May Day, Celebrate Fairies, phalic, pagan ritual

May Day, Fairies, phallic, pagan celebration

May 1st Happy Beltane/May Day. For thousands and thousands of years, pagans celebrate May 1 as one of the 8 main spokes in the turning of the wheel of time in the seasonally based year. May 1st marks the halfway mid-point between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and reversed in Southern Hemisphere.

A pagan fertility festival celebrating the phallus, dancing around the May Pole was an ancient Druidic and Celtic custom. Girls who got pregnant from the Green Man of the woods on May 1st had babies around February 1st, called Imbolc or Christianized as St, Brigid’s Day and secularized as Groundhog Day. This is a sacred Tantric natural celebration of earth sexuality, something we have lost in Christianized morality.

plesase read more about it here.

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Happy May Day, Beltane,Pagan Fertility Festival


Stefan Schäfer, Lich, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Dancing  around the MAY POLE is an ancient fertility celebration of the maiden and the horned god who would meet in the dark, make love as strangers, embodying the Goddess and her young consort.

April 30 the night before, is a time to go romping in the woods. Its Walpurgis night, the night before May 1st, Beltane. The VEIL BETWEEN THE WORLD’S ARE THINNEST just like at Halloween or Samhain, the energy is the same.


Light the fires of passion, as this festival celebrates love, conception, fertility, and the power of the masculine phallic force of the horned God to initiate new life in the Goddess.

The ancient God Pan is ready to mate with the Goddess and impregnate her. This is a very ancient night of celebrating the “Heiros Gamos” or SACRED MARRIAGE between the Goddess and the God, meeting in the fields, or in the woods to honor fertility and new life.

Setting new intentions on this night is very powerful.

The Faery Queen goes out a riding in the woods tonight. It’s  a magical “no time” or TWILIGHT.

This is the night when Maidens would go wander in the woods, as FLORA, the flowers, NATURE SPRUNG newly born,maiden has nothing to do with virginity, they are simply young, and eager to mate, as they are in touch with Nature’s rhythms, to give themselves to a stranger in the woods, the Green Man, also called PAN to the Greeks,the Horned Stag, called Cernunnos, in Latin, he is raw male phallic, sexual energy and virility, he is youthful, 

Here is his ODE

CARD OF THE DAY for women CERNUNNOS the horny man

If a man had been created in

the horned God’s image

he would be free to be wild,

without being cruel,                                                                                                                  angry without being violent,

sexual without being coercive

spiritual without being unsexed,

and truly able to love. – Starhawk, The Spiral Dance

So this night is considered at night SACRED SEXUAL LIASONS. The ancient had no morals on life’s necessities. Children conceived this  night are considered to be magical and to belong to the realm of FAIRY as in The MISTS of AVALON. The maidens do not know the man they mate with in the sacred Marriage ritual.

Couples would also take vows to be in relationships for a year and a day, sort of test driving a relationship  to see if they are compatible.

It is considered unlucky to marry in MAY as this month is dedicated to the wedding of the GOD and the GODDESS  alone.

 Another important custom is bathing in dew gathered before dawn on Beltane Morn, your beauty will flourish throughout the year. Sprinkled with the dew insures you of health and happiness. Or drinking from the well before dawn of Beltane is also good luck.


Beltane is marked in the Heavens as the rising of the Pleiades star cluster just before sunrise on the morning horizon, winter (Samhain/Halloween) begins when the Pleiades rises at sunset. The Pleiades is a cluster of seven closely placed stars, the seven sisters, in the constellation of Taurus, they can be easily seen with the naked eye. The Pleiades were very important to many ancient cultures worldwide. Some Native American tribes say that their Ancestors were Star Beings who came from the Pleiades. Many psychics channeled  the Pleiadians. I do too.

 Left over Food from May 1st eve should be left out for the fairies.

 This is the banishing of WINTER, the SUN grows stronger to ensure renewed life, food, abundance on the earth.


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May Day, Halloween’s shadow, a Witches Divine Masculine celebration

Happy May Day, following Walpurgis Night when the Fairy QUEEN comes out for a ride, and the anonymous lovers make love in the dark to celebrate PAN, the Lovers consort, to recreate the Heiros Gamos. Maidens who got pregnant on May 1st babies who didnt know who the father’s were, were considered sacred born February 1st at Brigid’s fire festival of Imbolc.

Setting new intentions on this night is very powerful. Especiall on the Dark Moon time and the Eclipse in Taurus.

The MAYPOLE is the phallic symbol and the participants weave their ribbons around as they dance the spiral dance of time and our interwoven connectivity with all our relations on MAY day. This is one of the major cross-quarter days in the year. We are half way to summer in the northern hemisphere and the veils between the worlds are thin.

the MAYPOLE, AKA. The Lingham in Hindu, the potent thust of the Green Man, or Pan the Horned or Horny God, consort of the Goddess, who impregnates Her in an ancient Hieros-gamos cross-quarter celebration day of Fire, male sexuality, fertility and fairies.

The FAE or fairies come out and dance in magic forest circles and all of our ancestors are close be. Beltane celebrates fertility, and seeding new intentions with magic passion and light. It is a time of joyful invocation, healing, and beginnings. Beltane is the time to plant all your seeds for future endeavors you wish to actualize and harvest at the end of summer.Invoke the spirit of these intentions in the time of TAURUS, an earth sign.Participants light the Beltane fires traditionally on hilltops and jump over it for purification.

The VEIL BETWEEN THE WORLD’S ARE THINNEST just like at Halloween or Samhain, the energy is the same. The Faery Queen goes out riding in the woods tonight.

This is the night when Maidens would go wander in the woods, as FLORA, the flowers, NATURE SPRUNG newly born, maiden has nothing to do with virginity or marriage as they are simply young, and eager to mate, as they are in touch with natural sexuality, Nature’s rhythms, to give themselves to a stranger in the woods, the Green Man, also called PAN to the Greeks,the Horned Stag, called Cernunnos, in Latin, he is raw male phallic, sexual energy, virile and youthful. 

 CERNUNNOS the horny man

If a man had been created in the horned God’s image he would be free to be wild, without being cruel, angry without being violent, sexual without being coercive spiritual without being unsexed,and truly able to love.”

– Starhawk, The Spiral Dance

 Children conceived this night are considered to be magical and to belong to the realm of FAIRY as in The MISTS of AVALON. The maidens do not know the man they mate with in the sacred Marriage ritual.

Couples would also take vows to be in relationships for a year and a day, sort of test driving a relationship  to see if they are compatible.

It is considered unlucky to marry in MAY as this month is dedicated to the wedding of the GOD and the GODDESS  alone.

 Another important custom is bathing in dew gathered before dawn on Beltane Morn, your beauty will flourish throughout the year. Sprinkled with the dew insures you of health and happiness. Or drinking from the well before dawn of Beltane is also good luck.

 Leftover Food from May 1st eve should be left out for the fairies.

We will light our fire tonight. Wishing you all a Blessed Beltane. 

I did my live Tarot card reading broadcast for MAY on Monday May 2 on FaceBook on the Cosmic Intelligence Agency Page at 8:00 pm EDT/ 5:00 pm PDT/ 12:00 am GMT. it will be streamed on Twitter and on the CIA page too

REad all about the WALPURGIS Celebrations an ancient pagan MAYDAY BELTANE cross-quarter day fertility celebration

Get up early can cover your face with dew to be beautiful. an ancient pagan celebration attributed to this day

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Watch this amazingly infectious, in a good way witch rap dance in Germany from 2016 celebrating Walpurgis  Wolfshäger Hexenbrut Walpurgis Wolfshagen im Harz

Fairies, dicks, horny, May Day Beltane

Beltane is an ancient pagan fertility festival celebrating the phallus, dancing around the MAYPOLE, AKA dicks in 2021. The Lingham in Hindu, the potent thust of the Green Man, or Pan the Horned or Horny God, consort of the Goddess, who impregnates Her in an ancient Hieros-gamos cross-quarter celebration day of Fire, male sexuality, fertility and fairies.

This SACRED PHALLIC FIRE CELEBRATION Lights the bonfires of passion. This is a very ancient night of celebrating the “Hieros Gamos” or SACRED MARRIAGE between the Goddess and the God, meeting strangers in the fields, or woods to honor fertility and new life with an unknown stranger. Young women who were followers of the Goddess who got pregnant May 1st babies were considered sacred born February 1st at Brigid’s fire festival of Imbolc.

Beltane celebration rituals begin the night of April 30, Walpurgis Night before May 1st, Beltane.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Image Jim Champion / The 2007 burning wicker man, Butser Ancient Farm

Setting new intentions on this night is very powerful.

The MAYPOLE is the phallic symbol and the participants weave their ribbons around as they dance the spiral dance of time and our interwoven connectivity with all our relations on MAY day. This is one of the major cross-quarter days in the year. We are half way to summer in the northern hemisphere and the veils between the worlds are thin.

The FAE or fairies come out and dance in magic forest circles and all of our ancestors are close be. Beltane celebrates fertility, and seeding new intentions with magic passion and light. It is a time of joyful invocation, healing, and beginnings. Beltane is the time to plant all your seeds for future endeavors you wish to actualize and harvest at the end of summer.Invoke the spirit of these intentions in the time of TAURUS, an earth sign.Participants light the Beltane fires traditionally on hilltops and jump over it for purification.

The VEIL BETWEEN THE WORLD’S ARE THINNEST just like at Halloween or Samhain, the energy is the same. The Faery Queen goes out riding in the woods tonight.

This is the night when Maidens would go wander in the woods, as FLORA, the flowers, NATURE SPRUNG newly born, maiden has nothing to do with virginity or marriage as they are simply young, and eager to mate, as they are in touch with natural sexuality, Nature’s rhythms, to give themselves to a stranger in the woods, the Green Man, also called PAN to the Greeks,the Horned Stag, called Cernunnos, in Latin, he is raw male phallic, sexual energy, virile and youthful. 

 CERNUNNOS the horny man

If a man had been created in the horned God’s image he would be free to be wild, without being cruel, angry without being violent, sexual without being coercive spiritual without being unsexed,and truly able to love.”

– Starhawk, The Spiral Dance

 Children conceived this night are considered to be magical and to belong to the realm of FAIRY as in The MISTS of AVALON. The maidens do not know the man they mate with in the sacred Marriage ritual.

Couples would also take vows to be in relationships for a year and a day, sort of test driving a relationship  to see if they are compatible.

It is considered unlucky to marry in MAY as this month is dedicated to the wedding of the GOD and the GODDESS  alone.

 Another important custom is bathing in dew gathered before dawn on Beltane Morn, your beauty will flourish throughout the year. Sprinkled with the dew insures you of health and happiness. Or drinking from the well before dawn of Beltane is also good luck.

 Leftover Food from May 1st eve should be left out for the fairies.

We will light our fire tonight. Wishing you all a Blessed Beltane. 

I did my live Tarot card reading broadcast for MAY on Monday May 2 on FaceBook on the Cosmic Intelligence Agency Page at 8:00 pm EDT/ 5:00 pm PDT/ 12:00 am GMT.

get a reading with me

Beltane May Day, phallic fertility,fires and fairies

Beltane/May Day is an ancient fertility festival honoring the Horned Man or God Pan with a huge phallus. This cross-quarter day celebrates Fire, male sexuality, fertility and fairies

Beltane celebration rituals begin tonight April 30. It’s Walpurgis night, the night before May 1st, Beltane.

Light the fires of passion, as this festival celebrates love, conception, fertility, and the power of the masculine phallic force of

the horned God to initiate new life in the Goddess.

The ancient God Pan is ready to mate with the Goddess and impregnate her. This is a very ancient night of celebrating the “Heiros Gamos” or SACRED MARRIAGE between the Goddess and the God, meeting in the fields, or in the woods to honor fertility and new life.
Setting new intentions on this night is very powerful.
The MAYPOLE is the phallic symbol and the participants weave their ribbons around as they dance the spiral dance of time and our interwoven connectivity with all our relations on MAY day.
This is one of the major cross-quarter days in the year. We are half way to summer in the northern hemisphere and the veils between the worlds are thin.
The FAE or fairies come out and dance in magic forest circles and all of our ancestors are close be. Beltane celebrates fertility, and seeding new intentions with magic passion and light. It is a time of joyful invocation, healing, and beginnings.
Beltane is the time to plant all your seeds for future endeavors you wish to actualize and harvest at the end of summer.
Invoke the spirit of these intentions in the time of TAURUS, an earth sign.
Participants light the Beltane fires traditionally on hilltops and jump over it for purification.

the VEIL BETWEEN THE WORLD’S ARE THINNEST just like at Halloween or Samhain, the energy is the same. The Faery Queen goes out riding in the woods tonight.

Dancing  around the MAY POLE is an ancient fertility celebration of the maiden and the horned god who would meet in the dark, make love as strangers, embodying the God and Goddess.  

This is the night when Maidens would go wander in the woods, as FLORA, the flowers, NATURE SPRUNG newly born, maiden has nothing to do with virginity or marriage as they are simply young, and eager to mate, as they are in touch with natural sexuality, Nature’s rhythms, to give themselves to a stranger in the woods, the Green Man, also called PAN to the Greeks,the Horned Stag, called Cernunnos, in Latin, he is raw male phallic, sexual energy, virile and youthful. 

 CERNUNNOS the horny man

If a man had been created in the horned God’s image he would be free to be wild, without being cruel, angry without being violent, sexual without being coercive spiritual without being unsexed,and truly able to love.”

– Starhawk, The Spiral Dance


 Children conceived this night are considered to be magical and to belong to the realm of FAIRY as in The MISTS of AVALON. The maidens do not know the man they mate with in the sacred Marriage ritual.

Couples would also take vows to be in relationships for a year and a day, sort of test driving a relationship  to see if they are compatible.

It is considered unlucky to marry in MAY as this month is dedicated to the wedding of the GOD and the GODDESS  alone.

 Another important custom is bathing in dew gathered before dawn on Beltane Morn, your beauty will flourish throughout the year. Sprinkled with the dew insures you of health and happiness. Or drinking from the well before dawn of Beltane is also good luck.

 Leftover Food from May 1st eve should be left out for the fairies.

We will light our fire tonight. Wishing you all a Blessed Beltane. 

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Beltane celebrates Fire, male sexuality, and fairies

Beltane celebration rituals begin tonight April 30. It’s Walpurgis night, the night before May 1st, Beltane.


Jim Champion / The 2007 burning wicker man, Butser Ancient Farm

Light the fires of passion, as this festival celebrates love, conception, fertility, and the power of the masculine phallic force of the horned God to initiate new life in the Goddess.
The ancient God Pan is ready to mate with the Goddess and impregnate her. This is a very ancient night of celebrating the “Heiros Gamos” or SACRED MARRIAGE between the Goddess and the God, meeting in the fields, or in the woods to honor fertility and new life.
Setting new intentions on this night is very powerful.
The MAYPOLE is the phallic symbol and the participants weave their ribbons around as they dance the spiral dance of time and our interwoven connectivity with all our relations on MAY day.
This is one of the major cross-quarter days in the year. We are half way to summer in the northern hemisphere and the veils between the worlds are thin.
The FAE or fairies come out and dance in magic forest circles and all of our ancestors are close be. Beltane celebrates fertility, and seeding new intentions with magic passion and light. It is a time of joyful invocation, healing, and beginnings.
Beltane is the time to plant all your seeds for future endeavors you wish to actualize and harvest at the end of summer.
Invoke the spirit of these intentions in the time of TAURUS, an earth sign.
Participants light the Beltane fires traditionally on hilltops and jump over it for purification.

the VEIL BETWEEN THE WORLD’S ARE THINNEST just like at Halloween or Samhain, the energy is the same. The Faery Queen goes out riding in the woods tonight.

Dancing  around the MAY POLE is an ancient fertility celebration of the maiden and the horned god who would meet in the dark, make love as strangers, embodying the God and Goddess.  

This is the night when Maidens would go wander in the woods, as FLORA, the flowers, NATURE SPRUNG newly born, maiden has nothing to do with virginity or marriage as they are simply young, and eager to mate, as they are in touch with natural sexuality, Nature’s rhythms, to give themselves to a stranger in the woods, the Green Man, also called PAN to the Greeks,the Horned Stag, called Cernunnos, in Latin, he is raw male phallic, sexual energy, virile and youthful. 

 CERNUNNOS the horny man


If a man had been created in the horned God’s image he would be free to be wild, without being cruel, angry without being violent, sexual without being coercive spiritual without being unsexed,and truly able to love.”

– Starhawk, The Spiral Dance


 Children conceived this night are considered to be magical and to belong to the realm of FAIRY as in The MISTS of AVALON. The maidens do not know the man they mate with in the sacred Marriage ritual.

Couples would also take vows to be in relationships for a year and a day, sort of test driving a relationship  to see if they are compatible.

It is considered unlucky to marry in MAY as this month is dedicated to the wedding of the GOD and the GODDESS  alone.

 Another important custom is bathing in dew gathered before dawn on Beltane Morn, your beauty will flourish throughout the year. Sprinkled with the dew insures you of health and happiness. Or drinking from the well before dawn of Beltane is also good luck.

 Leftover Food from May 1st eve should be left out for the fairies.

We will light our fire tonight. Wishing you all a Blessed Beltane. 

I will be doing a live Tarot card reading broadcast tonight on FaceBook on the Cosmic Intelligence Agency Page at 8:30 pm EDT/ 5:30 pm PDT/ 12:30 am GMT

get a reading with me

Sacred sex, Fairy’s, Beltane, May Day, the New Masculine

April 30 tonight its time to go romping in the woods. It’s Walpurgis night, the night before May 1st, Beltane.

The VEIL BETWEEN THE WORLD’S ARE THINNEST just like at Halloween, the energy is the same.We are at the opposite pole of Death, this is the celebration of sexuality and Life.

The Faery Queen goes out a riding in the woods tonight.   It’s a magical bewitching  Night.

This is a special night of SACRED SEXUAL LIASONS.

Beltane  May 1st, is a traditional Fertility and Sacred Marriage Festival of the Sun to the Earth. It means “fire of Bel” or “bright fire” – the “bale-fire”. (English – bale; Anglo-Saxon bael; is the known as the bright and shinning one, a Celtic Sun God. Beli is the father, protector, and the husband of the Mother Goddess. The Bel fire is a sacred fire with healing and purifying powers. The ashes of the Beltane fires were smudged on faces and scattered in the fields. Household fires would be extinguished and re-lit with fresh fire from the Bel Fires.

THE MAY POLE/Phallic symbol

Dancing around the MAY POLE is a very ancient fertility celebration of the maiden Goddess and the horned god who would meet in the dark, make love as strangers, a young girl embodying the Goddess Divine and her young consort. He is Cernunos, PAN to the Greeks, the young virile, sexual, phallic God of fertility, the stag. Guys still have stag parties.  We are celebrating the Positive Goddess worshipping Strong hunter the Green Man. The Catholic Church made him into the Horny Devil. In the Tarot he is #15 the Devil .

The ancient had no morals on life’s necessities. Children conceived this night were considered magical and to belong to the realm of the FAIRY or Fey.  Couples would also take vows to be in relationships for a year and a day, sort of test driving a relationship to see if they are compatible.

It is considered unlucky to marry in MAY as this month is dedicated to the wedding of the GOD and the GODDESS alone.


Beltane is marked in the Heavens as the rising of the Pleiades star cluster just before sunrise on the morning horizon, winter (Samhain/Halloween) begins when the Pleiades rises at sunset. The Pleiades is a cluster of seven closely placed stars, the seven sisters, in the constellation of Taurus, they can be easily seen with the naked eye. The Pleiades were very important to many ancient cultures worldwide. Some Native American tribes say that their Ancestors were Star Beings who came from the Pleiades. Many psychics channeled  the Pleiadians. I do too.

THE WHEEL OF TIME and our participation

The Ancients participated in Time’s unfolding, they believed that the Wheel of Time would not turn without human intervention. It is vitally important for us to reconnect and to honour these Ancient Nature Festivals, as we are so disconnected from the earth and the natural world. The modern world and all of its hi-tec tools disconnects us from Nature directly.  We may feel more like orphans than children of the earth. Not so long ago when we lived off the land, grew our own and harvested our own food we needed to be directly in touch with Mother Nature herself to survive. That will always be true.

If we’re not in Right Relationship with Nature then woe be to those who feel her wrath- and we have- Hurricane Katrina, tsunami’s, earthquakes, mudslides, drought, flooding etc. There was an old margarine commercial “It’s not nice to fool with Mother Nature” We’ve been coerced into fooling with Mother Nature even more with dangerous GMO seeds from Monsanto.

Another important Beltane custom is bathing in dew gathered before dawn on Beltane Morn, your beauty will flourish throughout the year. Sprinkled with the dew insures you of health and happiness. Drinking from the well before dawn of Beltane is also good luck.

THE HORNED GOD, is a powerful symbol and needs to be honored as a harbinger of the New masculine.

“If a man had been created in

the horned God’s image

he would be free to be wild,

without being cruel,

angry without being violent,

sexual without being coercive

spiritual without being unsexed,

and truly able to love. “– Starhawk, The Spiral Dance


If you can’t manage a bonfire, simply lighting a small fire will do. Intention is everything, so light a small fire in your home safely, write down what it is you want to dispel from your life and burn it in the flames. Or you could do a Jack be nimble Jack be quick and jump over a candle on the floor, very carefully for luck. If you are in a partnership cleanse it of disharmony, rekindle your vows. Drink water empowered with Love by focusing on sending love to even a glass of water or a pitcher of water, as Dr, Emoto. Empower the water with love and pour it on yourself your plants, your garden your threshold, your loved ones. Festoon your doorknobs with flowers, or hang flowers outside your home.


Dancing around a Maypole may not be easily done these days, so simply imagine the May Pole the ancient boys and girls with the colored ribbons in their hands interweaving in and out to form the spiral pattern around the pole. Enjoy, celebrate, send prayers to the Sun and the Mother Earth. Dance with the Faeries, invite them into your home and your heart.

Participating with the thousands of neo-pagans, witches and all other indigenous people s at this time helps boost the energy. Left over Food from May 1st eve should be left out for the fairies.




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BELTANE Fire Dance-Mists of Avalaon 

May Day eve, Walpurgis Night, bawdy Festivities, Astrology

Its time to go romping in the woods this Walpurgis night The night before May 1st, Beltane..

Tonight’s the night, when the VEIL BETWEEN THE WORLD’S ARE THINNEST

it is 1/2 way from Hallow’een or Samhain and the energy is poised the same.

The Faery Queen goes out a riding in the woods tonight.

It’s  a magical “no time” or TWILIGHT.

This is the night when Maidens would go wander in the woods, as FLORA, the flowers, NATURE SPRUNG newly born,

maiden has nothing to do with virginity, they are simply young, and eager to mate, as they are in touch with Nature’s rhythms, to give themselves to a stranger in the woods, the Green Man, also called PAN to the Greeks,

the Horned Stag, called Cernunnos, in Latin, he is raw male phallic, sexual energy and virility, he is youthful, 

Here is his ODE

horned God beefcake

If a man had been created in

the horned God’s image

he would be free to be wild,

without being cruel,                                                                                                                       

angry without being violent,

sexual without being coercive

spiritual without being unsexed,

and truly able to love. – Starhawk, The Spiral Dance


So this night is considered at night SACRED SEXUAL LIASONS. The ancient had no morals on life’s necessities. Children conceived this  night are considered to be magical and to belong to the realm of FAIRY as in The MISTS of AVALON. The maidens do not know the man they mate with in the sacred Marriage ritual.

Couples would also take vows to be in relationships for a year and a day, sort of test driving a relationship  to see if they are compatible.

It is considered unlucky to marry in MAY as this month is dedicated to the wedding of the GOD and the GODDESS  alone.

 Another important custom is bathing in dew gathered before dawn on Beltane Morn, your beauty will flourish throughout the year. Sprinkled with the dew insures you of health and happiness. Or drinking from the well before dawn of Beltane is also good luck.

 Left over Food from May 1st eve should be left out for the fairies.

 This is the banishing of WINTER, the SUN grows stronger to ensure renewed life, food, abundance on the earth.

 Mercury enters TAURUS at 8:37 am to ensure we are thinking DOWN TO EARTH.

 a serious tone to this day, MARS opposes Saturn see previous article

Moon enters AQUARIUS in the a.m. to lighten your emotions with your mind, detachment is the mood of the day

SUN TRINE PLUTO also very beneficial earthy 11 degrees Capricorn TAURUS, also VIRGO gets the blessings

AQUARIUS Moon squares Saturn later in the evening

 reality check, you can scrutinize your deep emotional upheavals easier in this objective mood

Moon squares Mars in Taurus PDT 

urge to act for the common good, organizing to support the earth’s resources


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Readings make great mother’s day gifts


May Day Beltane Wiccan Pagan Fertility Festival

May Day Magic, Beltane, Faeries  FIRE and FERTILITY FESTIVAL

Beltane means “fire of Bel” or “bright fire” the “bale-fire”. Known as the bright and shinning one,  Celtic Sun God. Beli is the father, protector, and the husband of the Mother Goddess.  This is a FERTILITY CELEBRATION, The Beltane Fires, the MAY POLE, marking the cross quarter day between SPRING and SUMMER.

Beltane Maypole Wiccan pagan

MAY DAY is a traditional Fertility and Sacred Marriage Festival of the Sun to the Earth. The Bel fire is a sacred fire with healing and purifying powers. The fires celebrate the return of life, fruitfulness to the earth and the burning away of winter. The ashes of the Beltane fires were smudged on faces and scattered in the fields. Household fires would be extinguished and re-lit with fresh fire from the Bel Fires.

As Beltane marks this handfasting (wedding) of the Goddess and God, it too marks the reawakening of the earth’s fertility. This is the union between the Great Mother and her Young Consort; this coupling brings new life on earth. On a Spiritual level and a  physical, it is the union of the Earth and Sun, man and woman to bring about the fruitfulness of the growing season.

MAy DAy is alchemy in action, the sacred Marriage.

Mother nature shows Herself alive again, flowers are blooming, sprouting, birds are mating, building nests, bees are buzzing.  Beltane was and is a very auspicious time in Celtic lore.


Beltane is marked in the Heavens as the rising of the Pleiades star cluster just before sunrise on the morning horizon, whereas winter (Samhain/Halloween) begins when the Pleiades rises at sunset. The Pleiades were very important to many ancient cultures. Some Native American tribes say that their Ancestors were Star Beings who came from the Pleiades. In Japan, the modern car Subaru means Pleiades and 6 of the stars are shown on its symbol. {We’ve always driven Subaru’s partly for this reason.}

 The Ancients believed that the Wheel of Time would not turn without human intervention.

People did everything in their power to honour and call and beckon the Sun and His light, for the earth would not produce life without the Sun’s warmth, his Love. We usually don’t think of the Sun as a Loving God anymore. It is important to honour these Nature Festivals, or turning of the Wheel of the Year, our ancestors did so for thousands of years. N

If we’re not in Right Relationship with other Nature then woe be to those who feel her wrath- As we’ve been trying to fool Mother Nature for many years now and continue to do so in the Industrialized world, balance can be attained by participating in these kind of Ancient Festivals.

Neo-tribalism is a necessity now.


May Day is a magical day so be aware of incidents that may occur.  The Queen of the Faeries is said to ride out on her white hose and trying to entice people away to Faeryland. Legend says that if you sit beneath a  tree on Beltane night, you may see the Faery Queen in all Her Glory or hear the sound of Her horses’s belles as She rides throughout the night. 


Young men and women wandered into the woods before daybreak of May Day morning with garlands of flowers and/or branches of trees. They would make love in the woods, and dance around the Maypole. Pre-Christian society’s thoughts about human sexuality and fertility were not based on guilt or any such concept as original sin, but seen as a joyous natural expression of human passions. Life was seen as a joyful dance, rich in all beauty to be celebrated not defined ordered, made lawful.

Depicted in Camelot, the Mists of Avalon,


also a previous article May 1 May Day Beltane fire sex fertility earthy pagan celebration Astrology from Tara Greene

I am presiding over a MAY DAY BELTANE ceremony in Toronto at Ashbridge’s Bay on Lake Ontario

If you are in the Toronto area you are most welcome to come

see FB page