Weekly Astrology May 27 to June 2 and Rare Power

The main features this week Angry wounded explosive energies, unusual information, protests, chaos and a rare POWER amp up

May 29 Mars conjuncts Chiron in ARIES at 22 degrees at 10:08 am PDT, 1:08 pm EDT,5:08 pm

May 30 MERCURY conjuncts URANUS at 24+ TAURUS at 10:54 pm PDT May 31 at 1:54 am EDT

JUNE 2 JUPITER TRINE PLUTO at 1 degree AQUARIUS at 5:13 pm PDT 8:13 pm EDT

A big week for ARIES and CARDINAL signs feeling the Mars Chiron wounded healer conjunction at 18-23 CANCER, LIBRA or CAPRICORN

FIXED SIGNS at 19-25 TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO and AQUARIUS may be feeling wired, inspired, freeing themselves up, needing space, and protesting something or other.


If you have planets at 0=2 degrees FIXED signs this is a very rare special power up energy for you. This aspect can bring buried treasures of inspiring ideas to the surface. All AIR Signs including LIBRA by trine can create brilliant new inventive ideas in tech, social, and marketing into new avenues and pathways.

BITCOIN has MERCURY at 2 degree AQUARIUS indicating big gains and more widespread usage. Mercury rules Merchandise, travelling in all world.

The last time Jupiter and Pluto were in a Trine was in 2016 and they met three times in Virgo/Capricorn.

JUPITER is the King of the Gods newly blessed by conjunction with the SUN May 18 and PLUTO is the wealthiest of planets, the planet of Power, elites, control, secrets. These two powerful planets supporting each other brings advances in communications, technology and electric cars, transportation,and major radical new societal ideas and magnetic electical currents of freedom from hidden power agendas.

There will be Unexpected and sudden Deaths of world leaders.

I do believe Princess Catherine is dying. Watch especially for AI tech companies, Tesla, X, and new inventions and laws around education, creating energy sources out of thin air, and over turning of old regimes, new power sources, new money standard, -hint its not the U.S. dollar, digital currency regulations, power and money struggles of supremacy, and new world alliances. The JUPITER PLUTO trine won’t happen again until 2028 in LIBRA/AQUARIUS at 6 degrees.

NOTE: Ukraine Ukraine declares its independence | January 22, 1918 which will be finished as a country this year and totally overhauled.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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Weekly Astrology March 18- 24 Horoscopes

How was the lovely NEPTUNE CAZIMI for you? yesterday? Were you feeling all La-La-Land? How was your dreams? Espcecially you Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini Leo and VIRGO?

MARCH 17 SUN CONJUNCT NEPTUNE at 4:22 am PDT, 7:22 am EDT,11:22 am GMT

You’ve heard about all those crazy Royal rumours the past few days? King Charles is dead? #KateGate Kate is dead? Kate and Prince William to divorce? King Charles reincarnating in Trisha Paytas womb? Under a Sun Neptune conjunction in Pisces with Venus and Saturn in Pisces, Why am I not surprised? Astrology is real

Happy Moon Day. The Moon is in Her Home sign of Cancer and is enjoying cooking a wonderful home-cooked comfort meal for her family and inviting the neighborhood kids over for cookies.


Mark this on your calendars.MARCH 16 Mercury enters it’s shadow ZONE. Mercury’s slowing down, getting ready to Turn Retrograde on April Fool’s Day! The Universe has a sense of humour. What is the Shadow ZONE? It’s kind of like the Twilight Zone. It spans the degrees that a planet Retrograde’s at and the degree it stops and stations Direct after the Retrograde. Mercury turns Retrograde at 28 Aries April 1st/2. The Messenger Retrogrades back to 16 Aries, stationing Direct April 25. That range of 16-28 ARIES is the SHADOW ZONE.

Look up where that is in your Natal Chart now to know where the make a fool out of you communications issues will be coming from for you personally. March 18, Mercury moves to 16 Aries at around 6 am EDT, So let the SHADOW PERIOD begin. Forewarned is forearmed. The shadow period is like being PMS for planets.

There will be An 8 week run of three passes over 16 and 28 Aries . 

The last day of PISCES SUN,at the very last 29th most powerful spiritual degree of the Zodiac symbolizes endings and is always the day before the SUN sits over the Equator.

The Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere when day and night are equal and balanced is because the Sun is sitting directly over the Equator. Which it does again at Autumn Equinox. Only two days of the year are in this balance.

Yogananda, who wrote Autobiography of a Yogi, recommended beginning new spiritual practices on either one of the Equinoxes. Steve Jobs recommended that every one read his book. https://youtu.be/3ATErOL0nec?si=U2xuZjgOFqUVosgD

This 29th last degree day is a day of letting go, endings, completions, gratitude and for putting the old year to rest. Think back on your past year, what’s gone on in your life in the last 366 days? It’s been a Leap Year. The Aries ingress is on March 19 at 8:06 pm PDT, 11:06 pm EDT, and March 20 at 3:06 am GMT. \ Ostara is the ancient Pagan name for the Sun’s entry into Aries and the actual New Year. It’s also International Astrology Day. I will be doing Free Readings.on TIKTOK.

MARCH 20 EQUINOX at 3:06 am GMT
will write separately about this.

All CARDINAL SIGNS, Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn at 0-5 degrees get extrea oomph to initiate new things.

at 18+ degrees. All CARDINAL signs, at 13-19 degrees are in the cross-hairs.

Communication about bullying wounds and the fallout. Defensiveness proves woundedness, leads to war and more wounds and more PTSD. The cycle has to stop.All CARDINAL SIGNS, Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn at 13-19 degrees get extrea oomph to initiate new things.

MARCH 21 SUN SEXTILE PLUTO IN AQUARIUS , 1:03 pm PDT, 4:03 pm EDT, 8:03 pm GMT

Powerhouse aspect. Atomic energy, at 1 degree ARIES/ AQUARIUS. The air fuels the fire. Rage against the Machine. New protests aget angrier and more agressive. This is a avery martial and could be destructive aspect. Mars rules ARIES, Pluto and MARS rule SCORPIO. Be careful around fire and explosive materials and guns! This can escalate violence. All CARDINAL-Aries,Cancer,Libra, Capricorn and FIXED signs-Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius in the first Decan(0-9 degrees) will feel this boost.

March 21 **VENUS CONJUNCT SATURN 4:09 pm PDT, 7:09 pm EDT, 11:09 pm GMT
at 12+ degress

A SERIOUS karmic day. Sober love, Falling in love with someone older. A good day to sing contracts, especially with women. Elder Women mentors. Women demanding back pay. Honour crones, elder women for their beauty. Take a self-love oath, get engaged or married, get serious about meditating, spirituall disciline, dream therpay, Dedicate your love to a cause, gharity. Become a foster parent. Go to rehab, do your taxes, love your dad and your patrilineal side.

GEMINI< VIRGO< SAGITTARIUS and PISCES, Mutable signs at mid-degrees, 7-13 degrees feel this impact the most. Like a lead balloon.

MARCH 22 MARS ENTERS PISCES 4:47 pm PDT, 7:47 pm EDT, 11:47 pm GMT unit APRIL 30.There will still be 3 planets in PISCES for awhile.

MARS in PISCES is the spiritual warrior. Passion and Acting on your spiritual beliefs, warring religions, spiritual wars and arguments, attacks of religions or beliefs, war at sea, spiritual defenses and boundaries, creative passion, creating art, acting for charitable causes, defending water rights, martyrs by fire, arson, storms, tsunamis, high tides.

ARIES and SCORPIO will feel this watery spiritual addictive ending as Mars rules both those signs. READ MORE IN DEPTH HOROSCOPES-soon.

MARCH 24 VENUS SEXTILE JUPITER, at 15+ degrees PISCES/TAURUS at 9:37 am PDT, 12:37 pm EDT, 4:37 pm GMT

The Two Benefics, Venus the Lesser Benefic, and Jupiter the Greater Benefic, sextile each other in a positive way and even better they are hosting each other in the other’s sign. Venus in PISCES is ruled by JUPITER traditionally and Jupiter in TAURUS is is Venus’s Home sign. They are what is called Mutual Reception and stronger harmonious good buddies.

This is very lucky, spiritual dreamy but real and something to build with. Do buy lottery tickets and also give some money to a charity. JUPITER in TAURUS has largesse. A great day to go to a spa, buy beautiful luxurious things at a thrift store. My daughter is an expert at this, lately she is manifesting cashmere sweaters at Thrift shops like crazy. Cashmerus Appearus. Remembeer that? Real estate, jewelley, traditional things- Price of Gold will go up, but be careful of being too overly optimistic as Jupiter exagerates. This is also incredibly inspirational and door opening, for filmakers, artists, comedians, and any creative act. Pay attention to your dreams which will be heightened and listen to your gut instincts.

AT 15+ degrees MUTABLE WATER and 15+ degrees FIXED EARTH this is a receptively great combo to expand your money, your wealth, your influence,and harness and ground your spiritual visions. If you have planets at 12-16 of these signs you get bonus points. TAURUS, LIBRA, SAGITTARIUS and PISCES as well as all MUTABLE SIGNS GEMINI and VIRGO and FIXED SIGNS, LEO, SCORPIO and AQUARIUS get real beautiful blessings.

PLEASE SHARE all writing is copyright of Tara Greene


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Chiron Turns Direct December 23, on a New Moon

For the past five months since July 19 Chiron has been Retrograde in ARIES

from 16 degrees 26 ‘Aries to 11 degrees 56 minutes turning stationary Direct NEW MOON in SAGITTARIUS.

It will take until April 16,2023 until Chiron trots ahead past his Retrograde Stationary degree from July 19.

During this period we were working on the deepest healing of our wounds by surrendering to them. The truest and strongest heroes must be able to also be vulnerable and lay down their arms and their shields and their guns.

The greatest strength is being vulnerable. There is no war except our internal split between matter and spirit. To keep defending ourselves against our own pain is futile.

Look to The Sabian Symbol for 12 degrees ARIES for direction. Is ” A triangular shaped flock of geese.

An idealistic reliance upon a mental image of universal order. “- read the full description http://www.mindfire.ca/An%20Astrological%20Mandala/An%20Astrological%20Mandala%20-%20Aries%201-15.htm

Heroic Toxic masculinity started thousands of years ago at the start of the Age of Aries when the Old Testament began, the monotherist world domination of Judaism declared an inherent insecure position by trying to conquer and control the Great Mother, to split off from Mother Earth and natural instincts, intuition and man’s own Inner Divine Feminine. The warrior, Colonialism, capitalism and top-down survival of the fittest, the illusion of the individual stems from the masculine biological competitive nature, but this is not all of what a man is. Hierarchies are woven into our culture so we think they are natural but they are not.

A true warrior knows when to be vulnerable and intimate and honor his own nurturing Divine Feminine and to honor it in women and to create real intimacy and joy in relationships.

CHIRON was a wise healer in Greek Mythology. Part centaur, part human, part immortal, in Greek mythology he was a revered figure and taught the human Asclepius the arts of healing. There were numerous healing temples in ancient Greece founded by Asclepius based on Chiron’s teachings. There temples healed using plant medicines and dreams.

Modern medicine honors Chiron and Asclepius by using the same symbol of healing, the Caduceus, a symbol with a short staff entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings while the Rod of Asclepius has a single snakeChiron is immortalized as the Constellation Centaurus. He was discovered November 1, 1977.

This 5 month period was to work on and heal our own TOXIC MASCULINITY, and our anger in general which is intergenerational PTSD anger, our instinctive defences and any walls we have put up to being intimate within others and with ourselves. There is unconscious toxic anger and defence against being open and intimate. Men have been taught to be warriors strong silent loners independent and women have been taught to be vulnerable, dependent and weak. Venus was originally the Goddess of LOVE & WAR. Therefore MARS must also have a Strong warrior and A passionate lover and defender of Venus.

Now you can move forwards with a more holistic understanding of the wounds and be more open and vulnerable. Prince Harry speaking about his vulnerability on the Netflix documentary is a major example of this.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene


Get your 2023 forecast reading http://www.taratarot.com

Queen Elizabeth’s funeral September 19 astrology

It’s Queen Elizabeth’s II funeral today. After many days of her lying in state when thousands of people queued up for over twelve hours and more in long lines to pay respects to Her Majesty, surrounded by her four children, and her many grandchildren. The day of the funeral is here. Let’s look at the synchronicity in the astrology.

The Moon is in Cancer ♋️, the sign of the mother which is so appropriate isn’t it? The Queen was indeed a great mother goddesss figure for over 70 years, a symbolic and real leader, mother grandmother, gracious, strong, enduring, the Taurus rock.

The Queen’s Pluto,her symbolic soul, was at 12° Cancer conjunct Sirius the brightest and most beautiful star and her North Node was at 20°. This is a karmic destiny to be the Great Mother soul as Isis was in ancient Egypt which the star was associated with thousands of years ago.

Major aspects:

The ♋️ Moon squares Chiron in ♈️ early in the day. The Moon is the mood of the people, they are feeling vulnerable, touched, wounded by the loss of the leader. The Queen was very respected. She was also commander for all the military, warriors. We got to see Prince Harry and disgraced Prince Andrew get to wear their military uniforms for the last vigil.

King Charles 3 seems to be insecure about his popularity and is changing for popular sentiment to not exclude Harry who he realizes he desperately needs to bolster popularity with the younger demographic.

Mercury Retrograde ♎️ opposes Jupiter Retrograde in Aries ♈️

The British are famous for being punctual, and at this very elaborate Royal funeral with hundreds of troops, and major security for thousands of heads of states from counties around the world,even the best laid of Scotland Yard plans may go awry. This aspect is also part of the news story that Harry & Meghan were uninvited to a reception. Which may or not have been fake news.

Saturn ♒️ square Uranus in Taurus ♉️

This heavy conflict square which was prevalent all of 2021 is back in effect again. It is indicative of the old guard of the Queen,and a transformation into something stable but streamlined and new.

Mars at 15° Gemini ♊️ in a Finger of God with Chiron ♈️, the Wounded Healer and South Node in Scorpio.

This is a powerful and interesting symbol. Mars in Gemini is literally a man communicating with two faces. The sextile to Chiron in Aries shows a strong front but a vulnerable and wounded warrior. This could be Charles, or Prince Harry, the Energy!in general, the actions, desires, anger and the Military and world military.

The quincunx to the South Node in Scorpio ♏️ squares the Queen’s Mars in Aquarius ♒️ at 20 and her Saturn at 24° Scorpio. Charles’ Sun is at 22° Scorpio ♏️

Venus in Virgo trine Uranus at the end of the day

Venus is The Queen there is a freedom and a great revelation for her as she ascends from the earth plane.

A tight ship may still have some unexpected chaos later today in regards to a woman.

Please Watch my Tiktok it’s a 3 minute video about todays energies and leave comments.

Are you missing me on Twitter? If you are please email me of this. I’m going to start a petition to get reinstated.

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Tara Greene Tarot Astrology Psychic consultant


Blue Magic Witch Initiation August 21


Blue moon magic witchery Astrology workshop August 21 live at 7:30 pm EDT join me to raise the vibe. 5D conscious collectively raising the energy. Sliding scale $18-$28. Join at http://www.taratarot.com

July 1 Red alert day and Prince Harry warning

Hi sorry I am late and haven’t been posting. I tool a few days off for a much needed break and to get a nature bath. Since Neptune turned Retrograde June 25 I am definitely feeling the call to slow down to turn inwards, to reflect and be still. Are you feeling it to?

The big aspect.

June 28-30 PISCES MOON

The Mood is very psychic, overly sensitive, wanting to turn within, time to meditate to create, to do yoga, meditate, be charitable, dream and be compassionate and know that we are all one. This is a magic carpet ride of fantasy and illusion being in love with love. Leading up to June 1 enjoy the softness but don’t be deluded that some big hard energy is coming.

You will be feeling moody and its the best time to practice Lucid dreaming and projecting yourself as a fly on the wall in remote viewing.

June 30- July 3 Moon enters ARIES making things even hotter than they already are.

July 1 is Canada’s birthday but there will be massive protests against it due to Canada’s horrendous murdering of Indigenous children women and basically still keeping indigenous people enslaved. There will be protests and police clashes likely.


This is a mAjor red alert day. Angry, prideful, upstaging egos battles, innovative radical changes in a nutshell. The T-square from chaos loving Uranus in Aquarius opposition is a major hard aspect.

At 12 degrees LEO/AQUARIUS. 2 malefic planets face-off.

There will be very angry proud people upstaging, protesting and rebelling against old entrenched historical laws.

Mars brings anger and war-note the strikes in Iran leading up to this aspect. Mars in Leo brings heat waves that’s already happened. Mars in Leo brings heart attacks and with Uranus unexpected chaos. Mars in Leo brings ego entitlement. Mars in Leo is road rage, shootings, hierarchies. Mars in Leo opposing Saturn in Aquarius is Big egos battle innovative radical changes in a nutshell. This can be cryptocurrency or anything which challenges the old order. There will be fights and law enforcements.

Saturn brings restrictions on new technologies, Saturn brings limits to cryptocurrencies. Saturn restricts LGBTQ and women’s rights issues. Saturn restricts gatherings Saturn limits freedom.

Try to avoid getting triggered, reacting with pride or ego entitlement. The old defending the family honor is one aspect of this.

No handling Fires BBQ’s, anything dangerous, power tools, or anything adventurous. No volcano climbing, bungee jumping, speedster racing or dare devil stuff.

Planets at 12 degrees LEO/Aquarius feel the most. 7-17 degrees also feel pain, restriction, loss, heartache. 7-17 degrees TAURUS/ SCORPIO are also in the cross-hairs.

This aspect will be in orb until the 13th or so when Venus and MARS meet.

Prince Harry will be in the U.K. for his mother’s 60th birthday statue unveiling on July 1.

Mars in Leo is pride and literally Royalty. The Saturn opposition is cold hearted and shuns anyone who breaks away from Ye Olde Tradition. Harry will be feeling the hate and the love.

The Mars/Saturn opposition plus Uranus in Taurus squaring them is actually making a very difficult exact aspect in Prince Harry’s natal chart.

Mars at 12 degrees LEO is in Harry’s Natal 7th House of marriage and relationships The Royal Leo are angry at Harry because of his wife, Meghan being different, his marriage and how he interacts with the world. Saturn symbolizing the father, and representing history, tradition and duty in Harry’s 1st house of self-identity indicated restrictions placed on his way of expressing himself.

Mars and Saturn, the two most malefic planets are making an exact T-square to Harry’s natal Saturn symbolizing his father, Prince Charles, the Firm and karma. Harry’s Saturn is at 12 degrees SCORPIO in his 9th house of travel, foreigners, secrets, espionage, power and control, death and rebirth, adventure and airplanes. Harry’s father Prince Charles plays a huge part in Harry’s life dominating his education and his fame and worldly reputation for better and for worse. This is a very disturbing and chaotic life-changing exact T-square.

I have heard that Harry is planning to fly back to California immediately after the statue of Diana is dedicated, because he has already been away from Meghan and Archie and little Lili since June 26. If Harry does fly back on July 1st it is extremely dangerous for him to do so. Saturn when it opposed Pluto created 9/11. Harry should not fly on that day, there is danger of airplane crashes, fire in the engine, unexpected chaos and death.

Plus The transiting South Node is sitting on Uranus the planet of chaos in Harry’s 11th Aquarian house and opposing his Chiron in Gemini in his 5th House of children and creative self-expression and squaring his Part of Fortune in Virgo in the 8th house of death.

Planet Neptune in Pisces opposing his Virgo Sun

This transit had been approaching since 2020 and continues into 2022. Prince Harry is in love with love and in a magic fog of illusions and delusions. Neptune in Pisces rules Hollywood and this explains him taking up with La La Land. Mental illness is one of the topics Pisces governs. A Neptune transit is all about being charitable and he is doing charity work. Forgiveness, compassion and understanding are what a Neptune transit brings out. It makes one retreat from the world.

The Mars Saturn opposition makes a T–square to Princess Diana’s Neptune in Scorpio the sign of death rebirth and intense emotions. Neptune is projection. The Princess has held the attention of the world for almost 25 years since her death in 1997.

In Princess Diana’s Natal chart Mars conjunct Pluto & Uranus in her 8th house opposite her Aquarius Moon. Diana is literally the Moon, dying, 8 House in a car crash, Mars=danger speed, in an underground place, Pluto, in a chaotic way, accident Uranus. Her natal chart shows her death clearly which occurred Aug 31, 1997. Prince Diana had her Saturn planet of Karma, meaning an older man, at 27 degrees Capricorn, where Pluto is right now! This can be a danger to her legacy, her sons.

I am sending prayers for Harry’s protection.

and then,

Mars trine Chiron on July 2

This brings up open hearted healing and talking about our wounds or our war victories.

Please stay safe, share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

Lilibet “Lili” Diana Mountbatten-Windsor Astrology, Born to be famous

Congratulations to Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan on the birth of their daughter named to honour Queen Elizabeth’s childhood name and the one Prince Philip called her, Lilibet, “Lili” for short and of course to honor Princess Diana as well. She was born to be famous. Queen Elizabeth and Meghan’s astrology were always strong.

When you see the characteristics this girl has you will understand how karma works. A soul chooses the parents who will help them work out their issues. You can see so many characteristics which mesh with Meghan and Harry throughout. This is just a quick overview. This is a very fast first response to her chart the day she was born.

For those who have been dissing the choice of name. Prince Harry sought the Queen’s blessings to name his daughter after her childhood Nickname https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2021/06/prince-harry-meghan-markle-baby-lilibet-the-queen?mbid=social_facebook&utm_brand=vf&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_social-type=owned&fbclid=IwAR3pVx7zhELj_MApI7gFAWxx_UjbWnxzwU1NE7OJm3hf8MlVAR4IT08r74w

Lili has 29 Leo AC/Rising sign. The sign of Royalty, actors and actresses Meghan is a LEO conjunct ROYAL STAR Regulus Archangel Raphael, the same as Donald Trump. Regulus is at 0 Virgo now. Royalty serves the people and are un-Royals. She will be charismatic, golden, a sovereign leader ruled by Gemini Sun conjunct Node of fate and Mercury Retrograde.

Her AC and DC both have ROYAL STARS on them. JUPITER in PISCES conjunct Royal STAR Archangel Gabriel. the Announcing Angel.

Gemini Sun, a charming communicator, dual natured, angel/devil, she will talk very young and be eternally curious. She will get bored very easily and she may not finish things. She lives in her head. She is very high energy, and has to be doing two things at once. She will always look youthful and have a hard time making commitments.

Aries Moon

makes her a high energy independent, enterpreneurial woman an Amazon warrioress, a fiesty, high energy, hot headed and likely red-headed woman. The Moon in a Masculine fire sign makes her competitive too She likes to fight, to hunt things and gets bored very easily. She loves her mom but there will be anger issues with her. She may sublimate her anger and have a sensitive stomach


Lili was born with her ruling Sun planet mercury Retrograde. This is a karmic signature and means she will hesitate before speaking. She will think through her ideas before speaking. This can be a very good thing for a Gemini.

Jupiter in Pisces on DC

She will be know for charity in the world, Creative, imaginative, spiritual and psychic.

North Node of Fate and Mercury Retro in 10H of WORLD FAME. Destined to be a speaker, writer, communicator could be a lesbian or bi-sexual. My intuition just told me that.

Venus in Cancer is OUT OF BOUNDS square ARIES Moon

Venus in an emotionally sensitive, home-loving CANCER is a very strong and close bond with Meghan. This aspect would usually make Lili, a traditional woman who wants to have children, who is also a foodie like Meghan. BUT Lili was born with VENUS moving OUT OF BOUNDS which means she is not a traditional woman at all, She may identify as any kind of sexual, and be a radical influencer in the world. She is not a royal but a private citizen.

VENUS and Jupiter are trine, a positive easy supportive aspects of wealth and good taste, She will be charitable to mothers, women, her own mother and Female lineage and another Foodie like Meghan. She is emotional, sentimental, loves her home, water, nurturing others. This is a strong traditionally feminine energy.

Mars, 25 degrees Cancer opposite PLUTO in 5th /11th H

This is a very heavy intense obsessive aspect to be born under. The baby may have been born under a stressful and intense birth for Meghan. Mars/Pluto in Capricorn is the tradition of the Monarchy, world power and control, secrets and big money. The opposition is intense power, sexual energy, control, emotional. obsessive, sublimated anger. She is strong willed, intense and needs to be in control emotionally. She can also feel wounded and vulnerable underneath her armor. There can be be Power struggles with Mom. She will also feel this energy from many haters in the world. She could use her emotional intensity to create big changes in the world. The mark of a psychologist and researcher. She can be someone obsessed with food. She may have eating disorders like Diana did. She will be fascinated with Diana her grandmother and her tragic death.

Chiron the Wounded Healer exactly conjunct the Moon in 8th house

at 12 degrees. This is literally wounded warriorors, She will be a healer of PTSD/ warriors like her Dad. That Mars/Pluto opposition is intense power, sexual energy, control, emotional. Intense, obsessive, sublimated anger. She is strong willed intense obsessive needs to be in control emotionally. She can also feel wounded and vulnerable underneath her armor. There can be Power struggles with Mom.

Saturn Uranus square

she respects the old but is a pioneer, a bringer of the new radical energy.

Neptune square Mercury Retro.

is a psychic, dreamy charitable and creative aspect. She will think differently. Home schooling or private school would be ideal. This aspect indicates that Lilibet could have been a famous woman writer like Virgina Wolf, or a spiritual person in a Past life.

Juno in SAGittarius opposite Sun conjuncts South Node

She will be a feminine genius a brilliant thinker, she was already a judge, a teacher, a philosopher in a past life. She may be good with languages, love animals, she will want a horse, and likely be a good rider or even a horse competitor a Royal tradition. Bring on those rescue chickens and travel and always love to learn and study, This indicates a career or interest in politics and international relations.

Ceres conjunct Uranus in Taurus in 9H.

She sees Meghan as a unique mother, very earthy. She is a nurturer and very sensuous, loves playing in the dirt, a tomboy, a very unique person. she will enjoy making things with her hands, pottery or sewing and gardening.

LILITH on her MC conjunct Algol ” LILI.” OMG. She is here to embody Lilith in the world! Feminist like Mom

If Astrology isn’t real then why Prince Harry and Meghan’s baby “Lili” has Black Moon Lilith conjunct the MC, fame and career point conjunct Algol Medusa’s head too if she isn’t here to embody Lilith, First feminist, 1st woman energy?

I’m Predicting a future U.S. president, Asteroid Psyche on Sirius US Sun

This is an interesting aspect her SOUL/PSYCHE is on the U.S. SUN and the brightest star in the sky. Sirius worshipped by ancient Egyptians.

Here’s the TWEET where I predicted Meghan was in labour on June 3.

Tara Greene@6thsensemoment · Jun 3 Mars is sitting on Duchess Meghan’s Cancer Rising right now, she might be in labour?

Watch the video i made right after the birth was announced. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCIeXZ_4Eac

Please share widely I will write more soon when I can.

Contact me for workshops and readings http://www.taratarot.com


Archie Harrison-Mountbatten-Windsor Astrology

Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor Happy 2nd Birthday, and Reblogging your 1st birthday and Natal chart and prediction of Archie’s natal chart indicates a very smart female sibling with JUNO in his 3rd house of siblings from 2020.

This is Archie’s Solar Return chart for 2021 in Montecito California. Archie’s Solar Return was May 5. It will be an interesting year. His Great Grandfather Prince Philip passing is shown as Pluto squaring his Part of Fortune and his Mercury in the 12th house. 

URANUS is moving up to conjunct little Archies AC over 2021-2022 indicating his raging terrible two’s as he will rebel a lot. He is a very unusual, unique, very smart and freedom loving child. 

Jupiter at 29 Aquarius conjunct Lilith indicating his Mother still being a reviled figure in the world. Jupiter squaring the Moon at 0 Gemini in his 1st house is literally Meghan Publishing a Jupiter ruled children’s book- the Moon in Gemini. 

Mercury is also conjunct Archie’s Moon indicating him talking like no tomorrow. He loves to talk and will have many imaginary friends with Natal Mars in Gemini opposite Jupiter in Sagittarius being squared by Transiting Neptune in Pisces-imaginative, spiritual compassionate. 

Archie’s Rising sign on his Solar Return 2nd birthday is Cancer indicating his closeness with his mother, his family, and home, a love of water, lucky he lives by the ocean, his caring- “drive safe” Harry said he repeats and “Hydrated.” and a new baby sister coming into his life. With angry aggressive Mars on that AC. Archie may have a rough time accepting a sibling. He may act aggressive and feel threatened and competitive. The AC and Mars square his Natal Chiron in ARIES in his 12th house. That is repressed anger.Archie is a wounded healer/ soldier/ warrior from a past life. Also Archies tummy may be very sensitive this year and his diet may have to be changed. This would be stress induced.

Jupiter will be in Pisces when his new baby sister is born as Jupiter wont get past 2 degrees so Jupiter will be squaring Archies natal Gemini Moon indicating an expanded spiritual, creative imaginative side and his developing a twin personality.

Jupiter will be trine to Archies Solar Return AC/Rising and Mars. He may be overly affectionate and protective of his new baby sister but also angry and defensive as many children get when bumped from being an only child at such a young age. 

Archie will always want to be the center of attention with the SUN exactly on his AC. He thinks the Sun rises because of him. This would be the dase whoever he was born to with this placement. He has a dualistic nature with Gemini Moon in the 1st house of self-identity. His detached emotions come first. The Moon in Gemini is the twins so he may be able to share the spotlight with a sibling a bit more with this placement. Those with planets especially Sun and Moon in the 1st house are very self-centered. 

Archie Harrison Mountbatten Windsor Astrology

Archie Harrison Mountbatten Windsor Astrology

Happy Solar Return 1st Birthday to #ArchieHarrison who actually turns one year old on May 5th at 3:15 am in L.A. PDT. Yes, his calendar birthday is May 6th but the Solar Return is the actual #birthday when the Sun returns to the exact degree it was when you took your first breath. This little boy has already lived in 3 countries and visited South Africa in his first year.

To read all about Archie’s Natal Chart which I have updated it as it was initially written the day he was born. 


There may be more moves for him in 2021 as Uranus crosses his Rising in 2021 and the North node conjuncts his Mars in Gemini and opposes his Jupiter in Sagittarius in that year. 

His Natal chart indicates that the Historic leave-taking Prince Harry announced in January 2020 from his Royal family was clearly marked by the January 10 Lunar eclipse at 20 degrees Cancer opposite to Archies Saturn and Pluto and squaring his Natal Venus in Aries indicating a sudden restricting Saturn/Pluto change in values on both his Saturn/Pluto in his 10th house of worldly fame. 

Archie’s natal chart indicates a very smart female sibling with JUNO in his 3rd house of siblings. His mother Meghan Markle is going through powerful transits from Jupiter Pluto and Saturn right now and throughout 2020. Meghan could easily get pregnant now as Saturn crosses her South Node or on or around December 21, 2020, which is more favourable when Jupiter planet of fertility and Saturn planet of karma and maturity conjoin at 0 Aquarius in her 7th house of marriage. But this is also a difficult transit.  Meghan and Harry need some time to resettle themselves. 

The only TOTAL Solar Eclipse in 2020 occurs December 14 exactly on Master Archie’s Jupiter in Sagittarius indicating another move or travelling or to spend Christmas with his royal grandparents and extended family and his own family could be expanded at this time too.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene 

get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic

Happy Solar Return 1st Birthday to #ArchieHarrison who actually turns one year old on May 5th at 3:15 am in L.A. PDT. Yes, his calendar birthday is May 6th but the Solar Return is the actual #birthday when the Sun returns to the exact degree it was when you took your first breath. This little boy has already lived in 3 countries and visited South Africa in his first year.

To read all about Archie’s Natal Chart which I have updated it as it was initially written the day he was born. 


There may be more moves for him in 2021 as Uranus crosses his Rising in 2021 and the North node conjuncts his Mars in Gemini and opposes his Jupiter in Sagittarius in that year. 

His Natal chart indicates that the Historic leave-taking Prince Harry announced in January 2020 from his Royal family was clearly marked by the…

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Virgo Full Moon magic live Special

JOIN me LIVE February 27 @ 5:00 pm PST 8:00 Pm EST Feb 28 At 1:00 am GMT

We will go full-on Virgo topics. Everything that we have been concerned about for the past year since Covid-19 pertains to Virgo-health, our work, budget, pets, worry, community, services, our digestion, and being enforced, hermits. In the Tarot the Virgo Major Arcana is #9 The Hermit. This is more of an interactive circle than the last full or new moons. This is an experiential shared Magic ritual and community. Even if you are not a Virgo every one has Virgo somewhere in their astrology charts.

A guided meditation to get grounded into the powerful earth energies from Mars and Pluto and to receive messages from the Virgin Goddess of this sign Herself.

I will touch on Astrology and you can bring your astrology charts. there will be Q & A.

I am offering a LAST MINUTE DISCOUNT to join today. $15 US you can pay through Paypal here.

I want to keep this community going.



2021 Astrology predictions

The January 1,2021 Astrology chart reveals the entire year ahead. It is the birth chart of the year.

The Moon at 2 degrees LEO

is always the Mood of the people is up in the 10th house of the public or High Noon. There will be royal DRAMA this year for everyone, not just H & M and the Queen. It will be an emotional roller coaster better fasten your seat belts for a wild and crazy ride. There will be tsunamis of moody, moonlike energies especially at Full moons all year. Three out of four eclipses in 2021 are in mutable changeable, adaptable Sagittarius and Gemini with one in Taurus November 19th, conjunct to Algol the most feared Star in the Skies.

CANCER is the Sign on the MC or Midheaven dominates. Feminine feelings, and emotional motherly values is what’s going to be heard loudest in public. The Moon always symbolizes women, home, emotional safety, food, water, nourishment, and security, these govern the World’s focus.  The landscape will be emotional, with our feeling taking main stage; of fear, home and food scarcity and security shaping what the world is all about.

The 10th house is the house of worldly power and where Leo power struggles and leadership will occur. Corporate power {10th H} and Big Business will be stronger and more controlling. Acting like arrogant Kings filled with pride will be their downfall. Give them enough rope, etc. The Moon ruling the MC by sign indicates Corporations acting as “moms” doing “what is good for you” by “protecting” and nurturing the little people, their “children.”

The SUN in serious CAPRICORN in the 4th is conjunct Mercury and Pluto indicating a big business controlling communications and more destruction and resurrections that we will feel as we are stuck in our homes. Depression, suicide prevention and family and ancestral roots and stories will be a big topic.

 Leo also rules the heart. Do be careful about stress levels affecting your heart and lunar ruled sleep habits this year. Swimming would be an ideal exercise, but dancing in public videos, like Tik Tok are the best ways to have fun in 2021.

Women need to take center stage and demand their sovereignty in every way.  Charisma, strong wills, pride, passionate, dramatic energy for everyone will be on display plus big hair and loud colorful over the top bling. The need to be King or Queen with each person’s ego wanting what it wants can lead to bitter fights and bitchy gossip is the downside to be mindful of. Changing of royalty from the Queen to a King is one very literal meaning.  The feeling is fiery, courageous, and wanting to tango or tangle with others. People want to be able to express themselves on the center stage of their own lives again.  Leo Moon is celebratory, with strong leadership, relating to romance, love, creative self expression and children.  

The Moon is opposite SATURN the great reality checker and Jupiter the expander in a packed 4th house symbolizing that people will largely still be in lockdown and confined to their homes.

Leo Moon in the 10th House promotes women in power positions in governments, corporations, and heads of state. The vocalizing of women’s feelings of caring, relationships, nurturing, pride and placing strong feminine heart values comes first. That is a good thing. People will be wearing their hearts on their sleeves.

SATURN rules work, seniors and senior homes, end of life, death, roots, ancestors, as does the 4th house placement which is where the Moon is most naturally placed. Saturn is in its other rulers sign of Aquarius in a Capricorn ruled 4th house, so it is doubly strong. AQUARIUS energy brings a breath of fresh air and radical new ideas and technologies, but it will take time to get going. All the planets are in the 4th house including Athena so internalizing, strategies, working from home, evictions, family safety and  food are ongoing concerns.  Many people will opt for different lifestyles, tiny homes, or communal living. Family compounds will return.  

The Mood will be more upbeat and radical with Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius with people getting very antsy for freedom, liberation, and rebellion. The internet and virtual reality will feel like home with ongoing Zoom meetings mandatory. Cryptocurrencies and adapting radical lifestyles will be what makes people feel secure. Grassroots organizing will gain strength. Thinking outside the box is the new “normal.” New ideas and philosophies, networking and collaborating will be what feeds us.

Moon, Jupiter and Saturn and Asteroid Athena square URANUS and LILITH in TAURUS

In the 8th house of finances, death and rebirth, taxes. This T-square is important. It shows the URANIAN wild and unexpected chaotic nature of the emotions, and structures, literally. Uranus in Taurus symbolizes earthquakes and volcanic explosions, radical changes, resistance, and financial market instability which Taurus and the 8th house symbolizes. LILITH is the original woman, who has been demonized for her sexuality, strength, and spirituality. Lilith’s reputation will be leading the freedom fighters as women demand to be heard and have equal parity. Listening to your intuition and guts, refusing to compromise for not being treated as an equal is respected and prized by anyone who has been relegated to second class status. Decolonizing is the word of 2021.

Uranus rules the internet and cryptocurrencies. The value will skyrocket for crypto then fall like a bull in a bullfight or be halted and restricted by government. I see the entire worldwide net going down as a big power play for world domination will be clearer to see. China’s Jupiter is at 24 degrees Capricorn where Pluto is transiting.

The Ascendant or rising Sign is LIBRA ruled by Venus. Projecting or aiming for some balance, peace, being able to be social again is the main thrust for everyone. Justice, relationships, listening to others, being liaisons and ambassadors, human resourcefulness and harmony are strong values.

VENUS, at 20 degrees Sagittarius in the 3rd house of communications is conjunct to the SOUTH NODE of the Moon squaring NEPTUNE in PISCES. South Node represents the past what we need to learn from and relinquish for a reboot. Neptune in Pisces is responsible for the fake news, deception, drug addictions, mental illness, jails, confinement, gurus, crash of oil and Hollywood and Viruses as Neptune rules all of those and more and self-undoing. Comedy will be king as we need to keep out optimism and spirits up. Venus in Sagittarius tells the truth from the horses’ mouth. Love must be long distance with this placement, and she likes it that way with a great fantasy element to it.  Venus in Sage loves to wander, exercise and values freedom above all. She is frustrated and is retreating into her dreams and imagination as a coping mechanism during this lockdown. A frustrated let down Sagittarius energy is a sad sight to see when all her optimism is thrown to the winds. We will bounce back though. Religious institutional secrets will be revealed. Money laundering, sex trafficking and fake news will be revealed. Venus here aims for truth, justice, honesty, transparency, higher education, International affairs, publishing, loves to teach and travel and Neptune has put a lot of that behind an invisibility cloak right now. Issues of projecting and mirroring in relationships and communications needs to be dealt with. Laws restricting freedom of speech and the news will be argued in courts.  She rules the rising sign here.

MARS at 27 ARIES is squaring PLUTO in CAPRICORN

Mars in the 7th house and in its rulership in a battle with Pluto is very Scorpio-like. Power struggles between men and those at the heights of power. Massive anger, rage, wars, bombing, terrorism,  fights, resistance and defences between the people and government control with aggressive police crackdown like there has not been seen. That is scary. This is extremely fascist and dangerous and the classic textbook meaning of these planets. As the U.S. is heading into its 1st Pluto return ‘give me liberty or give me death.” will be a rallying cry.

CHIRON the WOUNDED HEALER in ARIES on the Descendant showing how wounded America looks to the world and how defensive everyone is against something aggressive sudden and deadly.  Not just America but the world feels vulnerable to COVID-19, to environmental degradation, climate change and instability.

GRAND FIRE TRINE of JUNO in Sagittarius Chiron and LEO MOON.

This is a powerful healing for women’s brilliance to bring their feelings and unique feminine ways of inspiration and hope out into the world to save the PTSD’s wounded of the world. A multi-dimensional approach is the only thing that will work to include everyone.

This is a strong powerful radically changing year ahead. Yes we will be feeling headier with the Aquarian energies beginning but this chart indicates not much change for most of 2021.

I will write my annual predictions for countries and celebrities shortly. I am going slow because my eyes have been hurting me. I need to take a break from being on the Net so much so please bear with me.

Wishing you all the best,

All content is copyright of Tara Greene

Please share widely

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