Healing power of the Mind on fire

January 3  a very SAGE day, Moon’s in Sagittarius on the Jupiter ruled day of the week, Thursday. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces. 

The Sage Galloping Moon has conjunct Jupiter and squared Neptune in Pisces today and I don’t know about you but my head has been unable to focus all day. This is a precursor of the big Jupiter Neptune square one of the biggest planetary signatures of 2019, there will be 3 of em this year.

It’s exact on January 13 @ 14+ degrees Sagittarius and Pisces. More about that big one soon. 

MERCURY in SAGITTARIUS is very active a big mover today,

Mercury in Sagittarius is in detriment in the sign opposite the one it rules- Gemini, but nevertheless…

The Honest Trickster Mercury in Sagittarius

I’m laughing a Sagittarius theme because I just got it now. Jupiter square Neptune is very psychic. 


Mercury in Sagittarius squares Chiron in Pisces

You will be feeling Mental Fag at least, disorientation or just a bit unfocused.

This may feel like having Brain malaria which my husband had and who is very lucky

{he happens to have Jupiter in Pisces and his North Node in Pisces in his 12th house} to be alive and healthy having recovered from it in Flores Indonesia years ago from a Dream of King Solomon coming and healing him in the dream. He also has Chiron on the Galactic Center at 27 degrees Sagittarius which transiting Chiron is squaring right now and Mercury is actually conjunct to right now too. A classic dream healing Asclepius tradition. Asclepius trained Chiron.This will be coming up big time this year.

Mercury square Chiron on the Galactic Center

There’s so much info to download from the Black Hole that your brain may be so scattered. Chiron in Pisces makes us feel mentally wounded, fatigued at least or blind.

There is a Fixed Star at 27 degrees Sagittarius called Etamin which is noted for being a Star associated with Blindness as classic stars were. We could associate this with a Blind Spot. something I inadvertently talked about today I now realize.

Mercury trines URANUS in ARIES in PST/ Jan. 4 @ 12:13 am EST/ 5:13 an GMT

This will set your mind aflame. There are unusual, quirky, out of the box radical ideas cooking. Stay tuned into the Higher Vibes of Uranus. 

Moon remains in Sagittarius until Jan. 4 @ 9:41 am PST/ 12:41 pm EST/ 5:41 pm GMT 

I’m working on a very rare Jupiter special for you today. I will release and inform you. It will be one of the most amazing attracting oils you may have ever seen. 

Please share widely, all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com


Daily Horoscope, Grand Fire Trine

MAY 3 LEO MOON all day May 3.
Grand Fire Trine Tara Greene astrology
That’s pretty hot, wild, chaotic, creative, disturbing, out of the box, uncontainable, a wildfire, burning down the house, too hot to handle, hotwired brain, terrorist bombing, the bombshell of the truth, revolutionary spirit, chaos reigning, pride comes before the fall. 
Venus Neptune square Tara Greene astrology
Pisces and TAURUS peeps gonna shine today.  Romance is in the air. Soul mates and falling in love with real love. This is very creative, earthy, sensuous, artistic, romantic, foggy, dewy, glittery energy. The Bull falls in love with 2 fishes. 
Focus that strong determined Taurus will power on creating a big dream. Make it so.
There’s also a sexy sextiles from LEO MOON to JUPITER in LIBRA
It will be dramatic, proud get balanced with grace. 
All in all a very passionate, dramatic, heart opening, great socializing day. 
I mentioned Mercury is going DIRECT too. 
Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene
get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

Aquarius detachment prior Super Moon lunacy.

Moon is in Aquarius as of earlier today August 27.

The mood is definitely lighter and we have the ability to be detached, cool, and observe everything from a higher perspective. Aquarius is the sign of eccentricity, electrical energy, independence and revolution. You need to be with your tribe yang. 


Aquarius Tarot Tara Greene


KEYWORDS: New projects, fresh ideas, team work, intellectual expansion,

Two awkward inconjuncts from Moon to Jupiter and sun may have had us jitterbugging around.
Mercury enters Libra today and it’s all about social networking, talking about our relationships review with Venus in Leo and our need to have peace, balance, harmony and grace in our lives.
Moon opposes Mars in Leo tonight PDT so party on dudes and then opposes Venus, Retro dudettes, early a.m. EDT and PDT. A night of detached passions. Otherwise a rather light Friday is ahead.

Rest up for the very powerful PISCES Super Moon.

I am finishing my article for the COSMIC INTELLIGENCE AGENCY NOW> I have been sick with a head cold flu all week. and lost my nice Venus Mars article through a computer snafu.

Mars will inconjunct PLUTO early Saturday morning. A very difficult Scorpion like energy passions will be high, anger and deep resentments may surface. Stay aware and avoid difficult energetics and situations. Don’t try to save anyone. 

Please share widely

All writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

Get a reading with Tara http://www.tartarot.com

Love and kishkas, rocky road love advice

VENUS IN VIRGO, aka the MRS. CLEAN of the Zodiac.

What is PERFECT LOVE? The perfect Venus in Virgo lover?

Presentable, dependable, hard working, intelligent. He/she never has anything stuck between their teeth, is never  late, always cleans up, never makes mistakes, always comes in under budget, has the  perfect BFI, never cheats on a diet, squeaky shiny clean hair, never farts, always showers before and after sex. Never throws up, not overtly passionate,  has never been arrested or cheated on their taxes, the parents like her/him. 

love match astrology TAra Greene

Sept 17

 Venus opposes CHIRON IN PISCES – LOVE and the Dark Night of the SOUL 

Addicted to perfection. Stop wearing those too tight shoes that are pinching your heart strings.

Love debts, karmic debts. Have you paid off yours already?  You know what I’m talking about?

Are you in that relationship because you are unconscious? Because you have some old lessons, resentments, wounds, repair work to do? Hey we all do it. I did in my first marriage. We are all evolving towards more consciousness and self- responsibility.

Astrology can explain and get underneath the old karmic patterns in lovers, parent child sibling and family relationships.

Chiron in Pisces is unconditional love, no ego, accepting the other as they are and yourself.

it’s sexual healing.

Where does that love hurt?  Let me count the ways.

Look in the mirror. do you see perfection? Yes the inner perfection, the spiritual essence yes. The human projection? 

O Cry me a river.  “I’ll clean up the mess for you”with PISCES there.

Workaholics are also addicts.  Yoga addicts, fitness fanatics, organic raw vegan no- gluten, dairy, foodies, manic consumers, TV vultures, fast foods, porn, compulsive binging of anything is a means to avoid everything that hurts you.  And OY does it hurt  my kishkas. 

VENUS IN VIRGO rules the kishkas, a Jewish word for intestines.

REIKI them bowels, hold your heart where it hurts, let the tears flow. Give it up to your Higher Self,/God/Goddess.

Find solace in a hopeless place. This is the DARK NIGHT OF THE LOVE SOUL. 

I heard the spiritual leader of the Unity Church in Sedona give a great sermon on Sunday where he talked about the DNOTS- good acronym. 

The lower, deeper, the more you surrender your ego, the more you are willing to die to your old self’s programmes, the higher you are going to soar and heal, in the LIGHT DAY of the soul which inevitably comes after. 

VENUS QUINCUNX URANUS later in the day-


ice cream Astrology Tara Greene

Inspirational Daily Card 


If you have paid off your karmic love debts already then good. Because you been there done that and now.

Venus in Virgo likes things and LOVE, steady, reliable,  doing a good job every day.

 Uranus in ARIES though is aiming to subvert that and blow the usual routine sky high. There will be unexpected bumps, kinks- not of the sexy kind necessarily,  left turns,crazy, chaotic,  quirky unexplainable – you cant make this stuff up- kinda things in your LOVE life and your values. Not to mention your paycheck.

Innovate your love, work, routine, tear down the old safe walls and step off the cliff, 

Trust that the wind will be beneath your wings. YOU MUST. New growth,

something better is calling even if you don’t know what it is.

There is a better place, a better newer shiner you.  TRuST in the tryst.


PLEASE share widely.

all writing is copyright of TARA GREENE.

Get a red rock Sedona vortex reading  and past loves too. with Tara http://www.taratarot.com 

OUR LOVE IS NOT PERFECT by White Canyon 1992  

We found love in a hopeless place- Rihanna   




September guide, sleeping with the devil

HAPPY SEPTEMBER, the 7th month- well that’s what it translates as. sept=seven.

Mercury enters LIBRA for fine social conversation romantic libations great decorating fall make-overs and all around niceties Sept 1/2.

A jazzy Saggy Moon rules Sept 1-3 with some nice fire trines Sept 2
you go Aries Leo and Sagittarius.  Fire me up Scotty.

Capricorn eat anything Goat energy Moon prevails Sept 3-5

Goat moon conjunct PLUTO &  QUINCUNX Jupiter on Sept 4 sets the stage for a sole pas de quincunx on Sept 5 between the Expanding happy joy will of JUPITER and Deeper than the devil’s depths, of soul making, PLUTO.

A quincunx or Inconjunct which sounds less sexy, means two planets at 150 degree angle to each other. Always in elements which no comprende each other and produce grid lock.

Jupiter rules telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and in LEO it is BIG HEARTED TRUTH, International truth,  philosophical and legal truth.  I’m the Star power baby. Lots of energy with Jupiter in Leo.

Pluto, as the power of BIG BUCKS $$$, in Capricorn, the corporate sell out as the devil will test your soul and all our souls

You will be sleeping in the devil’s boardroom or with whatever particle devil you conjure up and you must stay true to your heart and soul or leave.

Maybe a sleepless week. Irritated, earth and fire – don’t mix. Use the Insomnia energy well. Are  you having insomnia like I am?

Happy Belated BIRTHDAY to Robert Crumb born August 30, 1943 

A Quadruple planeted VIRGO with Mars in Gemini, exactly Qunicunx to  Mercury and Neptune in LIBRA!!!!

VENUS enters VIRGO Sept 3 as well to add to the saucy earthy mix.

We’re gonna get down and dirty then clean up the mess immediately after.

Full Moon in PISCES coming Sept 8.

Gotta go. I am obsessed with this but I have to sleep. I may be writing less as I am gathering my stuff together and will be on the road for a few days. Recycle my articles. blessings love you. PAss it on. Less than 25 more followers and I am finally at 11,000.

Get a reading from Tara Greene http://www.taratarot.com


Saturn in the 12th house,coping strategies, Card of the day

I am sick with a cold and should be sleeping my fine friends and readers. I’ve been up all night in fact, writing obsessively for this blog daily for months now. I love it and knowing so many of you are reading it makes me feel like I am fulfilling my mission. But I need to slow down a bit.  I am having Saturn in Scorpio in my 12th house and that’s a tiring, did I say OBSESSIVE? transit. Are you going through this one?


If you are, you know how Saturn tests and limits you. The 12th House is always a natural PISCES house, this is the most secret house, the house of origin and return SPIRIT, Bliss, the Unconscious, self undoing, illusion, delusion ,fantasy spirituality, enclosures, ashram, gurus, creativity, dreaming, psychology.  Cocooning. Awaiting rebirth. With SCORPIO, 8th house issues in the 12th it combines both these emotional, watery, dreamy, energies. It  is very deep, intense, facing the shadow, power,control, sex, money, jealousy, revenge, spite, obsession issues on top of it. Being ground down by Saturn, grist for the mill, the ego, the Unconscious self is turned to dust. Saturn is earth, it’s like dying before being reborn. Dust to dust as they say. Depression is a very common symptom of Saturn in the Natal 12th house or by transit. Also memories- see link below for a childhood memory 

It’s hard to keep the outer worldly ego up and parading about in the 10th house of career when all the energy is pointing inward, Hermit like to the 12th. VISION QUESTING is what is called for. 

Saturn in the 12th represents a long ending to a journey begun when Saturn crossed your Ascendant, 28-29 years ago. If you have a 16-20 degree SCORPIO Ascendant then the REBIRTH happens as SATURN crosses the line shortly into the 1st House and a WHOLE NEW LIFE CYCLE begins. My son Elijah was a baby, I was into being a new mom, nursing on demand, having a family bed, and running my first husband and I, crafts business and a house.

As Saturn crosses the Ascendant it is  literally like the first breath of air that a baby takes upon being born..

So the prep is very important.  Saturn moves from 16 degrees Scorpio – ZERO degrees Sagittarius in 2014. SATURN will backtrack into Scorpio again, finally entering  Sagittarius in June 2015. 

If you are going through Saturn in your 12th it’s a great idea to get an in-depth reading.

I do ongoing cosmic coaching with clients.

Nov. 27

Moon conjuncts MARS IN VIRGO in late a.m.

Check out if your dreams are aggressive, uptight, sexual, earthy worrying.



Could be sexy delicious, luxurious baths, talking out your emotional needs, creates TRUST.

Inspirational CArd of the DAY            


Secret Dakini Oracle tara Greene MAGIC MUSHROOM SOMA #18 

Hidden knowledge, a mirage or shadow, realms of the sacred , extra- terrestrial forces. Intuitive wisdom, imagination, 

It signifies the entry of forces from the secret realms of the psyche and the assimilation of these forces as fulfillment. This is the number of Higher initiation, the unfolding of occult powers and the path of spiritual evolution. Like the Moon in the TAROT TRUMPS, PISCES, the 12th house.


all writing copyright TAra Greene

Get a reading, coaching sessions with TARA http://www.taratarot.com





Soul Mate Love Alert, Pisces Moon, Mo Trines

Did you see the little Prince?

Did you see the Pic of the Earth from Saturn by Cassini?

Did you see the beautiful SUPER MOON?

and float through most of Tuesday on a Void of Course Moon?


REMEMBER 6 days to go to Grand SEXTILE

Moon enters PISCES @ a very New Age time of 11:22 am PST/2:22 pm EST

usually shy, the 12th house is this Moon’s home.

Pisces Moon is HOLLYWOOD. It’s all smoke and mirrors, illusion, delusion, PROJECTION TIME!!!!

You need PSYCHIC PROTECTION during a Pisces moon. Imagine a ring of White or amethyst purple fiery light around you.

Boundaries get BLURRY, dimensions open up, hard to stay grounded, watch out with drugs and alcohol…

The day is clearly a combo of Dreamy Reality with whipped cream on top

PISCES MOON is SO romantic! and a big psychic sponge,

Moon opposite VENUS at 1-2 degrees  for EARLY VIRGO’s  Cupid’s looking at you

Now you know that VENUS in Virgo is “plain Jane earthy pragmatic love”

3 hours later Pisces Moon conjuncts NEPTUNE = SOUL MATE UNCONDITIONAL DREAM LOVER, they conjunct 7:19 pm PDT- the arrow is shot!

This could be INSTANT LOVE KARMA- for real!

NEPTUNE IS the HIGHER octave of VENUS- Unconditional pure soul Love. Venus, especially in Virgo is down to earth Love. You take the High Road and also the Low road. Instant Soul Mates, Twin flames.

“GIVE ME LOVE” like Ed Sheeran sings – see below

as Pisces MOON conjoin NEPTUNE Opposite Venus.

Then Moon Trines SATURN in SCORPIO later evening to sweeten the REAL DEAL Saturn is as real as real gets.

cASSINI photo of earth from Saturn

Historic Selfie Photo of Earth from Cassini at Saturn 1.5 billion kilometers  away

Saturn in Scorpio says- “if you like it then put a ring on it”  as Beyoncé sings.

Moon Trines Jupiter in Cancer 10:12 pm PDT-your family will love him/her

gotta wait till 1:12 am to get the 2nd Trine EDT’ers.

The 3rd Trine is Pisces Moon to MARS Thursday the 15 in the wee hours. Safety, at last

There’s more ! Moon sextiles Pluto which is tickling the lion.

Moon conjunct CHIRON- this is the part where you let them know how wounded you really are. That’s when real intimacy and trust begins.

Moon Trines Mercury in CANCER noonish- tell it like it is- then Moon is Void of Course again!  wow that moon is travelling very fast these days.

VENUS opposes NEPTUNE on Friday 5:08 am

this is the coup de grace- high romance with a touch of a hard work and a budget.

Venus sextiles Saturn in Scorpio keeping it real.

Enjoy the dreamy walking on air while you can.

Moon enters Aries Friday @ 2:29 pm PDT Mood is action defensive sexy

Need Psychic Protection help-Get a reading with Tara http://youtu.be/FOjdXSrtUxA


Give Me Love Ed Sheeran

Put A Ring on It – Beyonce