Jupiter Turns Direct, Solar communion day

MAY 9th Jupiter turns DIRECT, opposite Neptune in PISCES, squaring SATURN, situated on the GREAT ATTRACTOR, at 14 degrees SAGITTARIUS. The G.A. is a gravitational anomaly in intergalactic space within the vicinity of the Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster at the centre of the Laniakea Supercluster that reveals the existence of a localised concentration of mass tens of thousands of times more massive than the Milky Way.  The big 3 are pinned with this BIG GALACTIC PICTURE.

JUPITER’s color is PURPLE. With Prince’s sad death, the color purple is on our minds and in our hearts. A purple heart is a high medal for bravery in war. Purple is the color of royalty and in Virgo, Jupiter brings royalty down to the ground, to the common man and woman’s level. 

Jupiter has been RETROGRADE since  January 7 @ 23+ degrees VIRGO.  We have been planning, organizing and perfecting all the deets, the budget and now we are about to pass GO. JUPITER is really revved up as he turns DIRECT. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, optimism, trust, faith, higher intentions and truth. 

Mercury + Sun and Venus in Taurus trine PLUTO and JUPITER at this time. It’s HUGELY POWERFUL.

Jupiter turns DIRECT @ 13+ degrees VIRGO where he expands our views on the “servants” and what we serve. Virgo also governs work, health, harvest, food, herbs, natural healing, communities, pets, accounting and organization. Where do we want to change direction with all of that in our lives?

Jupiter and Saturn are in a T-square with dreamer planet Neptune opposing at 11+ degrees PISCES. Jupiter is also close to the North Node our collective Highest goal at 19 degrees Virgo. N.N. is the GPS. What is your most idealistic dream that you can manifest?

These degrees are very close to the catalytic URANUS /PLUTO Conjunction in VIRGO in the 1965-6 which catalyzed the SEX DRUGS ROCK N ROLL COUNTER CULTURE at 16-17 degrees VIRGO. SATURN {and CHIRON} were in PISCES opposite the two at 12- 17 degrees in 1965-66.

IN other words we are being asked to act from the seeds that were planted then.

Here we are 50 years later at the CHIRON RETURN from that time. Saturn and Chiron were in PISCES between 12-29 degrees of PISCES in 1966 and Chiron was 18-16 degrees PISCES.

NOTE that Saturn is exactly squaring its mid-60’s degree now as is JUPITER as he turns DIRECT.

THIS IS A  PIVOTAL TIME in politics- which Sagittarius governs, Jupiter rules Sag. and PISCES, and Saturn makes our choices now KARMIC. 

Chiron has also RETURNED to the 1966 degrees. It is a vulnerable,painful wounded time for the collective. Chiron in Pisces is about compassion and Oneness. We have travelled one complete cycle with Chiron to be back where we started back then. Where did all the hope for a JUST SOCIETY, for MAKE LOVE NOT WAR, for organic lifestyles, and freedom of self-expression and living freely with no agendas? 

JUPITER governs truth and justice. as he moves direct there will be a surge of wanting truth, transparency and higher standards in politics and the truth. This is very good for Bernie Sanders and bad for Hillary Clinton,and Donald Trump. 

ON this day MERCURY RETROGRADE makes a RARE crossing to the SUN, this is an eclipse although Mercury is so tiny you would only see it with special telescopes. Never look at the Sun directly.It’s exact at 8:12 a.m. PDT/ 11:12 am EDT/3:12 pm GMT @ 19 + degrees TAURUS. 

Mercury rules both VIRGO and GEMINI and the Moon is in GEMINI at 26 degrees, as the Mercury/Sun conjunction is exact. 26 degrees Gemini is conjunct the NORTH STAR or POLE STAR. This is a sign to follow our highest goals. Moon is opposite to the GALACTIC CENTER as well. 

I am getting the feeling, that this has very BIG MEANING. Pay attention. 

The last time the MESSENGER crossed/merged its energy with the SUN was in 2006, Then 1999, 1993, 1986, 1973, 1970, 1960, 1957, 1953, 1940, 1937, 1927. 1924, 1914, and 1907 – the next crossing will be in November 2019.  

Think back about what you were in your life 10 years ago, 17 years ago, etc. Some of these years stand out immediately as significant years all the way back to the beginning of the 20th Century. 

If you were born during these years, this may feel like a more significant transit to you. Mercury broadcasts out solar SOUL OUR electromagnetic energies as he conjuncts with and absorbs the Sun’s energy, We are electro-magnetic vibrating Light frequencies ourselves. 

What is your SOURCE?  Pay attention on May 9th -the transit will take about 7 hours to complete.  

Venus at 11 degrees of Taurus in her power, and close to Mercury and the SUN bringing some LOVE into the SOUL ARE message,  sextiles NEPTUNE, her higher octave.  Galactic communion will be available to download.  

This is a massive accelerated time to make great conscious leaps forward. And to tie in to the larger collective transpersonal patterns that we are all living through. Be grateful for every day. 

This is a very positive time to ground your stance in truth, to make a stand for your beliefs, to stand up for higher ideals and the BIG PICTURE and most of all to align with the SUN Mercury and the Great Attractor and all the major symbols as signs on this day of great release. 


ALL writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com



2/22 Master Numbers, Tarot, Full Moon

All doubled numbers are what’s called Master Numbers.  11,22, 33,44,55, 66, 77,etc. these numbers are all encoded with keys to unlock various dimensional vibrations of consciousness. 

2/22 is a higher frequency of the 11:11:11 energies

22 is the symbol of the number of Arcana in a Tarot Deck, 0+ 21 Majors Trump cards. 

The number 22 is symbolized  by the Fool in the Tarot. He is the Enlightened one who lives in the NOW> the nexus point of the INFINITY SYMBOL which you will find in the Magician, in Strength. 

INFINITY represents all time, past present and future. 

Infinity symbol, Master numbers, Tara Greene

Master Numbers also symbolize this sense of tapping into INFINITY.

ON this date in 1979 I saw a miracle with two other people with me. It was a STAR BIRD, an actual BEING FROM THE STARS, a real E.T. a Angelic messenger, a harbinger of Hope, Peace, Infinity consciousness, Many people also refer to these messengers like Ken Carry in Return of the Bird Tribes.  

Later tonight the MOON is opposite NEPTUNE @ 9:32 pm PST/2/23 @ 12:32 am especially enhancing for meditations and visualization. Full Moon Bewitchery  is powerful

The STAR BIRD returns again.
I have been instructed to bring this message
out into the world now to help assist you in awakening,
to remember who we really are
Like the dove to the ark
This day begins the 37th year  activation of
 expanded spiritual awakening, higher consciousness
multi-dimensional healing and everyday miracles
The Star Bird is a cosmic vehicle of
 Peace LOVE Unity Ascension
we are the Star Bird
all time is NOW!
I invite you to join me on this day
to meditate to anchor experience
and unite our consciousness with the Star Bird
 If you feel called by this, remember
 the Star Bird is in your memories.
know the truth
that you are an infinite soul
a higher dimensional cosmic being
both human and Divine
that all time is now
we are ONE.


I witnessed and experienced the Spirit Eagle/Dove of Light on Feb. 22 1979 in Isla Mujeres Mexico in the Yucatan with two other people, a woman who I had just met who was a German woman and spiritual seeker, a follower of Bhagwan Rajneesh, later known as Osho and my fiance/ now ex.  

We were all totally sober, no drugs, no alcohol of any kind on that fateful night Feb 22  1979.  I didn’t know that Isla Mujeres which means Island of Women in Spanish actually had a Goddess Temple on it. I was told the pirates used to keep their women captives on this island, hence the name. The German woman whose name I only knew as Gila,  a spiritual name for a devotee of Baghwan was enroute to see Maria Sabina, a famed psychic shaman healer who used magic mushrooms as part of her prophesying. Maria Sabina was the shamaness who taught Alejandro Jodorowsky the basics of his PSYCHOMAGIC therapy which he talks about in his book of the same name.

Gila was going to ask the oracle whether she should leave her husband and two children in Germany to devote herself to a spiritual life. My fiancée and I had gone to Mexico at my insistance to see if we could travel together first and I directed us to go to Isla Mujeres which I had visited a year before. Gila, theex and I had met at a restaurant and started talking. I suggested going down to the beach to see if we could see any falling stars. I love to watch falling stars.  Standing on the sand gazing out at the ocean  Gila is on my left and Larry on my right. I don’t remember which one of us saw it first, either the ex or me said “Look there’s a falling star.”

To our collective left we see the star doing it’s usual arch across the sky, usually we see a “falling star” lasting a second or so  as they usually burn out rather quickly. This “falling star” went across the sky covering about 45 degrees then STOPPED. What? The star looking like a very bright clear large star against the backdrop off other distant stars. Then it began to wobble, and appeared to  get slightly larger. I have recently compared notes with my ex about what we saw on that night and he agreed with me on almost every detail in our retelling of our experience. 
I distinctly remember that the star then turned left and made a downward curve motion then curved around and came back to the central point, paused for a moment then moved to the lower right then wheeled up and made a curved higher turn back to the center again from where it started. The star described a perfect INFINITY SYMBOL. We were all stunned. 

The Star got larger and came towards us on the beach. My ex- was freaking out. He thought it was aliens coming to suck our blood, as there had been weird cattle murders in Montana. I said “NO, this is it, this is the miracle that I always knew I would see.” It’s going to be in the Book.

The Star Bird is also an ANgel, and Native Tribes know that they are our ancestors. It is also similar to Quetzalcoatyl who was both a human and a divine being, a Christ-like figure who preached peace in Mexico.

Wherever you are on 22nd on the FULL MOON please take timeout at 2:22 pm at your Local time. If this time is not possible then try for  11:11 pm in your local time zone as the optimum time to meditate on receiving the Star bird energies at any time during the day.  

Please pass this information on to as many people as you can.

Follow the Meditation instructions here http://taratarotweb.tripod.com/id153.html


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com 

PLEASE DONATE-MUCH APPRECIATED http://www.taratarot.com/

watch me talking about The Star Bird in 2012 https://youtu.be/nNZY6D4whBc





Self-love for V-day

Feb 13 The moon enters TAURUS which is great for Valentine’s day as it is earthy, sensual, fleshy, loves finer things, Dom Perignon champagne, truffles,whatever suits your taste buds and fancy. Ruled by Venus,Taurus moon is so very erotic. 

Mercury the communicator enters AQUARIUS until March 5.

Everything is in your head. Sex starts in your head. The position of Mercury the brain planet is tres important. 

The Aquarius V-Day mind mode is detached, steely-cool, the watcher. It’s ELECTRIC! It’s Tribal, think BURNING MAN. It’s hi-tech, group mind, not an old-fashioned, love and marriage kinda energy. Uranus, the planetary ruler of Aquarius, rotates at a 90 degrees axis. So practice off-kilter sex, quirky sex. 

LET YOUR FREAK FLAG, your Super Freak or whichever end you want to freak fly.

Aquarius is an AIR SIGN, NOT a WATER SIGN as many people think. The Astrology glyph, two parallel wavy lines represent electric currents moving through the AIR. The symbol of the God or Goddess pouring water- is a symbol of consciousness, or Divine love.

Aquarius Constellation Astrology Tara Greene

THE SYMBOL of the Constellation of Aquarius is the symbol of THE STAR in the TAROT #17.

STar Tara Greene psychic Toronto

I use the #17 from the THOTH TAROT as my business card, because it pictures what I do as my profession, dispense cosmic insights. The STAR is literally the Stars of course, Astrology.


This is a potent powerful Masculine sexual energy. Deeply possessive, darkly passionate, secretly controlling. Mars is at his very best in Scorpio and sextile to Jupiter in Virgo is a very earthy, in the body, on the earth, do it in the road but stay very clean in your business suit energy. This is VIRGO after all. Virgo passions are expressed through cleanliness, colonics or Japanese style bath. Cleanliness is sexy after all. Scorpio loves pure passionate intensity for its own sake and likes the dark, goth, make love in the cemetery energy, invoking KALI. 

This Night Kali is calling to me.

Be not afraid of her with her necklace of skulls and her blood thirsty depictions, eating Shiva’s entrails while having intercourse with him. These are all symbols and not literal.  Kali is an ancient Goddess, and she must be seen from a Hindu perspective.

Kali is considered to be the most fully realized of all the Dark Goddesses. She is a great and powerful  earth Mother Goddess who is capable of terrible destruction like NATURE on the  rampage,  as tornadoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, gales and fierce destructive storms. She symbolizes the  most powerful form of the FEMININE forces in the Universe. Worshipping her is to  accept life as being both  life and death, a Very SCORPIO theme.  

MARS is in SCORPIO demanding our acts to be manifested in Scorpionic fashion. Mars will Retrograde back through Scorpio from mid-may until the beginning of August.

Ultimately Kail is the most compassionate one, who destroys the ego.  KALI is the counterpart of Shiva the destroyer. They destroy unreality- Neptunian delusions. She is black as infinite night, where all colors merge.  

Black is a symbol of The Infinite and the seed stage of all colors.

Just as all humans evolved from Africans who have black skin. The Goddess Kali remains in a state of inconceivable darkness that transcends words and mind.In the Kabbalah G*d is referred to as the LIMITLESS LIGHT THAT IS ALL DARKNESS. -Just like KALI.

She is destructive, yes but Her bloody deeds and destruction protect the good.  She is not evil. Kali’s destructive energies on the highest level are seen as a vehicle of salvation and ultimate transformation.  She destroys sin, ignorance and decay. only to recreate.  

The ego sees Mother Kali and is terrified because the ego sees in Her its own eventual demise. She will appear in a fearsome form if one is attached to one’s own ego. A mature soul who engages in spiritual practice to remove their ego sees Mother Kali as very sweet, affectionate, proetctive and overflowing with incomprehensible love for Her children.

HER MANTRA: Ohm Hreem Kleem Shri Kali-aaina maha

The best thing you can do for yourself or your lover is to surrender your ego and worship you/them as God/Goddess. Ultimately we are all ONE.

LOVE YOURSELF  your true self, That is what KALI helps you to do.self love 3

Taurus Moon sextile Neptune

as over the moon, romantic and dreamy as it gets. This aspect is in the evening so have a pre-Valentine’s day romantic date. Who has to live their life by a calendar?

V- Day has pretty nice aspects.


ALL writing is copyright of Tara Greene

GET A READING WITH TARA http://www.taratarot.com

Dance of KALI by Prem Joshua 

Virgin Post-Eclipse Sedona channeling

Here’s my post Virgo/ Chiron Solar eclipse channeling. As a professional Psychic I feel that I my experiences is a microcosm of the whole. I do this without ego and very humbly even more so because of this Virgo humility New Moon.

For me the lead up to the Solar eclipse felt like a huge P.MS. thing. Once the eclipse hit, i cried and a whole lot of wounds came floating up to the surface. I was also exhausted from being super busy the few days before leaving to come to Sedona.

“LIKE  A VIRGIN” is the song for this eclipse of course. Virgin pure, strong, belonging to no one but oneself.

POST-Solar eclipse for me was a total exhale and a great day of cleansing literally.  My friend Iala came to pick me up. I shifted her assemblage point with my smoky quartz large crystal which gave her energy. She brightened up right away. She took me to her friend’s home which is right on Oak Creek. We walked through the floodplain to find her sitting on this amazing rock. Yana is a beautiful very spiritual woman, who studied with Chris Griscom who was one of the first New Age teachers in Santa Fe. I had read her book Ecstacy Is A New Frequency years ago. 

So the three of us got into Oak {strength} Creek to be blessed and purified in the Sacred waters. It sources high up at 10,000 feet from the sacred Twin Peaks in Flagstaff. These mountains, breasts pointing up to the sky, are considered sacred to the Hopi and Navaho Indians. Iala calls the creek the Ganges of Sedona. A huge blue heron flew by. These birds are MERLIN the wizard. MAGIC.

I dunked my self in the cold swift flowing waters 3 times twice. That water shifted my consciousness totally. I wish there had been a before and after photo. It was like all the old gunk washed away. I made intentions in the water. There was a beautiful male duck who sat on a rock very close to us the entire time. All animals are messengers of spirit. 


animal totems spiritual growth Tara Greene

The duck acted a lot like a loon submerging himself for a few minutes then coming up. He also spread his wings widely and flapped them around proudly. He had beautiful coloring, some ochre gold coloring on his tail and a beautiful blue shade and a crest on his head. I have never seen a duck of this type before.

A very literal interpretation is DUCK!. A lot of people are worked up to a frenzy about a comet hitting the earth around Sept. 23, the next Blood Moon, Shemitah etc. Where are you going to duck?


The duck is a water bird, and water is the emotional element. Ducks help us to transcend. Ducks are related to empaths, people who are very sensitive. Duck signifies the need for emotional boundaries. Therapists often have duck medicine. The duck teaches how to dive deep for the pearls of wisdom. They migrate, going where the warm weather suits them indicating that you need to go where you feel the warmest.  In China ducks are associated with love and long-lasting marriages. Ducks bring happiness and joy, 

Echart Tolle says ducks teach us to live in the moment and not hold onto grudges from the past. Duck teaches us how to get into deepest emotions in order to get to a calmer state. 

The message I received from the Duck. Was choose happiness always. 

The rock we sat on… the rock was doused by a very experienced old -timer who said that rock had deeper and stronger vibrations than any vortex he had dowser in Sedona. This rock’s energy allowed one to go into DELTA waves. The very lowest and slowest, the most trance like energies. Yana had to leave to meditate with Bashar. Iala and I sat there for a while and began to meditate when it started to rain.  We sat in the rain meditating holding hands. I felt a spiritual umbilical cord grow out of my navel and grow into hers. For me it felt like we were two ancient grandmothers who had been meditating in this place since the beginning of time. 

In between ECLIPSES is a very powerful two-week gateway time. Virgo is the VIRGIN HERSELF, the Dark Mother, we are in between in liminal space. 

“Be humble like Christ.” was a channelled message my friend delivered to me. Know that you are the Christos consciousness the love of the world, and be ever so humble in service.

Happy Rosh Hashona, Jewish New Year for my family friends colleagues.May it be sweet like honey.

The Shemitah year is over. 

Please share widely

all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com

Please donate or subscribe to help my keep writing for you http://www.taratarot.com/id181.html

Here’s a cute little quiz to discover what phase of the moon you were born on http://spacefem.com/quizzes/moon/

Remember John Lennon, a channelled message

October 9 is the anniversary birthday of John Lennon ,one of my and millions of other peoples’ heroes. John, the true Libra peacemaker would have been 73 years young.

JOhn Lennon Astrology Tara Greene

Gee I wish he were here to comment on the current state of the World,

so I tuned in and I asked him- Here’s what I received in a channelled message.

“Bloody hell, its more fooked up now than it was in 1980. Britain is totally on camera and it’s a shameful waste of affairs. Even though there’s a black president he acts like a white zombie. He’s just a puppet of the corporate New World Order, Monsanto’s, ya know. Don’t believe anything you read in the newspapers or on that world-wide spider webbots. Ya gotta learn to think for herself, wasn’t that a song one of the Beatles did years ago? It’s easier to think for yerself these days, if you can see past the false flags and chem trails.”

Today’s music

“Totally panderized pap ,designed by big designer producers, auto- tune and all that, can’t even sing, pretty face adverts, a total sell out. These young kids just want money fame sex and drugs and are willing to bend over and suck whoever’s dick to make it happen. Maybe only one or two interesting people. Music needs more risk- takers, stuff that’s not guaranteed to sell at all. Lotta mindless dance music.”

Like who?

“Marina and the Diamonds- she’s got irony, and a good voice. The Black Keys are a good old rock band. Lady Gaga’s OK. she’s artsy, I like that. Bjork too, she’s not so new.  I like trance music and house not so fond of that hip hop stuff. Liked the politics of that Thrift Shop and the Gay love one. Forget Justin Screiber and those other kids -Miley,the pretty Latina-Selina. There’s always been teeny-bopper,bubble gum music but it didn’t sell the most records all the time. That Psy guy, that Korean horsy thing. that was fun, off the well trod path.


“Well there a bit better off now, some of them in the U.S. and Europe but they’re still at the bottom of the list. Still raped and traded and more tarted up than ever, Guaranteed to please men. Women need to wake up and to find their own power, they’ve got the men by the balls and don’t even know it.”


“Pre-mixed, pretend individuality, more choices, keep ’em busy, no time to reflect, too much noise. Yoga- is co-opted Indian spirituality that everyone “MUST DO.” Forget it, man. Most people don’t question. The 60’s woke a lot of folks up, They should wake up again now. People are more aware in many ways. I like the internet anarchists, what do they call them? hackers- I like them.”

What about Artists?

“I really like that Chinese chap Ai Wei Wei- he’s good. He stands up for what he believes in under duress in a communist country. Yoko’s still doing great things, I’m so proud of her.” 

Any words of advice John?

“Yeah, war is over if you want it, give peace a chance, my message hasn’t changed, and it won’t till the world’s changed.”

Hey thanks for thinking about me still.”


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene- permission is granted to re-use only if there are links to the author and her website.

Get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com


Day out of time DOG DAY SIRIUS RISES channelled messages

It is the DAY OUT OF TIME July 25

You don’t have to  be into the MAYAN CALENDAR..

it is the culmination of the 13 Moon- natural time cycle, every woman who is menstruating is synched into the natural lunar cycle.

13 lunations X 28 = 364 days

the Sun and the Moon realign every year on this day.So an extra day is added.

The 13 moon calendar also synchonizes with the 260 day Sacred Day count Calendar of the Mayans and other indigenous Meso-American peoples. 13 x 20 = 260 which is the average length of  a human gestation period .

On this day the DOG STAR STAR sirius RISES with the SUN.

this day was worshipped in ancient Egypt as it signified the flooding of the Nile to which all of Egypt’s food supply was dependent on.

The Dogon people of Mali have known of, worshipped and could accurately describe Sirius which is composed of 2 main stars,Sirius A and Sirius B and the 50 years it takes to make one orbit. The DOGONS  say they are descendants from this “blue race” os SIRIAN’s.

Every 49.9 The two stars come close to each other, creating huge magnetic storms between them. As they approach they flip flop and interchange places. The energy they releases is eventually released on magnetic fields back to the Sun which  sends transmits it like a lens, out throughout the system.  Their intertwining in a DNA pattern much like our own DNA. Ancient Hopi Indians also workshop Sirius as the Blue Kachina.

SIRIUS is a Very important STAR one of the birghtest in the Sky and the U.S.’s Sun is aligned to this Star. Known as the Sun behind the Sun.

Many channeler’s channel entities from SIRIUS.

All cultures worldwide celebrate this day. It has been ongoing since 1992.

Part of the legacy of Anthropoligist Jose Arguelles who passed away in 2012. Argueles was one of the founders of Earth DAy and the creator of the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE which was celebrated world wide at sacred energy spots  on Aug 16-17 1987.

I was living in Sedona, one of the Sacred energy sites in 1987 on those two days and doing movement meditation at two separate vortexes. Ten thousand people came to celebrate in a town of only 7,500 at the time. People gathered at the Great pyramid in Egypt, at Machu Pichu, Mt. SHasta, Niagara Falls and Stonehenge. The  Harmonic convergence garnered world wide news coverage

THE DAY out of TIME is totally summed up by THE  FOOL in the TAROT.  ZERO  naught nothing

Rumi Tarot The Fool Tara Greene

“Be Foolish, so that your heart may be at peace.” RUMI

so be still, meditate on Galactic synchronization. Your feelings, the Moon in synchronization with the SUN, the STARS, and the galaxy.

3 trines today from Moon in Pisces to Jupiter MARS and MERCURY in CANCER.

See this day as a day to dream.

Sirus and Pyramid alignments


Sit comfortable and have one candle, blue if you can. Light some incense and begin to breathe into your heart.

You will surround yourself with the highest frequencies of Light as you go on this journey.

Call in the 4 Archangels starting with Michael in the East, Gabriel in the South, Ariel in the West and Raphael in the North.

sit and breathe deeply relaxing more and more.

Focus on imagining the Night sky overhead and within you.

See the Star Sirius its a brilliant bright white blue color

Feel Sirius calling to you, calling your name….

Keep breathing deeply and feel, sense an umbilical cord of light reaching out to you from Sirius.

Follow this cord of Light into the heart of Sirius.

When you are inside the cord of Light that is Sirius, you will see, sense how bright it is.

The Light is highly charged with energy and it vibrates at higher dimensional frequencies.

You will have  full heightened  awareness to be able to absorb, understand, decode, assimilate

there will be lessons and instructions that will be shown to you

if you are ready and are willing to learn to expand your understanding.

So ask from deep within your heart and ask

“What do I need to do right now to assist myself and humanity in raising consciousness, which

is also  the most important spiritual lesson that I need right now”

and wait. You may see higher dimensional beings, you may simply sense their loving, subtle presence

you may also hear them speaking to you telepathically. They may take you on journeys,

you may feel that you are on a light ship. They may take you back to earth to show you things you haven’t been aware of.

Just sit and relax and allow, surrender knowing that whatever you need

will occur. You may feel that you’ve gone to sleep that is OK

you are still being imprinted with the knowledge deep down in your unconscious.

Take as long as you want to be there. Give thanks.

When you are ready simply come slowly back to your body.

 Write down whatever you felt, saw, heard. 


July 26 is also a Galactic Celebration day as it symbolizes the new start to the Year.

O.K. so get into NEW YEAR’s MODE right now-

what do you want to initiate? what do you want to begin?

Where do you want to be a year from now?

GET A READING with Tara http://www.taratarot.com


Sirius/ Eye in the Sky -Alan Parsons Project

EARTH DAY healing Channelled messages from the mother by Tara Greene

April 22 is EARTH DAY

Started in 1970 the first EARTH DAY saw 20 million Americans came out to demonstrate for environmental protection and awareness.  Since 2009 it has been celebrated as INTERNATIONAL MOTHER EARTH DAY now celebrated in 192 countries with over a billion people world-wide participating. It’s coordinated by non-profit EARTH DAY NETWORK.

We are all the children of ONE MOTHER who provides all of our nourishment. the EARTH.

the Moon is fittingly in VIRGO, an earth sign of service, hard work, analysis, perfectionism, accountability.

VENUS in TAURUS is Opposite Saturn in Scorpio -perfect.

Love of the earth opposed to DEATH

FOOD is # 1 major issue


President Obama passed that hideous Monsanto protection Bill. WHY?

FIGHT THIS BILL, get organized and educated. 

MONSANTO and its GMO FRANKENFOOD and suicidal seeds are one of the world’s biggest threat to human consciousness.

Be aware! in Hungary the people simply burned all their crops and seeds in protest of Monsanto.

In Most of Europe GMO seeds and food have been  banned. PERU and Bolivia have banned GMO seeds.

This is an insidious dangerous planned starvation fascist corporate food coup.

Most people are not aware of the dangers. Chemically introduced “Progress” is usually bad for every one’s health.

Monsanto is planning to use ROBOT drone bees  on their crops and are killing nature’s bees.

The ones that fertilize all flowers and make life sweet with honey.

PROTEST Atomic power plants and radioactive dump sites

 FUKUSHIMA continues to leak radioactive poisons into the ocean and air for over two years

the damage is not being reported truthfully in the mainstream media,

there was another recent spill. Do NOT eat any fish from the Pacific. 

There are tons of toxins everywhere in all the rivers lakes and oceans, in the ground, in the atmosphere

the Alberta Oil sands in Canada is a horrible polluter, shame on CANADA for renegging on KYOTO PROTOCOL

The oil rig leaks in the Gulf of Mexico caused tremendous environmental damage

yet they haven’t been totally stopped.

We need to get off the addiction to OIL and PETROLEUM products.

Shift to free solar, wind, ocean power. TESLA technology. Environmentally self renewing products

they are here already!  we can use Technology to clean up and invent new clean abundant cheap resources.

Generations are getting sicker younger. Species are dying.

We need to radically change everything about how we live, consume, eat, think.

Time is short, we have been too short-sighted. 

The Prince of Swords usually shows a young man with a sword.

I chose the Fairy Tale Tarot as it resonated with me as Thumbelina symbolizing all of us as humans on this 43rd Earth Day

Tiny, caught by the Mole= the dark, Scorpio, secret power, control hungry Corporations Plutocrats of the world.

Thumbelina manages to escape and because she is a kind-hearted soul, nature helps her, 

in the illustrations, swans come and build her a basket to fly her to safety. 

Each person may be small, but when we initiate radical hopes, ideas, freedom from tyranny

the swords symbolize mind, wind, breath, we can use our imaginations and words to soar.

The Spirit of the Winds and of Mother EARTH have spoken to me the last few days,

“Slow down, stop the world, turn the other way, hold together

good-hearted people will thrive and survive

support each other, get informed, use your mind to connect the dots,

see where the foul winds originate, 

Propitiate the Goddess, come and heal the earth and her children, your children

Make a vow to kiss the ground each day, kiss your  Mother,

Be gentle to her, she is alive. If she doesn’t thrive humanity  doesn’t survive,


Put back what has been brutally stolen, her oil, metals, gold, 

Women must take their rightful place as nurturers of the earth,they are the earth

Once their monthly blood was sacred and returned to the earth to nurture new crops,

Rituals must be created to transmute the poisons in the oceans, on the land, and air,

You must go back to nature, that is why you are so lost, so scattered.

In every way from birth to death, you must strip away the layers of poison from your body,

it’s in your cells, your DNA, your way of life,

I love you all as my children. ” -end of message

The time has come to renew the earth and ourselves before it is too late.


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