Pluto Retrograde into the land of shades

April 24

A solid responsible sober all business Capricorn moon governs the day.

Moon trines Uranus in Taurus so this is positive creative higher thinking outside the box.

liberation is beckoning.

Moon squares Venus and Mercury and Chiron today we are feeling wounded, vulnerable, angry. I know a whole bunch of Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey fans who are definitely feeling that way.

I did predict a positive outcome according to the Tarot cards. I pulled the Sun and the Art Temperance card in Future.  Go for the gold. transmute the difficulties. I also mentioned the Leafs having their 2nd Chiron Return as the league is 100 years old December 22 2019. This is a new cycle but they are also vulnerable and sensitive.

BUG NEWS PLUTO turns RETROGRADE April 24- October 2

This is NOT 50 shades or 100 shades, the shades were the ancient name for shadows.
soul-searching, shadow busting, deep immersion into our own psyche, consciousness, dreams. fears, and unconscious creative materials. I thought about Persephone. 

I’ll  write more about that soon. James Hillman the wonderful psychologist wrote about the wonderful depths in the shadows of the Underworld. he says if you dream of shit that a good thing as you are getting into the symbols of deep composting of soul stuff in your psyche. 

Get into your shit, turn it over, it is compost. That is Pluto’s realms.

Moon inconjuncts Mars in Gemini

frustrations with not being able to get your point across.

Do a ritual to honor Pluto’s return to his own realm today.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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April Fool’s Resurrection Day

Happy April Fool’s Day 

In the Tarot the Fool is the wisest card in the deck. The Fool is numbered ZERO and 22 a Master Number. Zero symbolizes enlightenment. It is wholeness completion- a round a cycle of infinite movement.It is nothing or the Void of total potential.

The Fool is the first and the last. The Alpha and the Omega. As in the Book of Revelations ” I am the Alpha and the Omega the First and the Last the Beginning and the End.” Which was always the ” Charge of the Star Goddess” I am that which has been with you from the beginning and will be with you at the end.” 

The Fool symbolizes the soul embarking on a new journey into incarnation. The Fool symbolizes Trust and innocence. The very first time a person has a Tarot reading they are embodying the energy of the Fool. 

SUN conjuncts MERCURY RETROGRADE in ARIES at 12 degrees

Relight your mind. Focus the Sun’s light to burn the old scripts. Revisit old mental grooves that do not compute to who you are and with what you are growing into and where you are going right now. 

All new beginnings need to be revisited. Mental frustration is high. Aries hates to stop slow down or be told what to do. 

MARS and SATURN conjunct April 2 at 9 Capricorn squaring Sun/Mercury 

Mars Saturn Conjunction Tara Greene

 Mars rules Aries and he is in Saturn’s rulership.This is a fated heavy end and beginning of a new cycle. Be very clear to release old karmic debts and scripts and take responsibility for what you have created. There are always two sides to karma- and Mercury is dual natured. 

There is a trickster aspect going on here as well. Don’t let your mind play tricks on you. Use the Sun’s clarity to decide what is yours and what is theirs and where you responsibility lies and what you can do to build a new foundation.

MARS is aggressive and Saturn is reality and holds down that impulsive Martial spiritual energy.Saturn makes you responsible disciplined orderly and mature. If you work very hard with Saturn he will give you great benefits.

So plan now for when Mercury goes Direct and resolve to honor Saturn’s hard working ethics to get great rewards. Sun conjuncts MERCURY and Mars conjunct SATURN-The Light and The Dark. The two heavies Mars-Saturn get together to provide structure limits and bones to review old mental karmic scripts which may be purged now.

Mars/Saturn in CAPRICORN dispels Neptunian illusions delusions and projections energies as MARS/SATURN sextiles the dreamy planet. 

Yes, the Mars/Saturn energy is very heavy and can bring on feelings of depression of restriction and limitation.Depression is also part of the healing journey if done in awareness.What is the depression all about? Rather than avoiding and avoiding it through addictions and reflexive- stiff upper lips- all business Capricorn and Pisces energy. Welcome the depression as an elder wise guide.Everything is energy and everything has at root a positive intention if it can be transformed. 

This aspect on EASTER is very synchronous as one of my Favourite writers James Hillman the late Jungian rebel psychotherapist said in his compliation book A Blue Fire.

which also rings so well with this rare BLUE MOON.

“Depression. Becasue Christ resurrects moments of despair darkening and desertion cannot be valid in themselves. Our new model insists on light at the end of the tunnel;  It must be necessary for it appears in the crucifixion and it must be suffering but staying depressed must be must be  negative since in the Christian allegory Friday is never valid per se for Sunday- as in integral part of the myth is preexistent in Friday from the start. 

” Yet through depression, we enter depths and find soul. The true revolution beings in the individual who can be true to his to her depression.” 


or as Poet Robert Frost said: “The best way out is through.”

Wishing you a blessed Easter Resurrection and fertility time. Easter is Eostre/Ostara ancient fertility Goddesses whose symbols of reproduction and new life were eggs and rabbits. 

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated.

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Reality check, Saturn Square Neptune 2015-2016

I am getting a deja vu writing this. I believe I have had a dream or several dreams about writing this. 

The thought that my yesterday title the end is near was too negative seems to have fit right in with the World Markets big slide “correcting itself.” No, sorry  the markets bubbles is bursting. Be forewarned. 

We are in new energies now from the planets as Jupiter is already in Virgo the sign of the harvest. You know the saying ” You reap what you sow.” And that is planet Saturn’s motto, the Lord of karma.

Jupiter is considered to be “DETRIMENTAL” while in Virgo as the planet is opposite his original ruling Feminine sign Pisces. All planets are considered in detriment when opposite their ruling signs, They are disempowered and weakened. So the big rewards are less big, and adventurous as befits humble, on budget, practical grounded  realistic Virgo. 

Saturn will also enter Sagittarius September 17

Which totally changes the reality principle. Saturn in Sagittarius is much more honest, forthright, ethical than we have seen while he has travelled through secretive, power-hungry Scorpio since October 5, 2012. 

Saturn was last in Sagittarius 

November 16 1985 – February 13, 1988 and  June 9 1988 – November 11, 1988. an auspicious numerology date. 

This generation is getting ready to experience its first Saturn Return now. A time of testing maturity and taking responsibility in one’s life. 

January 12 1956- May 13 1956 and October 10 1956-January 5 1959. 

This generation is going to experience its 2nd Saturn return. A time of stepping into being an elder, wiser, free from children responsibilities and giving back to the younger generations. 

December 2, 1926 -March 15,1929  and May 4, 1929 – November 29 1929. – an auspicious numerology date.  Note that this was just before and after the Great Stock Market Crash in 1929.

This generation is getting ready to experience its 3rd Saturn return. A time to take stock of your life as you prepare to detach from worldly possessions. A time of life review, slowing down. 

Jupiter rules both Sagittarius and Pisces and this position in another MUTABLE Sign, like Sag. Pisces. Virgo and Gemini helps to know there will be flexibility.  More yogic energy, less hard angles to things. 

JUPITER and Neptune opposition  September 16 @ 7+ degrees

and if you think the markets fell today just wait till around this date. Neptune rules debt, illusion, fantasy, addictions, oil. Yes the price of oil has already plummeted to lows in the 1980’s.  Virgo is the sign of accountability, order, rationing, and this is where one aspect of the reality principle start to hit. It will continue. 


SATURN and NEPTUNE square off each other three times. 

  1. November 26 2015 @ 7 degrees  which is the U.S. Thanksgiving day, conjunct to Fixed Star Antares, rival of Mars one of the four main archangel stars. 

 2. June 17, 2016 @ 12 degrees Sagittarius/Pisces with Neptune Retro.

3. September 10 2016 @ 10 degrees Sagittarius/Pisces with Neptune Retro. 

I would check out where these degrees fall in your natal chart because it is where the shit Saturn/Reality hits the Fan, Neptune in Pisces. The BIG Bubble bursts. Many people will run to hide their heads in the sand, in denial. Many will get high and drop out on drugs, pot, Prescription meds, video games, porn, alcohol,or your drug of choice; Kale smoothies, yoga, veganism, shopping, hipsterism, gurus, romantic delusions. The dream is over. 

These are major long-term cycles. The effects of both these planets will burst many bubbles and usher in a cleansing around belief systems, faith, higher education, and laws. 

Talk about a reality check.  Dues will have to be paid. 

Saturn in Sagittarius rules higher education, justice, travelling, foreigners, religion, travelling. 

There will be many changes in immigration law as Saturn restricts travel. Saturn in Sagittarius is  the truth will set you free. Who’s truth? Not dogma, not religious beliefs. Atheism will gain a huge following. Millions are tired of the way religion is used to dominate and control the masses. 

These aspects also mean conspiracy theories which were once considered crazy may be taken more seriously. History will be re-written. Outsiders become respected.  

Elders will be giving more freedom and integrated into the culture. Death will be much more of an adventure and more of a spiritual journey than feared and ostracized out of sight. 

There will be major protests against corruption in the justice system. Government lobbyists will be stopped from controlling the entire system.   

While Jupiter is in Virgo the largest spiritual movement will be PAGANISM/EARTHING..

Back to the land, another Hippie return. NOTE that URANUS And PLUTO were both in VIRGO when the 60’s revolution was started by these two planets. Jupiter will touch these degrees again.   practical, grounded religion, practical philosophy, hands on , DIY, simpler, slower, living. Worshipping the earth, the land, the food, REAL FOOD, no GMO,plastic fast food. Simple pleasures. 

HEALTH and NATURAL HERBAL HEALING, super foods for cancer cures, eating your medicine. Exotic medicines – Chinese, Ayurvedic, Amazon jungle cures become widely accepted. 

Your life’s work must be of service to others, not about career, status or big bucks first. Being grounded, HUMBLE,-forget it Kanye and Donald.  There will be a surge in literary groups and circles of helping hands. Health is number one. GMO’s will be banned.

A pioneering lifestyle, downsizing. People will realize that living on credit is not real. There may be inflation as a counterpoint. SAVING is the New Black!  Saving? what’s that to most of the younger generation. 

Neptune in PISCES is faith, intuition, psychic energy, trusting what one knows within oneself to be authentically true. Oneness, dreaming. The truth will out about organized religions, promising “Heaven” bible belters,  ISIL, Tea party, the fraud yogis, the religious zealots from all religions, swindling the innocent for billions of tax-free dollars, will be OVER. The masses will see the illusion of the rhetoric.

The term the waking dream means that this life,what we think of as  reality { Saturn} is actually an illusion { Neptune in Pisces}.  There is a famous Chinese story about Chuang Tzu dreaming that he was a butterfly, flying about enjoying itself. Was the butterfly dreaming  it was Chuang Chou? We want to wake up from the dream where some never actually wake up their entire lives. Wake up to your eternal self dreaming it is experiencing the 3-D dimension. 

Neptune in Pisces

is Hollywood and the cultural illusions, these motifs will also change. The tools are in the hands of the people. Everyone is an artist, a creator. Painting, salons, poetry, singing, sound healing, spiritual healing, faith healing,will become commonplace.  There will be a more spiritual and educational nature to entertainment not just empty fluff. 

Art Napoleon Brousseau Angell Gallery Toronto

Head in the sand. Charcoal drawing by Napoleon Brousseau 

Death of the selfie.

Neptune in Pisces is the “Other-y”  or the “USie”, or  the “Weie.”  People will begin to gather again in real life. People will get Disillusioned  with the virtual reality. 

These planetary combination also spell

More traditional art forms, Saturn likes old-fashioned hands on. Artists who can actually draw, paint, and use traditional mediums will become popular.Educational reforms bring back the arts as a superior way of learning. 

The illusions of the quick- fix will be over on all levels. This also includes  psychics, spell casters and the like who promise to magically change your karma.

You get the picture. 


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

 get a reading with Tara

Book your special Sedona vortex healing reading for September now.

More beautiful drawings from Napoleon Brousseau!work/vstc1=charcoal

In TORONTO upcoming show @ ANGELL GALLERY, OPENING RECEPTION SEPT. 11  new location

What a day for a daydream- Lovin Spoonfull 







Pluto has a heart, love him back

We have never seen Pluto, the planet,  Lord of the Underworld, Death, Rebirth and Transformation up close before. We have only been able to contact him in myths, stories and meditation. We have all met him, if you remember that you have reincarnated. Yes Hades/ the Underworld is a real place.

Read James Hillman’s deep and academic book The Dream and the Underworld

Pluto is an Archetype, a God. Archetypes,Gods and Goddesses, are alive and eternal. They pre-exist as Carl Jung discovered. Anything we imagine is real. Pluto is a powerful Archetype. Much feared, when by rights for one so powerful he should be revered and honored. Western culture has become so divorced from death, Pluto /Death is terrifying and most people don’t want to know about, get close to or understand death.  There is a movement to hospice, thandoulas and seeing death as a spiritual rebirth. We are all going to die someday because that is the way it works. We have all died already in order to be born.

Do you believe in Reincarnation? Are you a spiritual New Ager or shaman who believes you will transcend and go to the 5th or higher dimensions with a body and be conscious? Do you feel you are a brand shiny new soul who is coming here for the first time? Let me know.

The study of death and dying was so important to the Ancient Egyptians who wrote The Egyptian Book of the Dead and to the Tibetan Buddhists who wrote the Tibetan Book of the Dead. The Dalai Lama as head of Tibetan Buddhism, honors these ancient teachings. To know LIFE we must also know death. So this is an amazing opportunity when New Fronteirs flies by July 14, although it will take 5 hours for the photos to come back to earth because that is how far away Pluto is. 

I made a pilgrimage to the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff Arizona in 2014 with fellow astrologer Julija who founded the Cosmic Intelligence Agency.

Lowell Observatory cosmic INtelligence agency Tara Greene

 Pluto was discovered in Flagstaff on February 18, 1930 by Claude Tombaugh. The planet was officially named by ballot on 24 March 1930 by an 11 year old English girl. Pluto was considered the 9th planet and Disney names his cartoon dog in honor of that discovery. 

Disney comics Astrology Tara Greene

On a New Moon the next day, with MARS and PLUTO opposite to each other Claude Tombaugh’s ashes are on board the New Frontier spacecraft so that he can see the planet he discovered. That’s archetypal thinking. Mercury planet of information and communications is opposite Pluto, it’s perfect synchronicity.  

In the Tarot #13th Trump is the DEATH CARD which is associated with Scorpio and Pluto,its modern ruling planet.

Tarot cards Death Pluto Astrology Tara Greene

 Getting a close up look at an Archetype we discover that Pluto has a heart. Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, sends his Love to us as the New Frontiers space probe flies by. Is this a temporary flashing sign to us as our bot flies by or a permanent Heart that Pluto always has? You gotta love PLUTO/ Death.

Also perfect sychronicity for Saturn’s Retrograde in Scorpio right now. For this fact alone PLUTO should be re-instated as a Planet. Who wants to 2nd that emotion?

Pluto New Frontiers Astrology Tara Greene

 Pluto has a heart,  Is this a temporary flashing sign to us or a permanent Heart that Pluto always has? Don’t have a heart attack.You gotta love PLUTO. For this fact alone PLUTO should be re-instated as a Planet. Who wants to 2nd that emotion? You gotta love Trump #13 the Death Card back. Lord of the Underworld, we look the God of death in the face July 14 2015. Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio,gives us the reality of Pluto/ Death, Pluto and Mars both rule the sign.

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all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a Plutonic Reading from Tara, I read about past lives and do past life regression too.

goin ta’ Pluto Sun Ra Tribute 

Saturn in Scorpio, submarine days, Tara Greene Astrology

Feeling rather awash myself emotionally tonight. Pisces Moon does that. The Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn, Neptune and Chiron are all in water signs. These are submarine days.

Mercury enters CANCER July 8

that’ll be 6-7 planets underwater stirring up our emotional bodies. Note every time the Moon is in a water sign as this highlights the fluidity. Pisces moons make me cry. Do they bring up your tears? There is some heavy shit going down out there in the world.

Please NOTE the upcoming New Moon in Cancer July 15.

which will be INTENSIVELY intense. I will write about that and some ceremony to do. It is Martial, Plutonic, and we will be Scorpionically driven. check out if you have planets at 14-23- 28 degrees Water Cancer, Scorpio Pisces.

I am also really feeling Saturn’s influence tonight too. Saturn is death, old age, limitations, obstacles, testing, hardness, granite, lead, diamonds, contracts, serious, commitments, responsibility, time, the Devil, remember the card came up yesterday..  I never thought I would get old. We are all like that when we are in our ego mind. How capricious of me= Capricorn word, ruled by Saturn. As someone with lots of fire and air in my chart I tend to live a fire stoked up all the time. Fire is inspiration, spontaneous, combustible, passionate, driven, inspired. 

I was thinking that if you have lots of fire and air it is harder for you to get in touch with the emotions. Do you find this? Fire and Air signs I am talking to YOU>

Saturn has been Retrograde 3 weeks and 2 days now. How are you feeling? 

Too much pressure, not enough TIME. 

Saturn in Scorpio roots out the shadows and I am certainly feeling mine tonight. Saturn in Scorpio likes to be in control, wants the power. Notice how all the racism and homophobic and transgender shadows are out left right and center. The key is to go deep into the dark, mucky, mess. I think about Philip Guston one of my favorite painters as a heavy illustration of Saturn in Scorpio. Guston also painted Klu Klux Clan figures in many of his paintings. He was a victim of racism as a child as the immigrant son of Russian Jewish immigrants in the 1920’s in Los Angeles..  I think it’s the perfect Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio illustration.

philip Guston art Astrology Tara Greene

Wharf by Philip Guston 1976  oil on canvas 80- x 116 inches

After the coup in Chile he wrote, “Our whole lives (since I can remember) are made up of the most extreme cruelties of holocausts. We are the witnesses of the hell. When I think of the victims it is unbearable. To paint, to write, to teach in the most dedicated sincere way is the most intimate affirmation of creative life we possess in these despairing years.”

PAIN write, teach what you feel, the dark parts, the most hidden shadows, let them come out. James Hillman 

Moon enters ARIES July 7 @12:38 pm EDT and will burn off some of that heavy emotion. 

Mercury will be out of sorts with Saturn late in the day so watch your hasty words. 

Mars trines Neptune and squares Vesta in Aries july 8

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all writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

Get a reading from tara

Please NOTE I WILL be in Venice Beach California July 15-27 if you want to hire me for a  private party, event or a private workshop on Tarot dreams, ceremonial ritual, women’s initiations, text me 416 230 5347 or  email me

Once in  a Lifetime -Talking Heads 1980 

super rich Astrology, Venus Trine Pluto

March 30 get ready as VENUS in TAURUS will TRINE PLUTO in Capricorn at 15+ degrees

This is a super rich high calorie powerful and positive earth trine with great depth, richness, power and sensuality.

Venus rules Taurus so she is in her earthiest sensual most beautiful paradise in TAURUS. She is the real goods, the hands on physical earthly pleasures. The beauty of women with natural breasts and no implants. The beauty of the natural world, the virgin earth untouched by man. The beauty of raw materials, money, luxury, art, honey, flowers. The beauty in  all relationships, the feminine spirit or essence in everything. 

Venus symbolizes all women, each and every one of them, as well as all forms of beauty-

can you see beauty

“even when it is not pretty
every day.
And if you can source your own life
from its presence.” – Oriah Mountain Dreamer from The Invitation *

PLUTO is the Lord of the depths, Lord of death, of the invisible world of the shades as the ancients referred to ghosts. The word HADES is implicit in the word shades. Not blinds or blinders but the world where the blinders of life and limited consciousness are removed. Pluto’s realm is very much alive as the dead were felt to live forever mythicaly and we instinctively know that in our ancient archetypal imaginations and psyches.

Most myths about Pluto and Persephone say that Pluto abducted or raped her to his realm. Some say the older interpretation was that Persephone went voluntarily to Pluto’s underworld. It is part of her initiation into womanhood. Her encounter with Pluto symbolizes her menstrual cycle and her sexual initiation into womenhood.  Venus symbolizes Persephone/Kore her Greek name.


PLUTO’s name means RICHES. The richness of the immortal world, the eternal world, soul riches. This is also the imaginal, archetypal realm, the liminal, in-between, twilight worlds. These areas partake of our mourning over those we loved and lost who have passed from this material world. It’s the realm of memory, poetry and bards and our ancestors who provide guidance from beyond. 

Pluto as the ruler of SCORPIO governs sexuality, desire, danger, obsession, power, control, secrets. Scorpio is associated with snakes and snake wisdom, instinctual, grounded; and the shedding and recycling of their skins suggesting immortal life. Snakes also symbolize menstruating women, who monthly bleed and do not die.

Put these two planets/gods and Goddesses together in a positive earth trine and this is a great opportunity for women, artists, the creative spirit, and all of our soul’s riches to soar and support each other. 

Earth Trines ae good for VIRGO.

From Pluto there is a sextile to both Pisces with Chiron nearby at 18 degree, and another sextile to Scorpio at 15 degrees-beneficial. From VENUS a sextile to 15 degrees of Cancer and another one back to Pisces at 15 degrees which is the mid-point the hottest degree. It is also beneficial for 15 degrees of Virgo.If you have planets here definitely dig up your inner treasures and feel your riches and beauty. 

MEDITATE on this positive trine.

it will happen in the middle of the night in PDT and EDT.

Think about riches, your inner, ineffable ones. The beauty of all of you, your “flaws” your scars, they are all beautiful. Ponder the qualities that you will take with you to the afterlife when you die. Cultivate inner beauty which no one can ever rape or take from you.

Think about VENUS, the ancient image of woman, the feminine and her psychological archetypal wealth which each of you carry within. She is your instincts, your ability to love and relate, your longing for beauty, peace and proportion. 

Honour beauty by creating art and making love.”ALL ACTS OF LOVE AND BEAUTY ARE MY WORSHIP”- The Goddess

I think about the most ancient feminine archetype of LILITH who I am very close to and fond of. She symbolizes the shadow feminine who is very like our fear of Pluto, death, depth psychology, our own shadow parts. James Hillman’s works are a great resource of Pluto depth archetypes.

We need to love our shadows,to extract the riches there.  The primal archetype of Lilith, her beauty in individual strength, in trusting her instincts. Snakes, her symbol represent primal instincts.

Draw upon your instincts at this time and ask to be blessed with the knowledge of both beauty and the taboo around beauty. Bless your own beauty in all its forms and your inner wealth. This will multiply your wealth mentality and attract more wealth back to you.

Pluto is the Plutocracy the 1% that own most of the wealth on this planet. Call upon the Goddesses, the Divine Feminine, Demeter, Persephone’s mother, Kali, Durga,Lilith,the Black Madonna to bring balance to the earth and restore natural beauty and harmony so that we may all enjoy the earth’s riches in our lives. 

Knowledge of Lilith is really imperative for women and men doing their inner psychological and spiritual work.  Invite her archetype to come into your dreams for dream healing. She is in every Astrology chart.  

Lilith & Naga.

I adore this beautiful little jewel of a painting of Lilith the original woman with three snakes or nagas. Lilith was the snake in the Tree of Knowledge informing Eve correctly to eat the apple of Knowledge which made humans  conscious, this was the first act of free will.

There is also video of the painting being created by Napoleon Brousseau.

There will be prints available on SAATCHI as of April 2 to feed your Venus Pluto with

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all writing is copyright of TARA GREENE 


Get a reading with Tara Greene

More beautiful art to feed your Venus with at

* Oriah Mountain Dreamer was my shamanic teacher from 1989. 

BEAUTIFUL- Christina Aguilera- 

Robin Williams, daemons the gift and the tragedy

I stayed up very late last night as I felt I needed to look at Robin William’s astrology chart and get that out. I realized I missed a few things so I will continue and refer back to that.

Yes the entire world is in shock and still mourning. Earlier today graphic details about Robin’s suicide by hanging were broadcast leaving many responding with indignation and anger. I am continuing to send prayers to Robin’s wife and three children. We seem to be united in our loss and deeply grateful to Robin for his amazing gifts and talents which brought so much joy to millions of lives.

Film director Chris Colombus said this of Robin “His performances were unlike anything any of us had ever seen, they came from some spiritual and otherworldly place. He truly was one of the few people who deserved the title of ‘genius.’

Everyone is rewatching Robin’s films. His career ran the gamut from side-splitting never out of date comedy to serious drama. In Robin’s career and life we see the twin sides of Comedy and Tragedy mirroring each other.

Comedy Tragedy Greek masks


a entire list of Robins film and Tv credits totals 102 – see link below

Robin was a legendary comedian, serious actor, humanitarian and father. Yes as tragic as his suicide is, it is also a wake up call of the amount of grief those struggling with major depression and  addictions deal with every day until they cannot fight back and sink into the black depths and are driven to end their own lives.  I just realized perhaps Robin was also taking some sort of awful type of anti-depressant like Zoloft or Paxil which actually makes people feel more suicidal as it only masks the root cause.

Serious capable help for those feeling the least bit suicidal and withdrawn should be free, accessible and easy to get. Williams was very open about having life time depressions, his addictions to cocaine and alcohol which he had conquered and for which he sought help in rehab just a few months ago.

It doesnt matter how successful, wealthy, talented or applauded one is if one has depression, addictions and mood disorders one will always be battling their own demons.

The demons are daemon’s, yes like Matt Daemon’s name, I love the name destiny and synchronicity. In ancient Greece the daemon, according to James Hillman was also a Guardian Angel. The deamon bestows the gift but also contains a dark side.   Someone of Robin Williams’s dazzling talents, especially performing comedy, needing to be ON, with a seeming multiple personality those highs also come with equal lows.

Why are people surprised at this?  We all have our own individual dark sides, it counterbalances the light. But when the dark overshadows then we are in trouble. For every star that rises one falls.

Those who live large public lives- stars, musicians, artists, comedians  also counterbalance that OUT THERE personality with deep insecurity. It is the rare person who leads a healthy psychologically balanced stable life in this position what with the archetypal nature of the larger than life fame, wealth, power and status which come from receiving such gifts they have bestowed upon them.

Actors and comedians hide behind their roles. Apparently Robin had been a shell of himself recently. He didnt even sleep in the same bed with his wife apparently on the night before he ended his life. Robin was such a great actor that he apparently hid the level of his depressions even from those closest to him. Not to blame anyone.

We all wish Robin were still alive. He gave us so much, we are addicted to his energy, to how he made us laugh, to  that beautiful soulful very real and humble smile. Stories about his selfless gifts are coming out as he never publicized them. He was  a real mensch.

He had just finished a number of films as recently as the end of July. Another Night at the Museum with Ben Stiller will be out before this years end.

Hindsight is 20 20.

As mentioned in my delineation of Robin’s natal chart that he was under tremendous pressure this year from the GRAND CARDINAL CROSS and if I was his astrology consultant I would have made him go to rehab and stay there knowing the devastating effects these planets would be having on him, plus Saturn in his 12th plus Neptune.

I have plenty of clients who are ordinary people who are also experiencing devastating losses financially and emotionally from being under similar GCC energies in their own lives who are feeling like they want to end it, that they see no positive future anymore. I check on them,pray for them and make sure they get the proper help.

Out of this great tragedy and loss is a WaKE  up  call. Many people struggle with depression, it is an epidemic. We need to look at our entire culture which fosters this split in our psyches, in our lives, from all directions, the impossibly high standards which one is supposed to achieve and maintain. The narcissistic ego dominance. The superficiality, the need to hide ones true self and feelings of insecurity and vulnerability which are simply part of being human.

James Hillman wrote about this in a marvellous book which is really a lengthy interview called  “We’ve had 100 years of Psychotherapy and the world’s getting worse.”  Hillman blames society on every level for creating this split in the human psyche. He applauds AA and champions local community support to enhance individuals sense of wellness and belonging. And for people to point that finger at the society we live on and not blame the victim.

Robins astrology transits

Robin had his Moon and North Node conjunct in PISCES in the 4th house. The 4th house represents the roots of ones childhood and ones  life at it’s end. Neptune the  planet which rules Pisces spirituality, delusions, illusion. addictions escapism, Bliss, is sitting very close to Robin’s Moon and North Node. Indicating that Robin wanted to go HOME, to Heaven where he began.


I do medium work. I have been tracking him and I see that Robin is watching his heart is beaming with joy. He is free of his pain now. He asks us to forgive him for the grief and suffering he has caused  his wife and children and everyone in the world who he knows completely feels genuine love and grief for him and how he suffered in desperation. Suicide hotlines have been broadcasting themselves more because of this.  “Please forgive me and take strength from the joy and laughter I brought you. I love you.”

But there for the Grace of God go I. I know some of us would have been willing to take the bullet in exchange for Robin’s life. We are all part of Robin Williams. We all experience the joys and suffering behind the masks we where. Robin Williams was one of the greatest Fool;s ever. In the Tarot the Fool is the enlightened one, the eternal child.  I keep crying about this great loss of one human who lived an archetypal life which  we are all partaking in.

Robin Williams Film List on IMDb Robin Williams Films on IMDb

LISTEN TO TARA GREEN Interview on the XZONE Radio & Tv network recorded Aug 11


There but for Fortune – Joan Baez  

Too much of a good thing? Inspirational Card of the day

When is a Grand Trine not Grand?
Astrology usually states that Trines, 120 angles between planets are beneficial and easy aspects. A Grand trine is when three planets form, what looks like a pyramid shape to each other. They can occur in any element, earth, fire, air and water.
A grand trine is like an all you can eat banquet.
Yesterday there was a sequence of Grand Water trines, involving Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron with the SCORPIO Moon. Water is emotions, Neptune rules illusion, addictions, dreams. Jupiter-… overdoes, magnifies, rules politics and laws. Chiron, the wounded healer makes us feel  vulnerable. Scorpio Moon rules the shadow, the underworld, psychology, death and rebirth. It is the most INTENSELY soulful emotional moon time there is. I usually try to be optimistic and point out the positives. As i did the other day.

But a GRAND WATER TRINE which includes the Moon in Scorpio, like the one we had yesterday { as opposed to moon in Cancer or Pisces } can also be TOO much of a good thing.
Too much UNCONSCIOUS emotion. Too many Pisces wounds, Too much Scorpionic Revenge mode. The unconscious wounds from Chiron in Pisces can come up from the muck of the depths,these may be totally of a past life origin repeating in this life and are amplified by Jupiter and make it easy for projection to run amuck.
Yes for a test of your awareness you could call it a grand opportunity to work on these issues.
Wrestling with your daemons as the Ancient Greeks called it. Psychologist James Hillman wrote about your Daemon/demon/angel at length. LUCIFER/ SATAN was and is an angel. He never lost his status, just unplugged his connection to source heart consciousness and grew an ego.
LOL in that context we are all “unplugged” until we plug back into SOURCE /ALL THAT IS.
Trines help the planets to reconnect easily.
A plethora of emotional outpouring from a wounded source with Scorpio energy.
Scorpio MOON birth death transformation. We can also see these factors mirrored on the world’s stage. KIEV looking like something out of a Hieronymus Bosch painting, on site reporting said that it was Apocalyptic. I send healing energy to all those killed wounded and injured in the Ukraine. There are also riots in Venezuela, 
What is your experience of this?
for the weekend too
Tarot cards Tara Greene CHARIOT
I used the Rider Waite deck at home but I love to peruse. on Goggle images various Tarot decks,
The Prague Tarot drew me. 
THE CHARIOT # 7 is like the sign of CANCER so we get emotions, home, nurturing, sensitivity, roots, foundation, insecurity. Wounded child, mothering issues.
We are now in a number seven year.  2014 reduces to 7.
In the image a golden Chariot like the Gods and Goddesses employ, is flying high above the ground pulled by a black and a white Pheonix. The Phoenix is transformed lower level Scorpio energy. It has appeared to me lately synchronistically. which is why I chose this image.
Your chariot is your emotional body which houses your soul and past life karmic memories and feelings. Emotions, water is always the karmic glue. 
Learn to harness, and drive your emotions, not allowing them to drive you. Learn to rise above the current situation. Choose which option you take to react consciously or to react unconsciously. 
In any situation there can be positive or negative outcomes depending on your choices and interpretation.
YOU are he mistress or master of your own feelings and therefore of your own fate. You are free to choose. 
Get a reading with Tara

CRISIS ? Depression, how to cope, Angels advice

I’ve had client’s call me in major crisis mode the last few days.

WHAT’S YOUR  CRISIS LEVEL LIKE NOW on a 1 to 10 scale?

One is going through her 2nd Saturn return and a very nasty divorce proceeding going on for four years now.

Saturn the great teacher tester, grinds us down to dust. Saturn is the bones, Dust to dust, ashes to ashes.

Are you going through your 1st Saturn return those of you born 1984? If you are 28 1/2 or 29 then this is you.

If you are around  57 or 58 then you are having your 2nd Saturn return.

Saturn is the great teacher. TIME. Limitations obstacles, the 3D world. 

Saturn is depression. Saturn is LEAD. You could say it is like getting lead poisoning from all that heavy reality.

James Hillman wrote a lot about depression and how one needs to go into the depression and not avoid it or medicate it.

That’s a Neptunian approach in astrology, avoidance, up and out, away. The  delusions.  It’s dangerous.

Into the shining ego state. The SUN in the Tarot.

This stage  is called the negrido, the blackening, stage in Alchemy. Like The void, darkness. The no place to go stage.

It’s like being back in the womb at the end of the pregnancy when the baby is getting too big and uncomfortable.

As scared and as suicidal as some of my clients get, I guide them to go into their own inner knowing.  I work with Higher guides and angels

Be Like the Hermit in the Tarot,stay alone, listen to your inner gut wisdom. The Hermit is also Virgo territory,

It is into the darkness that we must go. Saturnine.  Like Little red Riding Hood, she goes into the woods.

She meets the wolf, the shadow, the fear, and she is strong. She gets help-The woodsman.

He is her own inner heroic ego that can slay the dragon or wolf.

It is complex. When the wolf disguises himself as her granny, she knows that she is also the wolf.

Stay in the underworld with your shadows but you need the guardian on the threshold. You already have all the answers,I help guide you.

Call upon Your inner guardian Angel to be with you.

Guardian Angel Astrology Tara Greene

Call upon them. Listen to them. Know that it is all a reality test. Insist on staying real and knowing your higher self completely.

Saturn and Neptune are still in a healthy  Trine  although Saturn is moving on.

Saturn and Pluto are in sextile still so use this time well.

The world is shape shifting and we are along for the ride. Stay clear. 

Call me if you need assistance

Please share widely.

Many Blessings,


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Getting ready to top 3,000 blog subscribers over the weekend. Thank you so much for your interest

Ashes to ashes David Bowie

Steps for new SOUL dreams and Astrology from Tara Greene

I know that you’ve  been having more vivid than usual dreams lately. Mine certainly have been.

DO YOU Keep track of your dreams? I’ve been keeping dream journals since I was a teenager. I have organized dream groups off and on for almost 20 years. I love and am fascinated by DREAMS.

These days you can use a voice activated recording device by your bed. You’d be amazed what jewels spill out of the mouths of sleeping dreamers. I want your feedback on your dreams.

PLEASE leave comments & questions about your dreams and what they mean.

DREAMS are the Royal Road of the SOUL according to Carl Jung and the basis for healing.  In Ancient  Greece if you were ill you would make your way to the Asclepius,where astrologers and diviner priests and priestesses would give patients herbs, and hallucinogens and one would stay in the Asclepion being treated and waiting every night for the HEALING DREAM to come, after which when the contents were integrated, one was healed.

My husband Napoleon Brousseau was near death from brain malaria in Indonesia years ago,this was before we were together. He had luckily had medicine to counteract it but he was in a very remote place and the doctor’s told him that there wasn’t anything more they could do for him, and they basically told his friend that he only had a few days to live they expected. He was hallucinating and he remembers that he had a LUCID dream that King Solomon came and healed him in the dream. after the dream his fever broke and he could get up. The doctor’s were amazed. He suffered no repercussions.

These days my dreams are mainly grand vivid LUCID dreams. You know when you have these because they are super VIVID in color and in tone. They are hyper real, SUPER HD, and often, super sensual. You may sense the feeling of cloth, feel very embodied,even smell and taste in your dreams which is a very rare factor.

The Grand Trines that are aligning now in the Heavens magnify the potency and power of everyone’s dreaming. Neptune the planet that rules Pisces which is itself the sign of dreams, spirituality, other worldly dimensions is in its home sign and will remain there till 2026. NEPTUNE in PISCES opens up everyone’s intuition. Everyone will be feeling more sensitive, telepathic, empathetic, but if you don’t know that that’s what’s going on, you may think you are going crazy. The combo of Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Scorpio sign of the Unconscious itself, are blending easily to produce great results.

Last night my dreams were so vivid. I could feel my Etheric Body, my soul body being weighty and inside of a physical body. I could feel my feet- PISCES Rules the Feet- hitting the ground. I could feel these very soft and comfy brown leather shoes I was wearing. I definitely remember feeling good, positive and affirming that in my dream. I awoke feeling great. Which has happened quite regularly these days.

In part of the dream I was cooking and tasting new recipes. The sense of taste and smell are extremely rare in dreams.

In another part of the dream I am with my daughter Leah and she is driving a white car, and I am sitting in the front seat beside her. She is presently only 15 and too young to drive, so this was some future scenario.

If you don’t remember your dreams. Don’t despair. Working with the Unconscious, the UNDERWORLD which is also Planet PLUTO’S Archetypal Territory along with Neptune takes practice. The TIBETAN Buddhists practice DREAM YOGA, a serious tradition. Much like shamans worldwide, and all “primitive” cultures do, dreaming is considered to be a very important part of daily life, something to be shared every morning. In Carlos Castenada’s books, his teaching from Don Juan a Yaqui Indian, whether it be fiction, still relates basic shamanic principles of the dreaming yourself awake, seeing the world as a dream. Zen Buddhist teachings also see the world the same way such as the classic Chinese Quote of ZUANGZHI.

” After waking up from a dream where I felt I was a fluttering butterfly I awoke but questioned. Am I a man dreaming I am a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming I am a man?”

butterfly tattoo Harry Styles

Butterfly Tattoo apparently on Harry Styles

JAMES HILLMAN modern post Jungian Depth Psychology scholar wrote much about the Dream world, going back to very ancient ways of working with the dream in as literal an Archetypal sense as possible and making analysands aware of avoiding the ego’s interpretation at all costs. The dream is dreaming you.

Steps for remembering your dreams.

1. don’t eat a heavy meal before you go to bed. Your stomach needs to be empty so that your body can focus on the non-physical side of sleeping more.

2. taking melatonin, available at any health food store, enables one to go into deeper relaxed and dream states. I usually take 3 mg. it is safe. Other herbals aid sleep, like hops, sleepy time teas etc.

3. state your intention in your mind as you lie in bed. “I will remember my dreams.” State as well, “I will be awake in my dreams.”

4. You can incubate a dream question. CAll in the HIGH PRIESTESS she is the Archetype of the Moon Goddess in the TAROT. Trump # 2. She is literally a guardian of the veil between the worlds. Phrase your question carefully. It should be  like what do I need to go further? keep it open but directed.

Tara Greene High Priestess

5. You will need to set your alarm a few minutes earlier than you normal. Let softer music awaken you. You want a soft landing and transition.

6. Don’t move a muscle when you wake up. Don’t open your eyes. It only takes 30 seconds to lose a dream, and moving and going into your head and starting to think lets the dream slip away from your  experience. Stay in your feeling body, the body does remember.

7. Ask yourself  “where was I just now?”  Keep your mind quiet. SImply allow whatever you can recall. Allow whisps or full-blown recollection to come through. If at first you don’t succeed, try try again. It takes practice.

8. State your intentions of incorporating your dreaming into your daily life. So ask your unconscious to trigger your dream memories during the day.

9. Sleeping takes up 1/3 of your entire life and every night you do dream, So you are wasting almost 1 third of your entire lifetime by not tapping into and knowing Where YOU really are at night when asleep. Your soul is awake and unfettered by the physical body when dreaming. It is as close as you can come to your true spiritual reality while alive. Resolve to value your dream time every night.

10. Get a dream journal, intend to write down something even if at first no memories come through. You will get numbers, scenes, feelings. Some people’s’ dreams are like 3 hour movies in great detail every night. Every day they write pages of details. Your dreams are vast and work on different levels. You can tell when you are dreaming about something you just saw on TV, or had a conversation about the day or so before. The body also send health feedback in a dream but usually in a symbolic sense but often it is literal. Dream work in puns. You can dream into the future, In the dream state there is no time.

There is so much to know about dreams, they are a universal archetypal landscape. Don’t let anyone else interpret your dream for you. Tapping into your dreams gives you a clearer knowing of the SOUL’s intentions, of your true self. Basically treat every thing, object, action, person as a part of yourself seeking integration.

Send me your feedback.


get a dream interpretation with TARA GREENE

DREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF ME – Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong