Diddy Astrology,Pluto will finish him

P. Diddy, Sean Combs accused of all kinds of violence against women. Denied it all in a trial from Cassie a girlfriend who settled. The video of him assaulting and beating her up in a hotel hallway caught him in the act.

He issues a sorry ass confession, and said duh. I’m getting to be a better man, no excuses, I was in a dark place, blah, blah, blah.

Diddy, of course has a violent control freak nature with a Scorpio Stellium with, Mercury, and Sun, in his 9th House and Scorpio MC his dark underworldly reputation and career, and his Lot of Fortune and Neptune, drugs, addictions, creativity, denial, mental illness,and karma in 10th House He’s all about sex, money, power, control, secrets, shady underworld obsessions.

The current Sun, Uranus, Jupiter,Venus in Taurus conjunction opposes all those Scorpio planets from his 4th House of his home, childhood, roots, endings, finance, physical strength, stubbornness.

Pluto will conjunct his Mars at 29° Capricorn in his 1st house of self-identity, for the last final time from September 1- November 19th which is the final coup’d’Grace.

Pluto opposes Lilith -the righteous rage and revenge of women who aren’t treated with respect and equality at 28° Cancer in his 7H of relationships and all “others”.

Neptune in Pisces has been transiting opposite his natal Pluto in Virgo conjunct Eros, he is blind in denial, has addictions issues, needs therapy.

Lilith in Cancer will destroy him too.

Pluto in Aquarius will also conjunct his Ceres in Aquarius in his 1st house of self-identity, the archetypal providing great mother in his 1st house conjunct his Mars will be again in a 90° Square angle to his Saturn in Taurus which is physical real karmic payback time in Taurus, through money, wealth in his 3H of communication which opposes his Mercury in Scorpio and he will be utterly destroyed.

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