Mercury, Jupiter,Lilith Grand Earth Trine, Redux

Mercury Jupiter Grand Earth Trine lasts December 7-18 wih boh planets Retrogade in the latter.
le_sueur,_eustache_-_cupid_ordering_mercury_to_announce_his_power_to_the_universe_-_1646-1647 Eustache Le Sueur [Public domain]

December 7 The Mercury/Jupiter Retrograde Trine at 8:03 pm PST/ 11:03 pm EST is the 2nd of 3 Trines today at 6+ Taurus Trine with Mercury in CAPRICORN and also Trine LILITH For this one.

The Trine lasts for a number of days and Mercury and JUPITER continue to trine as Mercury turns retrograde on December 18 at 5+ Capricorn Taurus with BOTH Retrograde.

Review, retool, re-examine, legal, real estate, ideas, communications, resources, funding, support, expansion, wealth limitations.

MERCURY the MESSENGER, the Psychopomp and consciousness itself is very concrete and practical in Capricorn. JUPITER the GREAT BENEFIC expands whatever planet it touches, and helps us to open up our minds and have more adventurous ideas and conversations and sense more positive solutions.

Jupiter is still RETROGRADE so be mindful that this is the best time to still review old ideas, projects, product launches, adventures, travels, publishing projects and recovering by text or social media with an ex.

JUPITER MERCURY met last on March 28, 2023 at 18 degrees with both moving directly. This ignited the inspiration to expand, stay honest and implement practical ideas and solutions. This was an upbeat optimistic idea generating time. So what was going on then, has come to a time of review, recollection and reconsideration.Keep working on the inspiration that was generated at that time. These planets in earthy signs manifest real things.

Remember that Mercury Turns Retrograde December 12 at 11:09 pm PST and on the 13th at 2:09 am EST and 7:09 am GMT at 8+ degrees CAPRICORN

Jupiter turns DIRECT December 30 at 5 degrees 35′ and has been Retrograde since September 4 at 15 degrees 35′ TAURUS.

They will meet again with both planets Retrograde December 18, 2023 at 6 degrees Capricorn/ TAURUS which is another back-to-the-drawing board session and then they finally meet both moving directly on January 19,2024 again at 6 degrees further underlying that 6th-degree power which is related to Virgo in degree theory astrology and this will be the manifestation date to launch.

What ideas have you been hatching that are in the cauldron of creation waiting to be on in January?

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Virtual Mercury Molasses times

July 28 Your Daily Astro guide

GEMINI MOON time is very media-driven, constant flirting, conversations, mentally flying every which way, hard to commit and constant mind games and changes. It’s light. 

SUN in LEO TRINE CHIRON Retro in Aries in PDT  EDT July 29 in GMT

This is a time to be open to be vulnerable and open your heart wider. Open up to what you really feel behind your ego. Be brave in your wounding.

MERCURY IS virtually at Standstill @ 24 degrees getting ready to turn DIRECT July 31/Aug 1st @ 23 degrees 57 minutes. 

This is virtually Mercury Molasses time.

Gemini and Virgo are feeling the Mercury Retrograde more than most of course. 

Don’t expect anything to be moving too quickly for the next few days. This can be a good thing if you need to play catch up.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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Sun-Mars Retrograde Opposition

July 26 Mercury is officially Retrograde in Leo until Aug.18-19. Give your ego a much-needed rest. Review your role on the world’s stage. Gather up energy for after this summer’s eclipse season.

The Capricorn Moon is sobering serious and unemotional as we feel the great eclipsing approach. The Moon makes nice positive aspects to Neptune enhancing night dreams and practical daydreams.

Moon and Pluto conjunct

bringing up needs for secrecy control issues and power struggles.

The Moon quincunx to Mercury Retro in Leo

Is a seriously messed up bad communications snafu day.

The Sun and Saturn also are inconjunct.

Your vitality maybe less than peppy and this aspect is also in effect during the lunar eclipse. Our egos and our duties maybe irritating AF. Decide which role you really want to command. You won’t want to be under anyone else’s thumb and Aquarius South nodal lunar Eclipse guarantees that on the 27th.

The Sun Opposes Mars exactly in PDT/on the 27th @ 1:13 am EDT/ 5:13 am GMT

The Big Red Face-off

Mars is the closest its been to the earth since 2003 making it appear very bright in the sky. If it is clear where you live go outside and do some Mars salutations. We will be staring down the red planet as it backs away from us Moving Retrograde.

Some people might assume this is a U.S. Putin Russia thing to- the Reds

Mars opposite the SUN is very feisty. Mars is baiting the Sun with a big red cape. We are stuck in the middle as referee. All oppositions involve one side pushing or baiting the other. Mars is doing a passive aggressive thing to Leo Sun’s royal assumption that he is the ultimate King. Aquarius the sign Uranus rules is not having any of it. Aquarius is about everyone having power and working together collectively. Divide and conquer may be losing ground.

ARIES And SCORPIO how are you doing as Mars your ruling planet turns back time?

Mars Retrograde the old angry resistance warrior ego battles with his detached “passing the buck” falling into line drone mentality. The aspect features in the Lunar eclipse on July 27th. This eclipse flushes all of that old warrior energy cog in the wheel worshipping science and hi-tech facelessness down the tubes. It’s Death of the old masculine “following orders” warrior. Now the new heart crowned divine masculine honors the divine feminine his own creative willpower and heart with courage as Uranus also squares the Nodes. This is a karmic battle of New World Order of who controls the internet, freedom of speech, freedom to express oneself as in taking a knee, listening to one’s own heart truth. And so much more.

Energy levels will be low today with Moon in Capricorn and all of these quincunx energies. 

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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Mercury Retrograde and Uranus Chaos rules

25 SUN trines Chiron in Aries in the wee hours

Ego wounds are easy to access and bring out in the open. Tempers will be short and flaring out because of Mars Retrograde repressed anger. This is also a positive bountiful energy to gain courage daring and strength and feel a new sense of positive inspiring healing energy. The Sun is the strongest force in our Galaxy. Be proud of the healing work you have done on yourself. We are always growing as a person. 

The Moon is in grounded Capricorn today conjunct Saturn 

The energy may be somber serious good for hard work and career ambition realization. Saturn is death old age maturity hard work. Capricorns and those with strong Saturn palcements to the Moon especially will be feeling the leaden pull today especially. 


This is a Shock and awe aspect. It forms over for two days but we have felt it building up all week. The crazy effects dangerous chaotic energy will last until the beginning of August. Its a day of unexpected surprises and shocking turns of events. This is an aspect which unfortunately promotes gun violence as angry repressed Mars Retrograde energy acts out unexpectedly and spontaneously. We just felt this in Toronto a not so rare any more mass shooting July 22nd. Sending blessings to those killed and injured.  

The trickled down effects is short tempers big egos flaring and unpredictable rash behaviors in general. Watch out for road rage rude impatient folks and general shocking behaviors. This aspect is fully highlighted by the Lunar eclipse on the 27th. Mars squares Uranus on August 1st which is also Lammas a pagan Holiday. Then Uranus turns Retrograde August 7th.

The next couple of weeks are intense for those born within the first 4 days of all Fixed signs at the beginning of Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio or those who have Fixed Moons signs Ascendants or other Fixed early sign planets and angles on your chart.

Go back and review where you’ve been. The Lunar elcipse is a South Nodal one in Aquarius. 

Look at where the 4 fixed signs are in your astrology chart to see where the Fixed Grand Cross energy falls. For those who are newbies and dont understand that its all about the circular chart and the hous eplacements you will miss the opportunity to really integrate the meanings which present themselves to us at this time. 

Exercise is recommended to burn off excess anger.  Work out in a gym rather than blow steam in a more unconscious and dangerous way. Try to stay cool and centered under the pressure. Be mindful not to provoke the bull the lion, the snakes or the water bearers. Do not wear red.

Fixed signs are like it sounds- stubborn and resistant to change. All Fixed signs are solid stable dependable powerful and hold down the fort. This will be very uncomfortable for those Fixed signs who will be in the pressure cooker.Get used to it Taurus as you will be under the Uranus innovating rebellious freedom loving force for change and progress for the next 8 years.

July 25-26 MERCURY GOES RETROGRADE in LEO until August 18/19

I hope that you have bought everything you needed already especially computers cell phones hardware and software before Mercury puts it into reverse. Mercury in Leo may have you eating your words or regurgitating them especially true for a very significant someone with strong Leo energy who is also a Gemini. 

These times are recommending that we slow down and turn within. Retrorgradation is inherently a feminine internalizing energy. Mars will be Retrograde for another Month until August 27th. There will be a Mars and Mercury Retrograde overlap for the next 3 weeks. 

The eclipse will take us deep into our shadows. I’ll write abuot the elcipse tonight

gotta go. Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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Royal Tarot cards for LEO times.

We head into the REGAL month of LEO and a NEW MOON at 0 degrees LEO on the 23rd. Spirit is telling me to just pull 1 card for Leo month. 

I always used my special Herkimer diamond crystal to cleanse my THOTH Tarot cards every time. 

This card synchronizes with LEO as it has the planetary Symbol of LEO on the bottom and it represents the influence of JUPITER the planet of expansion, opportunity, good fortune and good will. This is a good sign. 

The word for this month is VICTORY! of course in LEO Season. 

The 6’s are always all about BEAUTY and LOVE, located at the very center of the Tree of Life, Tifferet. They are the Merkaba, the balance of the masculine and the feminine in sacred union. JUPITER the largest planet is equated with Yahweh or God’s eminence. Leo is the sign of the will, heart and passion.



Exalt the inner union your inner lovers during this time. The Queen the Feminine feeling, watery, intuitive and receptive side leads the way. Each person contains both masculine and feminine sides. Her desires create a response and a call to action for the King, the masculine active, fiery side, who serves Her, he ignites and sparks new life mingling with Her from their balanced union. This is the nature of all cosmic creation. 

It’s a very intense month coming up in AUGUST with two Eclipses:

A Lunar eclipse on August 7th @ 15 degrees of AQUARIUS- I’ll write more about that soon

Major Total Solar eclipse on AUGUST 21st visible right across North America for the 1st time in 99 years @ 28 degrees LEO on the degree of the ancient Royal Star Regulus, more about that shortly.

MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE on the 12/13 @ 11+ degrees VIRGO  

URANUS turns Retrograde @ 28 degrees LEO on the 3rd. 

These two planets join Saturn Retrograde which will turn DIRECT August 25th @ 21 degrees LEO and PLUTO Rx’s in Capricorn.

That’s 5 planets Retrograde for most of AUGUST.

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Mercury conjunct Vesta, Sacred Priestess of sex

Mercury Retrograde is in an exact conjunction May 1st with Vesta, the sacred Goddess of light, fire and sexuality. Mercury is re-joining in TANTRIC union with the Goddess of sacred sexuality and focus on at 23 degrees TAURUS.

How appropriate.  May Day is the Day of celebration of sexuality as sacred, sexuality as Divine Union, sexuality as the main spiritual component in human lives. That is why the Catholic Church created this false celibacy, and warning of the “sins of the flesh” and blaming women as Temptresses. They knew that sex was the immanent direct route to experience oneness, divine bliss, and ecstasy and they wanted to control the most powerful and natural of instincts to control the people. A pretty scary and CRAZY idea. 

Vesta or Hestia in the Roman mythology was the very first Goddess, she rules the hearth and Temple flames, the central focus of all cultural life. 

Vesta Sacrifice, Goya, Tara Greene psychic

The Sacrifice to Vesta, by Goya

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus is a backslide into sensuality and fleshy knowledge. We need to taste the sweet, the salty, the spicy. We need to re-awaken our senses for being awake in the world. 


In ancient times all women served as Sacred High Priestesses of the Goddess in her Temples. In Ancient Greece all unmarried women had to spend a year in service as a tantric priestess before being able to marry. The term Virgin originally meant “whole and complete, belonging to no one, or to no man.” An autonomous woman. 

These sacred Vestal High Priestesses initiated men into divine union with the Goddess. All women became the Divine Goddess, through ritual, prayer, fasting, chanting, dedication, intention, dancing, meditation practices and anointing themselves with perfumes, and partaking of psychotropic mushrooms and plants they experienced themselves as the Divine Feminine, the Divine Goddess and Mother. They became HER.  They were called Divine Hierodules, like the term Hierophant, or High Priest. Another name was the houris, from which the modern word hours is derived and the sacred Hebrew dance, the hora. 


I remember many past lives lived as a Vestal and many other types of Goddess worshipping High Priestesses. 

The VESTAL “virgins” served as sexual healers to men who had PTSD from being in War. These men would not be allowed to reintegrate into normal, stable society until they had had the profane bloodshed of war washed away from them by having sacred intercourse with a bleeding Priestess, thus exchanging the Blood of War for the Blood of Life. These women became the Divine Goddess, through ritual, prayer, fasting, chanting, dedication, intention, dancing and anointing themselves with perfumes, and partaking of psychotropic mushrooms and plants they experienced themselves as the Divine Feminine, the Divine Goddess and Mother. They became HER. 

I love the SYNCHRONICITY of this. Mercury , the messenger, the hermaphrodite god, the two lobes of our brains, in Retrograde is bringing back our bodily memories of participation into the Great Mystique of life on this day as Sacred. We all remember participating in these types of rituals. We have been alive in every form and in every culture and time. We know this in our cells. 

I remember many past lives lived as a HIGH PRIESTESS in any different ages and temples. I have had these memories since I was about 6 years old. I had no knowledge of this from the time period I grew up in. I trusted what I felt, saw and knew. This knowledge came bursting forth in a Grade 11 Art History class, in visiting many sacred sites Stonehenge, Ephesus in Turkey, sailing on the Mediterranean near Crete when I was 17 and many more times in Holotropic Breathworks and other spontaneous visions. 

Celebrate this great coming together of the Messenger and the VIRGIN ever renewing Goddess by practicing tantric firebreathing.Celebrate your beloved. Praise new life. 

What is being conceived on this day in your life?

Blessings to you  all.

Please share widely, all writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

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Rare, all planets moving direct,Dec. 25

As Uranus moves Direct on the rare Full Moon at Christmas December 25, all of the planets will appear to be moving DIRECT from our  earthly viewpoint. This is a rare occurrence as one or more planets are usually in Retrograde motion for some time each year. In a spiritual reading of Astrology Retrograde planets are karmic in nature. Retrograde planets whether Mercury, Venus, Mars or Jupiter, Saturn, etc. indicate that we are finishing up old lessons, needing to repay unfinished past debts, and reflecting on what we have been doing.

Everything will be Full Speed Ahead with no Retrograde, back-shuffling or karmic  planets until January 5th 2016 when Mercury Turns Retrograde.  We all know about the 12 days leading up to Christmas but this is the 12 days AFTER Christmas.  This is a time of clarity.

Babies born during this time, rest assured that they may be NEW SOULS, or come into this life with a clean slate.

For that 12 days AFTER CHRISTMAS we are in a TAX FREE ZONE, a free-fall, no debts, unencumbered, -this has noting to do with that British actor. Woo hoo. This is special. 

All planets moving direct means that everything is moving in ONE DIRECTION.

ONe Direction Astrology Tara Greene

This is not about the boy band, cute as they may be. I have a seventeen year old daughter so I’m all over that teen stuff. 

It’s all about intention. The way to create MAGIC is to focus one’s desire into one stream, one motion, one single will.

I did have a vision yesterday. The vision was about Saturn being in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the Archer. In Indigenous Twisted Hair Medicine teachings which I studied, they talk about using Arrows of Truth. And of course this sounds exactly like Sagittarius. But I saw the arrow also being a sword, a piercing, focussed point of intention. The arrow/sword was cohesive, powerful, and cut through, with discrimination and discernment any foggy, incoherent ideas, manifestation, and energies. It was the sword/arrow as unified single force, of truth and Light, shining like a laser beam.  All for one, is the motto. 

This is what all planets moving direct is like. So it’s very important to focus your will on the Highest goals, in UNITY this is the time of year when people profess brotherly and sisterly love.  We want to consciously co-create a Light which cuts through and encomapsses the darkness.

I am very concerned and upset about a wave of violence that has occurred in Toronto over the last 5 days. An unprecedented 20 murders from guns or stabbings have occurred. This strikes me as a sign that the Cukoo factor has just gone up. I see this as a manifestation of the Saturn {reality} square to Neptune {delusion, drugs.} People are flipping out. They are on dangerous meds which make them deranged. I believe this is a  plot by the Big Pharma.  The key when things start to fall apart is to stay very clear, clean and focussed. Meditate daily, and be very in touch with your psychic energy. Listen to where you need to be. You can’t afford to be sleepwalking. It’s time to wake up. 

Christmas Time is the ancient pre-Christian celebration of the SUN’s stationing to begin his Return back to the Light half of the Year. Let us focus on the Light, on positive, loving energies. The Light does not fight the darkness directly. But its warmth and power attracts more light and higher vibrations. 

On the 1st day, Dec 25 give thanks for all that you receive. It is better to give, than receive.

Just before the New Year is a great time to take stock and be clear about focussing on what you would like to create in 2016 .  On each consecutive day, clear some time to focus and meditate on your pineal gland. Focus on clearing away any negative energies around you. Continue doing this each day, day after day. Expand the scope of your cleansing to cover a greater area.  Learn to discern what your higher self is. This is a time of clarity.

By the end  at the 12th day see that you have cleared, lit up and enlightened the world, this Galaxy and sent your energy out into the entire Universe. 

Mercury going Retrograde on Jan 5th @ 1+ degree Aquarius.  It turns direct at 14+ degrees Capricorn on January 25th.. Mercury has just entered its “shadow” period.  Clear a space before moving backwards and inwards. 

we need to focus as one vision.

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all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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