Gemini Full wild unknown Super Moon

This is a complex Super Moon. It is the last of three and the last Full Moon of 2016. At 22+ degrees Gemini, the moon is opposite and connected with the fiery optimistic, Sagittarius SUN. The Sagittarius Sun brings truth, justice, optimism, passion, adventure, and we bring these qualities with us to this Full Moon. The SAGE SUN is very Sage right now as it is conjunct to serious, karmic planet of maturity and limitations, SATURN. The Sun-Saturn combo are insisting that Gemini’s, especially a certain one who was recently elected to be the next President of the United States, get serious and take the consequences. 

Donald Trump’s SUN is exactly opposite this Full Moon and the Moon is exactly conjunct his natal Moon. Donald was born on a Total Lunar Eclipse at 23+ degrees Sagittarius so this Full Moon has come full circle for him and Saturn is asking that he grows up and acts his age. This is a sobering wake up to all Gemini’s.

GEMINI is the sign associated with The LOVERS in the TAROT 

The Lovers, The Wild Unknown Tarot, Tara Greene,

The Wild Unknown Tarot

This may be a time of great vulnerability for Trump and for all of us as Chiron the WOUNDED HEALER squares the Sun and Moon. Chiron brings out our vulnerabilities. This is where we may erroneously create the biggest defenses, bandages, denial, escapism, distraction and addictions to cover the hurt contained in these collective wounds. The covering of the wound with drugs will never heal it but only allows the wounds to grow bigger. We must look at our collective Oneness in order to heal. 

Gemini is a sign of duality and everything contains its opposite in order to be balanced and whole. Gemini is the Yin/Yang sign of the Zodiac, much like the sign of Libra. All the Air signs contain this element of duality. 

Gemini is governed by planet MERCURY which is right now OUT OF BOUNDS, it is in its wild phase and it is slowing down to turn Retrograde for the 4th time this year on December 19th.  This brings a very UNKNOWN quality to what is being completed now. I know there is a famous Tarot Deck called the Wild Unknown. 

Speaking of unknowns, planet URANUS + Ceres + ERIS dwarf planet of Disturbances are all aligned in ARIES and are sextiling the MOON in GEMINI. All of this group is creating a YOD or finger of GOD to LILITH in SCORPIO where she is very strong as she governs SCORPIO, of sex, death, rebirth, power and control, secrets and ruthlessness. 

Lilith the Goddess of death, Tarot Tara Greene

LILITH by John Collier 1892

So a certain Gemini will be feeling the scrutiny of some karmic wild crazy unknown LILITH as Destroyer energy by women collectively for being rejected for asking for equality.  I say YAY to that. LILITH is like KALI and Hell hath no fury like a powerful woman who is rejected because of conceit, arrogance, and hubris, not to mention narcissism.

MERCURY in CAPRICORN is being sextiled by the planet of illusions, delusions, scams, oil, false promises, addictions, martyrs and spirituality, NEPTUNE in PISCES which makes it even harder to fathom WTF is going on. Neptune is conjunct the SOUTH NODE, the past, what we need to let go of.  The continued false promises about the DAP from the ETP and the indigenous water protectors who are still camped out fighting against the continued drilling even though the President and other government organizations ordered it to stop are part of this. These two planets are inconjunct or in a YOD or FINGER OF GOD to VESTA at 5 degrees LEO which is also conjunct to Trump’s PLUTO at 10 degrees LEO in his Natal 12th house of secrets and self-undoing. Very interesting. Something seems to be

These two planets are inconjunct or in a YOD or FINGER OF GOD to VESTA at 5 degrees LEO which is also conjunct to Trump’s PLUTO at 10 degrees LEO in his Natal 12th house of secrets and self-undoing. Very interesting. Something seems to be unraveling here.

GRAND AIR TRINE at this lunation

JUPITER in LIBRA is trining the GEMINI Moon and MARS conjunct ATHENA in AQUARIUS at 25+ 26 degrees respectively. Trines are beneficial but you must be very careful as Jupiter exacerbates the flip-floppiness and being too superficial. Mars in Aquarius is very revolutionary and goes against traditions and Gemini is also famous for being two faced. These degrees are also opposite to Mr. Trump’s Natal Mars at 26 degrees of LEO.  He may be all puffed up and hopping mad. Look for news of Greece having another major financial or cultural break down soon. 

VENUS in AQUARIUS at 7 degrees is inconjunct the NORTH NODE in VIRGO at 7 degrees. Women are in revolt mode to being put back into the servant of men roles. Venus and North Node are inconjunct to Trump’s natal MERCURY at 8 degrees of  CANCER making it a finger of God to women. There will be a WOMEN”S MARCH on WASHINGTON the day after Trump’s inauguration where they will give him the finger.

There are doubts that he will even be inaugurated as the Electoral College has to decide this on December 19 whether to actually allow Trump to take office. MERCURY turns Retrograde from a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn squaring Jupiter in Libra and opposing Uranus in ARIES. Which is all about….

Can you spell Revolution? Recount? Rescind? Rejection?

Remember the wild unknown yawns before all of us now not just in the U.S. This is the liminal time, a time of fog, of unexpected chaos, nothing solid to hold onto, a time of division, blaming others, acting childish, and immature under this Full Moon.

Winter Solstice occurs on December 21st with a Retrograde Mercury @ 5:44 am EST in Washington D.C.  I will write separately about that.

At the last Full Moon, it’s a good time to look back on 2016. It has been a difficult strained, and fractious year with BREXIT and a total upheaval from the U.S. election. It has been a sad year as many great musicians and celebrities who passed away. David Bowie, Prince, Leonard Cohen, John Glenn, Greg Lake, Janet Reno, Alan Rickman, Harper Lee, Gato Barbieri, and many others. 

Spend time at the Full Moon reflecting on what has been completed in your life. We are also completing a 9-year cycle, so bring whatever you need to a close. 

There will be a CAPRICORN NEW Moon December 28 and 2017 begins with a Retrograde Mercury.  Stay optimistic, these are Mutable times. Stay Mercurial. We are also entering a #1 year in 2017 which is the Magician. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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Inspirational Card of the Day

As Mercury goes Retrograde and we are standing at the edge of the cusp where Jupiter also jumps off the cliff to turn Retrograde on the 7th. I will pick an Inspirational card to Mirror the situation.

I have channelled and envisioning a lot the last few days.I need to simply be an open channel of the Great Attractor and the Galactic Center. Most of the planets in my natal chart points to this and these aspects are being heavily activated now for everyone.  

What I have tuned into is the CME’s coronal mass ejections affecting the electrical magnetic fields of the earth.

We are mutating.  

The Red Madonna was calling to me and angels and sound healers, art, creativity and new directions being born.



5 of swords Tarot Tara Greene

MARy EL Tarot  by Mary White 

This is a very unusual interpretation of the 5 of Swords.  The swords represent the mind, communication and would be under MERCURY’s rulership. The 5’s are always difficult, a testing period.  Usually there is some bloody mental conflict in most 5 of swords cards. 

In this card a woman holding a newborn baby is surrounded and protected by five white snowy owls whose wings surround her. The 5th card on the 5th- note that synchronicity. 

She has a Hebrew letter Vav on her chest. It is the element of Air which is the sword element. White and Air are the colors of the North on the Medicine wheel.

Who is this woman? Is she Lilith? Lilith was known as the screech owl, her most ancient name. She was considered also to be a baby stealer which is a symbol of the fact that she governs the menstrual period. She could also be ATHENA who had a wise owl who sees in all directions on her shoulder.  The owl is a predator who hunts at night and can see in the darkness. Owls are associated with death in some cultures and also dreaming. Night visioning is a metaphor for deep intuitive sensing and dreaming.

Use all of these symbols to guide you. This card feels very empowering to me.  The Goddess figure seems like a wise, wild mother, a Queen of the dreamworld, whose babe wrapped in green, the color of nature, Venus, love and growth symbolizes pure potential, and new beginnings. Stay in a place of Innocence and trust in the direction of the South, your feelings.  

Owls strike fear into their prey as they are absolutely silent in flight. Be the owl, use stealth, bring your dreams to life.

You are being protected by soft white downy angelic energy from the Nature realms. 

Blessed be

Please share this widely

all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with Tara

Leo Moon,Daily inspiration, The Invitation

The Moon’s in Leo since last night. Leo Moons are always passionate dramatic and proud.. You are the Star and center stage. Ego’s come out to play or fight. Leo is ruled by the SUN. Leo Moon energy is hot, strong, leadership, big-hearted, vain, childlike, role playing, the Queen/King.

Sept. 9 It’s my teacher Oriah Mountain dreamer’s birthday. If you’ve read The Invitation you know of her writings. Even Beyoncé hand wrote out this most famous poem and shared it. Her books, The Invitation, The Dance, The Call etc. have sold millions of copies. I want to honour her for her work, and for all she taught me over many years. Wishing the best to you Oriah, this year, especially for your health. The Invitation came from a workshop she did with Welsh poet David Whyte years ago and was in her newsletter circulated in 1993.

I met Oriah in 1989 and started to apprentice with her from 1991 and did many Dream Star Lodge classes, teachings, four vision quests and many sweat lodges and shamanic healing training with her. Oriah is one of the smartest women I have ever known and I greatly respect her and her journey.


The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Tara Greene

The energy may be a bit quixotically quincunxual today as the Moon is in conjunct to Neptune and later this day to PLUTO/9/10 EDT

Cardinal CROSS energy re-engagment Mercury squares Pluto.

The mood is stubborn, be careful not to push peoples’ edges too much. 

Daily Inspiration

Trump #7  Tarot of Metamorphosis

THE CHARIOT #7 Tarot of Metamorphosis

The Chariot, the Sign of Cancer, Cardinal water, 4th sign, ruled by the Moon.

Literally the Chariot is about getting into the driver’s seat and making sure you are centered and in control. The Thoth Tarot shows the golden armored charioteer with the Spinning wheel of karma or the wheel of time in their lap. The Chariot in this deck seems rather Leoish to me.

The Numerology of the Number 7, the Laws of 7’s. The Shemitah reference again. Seven year cycles are governed by the planet Saturn, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35,42, 49,56, 63, 70, 77, 84, etc. this is very ancient. In Vedic Astrology they only use the 7 planets. Sun, Moon are called planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter Saturn.

It’s all about cycles in nature. There are 7 days of the week named for 7 planets, 7 chakras. All is in Divine Order. 

When the emotional wave is up then it will crest and trough. Ride those waves of life knowing that what goes up must come down and so on and so on. 


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated. 

Get a reading with Tara

You can join in to my ceremonies and ritual healings while I am in Sedona Arizona

Spinning Wheel, Blood, Sweat & Tears



June recall, woo woo romance, psychic astrology, Tara Greene

WOW it’s JUNE 1st already!

June looks like an interesting mix of slow forwards, two steps back and a heady mix of dream recall and communications therapy redux.

JUPITER will FINALLY surpass it’s RETROGRADE point from waay back in NOVEMBER 2013 which was at 2o degrees 32 minutes of CANCER!

That’s 7 months ago. Almost a complete pregnancy on June 2.

WOW OK JUPITER is starting to steam ahead through the last decan of CANCER waters. I personally cannot wait till Jupiter jives into LEO. I am already working on that ARTICLE- mark down JULY 16 as Light my fire day.

PLANETARY RECALL IN EFFECT! Not quite total, but….

MERCURY is in its shadow period and moving backwards on June 7 at 3 degrees of CANCER so hurry up and see if you can get away with the last of your techie buys before June 7th. How deep does that Mercury Shadow run?

MERCURY RE- ENTERS GEMINI breech birth style on JUNE 17th- so any Gemini’s born around June 16- 19th and I know of one in particular  you may have to RE DO a bunch of lessons you think you already dealt with over again during this next year.   JULY 1st MERcury goes DIrect so use Mercury RETRO time to REST YOUR MIND. RESET your ideas, REJUVENATE yourself, RECTIFY, REDuce, REflect, all things that start with RE- its good medicine the MErcury REtro Symbol is RX. 


NEPTUNE also turns RETROGRADE JUNE 9th @ till NOvember 15

NEPTUNE LORD OF Dreams, spirituality, creativity, compassion, forgiveness, addictions, OIL, movies, viruses, moves from 7 degrees 36 minutes of PISCES to  4 degrees 48 minutes.

Rewind and recycle your dreams, review where you have gotten to and where you wish to go. NEPTUNE is the HIGHER OCATVE of VENUS Goddess of Love, so expect old romance that you had thought had wound down to wind back up. Go back to some creative project that got left behind and complete it over the next five plus months. 

JUNE 8  VENUS in TAURUS TRINE PLUTO in Capricorn****12+ degree Taurus Capricorn and {VIRGO also gets the benefit}

beautiful romantic, LOVE SEX POWER BEAUTY- INTENSE in effect till June 12

I would plan on having a 4 day non stop ORGASM. If your born MAy 3rd or JAnuary 3 or September 5 give or take 2 days either side,

START TO PARTY HEARTY. Expect the world to reward you. 

FULL MOON JUNE 12/13 at 22 degrees SAGITTARIUS 

Venus opposite Saturn on this Full Moon -a good or tough day to get married. 


I would stay in bed and hide under the covers or go out and march in the streets. 

SUN conjuncts MERCURY RX on JUne 19

Happy Birthday ELijah- my son.

CHIRON GOES RETROGRADE June 20 @ degrees 46 minutes of PISCES until  November 23 at 13 degrees 6 minutes.

OLD WOUNDS that haven’t been fully licked clean yet, the poison hasn’t been ingested, the full extent of the PTSD hasn’t been cognizantly recognized MUST BE FULLY FELT.

We’ve all reelling from the atrocities of the two sisters in INDIA who were brutally raped then hung in a small village last week. My heart prays for the souls of the two young girls so brutally terrifyingly tortured. World wide MISOGYNY is the main sickness of the world from which all other sicknesses stem. I could write a small e-book about that. And I will. There are really important issues in the world that are fully coming out now. We must act and make sure that there are world wide sanctions against INDIA, punishment is meeted  out where it is due. Massive re-education is necessary everywhere. PISCES is the ocean, the womb from which all life evolved. PIsces is the spiritual womb and home, our origin and destination. We are all ONE in that Cosmic bliss. We must use our sense of unconditional love but also karmic balance is necessary. 

SUmmer solstice JUNE 21 @ 3:51 am PDT/6:51 am EDT

JUne 23 VENUS Enters GEMINI in the early a.m. 

June 25 MARS OPPOSES URANUS – GRAND CARDINAL CROSS relit 16+ degrees LIBRA/ARIES also Capricorn and Cancer are involved

SHADES OF APRIL again, MARS in LIBRA is the diplomat bringing about peace, but there will be protests lit all over the world, Beware of terrorist attacks, explosions, mass shootings, volcanic eruptions, freedom fighting rebels vs head in the sand ostriches. The battle between the Sexes heats up. WOMEN may refuse to have anything to do with men until their rights are met. Women control most of the money in the world even thought they don’t earn it. 

JUNE 27 NEW MOON at 5 degrees CANCER

June, Moon, Croon, swoon.


Tarot Fortune Psychic Tara Greene

There are an infinite number of possibilities in my life.

“The Affirmations for Everyday Goddess Spiritual Guidebook and 22 Wisdom Cards for Contemplation and Prayer”

You get the message. Repeat this mantra over and over to yourself all month.


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

NEED HELP and sound advice?


I like NEW YORK IN JUNE- How Bout you? Nilsson 






Blood Moon Eclipse, Grand Cardinal tarot by Tara Greene

Only 2 days before the Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees Libra.

I know so many of you are feeling the intense pressure building to the climax of this along with the Grand Cardinal Cross, especially if you have personal planets, angles and power points in your natal chart conjunct to these. Ive been consulting with a lot of clients lately who are feeling overwhelmed by these powerful collective unconscious cosmic events.

TAKE NOTE especially those born in 1982-1983 who will have Saturn and Pluto around this degree along with those born in 1952-53. You get the EXTRA heavy hit.

A LUNAR ECLIPSE shifts and stirs the electromagnetic energies in the deepest parts of our feelings, instincts and our cellular memory banks. Your dreams and the energy from this eclipse will last over a month as the ancient formula is the length of totality =days. It will be total for 1 hour +.

This is a North Nodal eclipse in LIBRA pointing us collectively to that signs meaning, archetypal significance, element and symbols which are about relationships, marriage, equality, justice, fairness, peace, artistry, KARMA, balance.

As the Sun at 25+ degrees Aries conjuncts the SOUTH NODE, we are leaving our old past SINGULAR identities behind. We can not operate as isolated islands anymore.

Moon is conjunct to the North Node at 28 + Libra.

I had a vision of using the archetypal Trumps of the Tarot to represent the planets involved in the Grand Cardinal Cross which are heavily involved at this eclipse to help you understand a deeper symbolism and patterns. There will be questions to ask yourself. Feel free to interpret in your own way as well. The eclipse is all about relationships I saw the planet and sign as two pairs of Trumps.

Astrology Tarot tara Greene

Lets start with interpreting Uranus in Aries

ARIES is always the 1st sign and house, on the left hand side, which is EAST in an Astrology chart, this is the Ascendant, we see the planet URANUS symbolized by THE STAR. 

THE STAR Trump # 17 is AQUARIUS energy which Uranus rules, there is no specific card related to Uranus per se.  The meaning of URANUS is revolution, change, chaos, freedom, liberation.

This message is a new light, a new day- The EAST- always spiritual inspiration, initiation, new beginnings.

The SUN is The STAR. The left is always the Feminine, intuition, receiving this energy in your heart.

You are a STAR of change. Uranus is HIGHER consciousness.

“Every man and woman is a STAR”  Wish upon a star. HOPE. 


To the right of the STAR we see the TRUMP #4 THE EMPEROR as the sign of ARIES

The Emperor is PERSONAL POWER, responsibility. It can also be the ego when out of control. The Emperors message is of solidity, the number 4, the four elements, a foundation in the instability in the quaking storm of change that Uranus in Aries is unleashing.


Take responsibility for being the master/mistress of your own life. Personal power is choice, you control your own domain, Use your power wisely. 


What radically new ideas, energies, groups, freedom, liberation is calling you from your higher self? What do you need to take responsability for in your life which will liberate you?

In the South, {4th house}  for JUPITER in CANCER- [exalted]



Expansion, optimism, fertility, taking chances, trusting the universe, positive energy, luck, the wheel of time, karma.

For the sign of CANCER- TRUMP # 7 The CHARIOT 

The Chariot/#7 is also the reduced numbers of 2014 = 7. Laws of cycles, chakras, what goes up must come down.

Cancer is the most FEMININE, NURTURING,TRADITIONALLY FEMALE of all the signs.

Cancer is the womb experience, mothers, food, home, emotional security, children, the unconscious. 

These two Trumps together symbolize women’s expanding fertile and  positive role in nurturing all of life, the children, in being in the deep Feminine seat of authority and Victory. It is expansive to be nurturing, caring for, relating to, offering unconditional love. 


Where do you find emotional security? Are you at home within your own skin? What do you love about unconditionally/ your self? How can you be more receptive to your family, children?What do you nurture in your life?

On the Right hand  side which is WEST in an astrology chart

Symbolizing MARS Retrograde in LIBRA and the 7th house of RELATIONSHIPS 


The Tower is the destruction of the ego, the false structure, idols, identity and values.  It is dynamic, chaotic, shaking the roots of the foundation of the EMPEROR awake.  Destruction is a necessary part of growth.

In the THOTH deck the symbols of the snake which is KUNDALINI energy awakening, and the ALL SEEING EYE which is the  PINEAL GLAND, the 3RD EYE,  is wide open.

Mars is fire, the masculine warrior, defenses and traditional ruler of Scorpio.  Retrograde Mars defenses are down. Which is a good thing, although you may be feeling angry, exhausted and scared sh*tless.


What is it that you are defending so hard? What are you most afraid to lose? Are you willing to learn to be alone and like your own company? What needs to be balanced in your life?


The more you are asleep, unconscious, and defend,the harder the need for destruction in order to WAKE YOU UP!

The SIGN of LIBRA is symbolized by


8 is Karma, the 8 spokes on the Wheel of Fortune, 8 is INFINITY if turned on its side.

We are dealing with KARMIC JUSTICE, as you sow, so shall you reap; rebalancing relationships both personal and collective.

Libra is an air sign, so it is detached as Justice needs to be.

Justice was originally the Goddess Maat in ancient Egypt. She weighed the dead person’s heart against her single pure white ostrich feather plume on her Scales of Justice. If the heart of the deceased was heavier than her feather, then it meant that the deceased needed to reincarnate on earth until it learned the lesson of a complete absence of emotional heaviness and had learned total equanimity.


What is out of balance in your life? What old emotional issues are you carrying that keep you in emotional bondage? What are your patterns what you can release on this Libran BLOOD Moon.


Wake up and rebalance all of your relationships internal and external

In the NORTH – PLUTO in CAPRICORN -the 10th house of wordly power

Symbolizing PLUTO


Pluto/Hades was the Lord of Death to the ancient Greeks. He ruled the Underworld, the collective unconsciousness, the shadow, fear,  also recycling, rejuvenation, change, rebirth, destruction. As the modern ruler of Scorpio Pluto governs, sex, power, control, secrets.

Symbolizing CAPRICORN 


Now this is one heavy combination here. The DEVIL is a very complex card. It is not  the popular Christian idea of what the devil is at all. Capricorn represents the father, Patriarchy, corporate structure, wordly power, greed and hierarchies.

The Devil is fear, illusion and the temptation of the material world, of wanting power for power’s sake. The Devil is choice, also projections what your project onto others and the projections that you play out that others place onto you. The Devil is your shadow. The DEVIL is literally the opposite of the LOVERS in the Tarot.


Why bedevils you? Why are you afraid of death? Are you addicted to sex, control, power, greed, money?  What shadow material do you project onto others?


DEATH and destruction to those who want total power at any price, totalitarianism, ego control, enslavement, fascism.  Seeing the Devil in the corporate power structure of the world for what it is.  The NSA, and secret society, power mongers, corporations. etc etc. Also petty tyrants in your life and your own EGO which always whispers temptation in your mind as it desires to be in control.

Death is the greatest teacher in life. What you project and fear onto others is your own self, your own fear and unintegrated self.  Seeing that the EMPEROR is naked. Seeing that you are not your ego. Facing your shadow empowers you to go beyond fear. Seeing your essential power is beyond any falsely limiting beliefs which you yourself  projected onto others. You are an unlimited infinite Star.

All of the planets/cards are interconnected in the CROSS OF MATTER of elements, planets signs and symbols.  We need to integrate it all.


All writing is copyright of  Tara Greene

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LET IT GO – Luba