Rainbow Bridges, Earth Day Trines

Rainbow bridge astrology Tara Greene

VERY RARE double and quadruple rainbows appeared April 21 in Long Island, New York

Rainbows have always symbolized rainbow bridges from Heaven as answers to prayers.

 “As above so below”  they are a sacred bridge between the earth and the heavens.

The seven colors of the Rainbows are the same as the chakra’s in our bodies.

If you have been praying for a sign. This is it.

If one person  photographs this, they are one cell in the body of all of our awareness and consciousness. We are one Galactic Human. 

If you are reading this then your prayers have already been answered. No matter what it looks like. No matter how many obstacles seem to be in the way. We have all received this sign collectively via the web which is a machine created to imitate the real interconnectivity of each one of us with every cell and atom in the universe.

It’s EARTH DAY April 22 

Earth Day astrology Tara Greene

Meditate today about your body being made up of all the elements of the earth. 


Earth Day, Mothers Day, Tara Greene astrology

I had a Freudian slip and I wrote Tartarus which is actually another place like Hades only even further down. It is the Christian form of Hell where the wicked are punished. 

The Mars Pluto Earth trine connects to Mercury today and LILITH in VIRGO. 

The wounded healer Chiron is opposite to Lilith- showing us where it hurts, in our hearts and our souls and on the earth. We will feel where the earth is aching in our own bodies. My lower back has been hurting the last few days.

Chiron is sextiling Mercury Mars and Pluto. VENUS in GEMINI is squaring Lilith, sextiling Jupiter in Leo and creating a YOD or a Finger of God/dess to PLUTO.  Pluto and Chiron are forming a Finger of Yod back to Jupiter in Leo. YOd’s focus the energy to transformation, death and rebirth.

Saturn in Sagittarius is squaring Neptune in PISCES are dream of a just, honest, natural earthly paradise. 

The Moon is on the NOrth STAR at 27 degrees GEMINI opposite the Galactic Center  at 7:02 pm EDT when Mercury conjuncts Mars. We  can connect with the center of the Galaxy for cosmic infinite wisdom.

The Moon moves into Cancer at 9:25 pm PDT, to make us  aware of our hearts, of the waters of the earth and how we need to protect the waters. We are all birthed from the waters of women’s wombs and the earth needs our protection too.

Everything is connected. 

This is such a powerful earthy trine for this day, now 45 years old April 22 2015.

The awareness of having to honor the earth has gathered but the raping and pillaging of the earths resources has gone unabated, driven by corporate greed. Scientists say that 75% of known fossil fuels must stay in the ground.

The grand trines really makes us aware of our earthly plight and takes us into the bowels of the earth where we can listen to Her Voice. 

Lilith is powerful now. The Lilith in Virgo energy can really clean up any mess. She is just like the earth herself, the same way we rape make invisible and use women is exactly the same way we rape and use the earth. Pluto is the Masculine version of Lilith. She is older than Pluto. Lilith was the original woman. So we need to listen to her deeply, receptive, openly and fearlessly now if we want to get back to the garden. 

We need to anchor this massive transformative energy Pluto is the s-o-w–e-s-t moving planet right now. He rules the lower consciousness of the earth, the shadows as well as the power to transforming them. He is in “right relationship” with Lilith and the mind of Mercury and the actions of Mars and in Capricorn Pluto will move and destroy mountains.. 

On Earth day, and for  longer, some people honor earth week. Really get into your body, do yoga, make sure you walk in nature. Breathe through the soles of your feet.

CEREMONY and ritual and Meditation to honor the earth

You will need corn meal, yellow,white or blue will do. If you can be Out in nature on the earth it is better and if not then at  your sacred alter or space in your home, do this ritual or create your own.

Begin in the East where the Sun rises, call in the powers of the SUN and  offer corn meal to Grandfather Sun and to GrandMother Earth. Tell Grandfather Sun thanks, state why and what you are grateful for. Ask to live from SPIRIT, from the Light, from source, from the stars, and shed light, and consciousness wherever you are. 

ASK: close your eyes, breathe: What part of Light may I shine here to create unity with the earth and the Spirit and the Feminine? How can I live from the sacred FIRE?  stay with this…

Turn clockwise and call in the powers of the South,WATER, and offer cornmeal to the oceans, rivers, lakes and streams. Say prayers to the waters and visualize pure clean radiant energy from your heart to all the waters of the earth until you sense them purified. Send energy especially to Fukushima and other polluted places.  Send prayers to the fish, whales and dolphins, sea lions, narwhals, manatees and other creatures. 

ASK:close your eye, breathe and ask: What can I do to honor my heart,  my feelings and intuition? How can I protect the prescious waters? How can I conserve more? How can we ensure there is clean water for all?

Turn and face West, this is the direction of the EARTH. Offer cornmeal to the Earth Mother Herself. Send prayers to the parts of the earth which man is destroying daily, forrests,through strip mining, toxic chemical dumps, the Alberta Tar sands, in China, New Guinea, Brazil, in the Arctic and Antarctic.  Send your love and deep gratitude for being alive on our beautiful mother which we all have in common.  Send prayers of healing to all living beings, all humans and all creatures alive and all the rocks and crystals.

ASK: close your eyes, breathe and ask: What can I do by honoring my body as a temple and the earth also as Holy Ground, a sacred place? I ask for guidance to love nurture and care for the earth and all the creatures. How can I live and live in harmony on the earth. 

Move to the NORTH, the direction of AIR. Offer cornmeal to the air and sky spirits. Throw it up into the air.  Send prayers to the clean skies, to the tress, winds, birds, clouds, rainbows, storms, thunder and lightning spirits. Send prayers to the hurricanes and tornadoes. Send gratitude for the beautiful sky in the day, the sunsets and dawns, to the gorgeous sky and all the stars at night. 

ASK: close your eyes, breathe: What can i do to breathe more deeply and slowly? How can the air I breathe help raise my consciousness about pollution, deforestation and air quality?  How can I learn to listen to the weather and  the atmosphere and the stars? What can I do to help keep the air clean and pure for the next 7 generations?

Listen for the synchronicity and the answers.


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with Tara  http://www.taratarot.com

Enough Already by my friend Pam Gerrand  

Mother- of- all -that- is- ALive by Lisa Thiel  






WORLD WATER DAY MARCH 22 join in global prayers

We are 70% water. The earth is also 70% water.

All life on earth evolved from the Oceans. All marine creatures, especially sea mammals, whales, dolphins, orcas are our literal ancestors. Even if you are a fundamentalist Christian, you still need to have fresh water to drink.

Every human started their existence inside their mother’s womb in saline amniotic fluid, a microcosm of the macrocosm. Our tears, our sweat, our blood, urine and sexual fluids are water.


world water day Tara Greene Toronto

Indigenous people’s will be gathering at various locations in the United States, Canada and other parts of the world to pray  for the precious waters that all life forms are made up of and we all need to live.

Drought in California, Africa and other parts of the world threatens our food supplies and thousands of people die every year in increasing numbers from lack of water to drink or to grow crops.

The FUKUSHIMA nuclear disaster now three years old has severely contaminated the Pacific Ocean and that contamination is reaching the Western U.S. and Canadian coast now. The Pacific Ocean is the largest in the world, and mysterious die offs of fish and whales are being recorded in higher numbers.

The World’s oceans have plastic null spots filled with refuse of modern societies plastics addictions.

Our present technological lifestyle is blindly ignorant to the negative effects it is having on the fresh water supplies of the world which are also dwindling rapidly. Pollution from the Alberta Tar Sands in Canada is creating havoc with the land and water and creating soaring cancer rates. Damming up of rivers endangers fragile ecosystems.

What happens when there is no more fresh clean life giving water to drink? We cannot survive without adequate  water to drink and adequate rain to grow food, and nourish all the plants and animals on the earth.

Our thoughts and intentions create and affect reality on a quantum level. As Dr. Emoto has demonstrated a thought of love changes the structure of water to a harmonious balanced state. As the Indigenous elders pray for rain, and pray to cleanse the waters you can join in your intentions and prayers wherever you are

PLEASE JOIN IN @ 3:00 pm your local time

Whatever your religious beliefs are, please add your prayers for the waters. If you can be near a  body of water, river, pond that’s great. You can simply use a glass of water. One drop is connected to all the drops. The ocean refuses no river.

MEDITATE on the water that you are made of. Give thanks for the rain and oceans.

Send your prayers from your heart to cleanse and purify and make abundant,the oceans lakes and rivers of the world, to your local water, the aquifers under the earth, the springs.  Also pray to the Sky and the air to be cleansed of pollution, so that the clouds bring rain.

There will be world-wide events all year from UNIFY.org

I will be joining in and offering a ceremony to heal the waters at Lake Ontario in Toronto and joining my prayers with the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and the rest of the groups world wide.