Horoscopes April 5-11 Aries Bonfires

The week is fairly nice and easy with lots of supportive sextiles. Mercury in Aries conjuncts CHIRON and MARS squares NEPTUNE which is beautiful, ssexy, romantic, and magical.

All the planets are building up to ARIES NEW MOON April 11 at 10:31 pm EDT APRIL 12 @ 1:31 am GMT at 22+ ARIES. + VENUS square PLUTO to boot.

April 6 VENUS in ARIES sextiles MARS in GEMINI

A sexy little aspect nice and easy

April 9 MERCURY conjuncts CHIRON in ARIESfeeling vulnerable in our minds and in how we communicate.Talk about where it hurts.


Mars activates big imagination. A Seductive silver tongued devil may try to sell the farm out from under you. Use this time for active imagination, visualization, connecting to a spiritual teacher.

April 10 MERCURY in Aries sextiles SATURN in Aquarius


Sextiles are nice easy aspects. This is good for stating a freedom declaration.

APRIL 11 ARIES NEW MOON 22 ARIES °24’, with 7 planets in Aries


Intense power struggles and infinancial markets and can be advancements for women.


at 7:30 pm EDT LIVE on ZOOM. Fee is only $22. Register at https://lu.ma/frwaxgl7

Watch the video overview of all aspects this week for all sign https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoFjpRIUv3Y&t=14s

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene, Get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

Weekend astrology preview

That light romantic Libra Moon energy trines Venus in Gemini in the afternoon on Saturday making a nice flirty partying mood.

Then things get a bit socially awkward as the moon Inconjuncts 150 degree aspect) Chiron in Pisces. This aspect encourages creatively making up stories to impress others and to hide your insecurities and pain.

Libra Moon opposes Uranus at night

Expect wild and crazy behaviours, unexpected expenses, people that hold widely different viewpoints and random craziness.

The moon goes Void of course at 2:30 pm PDT/ 5:30 pm EDT/ 9:30 pm GMT.

Don’t plan on doing anything too adventurous. V-of-Course moon’s are best for mundane tasks.

Sexy Scorpio moon arrives, it’s easy to seduce and be seduced under these moonbeams. Enchantment spell casting and sorcery are strengthened under this lunar energy. Everything associated with death, rebirth, and  transformation arethe themes  now.

Scorpio moon astrology, Tara Greene

This video doesn’t exist

Moon enters mysterious Scorpio @ 5:23 pm PDT/ 8:23 pm EDT next day GMT.

The evening turns very emotionaly intense. Wear Black, Scorpio’s fave color. Sexual magnetism increases under Scorpio beams. Secrets, mysteries innuendoes and pulses race. We feel the erotic nature of everything when we open ourselves up to it.

Scorpios like dark places clubs, alleys. As the libido energy affects everyone filtered through the lunar lens be aware of where you are and the kind of unconscious vibes you are putting out. At a very basic level Scorpio energy tunes  us into our belly on the earth animal nature as the scorpion. A rather primitive animal who stings to protect itself. That motif impelled us just as the moon manipulates all creatures.

Expect very steamy sexual encounters and obsessive unconscious behaviours. overpowering others with your Scorpio Laser vision is easy. Be careful not to abuse your powers on others.

July 30 peak preview

Venus the goddess of love is active in Gemini past midnight hours.

VENUS squares Chiron in Pisces

Hearts will be hurt from too much two-Timing.

Venus sextiles URANUS now moving standstill about to turn Retrograde on August 2/3.

So many twosomes and the desire to make connections with all kinds of people on your wavelength. So many more encounters to experience this night.

Scorpio moon sextiles Mercury in Virgo

You may have to ask direct questions about sexual hygiene. Information divulging can be sexy as well as organizing anything into near parcels.

Scorpio moon meets its maker. Or ruling planet squaring MARS in LEO and the Sun in the early hours.

What wAs dark  sinister and hidden now comes full blown into the light of day!

From fixed water of Scorpio and fixed fire of MARS + SUN in LEO we get Explisive steamy sweaty boiling over energy. ANGER! Power battles, surreptitious who revenge trips against leaders and head honchos being plotted.

Scorpio is a feminine sign. The women are learning to out manoeuvres the men in positions of power.

I’ll leave the last aspect of the day a mystery bdcause Scorpio energy lives that.

Please share widely. All writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

Get a reading with me www.taratarot.com Tara greene tarot astrology psychic

Inspirational Card of the day, Aim high,truth as an arrow

May 11 Post Taurus Eclipse, we need some earth wisdom

The deck that called to me today is the Sacred Path Cards by Jamie Sams from 1991

not a Tarot deck but 44 cards of Native American wisdom

The Card is #12 THE ARROW 

arrow Oracles Tara  Greene


Native American shamanic teachings speak of words,thoughts and communications as arrows, or intentions- there are “light arrows” positive thoughts and “dark arrows” – negative thoughts.

The arrow is a symbol for the planet MERCURY-thoughts, communications,  the “word.” 

The Sun and Mercury Conjunct Today in Taurus.

This highlights the LIGHT, SOURCE and the embodied mind. 

Very auspicious.  Honor your inner truth. 

Please share widely so that all may benefit.


The arrow brings a time of self- examination and questions- 

Am you being honest with yourself and with others?

Have you aimed straight and true in your opinions, decisions and goals?

Do you have a sense of brotherhood or Sisterhood?  

Is competing keeping you from having true friends?

Do you have the courage to stop criticizing others, and myself?

Be willing to face all truths, even when they hurt. 

 Are you being a hypocrite? Do you  walk your talk?

This card calls upon your deepest wells of strength and courage to face any enemy of truth

-the popular MEDIA, the culture itself, the Medical system, Big Pharma, Monsanto, the government

to do the right thing, to oppose corruption, OCCUPY your mind, your speech, your thoughts,your words.

and anyone, thing or entity blocking the truth from the people, the children and your self.

Be brave, trust your inner warrior or warrioress spirit.

Aim higher, telling the truth creates space for others to follow.

Get an honest reading with Tara  http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html

TELL THE TRUTH by Eric Clapton lyrics

Tell the truth. Tell me who’s been fooling you?
Tell the truth. Who’s been fooling who?

There you sit there, looking so cool
While the whole show is passing you by.
You better come to terms with your fellow men soon, cause…

The whole world is shaking now. Can’t you feel it?
A new dawn is breaking now. Can’t you see it?

It doesn’t matter just who you are,
Or where you’re going or been.
Open your eyes and look into your heart.

ALSO the POINT animated feature from 1971 with Harry Nilsson songs and lyrics narrated by Ringo Starr and Dustin Hoffman – ME AND MY ARROW

Last days of 2012 Astrology,Meditate on clearing, out with the old

Traditionally we need to end the old year before we can begin anew.

so Dec 30 and Dec 31 we should clean up old clutter, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually,

Moon enters fiery LEO dec 30 EST @ 2:45 am -minutes ago as I write this to you

Moon promptly qunicunx’s Neptune- so weird spiritual quirky dreams about getting free-let me know what you dreamed about

Dec 30 is filled with lots of aspects. Leo Moon is full of passion, playfulness, big-hearted, leaders, wants to be in control.

lots of last minute fiscal cliff wheeling and dealing.

Leo ruled by the Sun Tara Greene

Leo Moon is ruled by the Sun

SUN  conjuncts Pluto @ 9 degrees 15  mins. of Capricorn in early am this is a ONCE A YEAR Aspect – I got the power!

and later 9:45 am PST Sun and Saturn in Scorpio form a quincunx = “pa pa Americano”- Neapolitan dialect for we don;t understand you

– see Video link below-

LEO Moon opposes Mars in Aquaurius @ 3 degrees early am. balances power is innovative, liberating

Leo Moon  makes Trines Uranus =brilliant heart-felt out of the box thinking

Moon quincunx Chiron in early Pisces,= difficult to put your finger on where it hurts.

Sextiles Jupiter in Gemini= sextiles are like being tickled under the chin- so have some good laughs and play hard

quincunx’s Pluto @ 5:52 pm PST -some power plays over dinner, who’s sitting at the head of the table?

Leo Moon squares Saturn in Scorpio @ 6:14 pm- did someone pull one over thinking they wouldn’t get caught? could  be “a fasten your seat belts it’s going to be a bumpy evening”- a la Bette Davis.

Moon quincunx’s Capricorn Sun 6:56 pm PST -the open-hearted Leo moon just doesn’t jibe with the emotional reserve of Capricorn’s, all business

All that lunar action and post Full Moon will keep you plenty energized.

spend some time reviewing your year. Get a notebook and pen and write down these topics?

What were your intentions at the beginning of 2012 ? How much did you actualize? Why did you have these experiences?


I would work with obsidian,black tourmaline or amethyst stones or clear crystals, crystals anchor your intentions

Create sacred space by calling in the directions and the Archangels starting in the East with Fire and Archangel Michael,

moving always sun-wise or clock wise to the South place of Water call in Archangel Gabriel

to the West place of Earth and call in Archangel Ariel

to the North place of Air call in Archangel Raphael 

breathe deeply getting more relaxed and focus on watching your breath

just watch, become the watcher, who is doing the breathing, when you relax completely

focus on seeing the past year flash before your mind’s eye as a movie

see all the incidents and feel them tug on your 2nd chakra- 2 fingers beneath your navel

watch the movie, see yourself as the director, producer actor-

what’s the name of your Life movie in 2012?

It held many emotions, peaks and valleys, gains and losses,

it was what it was, it cannot be changed now and it is a teaching

you can clear any old patterns, and unfinished business now-

what is it that you want to release yourself from? Be clear about what that is and what its entangled with in a deeper context in your life

see yourself with a large black feather,or a broom in your hands

this feather or broom will sweep away all old unfinished issues in all the nooks and crannies of your mental emotional physical spiritual body

do this mentally, move your arms as you are really sweeping out the old, feel it, make it real

be clear about what where why and how those issues affect you- at the end, you will have a ball of “shadow energy.”

Thank the energies for being in your life as teachers

It would be good for you to mentally and spiritually take it outside and bury it, even in the snow or use running water, down the drain will do.

See the old energies cleared away, feel yourself empty, open, clear.

sit and meditate on feeling clear and begin to intend and stitch what you want to create in 2013.

allow any images to form in your mind’s eye.

write them down, stay in your circle for as long as you need,

Then thank the spirits and Angels for being present in your circle and release them one by one back to their directions starting in the east and moving south, west north.

Stay in an open mind about what you need to create in 2013.

Need psychic coaching on the best steps to take in 2013?  http://taratarot.com/id78.html

PA PA Americano by Yolanda be COOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR8logunPzQ

Taurus Full Moon Oct 29 Pink Bull Meditation Astrology by Tara Greene

October 29 @ 3:50 EDT SENSUAL down to earthy Taurus FULL moon

This is the Full Moon before the Presidential election with Many change ups the day before

1. VENUS enters LIBRA her home sign on Sunday morning Oct 28  till NOVEMBER  21 { when SUN enters Sagittarius} 

Well all is good with Venus in romance, balance, beauty, the arts, nice nice and superficial,


Mercury is weak in the sign opposite the one  it rules which is GEMINI- Sagittarius’ shadow sign.

Mercury will be galloping and being klutzy, foot in mouthy, upbeat, full of great adventure stories, hot to trot,philosophical,

teacherly, proselytizing, animal rights activist, hypocritical, and easy to like,


at 4 degrees 18 minutes of fiery centaur sign and will wreak havoc on ElECTION DAY- like in 200o but worse!


somehow it sounds lewd….ah Scorpio, it’s always sex,

MErCURY GOES DIRECT a 18 degrees 10 minutes SCORPIO on November 26

hmm that’s exactly ON my ASCENDANT!

DEC 10 Mercury Re-enters SAGITTARIUS    er rather gallops and charges into the fire

It will take until December 14 for Mercury to get back to where it was on ELECTION DAY

BAck to that full MOON OCT. 29

ALl FULL MOON are…. You know! completions, VERY Fertilite, Extra good for getting pregnant…enjoying the Garden of EDEN,

It will feel like a foggy bottom Garden as

MERCURY Squares Neptune  @ zero degrees Sagittarius to Zero degrees PISCES

You will fall in love with a gorgeous stranger who you will instantly recognise as your soul mate….watch out for that!!

SUN at 6 degrees Scorpio forms a GRAND TRINE With CHIRON and Neptune and the Asteroid CERES at 3 degrees Cancer.

all early water signs benefit from major massive healing energies down pouring like honey

we must focus on healing our hearts, our wounded homes, wombs, the earth, the children the emotional and spiritually broken

VENUS at 1 degree Libra OPPOSES URANUS at 5 degrees Aries and Squares PLUTO at 7 degrees Capricorn.

this amplifies the economic change up picture and woes,

VENUS/WOMEN have the POWER to change corporate structure, old paradigms, like Mitt Romney’s anti-abortion law which uses religious beliefs to control women’s freedom. I’ve predicted that women will be THE force to be reckoned with in the election and will swing for OBAMA.


serious Saturn at 2 degrees SCORPIO is conjunct the SUN -serious healing times here.

Mars at 16 Sagittarius is opposite Retro Jupiter at 15 degrees GEMINI

sitting on the VENUS SUN Eclipse point,

this represents the balance point and sacred marriage integration of the opposites,in each of of male and female,

this is big new energy,

The NOrth NOde is at 26 degrees SCORPIO

SOUTH NODE { the collectives past } is @  26 degrees TAURUS close to the Pleiades and conjunct

FIXED STARS CAPULUS @ 24 degrees TAurus { a cluster of stars M34}

traditionally malefic and in Taurus they relate to the neck or throat- hanging, decapitation

Exactly at 26 degrees Taurus is the very demonic star ALGOL, alias CAPUT MEDUSA, MEDUSA’s head,

but the two stars also have a very positive side,

get past the ghoul in ALGOL,such as  Medusa was once so beautiful she was turned into Medusa as punishment for being too proud,

which means going past the ego, past appearances, past judgements,and see the beauty in everything, past greed,

we find true beauty. True substance, truth and purity.

ALGOL does indicate disastrous accidents, so there may be a natural or man-made accident around this Full Moon.

As with all FULL MOON’s GIVE GREAT THANKS and gratitude.

write down everything that you are grateful for….everything even the things that hurt, or you dont understand

pink quartz rules the heart chakra and you want to breathe the pink quartz into your heart,

USE A PINK ROSE QUARTZ one of Taurus’ main stones, it rules the heart chakra for this MEDITATION

Star rose quartz Taurus TAra Greene

Mediate on the beautiful Star rose quartz image or hold a real one if you have it

Bring a notebook, pen, water colors, some sweets, pink  candles; play some soft earthy music,

Cast a sacred circle, call in the 4 directions and elements starting from the EAST- Fire,South- water, West- earth, North – air

Light the pink  candle, burn some sweet rose or other sensuous  incense

Begin to watch your breath, breathe deeply, slowly and allow the Moon’s energies to affect you, they are at their strongest at every Full MOON

breathe down into your toes, feel your spine rooted to the earth, send your breath down into the earth, past the rocks and stones and down into Mother Earth’s molten fiery core,

connect with the love Mother Earth has for you and all her children; after you connect with the earth

come back slowly and bring the breath back up through your tailbone, up your spine and through all the chakras,

to the crown chakra, feel youself being filled with pink rose quazrtz energy, healed, whole, innocent, pure, grounded,lovely,

send the pink quartz energy out through the top of your head and connect with those fixed stars Medusa and Algol

and send the ghouls love as well, the ghouls in ALGOL are ego, power, control, greed,

the Light does not fight the dark, but encapsulates and infuses it with love, which melts and disarms it.

as for what you need to be fulfilled from the Universe, from your Higher Self,

see pink winged angels floating around you,

know they see you and are always protecting you.

come back when you wish, write down what you have seen, felt heard,

offer a sweet treat to the Moon Goddess, the spirits and ancestors who came into your circle,

when ready close the circle and thank each element and direction from the East to South West and North.

MAY the circle be open but unbroken.

New Moon November 13 is a very powerful TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE and the last one till 2015.

more about that soon and Frida Kahlo, 


Equinox-LIBRA balance Autumn/Spring Astrology from Tara Greene

The SUN enters LIBRA Sept 22 2012 @ 7:49 am PDT /10:49 am EDT /2:49 GMT marks AUTUMN in the Northern Hemisphere and SPRING in the Southern Hemisphere.

It is the WESTERLY pole of the 2 days of complete Balance between day and night in the entire year.


LIbra the constellation was associated in Antiquity with the Egyptian Goddess of JUSTICE -MAAT


Weighs the heart against her ostrich feather in the Hall of Judgement After death

After death the heart of the deceased was weighed against her pure white ostrich feather diadem. If one’s heart was heavier than her feather, then the deceased would return to life on earth until one;s heart was light, balanced with no regrets.

I always loved that story.

BALANCE of day and night is EQUINOX

What was born at spring as a seed, an idea, has grown to fruition, seeded itself again and is ready to be harvested and then die to be returned to the earth for renewal, to feed new life next Spring, and on and on….

LIBRA is the sign of relationships the 7th house marriage traditionally in Astrology

LIBRA is ruled by the Goddess of LOVE VENUS of course,

Where is VENUS in your natal chart? Where is the sign of LIBRA?  What does your 7th house of marriage/committed relationships hold or lacks planetary energy?

is a power GATE, one of the 4 main CARDINAL gates of the year.

 We are entering the Time of increasing DARK here in the NORTH. I will have to be a NORTHIST here and speak of the Northern Hemisphere which I am more familiar with.

AUTUMN EQUINOX marks the start of the death of the spring and summer months of MASCULINE time and entering into the DEEP FEMININE dark and mysterious months.


the marriage and equality of MEN and WOMEN

Celebrate the integration of the Masculine into the FEminine and vice versa.

It’s the Sacred MARRIAGE time.

At Autumn Equinox we give thanks to the Sun and the EARTH and for the harvest of foods that will help us survive the long cold bare Winter months. We welcome the beautiful colors of leaves magically metamorphosing from green to orange, gold, yellow, red, brown. autumn. We frolic in the mounds of soft crunchy leaves. We honor change, life, death.  

We surrender what no longer serves us, we surrender  to old age, to letting go, to facing death as a necessary part of life, another pregnancy. We face the unknown of the harsh months of winter coming. We pray that we and our loved ones will be kept safe and sound by the Love and Blessings of the Goddess, that we may survive to see the birth of the LIGHT at Winter Solstice Dec 21 2012.

MAke new intentions now. Three months till Dec 21 2012. A trimester. LIBRA is a time of friendship sharing socializing, beautifying.

SCORPIO is the time of death, intense passion,giving way, allowing death to take us over to the other side.

SAGITTARIUS is the spark of hope and new life, optimism in the face of the darkest days.

equinox astrology Tara Greene

click on chart to enlarge

The astrology chart is set for WASHINGTON D.C.

This chart symbolizes events over the next 3 months.

With a SCORPIO Ascendant at the middle degrees this indicates a powerful time of deep intense change and transformation over the next three months. Power struggles, control issues, obsession, secrets, ruthlessness, the shadow, death, rebirth, transformation. Scorpio energy is of the 8th house influences of money finances, other people’s wealth. Expect the economy to tank.

MARS ruler of Scorpio in the 1st house and NORTH NODE there to, indicates a willful aggressive warlike defenses. Increasing assertiveness, compulsive anger,power struggles,Plutocracy.


the moods, emotions, unconscious, WOMEN, the MOON represents the people collectively is aiming high and to the CENTER, the source the Heart of the Great Mother, the cosmic Vagina,the womb and tomb, the Galactic Gateway. Stay totally fixed and optimistic that collectively we are returning HOME. In the 2nd house this is the only true worth, the goal, the gelt, the riches as Pluto is also here in the 2nd house, symbolizing the world soul embodied.

PLUTO is the centre point of a T-square with URANUS Retrograde at 6 degrees of ARIES and MERCURY at 9 degrees of LIBRA. Here’s a poetic way to view the URANUS PLUTO Square to MERCURY.

“ And once the storm is over you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
~ Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

SUN also opposes URANUS and Squares PLUTO- approaching

OUR consciousness is about to be right-angled and square danced upon!

Saturn is in the 12th house,at 28 degrees + almost on that FATEFUL degree, ending his three-year soft journey where he’s been EXALTED and exalting us with balance and testing LIBRA”s , relationships, diplomacy and the law. This is a major turning point.

SATURN enters SCORPIO on OCTOBER 5th and everything is coming up SCORPIO- will finish writing that article soon.

Saturn in the 12th is karma, the obstacle and reality check is buried in your unconscious and the shadow is running the show.SAturn tests us all, what you have sown, so you shall reap. A cycle is ending.

NEPTUNE and CHIRON are still doing their cheek to cheek in PISCES NEPTUNE at zero degrees resetting himself for the great launch for the next 14 years, a half a Saturn cycle. NEPTUNE in PISCES illusion delusion addictions glamour Hollywood credit cards, martyrdom, endings, the oceans, oil, art, soul mates, ONENESS, Bliss spirituality, dreams, ephemera, psychic energy, creativity, merging, endings.

CHIRON is helping out. If you have planets in early Sagittarius, Gemini and VIRGO YOU are feeling extra vulnerable and unsure of yourself. YOu are being transformed into the wounded healer by experience now. This will continue.The healing is in the wound.

JUPITER  at 16 degrees of GEMINI is weakened but still happy chatty upbeat ready to try new ideas. Jupiter TRINES Mercury at 9 degrees of LIBRA bringing charm and balance.

VENUS is the planet at the top of the chart the highest elevated and so she rules by position alone. VENUS in LEO is the QUEEN in purple furs and gaudy bejeweled crown. SHE is the undisputed QUEEN, as she rules the SUN.

 VENUS in LEO is all heart, all generosity, proud, daring, courageous, Loves whole heartedly and passionately. Wears red dances on tables, demonstrates her feelings is childlike, playful, commands respect. She is a lioness, a strong leader, protects her cubs fiercely. She is sinuous sensuous beautiful wild and answers to NO MAN. She is strong, agile, walks on silent cat paws, mysterious, hypnotic, instinctual,charismatic, big hearted, creative.

WOMAN you MUST roar! NOW!

For your rights to be FREE, to hunt when you want, to have cubs when you want, to uphold feminine feline instinctual wisdom!!!

Venus in LEO is the heart ruling ALL.

As we head towards the fateful Dec 21 2012

the spiritual teachers I respect are all saying it is the end of the PATRIARCHAL split and the Birth of a New Divine FEMININE age.

Drunvalo Melchizedek states in his Book 2012 Serpent of LIGHT

that the head of the serpent the KUNDALINI energy of the earth has shifted as it does every 13,000 years. IT has moved to SOUTH America to PERU/ BOLIVIA away from TIBET where it was for the past 13,000 years. The GODDESS the PRIMA FEMININE begins to energize all life on earth once more. We ar being brought back into the belly and womb of the GREAT MOTHER. we are moving into the PHOTON band totally away from the age of Darkness humanity has been endarkend by for this past age.

 We ar back where we began 25,000 year sago when those beautiful drawings of the caves of Lascaux France were painted.  We are sacred primal artists again, worshipping the mother and the SOURCE We are co-creators..


Need help to set intentions or  navigate the storm? http://www.taratarot.com

 book a reading- astrology and TAROT PSYCHIC

Scorpio SUPER SEXY Astrology the STING from Tara Greene

 Scorpio Mars MOON

Roman lamp with SCORPION raised image

Sept 18

MOON in SCORPIO starts Tuesday at 7:46 am PDT just after the heavy leaden Libra moon lesson in conjunction Saturn- how did you feel?

Sept 19 SCORPIO MOON & URANUS PLUTO 2nd exact square-


yes people will be acting WEIRD! and driving really wacky! ships are pouring into the oceans for a war starting in Iran?

The 2nd great lightning bolt- Uranus from the depths of HADES PLuto territory is upon is again.

Lightning comes from the earth and travels up out of the ground as Tesla discovered. I keep urging serious groundedness these days as an antidote to Neptune in Pisces conflag.plus this revolutinary bolt outa the blue

September 18 is the anniversary that my Mom passed away three years ago today, already. How appropriate it is a Scorpio moon. I swear my Mom had a  Scorpio moon, she had a dark side, a passive aggressive control thing going on. I loved her, she was my Mom but we always had a heavy relationship.

Scorpio Moon energy always bring me down, down, down into the depths of SOUL.

James Hillman says, and I am paraphrasing ” How low can you go? ” meaning in a good way, if you aren’t scared shitless of your won shadows!

Scorpio takes us into into your own depths, the grave, the underworld,

the epic stories of ORPHEUS And EURYDICE

Orpheus the underworld oracles

Nymphs Finding the Head of Orpheus, by John William Waterhouse

HADES/Pluto’s realm, the realm of the Soul, death, rebirth, transformation.


wed. 19

Scorpio moon will Square VENUS IN LEO-

PRIDE COMES before a fall! Treat every woman like a QUEEN today.

Scorp Moon quincunx’s JUPITER IN GEMINI

and by Jove, Jupiter didn’t even know what hit him.

Wed. Sept 19   DEEP SEX day


50 shades of Grey blue purple yellow green as of 1:33 pm PDT/4:33 pm EDT

this is a sexy as it gets folks,

deep penetrating insights   emotional thrusts and parey

explosive power struggles   control hunger desire obsession S & M   kinky

Goth vampires hunger, lust machismo underhanded ruthlessness  vampires


for everyone else- forces of will will clash , especially Taurus, Leo Aquarius

stay in bed, if you can with your passionate lover and outta trouble

this is a heavy war mongering dangerous explosive day

MOON & Mars  are at 17 degrees of Scorpio exactly on my ASCENDANT

Ha I never told you I had a Scorpio ascendant before now did i?

LILLITH is at Zero degrees of GEMINI directly opposite JUNO

the Feminine form of GENIUS at zero degrees of Sagittarius

and they both square NEPTUNE RETROGRADE

Interesting symbol of the dark rejected FEMININE sexual power of LILLITH opposite JUNO’s more balanced relating powers and NEPTUNE as the apex point.

Forgiveness, compassion,detachment in Sagittarius fire and Gemini air signs .

SCORPIO laser-like INTENSITY is mounting

North Node in  now

 I am overdue for that article, started  September 2nd, it’s a once in 18+ year cycle!


Oct 5- Oct 28

 very short voyage into dark obsession

SATURN will enter the 8th sign on October 5th-till 2015!

Saturn the reality breaker and maker will be in the sign of Death transformation

recycling rebirth for the next 3 years. The 8th house is all about MONEY, other peoples’, banks, taxes, inheritance, and is also the house of the total merger, mysticism, the occult.

IN the next 3 years

EXPECT your sex life

money,  desire and rights to live and die.

Taxes, inheritance laws, Fascism, torture,

all things dark and shadowy,

obsessions, urge to power, secrecy, control, letting go, metamorphosis

to be totally dragged up from the shadows and be in plain sights, tested by SATURN,some things will be turned to stone like MEDUSA, overhauled.

You will need qualified help, I have that Scorpio Ascendant, nothing gets past me.

GET A READING: http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html

I read vis SKYPE mainly I like the connection to your energy

MY most fave electric Sex music SANCTITY







I Ching, Chinese Book of Changes,oracle readings from Tara Greene

the spiritual “road trip” I’ve been on since Aug 31 Big BLUE PISICES FULL MOON

 is drawing to a close today. Well this part of the story.

I consulted the I CHING the Ancient Chinese Book of CHANGES

an ancient oracle which many regard as one of the greatest books ever written.

The I CHING was my second  real oracle after a Rider Waite Tarot deck I bought as a teenager.

Terence McKenna derived and verified his TIME WAVE ZERO theory with the I CHING

The I CHING is a computer

My cousin through marriage Alfred Jensen was a well-known very unique painter-

see WIKIPEDIA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_jdxQliO2A&feature=related

had built a magnetic I Ching oracle round table many years ago that was fascinating and he used the I CHING symbols in many of his massive oil paintings.

artist I ching

So the hexagram I chose to sum up the NOW

 is # 63 called CHI CHI After Completion

I CHing oracle Tara Greene

this hexagram  evolves from PEACE 

also # 63 = 9 Completion

Just when perfect equilibrium is reached then any movement can cause disorder and chaos.

the transition from the old to the new time is already accomplished. there ar only details left. I am paraphrasing. Be careful to retain the right attitude.If we relax oo much and let things go then indifference is the root of all evil.

Unremitting perseverance and caution are the watchwords.

And speaking of CH-CH-CH-CHANGES

Remember Pluto and Uranus will make their 2nd EXACT square eon the 18/19th.

Yes I can surely testify to these wise ancient words fo Confucius and even before to the Taoists.

“Always on guard, and sometime out to lunch” that was ana ancient motto of mine.

do you relate? comprende?

LEt me know how this resonates with you.