January 13, good dirt, wet dreams, it’s complicated

Venus in Sagittarius trined Uranus in Aries Jan 12th.  That’s a FIRE TRINE, easy passion.

This aspect holds for the next day. If you are a LEO this affects you Big Time @ 16 degrees. 

Lovers will need space, freedom, let ’em go.  Set out on new adventures and bravely go where no one has gone before.

MOON sails into Blissful PISCES Jan 12-14

Pisces, Islamic Astrology, Tara Greene

Islamic Astrology image

Remember that LILITH in LIBRA at 15 degrees is squaring PLUTO and opposing Uranus!!!

– see my Lilith article –https://infinitynow.wordpress.com/2016/01/09/fated-capricorn-lilith-new-moon-begins-2016/

This is Intense heavy energy. LILITH is the projection of the original Vampire succubus archetype. Legend has it that she makes men have erotic wet dreams so she can take their semen and create monsters every day. Pay attention if she appears in your dreams these days. 

Moon squares Saturn in SAgittarius in the afternoon to sober things up.


@ 2:49 pm PST/ 5:49 pm EST/10:49 UT.  23 degrees earth signs. TAURUS with planets at these degrees get the big ticket.

The SUN comes out and shines brightly big time. The golden ticket is inside you. This is a  lucky positive shiny good and dirty sweet. 

Good aspect for making long-term plans to conquer the world, cleaning your house and feeling sunny in your body and on your patch of earth. 

Venus squares Chiron in the late afternoon

Be careful of saying too much.

The Pisces moon sails on to sextile Pluto a very audacious thing to do.

The weeping compassionate Moon Conjuncts Chiron @ 10:22 pm PST 

We should allow ourselves to cry and feel vulnerable. We are still mourning David Bowie’s death, an unexpected loss. I keep crying over his death and even though I wasn’t a huge crazy fan it was his bravery, his mature Capricornian soldiering on to face his fate. Looking Saturn and Pluto -which were both heavily aspecting his natal chart, Dancing with Mister D as the Rolling Stones put it- straight in the eye and making and art piece out of it.

David was born with Moon conjunct Pluto and Saturn in Leo in his natal chart. He lived his public life as a piece of theatre.  He was a true artist to the core of his soul. I don’t think anyone can ever match him. A truly unique character. Perhaps he was really the man to fell to earth, an enlightened alien space man and he was simply telling us the truth. He had Venus in Sagittarius after all.

Moon squares VENUS @ 10:54 pm PST/ Next day EST

stay in touch with your compassion and speak your truth. .  

Please share widely

All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com

ASHES TO ASHES – DAvid Bowie  

Super Blood Moon PISCES Last degree Solar Eclipse

I am still feeling the huge plasma ejection that came from the Sun yesterday which had me and my family literally unable to move all day. Were you feeling it? They made beautiful green aurora’s for St. Patrick’s day up in the Northern Hemisphere.

TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE MARCH 20 at the LAST DEGREE of the ZODIAC indicates we’ve been ‘dere done dat.

Yes, this is the end of the world as we know it and that’s a great thing. 

Its also the EQUINOX one hour later-

Friday’s SUPER TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE is a SUPER MOON and a “Blood Moon” and many apocalyptics and fundamentalist Christians are figuring that the world will end on March 20 but I don’t think so. Many Zionist Jews in Israel also see these blood moon’s as fulfilling Biblical prophesy. Especially as this Solar and the next April 4 Lunar Eclipse co-incide with Passover and EASTER.

And the Sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.” (Joel 2:31)

Previous Blood moons of the current cycle occurred April 15 and October 8 2014, and will occur again April 4 2015 and September 28 in 2015.

TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSES’s mark very powerful new beginning whose effects are felt a few days before and up to a year afterwards.We will also  be feeling the Uranus Pluto square energy from March 16/17 as well and  for the next year a they will be with in two degrees of each other. This makes everything way more INtense.

The eclipse occurs FRIDAY  2:36 a.m. PDT/ 5:36 am EDT/ 9:36 am GMT.

The eclipse is most powerful where it has the most visibility and it is smack dab full right on the North Pole. Santa Claus is getting eclipsed. It will be visible in Iceland, the most spiritual place on the planet. It will be seen in Great Britain and Europe and the entire Northern half of Africa and east across Asia. Just because we won’t see it here in North America doesn’t mean we won’t feel it.


Total SOlar Blood Moon eclipse path Tara Greene

Dark Red is total visiblity down to white -none.

THE EQUINOX occurs an hour later at 3:27 am  PDT/ 6:27 am EDT/ 9:27 am GMT- i’ll write about that separately. New beginning comes immediatly.

All eclipses are in numbered cycles which re-occur every 18+ years.

This Solar eclipse is part of the Saros cycle 120 which lasts a total of 1262.11 years. These Solar eclipses are all connected to the Descending South Node of the Moon. The series began May 27, 933. The series ends with a partial eclipse in the northern hemisphere July 7, 2195.

This is the 61st of 71 in total in this cycle.

Here’s a list of some years this Saros Cycle of Eclipses occurred. To give you an inclination of its power as a Harbinger.

– 1492 Columbus discovered America for Spain.

Three happened during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth the 1st in the 16th Century

– 1798 during the French Revolution.

-1925 as Hitler was coming to power.

-February o4, 1943. The Pentagon was completed. Ghandi started his hunger strike. Hitler declared all out war on all Jews. George Harrison was born, three weeks later.

-February 1961 when President Kennedy assumed his Presidency.

-February 1979 The ISLAMIC REVOLUTION threw out the Shah. Note this area is being re-activated. The Soviets invaded Afghanistan.

-March 9, 1997 Comet Hale-Bopp, Princess Diana dies, President Clinton re-elected. The first Harry Potter book published. Hong Kong handed back to China from Britain.

SIGNIFICANCE- THIS IS THE END of a major 26,280 year cycle! If the Sun progresses 1 degree every 72 years, that’s how long it takes for the Sun to move the 365 degrees of the Zodiac!

THis is the end Tara Greene astrology

This TOTAL solar eclipse needs preparation.

This eclipse signifies a HUGE SHIFT and ending in all things governed by PISCES.


The two fishes swimming in either direction are the YIN YANG, the inseparable duality of spirit and matter, fear or love which are actually only ONE.

PISCES governs addictions, illusions, delusions, denial, avoidance,religious fanatics, glamour, HEALING, WHOLENESS, Hollywood, images, drugs, hallucinogens, shamanism, ANGELS, all water sources, belief systems, trust, faith, romance, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, soul mates, martyrs, Christianity, mental health, ghosts, dreams, creativity, blurred lines, brainwashing, false gurus, psychology, x-rays, prisoners, administrators, everything unseen and untouchable, fog, Alzheimer’s, amnesia, tantric sex, the Beloved, compassion, forgiveness, charity, kindness, art, poetry, music,spirituality, feelings, enveloped by source, BLISS.

 PISCES is the most spiritual of all the signs. Mutable water shape shifts to become whatever it touches. Water in a glass becomes the shape of the glass. Water breaks down all hardness. Water is emotions, the oceans, the womb, the SOURCE, the end and the beginning of all Life. 

PISCES energies are those of the dream, psychic, empathic, 6th sense, the pineal gland,  intuitive, clairvoyant world. Pisces governs the 6th and 7th chakras those which have recently been activated by the Uranus Pluto squares.

At the 29th+ degree we have learned all we need to know about this set of teachings, these lessons and this journey. Symbolically we have  completed the entire journey and will return to SOURCE. It is the Sabian symbol of Archetypalization.

Check out where 29+ degress of PISCES is in your natal chart. 

Like the WORLD in the TAROT Trump # 21 we have finished the karmic lessons.

I have felt a lot of old grungy emotions and shadows come up in the last while, really deeply embedded stuff. Friends of mine have corroborated this. Feelings of shame, projections, abandonment, all the core issues are bubbling up to be felt, witnessed and cleared for an entire new cycle to begin. This is good.

 Start Wednesday to prepare.

Write down a list of everything and aspects that you want to bring to completion in your life.  See this as an opportunity to die before you die so you can awaken. Old habits, regrets, addictions, false worship. Feel all the emotions fully don’t be afraid, you will be enveloped by unconditional love, then understand intuitively why you have chosen to experience them and then let them go.

ALL IS ONE- everything that exists is a hologram of GOD, the Oceanic consciousness. We must know the truth and feel the truth, for ourselves. We wont need any outside authorities of any kind dictating to us what to do.

This is a huge opportunity for the COLLECTIVE to wake up. The last 5,000 years of cultural lies is ending.  All the religious lies, all organized religions – Christianity, Muslim , Jewish have been distorted, all the brainwashing done throughout the last 5,000 years- is over. We see the LIGHT directly.

We are all made in God/Goddesses image we all connect to the SOURCE individually we need no outside authority, Source is immanent in us and in nature.

We need to wake up from the government lies which are everywhere in  media,text books, news update. We don’t know what history really is as it has been skewed by the few to fuel their point of views.  

We can only accept that which FEELS RIGHT to us. But we need to be purified and clear and we have been polluted.

LIVE YOUR SPIRITUAL ESSENCE in the earth plane now.

WATER, drink lots and lots of water. Bless it before you drink it. Start to live from a spiritual perspective in everything you do. You are a spirit connected to source, never not connected. Your body is Holy, your words are Holy, your actions, your walk, what you put your energy to.

Sex is sacred and women are HOLY. They need to stop being treated like objects for men’s pleasure.

The water is precious, and we are mainly water and water already is the most important resource we have. The oceans must be cleaned up, our right to pure water must be guaranteed.

Glamour is an addiction, and a denial. An end to all this AVOIDANCE and denial of being in the NOW of our own lives. An end to all this misplaced lower level consciousness towards Kim Kardashian, reality shows,  fantasy, porn, worshipping media, rock, film and sports stars over anyone else is totally ludicrous. None of any of this matters one iota. not one. Cell phone computers, and all the buzz keeps you from being aware of the subtleties of reality.

What matters is your feelings and flowing with other of similar vibration to uplift all.

No drugs are really needed to commune with source, to have a baby with, or to keep you healthy if you are living right. Psychic healing will become much more accepted in reality. As people free themselves from false Gods, the Medical establishment, big pharma. NO more worshiping , the doctors, or paid off scientists, the “cure for cancer.” etc.

You deserve to follow your bliss, Do you have an ideal of a UTOPIAN culture? We must focus on what is spiritually essential first. No one person accumulates wealth. Everything is shared and no one is left out.

Your healing is assured, your existence means you are a part of ALL THAT IS, you are here to be love, to love and receive love every moment.

Material things do not matter. We create the new world from LOVING BLISS. That is PISCES. 

Breathe in the Love, know your SELF to be INFINITE. 

RUMI solar elcipse Tara Greenen


ALL Writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading from TARA http://www.taratarot.com

RUMI- Didn’t I tell you?  

Valentine’s Day Horoscope, Erotic Bliss

There is a RARE cosmic love download of Spiritual BLISS EROTIC love and ONENESS from Heaven this day. I swear the people behind 50 shades of Grey must have used an Astrologer’s advice to open on V Day. Yes it is a day of romance, eros, showing Love and buying out all the roses on the planet. We must also remember that the original Valentine was a Christian -no pun intended who was a martyr. 


The Lovers, art Tara Greene

EROS, PSYCHE, VENUS and MARS align in a foursome

 Valentines day will be VERY EROTIC and HEAVENLY BLISSFUL as the asteroids EROS and PSYCHE, the archetypal lovers are exactly conjunct at 21+ degrees of Pisces the most spiritual of all the signs. They are conjunct to VENUS , 1 degree and to Mars, four degrees away! 

Valentines day Horoscope Tara Greene


Also there is a GRAND FIRE TRINE in effect early in the day while the Moon is still in Sagittarius making everyone feel hot. It’s like twin flames but a threesome.

Saturn in Sagittarius is Squaring Neptune in Pisces

Yes Saturn is always a challenge but Saturn is also the laws of Manifestation and reality. These energies are about manifesting your dreams. Pisces is AGAPE, spiritual love, unconditional love, forgiveness, non-ego love, tantric love.

All of your highest spiritual longing for oneness and union are real. Feel it, know it. Inspire others with your passion.

So do celebrate with loved ones. Let those you love know it. It doesn’t have to be all commercial. 

Pisces energy is very creative and creativity is sexual and erotic. Dance, sing, play, act out. Indulge your soul and your body. 

Every sign is contacted by one or the other of the planets on Valentine’s day. No one will be left out. 

If you are solo don’t feel sad. It’s a perfect opportunity under these auspicious aspects to practice connecting to the Inner Beloved, the one who never leaves you, who can’t desert you, who has always been with you and who will always accept you and love you unconditionally. This is your Higher Self. Be good to you, give yourself a loving gift. YOU are fine, trust that love will find you as you accept yourself. Remember if you can’t love yourself and be happy with who you are when you are alone, you won’t be able to have a loving, spiritual relationship with anyone else. 


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

GET A RELATIONSHIP READING with TARA http://www.taratarot.com

Most romantic erotic dance 

Thinking out Loud- Ed Sheeran  

Tarot bytes horoscope advice,from Tara Greene

I am writing a book which has many chapters, all about various spiritual and psychic events, episodes, interests.

PISCES FULL MOON highlights spiritualized realization, channelling, open dimensions, telepathy, compassion, COMPLETION.

Here’s some short ‘n sweet, well some may not be too sweet,   Horoscope bytes for the PISCES FULL MOON

Moon Goddess Tara Greene

 and I’m choosing a Tarot card for you for each sign


Full Moon in your SOLAR 12th house, cleanse those filled to bursting karmic closets, release, give thanks> Compassion is an important step,not to be overlooked.

TAROT CARD – 3 of swords – don’t overthink  it, Neptune may be making you off balanced. dream on it.


Full Moon in your solar 11th house. Say goodbye to old relationships & habits, I know its hard for you bullish ones, but its time, Just let them dissolve and build new

Tarot Card- 7 of WANDS – be courageous, you have the old tyme valour in you. So the right thing.


Full moon in  your 10th house of career, Fame. WOO HOO! Are you too uncommitted to succeed? Do you self- sabotage? Think it through, ponder it as deeply as you can, ask your unconscious to connect to your conscious mind and  release old concepts.

Tarot Card -4 of Wands- completion of a cycle, new beginnings, confidence, go with it.
 Full moon in your 9th house of higher learning, travel, foreigners, teaching, restlessness. You get a lovely Water Trine. It’s Important for you to learn to receive. You must nurture yourself.  Go for that big journey, vision quest. It’s safe and the right time to leave home feeling strong and supported.
Tarot Card-Princess of Disks – You are pregnant with possibility, Very fertile, Ground your bliss. Forgive yourself too.
Full Moon in your 8th {Scorpio} house of sex, power, money, resources, change. Let go of ego pride, it’s keeping you  stuck. Vulnerable Tenderness is  the coolest power to have. Open your heart, dance a dance of open-hearted strength.
Tarot Card- 4 of Disks – all about heart power, a strong foundation. Grounding authentic worthy goals.
Full moon in your 7th house of relationships, marriage, business, all “others,”  Serious connections, marriage, partnerships. Your dream of finding a soul mate is being realised. Let go of always taking care of business and doing everyone’s work.  You don’t have to be a hermit.
Tarot Card – 6 of swords- analyze the science of spirit, discover scientific basis for physics and spirituality where they merge. Focus on connecting.

The Full Moon is in your 6th house of health, work, service, pets, community.  Where are you overdoing it for others, yes it’s a Libra trait, but being  a doormat for others needs is out of balance. See it, drop it, achieve balance. Raise your boundaries. Redecorate your office. 

Tarot Card- The POPE/Hierophant Trump # 5 Use your Venus gift to speak your truth. In that way you can be of greater help to others as well as yourself.


Pisces Full Moon in your 5th house and in easy Trine. The house of love affairs, creativity, sex, cheating, denial. Are you a sex or porn addict? in denial? Sexual healing for you. You need to go to rehab. Forgive yourself for your own pain, release the past. Give it up to God, confess and go clean. Its much more rewarding.

Tarot Card- Prince of WANDS- like a house on fire!  summon up your will to win. To be truly your best with an open passionate heart.


Full Moon in your 4th house of  self, home, mother, emotional  security. The perfect time to allow old wounds, forgotten memories, to rise & be cleansed like bubbles and float away. This house is the foundation of yourself, the womb.it’s very healing. The Great Mother loves you unconditionally. You know this.  Call on spirit to help you. Your prayers will be answered.

Tarot Card-Ace of Wands- arise like a butterfly out of the cocoon of past wounds and fly high. New inspiration,


Full Moon is in your 3rd house, of communications, strategy,  choices, airing out ideas. HAving beginner’s mind. Who do you need to forgive in order to grow?  Where has your thinking become so rigid you can’t see new possibilities? Dissolve rigidity to see all is new.

Tarot Card- 2 of Disks/pentacle- CHANGE- it is Jupiter in Capricorn, change is the name of the game, it is strength.


Full Moon in your 3nd house of self esteem, assets, tools, money. What do you think and feel you are  worth? Open to your emotions, your feelings have value. Learn to trust your sense impressions. There are other kinds of intelligences in the body. Think with your feet.

TArot Cards- 10 of Disks/coins/pentacles – wealth, material success, hitting the jack pot. INtegrating all aspects of you makes you invaluable.


Full Moon is in your 1st house. You are the way shower.  Healing your self first. Expand your intuition,  spirit channelling, Tarot, dreams, mysticism, dreamwork. These are all your natural gifts. Just listen, Its is all there. You are in your element. Release all negative entities now. YOur intention is all, call in the Archangels and God’s/Goddess love and light to surround you.

Tarot Card-The CHARIOT Trump #7 Protect yourself from taking on other peoples’ emotions. You are in the driver’s seat now. Nurture and protect your connection with spirit. 

That’s all folks. I wish I could write all about my day. 


get a mini reading SPECIAL with Tara for this full moon cycle- http://www.taratarot.com

all writing copyright Tara Greene 2013-infinity.

SHAKE IT OUT- Florence and the Machine