John Lennon, Remembering the Beatle, 43 years after his murder

With the Recent new release of the Beatles Now and Then, The Beatles are once again Number 1 with new Gen Z fans too. I was just watching a documentary on John Lennon’s life in New York City, unconsciously aware that this was the anniversary of his Murder.

There is a new 3 part documentary on John Lennon’s last day of life and an investigation into His murderer.

I remember exactly where I was on December 8 in 1980 when I heard the horrible news, that one of the most influential Celebrity Pop stars ever was cruelly murdered, I believe, by a CIA- who programmed a crazed man.

I wish John Lennon were here to comment on the crazy world we live in. His songs live on to inspire us all.

Remembering John Lennon, Imagine

December 8, 2018 is the anniversary of John Lennon’s murder today.  Shortly before 11 p.m. on December 8th, 1980 25-year-old Mark David Chapman fired five shots from a .38 caliber revolver into John Lennon’s back. 

This was a defining event for anyone who was a Beatles fan. I remember I was at home when I heard, and I was in disbelief and in shock. Do you remember where you were when you heard that terrible news today, oh boy? 

John Lennon, leader of The Beatles, one of my teenage idols, because of who he was, an extremely unusual, intelligent creative person a strong individual. He did prophesy his own death. His songs will inspire future generations, especially Imagine, one of the greatest songs ever written. 

John was a number 6 personality and Soul number. The #6 is THE LOVERS in the Tarot. The center of the Tree of Life, Tifferet, Beauty. Also, GEMINI energy, the twins, communications, the mind.

Let’s look at John Lennon’s birth chart at birth and at his death

click on chart to view larger

John Lennon, a Libra, sign of relationships, harmony, balance, partnerships, was born just after sunset during an air raid on Liverpool during the Second World war. Creative types have strong Venus and Neptune planets. Lennon has Venus at 3 degrees of Virgo, in the 6th house of work, service, analysis, perfectionism. Not what you’d expect.

 His Venus is quincunx the MOON in Aquarius which is the highest elevated “planet” in his chart. His is governed by his emotions, his mother and his radical instincts to be free from the past.

Lennon’s Aquarian MOON -the Revolutionary moon, indicates his worldly status and position.

Moon/Venus in difficult aspect indicates the great love for and deep loss of his Mother- killed in a car accident when he was 17 years old. She was too young and immature to raise him herself, so he was brought up by his Aunt Mimi.

Neptune at 26 degrees Virgo in the 6th house is square to the Galactic Center. He was a true metaphysician and visionary.

Mars in LIBRA was conjunct Neptune in Virgo he was driven, sparked, fired up through his creativity. All artists & musicians’ channel through Neptune planet of SPIRIT. This is the mark of the visionary. This is a ‘working class hero.” Virgo is the sign of servants.

Mars in Libra is focused on “others “and has difficulty making decisions, Mars in Libra is vulnerable, sensitive in the Venus-ruled sign, a peaceful warrior. Mars rules Lennon’s hot-headed -ram butting acerbic-tongued ARIES Ascendant. He appeared tough, masculine, strong-willed, defensive, independent with a big temper. Lennon’s famous vulnerable songs like HELP! I Need somebody, hey you got to hide your love away.  etc. illustrate this.

URANUS the revolution planet, of revolutionary individuals, freedom, group mind, the Aquarian age, an Air sign is Trine to his Neptune at 25 degrees Retrograde in earthy sensual creative Taurus. Lennon was bullish on revolution and freedom in his creativity, for sure.

Lennon was born with a positive Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Taurus, both Retrograde, opposite his Mercury in Scorpio. This is where Lennon’s famed quick-witted, sarcasm comes from. Mars also ruled his fork-tongued Mercury.

Mercury in Scorpio also gave Lennon’s song lyrics great depth. He had the ability to see right through people so could spot a phony a mile away. He was also deeply insecure possessive and jealous. “I’m just a jealous guy.” 1971 and “You Can’t Do That.” 1964 and “Run for Your Life” 1966 an early Beatles song shows this possessive jealous revengeful side. 

Lennon had Chiron at 0 degrees Leo conjunct Pluto opposite the Moon the 4th square Ceres and Mercury in Scorpio

Moon in the 4th is in its natural position where the attachment to mom is vital, its where John craved emotional security. But the Chirotic wound is very deep, Leo rules the heart, this is a heart initiation for Lennon. The wound squares his Ceres the symbol of the Great Mother in Scorpio- sign of death, deep anger and emotionally transformative energies which included his Mercury in Scorpio. Her sudden tragic loss impregnated Lennon’s messages. 

The 4th is the house of roots, opposite the Moon which is his mother, Julia, an unconventional liberated woman. The Moon in Aquarius shows a distance, detached, airy, quirky, unreliable and rather chaotic mother. His childhood was like this. He was left by his mother to be raised by his strict Aunt Mimi. His mother’s unique personality and her shocking sudden loss shaped Lennon’s consciousness deeply in Scorpio. Wounded by his early abandonment by his father, and a mother who wasn’t there for him, Lennon needed Leo fame and adulation to cover up those very raw wounds he felt at his core. He did primal therapy to help heal those wounds as an adult.

The Sun in Libra

on the cusp of the 7th house of relationships rules his Pluto in Leo. Through creative collaborations, his song writing talents with Paul McCartney are legend of course. Here Lennon would find some balance, some peace and connect with all “others.”

Lennon’s chart shows a Grand Trine between the Moon, Uranus in Taurus and the North Node in Libra- it’s very wide and out of sign. This gives Lennon’s signature as a revolutionary man who would make a huge mark on the world as an artist and peacemaker. 

Lennon’s Venus was in Virgo

He was meticulously organized and valued intelligence. He was a perfectionist. He loved to work hard.

Mainly there is a FIXED Grand CROSS in his chart-making Lennon a very intense person.

His 10th house MC of world fame is Capricorn.

Ruled by Saturn Retrograde in Taurus in his 1st house the impact of a father who wasn’t there also fueled his career ambitions to be “the toppermost of the popermost.”  Saturn is conjunct JUPITER exactly at 13 degrees TAURUS in his 1st house of self-identity. This is rare once in 20-year cycle. Jupiter expands whatever it touches.

JUPITER-SATURN in the 1st in Taurus opposite Mercury in Scorpio indicates the sensuous, physical, deep soul messages, down to earth, “working class hero” stubbornness of Lennon’s character. He kept things real, he was ambitious for material and soul wealth. He had patience, Taurus rules the throat, Lennon started singing publicly at 16. Lennon was a leader, a bit more mature. 


CHIRON the wounded healer @ 14 degrees TAURUS was conjunct his Natal Jupiter-Saturn conjunction and inconjunct his Natal Libra Sun.

Jupiter and Saturn are again in their 20-year conjunction sandwiched between Lennon’s Mars and his North Node. Mars is violence and the North Node is the soul’s highest goal. 

Lennon was experiencing his mid-Life Crisis with Uranus the planet of chaos, and revolutionary change in Scorpio sign of shocking violence and unexpected death was opposite to his Natal Uranus in Taurus in his first house. Uranus at 27 Scorpio is widely squaring Lennon’s Natal Venus in Virgo.

Neptune in Sagittarius is squaring natal Neptune in Virgo

This is a generational transit that happens around 40. Idealistic and romantic related to his work. Lennon had just put out a new album.

Transiting Pluto at 23 Libra was hovering on Lennon’s 7th house cusp

Pluto is Libra in the 7th house it indicates Karma, Uranus in Taurus is quincunx Pluto

John Lennon’s fame will live on always. Lennon’s song IMAGINE is one of the rarest and greatest songs ever written. He couldn’t have written it without Yoko Ono’s huge influence on him. She was a conceptual artist and Imagine is a totally conceptual song. It is one of the most powerful songs ever written.

I do believe John was a very enlightened, although flawed human personality. I could believe that he was like a modern-day Jesus. His life was very much the same. He spoke incredible truth. Loved by millions, he influenced a cultural change which just now is finding its true feet.

Can you IMAGINE a world WITHOUT John Lennon in it?

Bless you, John Lennon and thanks for the music and the inspiration, I join you in the dream of Peace.

What did John Lennon mean to you?

P.S. I was a huge Beatles fan as a teenager. My daughter Leah was raised on only Beatles or classical music. I remember driving in the car and turning around to see her at 6 sitting in her car seat singing along to “Say you want a revolution, well you know… we’d all love to see the plans.”

Rolling Stone published an article about gun violence. 
Read more:


John Lennon’s spirit, Imagine the vision

“In my life I’ve loved you more. ” from In My Life by John Lennon 1965, 25 years old. 

October 9th, 2020  remembering the extraordinary Working Class Hero, Beatle leader John Lennon on what would have been his 80th Birthday. He was and still is one of my heroes. 

John_Lennon_1969_(cropped) Joost Evers Anefo CC0

John_Lennon_1969_(cropped) Joost Evers Anefo CC0


John Lennon was, an extremely unusual, intelligent person and a strong individual. He did prophesy his own death. 56 years after the Beatles came to America and conquered the world the Beatles are still as famous and their legendary songs live on for future generations, Imagine, one of the greatest songs ever written will become the Aquarian age anthem. 

John was a number 6 personality and Soul number. The #6 is THE LOVERS in the Tarot. The center of the Tree of  Life, Tifferet, Beauty. Also, GEMINI energy, the twins, communications, the mind.

Did you see that cute little film Yesterday? It posits a parallel Universe where the Beatles never existed. In one scene the anti-hero who is one of the few poeple who remmebers the Beatles gets to meet John Lennon who is an ordinary man  in this alternate universe. The scene where we see John at 78 years old brought tears to my eyes. 

Let us look at John Lennon’s birth chart and the transits on his 80th. Synchronistically Mercury in Scorpio is conjunct his Natal Mercury and Venus is also in Virgo. 

click on chart to view larger

John Lennon is a Libra, sign of relationships, harmony, balance, partnerships, Peacemakers, and social charmers, was born just after sunset during an air raid on Liverpool during the Second World War. Ruled by the planet Venus he was an artist through and through. Creative types have strong Venus and Neptune planets. Lennon has Venus at 3 degrees of Virgo, in the 6th house of work, service, analysis, criticism, humility and perfectionism. Not what you would expect. Neptune at 26 degrees Virgo in the 6th house is square to the Galactic Center. He was a true metaphysician and visionary.

 His Virgo Venus is quincunx or inconjunct 150-degree aspect to the MOON in Aquarius which is the highest elevated “planet” in his chart. John was governed by his emotions, which could be cold, detached, hard, unfeeling. John and his mother had a distant relationship. He went abandoned by his mother and brought up by his  very strict Aunt Mimi since he was five years old. John hardly knew his mother. In his late teens, he discovered his mother Julia, a beautiful vivacious redhead, was living close by and got to know her and his two younger half-sisters. His mother introduced him to rock and roll and taught him to play banjo. Moon/Venus in a difficult aspect indicates the great love for and deep loss of his Mother- killed in a car accident when he was 17 years old.  

Lennon’s Aquarian MOON -the Revolutionary moon, indicates his worldly status and position. 

Mars was conjunct Neptune in Libra, he was driven, sparked, fired up through his creativity. All artists & musicians’ channel through Neptune planet of SPIRIT. This is the mark of the visionary.

Mars in Libra is focused on “others” and has difficulty making decisions, Mars in Libra is vulnerable, sensitive in the Venus-ruled sign, a peaceful warrior. Mars rules Lennon’s hot-headed -ram butting acerbic-tongued ARIES Ascendant. He appeared tough, masculine, strong-willed, defensive, independent with a big temper. Lennon’s famous vulnerable songs like HELP! I Need somebody, hey you got to hide your love away.  etc. illustrate this.

URANUS the revolution planet, of strong individuals, freedom fighters,  group minded the Aquarian Age, Higher Consciousness “Power to the People.” The Air sign is Trine to his Neptune at 25 degrees Retrograde in earthy sensual creative Taurus. Lennon was bullish on revolution and freedom in his creativity, for sure.

Lennon was born with a positive Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Taurus, both Retrograde, opposite his Mercury in Scorpio. This is where Lennon’s famed quick-witted, sarcasm comes from. Mars also ruled his fork tongued Mercury.

Mercury in Scorpio also gave Lennon’s song lyrics great depth. He had the ability to see right through people so could spot a phony a mile away.

Lennon had Chiron at zero degrees Leo conjunct Pluto in the 4th house of roots, childhood, mother, home, family, privacy. He was a world soul healer deep-down. Pluto rules the collective unconsciousness as well as the personal Soul drives. Wounded by his early abandonment by his father, and a mother who was not really there for him, Lennon needed Leo fame and adulation to cover up those very raw wounds he felt at his core. He did primal therapy to help heal those wounds as an adult.

The Leo needs to shine like the SUN in the world, was an immensely powerful drive.  The Sun in Libra on the cusp of the 7th house of relationships rules his Pluto in Leo. Through creative collaborations, his songwriting talents with Paul McCartney are a legend of course. Here Lennon would find some balance, some peace and connect with all “others.”

Lennon’s chart shows a Grand Trine between the Moon, Uranus in Taurus, and the North Node in Libra- it’s very wide and out of sign. this gives Lennon’s signature as a revolutionary man who would make a huge mark on the world as an artist and peacemaker. 

Mainly there is a FIXED Grand CROSS in his chart-making Lennon a  very intense person. His 10th house MC of world fame is Capricorn. It is real, ambitious, required patience, he started singing publicly at 16. Lennon was a leader, a bit more mature. Capricorn is the sign of worldly fame and fortune.

 So, a short light look at the man who was John Lennon. Whose fame will live on always because music is the food of love and Lennon’s song IMAGINE is one of the rarest and greatest songs ever written.

I do believe he was very enlightened,  although flawed human personality. I could believe that he was like a modern-day Jesus. His life was very much the same. He spoke incredible truth. Loved by millions, he influenced a cultural change that just now is finding its true feet.

Can you IMAGINE a world WITHOUT John Lennon in it?

Bless you John Lennon and thanks for the music and the inspiration, I join you in the dream of Peace.

What did John Lennon mean to you?

P.S. I was a huge Beatles fan as a teenager. My daughter Leah was raised on only Beatles or classical music. I remember driving in the car and turning around to see her at 6 sitting in her car seat singing along to “Say you want a revolution, well you know… we’d all love to see the plans.”

IN MY LIFE- John Lennon/Paul McCartney

get a reading from TARA

John Lennon song. “Revolution.” Remember that the energy that was birthed in the 60’s has been reignited now. 



Remembering John Lennon, gun violence in America

December 8th is the anniversary of John Lennon’s murder.  Shortly before 11 p.m. on December 8th, 1980 25-year-old Mark David Chapman fired five shots from a .38 caliber revolver into John Lennon’s back. 

This was a defining event for anyone who was a Beatles fan. I remember I was at home when I heard and I was in disbelief and in shock. Do you remember where you were when you heard that terrible news today, oh boy? 

John Lennon, leader of The Beatles, one of my teenage idols, because of who he was, an extremely unusual, intelligent person a strong individual. He did prophesy his own death. His songs will inspire future generations, especially Imagine, one of the greatest songs ever written. John would have been 75 years old on Oct 9, 2015.


John was a number 6 personality and Soul number. The #6 is THE LOVERS in the Tarot. The centre of the Tree of  Life, Tifferet, Beauty. Also GEMINI energy, the twins, communications, the mind.

Let’s look at John Lennon’s birth chart at birth and at his death

JOhn Lennon birth and death charts

click on chart to view larger

John Lennon, a Libra, sign of relationships, harmony, balance, and partnerships, was born just after sunset during an air raid on Liverpool during the Second World war. Creative types have strong Venus and Neptune planets. Lennon has Venus at 3 degrees of Virgo, in the 6th house of work, service, analysis, perfectionism, criticism and humility.

 John’s Venus is quincunx the MOON in Aquarius which is the highest elevated “planet” in his chart. He is governed by his emotions, his mother and his relationship with her and his radical instincts to be a revolutionary person breaking free from the past.

Lennon’s Aquarian MOON  is a highly intelligent strongly individualized detached feeling tones person. His Revolutionary moon indicates his worldly status and position.

Lennon’s Moon is opposite CHIRON the WOUNDED HEALER at 0 Leo sign of leaders, actors, “royalty” important wealthy people, who are courageous Lionhearted and who dont’ suffer fools gladly.   Chiron is square to CERES the Great Mother at 1 degree Scorpio, sign of death, the underworld, the shadows, psychology, paranoia, control, secrets, and power. Ceres in his 7th house of marriage and all “others.” This T-square to his natal moon indicates the cool detached image Lennon projected to protect himself. 

Moon/Venus in a difficult aspect indicates the great love for and deep loss of his Mother- killed in a car accident when he was 17 years old. She was too young and immature to raise him herself so he was brought up by his Mother’s sister, his Aunt Mimmie. Maternal Aunts are indicated by the 6th house and Lennon has a packed large 6th house.

Neptune at 26 degrees Virgo in the 6th house is square to the Galactic Center. He was a true metaphysician and visionary.

Mars was conjunct Neptune in Libra, he was driven, sparked, fired up through his creativity. All artists & musicians channel through Neptune planet of SPIRIT. This is the mark of the visionary.

Mars in Libra is focused on “others”and has difficulty making decisions, Mars in Libra is vulnerable, sensitive in the Venus ruled sign, a peaceful warrior. Mars rules Lennon’s hot headed -ram butting acerbic tongued ARIES Ascendant. He appeared tough, masculine, strong-willed, defensive, independent with a big temper. Lennon’s famous vulnerable songs like HELP! I Need somebody, Hey you got to hide your love away.  etc. illustrate this.

URANUS the revolution planet,planet of individuals, freedom, group mind, the Aquarian age, an Air sign is Trine to his Neptune at 25 degrees Retrograde in earthy sensual creative Taurus. Lennon was bullish on revolution and freedom in his creativity, for sure.

Lennon was born with a positive Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Taurus, both Retrograde, opposite his Mercury in Scorpio. This is where Lennon’s famed quick-witted, sarcasm comes from. Mars also ruled his fork tongued Mercury.

Mercury in Scorpio also gave Lennon’s song lyrics great depth. He had the ability to see right through people so could spot a phony a mile away.

Lennon had Chiron at zero degrees Leo conjunct Pluto in the 4th house of roots, childhood, mother, home, family, privacy. He was a world soul healer deep-down. Pluto rules the collective unconsciousness as well as the personal Soul drives. Wounded  by his early abandonment by his father, and a mother who wasn’t really there for him, Lennon needed Leo fame and adulation to cover up those very raw wounds he felt at his core. He did primal therapy to help heal those wounds as an adult.

The Leo need to shine like the SUN in the world,was a very powerful drive. 

The Sun in Libra on the cusp of the 7th house of relationships rules his Pluto in Leo. Through creative collaborations his songwriting talents with Paul McCartney are legend of course. Here Lennon would find some balance, some peace and connect with all “others.”

Lennon’s chart shows a Grand Trine between the Moon,Uranus in Taurus and the North Node in Libra- it’s very wide and out of sign. this gives Lennon’s signature as a revolutionary man who would make a huge mark on the world as an artist and peacemaker. 

Mainly there is a FIXED Grand CROSS in his chart making Lennon a  very intense person.

His 10th house MC of world fame is Capricorn. It’s real, ambitious, required patience, he started singing publicly at 16. Lennon was a leader, a bit more mature. Capricorn is the sign of worldly fame and fortune.

 So a short light look at the man who was John Lennon. Whose fame will live on always because music is the food of love and Lennon’s song IMAGINE is one of the rarest and greatest songs ever written.

I do believe he was a very enlightened,  although flawed human personality. I could believe that he was like a modern day Jesus. His life was very much the same. He spoke incredible truth. Loved by millions, he influenced a cultural change which just now is finding its true feet.

Can you IMAGINE a world WITHOUT John Lennon in it?

Transits at John’s death. 

On December 8 1980,Chiron the Wounded healer was directly on his Natal Jupiter Saturn in Taurus conjunction, Chiron was squaring the transiting North Node at 12 degrees Leo which was squaring John’s Natal Mercury.

Jupiter and Saturn were once again in conjunction in Libra conjunct to Johns Natal North Node in his 6th house of work. Jupiter and Saturn meet every 20 years and they were also both squaring John’s Mid-Heaven at 7 degrees of Capricorn which also had Mars at 12 degrees Capricron as the highest planet in his 10th house of worldly fame. This is a very karmic description of a famous violent death, involving his work.  

Pluto in LIbra at 23 degrees had just crossed into John’s 7th house of relationships where it was only 7 degrees away from John’s Natal Sun. Pluto was in a hard inconjunct aspect to John’s natal Uranus at 25 degrees Taurus in his first house of self-identity. John had been told by a psychic years before it happened, that he would be murdered in New York City. Either he didn’t believe her or her chose stubbornly to defy that prediction. 

Bless you John Lennon and thanks for the music and the inspiration, I join you in the dream of Peace.

What did John Lennon mean to you?

P.S. I was a huge Beatles fan as a teenager. My daughter Leah was raised on only Beatles or classical music. I remember driving in the car and turning around to see her at 6 sitting in her car seat singing along to “Say you want a revolution, well you know… we’d all love to see the plans.”

Rolling Stone published an article today about gun violence. 
Read more:

IN MY LIFE- John Lennon/Paul McCartney

get a reading from TARA

Remembering John Lennon by Tara Greene

December 8, 2018, is the 38th anniversary of John Lennon’s murder today.  Shortly before 11 p.m. on December 8th, 1980 25-year-old Mark David Chapman fired five shots from a .38 calibre revolver into John Lennon’s back. 

This was a defining event for anyone who was a Beatles fan. I remember I was at home when I heard and I was in disbelief and in shock. Do you remember where you were when you heard that terrible news today, oh boy? 

John Lennon, leader of The Beatles, one of my teenage idols, because of who he was, an extremely unusual, intelligent person a strong individual. He did prophesy his own death. His songs will inspire the future generations, especially Imagine, one of the greatest songs ever written. John would have been 75 years old on Oct 9, 2015.

John was a number 6 personality and Soul number. The #6 is THE LOVERS in the Tarot. The center of the Tree of  Life, Tifferet, Beauty. Also GEMINI energy, the twins, communications, the mind.

Let’s look at John Lennon’s birth chart at birth and at his death

JOhn Lennon birth and death charts

click on chart to view larger

John Lennon, is a Libra, sign of relationships, harmony, balance, partnerships, Peacemakers, and social charmers, was born just after sunset during an air raid on Liverpool during the Second World War. Ruled by the planet Venus he was an artist through and through. Creative types have strong Venus and Neptune planets. Lennon has Venus at 3 degrees of Virgo, in the 6th house of work, service, analysis, criticism,  humility and perfectionism. Not what you’d expect.

 His Virgo Venus is quincunx or inconjunct 150-degree aspect to the MOON in Aquarius which is the highest elevated “planet” in his chart. John was governed by his emotions, which could be cold, detached, hard, unfeeling. John and his mother had a distant relationship. He went abandoned by his mother and brought up by his  very strict Aunt Mimi since he was five years old. John hardly knew his mother. In his late teens, he discovered his mother Julia, a beautiful vivacious redhead, was living close by and got to know her and his two younger half-sisters. His mother introduced him to rock and roll and taught him to play banjo. Moon/Venus in a difficult aspect indicates the great love for and deep loss of his Mother- killed in a car accident when he was 17 years old.  

Lennon’s Aquarian MOON -the Revolutionary moon, indicates his worldly status and position. 

Neptune at 26 degrees Virgo in the 6th house is square to the Galactic Center. He was a true metaphysician and visionary.

Mars was conjunct Neptune in Libra, he was driven, sparked, fired up through his creativity. All artists & musicians channel through Neptune planet of SPIRIT. This is the mark of the visionary.

Mars in Libra is focused on “others” and has difficulty making decisions, Mars in Libra is vulnerable, sensitive in the Venus-ruled sign, a peaceful warrior. Mars rules Lennon’s hot-headed -ram butting acerbic-tongued ARIES Ascendant. He appeared tough, masculine, strong-willed, defensive, independent with a big temper. Lennon’s famous vulnerable songs like HELP! I Need somebody, Hey you got to hide your love away.  etc. illustrate this.

URANUS the revolution planet, of strong individuals, freedom fighters,  group minded the Aquarian Age, Higher Consciousness “Power To the People.” The Air sign is Trine to his Neptune at 25 degrees Retrograde in earthy sensual creative Taurus. Lennon was bullish on revolution and freedom in his creativity, for sure.

Lennon was born with a positive Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Taurus, both Retrograde, opposite his Mercury in Scorpio. This is where Lennon’s famed quick-witted, sarcasm comes from. Mars also ruled his fork tongued Mercury.

Mercury in Scorpio also gave Lennon’s song lyrics great depth. He had the ability to see right through people so could spot a phony a mile away.

Lennon had Chiron at zero degrees Leo conjunct Pluto in the 4th house of roots, childhood, mother, home, family, privacy. He was a world soul healer deep-down. Pluto rules the collective unconsciousness as well as the personal Soul drives. Wounded by his early abandonment by his father, and a mother who wasn’t really there for him, Lennon needed Leo fame and adulation to cover up those very raw wounds he felt at his core. He did primal therapy to help heal those wounds as an adult.

The Leo need to shine like the SUN in the world, was a very powerful drive. 

The Sun in Libra on the cusp of the 7th house of relationships rules his Pluto in Leo. Through creative collaborations, his songwriting talents with Paul McCartney are legend of course. Here Lennon would find some balance, some peace and connect with all “others.”

Lennon’s chart shows a Grand Trine between the Moon, Uranus in Taurus and the North Node in Libra- it’s very wide and out of sign. this gives Lennon’s signature as a revolutionary man who would make a huge mark on the world as an artist and peacemaker. 

Mainly there is a FIXED Grand CROSS in his chart-making Lennon a  very intense person.

His 10th house MC of world fame is Capricorn. It’s real, ambitious, required patience, he started singing publicly at 16. Lennon was a leader, a bit more mature. Capricorn is the sign of worldly fame and fortune.

 So a short light look at the man who was John Lennon. Whose fame will live on always because music is the food of love and Lennon’s song IMAGINE is one of the rarest and greatest songs ever written.

I do believe he was a very enlightened,  although flawed human personality. I could believe that he was like a modern day Jesus. His life was very much the same. He spoke incredible truth. Loved by millions, he influenced a cultural change which just now is finding its true feet.

Can you IMAGINE a world WITHOUT John Lennon in it?

Bless you John Lennon and thanks for the music and the inspiration, I join you in the dream of Peace.

What did John Lennon mean to you?

P.S. I was a huge Beatles fan as a teenager. My daughter Leah was raised on only Beatles or classical music. I remember driving in the car and turning around to see her at 6 sitting in her car seat singing along to “Say you want a revolution, well you know… we’d all love to see the plans.”

Rolling Stone published an article today about gun violence. 
Read more:

IN MY LIFE- John Lennon/Paul McCartney

get a reading from TARA