Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic

Astrology Magic

Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic

Rare Lunar Standstill Capricorn Full Moon

June 20 is the longest day of light in the Northern Hemisphere and the SUN is at Standstill for three days as the earth reaches its extreme tilt. June 21 Capricorn Full Moon at 6:08 pm PDT, 9:08 pm EDT, and June 22 at 1:08 am GMT twins with the SUN and it also a rare LUNAR Standstill with the SUN at its most Southerly extreme. This occurs every 18.6 years, of course, tied into the Lunar Nodal cycle and Eclipse cycles, too.

There will be another Full Moon in Capricorn at the last degree 29 very close to Pluto on July 21. Seeds planted now can be grounded and see results a month from now.

The FULL Moon at LUNISTICE with the MOON or Lunar Standstill last happened in 2006.

If you are outside under clear skies the more northerly you are in latitude the lower the Moon will be on the horizon, and appear closer to the earth, if you are in the Southern Hemisphere the Moon will be very high in the sky.

These two extremes coinciding for the first time since the 1980s point to the extremism happening in our own lives and in worldly mundane matters too. We feel stretched to the limits, to our farthest points, as if we are tied to a rack to divulge our hidden truths. Sorry for being so dramatic but it was the image that came to mind. Sometimes going to extremes is the only way to see what’s really going on, I tend to push myself this way to get to a buried hidden truth of something I don’t want to see or am in denial of. We all tend to do this.

If the cosmic signs say We need to be pushed to extremes to see just how out on a limb we truly are, we need to look down and see there is no safety net, so we are forced to jump in blind trust or back down.

The Moon is in detriment in earthy Capricorn can help us stay very grounded. The Capricorn Moon is infamous for never showing its’ emotions and acting like its always business as usual while cracks are forming in the foundations and signs of distress are everywhere.

Astrologically the aspects are the same as the Solstice Virtually

Neptune squares the SUN and VENUS in Cancer, indicating paying attention to our deepest feeling sensations, dreams and intuition will pay off the most.

SATURN in PISCES almost at a standstill as well turning Retrograde June 29 at 19 degrees 26′ ruling this Full Moon sextiles URANUS in Taurus we are ready to make big leaps in our habits and comfort zones.

My advice is to mirror the STANDSTILL SUN and MOON for three days and STAND STILL, move slowly, feel your feelings, trust your intuition, and commune with your Guardian angels.

I am taking advantage of this slowdown in my work and am house-sitting at a friend’s in the country. I will be channelling messages and making videos.

Summer Savings on Tarot Readings

i will go live on SUNDAY at 8:00 pm on YouTube or TikTok or X i havent decided yetl

stay tuned, send me a text if you are interested 416 2305347

Email me for Summer Savings on readings at taragreenetarot@gmail.com


Please share widely content is copyright of Tara Greene

Please support my work if you receive benefits from it.


Happy Solstice, standstill Astrology

Happy Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere and happy Winter solstice down under. This is one of the four foundational points in the year.

Also Called Litha to the pagans. Our ancestors participated in solstice rituals and ceremonies since before recorded time. The sun God king was sacrificed symbolically as the light gives way to night, we are at the 1/2 way point in the year. The feminine yin energies begin to ascend peaking at winter solstice and around and around and around it goes.

At Stonehenge, at the Callanish standing stones in Scotland, at the mesa at Chaco Canyon in New Mexico where the Sun dagger appears on this date, at the pyramids, at every ancient calendrical sire everyone, everywhere participated in the turning of the wheel of the year.

I detail all the aspects for you in my Video on my YouTube channel.

Cancer season is ruled by the Moon. The Moon is in Aries ♈️ conjunct jovial Jupiter. Mars governs Aries and it’s in its home sign..

This is a war signature. Whether it’s a war with Russia or China that the U.S. is pushing for or the people going to war against the government or over gun restrictions that’s all part of the signature. This is New initiatives, new beginnings, people will be angry, aggressive, competitive, short tempered, impatient, defensive. This is about gun laws too.

As the Sun king peaks and the sun appears to standstill in the sky for 3 days. We need to flow onto Cancerian receptivity with our wombs, our hearts, and feel where we can receive emotional safety and support.

Cancer’s mission is family, nurturing, food, emotional safety, nourishment, nursing, being the unconditional loving mother. Cancer is a great time to make your home more homey, to gather to have big dinners, to go within. It’s a fertile time. The feminine yin receptive energies are on the rise.

Get near water if you can over the Solstice period and do water offerings to flow with the river if life. Inner child work is the main thing to do during Cancer season

Video link Summer solstice June 21,2021

I pray you have a home and security, I pray you have nutritious food to eat, I pray you and your family are feeling emotionally connected safe and supportive of each other. This is an ideal that not all of us have.

Please share widely. All writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

Get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

Happy Summer Solstice

Pentacle_on_wiccan_altar Litha Summer solstice
Malloym, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

SUMMER ARRIVES as Sun enters Zero degrees of Tropic of Cancer creating SUMMER at last in Northern Hemisphere and WINTER in Southern Hemisphere!

THE LONGEST DAY OF LIGHT OF THE YEAR arrives Wednesday, June 20, 2021 at 11:32 pm EDT.

Cancer solstice or LITHA to wiccan pagans is the Crowning of the Sun King who embraces the Queen of Summer and begins his slow dance of death with Her. The longest night of Light in the North! Summer harvesting begins, Revel in the Light,

Ive been a practicing green witch since I was initiated in 1987 by Susun Weed.

Our organic garden is coming along nicely now with some heat. We;ve got purple beans, snow peas, lots of tomatoes many varieties, Brussel sprouts, cabbages, artichokes! my big experiment! cuces, potatoes, celery, 2 kinds of lettuce, chard of rainbow colours, green onion, rapini, dill, basil, rosemary, chives, tarragon has come up again very nicely and asparagus gets bigger ever year.  I love my little garden.

CANCER is all about Nurturing, nourishment, watery, emotional, sensitive, MOTHERING, MOTHER EARTH, home, security, privacy, family.

ON SUMMER SOLSTICE we always do a ceremony to mark the next main quarters of the Year. Pagans, earth/nature worshippers  mark 8 stations of the year.


Smudge, use incense, high quality, natural. Clear a space. Cast a circle. Begin in the EAST always. EAst is Fire spirit, the SuN.

call Spirit of the Sun to be present in your circle. Always move CLOCKWISE!  NExt to SoUTH, call in WATER ELEMENT.

MOVE WEST, call in EARTH element,add earthy adjectives,  move North call in AIR ELEMENT. – see Air ceremony below-join me Grail Springs Spa

Once centered call in the “As Above, So below, so within”  YOU.

Give thanks to Grandfather Sun for being directly overhead, for shining the longest, for casting the longest shadows on this day,

Give thanks for all things you love about summer, rapid growth, greenery, fresh food, swimming, sunbathing, relaxing long days, the cottage,

fireflies, beers, cold drinks, whatever it is you like about summer, pop songs, whatever… “In the summertime when the weather is fine….”

Deeper symbolism of Cancerian Summer is emotional security, safety, coming home. Cancer is water and water is emotions, why we are here on this earth plane, to feel, everything.

Imagine feeling, as Cancer is the deep security need of unconditional mother love, totally loved by the Great Mother Goddess in all her aspects but especially emotionally.

See, sense and feel the earth’s waters, her oceans as nourishing and sustaining all life on this planet. You are 70% water, the earth is 70% water.

Know that you are emotionally safe, protected, nurtured and loved. Sense this, feel it, know it as the blood flows through your heart and veins and arteries. The great mother pours through you in your blood, your tears, as sweat, as sexual secretions, urine as all bodily fluids. Your essence is love.

We must give back to the mother goddess. As Japanese Dr. Emoto shows our minds can move change and heal matter, especially water.

How interesting that a Japanese Dr. brought out these findings years ago almost unconsciously knowing that we would need them now.

So send your intention to heal the Ocean, the fish, dolphins, whales, krill, seaweed, all life, as all life is dependent on the ocean which we came from.

Honour your inner sun, the light within, the light that you are, feel the Inner fire, your inner heat, Kundalini energy,

You are a micro- sun. It is YOur turn to shine brightly now. As above so below. Your turn to En- LIGHT- en yourself!

Turn on the light to everyone else. The light bring consciousness to what is in the dark. The light brings warmth, heart.

Be thankful, be grateful. Vow to be en LIGHT ened more and more.  Light has triumphed. In the Tarot the SUN is the # 19.

Meditate on the Sun, the source of all life on this planet. Nothing could live on this planet if the Sun weren’t 83 million miles away, very close. A perfect distance.

Meditate on the perfection of the Universe, That all is Light, even the darkness is part of the Light, that the Universe is  UNI =one.

Place your hands on your heart, meditate on one Light, One LOve. Yeah yeah it’s a Bob Marley song.

I will be more conscious, as consciousness is Light, Illumination. Vow to LIVE THE LIGHT. Live  Lightly on this planet. Let your Light shine! Live your light!

BE still and meditate on Light. When finished thank the directions from East to North for being present in your ritual.

And dismiss them into their directions with love and light. Then dance, sing, Here comes the Sun, In the Summertime, Summer in the city, summertime, I like New York in June, who doesn’t like Gershwin?  etc..

Midsummer Night Fairy Magick Sun Celebration

June 20 is the Peak of the SUN’s LIGHT, the MASCULINE FIRE in the Northern Hemisphere. The longest night of the year in the North, its a time of celebration. As the sun peaks everything shifts gradually into the DARK feminine FEMININE ENERGY energy begins to grow stronger until December 21st when it peaks then the powers are switched again. This is the balance of everything that exists in the Universe. 

This is the PAGAN Cardinal Cross Quarter day of LITHA. 

As Summer begins in the North here in 2020 we are finally getting out after a 3-month lockdown due to Covid-19. Time to celebrate, Life is green, the living colours of flowers are everywhere and abundant. The air smells sweet, bees are buzzing. We are growing our own food in our gardens or containers. We are soaking up the rays.  The Goddess is symbolically Pregnant with the child she conceived on March 21.  

The Summer Solstice or LITHA begins 2:44 pm PDT/5:44 pm EDT/ 9:44 pm GMT  as the SUN enters CANCER the 0-degree “world point.” It is the beginning of Winter Down Under. Time 

Shakespeare Immortalized Midsummer in his play A Midsummer Night’s Dream 





Traditional symbols for Midsummer

Weave flower wreaths to wear on the summer solstice,

The Bonfire

Bonfires are lit on hilltops, by holy wells, and at a sacred place, to honour the fullness of the Sun. People danced around and leap through the flames. Traditionally people stayed up all night on Midsummer’s Eve to welcome the sunrise. Coals from the Midsummer fire were scattered on fields to ensure a good harvest, you can scatter them in your garden

Midsummer is one of the most powerful nights for MAGICK,

Especially healing prayers, love magick, energy, protection and purification. It’s a time of gratitude for family and friends. Reflect on the progress of the seeds that you planted in the earth. A great time to get rid of patterns and objects that no longer serve your Higher Self. 

The Fairy Queen and the fairies are said to be out riding on MidSummer Night 

This is the time to strengthen your connection with the Fae or Fairie and otherworldly beings,

Honour the Fairies 

Create a fairie house in your yard or even in your window. Remember that fairies are very mischievous so be careful. Place spirit boundaries around your house, and protect yourself from their pranks while outside. Wear garlands of marigolds, ivy and or St. John’s Wort. White lily petals, rue and oatmeal in your pockets or in baskets help in protection. Bury a Witch Bottle, a glass container filled with sharp objects such as pins, nails and needles, ashes and salt before entrances to your home for protection.

Leave treats for the Fairies. They love sweets of all kinds. Leave offerings outside in the woods a park or your yard or windowsill.  Leave herbs, ribbons, seashells and bowls of milk outside to gift the Faeries.

Bless the animals.

Ancient herders brought a token animal to be blessed to protect their herds. Ask for protection and blessings for pets, livestock and wildlife.

Have a Feast 

Some great summer dishes include seafood, watermelon, berries, lemonade, summer squash, and baked potatoes. 

Renew and clean Your Altar

Litha is a great time to clean, cleanse and re-decorate your altar for the Summer season. Take everything off of your altar, clean it, then cleanse it with dried Cedar, Sage, honeysuckle or other sweet incense or sweetgrass smoke. Add summer yellows to and golds to your altar.

Honour Sun Gods & Goddesses

Honor any solar deities with offerings and prayers Some of the sun gods and goddesses are Ra, Horus, Huitzilopochtli Aztec Sun and War God, Irish Goddess Aine, Celtic Sun God Belenos, Greek Sun God Helios, Roman Apollo, Etain Irish Sun Goddess, Yuyi, Taoist God of the Sun, Macha, Irish Goddess of women, Sunna, Norse Goddess of the Sun and many more. 

Flowers, honey honouring nature and growth

The Midsummer Moon is also known as the HONEYMOON, where this term originated. Mead is made, handfasting ceremonies are performed. Mead is considered to be a magical life-enhancing drink, You can make an altar to honour the Oak tree, with their leaves. Sunflowers are also a great example.  Magical baking and charms are created on this special day. Traditionally this festival spans three days. This year it is June 20-23rd.

Buttermilk Bread 

To bring abundance to your kitchen. Sunflower seeds represent the light half of the year and the poppy seeds represent the dark half of the year.

You will need:

3 cups of white flour, preferably bread flout type.

500 ml of Buttermilk 

I tsp.of bicarbonate of soda

Sunflower and poppy seeds for sprinking

Red ribbon and a sprig of rosemary

Place the flour in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre. Sieve in the blended salt and soda and pour in the buttermilk. Mix well with a wooden spoon until the dough feels springy. If it feels too sloppy just add a little more flour. Turn it onto a board and cover with a fine dusting of flour. Pat it with your hands until you have a round shape. Take a sharp knife and score lightly into eight sections, one for each festival. Sprinkle half of the loaf with poppy seeds and the other half with sunflower seeds.

Place onto a greased baking tray and pop your buttermilk bread into a moderate oven for about 20-25 minutes. Keep and eye on it. When the bread is ready it will change colour and it will sound hollow when you tap the bottom. Cool completely on a wire rack. When it is cool, place your sprig of rosemary on top and tie the red ribbon across the middle.

Consecrate the bread by turning the loaf three times saying “From the fields and through the stones, into fire, Midsummer Bread, as the Wheel turns may all be fed. Goddess Bless.”

Take your bread and share it with your family, friends or whoever you would like to bless. Eat it fresh, as soon as it is made if you can. 

Elderflower Champagne

Elderflowers peak at Midsummer. Pick them in the fullness of a sunny day, ideally on Midsummer’s Day. The Elder is sacred to the Mother Goddess and is often called the Witch’s Tree, the Elder Mother, or Queen of the Trees. It is protective, with wonderful healing properties. It aids transformation, change and renewal, this drink will aid in transforming your life. Or drink Elderberry Liqueur.

In Canada, Strongbow makes an elderflower cider. http://www.lcbo.com/lcbo/product/strongbow-elderflower-apple-cider/413880#.V2eHm_krLIV 


8 litres water

1.25 kg sugar

8 large elderflower heads

4 lemons

4 tablespoons mild white wine vinegar

Do use screw-top bottles. Large plastic bottles are good. This is a fizzy drink, if not bottled tightly it can explode! Keep it somewhere safe. Make sure the elderflowers are clean and pick them when the sun is strongest. 

Boil the water and dissolve the sugar into it, organic sugar is best.

When the water cools, add the elderflowers, the juice of two of the lemons and slices of the other two, plus the vinegar.

Cover with a clean cloth and leave for a day.

Strain through a fine sieve or piece of muslin, carefully squeezing the flowers to extract as much flavour as possible.

Store in clean screw-top bottles.

Leave alone for 10 days or so. Drink within a month. Enjoy and give thanks to the Spirit of the Elder.

Honey Cake

A celebration of a sweet life. 

If you can source locally produced honey its the best. Wherever it comes from always thank the precious Bees. 


225 gram Butter 1 cup
250 gms Honey or 1 cup 
100 gms Dark Muscovado Sugar, 3.5 ounces by weight 
3 Eggs, beaten
300 gms Self-Raising Flour, 1 1/2 cups 

Cut the butter into pieces and heat slowly, adding the honey and the sugar. When fully melted, turn up the heat and boil the mixture for one minute. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Add the beaten eggs to the cooled honey mixture. Sift the flour into a large bowl and beat the liquid honey mixture into it until you have a smooth batter. Pour the mixture into a round lined sponge tin and bake in a preheated oven at 160 C for about 50 mins – or until the cake is well-risen and springs back to the touch. Cool on a rack and glaze with a few tablespoons of warm honey. A nice sweet treat. 

Please share widely, all writing is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated.


I will be celebrating making magick and dancing with the fairies,

Get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com



Blue Sage Galactic Full Moon June 20 Astrology

We have an extraordinarily rare and powerful BLUE MOON at the 29th “critical” degree of SAGITTARIUS or Sage Moon.

Sagittarius Moon, Tara Greene

Less than 12 hours later we have SOULSTICE, one of the four major turning points in the year,when the Sun stands on the Tropic of CANCER, enters zero degrees Cancer, called the WORLD POINT. 

We haven’t had a Solstice and a Full Moon since 1997, a complete nodal cycle. The next one won’t happen until 2035.  The 1997 Full Moon solstice is an especially powerful memory for me as I was just pregnant with our daughter Leah who has just graduated from High School yesterday. Think back on what has happened in your life over the past 19 years and think about where you want to be 19 years into the Future.

The 29th degree of Sagittarius Blue Moon culminates @ 4:02 am PDT/ 7:02 am EDT/ 11:02 am GMT. It is conjunct the Galactic Center, the great Black Hole or cosmic Vagina at the center of our Galaxy. This is the place the Mayans revered as a place of Cosmic REBIRTH and where the December 21st Solstice was aligned in 2012. We are three and a half years from that shift in Consciousness, we may want to take stock of how far we have come since then as well.

This Full Moon is one of alchemical change and transformation. This is a Critical time some astrologers have come out with big warnings of the chaos at his full Moon which has been building. We must stay optimistic and trust, and we must also act with SAGE wisdom. 

CHIRON in PISCES, the wounded healer is squaring the MOON. Yes the world is feeling very vulnerable from the recent mass shootings in Orlando. From this tragedy the world showed a unified message of love for all beings. Out of vulnerability comes wisdom and hope a Sagittarius element. Our hearts need to be blasted open over and over again to find complete PISCES compassion.

Symbols for 30 degrees Sagittarius from John Sandbach

“By time traveling, a man takes a photograph of dinosaurs. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Inspired

(Degree Angel Name: Nithael (NIT-ha-EL) The Death of Death, Rejuvenation and Eternal Youth)

So deep are the roots of karma, sometimes when it is only cleared on surface levels it can grow back and then we find ourselves once again in an old pattern. This degree has an instinct for going deep into the self or any problem or complex of circumstances to really contact the source of it. This can give a whole new perspective on reality, and eventually loosen the energetic knot that has bound us.

Chandra Symbol “The completion of a large Persian rug.”

It is a joy to come to the end of a long, arduous task, and the truth is, every minute of our lives is just that – the completion of a process that has been going on so long that its beginnings are far beyond memory’s normal capacity. This degree carries the precious truth that every moment is complete in and of itself, and is full of the richness and abundance of a grand and tremendous history. It personifies cosmic perspective carried to the most glorious and nth degree.

Pleiadian Symbol: A man in a tall hat is reading omens in the smoke from an altar.

Azoth Symbol: People sleeping as they travel near the speed of light.

Seed degree: 27 Pisces. A spider searching its web. (Omega Symbol). By looking at what we have drawn to ourselves karmically we can perceive the depths of our own past.

A ritual sand painting. (Chandra Symbol). When we let go of attachments to permanence, we are able to do what we need to do and finish what we have started.

Fulfillment degree: 23 Virgo. A library is burning. A man therein continues to read. (Omega Symbol). When we sense the vast chain of events of which we are a part, we attain eventually an unshakable patience.”

This Full Moon takes us into Gemini/Sagittarius polarities. Gemini Sun is in the first AIR element, signifying the dawning of consciousness in the mind, a youthful awe and curiosity, of the perception of duality . Sagittarius is the last FIRE element sign, signifying the mature distilling of learning, spiritual teachings and wisdom through experience, travel and integrating many points of view.

The GRAND MUTABLE CROSS and major Asteroid Goddesses are strongly involved.

Jung,4 elements, tara Greene

The four elements and wheel of existence from Carl Jung’s Red Book

JUPITER, Sagittarius {and Pisces} ruling planet is exactly conjunct the NORTH NODE. This is a karmic finger-pointing us to stay grounded, to listen to our bodies, to trust our gut instincts and to rely on our intellectual abilities to discern and do the math. We need to put our faith and out direction into the earth. We must stay humble, mindful and be closely connected with our literal roots and communities.

NEPTUNE is conjunct the SOUTH NODE, the past and ATHENA Goddess of strategy, the warrior Goddess, showing us to see through the veil of illusions of Hollywood, deception in the media, and the debt, fraud and to our addictions. Neptune conjunct the SOUTH NODE is pointing to the “old tyme religion” as gotta go time.

IMAGINE John Lennon’s most revolutionary and probably the most powerful song ever written shows us the Neptune South Node conjunction “imagine no religion.”  America’s addiction to guns, worshipping vacuous stars, oil, porn and violence in video games must be seen for the tools of mass hypnosis which they are and surrendered if we are to get  healthy whole and realize that humanity is in dire peril.

SATURN Retrograde is opposed to MERCURY in GEMINI conjunct VESTA the Goddess of money, focus and health and they are square to JUPITER and the NORTH NODE and NEPTUNE and the SOUTH NODE. Our thinking must be very serious, we must review maturely how we got to this crazy place.

The world seems to be split in two, we see the prevelance of the us and them Gemini archetype of those who want to innovate and grow and those who are in fear and can only hang onto the old outside authority systems of Patriarchal religions. We must have wisdom and Higher Spiritual Jupiterian Law, as opposed to man-made law prevail. 

JUPITER, North Node and PLUTO are in a TRINE which is extremely beneficial. Our souls and our bodies, are our real power. Pluto is power-over, control, secrets, big corporate powers, the 1% and VIRGO is the 99 %, the workers of the earth, the humble servants.  The cosmic HOT SPOT is the NORTH NODE and with the earth herself,  and with the people who work together in Community.

The SAGITTARIUS Moon is conjunct to VENUS in CANCER.  We are feeling very emotionally sensitive at this critical full Moon which swells the oceans and our emotions and we need of lots of support. We need to have the tenderest, most instinctual Motherly love at this time as our guiding light. We don’t want to stray far from home. 

The Moon trines URANUS in ARIES conjunct ERIS and CERES all at the 23rd degree. They are in square to PLUTO in CAPRICORN. The planets of chaos, sudden change, guns, the military, and initiating new revolutionary breakthroughs and inventions is conjunct the Great Mother CERES. Did you note that those poor souls who were caught in the Pulse nightclub first called their Mothers to tell them they loved them? It is the most instinctual Moon thing to do.

We must change the way we relate to the Mothering principle and give birth to a newer, stronger, independent and healthier form of the Divine Feminine. Ceres also rules the food supply of the earth. We need to address the military industrial complex and companies like MONSANTO whose GMO foods threatens the destruction of all life on earth through their inventions which are about death and control, asap. 

JUNO, the FEMININE form of GENIUS is conjunct to LILITH and they are sextiling the MOON and opposed to URANUS, CERES and ERIS  combining all of their energies into a primal Feminine uprising. Lilith refuses to compromise her principles of respecting the Feminine and JUNO has the ability to bring many disparate elements together. Women  must come out on the warpath in upholding the sacred Feminine principles. 

MARS is still RETROGRADE at 23 degrees SCORPIO inconjunct to URANUS, ERIS and CERES. The theme is very much about the MASCULINE connection to rape, control and power at any cost, is undergoing a soul searching transformation of its shadows, where those energies are being transformed. Mars, the warrior God, symbol of WAR, aggressiveness and competition, always on the defensive, is meeting the forces of deep change. The challenge is for the masculine to be willing to be with the Goddess in a new way. She has always had the power, She gives birth to all life. The Masculine denial of the Feminine is the root cause of most of the violence we think is a natural part of being human and have accepted as such.  But it is not, it is a distortion of the Patriarchal imbalance. 

The SIGN Of SAGITTARIUS is associated with the TAROT Major ARCANA  #14, traditionally called TEMPERANCE.  In the Thoth Tarot that I use its called ART or ALCHEMY.

Alchemy/Temperance Tarot Tara Greene

Alchemy is the turning of LEAD {SATURN} into GOLD {The SUN}.  We are energetically practicing and going through this transformation from the basest, heaviest of metals, which symbolizes the dense material reality, the testing, limitations and obstacle that planet SATURN Lord of the Rings constantly throws at us. As the Sun is the LIGHT, Solstice is both the longest night and paradoxically the shortest one depending on where one is on the planet creating a balance between the MASCULINE and FEMININE symbolized by Temperance.

This powerful Full Moon is one of cosmic alchemical change and transformation.  We must inspire the world with Sagittarius optimism, faith in higher wisdom and faith that these momentous changes will bring balance and justice into the world. 

Don’t go into the fear. Aim those SAGITTARIUS arrows Higher. 

PLEASE SHARE WIDELY all writing is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated. 

Get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com


Shedding the old, Saturn in Scorpio global renewal

The time to transform your life is NOW.

art shedding Tara Greene

Painting by Martina Hoffman

As Saturn moves back into Scorpio from June 14 until September 17 we are all Scorpionic snakes working on shedding our old skins, clearing our old energy fields and chakras.

Do you feel stuck and in pain? Are you wrestling with your angels/daemons? You do know deep down that you cannot continue to struggle with holding up the false images anymore.

If that is our relationships, our work, our self-image, our finances, our pain, our ego’s, everything that we have outgrown must be shed during this time. It may not be easy to let go from the ego’s perspective but the soul is wiser, infinite and knows better. We must learn to trust our souls’ guidance.

Shedding the old skin is a necessary part of the process of soul growth. Come join me and the rest of the world as we collectively go down into the darkness of Hades’ realm, into a perfect void, womb space to let go of our old identities and to rebirth ourselves and humanity for the greater good of all.

I will be launching a weekly group which meets through tele-conferencing so that we can share and support each other on our journey using the tarot, astrology, and dream work to facilitate our collective evolution.

The time is now.  Saturn will only be at these final two degrees for the three months of the sign of Rebirth Scorpio and then not again for another 29 years.  There will be tears, that is part of the process.

I consulted the Sabian symbols using bibliomancy for words to further describe what you will learn.

#337  Seven degrees Pisces  7 + 3 + 3 = 13 the symbol of death/rebirth Scorpio in the Tarot 

DEATH Tarot Trump #13 rene-marcel-riviere.com

DEATH Tarot Trump #13 rene-marcel-riviere.com

“The spiritual blessing which strengthens individuals who, happen what may, stand uncompromisingly for their own truth.” 

please email me taragreenetarot@gmail.com

Please share widely 

all writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

Get a reading from Tara http://www.taratarot.com

I shall be released- The Band The Last Waltz 

Inspirational Card, Mercury Retrograde Discovery and preparations


MERCURY GOES RETROGRADE on  JUNE 7 at 3 +degrees of CANCER and will scoot backwards until JULY 1, CANADA’s BIRTHDAY which  indicates some reviews, repeals, recalls there.  THE MESSENGER turns direct at 24 + degrees of GEMINI . But it’ll take until JULY 16 for Mercury to regain all those degrees before mind matters march forwards once again. But DO NOT PANIC.

MERCURY RETROGRADES I find are very positive for the statistically 33% of the population who are born under their effects. Why?

Because most of the time these folk’s brains simply don’t operate by the same OS as the majority of us who are stuck in the one direction forward only.

Has nothing to do with that boy band ONE DIRECTION.

MERCURY RETRO’s are highly creative, I know my husband is one. They are like the lefties of the world, creative, left brain oriented. Their minds are always taking a walk on the wild side. They groove to a different melody and march to a different drummer.  Kind of like honorary Aquarians.

Don’t be afraid of Mercury Retrograde. It is a mind rest time. REmember everything that stars with Re- is what to do during any Mercury REtrograde. RETRY. Especially going backwards in GEMINI re-reeling in the mind games people play.

2 planetary sign changes this week

VENUS ENTERS her home sign of TAURUS MAY 28 on the GEMINI NEW MOON @ 6:45 pm PDT/9:45 pm EDT


MERCURY ENTERS CANCER MAy 29 @ 2:12 am PDT/ 5:12 am EDT

We’ll be feeling a bit more mentally/emotionally connected as the Messenger travels by way of water

SOFT ASPECTS MAY 27 except for

May 27 TAURUS MOON opposes Saturn in the night

Serious dreams this night. The Mood may be sombre. We are still in the wake of the terrible Elliot Rodgers slaughter. I am sending prayers.  So creepy listening to his VIDEO- it was out there in public and no one acted. It’s a huge subject.

so lets have a card to guide you


Tarot knight of swords tara Greene


SWORDS are the element of AIR, the mind, communication, Mercury’s realm. This fighting Knight  looks quite like Mercury with the winged helmet. He is literally up in the AIR flying high on a type of Pegasus, winged horse of the Greek Myths soaring high up in the sky. NOTE swords is- s-words. Literally words, communication, the vibration. The S word.

The KNIGHT of Swords is a warrior of words. Lofty ideas is one of his realms. Swords can cut and kill and also discriminate, they separate the wheat from the chaff.  With Mercury Retrograde in GEMINI especially we must be careful of ungrounded thinking; it’s all too “up in the air”. Mercury Retrogrades can make us feel as if we are losing our minds. It can be used as a great time for REcapitulation. Carlos Castenada claims this is an ancient TOLTEC or Yaqui Indian method which the nagual Don Juan taught him for erasing your emotional history and clearing oneself of old emotional charges. Sounds like that poor boy Rodgers s desperately in need of recapitulating his own emotional issues. I wish the world worked that way. Don’t you?

Given the recent events, there will be much talk about MENTAL STABILITY,  gun laws and regulations, weapons availability swords and knives are the favourite weapons in China, in the U.S. it is guns.  Women and men are outraged at these women hating sites. How many women need to be purposely stalked as animals? Why is this happening? We need a higher perspective such as this Knight offers.


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

GET A READING WITH TARA GREENE = http://www.taratarot.com


 Fool’s Gold a new reality TV series airs Tuesday at 8:30 pm EDT and repeats at 11:30 pm.

 I am the PSYCHIC who was hired to journey all the way to FROSTBITE FALLS/ Fort Francis Canada and 4 hours beyond there and beyond there to literally the middle of nowhere to the old gold mine site last Autumn to advise these guys about what they were doing wrong and if ghosts had haunted the site affecting their luck. I have no idea how they will edit  and splice it but I know it will be funny. I can’t take myself too seriously all the time.

Tuesday, May 27 2014 8:30 pm EDT and 11:30 PM

Fool’s Gold
Todd brings a psychic on-site to help the Shotgun crew find the gold; but when the team makes a mockery of the meeting, things begin taking a turn for the worse.

CHAIN OF FOOLS Aretha Franklin and Mariah Carey






Happy Holiday Weekend Canada, safe journeys from Tara Greene

I don’t know if it’s an official U.S. Holiday this weekend but it is a civic one in CANADA allowing Canuck’s to enjoy what is usually their short-lived summer. This year due to global warming we had NO SNOW in Toronto, where I currently reside, the first on record and it has been very hot and dry since APRIL.

Caribana Toronto

If you are an America visiting Toronto for the CARIBANA exhibit, welcome. It is the largest Caribbean festival in the world and has been going on for 45 years now. Toronto has a large Caribean population. Hopefully there won’t be any violence and the PISCES vibe will help.

Canadians haven’tbeen faring very well at the London  SUMMER Olympics. We will learn to do summer sports more as the weather gets warmer.

So do enjoy the long weekend. It is a PISCES one mainly, so do be carefull drinking drugging swimming, at the movies, a black prediction after the  fact of the horrible Aurora Colorado Dark Knight shootings.and especially around WATER.

Feet may swell in the heat. The feet are a PISCES ruled body part. Every sign rules a body part.

Sunday Afternoon Moon enters Aries so change of speed from dreamy languishing ultra relaxo go with the flow to up and at ’em.

After all the bucolic there may be family quarells.

 ALSO MARK AUGUST 7th as a heavy astrology aspect day. Also MErcury goes DIRECT and VENUS enters CANCER. A lovely emotional sensitive weekend for all WATER SIGNS. sentimental.

so take it easy till then and enjoy.

The Summer of Love 2012, Retro, Unexpected, Solstice astrology from Tara Greene

Summer in the Northern Hemisphere 2012 starts June 20 @ 4:09 pm PDT/ 7:09 pm  EDT

Winter arrives in the Southern Hemisphere  – 6 months to You KNow What!

Since I live/love on the top half of the world I  forecast Northern Hemisphere  Astrology 

Summer Astrology Tara Greene Toronto

click onthe chart to view larger

The Astrology chart,  the blueprint for the next 3 months  shows an exploding WHOOPEE CUSHION of Gargantuan proportions with {Soul} Pluto Retrograde opposite the newly minted Cancer 2012 Sun also in a tight square to Revolutionary Uranus -exact in 4 days.

we’re sweatin’ already, Egypt is once more in major melt down mode, the economy! forget it. Its creaking over the line, there’s only so many false crutches the FED can pretend to hold this dung heap of a fiscal sham together before ….

the rules of the world are changin… like Mr. Dylan said in 1964- “He/she not busy being born, is busy dying”

The MOON, ruler of our feelings is also being held hostage by Pluto and sitting pretty at the mid 15th degree of Cancer warming a spot for the Sun.

“bringin it all back home” was the aptly titled album   Feeling INSECURE anyone??

The trigger she is pulled very tight. Iran, Syria, Egypt, Israel, Greece,

Moon and Mercury are squared by a sobering reality check { sounds like hocket terminology} from Saturn Retrograde – only 5 days more  serious “I’ve got nothin left to lose feelings.” Sounds a lot like the USA has turned into one Grand Ole country music hurtin song.

not to mention Canada who should be screaming the blues from being held hostage by the Conservative Fundamentalist Terrorist, its arrogant undemocratic Prime Minister

“somebody’s gonna get a hurtin’.”- Canadian Indian comedian Russel Peters.   It’s cryin’ time again

+ Neptune  Retro and Chiron {the wounded healer} in Spiritual forgiveness sign of Pisces both square Jupiter and Retro Venus {going direct June 27} in GEMINI- cant make up their mind/hearts

and that’s  a BIG HURTIN’  HEALIN’  from reversed polarities , WTF is going on man? Old loves, new hurts, new loves, old hurts, I YI Yi!

as above so below…The North Node in Sagittarius{ highest spritual goal}  is opposite Venus

 South Node  { the past} is conjunct Venus and Jupiter . Love can feel like BIG tooth ache Love, if you hang onto those old sticky achy breaky heart stories as they both Square Neptune and Chiron. LOVE HURTS.  These planets perform a love hurts  extraction  contraption as they both Square Neptune and CHiron.

It’s the only Up and Up place to go, North Node Sagittarius  is TRUTH Optimism, the Galactic Center 

enough is enough already. let the tears flow, feel the wounds, and then healing happens…

Lay down your arms. The song that I intutited for the Solstice is by Sade

Mr. Dylan again. “It’s alright Ma,it’s Life and Life only.”


simplify your life. do what holds real emotion for you. we are being changed on a DNA level now.

Be pro-active, Choose your destiny,you are not a victim of life unless you are unconscious. it just appears that way

I provide spiritual coaching and psychic assistance: get a reading http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html

Soldier of Love by SADE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR5_rTCi-Bo