It’s Doubly Gemini season and Year

May 20 starts a very double double plus Gemini Big Think debating, charm, sales, communicating, finding it hard to choose, opposing ideas and non stop monkey mind season promises flirty social butterflies, great for marketting and lots of changes of mind.

  1. May 20 Sun enters Gemini at 5:59 am PDT, 8:59 am ED,12:59 pm GMT
  2. May 23 Venus enters Gemini at 1:30 pm PDT, 4:30 pm EDT , 8:30 pm PDT
  3. May 25 Jupiter follows suit entering Gemini for a year until June 9, 2025 at 4:15 pm PDT, 7:15 pm EDT, 11:15 pm GMT

I will have horoscopes out later today.

4. June 3 Mercury enters Gemini at 12:37 am PDT, 3:37 am EDT, 7:37 am GMT

5. June 4 The Venus Star Point is at 14 degrees 29″ GEMINI is similar to the famous Venus crossing in front of the Sun degree on June 5/6 2012 at similar degrees at 8:32 am PDT, 11:32 am EDT, 3:32 pm GMT.

6. June 6 ( 6/6/24=6} is a New Moon in Gemini at 16+ degrees with VENUS conjunct the MOON

Gotta learn to love those two sided, two faced GEMINI’s. We all contain Gemini somewhere in our astrology charts.

There will be a Stellium in Gemini until June 16.

 GEMINI is ruled by Mercury, the frequent flyer and chief communicator between Mount Olympus, “the above,” the Conscious and “the below.

“Gemini—represented by the twins—embraces duality and is all
about having fun. Gemini thrives on change and can’t stand too much sameness.”

Mercury/Hermes/Thoth is a mediator, a listener, an eavesdropper, a go-between. In modern days, a MERCURY ruled person, and we all are, is a compulsive twitterer or X’er, an TikTok or FB junkie whose iPhone never leaves their body.

Mercury in the TAROT is the # 1 symbol, THE MAGICIAN /TRICKSTER

famous as COYOTE wisdom in Native American legends.

When your mind plays tricks on you…guess who is to blame?

HERMES is a hermaphrodite; His name means HERMES & APHRODITE Mercury is both male HERMES and a female VENUS/APHRODITE.  check out artist NAPOLEON BROUSSEAU’s Hermaphrodite transgender art

Look at where GEMINI is in your Natal chart, that house and quadrant will be lit up with all that windy, airy, breathy, Gemini curiousity and trickster energy. Gemini’s are never supposed to grow up. It’s ok to be like a child and talk to your inner child too. Look at the most Gemini example Paul McCartney he will be turning 82 on June 18th and is still rocking.

There are many famous GEMINI’S


Thomas Hardy, Walt Whitman, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, writer and artist Maurice Sendak, William Butler Yeats, Ian Fleming, Salman Rushdie

ARTISTS: M.C. Escher, Mary Cassatt, Paul Gauguin


Natalie Portman, Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Courtney Cox, Octavia Spencer, Isabella Rossellini, Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep, Helena Bonham Carter, Brooke Shields, Awkwafina, Annette Benning, Lucy Hale, Zoe Saldana, Kate Upton, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen twins, Laverne Cox,

Johnny Depp, Mark Wahlberg,  Morgan Freeman, Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, Ian McKellen, Shia LeBeouf, Chris Evans, Neil Patrick Harris, Michael J. Fox, John Goodman, Liam Nelson, Colin Farrell, Mark Wahlberg, Tony Curtis, Christopher Lee, Russel Brand, Errol Flynn, Dean Martin, Clint Eastwood, Vincent Price,  Sir Laurence Olivier, Jay Silverheels, 


Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Prince, Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar, Tom Jones, Lionel Richie, Lenny Kravitz, Barry Manilow, Blake Shelton, Dean Martin, Tupak Shakur, Machlemore.

Peggy Lee, Nancy Sinatra, Miles Davis,  Judy Garland, Idina Menzel, Stevie Nicks, Alanis Morrissette, Kylie Minogue, 

COMPOSERS: Richard Wagner, Igor Stravinsky,

COMEDIANS:  Mike Meyers, Bob Hope, Gene Wilder, Billy Wilder, Animator of Looney TUNES  Mel Blanc, Joan Rivers, Amy Schumer, 


John F Kennedy, Donald Trump, Harvey Milk, Newt Gingrich, Henry Kissinger, George Bush Sr. Benazir Bhutto, Muammar Qaddafi, Peter the Great, Che Guevara, Wallis Simpson, Rudy Giuliani, Poncho Villa.

ROYALTY: Queen Victoria, Prince Philip,

DANCERS: Isadora Duncan,  Josephine Baker 

PHILOSOPHERS: Jean-Paul Sartre, Blaise Pascal

and a few more-  Venus Williams, Jackie Collins architect Frank Lloyd Wright, ocean explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Dr. Ruth, Naomi Campbell,Laverne Cox,

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VENUS AND JUPITER CONJUNCT AT 29+ TAURUS, A VERY CRITICAL DEGREE, CONJUNCT one fo the most feared and powerful stars in the sky ALGOL the Gorgon Medusa. We will work through reclaiming MEDUSA as the rightful AMAZON WARRIORESS QUEEN, so fear some to men that her mere stare turned them to stone. Everyone hase Algol in a house in their natal charts and aspects to it.


The MOST CRITICAL AND LAST DEGREE OF THE ZODIAC, THE MOST KARMIC ONE. There are lots of things to release with those Sagittarius flaming arrows of truth and justice at this time.

A day of expansive dreams, ideals, aiming higher, for higher love, spiritual love, compassion, charity optimism, Taurus practicality. VENUS rules TAURUS and LIBRA and NEPTUNE is VENUS’s HIGHER OCTAVE and Love. JUPITER rules SAGITTARIUS and PISCES it’s all very magical. Later JUPITER sextiles NEPTUNE too. This is all mutual receptions and positive support. Making this extra special.

Join me live at 4:30 pm PDT, 7:30 pm EDT, 11:30 pm GMT LIVE on ZOOM for a SAGITTARIUS MAGIC FULL MOON completion time before JUPITER enters GEMINI. A cleansing of the palate so to speak.

Only $22 U.S. $28 Canadian. The workshop will be recorded if you can’t make the live.

SIGN UP NOW: or by email to

Diddy Astrology,Pluto will finish him

P. Diddy, Sean Combs accused of all kinds of violence against women. Denied it all in a trial from Cassie a girlfriend who settled. The video of him assaulting and beating her up in a hotel hallway caught him in the act.

He issues a sorry ass confession, and said duh. I’m getting to be a better man, no excuses, I was in a dark place, blah, blah, blah.

Diddy, of course has a violent control freak nature with a Scorpio Stellium with, Mercury, and Sun, in his 9th House and Scorpio MC his dark underworldly reputation and career, and his Lot of Fortune and Neptune, drugs, addictions, creativity, denial, mental illness,and karma in 10th House He’s all about sex, money, power, control, secrets, shady underworld obsessions.

The current Sun, Uranus, Jupiter,Venus in Taurus conjunction opposes all those Scorpio planets from his 4th House of his home, childhood, roots, endings, finance, physical strength, stubbornness.

Pluto will conjunct his Mars at 29° Capricorn in his 1st house of self-identity, for the last final time from September 1- November 19th which is the final coup’d’Grace.

Pluto opposes Lilith -the righteous rage and revenge of women who aren’t treated with respect and equality at 28° Cancer in his 7H of relationships and all “others”.

Neptune in Pisces has been transiting opposite his natal Pluto in Virgo conjunct Eros, he is blind in denial, has addictions issues, needs therapy.

Lilith in Cancer will destroy him too.

Pluto in Aquarius will also conjunct his Ceres in Aquarius in his 1st house of self-identity, the archetypal providing great mother in his 1st house conjunct his Mars will be again in a 90° Square angle to his Saturn in Taurus which is physical real karmic payback time in Taurus, through money, wealth in his 3H of communication which opposes his Mercury in Scorpio and he will be utterly destroyed.

What do you think?

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May 18 the luckiest day of 2024, Part 1

Jupiter, the great Benefic and our Sun of our star system join at 28° plus Taurus at 11:45 am PDT, 2:45 pm EDT, 6:45 pm GMT called a Cazimi, a Latin word, which is a special rare golden hearted blessing as Jupiter sits in the heart of the Sun. It only lasts for a number of hours.

Everyone benefits but especially those with planets in direct alignment. If your birthday is May 18 you will have an awes me year ahead.

If you have planets, rising, Nodes, Chiron, asteroids, or Lilith at 23-29° TAURUS you get the most blessings,

If you have any of those planets in LEO, SCORPIO or AQUARIUS you also get more direct blessings.

Join me MAY 18 at 2;22 pm EST for a LIVE CELEBRATION of the best day of 2024 as SUN and JUPITER conjunction at 28+ TAURUS sextile NEPTUNE in PISCES with Venus and Uranus also conjunct at 23+ Taurus I will be doing Tarot Card readings for all signs

Taurus 29. A man reaches out to touch a marble statue. He feels it smiling. (Omega Symbol)Transforming/Responsible

(Degree Angel: Harahel (HA-ra-HEL) Umbilical Cord, Intellectual Richness)

You can feel the aliveness of everything around you, whether animate or inanimate, on the physical plane, or on others. When connected to your core you are vitally in tune to your world, and through your caring you’re able to awaken joy and positivity in whatever you touch. You can heal through unconditional positive rapport.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A man amuses himself by drawing strange shapes.” Something interesting is seen in the strange shapes, and this feeds the fire of the imagination, just as lovingly connecting with substance, as in the Omega Symbol evokes a joyous response from matter – for everything is alive, as the Kabbalists tell us. This degree is about the continual exploration of what we have, and the knowledge that what we have is ever-changing and yielding us new, different and often unexpected resources. What we create has a life of its own and comes back to us as karma, which, when positive provides us with unending richness.

Pleiadian Symbol: With tiny files and chisels a man is sculpting clouds of mist from white alabaster.

Azoth Symbol: A road comes to an end, but a woman and her dog find their way beyond it.

Seed degree: Pisces 8. Through a microscope, a scientist observes a deadly virus. (Omega Symbol). Realizing how matter can be imprinted with negativity, we strive to heal this by connecting to it with love and caring.

A gypsy peasant woman sings a mournful chant. (Chandra Symbol). Having mourned our, losses we release the past and turn our attention to creative experimentation in the present.

Fulfillment degree: Aquarius 5. Gradually, the wind unearths a temple buried in the sand. (Omega Symbol). Creatively and experimentally working with matter we contact its spiritual depths and mysteries.

Humans worshiping an obese nature Goddess. (Chandra Symbol). Through creative experimentation we experience the wonderful fecundity and generosity of nature and are impelled to honor it with others.


A man feels a statue smiling. He does not see it smiling, in fact, the movement of its mouth is imperceptible. Such are, also, a statue’s nods and knowing looks, and its tears as well, which are very dry, and its sighs, which sound similar to the movements of clouds. The man takes in these smiles through his fingers, and having once absorbed them, seems to be able to do them himself.” by John Sandbach

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Stock Market High, May 17, Happy Birthday NYSE

The NYSE hits 40,000 today for the first time in history on its Solar return and Birthday

Astrology of The Great Bull & the Great Bear
Sidney_Hall_-_Urania’s_Mirror_-_Taurus Wikimedia Commons Public Domain, Adam Cuerden

“As above so below” Synchronicity of the NYSE

Origins of the terms Bull and Bear Markets

from the Visual Astrology Newsletter this link goes to my old site on tripod and I’ve searched for the original article but couldnt find it online. I would love to have the original article to link to.

The terms of “Bull” and “Bear” markets are linked with financial systems. The origin of the terms is obscure but in London in the 1600’s and 1700;s bearskin sellers were called jobbers and they would at times sell their bearskins before they had acquired them, considered a risky adventure but allowing the jobber to take advantage of all available sales. 

However, by the time of the South Sea Bubble of 1721 (the collapse of a trading market in the South Sea which caused huge financial loss in England), the jobbers at this time were keenly anticipating falling prices for bear skins and so actively engaged in the short selling of skins. Their hope was that the price of skins would fall, enabling them to buy skins to fill their orders at a cheaper price. Thus, being pessimistic about the future price of something became associated with the bear. The bull was an animal pitted against the bear in animal fights and thus became the opposite side of the situation – the optimistic attitude.


Wall Street has an interesting history. The street was built on the location of a wall which was first built in the 1640s. In 1653 it was strengthened to a 12-foot-high wood stockade which was erected across lower Manhattan from river to river to protect Dutch settlers from attacks by the Indians and, at times, the British. So right from its very origins in the history of the European colonization of the Americas, it became a place of conflict, of a battleground, of building defenses and defending one’s material life. It was on this street that the first stock exchange was set up on a small table under a buttonwood tree on 17th May 1792. On that morning, twenty-four stock brokers outside of 68 Wall Street signed what was called the Buttonwood Agreement giving birth to what is now known as the NYSE. No time was recorded for this meeting, but suggestions vary from 07:57 am LMT right through until 11:00 am. So, we can get a Birth Chart for the NYSE. 10:10 am is used on but is not proved Dirty Data

When the stock market traders had their historical meeting underneath the buttonwood tree on 17th May 1792 they were unconcerned about the jobbers of London and would have been unaware of or had no regard for the position of the planets in the sky that day.

“As above so below” 

Now it turns out that every year around the middle of May, for that latitude, the Constellations of the Great Bull and the Great Bear rise together with the Sun.The stocks traders of 1792, by choosing the May 17th date, totally mirrored the immortal starry battle in the sky, embedding the dynamic between Bear and Bull into the flow of the world’s stock markets.  

So visually, on the day the NYSE was born, as the Great Bull rose in the eastern sky, just as Ursa Major was walking upon the earth to meet the Great Bullhead on, the world’s most influential stock exchange was born. The power on that day seems to be with the Bull as he contains both Mercury and the Sun which sit in the shoulder of the Great Bull of Heaven close to the Pleiades. But this is not the only conflict or balancing act in the sky that day. 

 At the same time the Bull of Heaven is squaring off to the Great Bear, the Saturn-Moon conjunction in the zodiac sign of Aries (see natal chart above) is occupying the fishes, Pisces stressing that this time period is about the drawing of things together, holding them as one, the desire to keep a balance Meanwhile  Venus, who seems so gentle with her paran to Vindemiatrix, we can see now is located firmly in the Stare of Cetus .

   Visually Venus who rules money and values, had just entered that part of the sky that sits in the Stare of Cetus the Whale. The Visual Astrology Newsletter defined this as independence or supremacy of an individual or a concept that comes at a price, for it is trapped in the stare of the sea monster {the Unconscious} and there will be hidden issues which sit beneath it. We can add further information to this as this part of the sky is bounded on the other side of the ecliptic by the Stare of Medusa (Algol) in the constellation Perseus.

Algol always has been considered a very bad star, but it also contains immense female power and a strong consuming passion which can devour with anger, rage or violence. So, this is a highly charged part of the sky and to have Venus, the planet with the ability to radiate and empower, passing between these two gates of passion means the NYSE will have to deal with all the hidden collective neuroses associated with money and the power that money wields.

Now we can understand the NYSE’s tendency to move from times of stability to times of great drama and passion; now we can understand the constant struggle to balance;, andnow we can understand the battle between the bear and the bull and how these have been embodied around the world’s markets.“-

What do you think? Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

ENJOY the BIG DAY is MAY 18 and I will go live on my YouTube channel May 18 at 11:22 am PDT, 2:22 pm EDT to talk about the astrology do a live meditation and tarot card readings. Max out the good luck

Please join me

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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No major astrology, Taurus Overload, Earth Trines


The Moon is in Virgo, Mercury is in Taurus, and things are getting earthier and earthier after all that intensely hot ARIES energy since April with Venus, Sun, North Node and Chiron all in ARIES.

There are now 5 planets in TAURUS until May 20 when the SUN enters GEMINI at 8:59 am EST followed by VENUS May 23 at 4:30 pm EDT and followed by JUPITER May 25 at 7:15 pm EDT.

Asteroid Juno, for whom the month of June is named in honor of is also in Virgo. All major planets-except for the Moon and the South Node occupy only four signs.

May 17 Mercury squares Pluto Retrograde at 2 degrees Taurus/Aquarius. This fixed sign square pits stubborn, practical, bull-headed ideas at loggerheads with Plutocrats and innovators. If you have any planets at 2 degrees- a Taurus degree, of Leo and Scorpio you may get drawn into, or trigger a battle of words and insults. Remember, it can be only words, and the pen is mightier than the sword, or social media is more powerful than swords these days.

After the Moon opposes Saturn in PISCES in the wee hours your sleep may be dark, psychic and mysterious.

Theres an inconjunct from the Moon to Chiron in ARIES after noon

This aspects puts the VIRGO very detailed, OCD, worrying energies on the defensive and can prodcuce anxiety. Remember to breathe.

Then a whole slew of lovely earthy Trines of the MOON to Venus Uranus the Sun and Jupiter. Feel the good earth vibes. Its a mix of eat healthy, stay on budget but indluge and enjoy to the fullest and make sure you take yoru pro-biotics then have a leisurely nap.

ENJOY the BIG DAY is MAY 18 and I will go live on my YouTube channel May 18 at 11:22 am PDT, 2:22 pm EDT to talk about the astrology do a live meditation and tarot card readings. Max out the good luck

Please join me

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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Mercury in Taurus May 15- June 3

Watch the video

Israel’s Solar Return and Taurus Stellium

Israel’s Solar Return was May 14. The Sun Uranus Venus, and Jupiter are all conjunct on their Natal Sun at 23 Taurus in the 8th house of death, finance, obsession, shadows, transformation, money, power, control and opposing their Chiron the Wounded Healer Rx at 21 Scorpio in the 1st house of Self-identity, and widely triggering the natal T-square Saturn Pluto conjunct at 12-16 Leo in their 10th house of worldly reputation.

On May 18 as Sun Jupiter conjunct at 29 Taurus-acritical degree, they square Israel’s Mars at 28 Leo in the 11th House. Israel’s chart is very Fixed in Nature. This gives them further strength power and arrogance, which can be their undoing.

May 19

Mars conjuncts North Node is a fated war signature, especially at 14+ Aries mid-degree and squaring the US SUN and identity at 13 Cancer in 7H conjunct Fixed Star Sirius.

Mars NN in U.S. 4th house of roots, foundation, security. Biden just promised 1 Billion in aid to Israel.

May 19 Mars North Node in Aries in the 4th house is anger from within, it opposes the US Saturn, planet of karma, testing, the Patriarchy, senators and limits in Libra at 14, and the S Node conjuncts it, in the 10th House of public reputation and fame, a very heavy karmic trigger.

The Libra Moon, the mood of the people, transiting opposite Mars/N Node, is the people’s public display of emotions for a peace treaty, and an end to the old system and the powers that be.

Could be lots of angry protests for Justice as the Sun Jupiter conjunction exacerbates this.

Plus PLUTO in Aquarius has already opposed their Leo Moon in the 10th house for the last few months. When the October 7, 2023, Gaza cris broke out, Pluto was stationing on their IC opposing the M.C. about to turn Direct at 27 Capricorn 54 minutes three days later. Pluto re-entering Capricorn on September 1-November 19 could bring a fight to the finish one way or the other.

The Middle East has always been used by draconic figures as pawns in the war game.

The innocent always get killed and the elites profit..

May the innocent women and children and men find peace.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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Very rare Sun Venus Uranus Jupiter in Taurus is tech, money, love, luck

May 13th and May 18 Sun/Uranus,Venus Uranus and lucky Sun Jupiter conjunction in Taurus between 23-29° is Very very rare. The last time all four planets conjoined in Taurus was in 1941, 1858 then a gap of 1,091 years, before then it was in 767, 684, 601, and 518!

In the year 518 Emperor Justinian 1st became leader of the Byzantine empire. He was a great law reformer who ushering in a golden age. Justinian was illiterate and a devout orthodox Catholic who reigned for only nine years but implemented massive change.

May 13-18/19 very rare and potent Sun/Uranus, Venus/Uranus and SUN,/Jupiter conjunction at, 23 degrees and 29° is exceptionally unusual and beneficial.

SUN CARD in the TAROT is #19


URANUS isn’ directly connected to a Major Arcana but i think of it as The TOWER #16 which is Mars’ card,  URANUS is the modern ruler of AQUARIUS #17, THE STAR



Technology, revolution, freedom, intelligence, reforms, protests, legal changes, hi-tech, A1, good fortune, collaboration, social changes, beauty, values, money, digital wealth, Bitcoin,radical idea, equal rights, women power.

These conjunctions in Taurus have only happened last in May 1941-

Citizen Kane premiered, changing modern film changing modern standards. Major bombing blitzkrieg in UK , first mass rounded up of Jews in Paris, King George II of Greece fled to Europe, later that year the Pearl Harbor attack was on December 7.

In 1858,-Darwin, Anti-slavery, photography,Carrington event,1859, build up to Civil War,

Then a gap of 1,081 years and previous conjunctions were in 767, 684, 601, and 518. The start of Emperor Justinian 1st reign of the Byzantine Empire!

These are very significant dates:

Especially in 1858

Darwin gave his first speech on evolution To a shocked audience.

Slaves were seeking freedom in Canada.

Lincoln gave one of his most historic speeches

This was around the time of the Carrington event where solar flares destroyed the new telegraph system which everyone was just worrying about the past few days and in the near future during solar cycle 25.

The first arial photograph was taken in Paris.

Watch the short 10 minute video where I explain a bit more.

please share widely, all content is copyright ©️ of Tara Greene

Get your reading with me Tara Greene Tarot Astrology Psychic

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Four Major CME’s geomagnetic storms to hit the earth

This is a huge solar storms coming to earth. May 11th

I would put your crypto wallets in a Faraday Cage.

We are being upgraded be aware if you feel exhausted fuzzy and headachy these are effects directly from the CME’s

fuzzed abs headaches .

Mother’s Day, Astrology and Tarot Gift Specials

Rudolf Ernst, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Rudolf Ernst, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Public Domain Mark
U.S. Copyright Tag

Mother’s Day is May 12 under a totally synchronized Motherly, emotional, nurturing mood ruled by the Moon in Cancer, where she serves best, all day. A sentimental emotional Mother’s day will be had by all.

Mother’s should be celebrated, if not for women birthing children, human life would stop. Being a mother is not an easy job,it requires sacrificing yourself and your ego the moment of conception before a child is born and one never stops being a mother.

The current mood amongst Gen-Z women is anti -motherhood becaus ethey believe int he manioulative lie of climate change and not enough resources. But that is not true, Resdistribution of wwalth and societies like they used to be simpler, communicty oriented, women focussed and honored would change all of that.

Not every one had a positive relationship with their mother or even had her around. Adopted children may neve know who their biological mothers were and for some that doesnt matter. The Mother-Daughter wound goes deep, and can create many problems with women having positive relationships with men, women and feeling worthy.

The Mother child connection is the most central of all psychological issues. We have all been intimately part of our mothers and her mother, our grandmothers. We existed as an egg cell when our grandmothers were first conceived. We are our mothers, grandmothers and all mothers back back back through time.

The aspects all day has a very affective Homey Cancer Moon sextile Venus in Taurus

Make sure you take Mom out to a sumptous dinner, and buy her some luxuries.

Moon trines Saturn in PISCES

is very spritual, dreamy and compassionate, think of all the slefless sacreificed mothers make for their children but its’ the most rewarding spiritual thing,

Moon squares Chiron in ARIES

We may be thinking of all the poor children being killed in wars around the world.

Moon Sextile SUn, Uranus, Jupiter in TAURUS

A triple sextile makes it wasy to make Mom the center of attention, she was the Sun when we were born, See her ni a new light says Uranus, and Jupiter brings expansion understanding her intelligence and embodied wisdom.

MOON Squares Mercury in ARIES in PDT

Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable with your mother, and mom’s dont be afriad to be vulnerable with your kids.

Astrology is a fabulous tool to understand your children and how they see and relate to you. Getting your child’s astrology chart dissected Astrology also speals of karmic past lives ties between children and mothers.

And to understand your mother through where your Moon sign is and the Nodes of the Moon.

It’s super interesting for moms to see how we appear to our children. Just look at your child’s chart to see where the Moon symbolizes Mom and its aspects.

In my Millenial son’s chart his Moon is in Libra on his 1H, conjunct Saturn-representing his Dad and Pluto, he’s a millenial born in 1983 and a whole generation of kids whose parents got divorced have this aspect.

My daughter is Gen Z, and her Moon is in her 4th house, where the Moon naturally sits; in Sagittarius, like mine, 5 minutes away. 4H Moon she’s a real home-lover, and loves to cook. Her Pluto in Sagittarius is conjunct my Sun. She is my permanent Pluto transit.

Announcing a MOTHERS’ Day Special on Readings

GIVE A Mom, a SPECIAL GIFT READING of Tarot, and or Astrology

or use it yourself, for any type of reading too.

ONLY $88 U.S. regularly $111 for a half hour.

Canadians can pay in Canadian funds via e-transfer to


DISCOUNT OFFER IS GOOD until JUNE 5th and may be used until September 1.

If you like my work and want to tip me it’s much appreciated. I will be moving to subscriptions shortly