUN/Leo within your heart and to your Golden HALO, the 8th Chakra above your head.  Open your hearts feel the strength of the LIGHT above within and below to manifest your dreams, your visions

Connecting with the SOLAR LOGOS, the LIGHT begins the process of the manifest your dreams, visions and creations. Focus on uniting in oneness with compassion, and bliss and to bring this dream to manifestation as your greatest goal. Your soul is longing to be One with Source again.  Together we can share our power and our beauty and make it so. 

Mercury also opposes NEPTUNE Aug 7

“Think it, plan it, BUILD IT and they will come”


Remember that August the 8th is the 88 INFINITY ROYAL LEO GATEWAY opening.  An ancient magical stargate opens annually connected with the rising of the STAR SIRIUS. This portal opens  July 23-July 25th { the Mayan Day out of time} and  lasts until August 8th as the Star Sirius rises before the SUN. This is an ancient Egyptian herald honoring the God’s new year. The star’s heliacal rising was the sign that the Nile would begin to flood ensuring fertility for the crops. 

During this time, light waves from the star Sirius, which many ancient cultures claimed were their ancestors who seeded the earth’s civilization, bathes Earth with keys, codes and dreams which assist us with our spiritual evolution. Be open at this time. Its a great time to meditate. 

Work with the ANKH symbol, the key of life as well as SACRED GEOMETRY, the Flower of Life.Eternal Life ankh sacred Egyptian symbol


get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com







Football, chasing the Divine Vagina popular sports

Why is a football shaped like it is?

Because it is the sacred geometry of the VESICA PISCES  

which is the shape and symbol of the Divine VAGINA/YONI


A VESICA PISCES is a symbol of the Divine Feminine genitals or vulva 


download (2)

Christ football Tara Greene Christ in the Vesica Pisces shape

071CWWell Chalice well Glastonbury 



The Trump #21 The WORLD 

The world Tarot cards Tara Greene Tarot

The last card in the Tarot sequence is a literal rebirth from the Vesica Pisces/Vulva into the physical world again. 

IN QUATAR The Al-Wakrah World Cup stadium is a huge homage to the female genitalia 

Qatar Vagina Sports

Now you know why all those big macho men chase that little pigskin shaped YONI around with such importance. They are trying to catch the symbol of the Divine Vagina which gave them birth.

I wish the football didn’t have all those stitches on it although I know this is part of the manufacturing of the ball for sport. though. It reminds me of a botched up birth, or a Muslim sewn up vulva a kind of chastity image. 

No wonder 100 million people are watching. They all unconsciously want to score for the home team. 

Please share widely

all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com


Trines, Neptune Retro,dream’s not over,Rehab, 5th degree, Gemini NEW MOON


Moon’s in Aries June 2-4

Venus entered CANCER June 2- “Home is where your heart is.” Tara Greene

MOON conjunct Uranus early in a.m.  for brilliant emotional flashes of insight

June 3

WATER TRINE’S begin  Monday with MERCURY in CANCER trine Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio

Grand Water Trine

The mind heart feelings connection touches the highest intuitive dreams and the deepest wells of your darkest desires.

BIG EMOTIONAL & communicating  HIGHS And LOWS.

WATER PEEPS with planets at the BIG 5 degrees get the blast of blessings.

VENUS in CANCER will do the same thing on June 7 at the same degree 5 of Cancer- REMEMBER the 5th DEGREE 

If you are born June 25, Feb 22 and November 26 you get the lucky high tides blessings. Give a day or two on either side.

June 4

Moon enters TAURUS in a.m. Emotions are earthy sensual slow practical, hands on

Makes nice sextiles to VENUS and NEPTUNE – the stars of the show this week

this is the reality part of those beautiful romantic dreams

Moon opposes SATURN in evening. Stubborn bull fighting.

June 5

TAURUS moon TRINES PLUTO – this is rich in every sense, rich deserts, feeling Great, knowing you got the goods, strut your stuff

JUNE 6  

SOME love inconjuncts means irritating, can’t understand each other as

VENUS in Cancer quincunx MARS in GEMINI= men are in GEmINI land and Woman are in homeland

Moon enters GEMINI which always lightens the emotional scope

or at least makes it possible for the guys to think up some excuse and get the hell outta there.


NEPTUNE Goes RETRO  + 2nd GRAND TRINES of the week

THis means it’s a dreamy 5 + month time to RE-dream + SPIRITUALLY RE CHARGE.
And time to go to REHAB- yes! yes! yes! Do you hear that Rob Ford?
Artists, musicians, actors, all creative types. Time to dust of an unfinished or old piece. Perhaps update, re-configure or relaunch.
Old dreams that haven’t manifested need your attention now. Soul mates you haven’t seen or have not met may s…how up during this time period. Review your dreams, your debts both karmic and financial and what you’ve been in denial about.. Neptune rules debt, addictions and denial.Politically “OIL PIPELINES” and all issues relating to International oil will be reviewed and halted.
Retrogrades are the FEMININE energy. Neptune rules spiritual love, DIVINE love.
VENUS TRINES NEPTUNE 3 hours after Neptune Retro to put a beautiful loving kiss onto Neptune’s cheek as he goes back into the stellar ocean’s of unconsciousness. Neptune is the HIGHER OCTAVE of Venus. Ah a beautiful soul kiss, a deliscious aspect.
It’s a very busy day Moon conjunct MARS @ 4 degrees GEMINI early A.M. a busy hi energy day get started early.
Moon squares NEPTUNE- Neptune is getting primed here.
Moon quincunx Saturn before noon. Irritating difficult annoying why do we have to put up with so much hot air?
VENUS TRINES SATURN  – before noon.
Love and desire are necessary parts of  making those dreams come true. It’s ok to commit.
MERCURY in Cancer opposes PLUTO in Capricorn around dinner
THE FEMININE values of  family safety women children real values or PLUTOCRACY face off. Much revolutionary action.
ACTIONs ideas and dreams combine or clash. Don’t put down an idealist or a romantic dreamer.
GEMINI Moon quincunx’s PLUTO
the will of the people, new information of a shocking nature may be suppressed to come out later and reveal the hidden agendas of the
most sinister nefarious kind. WIKILEAKS, ANONYMOUS hackers put a huge dent in the system.
MARS in GEMINI quincunx SATURN in Scorpio
angry street fighting vs Black Ops, escalating battlefields.
June 8
Moon squares CHIRON at night watch for old wounded figures in dreamscape
GEMINI NEW MOON @ 18 01 degrees @ 8:58 am PDT/ 11:58 am EDT
FEATURES MERCURY + VENUS  between 6-11 degrees of CANCER square URANUS
We need to think from our hearts not from BIG BUCK CAPITALIST HIERARCHIES- There are radically new technologies, inspirations, creations, feminine centered ways of working together as family of like-minded beings. We ‘re all in this together.
This is a stressful aspect adding Mercury= IDEAS and COMMUNICATIONS and Venus -WOMEN’S VALUES  to the T-SQUARES of the outer planets.
NEPTUNE makes its 2nd of three EXACT TRINES to SATURN in SCORPIO- the 1st was on OCt 10 2012, and the last is on July 19 at 5 degrees.
and of course this NEW MOON features a WATER GRAND TRINE as described.
CHIRON the NORTH NODE and Mercury conjuncts Vesta in another GRAND TRINE
FOCUS ON WHERE THE PAIN IS and see it as the light that points the way out.
THE NEW MOON conjuncts the brightest STAR in the constellation of ORION, RIGEL.
a blue supergiant, 18 times more massive than our sun. Rigel is a navigation star and helps integrate spirit with in matter, like the myth
of the GEMINI twins, -or Cain and Abel the fighting twins is a myth in every culture of the world.
GEMINI is the LOVERS in the TAROT.
MERCURY SQUARES URANUS later in day to offer more inventive ideas abotu how to stop seeing women as mothers or whores.
GET A READING with TARA http://www.taratarot.com
For all you TWIHARDS-

Menage a Trois,this week’s trines,how to work your luck,from Tara Greene

I decided to  look at the TRINES this week,they are LUCKY aspects, everyone wants LUCK and LOVE right?

Now luck is luck, and timing is everything. 

Work your luck may sound like a contradiction, but Trines in a birth chart tend to make people lazy, take things for granted.

A trine is a  harmonic aspect, sacred geometry between two or more planets that are 120 degrees apart, they share elements.

Trines are The Trinity, feminine,why not work with Divine Timing?

Yes, T-squares are hard, cause friction, make sparks fly, they are irritating,

sand in the oyster, they make you do something about it.

 Make it easy on yourself, there was a song with those lyrics years ago.

When 3 planets are in Trine to each other that is a Grand Trine

looks like a pyramid in an astrology chart. Its fairly common, usually in Blue color code.

This is Channing Tatum‘s Natal chart just voted the sexiest man in 2012- he has a Grand Trine in Fire

Channing Tatum Astrology Tara Greeneclick on chart to view larger

Just to give you an Illustration, If you are interested I can look at Magic Mike‘s astrology chart in depth.- Ask for what you want.

Lets deal with this week ‘s TRINEs

Feb 11 Pisces moon Trine Saturn in Scorpio=WATER Trine- spiritual dream to reality, forgiveness, letting go of need to be right

Feb 12 Mercury in Pisces Trine Saturn in Scorpio – WATER trine-thinking & intuition fuse to release old limiting attitudes of sex, power, control

Feb 15 Taurus Moon Trine Pluto in Capricorn -EARTH Trine-  wealth, manifesting, I will go into this one separately

Feb 16 Mars in Pisces Trine Saturn in Scorpio- WATER Trine -insecurity, denied feelings come to surface-the world is your mirror

Two of these Trines are Lunar, deal with feelings, the unconscious,spirituality. Mercury and Mars in Pisces the most spiritual of all the signs.

These Trine focus on ease of working with your dreams, spirituality, 12th house, SOURCE energy.

Three Trines to Saturn in Scorpio- Reality check

Saturn is the Devil traditionally in the Tarot Trumps # 15 and whatever bedevils you, your shadow, the other person who did…blah blah

Mercury and Mars and the moon are assisting you to feel,think about, decipher, and act upon your issues.

Its very important, this is True Liberation.


This will be easy, a piece of cake. 

You need to create a Triangle shaped sacred space to sit in. Mark it with 3 crystals,

3 candles, smudge or incense for creating Sacred Space first,

Always watch your breath, relax. When you feel ready, Imagine that you are stepping into an invisible 3 D pyramid.

Sit with the energy of the trine’s meaning to you, ask the planetary Gods and Goddess to come and be benevolent

with your issue. Saturn is FATHER TIME, an older wiser person you respected, your spirit guides, whatever feels right to you.

Bring the energy of the particular TRINE energy into your Third chakra, the WILL center. It is bright yellow.

Focus on seeing a hologram of your own personal issues, melding, dancing, transforming within your 3rd chakra.

This chakra is also called the orrende in Native American shamanism, it is your spiritual umbilical cord which connects you to the Great Mother Universe.

Trust the Trine energy to easily, safely, completely, help and assist you in bringing your desired outcome to you.

ask for a new transformed image, feeling, or words that symbolize the new TRINED energy.

write it down in your journal.

So mote it Be, it is done.

Get your reading for coaching and guidance from me nowhttp://taratarot.com/id78.html




It’s 8 8 Numerology, Day 1 of 10 day spiritual cleanse channelings, crop circle oracles

It’s an 8 8 day today. #8 is infinity, eternity, We are all infinite beings having  temporal physical 3D experiences. We are all part of the same indivisible substance, particles, call them adamantine,Higgs-Boson.We are all diamonds in the rough and completely polished.

In Day 1 of 10 day spiritual cleanse, did you join me?

I do channel.  Monday evening at around 3:30 am EDT I was looking out the window of my daughters room on the 3rd floor of our house which faces EAST, I could see Jupiter and Mars in the sky. I watched another Star glittering north of them and the energy shifted. The higher dimensional frequencies descended almost immediately. The one star divided into two. The angelic messengers told me that the time is near when the worlds will split into two, as I had been told about waaay back when in the 70’s. Those beings who are vibrating on a higher frequency of peace, love , balance, equanimity, openness, heart, would create or will create around them, attracted to themselves a beautiful finer higher vibrational frequency world.
Those who are unconscious, holding onto fear, negativity, hatred,intolerance, limited beliefs, low self- esteem, greed, violence, will be lost in a kind of hell world of  lower level animal mind frequencies.

Each moment we have freedom to choose our reality. This is not to scare or put anyone down but to help make people aware.

Choose joy, benevolence, balance, love,  health, peace.

 We must stop the war within ourselves first as John Lennon and Yoko Ono so eloquently said it

John Lennon Yoko Ono

The war between the Masculine and the Feminine is still not healed, has a long way to go.

Hatred between races, violence, intolerance is still rampant in the world. Much has improved, dictatorships are falling.

BE conscious of who you really are. An infinite God/dess being. You are a co-creator with the universe.

I felt the universe enter my head, expand it and I was a living periscope, God’s eyes and ears, God’s experiencing tool, a living library,

Each and every consciousness from the tiniest ants to the largest mammals; the trees and the rocks,has so much to offer.

When in my meditation DAY 1 I felt compelled to use the CROP CIRCLE ORACLE  card deck which my friend Joseph-Mark Cohen of the Tree of Life Mystery school in Nelson British Columbia created. So use these image descriptions for your own growth and healing. The images in the deck are all from English crop circles.

I chose 7 cards one for each chakra.

The first card for the ROOT chakra  is of a crop circle in the shape of a HEXAGRAM at Cherhill England, Aug 21 05. It alludes to the I Ching, crystals and bee honeycombs, the MATRIX.  It is # 31 in the deck.

The 2nd card for the 2nd chakra was from Eastfield from July 7 2007.  It refers to a STARGATE, Celestial cycles and resonance synchronicity. It is #29 in the deck. Meditate on these images.

777 crop circle

Appeared 7 7 07 Eastfield England

The 3rd card for the 3rd WILL chakra was from Barbury Castle,  July 27 2003  is a comlex Flower of Life Mandala with 6 flowers of life and a central 7th.  So spin your sacred internal flower power. IT is # 30 in the deck.

The 4th card for the Heart chakra is from Avebury Henge , July 24 2005. A symbol of a Star of David, symbol of the sacred marriage, surrounded by a ring of interwoven 6 pointed hexagons which morph into 3D sugar cubes, morph in and out, and diamonds. A beautiful sacred powerful protective Tantric circle. Visualize it surrounding your heart. Its card #12.

The 5th card for the 5th THROAT power chakra is from Barbury Castle , May 31 1999 and it shows a Menorah used in the Jewsih ritual of Hanukkah the celebration of Light. It is  a symbol for lighting the 7 chakras and celebrating your own inner light. It’s card # 21.

The 6th card for the third eye chakra is from Wayland’s Smithy it is a symbol of GRIDWORK from July 27 2008. It look like Mayan and Guatemalan interlaced designs. It’s  a complex form. The lesson on the card says “Attune to the airwaves and catch a divine name to chant. Feel light illuminate one or more of your 72 heart petals.” It is card # 73.

The 7th card for the crown chakra shows a crop circle from Windmill HIll, June 30 2006. It look like a 3D time tunnel. IT is a visual wormhole, a transporter room. So be still at the centre of the vortex, Call upon an Ascended Master to be your guide. Beam yourself UP!

I have a few of these decks for sale if you are interested.

 I will write every day so please join and as more people align the more power influence light and benefits are sent to all.

Want a private  healing reading/session? http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html

Blessings Tara