Jupiter in Taurus Free Workshops and May 19 New Moon Manifesting

May 19 New Moon in Taurus is a LUCKY MANIFESTING and RARE, only once in 2600 year Rarity with 90% of planets in Feminine Earth and Water signs.  

Read my original article here 

I posted this on Facebook and another astrologer who I don’t know commented this. https://www.facebook.com/taratarotgreene/

Star Sister Astrology

Tara Greene, this discovery is beyond profound! You’ve just totally wow-ed me with the brilliance of your intuitive guidance and wisdom! 2,600 years ago, Attica — the region of where Athens is located — was in cultural, political, and economic decline. Almost all of the land was owned by aristocrats, and the peasants were deeply in debt. Within six years, laws were passed making it a crime to imprison peasants for debt, and extending the vote to all citizens. It’s all so astonishingly resonant with our times that one has to wonder if these powerful immersions into the Yin energy of water and earth literally change the course of history.

Please join me if you want to celebrate this magical rare time and to shift the tides of transhuman corruption with all the feminine power behind the planets. May 19 is a Black Moon a rare 4th new Moon in a season. 

LIVE zoom workshop 5 pm PDT 8 pm EDT/May 20 at midnight GMT.

$33 -$22 CANADIAN SLIDING SCALE to vibrate with the Divine Feminine Empress energy. Canadian or $25 U.S. 

Please pay direct to this email I have direct deposit in Canada taragreenetarot@gmail.com

or STRIPE https://buy.stripe.com/3csdUmcq99Gw6WI8wD

or PAYPAL in U.S> $ to taragreenetarot@gmail.com  




AT 5 pm PDT/ 8:00 PM EDT, May 19 at 12 am GMT  on the Cosmic Intelligence Agency Page https://www.facebook.com/cosmic.intelligenceagency/

if you want to find out how the good luck planet Jupiter in Taurus will affect you for the next year and how to take advantage of the Wheel of Fortune planet,  please consult me for your Special Jupiter  abundance reading DISCOUNT now only $88 for a half hour or $175 for an hour.
I have availability for you from May 20. Email taragreenetarot@gmail.com to set up or text me back at this number

SUN trine URANUS on Thor’s Day

Sun trine Uranus is a bright light on change, chaos, and disruption at 15 degrees most powerful Mid degrees.

The earthy trine benefits mid-degree VIRGO too. URANUS was castrated by SATURN so no too positive a memory in the cellular DNA.

URANUS is freedom, revolution, brilliant ideas, networking, group work, collaborating, hive mind, anything surgical, scientific, hi tech, crypto should be up today. EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED with strong and powerful URANIAN currents

It is Thor’s Day too, as is every Thursday sacred to JUPITER. Have a drink of Gin as a toast to Jupiter/Jove/ Zeus/ ODIN.

Doesnt it seem like the Moon’s been in Gemini for a long time? That’s Mars in Gemini almost virtually standstill.

Moon enters her home sign of comfy CANCER at 9:15 am EST

so it’s all home cooking, family, mom, nurturing, hugs, children, sentimentality, staying home, food, comfort, nurturing, moodiness. We are one day away from A FULL MOON in CANCER at 16+ degrees sextile URANUS. I’ll do a video on that separately.

The MOON squares JUPITER in ARIES at 1 degree

Impulsiveness will get you. Yes all that pent up rage and energy from Mars Retrograde. Put the energy into doing something new at home. recover your dining room chairs-thats whats happening in my house- clean up vigorously.

Moon inconjuncts VENUS in AQUARIUS

Emo Cancer doesn’t relate to the cool headed detachment of Venus in AQUARIUS don’t try to figure out where quirky Venus in Aquarius heart is at. She is watching you being so “over the top” emotionally she just can’t grok it. Everyone needs to eat feed her something different weird out there, dehydrated, spacey and she will be happy.

I’m working on a big overview of 2023 and getting ready to go away on a much needed month long retreat. I have been feeling really exhausted for a long time. 2022 was a difficult year for me with family and other matters and i am grateful for things smoothing out beautifully with my family but there is still a lot of work to be done. I am wanting and needing to finish off many old things finally redo my website and finish my books and open my own mystery school and teach.

Your support is very valuable. I will still be online from late January to late February and sending other readers to events too. I need to shift my energy and surroundings as I haven’t travelled in over 3 years and I have been itching to do so.

You can still buy tickets for STAARCON January 20-22 2023 online and in person in West Palm Beach Florida. I am presenting on Sunday Jan. 22 about the astrology of 2023on line https://staarcon.com/

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

Check out my TIKTOK channel https://www.tiktok.com/@astrologymagic?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

please join my YOUTUBE channel which i will be upleveling, I only need a few more subscribers to finally get to 1,000. https://www.youtube.com/@tarataratarotgreene68/featured

GET YOUR 2023 year ahead preview reading http://www.taratarot.com

Jupiter is the real Benefic

Jupiter has physically protected earth for billions of years. No wonder the largest planet was worshipped as the Head god of Mount Olympus as Thor, Yahweh, Jehovah, Jove tiktok.com/ZMdmc7SfF/

Happier days As Jupiter Turns Direct

Happier days are here again as JUPITER, the largest planet turns Direct September 12 @ 17 degrees 24 minutes CAPRICORN.

after being Retrograde since May 14 at 27 degrees 14 Capricorn.  Now everything that has been brewing, challenging, decomposing, dying and recycling in businesses and in the collective unconscious and our own psyche’s will begin to reveal itself and be brought back to life. It will take until  December 6/7 for Jupiter to bypass his Retrograde Station so slow speed ahead.

Check out where those degrees are in your natal chart to see what and where these things have been held back in your own chart. We know hat COVID-19 has been holding the world back. Yes in spite of MARS recently turning Retrograde this balances out the energies.

RETROGRADE JUPITER has been holding back all the actions Jupiter rules- such as Jupiter rules the LIVER, the largest organ in the body, detoxing, arteries, pelvis, thighs, a euphemism for sex, cholesterol, gout, weight problems, cataracts, intoxication. sports, publishing, higher law, education, philosophy, travel, adventure, generosity,  fertility, animals,  gotta have it all, spirituality, religion, compassion, bliss, creativity, the arts.

Jupiters’ colour is PURPLE. A purple heart is a high medal for bravery in war. Purple is the colour of royalty. Retrograde Jupiter has been holding back our emotional and soul energy. But we are about to pass GO.


Jupiter is the planet of expansion, optimism, trust, faith, honesty, truth, hope, trust, higher intentions and education, animals, open spaces, religion, teachers, foreign countries and relations, philosophy, Spiritual law. Key issues that Jupiter rules – legal issues- judges- Immigrants-sexual harassment cases- pedophilia etc. all will move forwards now.

Jupiter has been close to SATURN and PLUTO all of 2020.

Jupiter and PLUTO have the last of their 3 conjunctions

The triple JUPITER PLUTO conjunctions this year occur April 4/5 at 24+ degrees, at 24 degrees on June 29/30 Retrograde and November 12, 2020, at 22+ Capricorn. This is  a VERY BIG BANGER to look forward and to plan on.

And of course, JUPITER and SATURN meet up December 21 at 0 AQUARIUS to usher in a new Mini_aquarius age for the next 20 years for the 1st time in AIR signs since 800+ years. Except for the brief 1980’s Libra conjunction. That’s  a big deal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf53oFb4IKA

JUPITER SONGLIST –  do you like it? Got anything to add?

1. HEY JUPITER by TORI AMOS   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK_qRHoEkJU

2. IF I HAD A HAMMER – Peter PAul & MAry 1963 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBUPr8oDRL8

3. DROPS OF JUPITER by Train 1998 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xf-Lesrkuc

4. JUPITER by Starlighter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsSd58CiGQs

5. JUPITER- by Earth Wind and Fire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7J99LtTjds

6. JUPITER PLANETARIUM by Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-kiFfHkwkg

7. JUPITER by Jewel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnRmSpbs-D8

8. JUPITER’S V28 HRS Solfeggio and Binaural beats

9. JUPITER and BEYOND the INFINITE from 2001 a Space Odyssey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Imbxqv_5TJU



11. JUPITER LOVE by Trey Songz -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b0DMoPLIys

12. Oh I by JUPITER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b0DMoPLIys

13. JUPITER by Katy McAllister Ft. Shannon McAllister – Jupiter (Original Song) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9lv4X35XUo

14. JUPITER by Free the ROBOTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq7chp71sRo

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

The Mercury Buddha meets Thor Astrology

May 27 Mercury quincunx Jupiter

Gemini Moon still bopping away the only new aspect is a square from the Moon to Chiron in PISCES while under an already void od course Moon @ 1:46 am PDT.

Moon enters CANCER and comes home.

The mood changes to distinctly emotional, sentimental all about comfort food, nurturing, gathering with family or friends and feeding each other, caring openly supporting and offering emotional safety. Feelings are strong. Women and children are the focus. It is also an excellent planting time if you haven’t gotten your garden in yet, this is the last New Moon day.

Mercury in TAURUS quincunx Jupiter in LIBRA -NO BULLSHIT!

Jupiter and Mercury Astrology Tara Greene

Giovanni Battista Langetti, Mercury Presenting Thunderbolts to Jupiter mid 1600’s

Mercury is our intellect, our brains, how we communicate and think. In earthy, sensuous Taurus we think from our bodies, our earthly desires not our detached minds primarily. 

VENUS rules Mercury in TAURUS and she is in in her fiery warrioress Wonder Woman aspect right now, perfect timing for the Movie’s launch. 


The large gas planet who we are getting rather up close to and personal with lately courtesy is also THOR in Nordic astrology wielding his hammer and lightning. He is the avenging Patriarchal jealous God of the Old Testament. In LIBRA JUPITER is wanting everyone to think he is nice and he is more conscious of his social position. But Jupiter exaggerates everything, blowing it up. So imbalance is also a problem now or too much socializing or flippant light frothy nothings.

This aspect can manifest in different ways.

Mercury is THE MAGICIAN #1 Tarot Card and JUPITER is THE WHEEL of FORTUNE #10

You can use the benefic powers of the focussed mind of Mercury to bring you expansion, optimism, luck, and happiness. But it will be a difficult struggle with a quincunx between earth and air elements.

You can use Jupiter’s really feisty temper with Mercury as a BIG MOUTH to shout out various earthy expletives or use social media to show your judgments and disapproval. 

This aspect can really mess with your mind though. Mercury in Taurus is very focused on the practical everyday duties and stuff that needs to get taken care of.  Big philosophy, studying history, the law, teaching, pontificating are all the things Jupiter loves to do, plus Travel, learn, inspire, teaching, these are lofty ideals. And of course, speaking the truth.  So it may feel difficult to integrate grand belief systems into your everyday 9-5 humdrum life.

Jupiter is intellectual and Taurus is not. Taurus is totally sensuously embodied. Use Taurus’s slowed down body awareness to listen to your own head trips or inner dialogues would be very resourceful to enhancing your life. Practicing mindful meditation would do wonders.

The sign of Taurus is best described by the etymology of the word incarnation which means  “in the flesh,” “in the meat (carne),”  Taurus is the second sign where we incarnate into the meat body from Aries, the fiery Spirit.  Our bodies are connected to everything, our minds, emotions our senses, and our spirits nothing is separate.  

The Buddha is commemorated on the Full Moon in May as his birth, enlightenment and death date.  Therefore the Buddhas life is TAURUS. The Buddha famously touched the earth, as his witness to his enlightenment indicating that being in the body is the very source of enlightenment.

Mercury in TAURUS is like a bull in the China Shop. Jupiter is in the Heavens hurtling lightning bolts. That combo can be very destructive. 

Use this energy wisely. Tame the raging bull in your mind. Harness Jupiter’s positive trusting side. No matter how meaty, dirty and gritty things are in reality in your life or in the news, trust that justice and balance will be restored. Jupiter’s greatest gift is humor and faith. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com



Lightning Strikes in Europe, Astrology connection

The ancients used to trust that the planetary aspects created everything here on earth. “As above, so below.” is the ancient Hermetic Maxim.

"as above, so below" Craig Bannerman 2011

As Above So Below
2011, acrylic on canvas, 48′ X 72′ in. by Craig Bannerman

JUPITER/ ZEUS/ THOR are all the same Gods from different cultures for the BIG PLANET JUPITER. All of these Gods wield THUNDER and LIGHTNING.

JUPITER is in a TIGHT, TIGHT GRAND MUTABLE CROSS in square to SATURN RETROGRADE in SAGITTARIUS, which rules high places. JUPITER is also opposite NEPTUNE in PISCES which rules Flooding, and there has been a lot of that in Texas lately and in Sri Lanka as well. I am sending blessings to the victims. 

Jupiter, Saturn Lord of Karma and Neptune in Pisces are also squaring the SUN in Gemini. 

Saturn is the only planet still moving Retrograde until August 12th, We are still re-visiting old political educational legal and foreign debts on all levels. 

We live in very interesting times.

Blessings to you all, 


please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get Special World Tarot Day PHONE READING ONLY- via SKYPE now http://www.taratarot.com/#!specials/ul3qq



Meaning of Thursday,Good luck,

Thursday is named in honor of the Scandinavian God Thor, it’s his day. Thor is the thunder and lightning God, the head honcho. Known for his mighty strength, protection of mankind, healing and fertility. He is associated with and was worshipped as the Mighty Oak Tree. He is like Hercules. Thor wiled his hammer of justice in Viking Nordic mythology. His name is associated with the ruin in punraz, also called Donar or Thunar.

Thor's Battle Against the Jötnar (1872) by Mårten Eskil Winge

Stan Lee’s cartoon character has become very popular portrayed in recent films by Australian actor Chris Hemsworth bring the charisma of Thor as the hero into modern culture. Thor is the planet Jupiter the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter is equivalent to Zeus in Greek Mythology the head of Mount Olympus also throwing his lightning bolts and his weight around. He is a variation of Yahweh, Marduk to the Babylonians and Amon to the Egyptians. Known as Ahuramazda “the greatest of the gods” In India Jupiter is Shiva. Called JOVE by the Romans, the root word for jovial, or good natured.  The primordial element Thorium #90 is named in honor of Thor. 

Jupiter is considered lucky, optimistic, expansive. Jupiter in Astrology symbolizes far distant travels, higher education, taking risks, gambling, philosophy, judgement, teaching and honesty. Jupiter rules two signs traditionally SAGITTARIUS his Masculine sign and PISCES his Feminine sign. Jupiter is considered on an esoteric spiritual level to be the planet of the master teachers. 

The day is either names after the fourth day or the fifth in various religions and cultures. 

If you were born on a Thursday, you have an innately optimistic outlook on the world and are a lucky person. 

In the Tarot JUPITER is associated with Major Arcana Trump Card #10 

 wheel of fortune tarot Tara Greene


The Wheel of Fortune is the Wheel of Karma and Time, infinitely spinning round and round, circling and circling, the circle game, merry -go -round or a game if chance. Fortune means strength, forte. 

Make a wish every Thursday. Call upon THOR/ZEUS/ JOVE to grant you wishes, boons and luck. 

Tibetan Prayer Wheels

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All writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

GET A READING WITH TARA http://www.taratarot.com 

PLEASE DONATE TO SUPPORT THIS BLOG, any amount welcome http://www.taratarotweb.tripod.com

Jupiter Retrograde, Don’t shoot the judge.

Never mind don’t shoot the messenger. Mercury is Retrograde now.

Jupiter follows Mercury Jan 7 turning Retrograde until May 9th retracing his steps in Virgo.  

Don’t shoot the Judge, the philosopher, the gambler, the High-roller, the optimist, the teacher, the law, the Head honcho. 

Jupiter Retrogrades happen every year like clockwork. 

JUPITER is the most expansive planet, governing success, good fortune, happiness, he is jovial. He throws lightning bolts and is called Yahweh in Jewish myths. AKA,  THOR in the Nordic Myths. His figure has become prominent again through the Marvel comics super hero movies. Chris Hemsworth is a huge star embodying the Thor archetype with his hammer. CHRIS HEMSWORTH voted “the sexiest man alive in 2015” plays THOR/Zeus/JUPITER

Jupiter’s backwards moves means you need to go back jack and do it again. Get your feedbag on, fulfill yourself. Make sure you get paid for passing Go, come to a total body orgasm, smell the roses win the lottery. Clean up the world. Regrading the slopes, the slippery slopes. 

If you aren’t feeling fulfilled in any area of your life during Jupiter’s RX  that’s the time to work on getting it right.

 Jupiter does things to excess and during this time you can learn to practice more self-control. People who owe you money, or time will be more likely to repay those debts. Do repay whoever you owe during these months. 

JUPITER is greatitude and faith.  If you have never kept a GRATITUDE daily journal now is the time to do so. Just write 3-5 things you feel grateful for every day. This period can rekindle your cynical faith in humanity again. Saturn is squaring Jupiter during this Rx period remember. 

Be generous with your time. 

Rehab your addictions,

In Virgo, they are workaholics,  hypochondriacs, fitness freaks, yogaffluenza, health food, and vegan/ raw/ paleo/ clean/ self-righteous judges, and perfectionists in general. 

WHAT TO DO WITH JUPITER RETRO in Virgo  until May 9th

As with all Retrograde planets

Review, rethink reorganize, revise, revisit, relegate, rest, reintegrate, revenge, reorganize, etc etc.

Jupiter in Virgo is the nitpicky perfectionist, If you missed a spot, you can go back now and clean it up even more.

Jupiter governs two signs Sagittarius and Pisces

and he will slow down Neptune and Saturn’s influences in both of those signs now. Redo the numbers, make sure things compute. 

The Economy should slow down, foreign trade treacling down.

As Jupiter rules laws, many laws will be repealed, such as President Obama trying to get the procurement of guns to be made more responsible and difficult to get. Challenges to overturn laws will also be prominent.

Jupiter rules foreign lands so re-tracing the former war zones,

Educational reform, and legal rehashes over court cases and changes in REFUGEE status in Europe will be rescinded now. Many Refugees may be sent packing. All the women who were groped by Muslim men in Germany and all the sexual assaults on western women that have been happening is a huge warning. 

Jupiter in Virgo Rx is the job disputes may need to be revisited.

If you have a work-related issue that you feel you need to testify for or against then do it over the next few months.

Movies which feature Virgo patience for detail and definition in content or execution will be popular. 

Revisit a health issue and make sure you are diagnosed correctly.  Re read old fave books. Recycle your old books,

Sagittarius and Pisces and Virgo rules countries will slow down. America is one of them being Sagittarius on the Ascendant. Australia is another. China, Norway, Algeria, Morocco. 

China’s market really crashed just yesterday.

Go back and redo your diet, discipline, health routine. It will be easier now. 

Go back to somewhere you traveled to a long tome ago.

Pick up studies you wanted to finish now. Revisit your old alma mater. High school and college and old friend reunions are a good use of the energy.

Relationships that you thought were done may restart. 

People with planets at 24 degrees Virgo especially but all Mutable signs Sagittarius Pisces Gemini will feel Jupiter’s backwards pull the most. Just go back Jack and do it again.

Jupiter turns Direct at 13+ degrees Virgo in May and retraces his tracks until August 12th. He will be in Libra September 9. so it’s mainly back stroking for us all. and that’s OK by me. 


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

 get your RETROGRADE Overview reading from Tara http://taratarotweb.tripod.com/id78.html

Thor’s day, concrete dreams Astrology

I woke up early today. It is Thursday, Norse God Thor’s Day. I was born on a Thor’s day. Thor is the Lightning and Thunder wielding God, whose name comes from Old Saxon, Donar.  Thor is known for strength, oak trees, rain, protecting humans, healing and fertility. In Norse mythology he is a ginger god with red hair and a long red beard, and extremely strong, Thor has a Golden Hammer Mjollnir and other magical implements. Of course Thor has gotten a popular resurgence since Stan Lee brought him back in Marvel comics in 1962 and the recent spate of films. Joseph Campbell in The Power of Myth, wrote that the Gods are always archetypes in the culture morphing into new forms. 

Thor's Battle Against the Jötnar (1872) by Mårten Eskil Winge

Thor’s Battle Against the Jotnar (1872) by Marten Eskil Winge  

Thor is also Greek God Zeus. Jove and the planet Jupiter. 

Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces

and the Moon just entered Pisces today.

The Moon makes a “scratch the nails on the chalkboard” inconjunct with Mars in Libra

being diplomatic today may be difficult no matter how compassionate and understanding you are. 

Pisces Moon squares Saturn and conjuncts Neptune in the evening

An emotional preview of next weeks Nov. 26 Thanksgiving exact cling clang between the god of reality and the God of imagination. 

Saturn is the karmic duty, and commands you like an army sergeant to do the hard work, roll up your sleeves and do it until you are finished. 

Neptune is the imaginative realm of the Gods, the Muses, the unlimited Source of all. It must be imagined before it can be created. God imagined the Universe, then said the word. Then here we are.. 

I woke up this morning remembering something a woman writer I greatly respect commanded me to do.  She is a wise elder, an extremely creative woman, with immense capacities as a writer, astrologer, and shaman. She is really one of the strongest and most powerful women I have ever met. I am very grateful for the opportunity to have made her acquaintance. 

If someone you respect as a mentor  has told you you need to bring your gifts forth then meditate on these aspects today. Design a plan to implement it.  Ask Thor to help you.

Mercury enters Sagittarius  Nov. 20 with the Sun entering the 9th sign on the 22nd. We are getting more fired up.

Please share widely

all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with Tara Greene http://taratarotweb.tripod.com/id78.html

PLEASE VOTE FOR ME AGAIN -TIME SENSITIVE- Nov. 29th deadline-my birthday

for best Psychic, Tarot Card Reader, Astrologer to be included in the book “2015-2016 World’s Best Lightworkers”, available on or before December 7, 2015 at amazon.comlulu.com and worldwide and by December 20th at Barnes & Noble.

Please nominate and vote for me ASAP for best psychic, tarot reader, astrologer and light worker . 

Over 500 people voted me Canada’s Top Psychic Tarot Reader in 2012. Thank YOU.
It’s Very simple to vote:
Just Email your nomination for me for those different categories and my Nationality, CANADA to 

Email to newyorkgate@aol.com  to Marla Cohen 


TESTIMONIALS are great too.

Once you nominate someone, his/her name will appear automatically on the list of lightworkers to vote for. 
The results of the vote and profiles of the winners will be published in the book “2015-2016 World’s Best Lightworkers”, available on or before December 7, 2015 at amazon.comlulu.com and worldwide and by December 20th at Barnes&Noble.

The website is http://www.timessquarepress.com/


Jupiter in Leo Direct/ Game of Thrones starts, coincidence?

April 8 @ 12:57 pm EDT JUPITER the King of the Planets; Planet of JOVIALITY, Thor in Viking myths,  the largest gas-bag in our solar system, turns DIRECT after being Retrograde since December 8, 2014 @ 12 degrees 35  minutes of LEO. 

JUPITER in LEO is extremely KINGLY, he is the head honcho in the Game of Thrones. And guess what? HBO’s hugely popular mythic drama GAME OF THRONES is scheduled to start again April 12.. I suspect most big corporations are working with Astrologers these days. This is perfect timing. 

Yes progress at last.  JUPITER is expansion, the Feel good, optimistic, let’s Do it, take a chance, Good Faith,  happy planet.  Yes Cue that Pharrell song.  

Clap along if you feel like Happiness is a truth.  Free at last.  It will take until July 6 for Jupiter to surpass its Retrograde degree of 22 degrees +of Leo.. 

Check out where those degrees are in your natal chart.That where you receive the GET OUT OF JAIL card in Monopoly.

Jupiter’s forward motion is especially beneficial  for SAGITTARIUS and PISCES. Aries and Leo peeps get fire blessings,

Jupiter is Trump # 10  The WHEEL OF FORTUNE in the Tarot.

Jupiter Wheel of Fortune Tarot Tara Greene

Cosmic Tarot

The WHEEL of Fortune also symbolizes the Wheel of Time itself, the infinite, spinning merry go round, of karma. The Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhists picture it as the Kalachakra Wheel of time.

All those things that Jupiter governs like; travel, Thursday – Thor’s day, higher educations, laws, religion, positive energy, expansion, fertility, optimism, publishing, horses and animals in general, honesty, the liver, gout, weight gain, lightning, honey, magic, the metal tin, asparagus,banking, gambling, humor, faith, sports, generosity, games, judges, passports, peacocks,  elephants, ostriches and whales amongst many others can move on UP and out. Set sail for the high seas now..

Esoterically Jupiter rules master teachers and Sacred Law.

Check out where those degrees are in your natal chart.

JUPITER rules SAGITTARIUS its Masculine sign and PISCES it’s Feminine sign in ancient Tradition.

As LUCK would have it. The MOON enters Sagittarius April 8.

and it will be WILDLY UPBEAT SAGacious day.

Mercury conjuncts Uranus in ARIES early in the day

get that brain power fired up. 

Moon conjuncts Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius –

some sobering serious intentions can be launched 

Moon quincunx Mars in Taurus –

Taurus wants the safe, stable tried and true, sage Sagittarius Moon is having none of it but feels a bit hampered. 

DO plan on setting new intentions and doing a little ceremony. Jupiter loves pomp.

Nice that the 2nd Royal Baby may possibly be born with Jupiter in Leo Direct.- it’s 10 hours from now GMT.

Sag Moon squares Neptune later in the day

Ruler of both signs. Very dreamy, set your highest INTENTIONS and most spiritual goals now

Moon Trines JUPITER 9:48 pm PDT

April 9 @ 12:48 am.  EDT there are 4 FIRE TRINES TODAY in this time zone,

and the SAG Moon keeps on TRINING –   Uranus, Mercury and the SUN

Sun conjuncts Merucry late PDT- next day EDT. 

PLAN CEREMONY- JUPITER LOVES IT, I’m a triple Sagittarian I love doing ceremonies.

WEAR PURPLE! Get out your Harry Potter gear if you like. 

Jupiter’s crystals are Topaz, citrine, and tin.

Jupiters herbs and other attributes; 

anise, ash trees, balsam, birch trees, borage, carnations, clover,currants, dandelions, figs, fruits, hyssop, jasmine,lime trees, linden trees, mint,nutmeg, oak trees, pituitary gland,red roses, sugar,velvet, 

Eat beets, asparagus, berries and honey.

Jupiter rules the hips and thighs, and feet. Jupiter rules the note B in the musical scale. 

Get your ceremonial goodies together, Have some gold candles, use appropriate incense. 

Make it festive, Jupiter in LEO is the STAR of the show, he loves a banquet. So bring out your finery and wine and all the fruits and goodies, Make a toast to JUPITER, tell some jokes, watch the funniest movie or show you can think of.  I love comedy.

What’s your favourite comedic movie? and comedian? 

Plan the most optimistic map of the year ahead. Lay it out, boldest, most optimistic, star of the show plans. 

Jupiter will stay in Leo until August 11th so that’s a good four months to enjoy the fruits of life.

Be generous to others less fortunate, Goodwill is the name of the game. 


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with Tara Greene http://www.taratarot.com

HAPPY by Pharrell Williams 

Get Happy Judy Garland 1950