September Astrology Preview

September Horoscopes

Virgo Constellation Astrology

Sidney Hall Richard Rouse Bloxam (designer) Restoration by Adam Cuerden, Sidney Hall – Urania’s Mirror – Virgo, marked as public domain, more details on Wikimedia Commons

The seasons change and it’s Virgo into Libra time. It is the beginning of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring South of the equator. Many planets are in Earth signs so we are feeling more grounded. Virgo Sun season is focused on the details, our health, discipline, work, thrift shopping, back to school and our work as servers of the Earth and our bodies. Libra times is all about relationships, socializing, trying to stay balanced and to make decisions. 

VIRGO is symbolized by Tarot Card #9 The Hermit 

LIBRA is symbolized by #8 Justice in the Tarot. 

Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo along with the Sun.

Love alerts as VENUS enters sexy fixed emotional sign of  Scorpio Sept. 9 and Mars re-enters Fixed Aquarius. SATURN and PLUTO turn Direct. Chiron re-enters PISCES.

Virgo NEW MOON Sept. 9 @ 11:01 a.m. PDT/ 2:01 pm EDT/ 6:01 pm GMT

LIBRA EQUINOX Sept. 22 @ 6:54 pm PDT/ 9:54 pm EDT/Sept. 23 @ 1:54 am GMT

ARIES FULL MOON Sept. 24/25 @ 7:52 pm PDT/ 10:52 pm EDT/ Sept. 25 @ 2:52 am GMT

Sept. 5/6 MERCURY enters VIRGO @ 9/5 @ 7:39 pm PDT/ 10:39 EDT/Sept. 6 @ 2:39 am GMT

Sept. 6 SATURN turns DIRECT @ 4:09 am PDT/ 7:09 am EDT/ 11:09 am GMT @ 2 degrees 33 Capricorn


Venus enters SCORPIO Sept. 9

Mars enters AQUARIUS Sept. 10/11

Saturn turns DIRECT @ 2 degrees 33 Capricorn

PLUTO turns DIRECT Sept. 30/ October 1

CHIRON re-enters PISCES Sept. 25 @ 5:11 pm PDT/ 8:11 pm EDT/ Sept. 26 @ 12:11 am GMT

Ceres enters LIBRA Pallas enters VIRGO Juno enters GEMINI

LILITH at 2- 5 degrees AQUARIUS is conjunct to the South Node and squaring URANUS in TAURUS at the beginning of the month.

Major Planetary Aspects

Sept. 3 Mercury in LEO sextiles Venus in Libra

Sept. 5 Mercury in LEO inconjuncts Mars in Capricorn

Sept. 6 Mercury Trines Uranus in Taurus and Saturn  in Capricorn


Sept 8 VENUS in LIBRA squares MARS in CAPRICORN @ 1:38 pm PDT/ 4:38 pm EDT/ 8:38 pm GMT

Sept. 9 VENUS enters SCORPIO @ 2:25 am PDT/ 5:25 am EDT/ 9:25 am GMT

Sept. 9 VIRGO NEW MOON @ 11:01 am PDT/ 2:01 pm EDT/ 6:01 pm GMT

Aspects: Mercury widely conjunct Sun and Moon trine Pluto opposes NEPTUNE in PISCES

Sept. 10 VENUS in SCORPIO inconjuncts Chiron in ARIES

Sept. 10/11 MARS re-enters AQUARIUS @ 5:56 pm PDT/ 8:56 ppm EDT/ Sept. 11 @ 12:56 am GMT

Sept. 11 VIRGO SUN sextiles JUPITER and Trines PLUTO

Sept. 12 JUPITER in SCORPIO sextiles PLUTO

               VENUS in SCORPIO opposes URANUS in TAURUS @ 2:01 am PDT/ 5:01 am EDT/ 9:01 am GMT

                VENUS in SCORPIO sextiles SATURN in Capricorn

Sept. 13 MERCURY in VIRGO opposes NEPTUNE in PISCES @6:31 pm PDT/ 9:31 pm EDT/

Sept. 14th @ 1:31 am GMT



Sept. 18 MARS in AQUARIUS squares URANUS in TAURUS @ 4:01 pm PDT/ 7:01 EDT/ 11:01 pm GMT

Sept. 20 SUN conjunct MERCURY in VIRGO @ 6:51 pm PDT/ 9:51 pm EDT/ Sept. 21 @ 1:51 am GMT

Sept. 21/22 MERCURY enters LIBRA @ 8:39 pm PDT/ 11:39 pm EDT/ Sept. 22 @ 3:39 am GMT

Sept. 21/22 MERCURY opposite CHIRON in ARIES @10:54 pm PDT/Sept. 22 @ 1:54 am EDT/5:54 am GMT

Sept. 22 EQUINOX @ 6:54 pm PDT/ 9:54 pm EDT/Sept. 23 @ 1:54 am GMT

               MERCURY inconjuncts URANUS in TAURUS

Sept. 23 SUN opposes CHIRON in ARIES

                MERCURY in LIBRA squares SATURN in CAPRICORN

                MERCURY in LIBRA trines MARS in AQUARIUS

Sept. 24 FULL MOON @ 2 degrees ARIES @ 7:52 pm PDT/ 10:52 pm EDT/

Sept 25 FULL MOON @ 2:52 am GMT

Full Moon conjuncts CHIRON at the starting Point zero Aries  squaring Saturn and Vesta in CAPRICORN and opposing MERCURY in LIBRA AND CERES

               SUN inconjuncts URANUS in TAURUS

Sept. 25/26 CHIRON re-enters PISCES @ 5:09 pm PDT/ 8:09 pm EDT/ Sept. 26 @ 12:09 am GMT

Sept. 27 SUN trines MARS in AQUARIUS

                SATURN conjunct VESTA in CAPRICORN

Sept. 30 MERCURY inconjuncts NEPTUNE in PISCES

PLUTO turns DIRECT@ 7:03 pm PDT/ 10:03 pm EDT/ October 1 @ 2:03 am GMT  

Tune in Tonight Sept. 1 on Facebook @ 5:00 pm PDT/ 8:00 pm EDT and Sept. 2 @ midnight GMT for my monthly love broadcast for the Cosmic Intelligence Agency on their page

Get a reading with me


Magic, Virgins, Tarot, Astrology, 88 Psychic energies

August 17 is a magical 88 NUMEROLOGY DAY. It’s very good luck  Feng Shui energy

+ great VENUS JUPITER conjunction energy. You can see them in the sky before dawn.

MERCURY the planet is personified as  THE MAGICIAN Tarot Trump # 1

Magician Thoth Tara Tarot  reader

THOTH TAROT # 1 the MAGUS Mercury 

The magical skill we all have is our minds. With our consciousness we can create whatever magic we wish to.

Yes you are a wizard or a witch. We all are. You are what you think.

The Magician usually has a lemniscate or INFINITY symbol above his head. As does the woman in the card of STRENGTH which is LEO energy.  He controls ALL TIME.  

The mind is INFINITE. Mercury is a hermaphrodite, both masculine and feminine. He symbolizes the two-lobed brain, the conscious and unconscious sides of ourselves.

The MAGICIAN is a trickster.

Mercury is now in VIRGO one of the two signs it rules.  

Keywords: grounded thinking, work, service to others, perfectionism, analysis, communications, health, discipline, order, humility.

The Sign of Virgo the Virgin earth is personified as THE HERMIT #9 Trump an initiation card

Hermit Virgo astrology Tara Greene

Guilded Tarot Hermit

THE HERMIT is not necessarily alone or to have totally abandoned all worldly possession. the Hermit is of the earth very much so.

He is usually pictured as a wise old man with a long beard in profile holding up a lamp, a light to guide the way.

He is very  much the Inner GUIDE, the one who is always there inside of you.

Just quiet that busy mind and you will find the Hermit, as your ancestors, an unbroken lineage working for and protecting you. 

You are what you eat in all ramifications. Consuming information, food, energy. Think about how you assimilate.

As Virgo rules the upper intestines, the Hermit could be thought of as your Gut Instincts, {intestines were used for divination}

Use this time with Mercury in VIRGO to tune into that ancient wisdom residing already there.

THE SUN will enter Virgo August 22/23

NEW MOON in Virgo Aug 25 

Venus enters VIRGO September 5 

earth energy is practical and healing. Walk barefoot on the earth while it s warm enough still before autumn comes. It is very healing.



How many balls, chickens, knives are you currently juggling? Metaphorically speaking

What is your relationship with your inner hermaphrodite?  

How IN TUNE are you? What kind of mind games do you play on yourself?

Dialogue with the HERMIT daily as a meditation.

Ask him questions, he is waiting to guide you. The Hermit can be a female guide as well, the Virgin Goddess, the keeper of the harvest.

Why am I so afraid of being alone? Very important for women to ask this question.

Talk to your body ask each part how it is feeling, You will be amazed at how correct this is.


all writing is copyright of TARA GREENE

get a reading with TARA

enjoy this perfect Magician Hermit video- NATURE BOY -Ella Fitzgerald  

Weekend Update Holy Trinity savoury Astrology


I am up at the beautiful Grail Springs Spa in Bancroft Ontario ready to give a weekend of teachings about Learning Tarot, Astrology and leading an Equinox ceremony Saturday evening.

Grail Springs Spa Tara Greene

View from my room at the Grail Springs Spa Bancroft Ontario

Weekend update

Pluto direct reminds me of what my dad used to say.”Pull down the wallpaper, we’re moving.”

I used to love my dad’s jokes. It would have been his birthday yesterday. Less than two years since he’s passed away and I miss him. Yes i was Daddy’s girl.

Maybe you had to be there?

You may not feel Pluto’s change in direction right away of course. Think of your soul being connected to you like an elastic band, and it’s been at its extreme length and it will slowly snap back. All in its own time. Just stay focussed on what you’ve been dredging up. Sunday will be a great opp.

Saturday  Moon enters TAURUS Beefy, sensual, couch potato it

@ 3:33 pm PDT/6:33 pm EDT

Ah earthy and grounded, that’s good. The Full Pisces Moon has had me feeling awash in the stream of consciousness . The pace will slow down perceptibly and you can even stay on the couch, and you should as Sunday may feel like a douse with ice cold water, a big wake up call.

SUNDAY the Holy Trinity

that grounded stubborn Taurus Moon  trines Pluto @ 8:16 am PDT/11:16 am EDT so be ready and in meditation to receive it. If you are a church goer it ought to feel easy to commune with the Holy Ghost. If you are a pagan,and know spirit as being immanent you will want to be open and in receptivity mode to gleaning the higher consciousness or your Guardian Angel speaking loud and clear.

Hold that pose/energy for 20 minutes.

then Moon opposes Saturn. I mean yes -Moon, Pluto, Saturn are in this Holy Trinity, we are separating out the aspects to fully individuate them,

How can you resist? Listen to Saturn who brings the practical, material advice and tests of courage through the emotional body lessons of SCORPIO with Pluto holding sway and fuel injecting INTENSE energy into what you need to manifest now.

This is the precursor for the SUN ENTERS LIBRA @ 1:44 pm PDT/4:44 pm EDT

New season, new reason, for making whoopee as the old songs goes. New energy, balance is the keyword, self and others, peacemaking, socializing, romance, the arts.

Sexy night to celebrate the newborn LIBRA SUN

Moon opposes VENUS in SCORPIO @ 4:41 pm PDT/7:41 pm

sensual, eye lock, lip lock, you may find new love on the first day of LIBRA.

then Taurus Moon Squares Mars in LEO @ 10:25pm PDT/1:25 am EDT.

You will feel the heat. Go with your heart, trust the Universe.  MIracles do happen.

you can even book off on Monday as there are NO ASPECTS to speak of.

Really the Universe says stay in bed and SAVOUR the time.

Cook, it’s harvest make some old fashioned preserves, slow down and smell the roses.


get a reading with Tara

I cant upload videos here as the connection is slow.

so hum a few bars of AUTUMN LEAVES in the Northten Hemisphere

and SPRING IS HERE in the Southern.

Equinox-LIBRA balance Autumn/Spring Astrology from Tara Greene

The SUN enters LIBRA Sept 22 2012 @ 7:49 am PDT /10:49 am EDT /2:49 GMT marks AUTUMN in the Northern Hemisphere and SPRING in the Southern Hemisphere.

It is the WESTERLY pole of the 2 days of complete Balance between day and night in the entire year.


LIbra the constellation was associated in Antiquity with the Egyptian Goddess of JUSTICE -MAAT


Weighs the heart against her ostrich feather in the Hall of Judgement After death

After death the heart of the deceased was weighed against her pure white ostrich feather diadem. If one’s heart was heavier than her feather, then the deceased would return to life on earth until one;s heart was light, balanced with no regrets.

I always loved that story.

BALANCE of day and night is EQUINOX

What was born at spring as a seed, an idea, has grown to fruition, seeded itself again and is ready to be harvested and then die to be returned to the earth for renewal, to feed new life next Spring, and on and on….

LIBRA is the sign of relationships the 7th house marriage traditionally in Astrology

LIBRA is ruled by the Goddess of LOVE VENUS of course,

Where is VENUS in your natal chart? Where is the sign of LIBRA?  What does your 7th house of marriage/committed relationships hold or lacks planetary energy?

is a power GATE, one of the 4 main CARDINAL gates of the year.

 We are entering the Time of increasing DARK here in the NORTH. I will have to be a NORTHIST here and speak of the Northern Hemisphere which I am more familiar with.

AUTUMN EQUINOX marks the start of the death of the spring and summer months of MASCULINE time and entering into the DEEP FEMININE dark and mysterious months.


the marriage and equality of MEN and WOMEN

Celebrate the integration of the Masculine into the FEminine and vice versa.

It’s the Sacred MARRIAGE time.

At Autumn Equinox we give thanks to the Sun and the EARTH and for the harvest of foods that will help us survive the long cold bare Winter months. We welcome the beautiful colors of leaves magically metamorphosing from green to orange, gold, yellow, red, brown. autumn. We frolic in the mounds of soft crunchy leaves. We honor change, life, death.  

We surrender what no longer serves us, we surrender  to old age, to letting go, to facing death as a necessary part of life, another pregnancy. We face the unknown of the harsh months of winter coming. We pray that we and our loved ones will be kept safe and sound by the Love and Blessings of the Goddess, that we may survive to see the birth of the LIGHT at Winter Solstice Dec 21 2012.

MAke new intentions now. Three months till Dec 21 2012. A trimester. LIBRA is a time of friendship sharing socializing, beautifying.

SCORPIO is the time of death, intense passion,giving way, allowing death to take us over to the other side.

SAGITTARIUS is the spark of hope and new life, optimism in the face of the darkest days.

equinox astrology Tara Greene

click on chart to enlarge

The astrology chart is set for WASHINGTON D.C.

This chart symbolizes events over the next 3 months.

With a SCORPIO Ascendant at the middle degrees this indicates a powerful time of deep intense change and transformation over the next three months. Power struggles, control issues, obsession, secrets, ruthlessness, the shadow, death, rebirth, transformation. Scorpio energy is of the 8th house influences of money finances, other people’s wealth. Expect the economy to tank.

MARS ruler of Scorpio in the 1st house and NORTH NODE there to, indicates a willful aggressive warlike defenses. Increasing assertiveness, compulsive anger,power struggles,Plutocracy.


the moods, emotions, unconscious, WOMEN, the MOON represents the people collectively is aiming high and to the CENTER, the source the Heart of the Great Mother, the cosmic Vagina,the womb and tomb, the Galactic Gateway. Stay totally fixed and optimistic that collectively we are returning HOME. In the 2nd house this is the only true worth, the goal, the gelt, the riches as Pluto is also here in the 2nd house, symbolizing the world soul embodied.

PLUTO is the centre point of a T-square with URANUS Retrograde at 6 degrees of ARIES and MERCURY at 9 degrees of LIBRA. Here’s a poetic way to view the URANUS PLUTO Square to MERCURY.

“ And once the storm is over you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
~ Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

SUN also opposes URANUS and Squares PLUTO- approaching

OUR consciousness is about to be right-angled and square danced upon!

Saturn is in the 12th house,at 28 degrees + almost on that FATEFUL degree, ending his three-year soft journey where he’s been EXALTED and exalting us with balance and testing LIBRA”s , relationships, diplomacy and the law. This is a major turning point.

SATURN enters SCORPIO on OCTOBER 5th and everything is coming up SCORPIO- will finish writing that article soon.

Saturn in the 12th is karma, the obstacle and reality check is buried in your unconscious and the shadow is running the show.SAturn tests us all, what you have sown, so you shall reap. A cycle is ending.

NEPTUNE and CHIRON are still doing their cheek to cheek in PISCES NEPTUNE at zero degrees resetting himself for the great launch for the next 14 years, a half a Saturn cycle. NEPTUNE in PISCES illusion delusion addictions glamour Hollywood credit cards, martyrdom, endings, the oceans, oil, art, soul mates, ONENESS, Bliss spirituality, dreams, ephemera, psychic energy, creativity, merging, endings.

CHIRON is helping out. If you have planets in early Sagittarius, Gemini and VIRGO YOU are feeling extra vulnerable and unsure of yourself. YOu are being transformed into the wounded healer by experience now. This will continue.The healing is in the wound.

JUPITER  at 16 degrees of GEMINI is weakened but still happy chatty upbeat ready to try new ideas. Jupiter TRINES Mercury at 9 degrees of LIBRA bringing charm and balance.

VENUS is the planet at the top of the chart the highest elevated and so she rules by position alone. VENUS in LEO is the QUEEN in purple furs and gaudy bejeweled crown. SHE is the undisputed QUEEN, as she rules the SUN.

 VENUS in LEO is all heart, all generosity, proud, daring, courageous, Loves whole heartedly and passionately. Wears red dances on tables, demonstrates her feelings is childlike, playful, commands respect. She is a lioness, a strong leader, protects her cubs fiercely. She is sinuous sensuous beautiful wild and answers to NO MAN. She is strong, agile, walks on silent cat paws, mysterious, hypnotic, instinctual,charismatic, big hearted, creative.

WOMAN you MUST roar! NOW!

For your rights to be FREE, to hunt when you want, to have cubs when you want, to uphold feminine feline instinctual wisdom!!!

Venus in LEO is the heart ruling ALL.

As we head towards the fateful Dec 21 2012

the spiritual teachers I respect are all saying it is the end of the PATRIARCHAL split and the Birth of a New Divine FEMININE age.

Drunvalo Melchizedek states in his Book 2012 Serpent of LIGHT

that the head of the serpent the KUNDALINI energy of the earth has shifted as it does every 13,000 years. IT has moved to SOUTH America to PERU/ BOLIVIA away from TIBET where it was for the past 13,000 years. The GODDESS the PRIMA FEMININE begins to energize all life on earth once more. We ar being brought back into the belly and womb of the GREAT MOTHER. we are moving into the PHOTON band totally away from the age of Darkness humanity has been endarkend by for this past age.

 We ar back where we began 25,000 year sago when those beautiful drawings of the caves of Lascaux France were painted.  We are sacred primal artists again, worshipping the mother and the SOURCE We are co-creators..


Need help to set intentions or  navigate the storm?

 book a reading- astrology and TAROT PSYCHIC

Equinox Spring Triple Retro,Hold your fire. Astrology now,Tara Greene prescribes

Equinox starts March 19/20    Happy Spring/Autumn

Happy New Year!

Spring equinox marks the real beginning of the New Year because look around you, life is bursting into Life, budding, growth. Yes I do Tropical seasonal based astrology. The Sun is sitting right on the equator, we now have a balance of day and night.  

For all of you South of the equator it is the beginning of autumn, but we are collectively experiencing a Retro-equinox, spring or autumn. A retro-Equinox is a Tiger ready to pounce but being held back by its tail. 

Have you noticed the slow mo as molasses, twilight zone feel to everything? I’ve been calling it deer in the headlights emotions, people are frozen, scared, don’t know what to do.

Astrology spring Tara Greene says Deer in the headlights

Deer in the headlights in Provence France

We are all collectively waiting for the really Big shoe to drop, that’s what it feel’s like to me. 

Sun symbolically enters Aries zero point at Spring Equinox, and Aries is ruled by planet Mars. It is Martial time! The military, soldiers, aggression, power, firearms, explosions, men, sharp weapons. But Mars is Retrograde, appearing to move backwards since January 24 but who can remember that far back?   

Mars will turn direct April 13 BUT it will take until June 20th for Mars to get back to where he once belonged at 23 degrees of Virgo. So the entire season of spring is held in the wait and see…. feeling. Who will be the first to act?

 HOLD YOUR FIRE, for now.. 

Mars rules the war room, so war talk in the backrooms, Iran? On the physical plane, which is Virgo territory, Mars Rx in Virgo makes you angry, grumpy, and irritated and your upper intestines feel yucky. Going over endless details to try to balance budgets, feeling tired, worn out, not very springy at all. The Moon will exactly oppose Mars on the 10th.

 Saturn, Lord of Grumpy is also Retrograde as is Mercury now, so this is one giant back step, a look back in anger. 

All Retrograde periods are very powerful and helpful; the planets are closest to the earth and are in their feminine Receptive phase.

Mercury rules the sign of Virgo, so we are re- re winding with 2 planets, unravelling maybe? on two levels in one sign.

Like winding up a mechanism, for the clock works to go, that’s how tightly we are being wound now. Mercury so Retro and will fall back into PISCES on Fri. March 23 and continue Retro until April 4th but will take till April 23 to recover lost ground.