Mars conjunct Chiron PTSD healing

Jean-Baptiste Regnault, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

On May 29 at 10:08 am PDT,1:08 pm EDT, 5:08 pm GMT, CHIRON the Wounder Healer and guide meets warrior planet Mars for a third conjunction in Aries at 22+ degrees since 2020. The first conjunction was in mid-July 2020, at 10 Aries at the beginnng of worldwide Covid lockdowns. The second conjunction was in mid-June 2022 at 16 Aries.

This current MARS CHIRON in ARIES cycle was pre-figured by the MARS CHIRON conjunction at 29 PISCES, in December 2018. That was a closure of a previous more hidden cycle when wounds and mental illness and being ADHD were not part of the mainstream dialogue as they are now. Occuring at the very last and most karmic degree of the ZODIAC, NEPTUNE is currently on that degree and will be in conjunction to it until February 2026. What ended then is being reimagined now. Neptune brings spiritual healing, more compassion, forgiveness and creative expressive arts healing methods to bear on those unbearable wounds

Chiron was the wisest of all Centaurs. The Wounded healer was reknowned for healing many great Greek heroies like Jason, Heracles and Achilles. Chiron was a teacher famous for knowing the effective use of natural planet medicines, as well as incantations which were used to promote healing. One of Chiron’s famous pupils was Asclepius, a very highly regarded healer and a skilled surgeron. Asclepius created the Healing Dream Temples which were the Ancient Greek’s original form of unconscious soulfull healing which modern psychologist Carl Jung rediscovered and added to. The ruins of hundreds of these healing temples still survive.

This aspect of needing to heal the most agressive, defensive, competitive but inherently wounded insecure and vulnerable Toxic Masculine soldier couldn’t be more pronounced now in the world with the situation in Gaza, with israel and Ukraine and Russia and in the lives of ordinary men too. Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries, the planet that governs ARIES really heats up these situations bringing them to a boiling point. For the next two years we’ll heal by taking the initiative to healing ourselves or by mentoring and teaching others in our own unique individual way.

Chiron in Aries brings a cauterizing flame to help speed healing once we shift our focus on understanding and knowing that being vulnerable in our woundedness is the only way to heal from within the full depths of our suffering, and to create intimacy. This immersive journey through our pain can feel terrifing. But with Chiron at our side, we need not fear being swalled by it. Chiron helps us to build authentic strength to break the unconscious bonds between life’s painfull lessons and the suffering of the lower ego. Your suffering is not all of who you are.

Chiron and Mars sextile Pluto Retrogade in Aquarius, helps us to innovate new ideas and inspirations to heal quickly. Remember Mars in ARIES has zero patience.

The MARS CHIRON cycle in ARIES continues into May 2026 where they finally meet at the last, 29th anaretic,most critical degree.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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It’s Doubly Gemini season and Year

May 20 starts a very double double plus Gemini Big Think debating, charm, sales, communicating, finding it hard to choose, opposing ideas and non stop monkey mind season promises flirty social butterflies, great for marketting and lots of changes of mind.

  1. May 20 Sun enters Gemini at 5:59 am PDT, 8:59 am ED,12:59 pm GMT
  2. May 23 Venus enters Gemini at 1:30 pm PDT, 4:30 pm EDT , 8:30 pm PDT
  3. May 25 Jupiter follows suit entering Gemini for a year until June 9, 2025 at 4:15 pm PDT, 7:15 pm EDT, 11:15 pm GMT

I will have horoscopes out later today.

4. June 3 Mercury enters Gemini at 12:37 am PDT, 3:37 am EDT, 7:37 am GMT

5. June 4 The Venus Star Point is at 14 degrees 29″ GEMINI is similar to the famous Venus crossing in front of the Sun degree on June 5/6 2012 at similar degrees at 8:32 am PDT, 11:32 am EDT, 3:32 pm GMT.

6. June 6 ( 6/6/24=6} is a New Moon in Gemini at 16+ degrees with VENUS conjunct the MOON

Gotta learn to love those two sided, two faced GEMINI’s. We all contain Gemini somewhere in our astrology charts.

There will be a Stellium in Gemini until June 16.

 GEMINI is ruled by Mercury, the frequent flyer and chief communicator between Mount Olympus, “the above,” the Conscious and “the below.

“Gemini—represented by the twins—embraces duality and is all
about having fun. Gemini thrives on change and can’t stand too much sameness.”

Mercury/Hermes/Thoth is a mediator, a listener, an eavesdropper, a go-between. In modern days, a MERCURY ruled person, and we all are, is a compulsive twitterer or X’er, an TikTok or FB junkie whose iPhone never leaves their body.

Mercury in the TAROT is the # 1 symbol, THE MAGICIAN /TRICKSTER

famous as COYOTE wisdom in Native American legends.

When your mind plays tricks on you…guess who is to blame?

HERMES is a hermaphrodite; His name means HERMES & APHRODITE Mercury is both male HERMES and a female VENUS/APHRODITE.  check out artist NAPOLEON BROUSSEAU’s Hermaphrodite transgender art

Look at where GEMINI is in your Natal chart, that house and quadrant will be lit up with all that windy, airy, breathy, Gemini curiousity and trickster energy. Gemini’s are never supposed to grow up. It’s ok to be like a child and talk to your inner child too. Look at the most Gemini example Paul McCartney he will be turning 82 on June 18th and is still rocking.

There are many famous GEMINI’S


Thomas Hardy, Walt Whitman, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, writer and artist Maurice Sendak, William Butler Yeats, Ian Fleming, Salman Rushdie

ARTISTS: M.C. Escher, Mary Cassatt, Paul Gauguin


Natalie Portman, Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Courtney Cox, Octavia Spencer, Isabella Rossellini, Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep, Helena Bonham Carter, Brooke Shields, Awkwafina, Annette Benning, Lucy Hale, Zoe Saldana, Kate Upton, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen twins, Laverne Cox,

Johnny Depp, Mark Wahlberg,  Morgan Freeman, Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, Ian McKellen, Shia LeBeouf, Chris Evans, Neil Patrick Harris, Michael J. Fox, John Goodman, Liam Nelson, Colin Farrell, Mark Wahlberg, Tony Curtis, Christopher Lee, Russel Brand, Errol Flynn, Dean Martin, Clint Eastwood, Vincent Price,  Sir Laurence Olivier, Jay Silverheels, 


Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Prince, Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar, Tom Jones, Lionel Richie, Lenny Kravitz, Barry Manilow, Blake Shelton, Dean Martin, Tupak Shakur, Machlemore.

Peggy Lee, Nancy Sinatra, Miles Davis,  Judy Garland, Idina Menzel, Stevie Nicks, Alanis Morrissette, Kylie Minogue, 

COMPOSERS: Richard Wagner, Igor Stravinsky,

COMEDIANS:  Mike Meyers, Bob Hope, Gene Wilder, Billy Wilder, Animator of Looney TUNES  Mel Blanc, Joan Rivers, Amy Schumer, 


John F Kennedy, Donald Trump, Harvey Milk, Newt Gingrich, Henry Kissinger, George Bush Sr. Benazir Bhutto, Muammar Qaddafi, Peter the Great, Che Guevara, Wallis Simpson, Rudy Giuliani, Poncho Villa.

ROYALTY: Queen Victoria, Prince Philip,

DANCERS: Isadora Duncan,  Josephine Baker 

PHILOSOPHERS: Jean-Paul Sartre, Blaise Pascal

and a few more-  Venus Williams, Jackie Collins architect Frank Lloyd Wright, ocean explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Dr. Ruth, Naomi Campbell,Laverne Cox,

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VENUS AND JUPITER CONJUNCT AT 29+ TAURUS, A VERY CRITICAL DEGREE, CONJUNCT one fo the most feared and powerful stars in the sky ALGOL the Gorgon Medusa. We will work through reclaiming MEDUSA as the rightful AMAZON WARRIORESS QUEEN, so fear some to men that her mere stare turned them to stone. Everyone hase Algol in a house in their natal charts and aspects to it.


The MOST CRITICAL AND LAST DEGREE OF THE ZODIAC, THE MOST KARMIC ONE. There are lots of things to release with those Sagittarius flaming arrows of truth and justice at this time.

A day of expansive dreams, ideals, aiming higher, for higher love, spiritual love, compassion, charity optimism, Taurus practicality. VENUS rules TAURUS and LIBRA and NEPTUNE is VENUS’s HIGHER OCTAVE and Love. JUPITER rules SAGITTARIUS and PISCES it’s all very magical. Later JUPITER sextiles NEPTUNE too. This is all mutual receptions and positive support. Making this extra special.

Join me live at 4:30 pm PDT, 7:30 pm EDT, 11:30 pm GMT LIVE on ZOOM for a SAGITTARIUS MAGIC FULL MOON completion time before JUPITER enters GEMINI. A cleansing of the palate so to speak.

Only $22 U.S. $28 Canadian. The workshop will be recorded if you can’t make the live.

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