Mercury Retrograde in Virgo August 23 The Big CLEANSE

The Fiery sun simmers down into earthy, humble pie-eating, perfectionist, hard-working thrifty, health-conscious Virgo on the 23rd at 2:01 am PDT/5:01 am EDT/ 9:01 am GMT.

Virgo season starts Aug 23. Mercury, ruler of Virgo turns Retrograde at 3:59 pm EDT at 21 degrees 49′ until September 15th at 8 degrees 04.’ Look to where the sign of VIRGO is in your natal chart to see where you will be personally affected.

All Retrograde symbol is Rx same as a prescription, are good medicine, as it is time to reflect, to relax, to reconnect, to review and especially to review this time because Venus is also Retrograde in LEO until September 3.


Recycling and revaluing everything with Venus Retrograde square Jupiter in Taurus in effect until September 3 and Mars opposite Neptune and Mercury turning Retrograde and Virgo season starting.

NOTE that 6 planets are Retrogade if you include Chiron until September 3 and 7 when URANUS joins the Retro party on August 28/29 so for 5-6 days just chill out.

This is mercurial magical thinking time. As Mercury turns Retrograde August 23 for the 3rd but not last, time this year in another earth sign, the idea of twins of the 2 complimentary polarities of consciousness and unconsciousness and choice arises. Thoth, the Thrice-born Egyptian God who was Mercury brought writing to the people. Mercury as Hermes in the Greek Mythic tradition was the only God besides Pluto who could travel between the worlds, He was also a Psychopomp who could enter the land of the Dead, the Living and the Heavenly Upper worlds. Mercury is the MAGICIAN in the Tarot #1 card. He is a trickster, a master of disguise, a shaman. These times invite us to do the same.

As Mercury Disappears from view in the sun’s beams, we can also do a magical disappearing act. We can vanish aspects of our consciousness that are no longer serving our higher purposes. Mercury in Virgo allows us to bring up unconscious memories to heal ourselves, It allows us to repattern and reprogram our minds.

Mercury Retro in Virgo can magnify the Virgoian habit of criticism, nitpicking and worry, not to mention the communications mess. Remember, a Retrograde word, to catch your Inner critic before they get too far. Stop the record from spinning out of control before you’ve reduced yourself to a shameful mess. This is the time to get a handle on that critic and shake ’em out and to get yourself into healthier mental shape.

Virgo and Gemini are affected the most. Look to where Virgo is in your natal to see where by which house it falls in to see how you will be affected more personally.

Mercury Retrogrades are not scary. You should use the time wisely to “turn off your mind relax and float downstream.” as John Lennon of The Beatles wrote.

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I’ll post Virgo and Venus retrograde horoscopes

I’m having a Labor day Retrograde special from Saturday August 26 and continuing through to september 2nd. An unbelievable $66 for a 20 minutes phone reading.

Rare Virgo New Moon alignment

Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Sun, and the Moon don’t all meet in Virgo very often to chat around the office cooler. 

The Virgo New Moon August 29 @ 3:37 am PDT/ 6:37 am EDT/ 10:37 am GMT will mark only the 4th  mutable meeting since 1900!  The other three times the Gang of Virgo met were in 1927, 1987 -Remember October 1987, Black Monday? and 2017.  Thanks to S.J. Anderson @sjanderson144 for doing the diligent Virgo detail work on this.

These are very earthy grounding times. Sun, Moon, and Mercury in its home rulership, Venus, Mars, Juno in Virgo and Saturn Pluto and South Node in Capricorn and Uranus and Vesta in Taurus.  That’s 11 objects in earth signs!  We are being buried alive says Fire and water signs. 

Time to hunker down and get the work done. declutter, worry a lot, get organized. its back to school time too. Use this Virgo gang as allies to do it all. 

If you have earth planets this is a good time for you.

Virgo squares off with Sagittarius and Gemini and opposes Pisces. 

Virgo inconjuncts or quincunx (150 degrees) Aquarius and Aries. You will find this amped up Virgo energy difficult to handle, like a very restrictive sucker punch coming out of nowhere. Make sure you can duck fast enough.

The Sun recently trined Uranus putting innovative practical energy into the mix. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX> 

The sign of Virgo is the Hermit #9 in the Tarot 

It is a good time to be alone.

Virgo Moon is widely opposed tp Neptune at 17 degrees but directly opposed to Lilith in PISCES. This is a face-off which forms a T-square to Jupiter in Sagittarius at the 15th strongest degrees. I see this as justice for women who were used as sex slaves by secret Plutocrats and anyone who was abused by the Church. 

Chiron in Aries Retrograde and Ceres the Great mother in Sagittarius trine each other.

We know the Amazon is burning and we all feel the pain. 

Saturn and Pluto are within 6 degrees of each other and will stay no more than 7 degrees apart until their monumental conjunction January 12, 2020. Times are heavy and intense. The South node is sandwiched in between, highlight the releasing of outworn models of corporate structure and Patriarchal oppression. 

This is a very focussed nitpicky time. You can get a lot done. Just don’t worry yourself about everything not being perfect. Pay attention to your diet and health regime. You will want to eat healthier now. Get a budget, save money. Enjoy being of service. Do it now, by mid-month Venus and Mercury move into Libra. I need to focus and hunker down. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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The September Tarot Astro love FB preview on the Cosmic Intelligence Agency paid will be delayed until Sept 1st stay tuned. 

Back to school Cancer Moon

Gemini energy in the a.m. 

Cancer Moon begins in the a.m. 

Cancer Moon square Chiron in Aries

Vulnerability is high, as Chiron exaggerates our insecurities, Capricorn you are especially prone to this energy.

Cancer Moon sextiles Uranus in Taurus 

Sentimental feelings can easily meet with stubborn resistance to change of any kind.

this energy can be used to see things in a new way.

Cancer Moon opposes Saturn in Capricorn

Saturn in Capricorn doesn’t like being emotional. Family obligations need to be honoured and taken seriously. Interactions with elders may be necessary. Moon opposite Saturn always makes emotional expressions difficult.

gotta go I am on Holiday here in Vancouver

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September Astrology Preview

September Horoscopes

Virgo Constellation Astrology

Sidney Hall Richard Rouse Bloxam (designer) Restoration by Adam Cuerden, Sidney Hall – Urania’s Mirror – Virgo, marked as public domain, more details on Wikimedia Commons

The seasons change and it’s Virgo into Libra time. It is the beginning of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring South of the equator. Many planets are in Earth signs so we are feeling more grounded. Virgo Sun season is focused on the details, our health, discipline, work, thrift shopping, back to school and our work as servers of the Earth and our bodies. Libra times is all about relationships, socializing, trying to stay balanced and to make decisions. 

VIRGO is symbolized by Tarot Card #9 The Hermit 

LIBRA is symbolized by #8 Justice in the Tarot. 

Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo along with the Sun.

Love alerts as VENUS enters sexy fixed emotional sign of  Scorpio Sept. 9 and Mars re-enters Fixed Aquarius. SATURN and PLUTO turn Direct. Chiron re-enters PISCES.

Virgo NEW MOON Sept. 9 @ 11:01 a.m. PDT/ 2:01 pm EDT/ 6:01 pm GMT

LIBRA EQUINOX Sept. 22 @ 6:54 pm PDT/ 9:54 pm EDT/Sept. 23 @ 1:54 am GMT

ARIES FULL MOON Sept. 24/25 @ 7:52 pm PDT/ 10:52 pm EDT/ Sept. 25 @ 2:52 am GMT

Sept. 5/6 MERCURY enters VIRGO @ 9/5 @ 7:39 pm PDT/ 10:39 EDT/Sept. 6 @ 2:39 am GMT

Sept. 6 SATURN turns DIRECT @ 4:09 am PDT/ 7:09 am EDT/ 11:09 am GMT @ 2 degrees 33 Capricorn


Venus enters SCORPIO Sept. 9

Mars enters AQUARIUS Sept. 10/11

Saturn turns DIRECT @ 2 degrees 33 Capricorn

PLUTO turns DIRECT Sept. 30/ October 1

CHIRON re-enters PISCES Sept. 25 @ 5:11 pm PDT/ 8:11 pm EDT/ Sept. 26 @ 12:11 am GMT

Ceres enters LIBRA Pallas enters VIRGO Juno enters GEMINI

LILITH at 2- 5 degrees AQUARIUS is conjunct to the South Node and squaring URANUS in TAURUS at the beginning of the month.

Major Planetary Aspects

Sept. 3 Mercury in LEO sextiles Venus in Libra

Sept. 5 Mercury in LEO inconjuncts Mars in Capricorn

Sept. 6 Mercury Trines Uranus in Taurus and Saturn  in Capricorn


Sept 8 VENUS in LIBRA squares MARS in CAPRICORN @ 1:38 pm PDT/ 4:38 pm EDT/ 8:38 pm GMT

Sept. 9 VENUS enters SCORPIO @ 2:25 am PDT/ 5:25 am EDT/ 9:25 am GMT

Sept. 9 VIRGO NEW MOON @ 11:01 am PDT/ 2:01 pm EDT/ 6:01 pm GMT

Aspects: Mercury widely conjunct Sun and Moon trine Pluto opposes NEPTUNE in PISCES

Sept. 10 VENUS in SCORPIO inconjuncts Chiron in ARIES

Sept. 10/11 MARS re-enters AQUARIUS @ 5:56 pm PDT/ 8:56 ppm EDT/ Sept. 11 @ 12:56 am GMT

Sept. 11 VIRGO SUN sextiles JUPITER and Trines PLUTO

Sept. 12 JUPITER in SCORPIO sextiles PLUTO

               VENUS in SCORPIO opposes URANUS in TAURUS @ 2:01 am PDT/ 5:01 am EDT/ 9:01 am GMT

                VENUS in SCORPIO sextiles SATURN in Capricorn

Sept. 13 MERCURY in VIRGO opposes NEPTUNE in PISCES @6:31 pm PDT/ 9:31 pm EDT/

Sept. 14th @ 1:31 am GMT



Sept. 18 MARS in AQUARIUS squares URANUS in TAURUS @ 4:01 pm PDT/ 7:01 EDT/ 11:01 pm GMT

Sept. 20 SUN conjunct MERCURY in VIRGO @ 6:51 pm PDT/ 9:51 pm EDT/ Sept. 21 @ 1:51 am GMT

Sept. 21/22 MERCURY enters LIBRA @ 8:39 pm PDT/ 11:39 pm EDT/ Sept. 22 @ 3:39 am GMT

Sept. 21/22 MERCURY opposite CHIRON in ARIES @10:54 pm PDT/Sept. 22 @ 1:54 am EDT/5:54 am GMT

Sept. 22 EQUINOX @ 6:54 pm PDT/ 9:54 pm EDT/Sept. 23 @ 1:54 am GMT

               MERCURY inconjuncts URANUS in TAURUS

Sept. 23 SUN opposes CHIRON in ARIES

                MERCURY in LIBRA squares SATURN in CAPRICORN

                MERCURY in LIBRA trines MARS in AQUARIUS

Sept. 24 FULL MOON @ 2 degrees ARIES @ 7:52 pm PDT/ 10:52 pm EDT/

Sept 25 FULL MOON @ 2:52 am GMT

Full Moon conjuncts CHIRON at the starting Point zero Aries  squaring Saturn and Vesta in CAPRICORN and opposing MERCURY in LIBRA AND CERES

               SUN inconjuncts URANUS in TAURUS

Sept. 25/26 CHIRON re-enters PISCES @ 5:09 pm PDT/ 8:09 pm EDT/ Sept. 26 @ 12:09 am GMT

Sept. 27 SUN trines MARS in AQUARIUS

                SATURN conjunct VESTA in CAPRICORN

Sept. 30 MERCURY inconjuncts NEPTUNE in PISCES

PLUTO turns DIRECT@ 7:03 pm PDT/ 10:03 pm EDT/ October 1 @ 2:03 am GMT  

Tune in Tonight Sept. 1 on Facebook @ 5:00 pm PDT/ 8:00 pm EDT and Sept. 2 @ midnight GMT for my monthly love broadcast for the Cosmic Intelligence Agency on their page

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Labor day, Back to school astrology

It’s Labor Day in the U.S. and Canada on September 5. In Canada we spell it labour like the British. 
The Moon enters turbulent deep waters of SCORPIO early in the A.M.  It is a rare day. There are no major aspects between the planets.  Even they are taking a rest from their labors. This is a synchronous message from the Universe: “As above so below.”
You get complete permission and actually Scorpio Moon marching orders to act as if you are a new mother who has just given birth, and you have! Ask any woman who has given birth naturally and they will tell you, they don’t call it labor for nothing.
You need to rest and recoup.
Do take advantage of the Mercury Retrograde, to turn off your mind relax and float downstream.
Things will be changing soon enough.
The Scorpio Moon keeps things deep, mysterious, powerful, and obsessive until the 7th PDT and EDT with a powerful SUN PLUTO TRINE on the 6th/7th. 
It may feel like an intense struggle to get your kids back to school if they are younger. Expect lots of stubborn refusals. Teens and college kids who want to conquer the world at University will be in their power, focussed on coming out on top at school’s end. 
Venus will be active on the 7th for better and for worse.  It will be a very high and low day emotionally  The Moon enters SAGITTARIUS late on the 7th. 
September 8- 
It’s an all SAGITTARIUS Thor’s day. Jupiter’s day. Very upbeat. Only two months to the U.S. elections now. 
September 9, 2016 = 999 on the calendar. I did post about 999 on the last one September 9, 2007, and 2009.  Triple 9 and besides being an experimental Beatles song written by John Lennon, symbolizes the Hermit in the Tarot #9. The Hermit relates to VIRGO grounding the wisdom and humility. Being of service in the world. This is a TRIPLy HERMIT day.  A day of three times the attention to details, to completion, integration, grounding your instincts and being true and complete unto yourself and belonging to no man, in true Virgin Goddess style.  
JUPITER enters LIBRA, the sign of Karmic JUSTICE for the first time in 12 years and will remain in the sign of the BALANCE until October 2017.  I will write a longer article on that shortly. Yes great for all LIBRAS. As Jupiter ignites zero degrees of LIBRA, it also lights up zero degrees of all the Cardinal points. Jupiter expands, for better and for worse all the qualities of the sign it passes through. 
Yes it will be a very social time. Yes laws ought to be put into place to balance out everything. The Sacred Masculine and Feminine need to be equal Harmony, peace and socil graciousness rule the next year.  The arts flourish, but we tend to find it hard to make decisions. 
Friday the 9th is a complex and difficult day in communications.  The Sagittarius optimismn honesty and boldness will be on full view but Mercury Retrograde in VIRGO clashes with Uranus in ARIES. The budget may not match the all green vision. Belt tightening may be a necessity.  
Sept 10
Mercury opposes CHIRON in PISCES  and we will be rehashing some old wounds and talking about them for a looong time. The Moon enters Capricorn and SATURN, the signs ruler, and NEPTUNE have their last face off until many years from now. The last square which began in 2015 helps us to see the hard edge of the TRUTH versus the illusions.  Better to be awake then sleep walking in denial any day.  This aspect triggers the 2nd birth where we recapitulate all who we were and what our culture religion and upbringing have made us to listen to our own intuition dreams and visions. This aspects sharpens our wisdom and discernment to know what is real and what is fantasy, and to not be seduced, martyred and be used by others through false promises.  Saturn makes us take repsonsibility for our own illusions. These lessons may hurt but make us wiser. The addictions must be kicked. 
addictions, neptune in PIsces
Sept 11 
It is now 15 years and half a Saturn cycle since 9/11. Saturn in Sagittarius is where Pluto was on 9/11. Venus in LIBRA squares Pluto, a major love, wealth, power, control, judicial balancing act coming into play. Relationships take a hard turn or get deeper entrenched. 
Cardinal cross energy all day and some nice Lunar trines
Gotta Go.
Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene.
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Tomorrow Never KNows The Beatles

September Astro preview, game changing

I did a ceremony tonight to honor the Venus and Mars conjunction

and I called in the powers of the two planets, and the sacred masculine and feminine, and their alignment to heal the hearts of those that have been broken, all of those who feel rejected, jealous, proud, narcissistic, vain, disempowered, hurt, abandoned, hopeless. That they may feel the Divine love of the God and Goddess for them. And as I stood and listened what came to me was all the children. Leo is the sign of the Child of course. And I sent prayers out for Leonine courage, pride and protection from the Lioness for all the refugee children, for all the hungry, cold, alone, abused, ignored, muted, shy, creativity, sensitive, abandoned endangered children.

Remember the children and the Inner child who may still be very wounded. She or he needs love and protection and likes to play..

September is here. It will be an incredibly intense month and a game changer. Here are a few highlights. September is mainly Virgo time and Jupiter is now in the 6th sign with Mars joining in on the 24th. We are getting more earthy which is good.

Virgo is symbolized by the Hermit in the Tarot. 

Notice Leo’s crown on the ground.Virgo’s don’t need status symbols. After Venus’s Retrograde and their conjunction Sept. 1st many will be walking the path of the Hermit. This is a good thing, don’t be afraid to be alone. If you aren’t happy and relaxed in your own company how can you be yourself in a relationship? Virgo is the final personal development stage before we get to Libra, which is all about self and others. Autumn Equinox happens Sept 23 this year. Spring down under. 

Sept 1 Venus Retro conjunct Neptune EDT. redoing the heart desires….

Sept 3 Mercury inconjunct Neptune- balancing the words and ideas and the dream


Sept. 6 Venus turns Direct-

look out lover! Yes it’s Ok to go buy something new and beautiful now.

Sept. 7/8 Mars  inconjunct to Chiron and trine Uranus-

bullying and macho upstaging, also new ideas and groups align to break up old structures.

Sept  9 Mercury squares Pluto-

Thinking bout equal relationships and who holds the power.Reigniting cardinal cross energies.

Sept 12 Sun opposed Chiron and inconjuncts Uranus

Throwing the light on the woundings the casualties and attempting to change the status quo.

Sept 12/ 13 Part SOLAR ECLIPSES NEW MOON @ 20+ degrees Virgo Jewish New year Shemitah

A healing Super Dark Moon. The Nodal Azis is at xero degrees Aries/Libra, the Equinoxial balance points. Jupiter opposes Neptune, Saturn at 29 degrees Scorpio. Venus and Mars still together in Leo. Uranus Mercury Pluto T-square.

Sept 16 JUPITER opposes NEPTUNE *****

Practical dreamers, the real vs unreal, Natural health healing, food vs. the lies, deceit and corruption.

Sept 17 Sept 17 MERCURY in LIBRA GOES RETROGRADE -October 9

u know what that means!  More relationship rebalancing.


Honesty, integrity, justice, international religon, education, philosophy, humour, easy going,

Sept 21/22 Venus inconjunct Chiron in Pisces

Woman are stronger and don’t fall for the co-dependence love addiction thing anymore.

Sept 22/ 23 Venus Trines Uranus  

Sept 22 Pope comes to the U.S. 

Yes freedom, liberation, revolution,

Sept. 23 EQUINOX @ 1:21 am PDT/ 4:21 am EDT- Balance, balance, balance…

Sept 23 Sun sextiles Saturn- good for tying the knot, alliances, travel for pleasure

Sept 24 Mercury squares Pluto Retro- can be more financial rebalancing, Venus rules Libra.

reignites Cardinal Cross energy from early 2015.

Sept 24 MARS ENTERS VIRGO- Get down on your knees and kiss the earth.  practical, humble, bank balancing, hard-working, perfectionist, diet , organization, health, discipline. No frills.

Sept 24/25 PLUTO turns Direct Soul journey’s come out of the underworld into the light.

Sept 25 Mars squares Saturn in Sagittarius ****

Educational, legal, environmental reforms. Pope will lobby for climate change, a new world order agenda. Don’t buy the lies. 

Sept 27 TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE FULL SUPER Moon 4+ degrees Aries *****

Earth wind and fire. will write about this in Long article 

sept. 29 Mercury inconjunct Neptune – watch what you say, balancing the dream and the talk.

Sept 30 Sun conjuncts Mercury-  clean up your messes. 

Sept 30 Sun inconjuncts Neptune- The reality  vs the Dream lover. 

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all writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

get a reading with Tara Greene

JOIN ME ON SOME OF THESE AUSPICIOUS PLANETARY CHANGE UP DATES TO ALIGN WITH  THE “AS ABOVE” SO BELOW and SIT IN CEREMONY IN SEDONA ON SACRED GROUND. Healing, releasing, clarifying, exponential growth and joyful rebirthing for women. 


Autumn Leaves- Nat King Cole 

Autumn Leaves Ed Sheeran  

Magic, Virgins, Tarot, Astrology, 88 Psychic energies

August 17 is a magical 88 NUMEROLOGY DAY. It’s very good luck  Feng Shui energy

+ great VENUS JUPITER conjunction energy. You can see them in the sky before dawn.

MERCURY the planet is personified as  THE MAGICIAN Tarot Trump # 1

Magician Thoth Tara Tarot  reader

THOTH TAROT # 1 the MAGUS Mercury 

The magical skill we all have is our minds. With our consciousness we can create whatever magic we wish to.

Yes you are a wizard or a witch. We all are. You are what you think.

The Magician usually has a lemniscate or INFINITY symbol above his head. As does the woman in the card of STRENGTH which is LEO energy.  He controls ALL TIME.  

The mind is INFINITE. Mercury is a hermaphrodite, both masculine and feminine. He symbolizes the two-lobed brain, the conscious and unconscious sides of ourselves.

The MAGICIAN is a trickster.

Mercury is now in VIRGO one of the two signs it rules.  

Keywords: grounded thinking, work, service to others, perfectionism, analysis, communications, health, discipline, order, humility.

The Sign of Virgo the Virgin earth is personified as THE HERMIT #9 Trump an initiation card

Hermit Virgo astrology Tara Greene

Guilded Tarot Hermit

THE HERMIT is not necessarily alone or to have totally abandoned all worldly possession. the Hermit is of the earth very much so.

He is usually pictured as a wise old man with a long beard in profile holding up a lamp, a light to guide the way.

He is very  much the Inner GUIDE, the one who is always there inside of you.

Just quiet that busy mind and you will find the Hermit, as your ancestors, an unbroken lineage working for and protecting you. 

You are what you eat in all ramifications. Consuming information, food, energy. Think about how you assimilate.

As Virgo rules the upper intestines, the Hermit could be thought of as your Gut Instincts, {intestines were used for divination}

Use this time with Mercury in VIRGO to tune into that ancient wisdom residing already there.

THE SUN will enter Virgo August 22/23

NEW MOON in Virgo Aug 25 

Venus enters VIRGO September 5 

earth energy is practical and healing. Walk barefoot on the earth while it s warm enough still before autumn comes. It is very healing.



How many balls, chickens, knives are you currently juggling? Metaphorically speaking

What is your relationship with your inner hermaphrodite?  

How IN TUNE are you? What kind of mind games do you play on yourself?

Dialogue with the HERMIT daily as a meditation.

Ask him questions, he is waiting to guide you. The Hermit can be a female guide as well, the Virgin Goddess, the keeper of the harvest.

Why am I so afraid of being alone? Very important for women to ask this question.

Talk to your body ask each part how it is feeling, You will be amazed at how correct this is.


all writing is copyright of TARA GREENE

get a reading with TARA

enjoy this perfect Magician Hermit video- NATURE BOY -Ella Fitzgerald  

The world is your oyster, Cancer Astrology to a T.

oyster Cancer Tara Greene

CANCER wears a shell to protect its beautiful secret Self

it’s the LAST WEEKEND of Summer holidays, Labour Day is on Monday September 2.

It’s an intense mainly watery weekend till Sunday evening, back to school energy…

Moon enters Cancer early Friday morning try to be near Water Friday, Saturday and Sunday

or take a long relaxing, cleansing bath and focus on purification of the emotions.

In the Tarot the sign of CANCER is the Trump # 7 THE CHARIOT

There’s More lovely WATER TRINES as Moon trines Neptune- as dreamy as it gets, WHIP UP some very romantic spiritual dreams and create, create, create. THink 3 coins in the fountain. Make 3 wishes.

Cancer Moon to Saturn in Scorpio- you have the power, the essence, you are an unlimited eternal being, tap into your Soul’s essence.

Mercury in Virgo also Sextiles Jupiter in Cancer in the evening your thoughts are in harmony with your feelings, your sense of security within,

Moon also sextiles Virgo Sun- harmony with your emotions, instincts and the ability to be stable and grounded,

T- square oppositions and squares begin Friday night PDT

Moon opposes Pluto in Capricorn at 9-10 degrees

the push pull of the lunar tides, the shifting sands of time and industry. the secret feeling world and the persona in the outer that you must play.

How can we integrate a more holistic, nurturing, safe, feminine,caring, nourishing environment in our work lives? Women need to step up and vouch for real nurturing values, for families able to take care of each other which is far more important than corporate profits, selling more products or investors returns.

Sat Aug 31

Moon Pluto opposition falls on EDT

Moon squares URANUS – more of them T- squares- we get one every weekend now. Thanks Universe at least they happen on weekends.

Unexpected family squabbles, delays, chaos. Staying close to HOME- Cancer’s main mode is recommended.

Moon trines Chiron- good for healing of old baggage with family members.


this is an excellent and beautiful aspect. Trying to get pregnant? This would be an excellent day to be makin’ whoopee. 

Generous, magnanimous, heart-felt emotions bonding. Have a big family or friends gathering. Eat, drink and be merry!

mOON SQUARES Venus in Libra- great for relationships, romantic high, feeling safe with your beloved.

Sept 1- 21 days till AUTUMN still enjoy the beautiful weather


SUn in Virgo Trines Pluto in Capcricorn in the wee hours

dream of all the riches and empires you could build

Moon enters LEO @ 5:01 pm PDT?8:01 pm EDT

get out the BBQ and start cookin. 

LEO moon conjuncts MARS IN LEO-

did someone say chile peppers?  Red hOt mama? hotter than hell? all fired up? ooh la la… insert your own …..

Labour Day- spoiler-best to stay close to home and get the kids ready for school they will be kicking and screaming about how they don’t want to.

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All writing copyright Tara Greene

get a new season reading with Tara

Makin’ Whoopee- Gus Kahn (1928_ writer Michelle Pfeiffer 

THE PEARL in my Heart