Sabian Symbol Full Moon Sagittarius Moon and Buddha Moon

by Dane Rudhyar


KEYNOTE: The transcendent ritualization of conflict.

Essential to socio-cultural living is the transmutation of man’s natural aggressiveness under most conditions of existence. Many rituals, sports and games have no other basic aim. In chess the complex types of energies which in their togetherness constitute a human person are symbolized by six kinds of pieces (king, queen, bishops, knights, rooks and pawns). The struggle between light and darkness (the Yang and Yin forces) is ritualized, ending in most cases with the checkmating of the king (the ego, the conscious self). In a dualistic world such a contest between polarized forces is omnipresent. The chess game trains men to be more objective, more careful, more aware of whole situations — and less impulsive and intent upon side issues.

This third stage symbol deals with conflict, but at the level of group culture and psychological symbolization. It brings to the objective consciousness the basic realities in interpersonal INTERPLAY.”


there is still time to join Tonight and celebratePlease join me and my very special guest singer and poet Pamela Gerrand Tonight for the WESAK FULL MOON on the SAGITTARIUS FULL MOON 

The full moon in May is said to be the day of the greatest spiritual opportunity in the year. For Buddhists the Wesak festival is the time of the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha. 

Don’t miss your last chance in 12 years to work with Venus giving her best love, beauty, art and creative benefits with Jupiter in Taurus at the last most intense grounded degrees. 29 the final degree of tha sign. 

Neptune, the soul mate and psychic planet of mystery and magic also blessed the pair which Jupiter rules at the 29th last degee of the Zodiac on the Sagittarius Full Flower MOON 

join in a LIVE circle to manifest all your hearts desires. Zoom WOrkSHOP 

May 23rd, 4:30 pm PDT, 7:30 pm EDT, 11:30 pm GMT. Register NOW. Recording will be available if you can’t make it live.

Sliding scale $18-28 Canadian. Pay

$18-22 U.S. Zoon link will be sent

or directly with

Sagittarius Full Flower Moon, Rare Venus Jupiter conjunct at 29

This rare and special Full Flower Moon May 23 at 6:53 am PDT, 9:53 am EDT, 1:53 pm GMT at 2 degrees 55′ of the last fire sign is totally awesome.

With 3 Planets at 29 degrees,

VENUS conjunct JUPTER at 29+ TAURUS

NEPTUNE at 29+ PISCES sextiling the Venus/Jupiter sacred marriage this is a very rare scenario. THe 29th degree of PISCES is the very last degree of the Zodiac, signifying a huge karmic cycle coming to a close. Neptune hasn’t been at this degree since February 14, 1862.

That year The Bureau of Internal Revenue, the forerunner of the Internal Revenue Service, is established in the United States. The Civil War was heating up, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln signs into law the Pacific Railroad Acts, authorizing construction of the First Transcontinental Railroad.

 Charles Dodgson (better known as Lewis Carroll) extemporises the story that becomes Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, for ten-year-old Alice Liddell and her sisters, on a rowboat trip on The Isis from Oxford to Godstow.

Famous Births

January 10 – Samuel Colt, American firearms inventor (b. 1814)

May 6 – Henry David Thoreau, American author, philosopher (b. 1817)

Gustav Klimt, Austrian artist (d. 1918)

August 22 – Claude Debussy, French composer (d. 1918)

October 19 – Auguste Lumière, French inventor (d. 1954)

October 26 – Hilma af Klint, Swedish abstract painter (d. 1944)

December – Peruvian slave raiders land on Easter Island, beginning a decade of the destruction of the society and population on the island.

The Two great Benefics join forces May 23 at 4:29 am EDT at the 29th Degree of Taurus, the ultimate manifesting fame degree.

Venus was called The Lesser Benefic- she rules love, beauty, wealth and luxury, seduction, harmony, art, and war traditionally.

Jupiter, King of the Gods,/Thor, The Greater Benefic brings abundance, over the top, The Wheel of Fortune #10 in the Tarot, expansion, optimism, adventure, truth and justice, philosophy, politics, judges.

Which one do you really think is the lesser one?

Lucky VENUS/JUPITER @ 29 TAURUS MOON May 23 2:24 am – 4:24 am EDT NEPTUNE @ 29 PISCES

What do you have at 29 degrees? of Earth- Virgo and Capricorn-will be in focus in the autumn from September 1-November 16 when Pluto will be sitting at 29 Capricorn for the last time in that earth sing since 2008. All water signs Cancer and Scorpio at 29 degrees get affected.

Venus & Jupiter square 29 Leo this involves Donald Trump’s Mars and Ascendant, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Neptune squares 29 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius.

The 29th or anaretic degree is highly significant and is considered a Fame degree. The 29th degree evokes completion, mastery,or manifesting this energy in a peak performance.

In Degree theory 29 is a Leo degree indicating fame, charisma, leadership, being center-stage, charisma and creativity.

This is quite an awesome significator of major endings, and completions with Neptune at the last degree of the Zodiac, and mutual receptions, Jupiter in Venus’ sign, she is in Tauus, Neptune in Pisces ruled by Jupiter and in its own sign too. Under a Sagittarius ruled Full flower Moon! Thats incredible, won’t happen again for another 12 years.

Sabian symbol by Dane Rudhyar channeled by Elsie Wheeler


KEYNOTE: The personal display of inherited gifts.

A great person able to display a multitude of gifts is always, at one level or another, the consummation of a long past of efforts and victories. As a great occultist once wrote: “Adepts are the flowering of their races and cultures.” The peacock is the bird consecrated to Venus; in occult tradition the Promethean Spirits who gave to animal mankind the divine gift of self-conscious intelligence had come from “Venus” — which may or may not refer to the physical planet we can observe in the sky.

This is the final symbol of the fourth scene, whose Keyword has been given as “Confirmation.” This peacock symbol indeed confirms the social status of the owner of the ancestral estate. It indicates a CONSUMMATION of individual efforts; and it suggests that such a consummation is hardly possible except when a line of “ancestors” — biological or spiritual — forms its base.


Lets look at the Omega and Chandra symbols by John Sandbach

Taurus 30. Beings from many dimensions attracted to an immense white flame. (Omega Symbol)Transforming/Inspired

(Degree Angel: Mitzrael (MITS-ra-EL) Freedom, Internal Reparation)

You sense a pure, central force radiating through the whole universe, and though you may not conceive of it consciously in these cosmic terms, your attitude communicates the feeling that nothing is by itself important, that everything is important in its highest spiritual context, and that we are all truly one, traveling in the same direction toward the white flame of enlightenment.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “Snakes at rest on a rock in the sun.” The highest part of us all is attracted to the spiritual light, just as the snakes collect to enjoy the light and warmth of the sun. Snakes symbolize wisdom, and wisdom, or truth, attracts more wisdom and truth. This degree is indescribably rich, the question is, can the person who has this in their chart accept all this, for the only way to contain it is to let go of limits and surrender to the infinite.

There is an ability here to connect to any and all past lives, for these are what we HAVE (Taurus’ verb is “I have”). As this degree releases itself from all caught and stuck places in these pasts it eventually can come into and share the vast fortune that is the summary of Taurus.

Pleidian Symbol:Strange exotic birds have gathered at the ruins of an old palace.

Azoth Symbol: A yellow diamond in a setting which depicts both the Sun and Moon.

Seed degree: Pisces 20. A truck stop specializing in Gnostic texts. (Omega Symbol). We break through all barriers that divide separate realities, and enter into a deep, timeless and transcendent sharing of the light with all beings.

A perfect black cube sits alone in the desert. (Chandra Symbol). Sensing our containment and isolation in a non-supportive environment, we transcend it to enter into an interdimensional communication with a vast array of consciousnesses.

Fulfillment degree: Pisces 5. Dyers at work with many vats of different colors. (Omega Symbol). From the pure white flame of spiritual purity we extract the many beautiful vibrations with which to serve all needs and delight.

Thousands of gold nuggets glistening at the bottom of a clear stream. (Chandra Symbol). Knowing of the riches that are strewn everywhere along are path, we are able to be at peace and bask in the passing, temporal light.


Do all these beings from far-flung places come to visit the flame because they are cold? Or because they crave its light? Doubtful. More probable is that the flame is a place of meeting, a nexus of clarity, just as white is the meeting place of colors.

See how each being merges with the flame, and then emerges from it clearer and brighter, ready to return to its home.

And see, too, at the top of the flame those sputtering shadows emanating from the tip, like a forboding gas – I wouldn’t look at those strange colors if I were you – as the flame’s blinding, acidic purity carries on its process of digestion.”-John sandbach

Sabian symbol for 30 PISCES by Dane Rudhyar where Neptune is and will be off an on until 2026


KEYNOTE: The power of clearly visualized ideals to mold the life of the visualizer.

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s story “The Great Stone Face” is used here in an allegorical sense to show the capacity for self-transformation latent in man. This power can be developed through visualization, when the emotions and the will are poured into the visualized mental image. At the highest spiritual-cosmic level this is the power used by the God-like Beings at the close of a cosmic cycle in projecting the basic Formula (the Word) which will start a new universe. In a biological sense, it is the power latent in all seeds — the power to produce and guide the growth of the future plant. A most fitting symbol for the last phase of the cyclic process. Within the end of the cycle the seed of a new beginning exists in potency — unless the entire cycle has proven to be a failure.

This is the last stage of the last scene of the great ritual play of cyclic transformations. It brings to us a realization of the power of archetypes as factors conditioning life processes. Thus we could use as a final Keyword: ARCHETYPALIZATION.” –



to MANIFEST All these illustrious energies to manifest your dreams.

Don’t miss your last chance in 12 years to work with Venus giving her best love, beauty, art and creative benefits with Jupiter in Taurus at the last most intense grounded degrees. 29 the final degree of tha sign. 

Neptune, the soul mate and psychic planet of mystery and magic also blessed the pair which Jupiter rules at the 29th last degee of the Zodiac on the Sagittarius Full Flower MOON 

join MAY 23 at 7:30 pm EDT in a LIVE circle to manifest all your hearts desires. Zoom WOrkSHOP 

Don’t miss your last chance in 12 years to Manifest with the PLANETS with BENEFITS MAY 23 at 7:30 pm EDT LIVE on ZOOM with TARA GREENE
Astrology Magic Divine Timing FULL FLOWER SAGITTARIUS MOON

Starring VENUS and JUPITER in a sacred union in TAURUS blessed by spiritual soul mate planet NEPTUNE in PISCES, this is how you manifest all your heart’s desires.

Explanation of the rare and important aspects of 3 planets at 29 degrees and what this means for you and how you can work with it.
Invocation ritual for Sagittarius Full Moon and Guided Meditations
Workshop is recorded

$18-22 U.S. Zoon link will be sent

or directly with with a $4 off coupon

May 23rd, 4:30 pm PDT, 7:30 pm EDT, 11:30 pm GMT. Register NOW.

Recording will be available if you can’t make it live.

KNowing i will see you there

Key Bridge Collapse Astrology and Eclipses

NTSBgov, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

March 26 at 1:28 am EDT a huge Cargo ship named DALI a containership sailing under a Singaporean flag that was heading for Sri Lanka apparently lost power and turned and rammed into a footing of the Baltimore Key Bridge which collapsed it.

Six men have been presumed dead. It is a miracle that more people were not killed. The tragic chain of events began early Tuesday when the cargo ship Dali notified authorities that it had lost power and issued a mayday. moments before the 984-foot vessel slammed into a bridge support at a speed of 8 knots, which is about 9 mph. The live camera footage was like WTF! it looked like a LEGO set going down. London Bridge and Baltimore Bridge and all the bridges,Diddy Bridge are falling like Dominoes.

Nearly eight years ago,-a VENUS cycle, to astrologers- the Dali was involved in an accident. In July 2016, it struck a quay at the Port of Antwerp-Bruges in Belgium, damaging the quay.

Eclipse season had started less than 24 hours before this bridge collapse. A Libra Full Moon eclipse is all about karma,relationships and what is our of balance.

Eclipses are connected through the Nodes of the Moon.

Lets look at the Astrology Chart.

I included the Asteroid DALI #2919 named after the famous Spanish surrealist and of course it’s sitting right on the Descendant on the horizon line in GEMINI, which is about thieves, merchants and tricksters, opposite the Sagittarius AC which I always think of as the ship’s prow.

The same YOD or finger of God which I spoke about regarding the Eclipse energies in in effect between Saturn Venus in PISCES and JUPITER and URANUS in TAURUS quincunx the Moon in LIBRA. The Moon is the underwater, the unconscious realms, hidden, mysterious, the watery womb from which all humans are birthed from and where all life originated in the oceans of the earth.

An eclipse in TAURUS on OCtober 28, 2023 a BLOOD MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE was not visible in Baltimore, but its symbol degree and ruling planet rings true to these events.

That Blood Moon was at 5+ degrees TAURUS. The SABIAN SYMBOL at 6 degrees

from the Maestro Dane RHUDYAR



which is such an AQUARIAN IDEA. Venus rules the signs of LIBRA where the March 25 2024 lunar elcipse just took place and the October 2023 one in TAurus.

This was a disaster and the conspiracy theorists have more fuel for fodder. But clearly they werent using an astrologer as all ancient sailors would have done. Disaster means without a star.

I’m convinced, how about you.? Please shar, all content is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading my prices are very resonable for the oodles of experience you get from me compared to so many otherr astrologers.


Rare Sun Pluto Cazmi January 20 Magic symbols and crystals

January 20,2024, is a once-in-a-lifetime blessing; the last time this happened was 246 years ago.  PLUTO, still a very powerful planet to Astrologers, Lord of Wealth, Trasformation and the Underworld, sits in the Heart of the SUN at 1:52 am EST and is exact at 8:44-9:07 am when The SUN enters AQUARIUS.

Pluto rules the underworld, every thing dark is being transformed in the heart of gold of the SUN. Expect secrets, money laundering, sex trafficking, power mongers, secret societies, Corporate bigwigs to be outed in the Light. No more hidden agendas.

Just before Pluto enters Aquarius for the 2nd time, Pluto, Lord of death, sex, money, power,control, Underworld, finance, inheritance, rebirth, plutocrats’ wealth shadow work and the soul, sends a last goodbye to Saturn-ruled Capricorn, the world of career, world building, corporate structure, and patriarchy. Sun Pluto at the last most crucial degree of Capricorn is super powerful,an atomic chef’s kiss.

January 20, I will be doing a private ceremony to invoke the very rare SUN PLUTO “Cazimi” with Pluto sitting in the heart of the Sun is really a once in 246 years, once-in-a-lifetime event at the last degree of Capricorn.

PRAYERS for LOVED ONES YOURSELF and those who have Passed on and pets
If you would like to be part of the prayers, please send your name to taragreen. I will be doing a private ceremony during the Cazimi. If you want your name or someone you love’s or someone who has passed on’s name to be added in the ceremony. Please email me at with heading Sun Pluto Cazimi. If you would like to donate Please send

I will be creating a PowerPoint after explaining this.

The always awesome Omega and Chandra symbols from John Sandbach

Capricorn 30. A crystal made in a laboratory is buried in the ground. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Inspired

(Degree Angel: HAHAIAH (ha-HA-ee-YAH) Unconditional Love, Refuge, Shelter

CITRINE quartz for abundance and wealth Parent Géry, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

This degree combines the most sophisticated, elaborate and complicated ways of being and thinking with the simplest, most basic and earthly ones. There is always, though, a leaning toward the latter as taking precedence, with the former serving as supports and tools for them. This degree sees through much, and is never seduced, deluded or confused by the complexities the human mind perpetrates. It has a way of finding everything useful, and of being able to cut through any confusion to the simple, real core of the soul’s purpose.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “Blue morning glories growing up a tall trellis.” The roots of the morning glory are anchored in the ground, from whence they draw the sustenance needed to climb toward the sky. The morning glory cannot make this climb alone – it needs the support of the trellis. This degree is adept at finding the support it needs on this journey, and knows that no outer support will be effective unless the inner support of belief in self is found first.

It is here to teach others that outer authorities can be fallible, can even betray us, potentially, but that the inner authority – the higher self – the holy ghost – is not fallible, for all time is happening at once, and our higher self is that part of our being that has already reached enlightenment. We need only attune ourselves to it, as the blue of the morning glory is attuned to the blue of the sky.

Like the crystal buried in the ground in the Omega Symbol, this degree brings light to the earth.

Pleiadian Symbol: The planning of an angelic city.

Azoth Symbol: When consumed, waters from a spring which comes from a deep cave are causing drinkers to maintain eternal youth.

Seed degree: Pisces 28.A shy poet in hiding. (Omega symbol). When we protect ourselves from the discordant energies of the world of humans, we are able to create more freely and to more easily find ways to positively influence the world in which we live as well as ground ourselves in it.

A hoard of monkeys chattering. (Chandra Symbol). The continuous static that the mind is always producing inspires us to raise our consciousness toward the peacefulness and vast open spaces of spirit where we can be free.

Fulfillment degree: Pisces 25.On top of a high hill, a circle of standing stones. (Omega Symbol). To return to all that is simple and basic brings a unity and clarity to life, that helps us to remain centered.

People and animals frightened during an eclipse. (Chandra Symbol). When we reach into higher planes of being we experience the shocks of new levels of consciousness, but find out eventually that they are not dangerous or threatening but only there to further awaken us.

Please share widely.

Contact me for a personal reading Tara Greene, Tarot, Astrology, Psychic Consultant

Lilith on Regulus,empowering the dark Goddess

Lilith at the last most powerful 29th ° of Leo September 25 is inconjunct Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn.

This is a wonderful time to meditate on the heart and strength and courage and will power of Lilith,

She has been falsely demonized, and slandered, but she is the essence of the archetype of the first woman.

Meditating and asking her to come into your dreams especially with Neptune abs empower you wherever you need the strength, independence, creativity and passion of Leo’s last degree conjunct fixed Star Regulus which is Archangel Raphael. Lilith is an angelic being too. She is one quarter of all that is. It’s Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year in the Jewish calendar, the day of atonement and ironically the Jewish patriarchs created Lilith’s story ot to demonized and control women’s innate strength power and omnipotent sexuality. The patriarchs must atone to Lilith, for age is more ancient than that made up religious idea. Yes they understood her primal power as nature goddess, death bringer and while once they revered and celebrated her, they became fragile and insecure and projected their own fears into the divine goddess and attempted to defile and destroy her. A ridiculous idea anyway. Lilith is older than time, older than man made civilizations. Her beauty and good darkness is there for anyone to connect with. 29° Leo is the most heart opening degree. Ask Lilith to right the wrongs in the world now too. As the unconscious or shadow aspect she understands what evil lurks in the hearts of men. She is connected to menstrual blood which is the sacred blood of life, if you are a woman who is bleeding now honor Lilith and offfer your sacred lifeblood back to mother earth. let me know how your connection with Lilith goes. Please share widely all content on copyright of Tara Greene.

Find out how Lilith operates in your chart or get a reading Tara Greene tarot astrology constantDante Gabriel Rossetti, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

August 23 Astrology weather

I am sitting outside in Toronto after reading Tarot cards and psychic readings for a Spotify corporate event. Lovely people. Nice Venue Hotel Toronto. As mercury turned retrograde there are now 7 planets retrograde

Daily astrology weather report

Massive Solar Flares, Violet Flame Activations

Hi everyone, the reason I haven’t been posting ahead of time and been spotty is that I am so feeling exhausted, and the massive solar flares that happened yesterday July 11, extreme ultraviolet ” flash ionized the top of Earth’s atmosphere, creating a shortwave radio blackout over North America (map) and doppler-shifting the frequency of America’s WWV time-standard radio transmissions (data).” says Spaceweather –

In total, this active region has produced seven M-class solar flares in the past 24 hours. An X-class flare may be in the offing.

The Sun’s Violet purple flame from the sun is the Violet Flame of spirituality. The color Purple is associated with psychic energy, the 3rd eye, and transcendence.

The Violet flame is the powerful symbol of the spiritual fire of self-transformation. It is a sacred fire with transformative spiritual energy that can help us move through many obstacles and challenges just as the SUN lights up and is the source of life on earth.

The violet flame can heal many issues, physical ailments, strong negative emotions, thoughts, and even relationship problems.

The SUN is amping up the power of the VIOLET flame healing and transformative energy now because it is critical that humanity awakens to its higher celestial knowing. We are being helped by Extra Terrestrials and higher consciousness beings because we are in very dire straits- a war is raging between good and evil.

If you also feel tired headachy and exhausted- rest as much as you can, drink a lot of water and meditate and step out of the cacophony of the media programs.

I am taking things slow. I feel like i am not able to think, yes Mars has now entered Virgo which helps. The only thing that restores me is working on my garden, I love my organic garden and its been raining so much it;s gotten overgrown with weeds. out in my little backyard space the garden expands and i get grounded. If you can get out into Nature do so.

Astrology of the Day

July 12 Sun squares Chiron in ARIES. Take down the walls the armour, the resistance to everything out there. The Cancer SUN warms and sustains us like family, the strongest power a warrior can have is to be vulnerable.

Taurus Moon sextiles SUN at 8:30 am EDT the sun and moon the light and the reflector subtly support you in all your endeavours

Moon opposes URANUS-shakes the foundations, and good for the crypto and stock markets.

MOON square VENUS in LEO at 9:24 pm EDT this is a sensuous time for a dinner date, sexy massages and general relaxing and enjoying being in your body and in the garden of EDEN.

Moon sextiles NEPTUNE in PISCES at 10:59 pm EDT this is a great for tantric sex, merging into the other in a spiritual soul merge. Also great for body feedback dreams.

MOON trine PLUTO at 11:11 pm PDT NOTE THE TIME- Deep transformative dream time tonight.

MOON GOES VOID of COURSE at that time and JuLY 13

at 2:11 am EDT.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene. All reposts must have only my name as Author, and a live link back to this website.

if you would like to support me

Get your reading with me

Listen to this Violet Flame activation meditation

Sagittarius Full Moon, Intense drama,

For an optimistic Sagittarius Full Moon June 3 at 11:42 pm EDT the energy feels incredibly heavy. SATURN, the leaden planet in PISCES is squaring the Sun and Moon at 12 degrees GEMINI and SAGITTARIUS holding down and testing Sagittarius’ gregarious optimism and testing our faith.

JUNO the Goddess of Marriage Childbirth, the month of JUNE is named after her conjunct the GEMINI SUN at 19 degrees. She is the feminine form of genius. Tap into her multi-dimensional wisdom.

The MOON trines dramatic MARS at 8 degrees LEO upping the love dramas. Full Moons always accentuate and draw on our emotions.

THE MOON is conjunct to THE GREAT ATTRACTOR a huge cosmic entity that draws everything to it. It is literally our ability to attract exactly what we want.

The SAGE moon ruled by JUPITER in TAURUS at 3 degrees still conjunct the NORTH NODE in that rare aspect bring us down to earth and into enjoying the sensuality of our bodies.

There’s a lot of tension in that FIXED GRAND CROSS of Mars in LEO, opposite PLUTO in AQUARIUS RETROGRADE at 0 degrees squaring the NORTH and SOUTH Nodes of Fate.

June’s Full Moon is the Honey Moon because Juno is named in honor of Goddess JUNO, wife of Jove/Zeus planet JUPITER ruler of June 3 Sagittarius Full Moon { and PIsces too}

VENUS at 28 degrees CANCER is triining NEPTUNE in PISCES still very dreamy and sextiles CERES the Dawrf planet GREAT MOTHER/DEMETRE at 26 VIRGO a positive supportive earthy romantic way.


Full moons are always notorious for a heightened crime drama . A Toronto restaurant had a coke crackhead break in, jump 20 feetoff a balcony, destroy 2 bathrooms and threaten a woman manager with a knife. A 30-person SWAT team called in, he’s a wanted escaped criminal. This was a report from my daughter’s friend who works at the restaurant she was threatened by the crack head with the knife- she is fine.

Watch the video where i explain every aspect

I did a FULL MOON Sagittarius and MANIFESTING your pot of gold workshop Great Attractor June 3rd with a lovely group of women which is available now for purchase. It has a mind blowing guided meditation to help you manifest your true destiny.

Available for only $11.

The effects of a full moon last technically until the next phase, the 4th quarter

Moon on June 10 as PLuto gets ready to leave its first tour of AQUARIUS. Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene, Get a reading to see how the Full Moon continues to affect you.

Not since 1929, Jupiter North Node Taurus conjunct and Sagittarius Full Moon Rainbow destiny

This is a very rare event. The North Node of the Moon, called The Dragon’s Head symbolizes a collective destiny. Not in 94 years have Jupiter and North Node met in Taurus.

​At 3+ degrees Taurus, the Sabian symbol is

“The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”

Join me for a live workshop JUNE 3 at 5 pm PDT 8 pm EDT and June 4 at 12 am GMT

in manifesting that earthy expansive Pot of Gold for yourself. Taurus is the garden of paradise. Taurus is about embodiment.


​If you are trying to find your true direction, your true north this is the time to do it and Ive got just the workshop for you.



Sagittarius has the Rainbow as its’ symbol. June is also Gay Pride which has taken the rainbow as its symbol to represent many differences in human expressions of sexuality.


​We’ve also been hit with major Solar Storms from the Sun and we will bring in these ultraviolet transmutation energies.

​ We will combine all of these Alchemical cosmic elements into one big cosmic Pot of Gold. Come and get yours. Sign up Now. invite your friends to share in the blessings.

​no previous astrology knowledge. You don’t have to be a Taurus or a Sagittarius to benefit. It will be a wild ride of the Bull the dragons, and kick up your heels Centaurs.

​The workshop is recorded for your convenience and the Golden Rainbow Body Ultra Violet Meditation can be used over and over again to ground and bring you peace.

Special Two for one workshops for $18-$28 U.S. paypable to


or pay with stripe