Reality check, Saturn Square Neptune 2015-2016

I am getting a deja vu writing this. I believe I have had a dream or several dreams about writing this. 

The thought that my yesterday title the end is near was too negative seems to have fit right in with the World Markets big slide “correcting itself.” No, sorry  the markets bubbles is bursting. Be forewarned. 

We are in new energies now from the planets as Jupiter is already in Virgo the sign of the harvest. You know the saying ” You reap what you sow.” And that is planet Saturn’s motto, the Lord of karma.

Jupiter is considered to be “DETRIMENTAL” while in Virgo as the planet is opposite his original ruling Feminine sign Pisces. All planets are considered in detriment when opposite their ruling signs, They are disempowered and weakened. So the big rewards are less big, and adventurous as befits humble, on budget, practical grounded  realistic Virgo. 

Saturn will also enter Sagittarius September 17

Which totally changes the reality principle. Saturn in Sagittarius is much more honest, forthright, ethical than we have seen while he has travelled through secretive, power-hungry Scorpio since October 5, 2012. 

Saturn was last in Sagittarius 

November 16 1985 – February 13, 1988 and  June 9 1988 – November 11, 1988. an auspicious numerology date. 

This generation is getting ready to experience its first Saturn Return now. A time of testing maturity and taking responsibility in one’s life. 

January 12 1956- May 13 1956 and October 10 1956-January 5 1959. 

This generation is going to experience its 2nd Saturn return. A time of stepping into being an elder, wiser, free from children responsibilities and giving back to the younger generations. 

December 2, 1926 -March 15,1929  and May 4, 1929 – November 29 1929. – an auspicious numerology date.  Note that this was just before and after the Great Stock Market Crash in 1929.

This generation is getting ready to experience its 3rd Saturn return. A time to take stock of your life as you prepare to detach from worldly possessions. A time of life review, slowing down. 

Jupiter rules both Sagittarius and Pisces and this position in another MUTABLE Sign, like Sag. Pisces. Virgo and Gemini helps to know there will be flexibility.  More yogic energy, less hard angles to things. 

JUPITER and Neptune opposition  September 16 @ 7+ degrees

and if you think the markets fell today just wait till around this date. Neptune rules debt, illusion, fantasy, addictions, oil. Yes the price of oil has already plummeted to lows in the 1980’s.  Virgo is the sign of accountability, order, rationing, and this is where one aspect of the reality principle start to hit. It will continue. 


SATURN and NEPTUNE square off each other three times. 

  1. November 26 2015 @ 7 degrees  which is the U.S. Thanksgiving day, conjunct to Fixed Star Antares, rival of Mars one of the four main archangel stars. 

 2. June 17, 2016 @ 12 degrees Sagittarius/Pisces with Neptune Retro.

3. September 10 2016 @ 10 degrees Sagittarius/Pisces with Neptune Retro. 

I would check out where these degrees fall in your natal chart because it is where the shit Saturn/Reality hits the Fan, Neptune in Pisces. The BIG Bubble bursts. Many people will run to hide their heads in the sand, in denial. Many will get high and drop out on drugs, pot, Prescription meds, video games, porn, alcohol,or your drug of choice; Kale smoothies, yoga, veganism, shopping, hipsterism, gurus, romantic delusions. The dream is over. 

These are major long-term cycles. The effects of both these planets will burst many bubbles and usher in a cleansing around belief systems, faith, higher education, and laws. 

Talk about a reality check.  Dues will have to be paid. 

Saturn in Sagittarius rules higher education, justice, travelling, foreigners, religion, travelling. 

There will be many changes in immigration law as Saturn restricts travel. Saturn in Sagittarius is  the truth will set you free. Who’s truth? Not dogma, not religious beliefs. Atheism will gain a huge following. Millions are tired of the way religion is used to dominate and control the masses. 

These aspects also mean conspiracy theories which were once considered crazy may be taken more seriously. History will be re-written. Outsiders become respected.  

Elders will be giving more freedom and integrated into the culture. Death will be much more of an adventure and more of a spiritual journey than feared and ostracized out of sight. 

There will be major protests against corruption in the justice system. Government lobbyists will be stopped from controlling the entire system.   

While Jupiter is in Virgo the largest spiritual movement will be PAGANISM/EARTHING..

Back to the land, another Hippie return. NOTE that URANUS And PLUTO were both in VIRGO when the 60’s revolution was started by these two planets. Jupiter will touch these degrees again.   practical, grounded religion, practical philosophy, hands on , DIY, simpler, slower, living. Worshipping the earth, the land, the food, REAL FOOD, no GMO,plastic fast food. Simple pleasures. 

HEALTH and NATURAL HERBAL HEALING, super foods for cancer cures, eating your medicine. Exotic medicines – Chinese, Ayurvedic, Amazon jungle cures become widely accepted. 

Your life’s work must be of service to others, not about career, status or big bucks first. Being grounded, HUMBLE,-forget it Kanye and Donald.  There will be a surge in literary groups and circles of helping hands. Health is number one. GMO’s will be banned.

A pioneering lifestyle, downsizing. People will realize that living on credit is not real. There may be inflation as a counterpoint. SAVING is the New Black!  Saving? what’s that to most of the younger generation. 

Neptune in PISCES is faith, intuition, psychic energy, trusting what one knows within oneself to be authentically true. Oneness, dreaming. The truth will out about organized religions, promising “Heaven” bible belters,  ISIL, Tea party, the fraud yogis, the religious zealots from all religions, swindling the innocent for billions of tax-free dollars, will be OVER. The masses will see the illusion of the rhetoric.

The term the waking dream means that this life,what we think of as  reality { Saturn} is actually an illusion { Neptune in Pisces}.  There is a famous Chinese story about Chuang Tzu dreaming that he was a butterfly, flying about enjoying itself. Was the butterfly dreaming  it was Chuang Chou? We want to wake up from the dream where some never actually wake up their entire lives. Wake up to your eternal self dreaming it is experiencing the 3-D dimension. 

Neptune in Pisces

is Hollywood and the cultural illusions, these motifs will also change. The tools are in the hands of the people. Everyone is an artist, a creator. Painting, salons, poetry, singing, sound healing, spiritual healing, faith healing,will become commonplace.  There will be a more spiritual and educational nature to entertainment not just empty fluff. 

Art Napoleon Brousseau Angell Gallery Toronto

Head in the sand. Charcoal drawing by Napoleon Brousseau 

Death of the selfie.

Neptune in Pisces is the “Other-y”  or the “USie”, or  the “Weie.”  People will begin to gather again in real life. People will get Disillusioned  with the virtual reality. 

These planetary combination also spell

More traditional art forms, Saturn likes old-fashioned hands on. Artists who can actually draw, paint, and use traditional mediums will become popular.Educational reforms bring back the arts as a superior way of learning. 

The illusions of the quick- fix will be over on all levels. This also includes  psychics, spell casters and the like who promise to magically change your karma.

You get the picture. 


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

 get a reading with Tara

Book your special Sedona vortex healing reading for September now.

More beautiful drawings from Napoleon Brousseau!work/vstc1=charcoal

In TORONTO upcoming show @ ANGELL GALLERY, OPENING RECEPTION SEPT. 11  new location

What a day for a daydream- Lovin Spoonfull