Winter Solstice and 2015 preview

Solstice. The word means Sol=Sun, stands still. The Sun appears to rise and set at the same location on the horizon for three days. It really should be spelled SOULSTICE. It is an ancient wiccan/ pagan/Germanic tradition called YULE. Al indigenous peoples celebrated in the participation of the turning of the wheel of time. It is the REBIRTH of the LIGHT, in the northern hemisphere. The Christian religion couldn’t eradicate the ancient practice, so they made this into the day of Jesus’s birth -Christmas. This time also marks the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia.

The two major solstices of the year are extremely powerful times to download new DNA encodings and contemplate new beginnings for the next 6 months. This is the real New Year to celebrate. 

The second 2014 solstice IS LIKE- YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET


Its just a few days after the 6th exact Uranus Pluto square. We are already walking on broken glass and shattered dreams. 

There is a NEW MOON to further hammer home the new beginnings motif. 

The preview, the day before Solstice is a new nuance in the ongoing GRAND CARDINAL CROSSROADS saga.


VENUS, the beautiful planet of women, love, wealth, beauty, relationships and balance is in Capricorn at 14+ degrees and SQUARING URANUS which may be just as painful as it sounds. She is also conjunct to PLUTO at 12+ degrees of the practical sign of reality, wealth, power and corporate structures.

WOMEN will lead the revolution! They are ready to take back their power in the world and confront old PATRIARCHAL- Plutocratic platforms which rule every single aspect of our world- religion, culture, beauty and take them down to build a new world in the upcoming revolution.


Venus rules $$$$ Bling and PLuto is the SUPER BIG BUCKS, The Koch brothers, Federal reserve, etc. The two planets are opposite the U.S. Natal SUN and also square to its natal Saturn at 15 degrees of LIBRA- you know what that means-KARMA, laws, justice, balance. Venus rules Libra BTW.  I would expect another  major financial crisis to hit the fan or to start an avalanche.

Mars is also sextiling Uranus from Aquarius,they are in mutual reception.  Mars is in Uranus’s home sign and Uranus is in Mars’s home sign. This further puts the speed to: LIQUEFY.


URANUS U-TURN @ 2:45 pm PST/5:45 pm EST

URANUS turns DIRECT in motion after being RETROGRADE since July 21. Planets are always at their most powerful as they station to change direction. Can you hear the screeching?

URANUS rules protests, liberation, revolution, freedom, chaos, Hi- tech inventions and there have been protests the likes of which we haven’t seen since the 60’s over Ferguson and the Staten Island killing of a black man negligently by police who weren’t indited for murder. The revolution is just going to get bigger with Uranus moving direct. I am so happy about this.

WINTER SOLSTICE is at 3:03 pm PST/ 6:03 pm EST/ 11:03 pm GMT

The Winter Solstice occurs during a Void of course Moon, since 4:35 am EST.

As with all Void Moons, it is a very spiritual time, a good time to do mundane things.

phases of the Moon tara greene

The Moon enters earthy, patient, practical, mature Capricorn at 5:25 pm PST/8:25 pm EST.

The NEW MOON occurs ten minutes later at 5:35 pm PST/8:35 pm EST/ December 22 at 1:35 am GMT at Zero degrees 6 minutes..


Of course all Aries, and Capricorns with planets at the middles degrees are getting personally affected by these energies. Also those born on the first few days of all of the Cardinal Signs- ARIES and LIBRA.

SCORPIO born at the very last days are also feeling much pressure as are all LATE FIXED SIGNS- TAURUS, LEO, AQUARIUS too.

GEMINI is getting quincunxed from early to mid degrees by the Capricorn energies.

LEO’s born August 13-17 are also feeling hard hit with Jupiter’s Retrograde as are AQUARIANS born Feb 13-17. Leo is also Qunicunx to Venus and Opposite Mars. You Lions may be feeling it financially, in the heart and of course the chaos.

SAGITTARIUS your time is coming up soon. Neptune is on your case anyway plus Chiron.

VIRGO – take a break for now. Can you? EARLY VIRGO get Saturn rapping your hard working knuckles soon.

THE NODES of the Moon are squaring Venus and Pluto and the South Node is conjunct Uranus.

Uranus/South Node to Venus, women and power, PLuto is a a huge green light signal to jettison the past. All the old scripts, the religious make belief stories about Eve, which define women as lesser than man, as his subordinate, chattel, just sexual orifices for male satisfaction, objects, feared and scorned will be shredded. 

Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn is at the very last “critical degree” of Scorpio, also indicating an end to a sex and money cycle about misuse of power, secrets,control, manipulation, the psyche, the shadow. Saturn in Scorpio is dealing with all the sexual fear, and unconscious emotions which govern us until we become conscious which is Uranus’ role.  The Uranus Pluto squares are to make us humans with real higher consciousness of ourselves each other and our world.  We have been acting mainly unconsciously.

THE ASTRO-CARTOGRAPHY MAP of the world shows where the Solstice HOT SPOTS triggers are most powerful.

astro map Tara Greene

 The “planets” and what they symbolize will show their powers on the spots they touch.

THE SUN and the Moon are North/South straight through South Africa on the West side going through Namibia,Central Africa, Niger and Western Libya near Tripoli. Continuing North through Venice Italy, near Zurich, Prague,and North through OSLO Norway. Nobel Peace prize ruckus anyone?

The Sun Descends through Fairbanks Alaska, right through the ALBERTA TAR SANDS and Fort McMurray. I predict there will be major protests here against the Tar Sands and with the Canadian government. This Continues near Edmonton Alberta,the Sun cuts a swathe south through America exiting at NEW ORLEANS. I feel there is a serious earth shake up coming to this entire Mississippi area. The Sun setting on the Tar sands indicates it is calling it quits time and moving to SOLAR power.

Sun descends through CANCUN Mexico, through ECUADOR, BOLIVIA and  PARAGUAY the new conscious and politically aware,fastest growing economies in South America relatively and the Sun’s path travels near Montevideo and finally exits at Mar Del Plata in Argentina.

The Sun Ascends through Indonesia, Singapore and Macau and up norther eastern China.

PLUTO VENUS with Uranus nearby meet in the Guyana Highlands. Pluto and Venus cross in Raleigh North Carolina and north near Detroit,Buffalo, Thunder Bay in Canada and up through FLIN FLON, yes that a real place in Manitoba. Travels North to Fort Good Hope up in the Far Northern Territories of Canada, Land which will be challenged as to ownership as the arctic ice melts. They travel through Finland, Belarus, Romania and Bulgaria.

PLUTO VENUS and the North Node cross at Bontang Malaysia.

Jupiter and Pluto cross near Yellowknife.Venus Mercury Mars the Moon and Pluto are all applying pressure to the oil and mineral rich territory of the northern parts of British Columbia. Saturn is sitting on VALDEZ ALASKA, OIL SPILL ANYONE?

URANUS AND VENUS cross exactly through ISTAMBUL TURKEY indicating economic unrest here. Venus continues west of Alexandria Egypt.

THE NORTH NODE travels through Ankarra Turkey and right through Cairo Egypt.

MARS travels through Uzbekistan and Mashhad Iran. 

Saturn and the Sun cross in Saudi Arabia, Saturn going right through Iraq and up through Georgia.

Saturn Ascends through the Maldives through central India and Nepal  and crosses with Chiron in the Xinjiang area of China.

Uranus goes right through the UKRAINE indicating more turmoil in this entire region. 

URANUS And the Moon cross in Zengxhou China.The Moon is the people so expect protests, and revolution in this area.


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with Tara for your 2015 forecast

CROSSROADS- Eric Clapton/Cream 1936 Robert Johnson 






WORLD WATER DAY MARCH 22 join in global prayers

We are 70% water. The earth is also 70% water.

All life on earth evolved from the Oceans. All marine creatures, especially sea mammals, whales, dolphins, orcas are our literal ancestors. Even if you are a fundamentalist Christian, you still need to have fresh water to drink.

Every human started their existence inside their mother’s womb in saline amniotic fluid, a microcosm of the macrocosm. Our tears, our sweat, our blood, urine and sexual fluids are water.


world water day Tara Greene Toronto

Indigenous people’s will be gathering at various locations in the United States, Canada and other parts of the world to pray  for the precious waters that all life forms are made up of and we all need to live.

Drought in California, Africa and other parts of the world threatens our food supplies and thousands of people die every year in increasing numbers from lack of water to drink or to grow crops.

The FUKUSHIMA nuclear disaster now three years old has severely contaminated the Pacific Ocean and that contamination is reaching the Western U.S. and Canadian coast now. The Pacific Ocean is the largest in the world, and mysterious die offs of fish and whales are being recorded in higher numbers.

The World’s oceans have plastic null spots filled with refuse of modern societies plastics addictions.

Our present technological lifestyle is blindly ignorant to the negative effects it is having on the fresh water supplies of the world which are also dwindling rapidly. Pollution from the Alberta Tar Sands in Canada is creating havoc with the land and water and creating soaring cancer rates. Damming up of rivers endangers fragile ecosystems.

What happens when there is no more fresh clean life giving water to drink? We cannot survive without adequate  water to drink and adequate rain to grow food, and nourish all the plants and animals on the earth.

Our thoughts and intentions create and affect reality on a quantum level. As Dr. Emoto has demonstrated a thought of love changes the structure of water to a harmonious balanced state. As the Indigenous elders pray for rain, and pray to cleanse the waters you can join in your intentions and prayers wherever you are

PLEASE JOIN IN @ 3:00 pm your local time

Whatever your religious beliefs are, please add your prayers for the waters. If you can be near a  body of water, river, pond that’s great. You can simply use a glass of water. One drop is connected to all the drops. The ocean refuses no river.

MEDITATE on the water that you are made of. Give thanks for the rain and oceans.

Send your prayers from your heart to cleanse and purify and make abundant,the oceans lakes and rivers of the world, to your local water, the aquifers under the earth, the springs.  Also pray to the Sky and the air to be cleansed of pollution, so that the clouds bring rain.

There will be world-wide events all year from

I will be joining in and offering a ceremony to heal the waters at Lake Ontario in Toronto and joining my prayers with the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and the rest of the groups world wide. 




Leave your Louboutin shoes at the Gates of Hell from Tara Greene

These are intense times folks. 7 days till the showdown at the NOT OK AT ALL Corporate ranch.

what happens on Jan 30? see below-  A RARE BLACK SUPER MOON!

VENUS initially MADE LOVE TO PLUTO, Lord of Death, sex, power and Rebirth on NOVEMBER 15 2013 at around 9 degrees of Capricorn when she was moving straight ahead. DID YOU FEEL IT?

You got planets their kids? Lets hear from you.


Dec 21 2013,she was at 28 degrees 59 minutes Capricorn..

VENUS in CAPRICORN, in any direction, is all about LOVE OF POWER & CORPORATE SUCCESS, {a BIG lie for women.}

It’s also about mature love, serious mating, cool detached yet earthy sensuality.

Romancing the stone. Capricorn is the earth itself. Goat Love. PAN LOVE. Fetta cheese etc.

As VENUS in her proper business suit is RETROGRADING back to the PLUTONIAN CORPORATE UNDERWORLD

she makes a menage a trois, over the next few weeks to mate in a near opposition with JUPITER, BIG DADDY on January 31 as she turns DIRECT,at 13 degrees 33 minutes Capricorn.

Sounds incestuous? It is. Wreaking with it.

NOTE THAT SPOT on your charts!

JUPITER in CANCER is also Retrograde till early March. So this three’s company is expansive,optimistic.

JUPITER in Cancer is all about returning to TRADITIONAL feminine values, of relationship, nurturing, family, children, home. This is NOT CHRISTIAN fundamentalism. No.

But in an entirely new way for women to have it all and on their terms. NOT the present terms though at all.

But we have to go through the DEATH and rebirth process first.

The FEMININE must REBIRTH HERSELF, return to connecting with the heart of DIVINE FEMININE Energy

with the earth, roots, all things in natural order, nothing artificial, PACHAMAMMA, they call her in PERU.

This is a COSMIC metaphor-the Modern incarnation of the Goddess INANNA voluntarily descending into the underworld of BIG BUSINESS. aka HELL.

EACH women must strip herself – no pole dancing ladies, in an initiation, of all her false values,  nails, boobs, liposuction, Botox, $800 Louboutin shows, Cartier jewelry, fake tans and other Fortune 500 signs of hollow excess/success.

She must get rid herself of Patriarchy’s fear of her power and her misguided insecurity and Masculine false values and embrace her once and always true, honored position as nurterer of all life giving things.

SHE MUST find her TRUE SACRED SELF once again. 

EVERY individual woman must come face to face with her own participation in the wholesale selling of,

her greatest gift, the Selling out of her DIVINE FEMININE SOUL, her true sexuality, her values, her intuition, her body…  in order to pay the high price tag of pseudo- admission to belong to the OLD BOYS CLUB.

It’s a dark, dangerous, shadow laden voyage where we witness and own our own depravity, greed, excess, glamour, false power. Love it and let it go.Then she can rise again as a more real, fulfilled, initiated GODDESS Women.

“EVERYTHING comes from the FEMININE and nothing is ever done to harm the children.” TWO SACRED LAWS.

This is a total spiritual inversion and reimmersion.

SHE/you  don’t have to whore herself out,  don’t have to kow tow and sell out her essence, the FEMININE values wholesale to the corporate world ever again..WITNESS JEFF BROWNS WRITINGS.

MEN this goes for you as well. Your soul, called the ANIMA is always FEMININE.  Look at where you have also sold your self out for false illusions of power, success, greed and divorced yourself from nurturing and being vulnerable.

We must find the TRUE FEMININE SOUL VOICE. For all women world-wide, brought up in 5,000 years of Patriarchal brainwashing in every quarter must now learn to listen to their own bodies, their intuition, their deep selves, their true selves. AND SAY NO NO and NO and YES YES YES to new values. That’s VENUS.

All each one of us has to do is listen within. See the Baloney that we have been sold. IT’s all pervasive. Dump that programme. Have ethics, values, a sense of right and wrong. The 20th Century has been a case of greed, glamour, false values and a disaster. 

It’s a huge struggle, VENUS in CAPRICORN is also LOVING and preserving the wealth of the earth itself with PLUTO it is about the death of corporate ownership of the land, if we are to survive as a species.

Witness NEIL YOUNG’S recent stand against the robber barons and Canad’as PM HArper against the Alberta Tar Sands waste land. Farmers protesting MONSANTO, the occupy movement, the Native rights movement, the deep ecology movement, David Suzuki, OPRAH herself,

Andrew Harvey’s SACRED ACTIVISM, JOANNA MACY, STARHAWK, DEENA METZGER, Marion Williamson, who is now running for Congress in CALIFORNIA. To name a few.

DO YOU GET THIS?  I Am totally impassioned about this.

Black Moon Tara greene

JUPITER ,VENUS and PLUTO are almost exactly aligned on January 30th the NEW MOON which should properly be called the Dark MOON. We can use this time to create MAGIC, to change everything.

It’s a Super Moon and a rare BLACK MOON. Two NEW MOONS in one month.

Won’t happen again for years. The ancient pagans/wiccans would have called it a BLACK MOON as it was a very sacred time.

The BLACK MOON, not the same as Lilith, but associated by the darkness aspect.

The BLACK MOON is the Moon’s most traditionally FEMININE, most mysterious, magical,time.

Before electricity and when women lived closely in small towns or tribes they all menstruated at the same time,

during the BLACK MOON. This was the time of the RED TENT, moon lodge or menstrual yurt hut or cave usage.

Women would retreat together, to honour their sacred blood and feed and nourish the earth, with their sacred flows.

It was a well known fact that all women were considered SACRED, the origin of the words “taboo” when bleeding,

and at the height of their psychic powers, so men were in fear and awe of their sacredness. 

SACRED PRIESTESS Would make love to men to cleanse them on the time of the Black Moon,

therefore its reputation as being “dark” sinister and associated with later Patriarchal put downs.

THE BLACK MOON TIME is SACRED to the GODDESS HEKATE she of the three crossroads.  

HEKATE is an  ANCIENT chthonic, pre-Olympian Goddess

she rules over the earth, the sea and  the sky. A VIRGIN GODDESS, she belonging to no man.

She has the power to create or hold back storms,

she rules magic, spirits, the dead, sorcery, the DARK MOON,childbirth, often accompanied by dogs, and horses, 

she sits in judgement of Kings, those who worship Her are gifted.

So use this time wisely over the next 7 days, a sacred number to prepare for this auspicious SUPER BLACK MOON.

I will create an instruction Video and have a tele seminar ready hopefully as well.

ANY QUESTIONS about the BLACK MOON< your role? 

PLEASE PLEASE SHARE WIDELY it is so important that women take back their true feminine power,

Blessings, TARA Greene

all writing is copyright Tara Greene

get a reading with TARA GREENE







Eidolons,Trance Paintings, Must See Art show Napoleon Brousseau, Toronto

Napoleon Brousseau Lincoln art painting

Napoleon Brousseau

 Fascinating portrait paintings of apparitions from the imaginal realm

inspired by Walt Whitman’s poem, “Eidolon”.

I met a seer,

Passing the hues and objects of the world,

The fields of art and learning, pleasure, sense,

To glean eidolons.


Napoleon Brousseau spent several years in trance meditation states, painting and stalking these elusive eidolons and fantomes which he has so powerfully pinned down in this series of nineteen portrait paintings. The paintings scintillate and respond to the viewers gaze, largely because of Brousseau’s “roll, grind, roll, brush,repeat” technique he created in order to wrestle his subjects down into the dimensions of each work.

Each painting expressing each phantom’s own intriguing individuality and personality. One is a Christ like apparition, another a chimeric mask. The portraits appear to tangibly push forward into the viewers’ space, trying to enter into our dimension.Viewing each one is fascinating encounter and leaves an enduring impression, they are quite unforgettable.

Abraham Lincoln appears and disappears from behind a chain link fence,the dividing poverty line. “Mister Bitumen” beguiles us with his bulbous reflective death mask floating ominously over a ghostly skull. Mister Bitumen was inspired by the environmental damage of the Alberta Tar Sands.

“I began from a meditative process, I held an ideal and went searching, rolling and re- rolling multiple layers of paint. When the ghostly image finally revealed itself,I sealed it in epoxy. Then I ground down the paint and resumed rolling more layers in search of more details ” Grind,roll, repeat, the process took a long time.

Napoleon Brousseau is well known for his giant ant sculptures adorning the Museum of Canadian Contemporary Art in Toronto and The Cameron House, a famous local art bar. Napoleon collaborated with Fastwurms which presented innovative eco installations worldwide. Brousseau is a world traveler who has shown and created continuously, working in many mediums- which always confronts the viewer with a distinctive perspective from the usual way of seeing the world.

A seasoned veteran of the Toronto art scene. Brousseau devoted most of the last seven years to Art Directing his new media eco fundraising project “SEED” which uses cell phones interactively to co-create digital trees which raises funds to plant actual trees in urban settings. Seed has been presented in Canada, the US, China, Australia and The McMichael Art Gallery, Kleinburg 2012.

This is a MUST SEE show. At the new Robert Kananaj Gallery

Show opens: November 8 – Dec 8 2012

Napoleon’s website: