Sza, Astrology, TikTok Cancer denial

Megan Thee Stallion Astrology. Celebrity in the news

Megan Thee Stallion b. Feb 15,1995, 11:00 am San Antonio Texas

Megan has Transitting Pluto sitting on her MC and Uranus, the planet of unexpected shit, all of 2023 and again Sept. 1-Nov. 19. Her 1st Saturn return is coming up in mid-March and then in September to December. Natal Saturn is at 12 Pisces in 11 H square, lucky Jupiter is in Sagittarius at 12 on US AC.

Pluto will start aspects her 5-degree Mercury in Aquarius 2024-2025. She will get hugely wealthy and famous.

Pisces rules the feet; Megan was shot in the foot on July 12,2020, by transiting URANUS on her South node in her 12th House in Taurus, this was a karmic vendetta from a past life with Tony.

Uranus indicates her uniqueness and it squares her Mercury Rx at 5 Aquarius in her 10th house of world fame.

Mars rules weapons, Megan has Mars retrograde at 21 LEO in her 4h house conjunct her leo Moon at 28 conjunct Fixed star of Royalty, Regulus. Mars the Moon and Chiron were all conjunct in Aries squaring her natal Venus in Capricorn on the day she was shot.

Megan has Lilith in Gemini in her 1st house opposite Pluto at 0 Sagittarius in her 7th house of committed relationships. This makes for difficult relationships she attracts immature men. Men are attracted to her and terrified of her independence and strength. Saturn has been squaring Lilith and Pluto in March 2023 and late October November and into January 2024. These are hard karmic lessons and she will be attacked by others who have karmic connections with her. Like Nikki Minaj whose Sagittarius Sun is at 16 degrees conjunct Megan’s Jupiter, his could lead to a legal battle. Nikki has Lilith, Venus and Neptune conjunct with her Sun.

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Venus in Capricorn

VENUS ENTERS CAPRICORN Janauary 23 and until February 16

Venus in CAPRICORN marks a time of serious COMMITMENTS in love and business. Venus takes love responsibly and career too. Put the ring on it now. Contracts, commitments, like marriages, pre-nups and long-term plans and goals. enus in Capricorn is great for committing yourself to working on a cherished creative project and to have the discipline to get it all done.

This is also karmic love time, as Saturn, the planet of Karma rules over it. Venus does like mature experienced older lovers, and getting to the business of serious love and career goals. You can fall in love with a boss or an older person.

Check out where CAPRICORN is in your natal chart. That’s where the Love light will be shining.


Venus in Capricorn is older beautiful women and ensior artists too, I started out as an artist, graduated from OCAD, in Toronto. My fave living artist is Judy Chicago,for creating the Dinner Part in 1979 a HUGE monumental Femininst work of art. She created the Birth Project her influence is huge.

Women must assert themselves in the corporate world now. Ironically Greta Gerwig the Director of the billion dollar world block buster Barbie and Margot Robbie who starred and produced were left out of the OSCARS race announced on the same day.Althought they did get nomintaed in other catagories and America got nominates as best supporting actress for her phenominal speech.

Venus rules our tastes, our values, money, luxury, and creativity.

Because Venus answers to Saturn while she is on Capricorn,Saturn’s presence in PISCES sextile to January 28 brings a more dreamy creative, La La Land, projection filled stay.Can be very romantic but also the projection bubbles can burst.

Venus in Capricorn is great for committing yourself to working on a cherished creative project and to have the discipline to get it all done. A Saturn ruled Venus will toil willingly, many late after hours to achieve her love or job goals. 

VENUS rules money, the economy, your earnings and spendings, self-worth, values, luxury. Capricorn is conservative, blue chip, Old boys $. Yes commitments, marriage, signing on the dotted line must be for love and long term. Whether for biz or pleasure.

Time to embrace traditional values.This is when brides dream about the church wedding and the traditional gown.

Capricorn may be struck by Cupid’s now and meet someone you’re karmically meant to meet. Its all about timing.

Love may also feel heavy, depressing and somber as befits Capricorn. Especially if you are alone and longing for a partner. Just remember it’s all just part of the testing of the Saturn rules journey. With Saturnin PISCES issues of guilt, regret, depression and escapism, can come up. Cut ties with any past lovers, get ou of victim mentality, grow up and take responsability for creating all of that, and work through any regrets, losses, goals.

Venus in Capricorn is time to embrace traditional values.This is when brides dream about the church wedding and the traditional gown.

Time to build foundations for creativity and for new love. Venus in Capricorn likes routine order discipline. You’ll find it easier and more enjoyable to follow a routine, workout or New Years goals.

VENUS Capricorn’s are horny goats. If you’ve never loved a Capricorn they will surprise you with their wild down to earth nature.

Venus in Capricorn love is “Just the facts ma’am.”  Eat Lotsa FETTA CHEESE while Venus is in GOAT territory! It’s good for you.

LOVE is SERIOUS BUSINESS, and real during these next four months.No airy fairy or intense emotional stuff now.

Venus is the EMPRESS in the Tarot. Capricorn is THE DEVIL {SATURN} in the Tarot Trumps. 

FAMOUS VENUS IN CAPRICORN’S- the cream of the crop!

ACTORS and other famous personalities

Brad Pitt, James Dean, Paul Newman, Scarlett Johansson, Bradley Cooper, Tyra Banks, Taylor Lautner,  Cindy Crawford,  Michael Jordan,  Richard Burton,  David Lynch,  Ru Paul, Elijah Wood, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Dianne Keaton, Jeff Bridges, Clark Gable, Humphrey Bogart, David Carradine, Kiefer Sutherland, Brendan Fraser, Howard Stern, John F. Kennedy Jr, Betty White, Danny DeVito, 


Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, Elvis Presley, Justin Timberlake, Bjork, Kesha,  Seal, Dolly Parton, Frank Sinatra, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Schubert, Edith Piaf, Maria Callas, Sarah McLachlan, Neil Diamond, Placido Domingo, Hector Berlioz, 


Henry Miller,Virginia Woolf,  Rainer Maria Rilke, J.D. Salinger, Andre Breton, 

INVENTORS, Designers, Artists

Steve Jobs, Louis Pasteur, Walt Disney,  Benjamin Franklin, A. Celsius, G. Eiffel, Jacques Cartier, J. Kepler, Philippe Starak,Toulouse Lautrec, 

PHILOSOPHERS, Philanthropists, 

Aristotle Onassis, Bhagwan Rajneesh -Osho, Dostoyevsky,  Joan of Arc, William Blake, Robert F. Kennedy, Noam Chomsky, M. A. Rothschild,


Jim Carrey, Seth Green, John Belushi, Andy Kauffman,


Ryan Seacrest, Dick Cheney ,J.Edgar Hoover,

My husband has Venus in Capricorn {our daughter does too}. He is very responsible. V in C people show love by taking care of all the practical details for you, they are totally reliable.  They will get to their goals as they have infinite patience. Usually they are very career oriented and make lots of money because status counts. Venus in Capricorn symbolizes receiving love for the job you love to do and how you shine brightest in the world through your career.

What you do for a living to what you do for a loving.

All earth signs are blessed during these times. Especially Venus ruled TAURUS. LIBRA ruled Venusians will find these times challenging as they are being prodded by the square to be more real.

Water signs benefit from sextiles.

ARIES and CANCER get the square and opposition. Many choices to make in Love, investments and the job.

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Weekly Astrology December 18-24


The Moon is in mutable water sign PISCES and making every aspect she can for the next two days. Interacting with positive aspects to Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, and Uranus, but hard aspects to Mars by square and Neptune by soft conjunction and square the Sun and finally sextile Pluto up until December 19 at 4:03 pm EST when she goes Void of Course.December 17 and 18 are the best night for dreaming, meditation, visualization. Do some dream incubation and intention setting.

Note the Moon is OuT Of Bounds from December 12-25th

DEC. 19 Moon enters ARIES at 2:47 pm PST/ 5:47 pm EST/ 10:47 pm GMT to initiate some fire power, new initiatives and restless, impulsive,impatience and competition.

Dec. 21 Moon enters stubborn earthy sensual TAURUS at 6:50 pm PST/9:50 pm EST/ Dec. 22 at 2:50 am GMT, listen to your gut instincts,people will be stubborn.

DEC, 24 Moon enters GEMINI at 12:15 am PST/ 3:15 am EST/ 8:15 am GMT

It will be a flighty, fun, do this and then do that, conversational, up beat, fast talking and debating time. Gemin Moon is highly social and never at a loss for words and with Mercury Retrograde expect to reminisce about a lot of old ideas and conversations.

Now for the PLanets and Happy Birthday wishes to

Stephen Spielberg, {77} Brad Pitt, (60) Billie Eilish,{22} Cristina Aguillera, (43) and Keith Richards (80) who I did a little astrology feature on.

Lots of Famous Sagittarians. The reason they are famous is Because they have their Sun’s connected to the Galactic Centre, at 26-27 SAGITTARIUS is where the Giant Black Hole at the center of our Galaxy is. If you are born December 17-18-19 You are also connected to this super giant transformer of energy, light, time and space. It’s extremely powerful. Do you have your Sun or any planets here? You can download cosmic wisdom if you only ask. I have my Mercury there.


Mercury Retrograde Trines Jupiter its good to get back to the drawing table with your thinking cap on backwards and review old ideas, money making expansion, and solid plans after Mercury Turns Direct January 1 2024.

PLUTO moves into the 29th ANARETIC degree again on December 20 This is serious, Pluto is extra powerful at this degree, I will write more about this separately.


Love and money chaos, In Scorpio /Taurus, crypto, stock markets may be very volatile and could go up. Uranian energies are always chaotic. Be prepared with plan B and C and diversify like hell.



This is one of the 4 most important of the 4 major turning points in the Year. The SUN stands still for 3 days, and it is time to be quiet to go within. This is the longest night of the Year in the Northern Hemisphere and the Shortest in the Southern. Winter Begins in the North and Summer down South. I will do a separate solstice astrology chart



Go back Jack and do it again, Play that Steeley Dan song and enjoy reviewing the notes the work details and get some mental rest.

DEC. 24 SUN SEXTILES SATURN on Christmas Eve

A nice and easy traditional Christmas with Sun Saturn Sextile in PISCES. This is a very spiritual and often a hard time for people. Those who feel alone can get overwhelmed by severe depression. If you feel depressed, please call a professional Suicide Hot Line. This is also a cosmic reminder that Christmas is all about Giving, Give to a Food Bank or homeless organization, one that supports women or whatever your case is. Appreciate spiritual tradition, honour your ancestors.

December 25 is Christmas DAY will be fun and adaptable under a Gemini moon. Mercury is Retrofrade

VENUS trines NEPTUNE which is a beautiful fantasy magical energy for anyone who believes in dreams and transformation. Make sure you pay it forward and donate to charity.




Give the gift that gives over and over,

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Keith Richards at 80, How does he survive and thrive? Astrology explains.

Raph_PH, CC BY 2.0,
via Wikimedia Commons

              Keith Richards July 3, 2022

Happy Birthday Keith Richards 80 years old. Isn’t that unbelievable?

How has Keith lasted with drugs, alcohol,smoking and that lifestyle?


Keith is an optimistic, easygoing SAGITTARIUS. Born. December 18, 1943,at 6:00 am Dartford UK with 3 planets in ever young Gemini, sign of Peter Pan and never growing old. Sagittarius are adventurers.

URANUS is conjunct to MARS- he is extremely creative communicator in songwriting and SATURN is also in Gemini opposite to his Sunny Sage SUN, this gives him longevity all those planets are Rx.

I think his North Node conjunct PLUTO in LEO in the 9h has a lot to do with him living his Life purpose. This is a very karmic and powerful placement to be born with. Keith was meant to be a star.

JUPITER in LEO ruling his SAGITTARIUS SUN is conjunct Regulus the Royal Star of Kings, courage, STARS, drama, those who live a large life, big hearted. This is the place of The Archangel Raphael, and Keith has good guardian angels.

Keith’s MC his career reputation is VIRGO, sign of health, perfectionists, details oriented blokes, and his VIRGO Moon is conjunct his MC. He loves his work, I read Jimmy Page said Keith is very meticulous in the studio. You would think he would suffer from health issues and he had had his share. He wrote a Best Selling autobiography years ago and apparently loves books and has a huge personal library.

Hi AC or Rising Sign is SCORPIO at the 19th degree you see his intense dark eyes, he is an obsessive person with deep desires. VENUS the Goddess of music, luxury, creativity and relationships in his 12th house in Scorpio too. This indicates his addictive nature. He’s had many skeletons in his closets. NOTE that he starred in three Pirates of the Caribbean films and was the protoype for Johnny Depp’s Captain Jack Sparrow.

MERCURY in CAPRICORN in his 2nd house of tools and resources, Keith has been a reliable enduring Guitarist, lyricist and in the Rolling Stones for over 60 years. He and Mick Jagger have known each other since they were very young. Even though Keith has stated he hates Jagger for being pompous in public they still make grat music and just put out a dynamic new album which is getting rave reviews. Keith and The Stones have gone through 5 lucky Jupiter cycles.

NEPTUNE in LIBRA, planet of harmony, and creativity in partnerships,Keith is a charming guy, is in in the 10th house at 4 degrees and trines his MARS URANUS in GEMINI is his wild life energy in his 7th house of relationships. 

Keith has been married once to the same woman model Patti Hansen since 1983 and he has 2 children with his former partner Anita Pallenberg, and has a son and daughter with her and another child who died from SIDS, with is current wife he has two daughters with her. He has 5 grandchildren and wrote a children’s book.

Wishing Keith the best. Keith is always named ni the top guitarists in the world. The ROLLING STONES are one of the top pop groups of all time. Still playing and touring 60 years later.

Are you a big Rolling Stone’s Fan?

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John Lennon, Remembering the Beatle, 43 years after his murder

With the Recent new release of the Beatles Now and Then, The Beatles are once again Number 1 with new Gen Z fans too. I was just watching a documentary on John Lennon’s life in New York City, unconsciously aware that this was the anniversary of his Murder.

There is a new 3 part documentary on John Lennon’s last day of life and an investigation into His murderer.

I remember exactly where I was on December 8 in 1980 when I heard the horrible news, that one of the most influential Celebrity Pop stars ever was cruelly murdered, I believe, by a CIA- who programmed a crazed man.

I wish John Lennon were here to comment on the crazy world we live in. His songs live on to inspire us all.

Scorpio Mercury intense, sexy, ruthless, secrets and shadows

Mercury enters Scorpio October 21 at 11:49 pm PDT/October 22 at 2:49 am EDT/ 7:49 am GMT until November 9 at 10:25 pm PDT/Nov. 10 at 1:25 am EDT.

Mercury is the Messenger and its presence in the deeply emotionally intense 8th sign of power, control, sex, Death, obsession, ruthlessness, shadow work, dark things, terror, paranoia, and kink takes hold of our minds and feelings.

Mars is in Scorpio too, it’s’ home sign from October 12/13 until November 24 at 5;15 am PDT/2:15 am EDT.

During this 19 day period our minds and our desires on one thing and one thing only SEX. Also money, power, control, secrets, death, jealousy and big transformative emotional tsunamis and deep shadow work time. Mercury and Mars have done this doubling up before.

Fast-tracking Mercury is in Scorpio approximately once every year.

Mercury, in Scorpio communicates its needs for sex, power, wealth and control issues. The big essentials. They may be able to do this subtly and almost secretively. Stalking is a Scorpio thing. The trickster planet in Scorpio sexting, setting up to ghost people, revenge porn and the like obsessive messaging we can’t let go of,but need to.

 Sex, power and control issues are hotter than hot topics with women speaking out about being raped, sexually abused and assaulted, abortion too. It is women’s life under a shadowy, power-hungry Patriarchal world where men have dominated women sexually for thousands of years. This is not a secret anymore.

Of course if you have Mercury in Scorpio, this transit is your Mercury Return but Mercury will be the Big black Light illuminating The Underworld for all Scorpio planet placements in everyone’s charts. This means you can illuminate your own shadows and especially potent in Scorpio season.


October 22 Mercury trine SATURN in PISCES at 12:12 pm EDT

Oct 28, 2023 12:03 PM EDT Mars opposite Jupiter at 11 Taurus 16′ I have to mention this

Oct 28, 2023 11:44 PM  EDT Mercury opposite Jupiter  at 11 Taurus 12′

Oct 29, 2023 10:22 AM EDT Mercury conjunct Mars 11 Scorpio 54

These are very very heavy and dangerous aspects in the ongoing Israeli-Palestine war. I’ll do a separate article on this. This means War!!

Nov. 1 Mercury Inconjunct Chiron in Aries

You may not be able to tell where the wounded parts of yourself are.

Nov. 4 Mercury opposes Uranus in Taurus

Deep in-depth emotional excavations, you may find a lot of buried treasure.

Nov. 6 Mercury trine Neptune at 8:37 pm EDT

A big imaginative day. Great for writers, poets, songwriters artists, lovely for spiritual sexual connections or visualizing your dreams from your deepest soul.

Nov. 8 Mercury sextile PLUTO

Pluto is on your side this is a big power player game. Make your move now.


Tantric sexuality is a very Mercury in Scorpio issue. This is not a current fad. It’s an ancient spiritual tradition requiring much yogic and meditation practice. Tantric sex is healing and unites lovers as one physically sexually emotionally and spiritually.

 Dark Minds- Black Ops- Obsessions- Death- Rebirth

We can more easily connect with our own soul’s desires, our psyches and get laser-like insights into our own and other people’s natures.  More sexual secrets will out. 

 Mercury is the MAGICIAN – in the Tarot – thoughts are magic. Mercury is also known as the TRICKSTER indicating how our minds can play tricks on us. It is also the ruler of thieves and merchants. 

 This powerful mental energy is very focused and can be used to transform many old emotional blocks be they sexual, poverty, abundance mentality and abundance, power or lack of it and control issues.

 Mercury in Scorpio governs depth psychology, detective work and deep analysis. Good time to do deep excavation in your shadows. Surgeons and people who need very exacting skills need Mercury in Scorpio. This would be an excellent time to get a surgery done. Scorpio governs the reproductive organs, any issues you may have in these areas require your attention and will be exacerbated while Mercury and especially Mars is in Scorpio.

This is an underlying soul mate energy as the 8th sign/House association also symbolizes transforming into “the other.” 

Yes, there will be big power struggles over finances banking and underhanded dealings money laundering and scandals. Politically and economically this can be a fast little roller coaster of changes of CEO’s and heads of state and policies at this time.

 People born with Mercury in Scorpio have a very insightful, deep analysis of the world. They can be mesmerizing speakers. Mercury in Scorpio is like a film noir characteristic.

 Scorpio is a fixed sign of phenomenal willpower. If you know that you are walking your soul’s path you should be able to create what you want. “Do what thou wilt and harm none.” Is the whole of the Law. Scorpio energy at its darkest uses, abuses, rapes, torture, puts fear into others, manipulates, and plays with S & M. These topics are already hot and getting hotter.

Be careful not to fall under the spell of any ruthless manipulators at this time. Be careful not to unconsciously sting others or yourself. Use this time for deep inner transformation in yourself and any relationships with power imbalances. Rise like the Phoenix. 

S & M is a Scorpio thing. I do not believe it is a healthy choice. Pain is not love. Better go get some deep psychoanalysis and transpersonal healing of your own pain and not inflict it on others or yourself. 


Scorpio magnifies all your feelings and thoughts so be careful of getting gobbled up by demons, your own or the very real demonic forces that exist everywhere around us.  Suicidal thoughts and rates may higher. If you feel suicidal please call a suicide hotline and get hep ASAP. Do not keep your pain and shame a secret any longer. to resolve your pain and transmute it and become stronger.

 Famous peeps with Mercury in Scorpio

KIM KARDASHIAN of course. Sex money power. She is just learning to be more secretive.


Hilary Clinton, Prince Charles- Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandi, Condoleeza Rice, David Cameron, Theodore Roosevelt, 


John Lennon, Joni Mitchell, Katy Perry, Rapper Eminem,-Miley Cyrus, Drake, Snoop Dog, Puff Daddy, Thom Yorke of Radiohead, Usher, Lorde, Keith Urban, Julie Andrews, 

 ACTORS and Directors

Anne Hathaway, Matthew McConaughey, Zac Efron, Tyra Banks- model. Viggo Mortenson, Demi Moore, Julia Roberts, Jodi Foster,  Ryan Gosling, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Grace Kelly, Bruce Lee, Charles Bronson, Kim Bassinger, Julianne Moore, RuPaul, John Malkovitch, Owen Wilson, Whoopi Goldberg, Martin Scorsese- film director, Josh Hutcherson,  Mark Ruffalo, Raven-Symone, 


Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Oscar Pistorius, Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels, 

 ARTISTS and writers

 Pablo Picasso,  Arthur Rimbaud, Walt Disney, Oscar Wilde, Sylvia Plath,  Eugène Ionesco, Mark Twain, Seth MacFarlane, 

OCCULTISTS and spiritualists

Aleister Crowley, Deepak Chopra,  

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All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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Artwork of Napoleon Brousseau –

GloryBox Portishead

Mars in Virgo, Work love,

Mars, the action planet is in earthy, practical, perfectionist, hard-working Virgo July 10 at 7:40 am EDT- August 27 brings a drive to improve your health, and may trigger and irritates your upper digestion. Mars is desire, so the desire to eat better, be more responsible, organized and passionate for work, read more, be more intellectual, and of service to community, get a pet, and be humble are aspects of this transit. All very important things.

DO YOU LOVE YOUR WORK? is a big question to as. If not what are you going to do about it?

Seven weeks of spontaneous fire-powered testosterone energy being forced into a perfect hard-working earthen box, feels kind of like being buried alive for Aries and Scorpio.

While Mars is in Virgo, Mercury governs Mars actions. Mercury will be in VIRGO from July 28 at 5:31 pm EDT and turns Retrograde at 21 degrees Virgo 49- on August 23 at 3:59 pm EDT until September 15 at 8 degrees 04 minutes. The Mercury Shadow period begins on August 3/4 and it will take until September 30 for Mercury to get up to speed clearly again.


The minutia of Life is all that matters, its all in the details. Read Marcel Proust, Virgo’s love to read,

A good time to start to build a new home office or work-space. Seek a new job, change your diet, do a lot of walking or running. Virgo is associated with community and pets. You may fall in love with a cat or dog and adopt a rescue animal.

Mars in Virgo Read Marcel Proust, À la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time) Virgo’s loves to read. Set yourself a goal that you can finish, Virgo always gets the job done .

Positive ways to use this energy are: start a new workout routine, and diet regiment and clean out your desk, office or your home. Sign up to do martial arts such as Kung Fu, or kick boxing.  Vent the anger positively. Clean up trash in your environment or at work. Make your own homemade lunches reducing waste and eating healthier and saving money. Virgo loves to save. 

MARS IN VIRGO is about cleaning up the environment. Yes Mars is needing to learn to ground itself, to be under the tutelage of nit-picky, diligent, organized and accounting for everything VIRGO.

Mars in Virgo is a good time to elect or have surgery, or get dental work done as Mars is caffeinated Virgo precision. Virgo is meticulous, and Mars is sharp weapons, knives, and scalpels.

The sign of Virgo is the Hermit #9 in the Tarot 

It is a good time to be in nature and connect deeply with the earth.

Mars in Virgo/Earth warrior is the Knight of Disks in the tarot  

MARS IN VIRGO wants to clean up the environment. Mars fiery energy is needing to learn to ground itself, to be under the tutelage of nit-picky, diligent, organized and accounting for everything VIRGO. As you can imagine, Mars the warrior God is not happy so about having to build a whole fort, stock it with supplies and have his battle plans ready when what he wants to simply attack and win. Mars isn’t happy having to hold back and be accountable although that is what a lot of the military is about discipline and order. Think of the next seven weeks as trying to break a wild cat so you can ride him.

“There’s more to being a warrior than killing. A true warrior — the best warrior — isn’t cruel or mean. He doesn’t claw an enemy who can’t fight back. Where’s the honor in that?” ― Erin Hunter, Forest of Secrets

Famous MARS in VIRGO PEOPLE, and their Mercury placements

Barack Obama, Mercury in LEO and SUN

Princess Diana Mercury in Sagittarius

Gordon Ramsay Mercury in Sagittarius-of course.

Mother Teresa Mercury in Virgo

George W Bush Mercury in Leo

Will Smith, Mercury in Libra

Britney Spears Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius

Robert Downey Jr. Mercury in Aries

VENUS will also be in VIRGO October 8 at 9:11 pm EDT unit; to November 8 at 4:30 am EST and she rules both eclipses October 14 LIBRA SOLAR Eclipse Annular Hybrid and October 28 Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Taurus. Virgo really becomes a dominant sign over these months.

It isn’t until November 8 when Venus enters Libra that this year’s Virgo story completes.

Where is Virgo in your Natal Chart? Look to those areas for Magnification, energy and of course Mercury Retrograde.

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Colleen Ballinger, Miranda Sings, Astrology of a groomer?

Colleen Ballinger/ Meranda Sings,who has been YouTube Famous for over 15 years and has a fan base of almost 20 million mainly young kids is accused of grooming minors by her fans. This has blown up in the media recently. It started in 2020.

My daughter and I watched Miranda since the beginning. She was funny and has a beautiful singing voice on her own.

On YouTube, Colleen Ballinger appears at first to be a positive role model to kids. Miranda Sings is instantly recognizable as a silly clownish character supposedly a home-schooled single woman who lives with her mother, uncle and baby. She is narcissistic, infantilized and despite her tone-deaf singing and awkward dance moves is relentlessly ambitious to achieve show business fame in overlined red clownlike lipstick. She is the 21st Century female version of Pee Wee Herman

She has been accused of grooming Minors in 2020 and most recently by former fans.

Back in 2020, a young fan “Adam McIntyre accused Colleen of having inappropriate relationships with underage fans—including himself. In a 25-minute video, he said Ballinger put him in uncomfortable situations when he was between the ages of 13 and 16, specifically calling out an instance in which she sent him lingerie during a livestream. (At the time, Ballinger admitted she “should have never sent that.”)

She virtue signals with the best. An LGBTQ+ ally, she now professes inclusivity and body positivity, and advocates for the sick as any good public figure would.

Earlier this month, McIntyre’s accusations resurfaced when fellow YouTuber KodeeRants shared alleged screenshots of Ballinger asking fans their “favorite position” in a group chat named “Colleeny’s Weenies.” Per NBC News, the unverified screenshots also showed Ballinger allegedly asking McIntyre if he was a virgin. Adam’s YouTube channel

Let’s look at Colleen Ballinger Astrology, born November 21, 1986,9:34 a.m. Santa Barbara California.

All you need to know is this:

Her Sun is at 29 Scorpio,the last most critical degree of the sign of sex, money, power, control, manipulation,and secrets. With sexy Venus Retrograde conjunct Pluto, which is sex and power, the Shadows. Collen also has Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio and Ceres, the Great Mother in her 10th house of career and public reputation all in Scorpio.

Plus Neptune in Capricorn in 12House of self-undoing, karma, on her AC, illusions, delusional, artists, denial and addictions.

MOON is in CANCER, the sign of the mother, those who work with children, nurturers, in the 7th house of all others, she needs to be needed. Moon trine Sun is a harmonious supportive aspect. Mirrored in the skies today on allegations and her singing video response.

She has Chiron in GEMINI in the 6H of work at 19 degrees- a split or borderline personality disorder or schizoid persona opposite URANUS in SAGITTARIUS at 21 in the 12H of karma, shadows square JUPITER in PISCES in her 2H of money and resources, tools.

LILITH in GEMINI at 29 degrees in her 6th house of work, service, pets, Trines her MC career and public Reputation at 26 Libra, Colleen wants to be everything to everyone and wants everyone to think she’s nice, seen as fluffy, light. She is the dark shadow woman archetype who refuses to compromise. And you wonder why she put out a video response like this?

LILITH is inconjuct to her Scorpio SUN- she can’t see what her other side,what her shadow side is doing. She is truly unconscious. I’m not siding with her- just saying this explains her response to me.

Of course,PLUTO, now back in CAPRICORN at 29 degrees moving back to 27 degrees eventually is in her 1st house and opposing her Moon in the 7th and squaring her MC career and her Roots IC. her own childhood. Pluto affects her career and comes along to cancel it. But

I inputted the Asteroid GROOM it’s at 14 Pisces conjunct Collen’s Jupiter which is like a guardian Angel chameleon-like figure in Pisces. Colleen is a mistress of disguise but also too honest and in complete denial and shoots herself in the foot in true Pisces fashion. Her creativity comes from this aspect.

For those who doubt Chiron in Astrology. Colleen Ballinger’s Chiron is conjunct her N Node in 3H of communications opposite S Node in 9H of P.R. It’s sextile Natal Chiron in GEMINI=split personality in 6H of work trine N Uranus in 12H in Sagittarius-too honest, weird quirk, self-undoing.

Yes the Internet does decide to cancel people but from what I have heard if true she should have charges laid against her. I’m not doubting the kid’s testament about how they felt when she treated them that way its just that these things must be proven as well.

Her response video is truly in line with her keeping in her Miranda Character. She should acknowledge those shes harmed in a mature adult fashion in another video. Will she be cancelled? Unlikely she is back on tour, Only if charges are laid and she is tried can these things be proven. It seems hard to believe that a woman with three kids would do this. She may have been sexually abused herself as a child- that is often the case with people with lots of Scorpio planets. Which could indicate an unconscious wound appearing but she still needs to address accusations maturely.

What do you think?

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