Mars is Out Of Bounds, Sex rebels and horoscopes

Mars in Gemini is now the wild man moving Out Of Bounds since May 14th @ 1:04:27 pm EDT/5:04 pm GMT until June  29, 2017  @ 3:59:59 am EDT/ 7:59 am GMT. 

Clash of the Titans Mars in Gemini Tara Greene

MARS in GEMINI O.O.B. Clash of the Titans 2010

That’s 6 weeks of MARTIAN SEXY ACTION and FREEDOM for all.


 A planet is considered out-of-bounds when it travels beyond the Sun’s path, called the ecliptic, beyond 23°26′ some say 27 minutes North or South. Planets travel out of bounds when nearing the signs of Cancer and Capricorn.

When planets travel O.O.B. the energies of any O.O.B. planet tends to be out of control. Just like it sounds, OUT OF BOUNDS PLANETS are wild, free, unbounded, radical and extreme and can’t be tamed.This aspect often shows up in criminals but also in wildly independent and creative people who follow their own laws and rules.


You could be an O.O. B. person. You could have been born with the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter or Saturn O.O. B. I was born with the MOON O.O.B. and finding that out clarified and explained everything for me in an instant. It was a real epiphany.  

To find out if you were born with O.O.B. planets go to it’s free and a great resource. After you key in your birth date you birth chart shows up. To the left up top there is a link which says ADDITIONAL TABLES {PDF} click that. The declination of all the planets will show up in a list and you can see if any of your planets exceeds 23 degrees 26 N or S.

MARS is not just the God of War and aggression, again this is a Patriarchal one-sided view of Mars. He is also the good stuff, the life giving force of passion, sexuality, desire, action, freedom, creativity, and he makes things happen. 

Expect things to get hotter, wilder, more passionate, angrier and more aggressive than they have been for the next 6 weeks. 

 AMERICA in its SIBLEY birth chart – July 1776 has both MARS and VENUS O.O.B.  

Who would’ve guessed that the country that is the cultural purveyor of love, sex and relationships would be such a renegade?  America country was founded on those fleeing from religious persecution and seeking freedom so they could freely live their values- Venus. 

PRINCE HARRY was born with MARS O.O.B. and JUPITER too. Now that he is in his usual Royal Mars state I think he will pop the question and ask Meghan Merkle to marry him. No wonder he was such a wild and crazy guy when he was younger and who was naturally going to fall for an exotic woman with a different racial background than him- that’s a Jupiter thing. Open minded, like exotic place-he loves Africa. I dont think they will marry till 2018 though.

MEGHAN MARKLE was also born while MARS was O.O.B. I know these two have a very intense sex life. I can feel it. This makes companions in arms. They are both two renegades.

DONALD TRUMP has MERCURY O.O. B. yep he definitely communicates Out of the Box- on TWITTER.

 Björk, the incredibly talented and original Icelandic singer was born with  Mercury, Venus and Mars O.O. B. she wrote

MARS is not just the God of War and aggression, again a Patriarchal one-sided view of Mars. He is passion, sex, desire, action, freedom, creativity, and makes things happen. 

With MARS O.O. B. in GEMINI expect things to get hotter, wilder, more passionate, more confrontational, more split, angrier and more aggressive for the next 6 weeks.  

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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Venus in Leo, Love like a lion

Venus in Leo, Love like a LION

July 11-AUGUST 5 Aas if things weren’t dramatic enough. Venus shimmies into Leo where it’s SHOW TIME! 

“Say what you have to say and say it hot” D. H. Lawrence-Mercury will conjunct Venus in Leo on July 16

Venus the Goddess of LOVE Beauty,Relationships, BLING, demands to be treated like A QUEEN or King, so you better get ready to bow down.

LEO is STRENGTH in the Tarot #11 or 8

 Power struggles can get even more raw, inflamed, hot and passionate.  There will be lots of drama.

Leo governs vanity, competition, showing off, jealousy, possessiveness, you know…with big ego power politics 

Venus in Leo is everything YOUR HEART DESIRES, you want it,and you know how to seduce it and get it.

 80’s manes of hair, cat fights, and courageous acts are all Venus in LEO. SHE WANTS THE BEST OF EVERYTHING, luxury, fast cars, big rocks, BLING, to make her purr with pleasure, trophy wife, Venus in Furs,


Leo is the 5th sign of creativity and LOVE AFFAIRS and sexy is the new black.

Bright yellow, red, gold or deep purple, are Leo’s colors.

Venus in Leo wearing a  big cat skin, is a Jungle Queen, fearless Amazon, 

sheena Venus in Leo Tara Greene tarot reader


She is also Hindu Goddess DURGA riding her Lion into battle to kill all the ghouls and demonic forces when no other God can.


WILL power with love behind it is unstoppable.

Wear your heart on your sleeve. Love and romance are roaring with strength and joy.Shout out your passion, roar out your love, you will know what to do, if it feels good, go for it.  Leo is known for Generosity of the heart, acts of loving kindness, Leos are fiercely loyal and giving to those they love.

Questions to ask:

WHAT makes my heart-throb with passion? What do I love and desire the most? What makes me happiest?

Venus in Leo loves art and creativity- see link below-

WOMEN take center stage as leaders power movers and shakers, fearlessly fueled by love. “I am woman hear me roar.” the Helen Reddy song 

July 20 Venus Trines SATURN in SAGITTARIUS

A great day for inspiration, travel, marriages, signing on the dotted line, happy travels and gotta love those Sagittarius. 

Leo rules statesman kings, leaders, actors and actresses, billionaires, entrepreneurs, anyone who is center stage. Leo rules children, giving love, show children your support and love them courageously,


MICHAEL JACKSON    Daniel Radcliffe   Andy Warhol


Madonna  Pamela Anderson Whitney Houston Tori Amos

Nichole Kidman and Tom Cruise   Jennifer Lawrence

Selena Gomez  Gwynth Paltrow   Salma Hayek

Amy Winehouse Lindsay Lohan

George W. Bush

Niall Horan and Liam Payne of One Direction

Film Directors Tim Burton Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick

writer Paulo Coelho

singer Michael Buble

Enjoy Venus in LEO- get out and dance the tango, be generous, enjoy the drama keep it fueled with positive passion.


All writing is copyright of  Tara Greene

Get a royal reading with Tara


Law of Attraction, the force is with you today

The hyped-up action oriented Rammin’ ARIES MOON time is always hyper energetic. 

Moon is inconjunct {135 degrees} Mars in the early bird morning.

You may awake feeling irritated, headachy and clenching your teeth, or may have disturbing dreams.  Try not to be be too impatient. Yah right, LOL Aries peeps.
Moon trines Saturn in Sagittarius – FIRE TRINE @ 12+ degrees SAGE, conjunct  GREAT ATTRACTOR

You can attract anything you want.  Focus on your inner fire, what the Buddhist call the Tumo or dumo fire. This is kundalini energy. Your fire is your passion drive desire, sexuality, hunger, erotic life force energy. What turns you on? dancing, singing? lovemaking? gardening?


law of passion, attraction, Tara Greene

Aries Fire Force Attraction from three rivers deep 

  Make a fresh start.
Cardinal Crosses one more time.

Moon squares Pluto and conjuncts Uranus and opposes LILITH

Hell hath no fury like a woman held back or scorned. 

She is Kali-like and destroys egos. She seems to be working overtime what with so many celebrity deaths this week. Bowie, Alan Rickman, the ISIL Jakarta attacks, Rene Angelil, Celine Dion’s husband, and more.  RIP you all.

Gotta go

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all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading from Tara

Inspirational card, 2015, lust or strength

Dec. 9


Did you meditate with VENUS on the Galactic Center yesterday? I did.

Cancer moon trines Saturn in the afternoon then goes void of Course at 4:15 pm PST

Moon enters LOUD AND PROUD LEO @ 7:14 pm PST/ 10:14 pm EST-dec 12.

let’s have a card of the day 


strength Lust Leo Astrology Tara Greene

Cathy McCelland LEO/STRENGTH

This is very synchronous, of course with the Moon in LEO.

The card of LEO or STRENGTH or LUST  in the Tarot symbolizes 2015’s energy.

2 = 0 = 1 = 5 = 8. 

We must learn to listen to our hearts, have courage, be daring, bold, strong, dramatic.

We must learn to stalk out prey like a wild lion would. These wild lions are an endangered species now.

Leo is the sign of Royalty, we can see how crazy the Americans are for Prince William and Kate Middleton. Jupiter now Retrograde is in Leo and will remain there till next September.

We must protect those we love, the children, those who live in our hearts those we feel for.

Leo is instinctual, it is also called LUST. We must feel that passion pulsing in our veins but also ride and control that animal instinct.

It is about inner strength which radiates like the SUN. 

When you are connected to your passion in life you become charismatic, shining, a natural leader a LIGHT..

The symbol is Feminine, although Leo in Astrology is Fire and masculine.

This image shows the Goddess or Feminine with the INFINITY SYMBOL at her solar plexus, connecting her heart and her will. This STRENGTH is in the intuitive feminine instincts connected with egoless self-love. 

Vanity, selfishness, drama, greed, childishness, ME FIRST, entitlement, are all the negative qualities of Leo/Strength. The negative side of LUST is of course, sexual abuse, rape, torture, violence which we are hearing about prevalently in the news these days as it is necessary for the topic to come out of the shadows to be cleared in the LIGHT of the HEART. Patriarch has abused the Goddess, children men and the Feminine for over 5,000 years. The heart has been blocked in Western culture from living from love not the strength of brawn or brain.

We are needing to come into balance now, which is the Infinity symbol.

2015 is the year to follow your Heart and your Bliss. To see beauty within you and all around. To have the strength to defend what we know in our hearts to be true. To defend the feminine, and love, women and the children. The Light of love, trust, beauty will emerge triumphant over the negative egotistical forces of greed and selfishness. LIVE STRONG. BE A CHAMPION. 


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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the lion sleeps tonight the Tokens  


Heartfelt Optimistic Power day

We are into LEO Moon Big hearted generous over the top BIG Drama until late Nov 14 PST.

Nov. 13 There  was 3 quincunx’s from Moon to PLUTO CHIRON AND MARS

big PROUD ego’s bruise sensitive spiritual feelings. Plutocratic power-hungry ghosts and vulnerability meet in an awkward stand-off. Did you feel that? 


Inspirational Card of the Day

LUST Strength Tara Tarot psychic events


this aspect is virtually in effect til; Nov 14  through Moon conjunct Jupiter, Moon Square Sun Moon square Venus.Two fixed signs- Scorpio, Fixed water and Leo fixed fire, face off.

These are the two biggest objects in the solar system. The SUN the source. Jupiter- the God King, LEO is ruled by the SUN.

Jupiter will remain in Leo till September 2015,so  Jupiter is overruled by whatever sign the Sun is passing through. This is a big expansive optimistic, feel good day. 

Jupiter is always faith, optimism. If you met with some difficulties that is the SUN SATURN VENUS energies which are also close by. With Scorpio Sun there may be deep hidden lessons and undertones which surface.

All that glitters doesn’t always look like gold. Sometimes it can look like the densest blackest shadow.

 Scorpio’s job is to transcend being that unconscious, egotistic LEO-like  user and rise above its primitive instincts to sting to become the LION, the protector, expressive, heart felt king who serves with pride. Dont expect anyone to back down from anything under those aspects.

Fri Nov 14  Moon CONJUNCTS Jupiter in LEO early A.m.

EARLY BIRDS get the results. Stay positive in spite of the heavy aspects all week. 

Moon squares Sun- 

We are Halfway to next  NEW MOON Nov 22 11/22 AT zero degrees SAGITTARIUS

We’re almost in Sagittarius upbeat times.

LEO Moon squares SATURN & Venus- cocktail hour 

A big-hearted generous and serious time.  Saturn is sobering serious and reality goal focused.

This may be a difficult challenging time for Leo and Scorpio,Taurus and Aquarius at latter degrees.. You should see clearly what you love, what you want to put your heart into.  Where your passion lies. 

If you have been confused or unsure about your direction use this day to focus on this question. 

What makes my heart sing? What is worth pursuing as my highest goal? What do I FEEL I want to put my heart into?

The card of LEO/ STRENGTH/ LUST  is the way to discover the answer.

It’s very simple and straightforward. Whatever turns you on, feels good, lights you up.  In a positive good way.Thats what you do.

LEO relates to performing and creative self- expression;  dancing, singing, experimenting with art and improv are a great means of discovering new directions. The card shows the anima feminine instincts riding the Pleasure principle. Traditionally this card is about controlling passion and lust.

A tarot and Astrology reading is a great way to find your passion path:

 get a reading with Tara Greene


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene