November 6 Lilith grand water trine and Blood Moon

Tara is sending you today November 6 astrology chart…

Lots of flowing emotions and water-literally, as the archetypal first woman Lilith, who insists on equality and independence conjuncts Athena, the virgin warrior strategist and defender of her devotees, exact during the total lunar blood red moon November 8, is trine Neptune the planet of dreams, psychic and spiritual energy, creativity debt, projections, illusions, ghosting, viruses, mental illness, addictions glamour, Hollywood, karma, oil, jails, institutions, drugs and endings and Jupiter the traditional co-ruler of Pisces widely and Venus at 20° Scorpio. Jupiter is expanding everyone’s dreams abs spiritual awareness now..

A powerful tsunami of fiercely independent feminine energy.

November 8th total lunar eclipse blood moon is a Menstruating moon.

What has been hidden and tabooed considered secret and sacred is on show, hidden and exposed on display, as the earth’s shadow falls on the moon and it appears red. This is a time of retreating, of listening to our bodies a ton time. Never manifest on a total lunar eclipse. You cannot see or feel what’s really going on. To do so goes against thousands of years of tradition

A total lunar eclipse Falling on US Election Day for the 1st time in the countries history. Remember that America still has one last exact Pluto conjunction in December 28,2022 to complete .

A North Node in Taurus lunar eclipse is an embodied experience of reaching towards our highest spiritual goals and Venus values. Luxury, money, real estate, blue chip things, stability, sure things, beauty, art, relationships.

We are leaving behind the South node in Scorpio deep dark emotional energies which at the eclipse are conjunct to our thinking and Consciousness, planet Mercury in Scorpio are the devious, ruthless manipulators of media.

Scorpio Sun and Venus in detriment in Scorpio, Mars’ sign are conjunct the south node too. Values relating to controlling others, power trips, sexual and emotional abuses, sex trafficking torture, porn, laundering money will all be exposed within the next 6 months.

Taurus us the bull market which is going to get electroshock Uranian therapy. Money and food, the stock market and tangible things may be disrupted, this can indicate a financial crash making 2008 look like a picnic. Be prepared stick up on food and essential things. Crypto and digital coins may be inserted.

A Uranian lunar eclipse is all about rebellion like what’s going on and underworked on Iran. Women are riding up. This is a Venus rules eclipse. She is angry, like a coiled cobra ready to strike. She us in detriment in Scorpio and Mars is retrograde in Gemini and Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and final dispositive of Mars and the messenger is in Scorpio conjunct the sun and Venus so Scorpio rules the Taurus eclipse. SoMars in Gemini like. Split minded, two faced, forked tongue, info obfuscation.

This may be another hijacked election in the US and the people from both sides will be mad.

But the results of the money meltdown won’t show up until March 2023 when Saturn enters Pisces and Pluto enters Aquarius.

What do you have at 13-16° fixed signs? Taurus Leo Scorpio, Aquarius? You will feel the eclipse impacts the most.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene.

I’ll write more and do a video

Blessings Tara Tara Greene tarot astrology psychic

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Super Blood Wolf Moon Cancer Lunar Eclipse

The first eclipse of six in 2020 January 10, A PENUMBRAL LUNAR ECLIPSE  peaks at 11:21 am PST, 2:21 pm EST, 7:21 pm GMT.

Dubbed a {Howling} Blood Super Wolf Moon. It features a whopping 7 “planets” and a Centaur, Chariklo all in Capricorn. I call it a Capricornucopia. The South Node, Jupiter, The Sun, Mercury, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto and Chariklo are all lined up in a huge stellium.

Watch where the totality path of this penumbral eclipse is. It won’t be visible in North America and the areas where the eclipse path is visible are the areas most affected.

The eclipse is part of Saros cycle 144 which is itself a significant number.

“Eclipse map/figure/table/predictions courtesy of Fred Espenak, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, from”

This is a NORTH NODAL Eclipse, with the Moon at home in her own sign, she is the strongest. A Super Blood Moon ensures that we will feel all the feels, weighed down by the heavy responsibilities and the past, of all the leaden weight of so much Capricorn school of hard knocks energy.

This eclipse signals a time of emotional endings, death, mourning, grief and physical release. So many of us are feeling the tragic deaths of all the millions of animals in Australia. Cry as much as you want to, the release helps.

The Wolf Moon connection made me think of the wolf mother who nurtured the sacred twins Romulus and Remus who founded Rome in 753 It wouldn’t have happened unless a CAPITOLINE SHE WOLF nursed the twins who were abandoned on the river Tiber before being found by a shepherd. According to legend, they were the children of the God of war Mars and the Priestess Rhea Silvia.  We need to see the Wolf Moon as a positive connection, that there is instinctive mothers’ milk, the Moon of incarnate and nurturing sustenance for us all.

Capricorn “stiff upper lip” Corporate structure and history is ending. Witness Duke of Sussex/Prince Harry and Meghan’s bang on the money, ditching the traditional ancient royal family system 2 days before. The Patriarchy is on the out.

The Saturn Pluto conjunction is so heavy, and so many of you have been feeling incredibly tired, depressed and weighed down. I have also been finding a lot of tummy upsets leading up to the eclipse as the North Node Lunar eclipse in Cancer rules the stomach.

Cancer North Node is where the collective needs to go. A Nurturing, caring, safe emotional space. Protecting the children. Everything that is on Mother earth is a child of Gaia.

URANUS also turns DIRECT January 10 after being Retrograde since August 12, 2019.  The revolutionary freedom-seeking, inventive urges which have been brewing in the lab underground can now move forward. My kudos to Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan for tuning into this energy and also bringing it, as Uranus is at its strongest stationary point at 2+ degrees TAURUS. They are living archetypes and the old stories are being rewritten live in the 21st century.

These times are so hugely significant. It is the end of many corporate structures, The patriarchy’s time is over. Pluto always destroys whatever is not coherent with the soul’s path of evolution. Pluto is the world’s soul. But Saturn is also the old boys club, history, and the corporate structures already built. Saturn resists. The major powers in the world are conservative, all for-profit, the 1% Plutocracy,  is resisting the evolutionary changes. Pluto = Plutocracy and Pluto always slays. 

CAPRICORN is a feminine earth sign and the Moon is in the most feminine sign of CANCER the Mother. Saturn rules all the Capricorn planets and he is in his sign. Saturn was once the sign of the Great Mother who creates our bones and who physically births all humans and mammals into the world.


The Cancer Lunar eclipse also features a major Cardinal Grand Cross from ERIS the Goddess of Discord at 23 Aries. We can feel the discordant energy. Eris opposes Juno, the Goddess of Marriage traditionally, which I feel symbolizes the Feminine form of Genius, indicating our need to use a multi-tasking, all-inclusive, many-sided approach to everything and of course, the Moon herself completes the Cardinal Grand Cross opposing Saturn Pluto Chaiklo, Ceres and Mercury. 

It’s INTENSE, feminine, grounded, in our bones, emotional and our deepest innermost receptive feelings. Our feelings cannot be eclipsed. We must stay grounded on the earth and the dire needs of Mother Earth and the resurrection of the Divine Feminine energy.

Neptune in PISCES sextiles the Sun-Mercury Ceres and Saturn/Pluto Capricorn stellium

Neptune is the visionary planet, the dreaming, spiritual, compassionate, idealistic planet that knows no boundaries. Envision the world you wish to see.

Mars is in Sagittarius urging us to speak our truth and to stay optimistic. 

VENUS in late Aquarius is urging the path to mental freedom, higher consciousness, non-hierarchical organizations, collective hive mind values, and the ability to be loving and detached at the same time. Saturn also rules Aquarius traditionally and Saturn brings in VENUS’ radical energy under its goat-fish form too. 

LILITH the Black Moon is the original woman, preceding Eve. At 28+ degrees PISCES, almost at the last most critical anaretic degree. Lilith indicates an ending to the demonization of women who are true to their own natures, who refuse to be less than equal to any man, especially sexually.  Lilith sextiles Saturn and Pluto indicating a further ending and destruction of women obeying old outworn Patriarchal structures. 


Spend time doing mantras during the eclipse. rituals with water, bathing or releasing with water. It is not time to do any magic intentions as Eclipses are always traditionally bad news. ALWAYS. 

Cry for the sorrow and pain of the world as CERES the GREAT MOTHER Is conjunct to MERCURY and the SUN opposite the MOON. Ceres/ Demeter refused to let anything grow when her daughter Demeter disappeared voluntarily in some versions or was raped into the underworld by Pluto/Hades. Mother energy is very strong. Call upon the Great Mother’s energies of the earth and vow to heal her. 

Spend time meditating when the eclipse is strongest. It is recommended to chant Tibetan Buddhist Medicine Buddha chants. It is used to help the dying and to send healing energies, The words Teyata are spelled differently phonetically. I was taught that the word Bekanze is the root word for physician.  Chanting on a lunar eclipse increasing the merit by 700,000 times. Send water and rain imagery to Austalia bush fires burning out of control.

The effects of all eclipses last 6 months.  Check out where 20+ Cancer is in your natal chart to find out what you need to nurture and nurse and mother in your self and in your life with a Mothers unconditional love.

Teyata om bekanze Bekanze maha bekanze

Sending you many blessings during these intense times. It will all pass. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

 Get a reading with me

Aquarius Blood Moon Lunar eclipse Meditation

By Alfredo Garcia, Jr (Shared by photographer [1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Aquarius Full Blood Moon-Mars Retro Lunar eclipse is symbolized by The Star #17 in the Tarot. Aquarius is associated with this card which is also considered a Wishing Card a blessing after the hard awakening of the Tower #16 which preceeds this card which destroys the ego.
The Full Moon Eclipse is July 27 @ 1:20 pm PDT /at maximum at 8:20 pm GMT.
Aquarius/ the Star is a sign of higher consciousness and cosmic awareness that we are all One and united under the Heavens. Aquarius rules the Internet, new technology, science cloning, stem cell research, cell phones collectives and social media.The Goddess Urania one of the 9 Muses is pictured on the card. She governs the study of Astrology. Uranus is the modern planetary ruler of Aquarius a masculine detached air sign of revolutions freedom technology and going “beyond” limitations and a sign which shares power with the group or tribal mind.
The South Nodal eclipses asks us to release old ideas of feeling separate alone alienated isolated and left out. We are being called to release the past and the next eclipse in 2 weeks time a Solar Eclipse in Leo takes us on the high road of the heart and being sovereign autonomous and living from the heart.
Remember that Mars-ruled Aries and Scorpio are being impacted the greatest by this eclipse as well as Aquarius and the other fixed signs Taurus and Leo 
At the Lunar eclipse when our emotions are blocked temporarily as the earth throws her shadow over the Full Moon the stars will come out of the dark and the unseen will be lit. Mars will shine almost twice as bright as Jupiter. Use this rare and special longest eclipse to ground yourself like a lightning rod. Take the higher-minded road during these intense times remember that we are all star stuff all carbon-based diamonds in the rough.
The Aquarius Lunar Eclipse  Blood Moon-Mars Retrograde MEDITATION

This rare and special extra-long Total Lunar eclipse is part of South Node Saros Cycle 129 featuring Mars Retrograde at its brightest being eclipsed on the same day.

This extra-long lunar eclipse allows us to take a long overview of our present situation here at this very powerful turning point in humanity’s evolution.

A South Node Aquarius Lunar Eclipse points us to releasing old ideas and paradigms- ones which we thought were based on technology progress “equality” and mass brainwashing.  This brings us a revolutionary occasion for radical change, to gain Higher consciousness, to expand our awareness for the whole, the group mind, and for massive growth on all levels.

As the Moon is eclipsed by the earth’s shadow the feminine physical world grounds our emotions. We become like a lightning rod. The stars come out as the Moon grows dark red and the bright night sky is turning dark and black. It is a time of great mystery and all the animals and birds will be silent during the totality which is 1 hour and  47 minutes.

In North America, we will not see the eclipse or be in the direct shadow which is where the effects will be felt the strongest but we will certainly feel its effects. This is a time for being deeply introspective with Mars Retrograde and Mercury too along with Saturn Neptune and Pluto. Mars is Out of Bounds from July 7 to September 24 the old Masculine warrior paradigm is ending. It is also repressed angry and most fiery and dangerous too. The positive side of an Aquarius Mars Retrograde is of being in service to the heart- the opposite shadow side of Aquarius which is Leo which we will get to in two weeks.

This is a time for exploring in the void the cauldron of rebirth. Aquarius is the only fully human sign of the Zodiac. We are leaving the Age of Pisces, Christianity’s symbol. The Age of Aquarius whenever it actually begins is about equal rights for all humans, gays, LGBT, men and women. 

The Water Bearer, the 11th sign, is an Air sign, not water. Aquarius’s glyph, the double lines that look like waves, are lightning bolts and symbolize the waters of consciousness and our bodies electrical kundalini energy.  Your consciousness is the Light. Many Ancient civilizations believe that our ancestors came from the stars. The Star in the Tarot, the 17th Arcana card shows this energy of the Goddess as the Stars, as cosmic vessels of divine light flowing down to the earth to quench our human cosmic desire to be connected with source.  

Aquarius energy is like being struck by lightning. The Eureka moment when the big light bulb goes off in your mind.  Aquarius, the electric sign, is the sign of uniqueness, genius, higher consciousness. Aquarius energy is groupthink, tribal mind freedom from old structures and limitations of Saturn-the Patriarchy  History and customs -even though the cosmic cop rules both these signs traditionally.

The Sun in Leo the opposite pole to the Aquarius Lunar eclipse is about self-expression, our childlike ability to play, our passions and dramas, our leadership, roles, hearts, our abilities to share power and our higher consciousness where we are all in fact ONE. We will be drawn there in 2 weeks on the next Solar eclipse in Leo August 11  on a New Moon.

This Lunar Eclipse brings to a conclusion a cycle that was begun 18+ years ago. The last eclipse in this cycle was in 2000. Previously in 1982 1964 and 1946. Donald Trump was born during a Lunar eclipse Saros Cycle 129 and this eclipse will propel him into some karma he was born to confront.

AQUARIUS symbols

Ruler:  URANUS, modern astrology.

ANGEL; Umabel Angel of friendship

Colors: sky blue

Incense: Violet

Metal: Uranium

Gems: Turquoise, sugilite, moss agate, lapis lazuli, jasper,

Day of week: Wednesday

Flowers: orchids

Herbs; Rosemary, great for the mind. Use rosemary everywhere. Juniper is the red berry of the bush used to make gin. Juniper helps clear the mind of clutter.

Musical note: A sharp/B flat

Body: circulation, ankles and shins

MEDITATION for the rare Blood Moon Aquarius Mars Retro Lunar Eclipse

If you’ve been doing previous Full Moon meditations gather the four candles, color related items and incense.

We are connecting with AIR and the stars. 

Smudge yourself first, cleanse the area you are in. Center yourself and BREATHE. Aquarius is AIR.

Light your four candles one by one starting in the East for fire, this is the cosmological system I use but if you are pagan you begin in the South with Fire. Always move clockwise, wherever you start. Call in the four elements and directions. Call in the Holy Guardian Angels and your own and the Angel of this Moon, Umabel {oomabell}.

Close your eyes. Go into your heart. Visualize a root chakra opening meditation.

With your eyes open or closed look up into the vault of Heaven and see the sky filled with thousands of stars. Each star represents an ancestor watching over you. Every person is connected with a star. Follow a star that attracts your attention. In your mind’s eye travel out from your crown chakra at the top of your head to it. When you reach this Star you will have a higher consciousness  perspective. Look back at the earth, a tiny blue planet on which seven billion individuals co-habit. See how tiny your issues are when faced with the vast expanse of Space.

From this higher perspective it is easy to detach from any emotions, people and situations that have been keeping you feeling stuck, stagnant or blind. Sense the freedom!  Now connect with the spiritual consciousness of the specific star. You don’t have to know which star it is. Open your mind to a new adventure, a new learning curve.  See, feel or sense the Soul of the Star, the Guardian of it, its essence. Ask its permission to speak with you. Open up to dialogue with it. You will have an extraordinary experience if you seek, ask and open your mind. You are always safe and protected.

Ask the Soul Star what you need to release to enable you to integrate your body feelings mind heart and spirit. Be patient, wait.

All you have to do is ask, be open and receive. Always give thanks and be grateful for what you may experience.  Many inventions are triggered from these stellar interactions.  From your Starry perspective make a Fixed vow that you will follow through and earth that new experience, energy, invention and freedom which you have received.  Bring your consciousness back down to earth and know that you can connect yourself anytime you wish to the Star and make wishes on it too.


At the end of every ceremony or ritual you must thank the spirits and elements for coming to be in your circle. You must release each one back to their direction, starting in the East or South, whichever direction you began. Thank each one out loud is best, for participating in the ceremony. For example for fire. Say “Thank you Sacred Sprits of Fire for being here in my circle  in this ceremony and in my heart. I release you back to your direction with great love and gratitude. Ho.”  Repeat for water, earth and air. 

At the end of the ceremony say, “May the circle be open but unbroken. May the love of the Star Goddess be ever in my heart. Thank you. It is finished in beauty. Aho.”

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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888 repeat Aug 17 Triple Infinity

I’ve channeled that the second 888 on August 17 is the real closing of the Lion’s Gate cosmic alignment. The August 8 alignment, 9 days ago had MARS entering Leo, that was the Masculine inception. Traditionally the Lions’ Gate relates to the Dog Star Sirius’ heliacal rise and opens from July 26th the Mayan Day out of time, until August 12th.
The Perseid’s meteor showers and the New Moon in Leo August 14 are all part of this alignment.

Two Triple Infinities, 888 is triple strength KARMA.  Very rare!

 8 is the number of all the directions and 8 x 8 = 64 which is the basis of the I Ching.

888  INFINITY/Karma  is the balance of all positive and all negatives, all pasts and all futures, matter and anti-matter.  The place where both polarities meet, where the past loops and future loop cross-over, that x marks the spot.  That nexus,”THE” SWEET SPOT” is actually what the Hindu’s call NIRVANA which is the in between breath, the void, the Now. This marks the spot where we can get access to full consciousness of all dimensions.

We are able to be in the ETERNAL  NOW-as co-creators, awakened beings living in a multi-dimensional awareness. You remember this don’t you? This is a huge activation, a triple calibration of INFINITE possibilities. 

In the Tarot # 17 is THE STAR 

Milky Way Goddess Milk is stars in Heaven

Goddess’ Milk is the Milky way Galaxy

“We are stardust, we are golden, and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.”
– Joni Mitchell 1969  

There is nowhere to go, we are already there. There is nothing to strive for, we already have it all, have experienced it all,with every incarnation we have ever been in. All pasts and all futures are blend in the NOW that we choose to create.  This is the point of INFINITE POSSIBILITIES. Perhaps you could call this the real time wave Zero points.

888 looks like the coded strands of our DNA. I have been getting visions of our DNA being activated to charge up to higher vibrations. The three infinities  symbolizes the three worlds, the “as above” the cosmos, the heavens, the “so below” the ancestors, and the normal conscious every day world. The Holy Trinity – the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone.  

The Dark Moon August 14-17
is also the influx of powerful dark Goddess Feminine energy   Kali, the black Madonna, Lilith, Hekate are the powerful Goddesses to call upon to bring massive change karmic cord cutting and acceptance of our shadows around the rejection of the earth and the Divine Feminine. These Goddess archetypes are  fearless and do not bargain.  I have been having this image of KALI menstruating on the Empire State building for days now.  These Goddess bend to no man. KALI hacks off the ego. Call upon her fearsome power, Kali Ma. I am reading reports about ISIL using rape of young girls as a way of recruiting new terrorists because ” It makes the raping extremist better muslims” also that pick up artist wanting to legalize rape in private! They couldn’t manage to shut him down here in Canada though. How disgusting. 

On August 17  we get to close the 888 gateway by tuning into the Feminine energies. The light and the Dark for balance.  We have a closed loop, an Orobouros snake. 

Oroborus, alchemy

You get to create your NOW. No one else can do that for you. ONly YOU.

August 17 is my 19th wedding anniversary and the 28th year since the original Harmonic Convergence in 1987! A virtual Saturn return almost since the original one. I was in Sedona Arizona for the first time, living there, after being called by spirit to come. Then I found out about Harmonic Convergence. I was on Bell Rock doing a 7 point meditation. It was awesome. 

Let me know how your 888 experiences are going. I am feeling very high and very low. 

I am still cutting karmic cords for people tonight.

Integrating 888

When we live in the NOW, we can change and make decisions on pure instinct, from pure soul desires. We don’t need to plan, we need to live totally on the edge, riding the cosmic wave, trusting ourselves that we are being guided. The head will go ????? but don’t let that stop your true impulse. The Now is very much the FOOL who symbolizes enlightenment the divine zero in the Tarot. 

I am going to SEDONA Arizona from September 13 to do ceremony and ritual and prayers for the earth and all her children beginning on the next New Moon, September 13 on a Part. Solar Eclipse. This is the start of the SHEMITAH year. Venus will just beginning to move ahead Direct. There are many auspicious planetary alignment. I have been told I need to be there to anchor 8 new Feminine Archetypes for the last six months. I know I need 7 women there with me. Do you also feel this call, Hear it in your heart whispering through your soul?  If so then simply trust and book your flight to Phoenix and on to Sedona. This is a design it yourself retreat. You can choose which accommodations you like. I can help you to find which best suits your needs. Bring your sistars,  

I will be working with other healers, shamans, sound healers, my friends and colleague has a  John of God crystal bed in Sedona. 

WRITE TO ME RIGHT AWAY TO secure your spot. A deposit is required by September 1st. or text me 416 230 5347. An interview is required. we need to get acquainted first. 

Please share widely

all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with Tara Greene


Thinking out loud. Teenage dream-not, Astrology

ok folks, I am writing every day. It is very demanding. I need to focus on my larger projects, my book which I need to get back to writing. I am thinking out loud with the Moon in GEMINI. I have my natal Mercury in Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic Center and my mind never stops.

I am also starting to write short astrology weeklies for another company- announcement about that comes out soon.  

Let yourself breathe a little. We will face an other super power TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE on April 4th,  A 4 /4 gateway of POWER, that’s what the 4 stands for in the Tarot, the four elements, which I will write about. It’s  double “whamo-s” for the 7 Uranus Pluto’s squares and a Biblical prophesy of the Blood moon, Easter weekend of Resurrection and Passover.

wham-o Astrology Tara Greene

New codes will be available to download.  I always like it when Passover and Easter co-incide like in the original story of Easter.  don’t you? Watch the 10 commandments for the umpteenth time and see Moses/Charlton Heston’s hair get higher and higher as he gets more commanding. 

The recent astrology transits are affecting me too.The last solar eclipse at 29 Pisces/0 Aries  affected my natal Chiron by a square at 1+ degree of Capricorn in my 2nd house.

I am currently under Saturn square my North Node in Pisces at 5 degrees and conjunct my 6 degrees Sagittarius Moon. I am tired. I like many others and the world will get this big transit next November exactly. It feels like  Saturn, the lead weight verse the lighter than air Pisces NEPTUNE Dream.  a lot of you born in the early 80’s are feeling this and having your first Saturn return too.

It’s NOT the teenage Dream but the opposite- the Middle Age dream but don’t dream it’s over.

Maybe life will turn into one of my childhood dreams which was like a musical. Like the Umbrella’s of Cherbourg a 60’s French film starring the beautiful Catherine Deneuve where everyone sang every line of dialogue. Like GLEE extended.  That would be very PISCEAN creative, sound healing… 

I have lots of clients these days. It takes a lot of energy to see clients to help assist them and to do phone readings.  I listen to their stories and i get intimately involved in them and yet must keep healthy boundaries. Many people are in need of mourning for parents they have lost, that has come up a lot as a theme the last few days and it reminds me of the loss of my own parents and my mother-in law’s recent passing which is affecting my  husband a lot.

Most powerful aspect Wednesday MArch 25  is SUN TRINE SATURN in the afternoon

Do stay positive, SUNNY SIDE UP UP UP , yes the world seems to be going to hell in a handbasket,  aim higher. Breathe in the sun. Walk on sunshine.

Later in the day Moon in Gemini is squared by Chiron and MERCURY in PISCES its own ruler. 

HEALER heal thyself.

Look at where you have been too busy in GEMINI fashion to be present with your own wounds, fears and vulnerability. 

I sense a lot of deep shame and self- rejection and guilt coming up to be healed. 

MOON ENTERS CANCER MArch 26 @ 3:45 pm EDT 

makes an inconjunct with Saturn late PDT – next day EDT.


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with Tara

 Thinking out loud- Ed Sheeran 2014 

If it takes forever Umbrella’s of Cherbourg 1964 – 

Equinox Solar Eclipse part 2. Blood Moon Blackout

March 20 Solar eclipse part 2.

PISCES is the souls of all beings. It rules the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS of all humans on the earth and during a Solar Eclipse the unconscious is “blacked out.” This is like experiencing a collective amnesia although its effects work in reverse. The black out period is a mirror of our own dark side. That which wasn’t loved or accepted, the wounded child, the anger, fear, or split off part. These are our own collective shadows, we all have them each one of us. The fear of being lost and alone in the dark, cast out, rejected, in separation from Source.

Don’t be afraid of the Dark, the Void, death, the bogeyman, Kali, Lilith, Hekate.  The dark is part of the light. Don’t be afraid to accept your own darkness which is not evil, just split off emotional experiences.

The veil of darkness is actually a mirror for the Light. It is actually a “WHITE IN” equivalent to a BLACK OUT.

Pisces has these two sides as its symbol . The two fish swimming in either direction. PISCES is our cellular consciousness and the cells of our bodies. We carry the emotional memories of the beginning of all life, just as the oceans do. We carry the original carbon bits of stars which originated from the beginning of the Universe within us. We are the Cosmos, the cosmos is us..

During the total eclipse we can actually re-experience the emotions of coming into the physical plane from Light into matter, like falling stars, comets and meteorites. We can plumb the depths of our cellular memories during the blackout and re-member who we really are and HEAL our splits, our darkness, our fears, our jealousy, our anger,  and our traumas and become whole again. As we always were. 

Stay very grounded as we are being washed with these very powerful CME’s and plasma waves the last few days. Stay focussed on manifesting  your dreams into reality. 

we are at the end of the cycle. Everything that has happened is in the past. Like that hit song from FROZEN – LET IT GO. 

Your creative visualization and your feelings can create the world you want to see. Do it. stay focussed on that vision. 

Do take the one hour to MEDITATE at the EXACT blackout time. 5:36 am EDT- 6:28 am EDT

Go into the DREAM TIME the eternal and uncreated and create from there.

We are all in this collective dream together. 

Connect to your authentic self now. The old skin is being shed, you have outgrown it, like a snake.

The Ourobouros symbol of the snake eating its own tail is also the symbol of the eternal round, the circle of life, the 360 degrees of the Zodiac.  

OUROBORUS alchemical symbol Tara Greene

We are renewing ourselves, at this solar eclipse, like the Phoenix. As the old cycle ends, a new cycle begins.


on releasing all obstacles. I am including a GANESHA mantra which aids in releasing all obstacle and protects at end of article by Deva Premal. 

Smudge before the eclipse time. Have candles, incense, to smudge and clear yourself before you begin. Have water and bowls for pouring water. 

Use RHODONITE CRYSTALS or Celestite, or any blue or green crystals or Amethyst or pearls.

The first part to the Totality of the eclipse. This is the “Blackout”, the acceptance of the dark and blessing and releasing it.

Pour water over your hands into a larger bowl as you chant OHM,

Continuous release all emotions or blocks in your conscious and unconscious and from the Collective unconscious. State so mote it be.

One hour after the eclipse, the Moon is Void of Course. Meditate for an hour on bringing in the new. This is the receptive part.

Moon  enters ARIES @ 6:28 am EDT. This  symbolizes a new emotional beginning. 13 hours later as the SUN contacts the  Equator and symbolically enters Aries.  

We are part of this UNITY which has always persisted and will never be extinguished.  

13 hours later as the SUN is on the Equator and symbolically enters the Sign of Aries. @ 6:45 pm EDT.

map of solar eclipse Tara Greene

THE ASTRO-CARTOGRAPHY MAP of the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE pinpoints where on earth the blackout effect hits the hardest as the Moon blocks out the Sun’s light darkening the skies.

THE AREAS where various “planets” combines are the strongest. The Astrocartography map shoes the SUN and MOON combined energy lines running right through the Pacific Ocean south of Valdez Alaska, and right through the Atlantic Ocean over Guyana South America,cutting a swathe right through Brasil which is beginning to experience water shortages. The other line is south from eastern Finland east of  MOSCOW, through the Ukraine,right through central Turkey , SYRIA, Eastern Jordan, south through Ethiopia.

The ZENITH POINT of the Moon is right in the middle of KENYA, Africa=very strong.

The SUN AND MOON go south over Central Eastern Asia, through North KOREA, the Philipines and  right through the Middle of Australia.

NEPTUNE the ruler of the Eclipse goes south through Northern Europe right through WARSAW POLAND and goes north south through Central Africa. Neptune also descends through the Eastern coast of theU.S. south through the Caribbean, Venezuela and leaves at the Southern Peru,Bolivia, Chile nexus which is considered to be the North Node of the earth’s spiritual energies now according to Drunvalo Melchizedek. This point moves every few thousands years. It used to be centered in India and Tibet, now it is in South America.

Saturn Neptune and Mercury converge north of TIBET at 101 degrees East 38 degrees North. MARS and Neptune converge at 57 degrees North which is north of MOSCOW.

WATCH for these spots to LIGHT UP even more after the Eclipse. 


 Your comments are welcomed.

All writing is copyright of Tara Greene


get  Your SPRING 2015 reading with Tara

OM Gam Ganapataye Namaha  

Super Blood Moon PISCES Last degree Solar Eclipse

I am still feeling the huge plasma ejection that came from the Sun yesterday which had me and my family literally unable to move all day. Were you feeling it? They made beautiful green aurora’s for St. Patrick’s day up in the Northern Hemisphere.

TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE MARCH 20 at the LAST DEGREE of the ZODIAC indicates we’ve been ‘dere done dat.

Yes, this is the end of the world as we know it and that’s a great thing. 

Its also the EQUINOX one hour later-

Friday’s SUPER TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE is a SUPER MOON and a “Blood Moon” and many apocalyptics and fundamentalist Christians are figuring that the world will end on March 20 but I don’t think so. Many Zionist Jews in Israel also see these blood moon’s as fulfilling Biblical prophesy. Especially as this Solar and the next April 4 Lunar Eclipse co-incide with Passover and EASTER.

And the Sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.” (Joel 2:31)

Previous Blood moons of the current cycle occurred April 15 and October 8 2014, and will occur again April 4 2015 and September 28 in 2015.

TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSES’s mark very powerful new beginning whose effects are felt a few days before and up to a year afterwards.We will also  be feeling the Uranus Pluto square energy from March 16/17 as well and  for the next year a they will be with in two degrees of each other. This makes everything way more INtense.

The eclipse occurs FRIDAY  2:36 a.m. PDT/ 5:36 am EDT/ 9:36 am GMT.

The eclipse is most powerful where it has the most visibility and it is smack dab full right on the North Pole. Santa Claus is getting eclipsed. It will be visible in Iceland, the most spiritual place on the planet. It will be seen in Great Britain and Europe and the entire Northern half of Africa and east across Asia. Just because we won’t see it here in North America doesn’t mean we won’t feel it.


Total SOlar Blood Moon eclipse path Tara Greene

Dark Red is total visiblity down to white -none.

THE EQUINOX occurs an hour later at 3:27 am  PDT/ 6:27 am EDT/ 9:27 am GMT- i’ll write about that separately. New beginning comes immediatly.

All eclipses are in numbered cycles which re-occur every 18+ years.

This Solar eclipse is part of the Saros cycle 120 which lasts a total of 1262.11 years. These Solar eclipses are all connected to the Descending South Node of the Moon. The series began May 27, 933. The series ends with a partial eclipse in the northern hemisphere July 7, 2195.

This is the 61st of 71 in total in this cycle.

Here’s a list of some years this Saros Cycle of Eclipses occurred. To give you an inclination of its power as a Harbinger.

– 1492 Columbus discovered America for Spain.

Three happened during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth the 1st in the 16th Century

– 1798 during the French Revolution.

-1925 as Hitler was coming to power.

-February o4, 1943. The Pentagon was completed. Ghandi started his hunger strike. Hitler declared all out war on all Jews. George Harrison was born, three weeks later.

-February 1961 when President Kennedy assumed his Presidency.

-February 1979 The ISLAMIC REVOLUTION threw out the Shah. Note this area is being re-activated. The Soviets invaded Afghanistan.

-March 9, 1997 Comet Hale-Bopp, Princess Diana dies, President Clinton re-elected. The first Harry Potter book published. Hong Kong handed back to China from Britain.

SIGNIFICANCE- THIS IS THE END of a major 26,280 year cycle! If the Sun progresses 1 degree every 72 years, that’s how long it takes for the Sun to move the 365 degrees of the Zodiac!

THis is the end Tara Greene astrology

This TOTAL solar eclipse needs preparation.

This eclipse signifies a HUGE SHIFT and ending in all things governed by PISCES.


The two fishes swimming in either direction are the YIN YANG, the inseparable duality of spirit and matter, fear or love which are actually only ONE.

PISCES governs addictions, illusions, delusions, denial, avoidance,religious fanatics, glamour, HEALING, WHOLENESS, Hollywood, images, drugs, hallucinogens, shamanism, ANGELS, all water sources, belief systems, trust, faith, romance, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, soul mates, martyrs, Christianity, mental health, ghosts, dreams, creativity, blurred lines, brainwashing, false gurus, psychology, x-rays, prisoners, administrators, everything unseen and untouchable, fog, Alzheimer’s, amnesia, tantric sex, the Beloved, compassion, forgiveness, charity, kindness, art, poetry, music,spirituality, feelings, enveloped by source, BLISS.

 PISCES is the most spiritual of all the signs. Mutable water shape shifts to become whatever it touches. Water in a glass becomes the shape of the glass. Water breaks down all hardness. Water is emotions, the oceans, the womb, the SOURCE, the end and the beginning of all Life. 

PISCES energies are those of the dream, psychic, empathic, 6th sense, the pineal gland,  intuitive, clairvoyant world. Pisces governs the 6th and 7th chakras those which have recently been activated by the Uranus Pluto squares.

At the 29th+ degree we have learned all we need to know about this set of teachings, these lessons and this journey. Symbolically we have  completed the entire journey and will return to SOURCE. It is the Sabian symbol of Archetypalization.

Check out where 29+ degress of PISCES is in your natal chart. 

Like the WORLD in the TAROT Trump # 21 we have finished the karmic lessons.

I have felt a lot of old grungy emotions and shadows come up in the last while, really deeply embedded stuff. Friends of mine have corroborated this. Feelings of shame, projections, abandonment, all the core issues are bubbling up to be felt, witnessed and cleared for an entire new cycle to begin. This is good.

 Start Wednesday to prepare.

Write down a list of everything and aspects that you want to bring to completion in your life.  See this as an opportunity to die before you die so you can awaken. Old habits, regrets, addictions, false worship. Feel all the emotions fully don’t be afraid, you will be enveloped by unconditional love, then understand intuitively why you have chosen to experience them and then let them go.

ALL IS ONE- everything that exists is a hologram of GOD, the Oceanic consciousness. We must know the truth and feel the truth, for ourselves. We wont need any outside authorities of any kind dictating to us what to do.

This is a huge opportunity for the COLLECTIVE to wake up. The last 5,000 years of cultural lies is ending.  All the religious lies, all organized religions – Christianity, Muslim , Jewish have been distorted, all the brainwashing done throughout the last 5,000 years- is over. We see the LIGHT directly.

We are all made in God/Goddesses image we all connect to the SOURCE individually we need no outside authority, Source is immanent in us and in nature.

We need to wake up from the government lies which are everywhere in  media,text books, news update. We don’t know what history really is as it has been skewed by the few to fuel their point of views.  

We can only accept that which FEELS RIGHT to us. But we need to be purified and clear and we have been polluted.

LIVE YOUR SPIRITUAL ESSENCE in the earth plane now.

WATER, drink lots and lots of water. Bless it before you drink it. Start to live from a spiritual perspective in everything you do. You are a spirit connected to source, never not connected. Your body is Holy, your words are Holy, your actions, your walk, what you put your energy to.

Sex is sacred and women are HOLY. They need to stop being treated like objects for men’s pleasure.

The water is precious, and we are mainly water and water already is the most important resource we have. The oceans must be cleaned up, our right to pure water must be guaranteed.

Glamour is an addiction, and a denial. An end to all this AVOIDANCE and denial of being in the NOW of our own lives. An end to all this misplaced lower level consciousness towards Kim Kardashian, reality shows,  fantasy, porn, worshipping media, rock, film and sports stars over anyone else is totally ludicrous. None of any of this matters one iota. not one. Cell phone computers, and all the buzz keeps you from being aware of the subtleties of reality.

What matters is your feelings and flowing with other of similar vibration to uplift all.

No drugs are really needed to commune with source, to have a baby with, or to keep you healthy if you are living right. Psychic healing will become much more accepted in reality. As people free themselves from false Gods, the Medical establishment, big pharma. NO more worshiping , the doctors, or paid off scientists, the “cure for cancer.” etc.

You deserve to follow your bliss, Do you have an ideal of a UTOPIAN culture? We must focus on what is spiritually essential first. No one person accumulates wealth. Everything is shared and no one is left out.

Your healing is assured, your existence means you are a part of ALL THAT IS, you are here to be love, to love and receive love every moment.

Material things do not matter. We create the new world from LOVING BLISS. That is PISCES. 

Breathe in the Love, know your SELF to be INFINITE. 

RUMI solar elcipse Tara Greenen


ALL Writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading from TARA

RUMI- Didn’t I tell you?  

Hot spots on the Blood Moon Lunar eclipse

The countdown is on  for the 2nd tetrad of BLOOD MOON Lunar eclipses  October 8.

Yes many people are saying this is another Armageddon warning, Ancient Jewish prophesies. NO,its a reigniting of the April Eclipses.

eclipse blood moon tara greene

see links for times in your area of the world below

I don’t think so. We are still birthing the new. There is no time left except NOW to do that.

A reader responded on this blog asking what good  could come from the eclipse landing in her boyfriend’s chart who will have the 15 degree Aries eclipse point with Uranus Moon and South node conjunct his natal Mars Mercury and Venus in his  9th house. Here is what I replied.

No matter where the eclipse will be affecting you personally in your natal chart. It is all good. The 9th house for example,  is a house of learning, of taking the high road, of travelling, seeking, honesty. The planets, Sun and Moon are just matter as energy – not inherently bad. It can appear “difficult” or challenging but that is a matter of interpretation. All that matters is your response to it. Your guy and you and all of us have free will choice to make of it what we will. We are the co-creators

This can be a potent releasing of past actions, ideas,communications, philosophy, belief systems, values, anger, etc. Yes it is all good. The eclipse on your Descendent which is 15 Aries? Well then a powerful opportunity for new freedom, revolutionizing your relationships and how you project yourself into the world, in business. The 7th house is all “others.”  Much good can come out of it. It may seem like all hell is breaking loose while it is in process though. Uranus is the God of chaos, but chaos is creative, the power to shake up the old order to make way for new growth, like a wildfire burns down forests to make way for new growth.

Yes we are starting another round of GRAND CARDINAL CROSSES at 14 + degrees ARIES. 

We have endured 5 exact Cardinal crosses since 2012. 

The 6th is on December 15  2014 at 12+ degrees Capricorn/ Aries with URANUS still Retrograde.

the 7th and final one is on March 15 2015 at 15 degrees Aries/ Capricorn. I am writing a longer article about that now.

Virtually the same degree as this TOTAL Lunar Eclipse. This total eclipse sets the tone for the next 6 months and longer.

VENUS is connected intimately to the Sun and she is pushing for love to conquer all, diplomacy, or at least we should all act civil and nice at  10 degrees Libra which is a big help and softens the intensity. Love conquers all. 

URANUS is dancing cheek to cheek with the Moon. This is emotionally chaos, shock and jaw dropping awe. DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING kinda stuff. Busting out of the old emotional molds. Yeah the mouldy ones.  Deep cleansing time on all levels. Breathe through it. Welcome the change, LET IT GO, be like Robin Williams character from the FISHER KING.

Mars in Sagittarius is the Aries eclipse ruler.

this symbolizes Passion and taking action for knowledge, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Jupiter/Sagittarius is the symbol of the Spiritual Master teachers. TAKE THE HIGH ROAD.  Aim for truth, justice, freedom, adventure, education.  If your life is too corporate than be a gypsy, live life on the road.  Pursue loftier philosophies, understand the entire world’s various spiritual truths. Mix and distill what feels like the correct path that is right for you. Trust your intuition. Mars in Sagittarius is the mystical road. You don’t need science to explain it to you. You just need to know.


preparing for an upbeat battle with Uranus the Moon and the South Node for support. 

Forget having an emotional seat belt. That’s not the way to go. 

Lets check out the astrocartography map of the world to see which planets are aspecting  HOT SPOTS 

astrology Blood moon eclipse Tara Greene

THE SUN AND MOON and Uranus go right through NORWAY, down through Prague and south through WEST AFRICA. 

and continue to cross over western Indonesia Padang,  Malaysia.

Pluto and the North Node crossing over Chengzhou China.

North Node MARS and Neptune cross over LAHORE INdia. Perhaps some new spiritual transformational energy coming from there.

MARS is on the IC right through central Canada west of Regina Saskatchewan, descending south-east of Denver Colorado, south through Guadalajara Mexico.These areas are explosive.

Mars Ascends through MONROVIA AFRICA near to where the EBOLA virus began, though the Western Sahara region of  West Africa through Tunisia right through VENICE Italy through Prague, right through WARSAW POLAND  across LATVIA, over North eastern Russia.  NORTH  of DELHI INDIA, descending through SAPPORO Japan, and east of Vanatu.

Venus is on the mid Heaven through Hamburg Germany straight south through Africa.

PLuto and Venus cross south of LIBREVILLE Gabon.


cross through Carolina and over Nassau in the Bahamas-through Cuba and right through the Caribbean. I’d go there for intense romance. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

PLUTO and the NOrth NOde- fated quality cross north over the Cook ISLANDS in the Pacific.

PLUTO ascends through west africa through Ankara Turkey polotical unrest there-right through Sevastopol and through the UKRAINE. Big trouble there.

There is some SUN MOON activity on the very west of Alaska  and west of the Falkland islands.- 

feels earthquakish to me.

The Moon and URANUS criss  cross through LIMA PERU and up through western Columbia. Civil unrest and some earthquake activity.

Chiron goes right through Guinea in West Africa showing major health concern from EBOLA in the world

SATURN ascends through Florianopolis Brazil upwards through Brazil and descends through Russia down through, Seoul Korea, Papua New Guinea, and then Sydney Australia.Some tough governmental tests and struggles there.

SATURN is also on the IC right through Prince Rupert British Columbia Canada. PIPELINE with Indigenous peoples? NO WAY.

Saturn is on the midheaven through IRAN.= well we know that. KARMA old insert.


I will be outside at night in Sedona here doing ceremony, making a special Elixir of the Blood Moon eclipse energies. I will build an alter, a ceremonial circle and create the tincture under the eclipse to help move the energy with the aid of the Sedona red rock vortex energies. I will only create a small limited edition. It will be ready in about a month. If you’d like to buy some please email me

The tincture will help anyone move through stuck residual emotional energies while the eclipse energy is in effect 6 months to a year..

LINKS to see time zones of lunar eclipse worldwide


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Find out how the eclipse will be affecting you over the next 6 months get a reading with Tara Greene


Super Blood Moon Aries Lunar eclipse

REMEMBER how crazy the energy felt during April’s eclipses? Don’t fear the upcoming Super Blood FULL Moon LUNAR ECLIPSE October 8 although it will be BAZINGA!

Yes it packs a huge wallop but is also extremely creative, freeing and supported by some mighty  positive aspects.

It’s Yom Kippur in the Jewish Calendar the Highest Holy Day of the Year. The day of Atonement or at one ment.  We have attoned for our sins and beginning a fresh cycle. Aries is the first sign.

The SUN is in Libra at 15+ degrees, the sign of  arts and balance. Air sign of the mind. The South Node of the Moon, is at 19 degrees Aries, a fortunate degree of our collective past. We can let go..Moon is opposite the SUN.  

Venus, close to the Sun at 10 degrees Libra, the Goddess of Arts, LOVE and female creativity, GRACE, beauty, balance.The beautiful planet adds a powerful feminine energy balancing out where Mars was in April. Venus brings the ability to negotiate, diplomacy. We need that now with WAR escalating in Syria ISIL and what all.

Neptune, Transpersonal Planet, the Higher Octave of Venus, is in its home in Pisces. This is the Divine, the spiritual source of all creativity. Pisces is the ocean, the emotional oneness, Bliss, dissolving the ego through communion.

Uranus is in Aries, still Retrograde. A Transpersonal planet of revolutions, freedom, invention, pioneering, new technologies, higher consciousness, detachment. Uranus rules Aquarius, the sign of universal humanity. Aries is fire, the sign of Initiation, ignition,the  masculine force of Life. 

Jupiter is a Personal Planet. Jupiter expands whatever he touches. In Leo the sign of creative self-expression, giving love, big-hearted, being the Queen or King of your life. Leo is also the sign of the child. Leo is fire, passion, desire.

Mars the masculine planet of action, war, sex, masculine creativity is in Sagittarius. The three are forming a GRAND TRINE a super positive energy creative booster.

This is the balancing point to the April Grand Cardinal Crosses which had Jupiter Mars, Uranus and Pluto in that tight evolutionary crux.

The Eclipse is at 3:50 am PDT/ 7:50 am EDT is visible fully from all the West coast of the U.S. and Canada.  The Eclipse will be visible over Eastern Australia,Northern Japan, parts of Russia and China.  see map 

Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse map Tara Greene

All Lunar Eclipses occur ONLY on a Full Moon and with the Moon’s Lunar nodes in close proximity.  THIS IS A SUPER MOON ECLIPSE, the MOON will appear BLOOD RED. This Moon’s cycle of October is known as The Hunter’s Moon. 

The Eclipse occurs at the most potent 15th middle degree of ARIES. With Uranus almost exactly conjunct at 14 degrees 29 Retro and Moon close by. This is an EXPLOSIVE, fomenting, radicalizing, injection of NEW LIFE FORCE energy.

It’s DYN-O-MITE! on a spiritual level. The protests going on in Hong Kong for democracy is preceding the eclipse energy.


These Total eclipses are in tetrads, groups of fours, which is rare.  The first was April 15  at 25 Libra, this one, the next April 4, 2015 at 14 degrees Libra exactly opposite this one and finally  September 28 2015 at 5 degrees Aries. These TOTAL eclipse tetrads have only occurred three times in the last 500 years. Each one heralded major events in world history, particularly to the Jewish people.

The first one was in 1493, one year after Christopher Columbus discovered America, The Spanish Inquisition exiled the Jews from western Europe. The second one was in 1949 when the State of Isreal was born. The Third was in 1967 during the six day Arab Isreali war and gained more land.  These eclipses conincide {Cohen?} with major Jewish Holidays as they are tied to Lunar calendars.

Blood may flow more than usual in these regions over the next 6 months to a year.

Uranus conjunct the SOUTH Node and the Moon. The old patriarchal JEWISH religion is associated with the Age of Aries the RAM 4,000 years ago. The Ram’s horn is blown on Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement. Judaism and later Christianity overturned the old Matriarchal natural order. That cycle needs to end now.

VENUS will EXACTLY Square PLUTO- Rise of the Feminine

the next day at 11+ of Capricorn. The FEMININE needs to step into her power NOW.



Old Female roles are changing. Women are not chattel, sex objects, men do not have any rights to own women in any way. All old traditional ideas of marriage and women’s roles are undergoing total revolution.  Notice the F word FEMINISM being bantered about lately? Emma Watson’s moving speech at the U.N. about men stepping into the Feminist movement is Right on. The aspect is Exact on April 11.

Uranus is RETROGRADE so we are re-calling,re-invigorating the Goddess and her ancient worship back now to save the earth and all her children. The Goddess was imminent as Mother Nature, as all women, and mothers, and symbolized by the Moon, and as Venus. Individual women need to step up and claim the issue that inflames her heart-Children’s rights, women’s’ rights, GMO’s, education, health, politics, ecology.

A square of PLUTO and Venus is a huge POSITIVE energy shift in the Cardinal Squares, which began in 2012, the 6th and 7th are yet to come. 

The power of LOVE over the Love of power is what this Lunar eclipse signifies.  How about just LOVE POWER..

Th Grand Fire Trine is all Masculine energy

And it has the Asteroid JUNO at 14 degree Leo closeto Jupiter at 17 degrees.

JUNO was Zeus’s faithful wife in Greek Mythology. But her origin is that of FEMALE wisdom, or feminine genius. That is what is being supported by the Masculine Fire Trine.

Men need to tune into their own intuition and feelings to learn the trust and to trust women. CHIRON is also square Mars at 14 degrees PISCES. The old sacrificial martyrdom is over and a shining new chivalrous honoring of the Feminine philosophy is being born.

Jupiter is sextile the Sun  and the Sun is sextile to Mars, all very supportive.

The Moon was always associated with a Rabbit.  

In Chinese, Buddhist, Aztec, Japanese and Native American mythologies the image of the Rabbit sacrificing itself in relation to this Blood Hunter’s Moon is coming to my mind.  The rabbit is timid, fertile, feminine and symbolizes fear. 

NApoleon Brousseau rabbit Moon Astrology Tara Greene

Rabbit Sacrifice painting by Napoleon Brousseau 

What fears do you wish to sacrifice, offer up at this Lunar eclipse?

We will be overwhelmingly emotional on this Lunar Eclipse. We need to release, let go of, surrender, give up old emotional ties that have bound us is the evolutionary energy.

We are meant to be free.  Embrace freedom and the unknown. 

Be brave, the Grand Fire trine supports this. 

See my Grand Fire trine article on keeping up this 10 day ritual leading up to the eclipse.

Next up. Scorpio Partial solar eclipse Oct 23 at ZERO degrees Scorpio. Many new rebirths supported.

Remember the Universe always has your back.


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a spiritual reading from Tara Geene

more art by Napoleon Brousseau –