Mercury Mars conjunct in Capricorn, real confrontations

January 27 Mercury and Mars conjoin at 16+ degrees Capricorn Is really confrontational warring words. This can provoke arguments, slurs, slays and it’s in the news as loud protests.

With Uranus turning Direct hours before this aspect perfects you can expect unexpected sudden challenging and angry messages, and nasty information. On the more positive side its business insights, a passion for communicating and upsurge in business strategies.

Uranus stating direct at 19 TAURUS will rock your world, Mercury MARS conjunct in Capricorn at 16+ degrees trine Uranus. So expect wild, crazy, chaotic information that may feel like a mercury retrograde can be hacking and computer outages.

This combo is literally a brainstorm. So use it for think tanks with Uranus stationing Direct the same day. Also checkout alternative news and information. Dare to break up with MSM. I am on X and i know many don’t like seeing all the hate and racism its still way more honest and is not brainwashing.

Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods in Capricorn, is considered to be exalted.

get those great ideas down on paper. Fast paced information.

Mercury Mercury, the merchandizer in the 10th sign of career and worldly success and reputation is practical, goal oriented, business headed, and way more grounded.

This is a rather heavy brute force conjunction. We can see angry conversations, acusations, conflicts, disagreements and fighting words which can have a lasting impact for better or worse. As this is opposite the sign of Cancer be careful of family feuds and angry outbursts.

Use this time to get your mind focussed on long term goals, a very solid business plan. Speak to a mentor or someone you admire for advice.

It’s been pretty wild energies since January 25 LEO Full moon

Mercury square CHIRON on the 26th,defenses.

Jan. 26 AQUARIUS SUN SQUARE JUPITER, 11:18 pm PST/ January 27,  2:18 am EST, 7:18 am GMT at 6 degrees

Anytime the two biggest “planets aspect each other this is a good thing. t, expansive break out energies. Cue the protests and revolutionary truth seekers. One of the best, most exuberant transits. Good for applynig for scholarships for higher educational institutions and grants. Think BIG outside of the box. If you have planets at 2-7 degrees AQUARIUS TAURUS SCORPIO and LEO.

Get your Passion going for a goal, put the words and ideas down on paper. You can achieve promotions for good ideas. This can also mean a talk with the boss, you could be on the red carpet.

Be a leader and use your words for the good fight. If you have planets at 12-18 degrees CAPRICORN, ARIES, CANCER OR LIBRA you will be directly impacted.

There are better aspects later in the day Saturday or Sunday depending on what Time zone you are in.

JAN. 27 VENUS in Capricorn SEXTILE SATURN IN PISCES, 6 degrees CAPRICORN, 10:03 pm PST, Jan. 28 AT 1:03 am EST/ 6:03 am GMT

This is the put a ring on it single ladies songs for real. It’s a lovely supportive aspect. Venus is grounded and practical about those projections, about spiritual practices, about what is real and what isnt. She will put the woo woo through a fine toothed comb and weed out the fake from the real deal. This is good for starting an idealized relationship that gets put to the test or deepening a new relationship, and making a long term romantic commitment. Also good for artists dreamers, spiritual work, meditation. Saturn will always test out eveyrthing it touches. Be aware that tests of love will create a long lasting real relationship with long term success.

so remember to BREATHE and stay chill and get your peace pipes out.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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Rare1:11 Last New Moon in Capricorn with Pluto for 245 years

1:11 January 11th is the first New Moon in 2024 and the last New Moon with Pluto in Capricorn for the next 245 years! So let’s get down to it. The Moon is Out of Bounds making this a rather wild conservative lunation. It’s also very good for new intention setting.

The lunation culminates at 3:57 am PST, 6:57 am EST,11:57 am GMT at 20 degrees 44 minutes on the 32nd Anniversary of the first worldwide gathering for 11:11, which was on January 11,1992 and I participated in I along with 100,000 others, who were gathered at power spots and sacred sites around the world. Solara created this from her book The Star Borne, and she was in Egypt choreographing a sacred dance routine. others gathered at Mt. Shasta, Niagara Falls, and Stonehenge, and this was way before the Internet. I meditated with the others at 11:11 am and PM and it was very powerful. I was in Jupiter, Florida, in a real-time warp with my friend Elaine Lane who was also my dream workshop colleague.

Pluto is at the very last and most intense 29th-30th degree of Capricorn. It is a very powerful time to reflect on all that Pluto in Capricorn has wrought since 2008.

Pluto is, for the 2nd time, leaving the sign of Capricorn on January 20, but he’s not quite finished yet. The Lord of Death, Pluto, has one last time when he will re-enter Capricorn on September 1 until November 19, 2024, when he will be his most powerful. When he finally finally leaves Capricorn after 16 bloody long years of major corporate changes, power struggles, and shadows being revealed, he will be felt most heavily by all Capricorn placements.

Capricorn rules our bones and our ancestors, the Patriarchy, fathers, buildings, boundaries, seniors, senators, respect, history, and tradition.

Venus in SAGITTARIUS at 15 Trines Chiron in ARIES

This is good for healing broken hearts, staying with the pain, crying, mourning, and rage through it. You were naive and now you shoud be mad. Go to a gym and punch the bags for awhile.


This is excellent energy to drive your highest goals in synch with Jupiter and on the Numerology energy of 1:11.

Moon trines Uranus

The people’s Moon is connected to BITCOIN, non-traditional, inventive, rebelliour, pioneering, different energies and the ETF for Bitcoin gets released on the new moon in perfect synch.

Moon sextiles Neptune

for a dreamy reverie and Moon jonjuncts Pluto at 9:33 pm EST and then goes Void of Course.

How the NEW MOON affects each sign

The HOUSE the NEW MOON falls in according to your Rising or Solar sign on the Ascendant

Aries: 10th House of Career. Set long term career goals now

Taurus: 9th House of Travel and education. Where do you want to go,study and learn?

Gemini: 8th House of emotional Transformation, Finance. Save for future, inheritance

Cancer: 7h House of Partnerships. Put a Saturn ring on it. make those commitments

Leo: 6th house of Health, work. How are your knees and your heart? Get a checkup

Virgo: 5th House of love affairs, creativity, Children,Budget for long term concrete plans

Libra:4th House of Home, family, ancestors. Build strong foundation, honor ancestors

Scorpio: 3rd House of communication, sales, siblings, short travel. Invesigations and erious work

Sagittarius: 2nd House of resources, tools, income. Build financial, business plans

Capricorn: 1st House of self-image, appearance. Wear black,dress for success

Aquarius:12th House of endings,Spirituality, addictions, mental health.Deal with family baggage

Pisces: 11th House of Groups, organizarions, management. promotions,serious connections

Watch the VIDEO where I explain all the deets.

CHANDRA and OMEGA symbols for 21 Capricorn by John Sandbach

Phase 59. Umbilical Cord (Hey Resh Chet)

Angel: HARAHEL (HA-ra-HEL) Intellectual Richness

Capricorn 21. As a woman moves down a passageway, many hands reach out to touch her. (Omega Symbol) Interacting/Experimental

(Degree Angel: SITAEL (SIT-ah-EL) Miracle Making, Construction of Universe/Worlds)

If you keep moving forward, guiding and helping forces will reach out to assist you. There may as well be other forces which will attempt to retard and stop you, but this, too, is good, for it gives you the chance to confront your shadow self, and hence to understanding yourself in a much more complete way. This degree is highly sensitive to anything which might try to stop it or encourage it, and is utterly intent on reaching its destiny.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A stately old house in a ruined condition.” The house may be refurbished and either updated or restored in accordance with the historical period in which it was built, or it may torn down or simply left alone. It is interesting that of these four possibilities there is a tendency for many people to think of them as moral imperatives – that something SHOULD be done, in a certain way. The fact is, the house can be appreciated for what it is, or it can be changed.

The past is the same way – we can appreciate it and accept it for what it is, or we can actually change it, by freeing ourselves from its influence. Whatever we choose to do we will find that as we move through the passageway of time, as the woman in the Omega Symbol is doing, hands will reach out to touch us – to encourage us in our forward movement, or to try to stop us and hold us back. And the interesting thing is that often the hands trying to help us are the ones that are actually holding us back, and the ones seemingly trying to hold us back are found eventually to be the ones that help us forward.

We are always free to respond to this however we want, and are always free, also, to change are responses over time. At its highest this degree is almost completely non-judgmental and willing in every instance to try to chose the way that leads to the highest good for all.

Pleiadian Symbol: Runners relaying a message through the mountains.

Azoth Symbol: Thousands of messages sent by light beams.

Seed degree: 10 Sagittarius 10. A man being followed by a space ship. (Omega Symbol). When we tune in to higher forces attempting to make contact with us we become increasingly aware of how all that we contact serves to either support us and further our cause, or offer us resistance, which in the long run also furthers our cause.

A star turning many different colors. (Chandra Symbol). When we realize that stability and change are doing an eternal dance with each other we are more able to appreciate everything around us, whether it be going through a phase of growth or decay.

Fulfillment degree: Gemini 25.A healer who uses smiles to perform all his healings. (Omega Symbol). Allowing ourselves to be touched by all that passes us attunes us more and more deeply to joy, which is the overflowing of love, the universal healer.

A cave in deep ocean waters. (Chandra Symbol). Allowing our securities and defenses dissolve we become able to enter the secret inner sanctum of our emotions.” –

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

Libra Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse Live Guided Peace Meditation

Join me Live on October 14 during The Libra Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse on the Cosmic Intelligence Agency main page, talking about the astrology of the Libra Eclipse at 21 degrees at 10:30 am PDT/ 1:30 pm EDT/ 5:30 pm GMT.

The eclipse is connected to SPICA, the Star of the Virgin Mother Goddess and doing a guided peace meditation and tarot readings for all signs,

Virgo Constellation Astrology

LIVE at 10:20 am PDT/ 1:30 pm EDT/5:30 pm GMT on Facebook.

WATCH A video explaining Astrology in brief here

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Jupiter leaving Pisces Guided Meditation

This was a live broadcast on Facebook December 19, 2022 about Jupiter leaving PISCES and in square to the SUN on the Galactic Center, a rare once in 12 year occurrence. I channelled some pretty powerful energies and visions.

let me know how this feels to you. sending you many blessings

Get your 2023 year ahead forecast now


Neptune seen up close

Go to the Light Horoscopes

March 10 the PISCES SUN and NEPTUNE conjunct 7:01 pm EST at 20+ PISCES

This is an annual, literally enlightening event. You do want to take advantage of what can be referred to as a NEPTUNE CAZIMI Neptune sitting in the heart of the SUN. This beckons all of us like a moth to the flame. It is the heart of compassion, like Mother Mary or JESUS the symbol of PISCES, or Qwan Yin.

NEPTUNE is the planet of spirituality. For so many dealing with death, a reminder that no one ever dies. Because we’re all eternal souls who return back to source energy, to spirit. We can all reconnect with those spirits and angels especially as Sun Neptune join.

We return to source energy, of compassion, DREAMS, forgiveness, psychic intuition, dreamwork, imagination, creativity, non-boundaries, limitlessness, endings, karma, mental illness, self-sabotage, addictions, oil, and institutions, Glamour, Hollywood, projections.

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80"><strong>Some of these topics were recently revealed in Prince Harry and Meghan’s Oprah interview.</strong>Some of these topics were recently revealed in Prince Harry and Meghan’s Oprah interview.

It’s the perfect time for meditating, visualizing, and lucid dreaming, Test out your psychic and telepathic and remote viewing while this aspect is in effect. Lay low, go internal. PISCES is very introverted. Make sure you have huge boundaries set up. As the psychic sponge nature of this aspect can make you susceptible for every ask from every victim. It is also good to give to charities through and to do water pujas. Definitely get into water or into a dream cave and meditate. it is good for fasting and water cleanses. For spiritual medicine plant journeys with pure reverence not for recreation. Do be careful with any drugs alcohol or anything dark energy that feels sinister. Never take anything offered to you in a dream or guided meditation that is usually a trap.

DO ritual and make love and magic wish potions on this day. Do, sing, dance, drum, paint, send compassion and healing to the world. If you’ve been feeling very lonely send the energy to connect to your beloved.

March 1o energy is boosted by the VENUS upcoming conjunction with NEPTUNE on March 13 NEW MOON which features a PISCES overload of Athena, Venus Neptune Sun and Moon. Sun Neptune conjunction is good for fasting and water cleansing. Start today and stay in a quiet retreat space until Saturday Night when the VENUS NEPTUNE conjunction peaks 11:08 pm EST. then practice meditation and lucid dreaming.



Get the conjunction and will feel this intense enlightening spiritual the strongest. Make big wishes and beware of taking alcohol or drugs.


Get the 90- degree hard square aspect. The SUN NEPTUNE conjunction pressure for you to let go of old dreams and wishes Sagittarius and to develop new conversations and ideas and for GEMINI to focus on new wishes hopes and incorporating spiritual dreams.

VIRGO gets the opposition

The pull is to go to the spiritual light and to stop playing so small. Everything tangible is not all there is. You need to try spiritual healing, visualization, meditation and other ways of dealing with the world besides worrying about every detail and making yourself sick.


This is like a tsunami of emotion and psychic oversensitivity so make sure you batten down the hatches and be careful with any drugs or stimulants. Stay in bed and dream.


The CAZIMI occurs in your 12th house which is naturally PISCES. Do some inner digging and research. YOu may be surprised at what buried treasure you may find.


These earth signs get the easy sweet sextile. As you are both such physically dominant and sensual signs. Use the compatible water and earth internal feminine energy to get in touch with the non-physical aspects of yourself. You may find it relieving and rewarding to get off the earth plane heavies for awhile. Enjoy the trip.


You both get the inconjunct aspect to PISCES which means you will be challenged to integrate the ethereal nature of PISCES NEPTUNE SUN’S ephemeral messages. It will seem confusing but you need to follow the bread crumbs into the forest to get the treasure. You can learn a great deal from PISCES as a channelling source for creativity, it’s not about ego or how it looks.


As PISCES is your neighbouring sign you get the semi-sextile a very minor aspect but that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from learning to do some spiritual investigation for your organization’s benefit. Or simply to network a new connection. You need to get out of your logical robot head and into your feelings. PISCES is all about all the feels.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of TARA GREENE

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Aquarius New Moon Horoscopes

The short short HOROSCOPES or indicators of where he AQUARIUS overload will eb affecting you is an excerpt from the Aquarius New Moon Initiation Magic Astrology Workshop Feb 10.

Please see more…


NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS LOVE IN. The Water Bearer, the 11th sign, is an Air sign not a water sign. Even though the Water bearer is pouring the life giving waters which we need to cleanse, renew and to slake our thirsts. WATER symbolizes CONSCIOuSNESS.

AIR IS the element of the WINDS, which blow through the sky and cleanse and clear. AIR is associated with communication, thoughts, consciousness itself. In the Tarot AIR is the element of SWORDS and discernment. Air is considered to be a MASCULINE, ACTIVE, DAYLIGHT, ORIENTED SIGN. Air is associated with the lungs as in the air that we breathe. We need to be conscious of our breathing. Mindful breath meditation helps us to do this.

AQUARIUS rules circulation as a body part. What kind of thoughts and consciousness are we circulating and feeding us as the Breathe of life.


Called the EAGLE MOON, Snow Moon or the Black bear Moon by indigenous peoples.


THIS MAGICAL ALIGNMENT OF THE AQUARIUS SUN MOON MERCURY RETROGRADE, VENUS, JUPITER, SATURN AND ATHENA THE WARRIOR SELF-CONCEIVING GODDESS-SHE IS VERY IMPORTANT indicating that this is a rare and revolutionary time to disrupt the old order Big time. to change and radically grow intellectually. Brilliant, unusual insights into our mind/body/emotions is what’s happening at this NEW MOON. It may radically free and change us and humanity’s consciousness.

There is synchronicity of the Numerology.

Aquarius is the 11th SIGN and is a MASTER NUMBER of remembering who we really are and what are mission is. The New moon is on 2/11 synchronizing with the Mastery.


The Water Bearer, the 11th sign, is an Air sign. Aquarius’s symbol shows higher consciousness as the stars as the waters of life. The Star in the Tarot, the 17th Trump card shows this energy of the Goddess as the Stars, as cosmic vessels of divine light flowing down to the earth to quench our human cosmic desire to be connected with source.  

 We are bringing to light and completing lessons about our Light, the shadow of our ego, and sharing our riches, self-expression, childlike ability to teat others as equals and to create new paradigms, connections, virtual mind hives to respect each others individuality and to share power and our higher consciousness where we are all in fact ONE.

Doris Lessing, the late great British writer wrote a sci-fi series years ago. The first book was called  Shikasta, in the Canopus in Argos series. In it, the higher consciousness beings brought S.O.W.F. to the earthlings who were genetically created by Extra-Terrestrials. The acronym means Substance Of We Feeling. How Aquarian is that? We are bringing that S.O.W.F. in on this NEW MOON.

Aquarius energy is like being struck by lightning. The Eureka moment when the big light bulb goes off in your mind. The double lines of lightning Aquarius’s glyph, symbolizing the waters of consciousness signifies that you are the lightning bolt, the masculine inseminating Zeus/ Thunder God’s flash of insight, cosmic sperm and also the one being struck, like a bolt out of the blue, to awaken, to be awakened.

Aquarius, the electric sign, is the sign of uniqueness, genius, higher consciousness, perspectives and revolutionary thinking.  Aquarius energy is groupthink, tribal mind and breaking fee from the old structures and limitations of Saturn {even though the cosmic cop rules both these signs traditionally}. Aquarius energy is initiating and inventive.

NEW Moons bring new intention setting and going within to receive in the dark. RED TENTS women blessings together. Note all fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius’s with Planets from 6-23 degrees degrees will be affected the most by this AQUAARIUS LOVE IN.

The Tarot card that symbolizes Aquarius is the #17 the STAR

And the 11th SIGN is associated with WISHES HOPES AN DREAMS.

“Every man and every woman is a Star.”

  from the Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr

 The Goddess Tarot image shows the Goddess Inanna whose mythic story explains planet Venus’s journey into the Underworld when the blue Planet turns Retrograde which Venus is doing right now.

The number 17/ Aquarius the Star.

According to the Kabbalah the number 17 is ruled by Venus. Uranus, Aquarius’s ruling planet has just gone Retrograde and will turn Direct Christmas day at the 17th degree. Every 17th degree is considered to be under Venus’ rulership in any sign.  Seventeen is a number of looking for the spiritual Light in every sign.


Here are  AQUARIUS symbols and attributes

Ruler:  URANUS, modern astrology.

ANGEL; Umabel Angel of friendship

Colors: sky blue

Incense: Violet

Metal: Uranium its radioactive so no any silver or sky blue crystals will do Celestite is great

Gems: Turquoise, sugilite, moss agate, lapis lazuli, jasper,

Day of week: Wednesday

Flowers: orchids

Herbs; Rosemary, great for the mind. Use rosemary everywhere. Juniper is the red berry of the bush used to make gin. Juniper helps clear the mind of clutter. Drink a martini for sun Jupiter and toast them

Musical note: A sharp/B flat

Body: circulation, ankles and shins


If you’ve been doing previous Moon meditations gather the four candles, color related items and incense.  Call in the 4 elements and the 4 directions.

We are connecting with the AIR and the stars.

Smudge yourself first, cleanse the area you are in. Center yourself and BREATHE. Aquarius is AIR.

Light your four candles one by one starting in the East for fire, this is the cosmological system I use but if you are pagan you begin in the South with Fire. Always move clockwise, wherever you start. Call in the four elements and directions. Call in the Holy Guardian Angels and your own and the Angel of this Moon, Umabel {oomabell}.

Close your eyes. Go into your heart. Visualize a root chakra opening meditation; see previous instructions

With your eyes open or closed look up into the vault of Heaven and see the sky filled with thousands of stars. Each star represents an ancestor watching over you. Every person is connected with a star. Seek out a star that attracts your attention. In your mind’s eye travel out from your crown chakra at the top of your head to this star. When you reach this Star you will have a higher perspective. Look back at the earth, a tiny blue planet on which seven billion individuals co-habit. See how tiny your issues are when faced with the vast expanse of Space.

From this higher perspective it is easy to detach from any emotions, people and situations that have been keeping you feeling stuck, stagnant or blind. Sense the freedom! The E.F.T. emotional freedom technique or Tapping, can be brought in and used if you know it. Know that you are a precious individual and always a Star in your own right.

Now connect with the spiritual consciousness of the specific star. You don’t have to know which star it is. Open your mind to a new adventure, a new learning curve.  See, feel or sense the Soul of the Star, the Guardian of it, its essence. Ask its permission to speak with you. Open up to dialogue with it. You will have an extraordinary experience if you seek, ask and open your mind. You are always safe and protected.

Ask the Soul Star what your higher mission is if you don’t already know it or are seeking clarity. Be patient, wait. The Star, just like the Tarot trump’s mission is to pour down cosmic wisdom.

All you have to do is ask, be open and receive. Always give thanks and be grateful for the information, new ideas and breakthrough consciousness you will experience.  Many inventions are triggered from these stellar interactions.  From your Starry perspective make a Fixed vow that you will follow through and earth that new experience, energy, invention and freedom which you have received.  Bring your consciousness back down to earth and know that you can connect yourself anytime you wish to the Star and make wishes on it too. Slowly come out of your meditation. Look up at the Stars. Write down or record your experience on your tablet, phone or another device. Make an 8 point action plan to manifest your new consciousness. You can keep doing this meditation daily and I would recommend it until the next Full MOON February 26 in VIRGO.

I am directing you to an amazing shamanic INITIATION video created by my friend Akal Jaggs a former Canadian composer now living in Sedona. This is a video of his and his wife Iala’s shamanic teacher. He has created the video to help you receive a real shamanic initiation by their teacher Herald Vaughan. The photographs were taken over many years from working with his teacher. Herald passes on in 2010 I believe.

I am needing to unclutter my site as it is too slow and I am being blocked on Google.

so you will have to watch Video’s on my You Tube Channel

have a fantastic NEW MOON please share widely

All content is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated.

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Note I will be taking a short break to attend to some matters until Feb 16. You can email me but I cant schedule any readings over the next few days. thanks


Harnessing Gemini Lunar Eclipse Powers

A Lunar Eclipse is a powerful time. During the 4 plus hours that the GEMINI FULL MOON eclipse occurs you need to be meditating.


The GEMINI FULL MOON ECLIPSE occurs November 30 at 8+ degrees at 1:30 am PST. 4:30 am EST/ 9:30 am GMT

Here is a link to the Lunar Eclipse path on the world.

for Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Penumbral lunar eclipse visible Magnitude: -0.262

Duration:4 hours, 21 minutes

Penumbral begins :Nov 30 at 2:32:22 am

Maximum:Nov 30 at 4:42:53 am

Penumbral ends:Nov 30 at 6:53:22 am

The eclipse is Penumbral and wont fully cover the Moon. ALL eclipses carry high voltage energies. Tibetan Buddhists say that during a lunar eclipse, our actions, whether good or bad, are multiplied one thousandfold. 

According to tantric Buddhist cosmology, the energies that are lost during eclipses, cannot be recovered. This means that every time there is an eclipse, there is a gradual diminishment of energy on the planet. Over the course of decades, centuries, and millennia, this gradual decreasing of energy is what is known as ‘the degenerate age.’ This manifests as the gradual lessening of the power of the five elements – food and herbs loose their potency, there is less oxygen in the atmosphere, diseases and pollution increase, there is a worsening of natural disasters and suffering. This process of elemental degeneration is largely created as a result of these continual cycles of eclipses, until finally we reach the end of the kalpa when only one element predominates and consumes what is left.”

Gemini, the 3rd Zodiac signs’ constellation was imagined as twin human brothers and the battle between opposites in the West.. The twins are an ancient archetypal symbol in almost every culture. In the Bible, Cain and Abel were the first children of the earth and they feuded. This is the Ancient Gemini myth.

In INDIA and in CHINA the Twins were seen as the Divine Couple, or Lovers, Isis and Osiris. Gemini literally symbolizes the twin halves of the brain and our two lungs. We also live in an apparently dualistic universe. Everything has its opposite, day/night, south/north, male/female, yin/yang, heaven/earth, light/dark, good/evil.

GEMINI is the first Air sign and symbolizes the first breath of life at birth. Gemini is consciousness itself, communication, thinking and information. Gemini rules our lungs.

GEMINI is associated with the Trump Card #6 THE LOVERS.

Sidney Hall / Public domain
Sidney Hall / Public domain

The Gemini Full Moon and sign is ruled by the planet MERCURY, or Hermes, a hermaphrodite, {Hermes/Aphrodite] is dual sexed Archetype. Mercury is the Mercurial, fleet-footed winged messenger of the Gods. As Hermes, he is THOTH to the Egyptians who taught humankind the secrets of immortality and to whom the famous “As above, so below.” maxim is attributed. Mercury rules Wednesday. Mercury is also known as a Trickster in mythology, and is known as Coyote in Native American tails. Does your mind play tricks on you?

In the Tarot, Air is symbolized by swords, which cut through the tangle of distractions. All heroes and heroines must battle with their sword of discrimination, severing Hydra’s heads, battling dragons or negative thoughts.

MERCURY in the Tarot is the 1st Trump the MAGICIAN.

The word magician comes from the root word Magus, Magi, whose root word is Image, imagination. The Magician/Mercury is everyone’s internal magic wand. Just like in Harry Potter, your intention, your thoughts/sword, is your mental focus, your consciousness. Combined with desire/intent creates whatever you wish. This the Law of attraction. As you imagine or think, so mote it be. Consciousness is all that is, is everything that exists.


Gemini is associated with #6 The Lovers, and the King of Swords. All suits of swords or Air. If you have a Tarot deck pull out these cards to act as Guides and Mascots for this meditation.


  1. Remembering to breathe and using the Mind as a magic wand.
  2. Questioning our ego assumptions and embodying the Lovers.


ELEMENT: Air, winds, the mind, breathing, communication, thinking,

Colors: Yellow. Gemini is associated with the 3rd Ray of Active intelligence or adaptability according to Alice Bailey and Theosophical teachings. The 3rd Ray expression is Instinct.

Kabbalah: Path #17 on the Tree of Life

METALS: silver for the moon. For Mercury: Quicksilver, aluminum, both are toxic.

Sound: Musical Note is E

Tree Mythology: Almond, Ash, Aspen, Hazel, Larch, Mulberry, Rowan, Silver Birch, Juniper

MINERALS: variegated marble, alexandrite, diamond, agate, opal, yellow topaz, serpentine.

HERBS: cinnamon, ginger, Caraway, Dill, Fennel Fenugreek, Marjoram, Mandrake root,

FRUITS: Lemons

FLOWERS: orchids

ANIMALS: magpie, coyote, parrots, toucans,

GEMINI INCENSE /ESSENTIAL OILS: saffron, musk, sandalwood, Lavender, Vervain.

HERBS and TEAS: wormwood- can be toxic, ginseng,

ANGEL: Raphael whose emerald green ray heals the heart,

Symbol: the 8 pointed star.


Set up a sacred meditation space, alter or mesa. You can pre-record these instructions with pauses to listen to as you do the meditation.

MUSIC: wind instruments. Carlos Nakai Native American flute music.

Begin by smudging yourself first. Light your candles. One for each direction. I always work EAST to SOUTH to WEST TO NORTH. Always move clockwise. Call in the four elements and the four direction into your sacred circle.

Call in the four Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, Raphael in the same order.
Center yourself by breathing, sit or lie down, close your eyes.

Sit upright. Begin to breathe, slowly, naturally and deeply. Let all your thoughts dissipate as you breathe in and out. Pay attention to your breath moving in through your nostrils filling up your lungs and then being released as your lungs empty, breathing out through your mouth. Pause after you exhale for a few seconds then slowly breath in for the count of four and be aware of the air, pneuma, the breath entering your lungs and filling them. The deeper you breathe, the more oxygen enters your body and brain. This expands your consciousness and awareness. The more air comes into your body the more your entire body relaxes.

Be aware of your solar plexus, this is the 3rd chakra, the MANIPURA, meaning jeweled city. Seed symbol is Ram. Vowel Sound is Ah.

This chakra is like a blazing yellow SUN. This is your spiritual will center. Two fingers-width below your navel, extending your will out into the cosmos. Feel your 3rd chakra lighting up, getting brighter, sunnier, and glowing. Keep doing deep mindful breathing as your mind gets emptier and emptier.

This chakra also related to the 5th Visuddha. Seed symbol is HAM. Vowel Sound is EEEEE.

Keep breathing naturally and deeply, and begin to use your breath to sound, chant or sing. Sounding is very healing. Sound the Vowels for the 3rd and 5th chakra.

Then beginning by sending your breath down your spine to your root chakra. Sense being rooted to the earth and work up through each chakra one at a time until you get to the crown chakra whose colour is white. The thousand petalled lotus.

As you sound and fill your lungs with more breath, breath after you have reached your crown chakra then send the breath down your spine and through each chakra through your root chakra into the earth. Send it past the rocks, and crystals, deep down into the very center of Mother Earth. Feel the connection of your breath to the fire and earth and water elements of the earth. Then bring your attention back up from the earth through the root chakra back into your lungs.


Call upon the Archangel Raphael to bring healing into wherever you need it in your mind and thoughts. Look at what choices you have made and how they have put you where you are in your life now.

Mercury travels between the realm of the Gods and Goddesses, Your Higher self and you. Ask him the major questions you need to further your progress. Ask Mercury if he has any messages for you. Ask Mercury to tune up your mind, to have it work clearer, purer, and to hear directly the conversation with your Guardian Angel.

To embody the Archetype of Gemini through the Lovers.

By marrying your masculine and feminine side you become whole. Become aware of the right hand being associated with your logical masculine side connected to the left side of your brain. Then become aware of your left hand being connected to your intuitive, emotional feeling, feminine right side of your brain.

Bring both your hand together and clasp your fingers together. This physically and mentally combines both sides of your brain and makes you into a hermaphrodite. Bring your intertwined fingers up to your mouth and lower your head. This is a prayer position. From this place of prayer and unity, feel how you are whole, united, you have both masculine and feminine within. The Lovers is about self-love, wholeness, Oneness. Feel this Inner Lover. Feel your love for them and them for you. Give and receive. This is the unconditional love of the Beloved. Rumi wrote thousands of love poems once he felt the presence of the Beloved within. When you do this magical inner work with your Beloved, love appears everywhere around you. With this knowledge you can go into the world and speak love, discriminate with love. Be a Lover in the world.

At this Full Moon Eclipse be Grateful and give thanks for all you have in your life, say it aloud. Come out of your meditation. Write down whatever images, gifts, words, sensation came to you. Stay with this energy over the next two weeks until the New Moon in Sagittarius.

At the end of every ceremony thank the spirits and elements for coming to be in your circle. You must release each one back to their direction, starting in the East or South, whichever direction you began. Thank each one out loud is best, for participating in the ceremony. At the end of the ceremony say, “May the circle be open but unbroken. May the love of the Goddess be ever in my heart. Thank you. It is finished in beauty. Aho.”

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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Lovely Libra New Moon, rebalancing Astrology

It’s Lovely LIBRA time Sept 22- October 23.

Libra AIRY New Moon @ 1+ degree Sept 23 @ 11:14 pm PDT. On the 24th @ 2:14 am EDT a new balance is beginning.

It’s time when love, relationships, art, fairness, social graces, peace, values, justice, balance and choices reign.

There are many inconjunct or quincunx aspects on this NEW MOON. The key is INTEGRATION of all these opposing and aggressively different values. It is like the Tower of BABEL we need to communicate {AIR} from a common ground and that common ground is the earth, literally.

Bruegel Babel Astrology Tara Greene

PETER BRUEGEL the ELDER Tower of BABEL  1563 oil painting

VENUS rules Libra and she is now in the last decan of Virgo {23 degrees} we are analyzing our next steps in the situation, talking about all those Venusian things.

Venus enters her beautiful {AIR} turf LIBRA on September 29 till October 23 when the LIBRAN energies can usher in the Balance more fully. Venus and the Sun are near conjunct when they both enter Scorpio on a very powerful partial Solar eclipse on that day. More about that later. 

We, as a whole as a species on planet earth our hanging in the karmic balance. We will not survive as a species unless we come back to honoring the earth and nature as our collective mother and bringing a balance into our lives- personal, cultural, in business, community on all levels.

Emma Watson, the British actress famous for being “the brightest witch of her age” as Hermione from Harry Potter, gave a moving speech at the U.N.  Sept 21. She is the Goodwill women’s ambassador and stated that Feminism by definition is: “The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.” She urged men to also fight for women’s rights which greatly expands their own. The world has been patriarchally dominated for over 5,000 years and out of balance. Perhaps this New Moon will help us come to a middle place. 

LIBRA is the scales of justice, and rules the 7th house of marriage traditionally, also karma and equality in relationshipsRelationships must have great communication, equal parts listening and expressing ones thoughts to thrive.

PLUTO Lord of Death and Life has just turned DIRECT in station at 10 + degrees Capricorn..

All of your soul’s growth that has happened underground, since April 14, deep in the Unconscious soul stew, Hades realm. Pluto recovers its 13 + Capricorn Retrograde station on January 12 2015 before we can once again begin new lessons.

Pluto in Capricorn is tearing down and composting that which no  longer serves a viable corporate structuring in the world’s power. But it is up to each one of us as individuals to make this transformation from a death and greed, ego driven power over culture into a new structure of giving, ego less, caring for all beings as a one world family  to happen.

ITS ALL ABOUT CHOICES. That whole LIBRA challenge.


Jupiter in LEO is Trining Pluto making it easy to see who the BIG GRANDIOSE gluttonous leaders are. Jupiter is also in quincunx to Pluto and CHIRON in PISCES forming a FINGER OF GOD or YOD aspect. Jupiter is YAHWEH, Thor, g#d.

His old Patriarchal thunderbolt throwing power over issues are being deflated by Pluto and Chiron. There is definitely healing and HOPE as both Capricorn and Pisces are FEMININE signs of the earth and the waters. The Divine Feminine will rise above and below all the ego trips.

It may seem and feel like it is getting worse before it gets better but we know what this process is.

Uranus is also squaring Pluto from Aries and conjunct to the South Node to further hone in on change. The South Node, our collective Spiritual karma from the past will conjunct Uranus on January 20, 2015 at 12 + degrees ARIES. That is a very catalytic event. Mark it on your 2015 calendars. Check your NATAL CHART for which house that degree is.

Asteroid ATHENA, ancient warrior Goddess,originally an Amazon before Patriarchal times is at 18 degrees conjunct the NORTH NODE at 19 degrees LIBRA.  The wise women elders were the ones who gave their agreement to wars for it was their sons who might be killed. It is not a mark of honor for your son to die in battle to fulfill some ideology. 

Saturn is conjunct Ceres, Dwarf Planet of the earth Goddess and Vesta, she of the sacred kundalini sexual and devotional focus of spirit. Thus is GRAVITAS. Saturn was originally the GREAT MOTHER and not identified with the Patriarchy.  We must take the Great Feminine seriously or she will in SCORPIO fashion destroy to create new growth. It only hurts when we hold on. All life is about growth. Saturn is also quincunx to Uranus. Arent we feeling a bit crazy from all the challenges going down? 

Mercury at 27 degrees Libra is conjunct the North node in the natural 7th house. We need to think in terms of equality to walk a mile in another’s shoes. 

Neptune at 5 derees Pisces is square to Mars in Sagittarius. Dreaming new wider dreams. Neptune is also Quincunx to the NEW MOON. Sensitivity will be at peak but you need to carefully tune in to get the right frequency. 


Meditate on feeling the balance within yourself. Breathe and centre your own consciousness Tuning dial, called your Assemblage point.  There is a “mudra” and breathing used to shift the assemblage point to center.

Light a candle at the New Moon. There are three pillars in the body, a left intuitive side and a right masculine side with a middle stabilizing pillar. This is reflected in the Tree of Life in Kabbalah and in Indian mysticism. 

The middle way, equanimity, the Buddha teachings, that is what this New Moon is all about. Being unmoved by one thing or another. Practice it. See everything as having an equal and opposite force and so it is in Nature.  All things must end, all things must end for new life to begin. By being impartial, and seeing both alternatives we can begin to formulate new ways to balance and new neural pathways. 


all writing is copyright of TARA GREENE

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MEET ME ON THE EQUINOX death Cab for Cutie 









Magic, Virgins, Tarot, Astrology, 88 Psychic energies

August 17 is a magical 88 NUMEROLOGY DAY. It’s very good luck  Feng Shui energy

+ great VENUS JUPITER conjunction energy. You can see them in the sky before dawn.

MERCURY the planet is personified as  THE MAGICIAN Tarot Trump # 1

Magician Thoth Tara Tarot  reader

THOTH TAROT # 1 the MAGUS Mercury 

The magical skill we all have is our minds. With our consciousness we can create whatever magic we wish to.

Yes you are a wizard or a witch. We all are. You are what you think.

The Magician usually has a lemniscate or INFINITY symbol above his head. As does the woman in the card of STRENGTH which is LEO energy.  He controls ALL TIME.  

The mind is INFINITE. Mercury is a hermaphrodite, both masculine and feminine. He symbolizes the two-lobed brain, the conscious and unconscious sides of ourselves.

The MAGICIAN is a trickster.

Mercury is now in VIRGO one of the two signs it rules.  

Keywords: grounded thinking, work, service to others, perfectionism, analysis, communications, health, discipline, order, humility.

The Sign of Virgo the Virgin earth is personified as THE HERMIT #9 Trump an initiation card

Hermit Virgo astrology Tara Greene

Guilded Tarot Hermit

THE HERMIT is not necessarily alone or to have totally abandoned all worldly possession. the Hermit is of the earth very much so.

He is usually pictured as a wise old man with a long beard in profile holding up a lamp, a light to guide the way.

He is very  much the Inner GUIDE, the one who is always there inside of you.

Just quiet that busy mind and you will find the Hermit, as your ancestors, an unbroken lineage working for and protecting you. 

You are what you eat in all ramifications. Consuming information, food, energy. Think about how you assimilate.

As Virgo rules the upper intestines, the Hermit could be thought of as your Gut Instincts, {intestines were used for divination}

Use this time with Mercury in VIRGO to tune into that ancient wisdom residing already there.

THE SUN will enter Virgo August 22/23

NEW MOON in Virgo Aug 25 

Venus enters VIRGO September 5 

earth energy is practical and healing. Walk barefoot on the earth while it s warm enough still before autumn comes. It is very healing.



How many balls, chickens, knives are you currently juggling? Metaphorically speaking

What is your relationship with your inner hermaphrodite?  

How IN TUNE are you? What kind of mind games do you play on yourself?

Dialogue with the HERMIT daily as a meditation.

Ask him questions, he is waiting to guide you. The Hermit can be a female guide as well, the Virgin Goddess, the keeper of the harvest.

Why am I so afraid of being alone? Very important for women to ask this question.

Talk to your body ask each part how it is feeling, You will be amazed at how correct this is.


all writing is copyright of TARA GREENE

get a reading with TARA

enjoy this perfect Magician Hermit video- NATURE BOY -Ella Fitzgerald