June recall, woo woo romance, psychic astrology, Tara Greene

WOW it’s JUNE 1st already!

June looks like an interesting mix of slow forwards, two steps back and a heady mix of dream recall and communications therapy redux.

JUPITER will FINALLY surpass it’s RETROGRADE point from waay back in NOVEMBER 2013 which was at 2o degrees 32 minutes of CANCER!

That’s 7 months ago. Almost a complete pregnancy on June 2.

WOW OK JUPITER is starting to steam ahead through the last decan of CANCER waters. I personally cannot wait till Jupiter jives into LEO. I am already working on that ARTICLE- mark down JULY 16 as Light my fire day.

PLANETARY RECALL IN EFFECT! Not quite total, but….

MERCURY is in its shadow period and moving backwards on June 7 at 3 degrees of CANCER so hurry up and see if you can get away with the last of your techie buys before June 7th. How deep does that Mercury Shadow run?

MERCURY RE- ENTERS GEMINI breech birth style on JUNE 17th- so any Gemini’s born around June 16- 19th and I know of one in particular  you may have to RE DO a bunch of lessons you think you already dealt with over again during this next year.   JULY 1st MERcury goes DIrect so use Mercury RETRO time to REST YOUR MIND. RESET your ideas, REJUVENATE yourself, RECTIFY, REDuce, REflect, all things that start with RE- its good medicine the MErcury REtro Symbol is RX. 


NEPTUNE also turns RETROGRADE JUNE 9th @ till NOvember 15

NEPTUNE LORD OF Dreams, spirituality, creativity, compassion, forgiveness, addictions, OIL, movies, viruses, moves from 7 degrees 36 minutes of PISCES to  4 degrees 48 minutes.

Rewind and recycle your dreams, review where you have gotten to and where you wish to go. NEPTUNE is the HIGHER OCATVE of VENUS Goddess of Love, so expect old romance that you had thought had wound down to wind back up. Go back to some creative project that got left behind and complete it over the next five plus months. 

JUNE 8  VENUS in TAURUS TRINE PLUTO in Capricorn****12+ degree Taurus Capricorn and {VIRGO also gets the benefit}

beautiful romantic, LOVE SEX POWER BEAUTY- INTENSE in effect till June 12

I would plan on having a 4 day non stop ORGASM. If your born MAy 3rd or JAnuary 3 or September 5 give or take 2 days either side,

START TO PARTY HEARTY. Expect the world to reward you. 

FULL MOON JUNE 12/13 at 22 degrees SAGITTARIUS 

Venus opposite Saturn on this Full Moon -a good or tough day to get married. 


I would stay in bed and hide under the covers or go out and march in the streets. 

SUN conjuncts MERCURY RX on JUne 19

Happy Birthday ELijah- my son.

CHIRON GOES RETROGRADE June 20 @ degrees 46 minutes of PISCES until  November 23 at 13 degrees 6 minutes.

OLD WOUNDS that haven’t been fully licked clean yet, the poison hasn’t been ingested, the full extent of the PTSD hasn’t been cognizantly recognized MUST BE FULLY FELT.

We’ve all reelling from the atrocities of the two sisters in INDIA who were brutally raped then hung in a small village last week. My heart prays for the souls of the two young girls so brutally terrifyingly tortured. World wide MISOGYNY is the main sickness of the world from which all other sicknesses stem. I could write a small e-book about that. And I will. There are really important issues in the world that are fully coming out now. We must act and make sure that there are world wide sanctions against INDIA, punishment is meeted  out where it is due. Massive re-education is necessary everywhere. PISCES is the ocean, the womb from which all life evolved. PIsces is the spiritual womb and home, our origin and destination. We are all ONE in that Cosmic bliss. We must use our sense of unconditional love but also karmic balance is necessary. 

SUmmer solstice JUNE 21 @ 3:51 am PDT/6:51 am EDT

JUne 23 VENUS Enters GEMINI in the early a.m. 

June 25 MARS OPPOSES URANUS – GRAND CARDINAL CROSS relit 16+ degrees LIBRA/ARIES also Capricorn and Cancer are involved

SHADES OF APRIL again, MARS in LIBRA is the diplomat bringing about peace, but there will be protests lit all over the world, Beware of terrorist attacks, explosions, mass shootings, volcanic eruptions, freedom fighting rebels vs head in the sand ostriches. The battle between the Sexes heats up. WOMEN may refuse to have anything to do with men until their rights are met. Women control most of the money in the world even thought they don’t earn it. 

JUNE 27 NEW MOON at 5 degrees CANCER

June, Moon, Croon, swoon.


Tarot Fortune Psychic Tara Greene

There are an infinite number of possibilities in my life.

“The Affirmations for Everyday Goddess Spiritual Guidebook and 22 Wisdom Cards for Contemplation and Prayer”

You get the message. Repeat this mantra over and over to yourself all month.


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

NEED HELP and sound advice? http://www.taratarot.com


I like NEW YORK IN JUNE- How Bout you? Nilsson 






Perfect sex magic Astrology Weekend updates Tara Greene

I was walking my dog as the Lunar eclipse was happening last night. It was very subtle. How did you feel it?

The weekend features a MARS NEPTUNE opposition!

THIS MEANS Getting  into  your body and bringing HEAVEN down to earth.

Mars at 2 degrees+  VIRGO and Neptune in PISCES –

Find out where the action is in VIRGO in your astrology chart. Mars= action, libido, hotness

Then follow that Virgo spot in your chart opposite to PISCES BLISSLAND

Mars in VIRGO is perfect sex and opposite Neptune it’s out of this world!

Classical painting Boucher astrologyHercules and Omphale by Boucher 1735

Yes you might want to imagine what sex in space would feel like.

If you aren’t in a relationship with your TWIN FLAME and you’d like to be

then I’d advise you to practice some tantric breathing energy and Neptunian visualization to magnetize them to you.

In Tibetan Buddhism men and women visualise the yab yum Tantric union image, it is not meant to be physically sexual directly

but to use the Kundalini energy,which is labelled as sexual energy,

through breathing and bring it up your spine to the top of your head.


You visualize opening your chakras in the color order and opening them and letting the energy flow up your spine,like a fire spreading,

to the top of your head. You can achieve a full body orgasm this way. All sex is mainly in your head anyway.

as is everything else.

Otherwise and in addition to, use this energy to ground a creative project or plan  a new dream job.

 as Virgo never likes to waste time or energy you can do a thorough cleaning of your environment to make it feel more spiritual and uplifting.

The MOON will be in earthy sensual Taurus @ 12:27 a.m. all weekend 

 Venus ruled, yeah.

TAURUS revels in indulging all the 5th senses,

Tasting- good eats; indulging your olfactory sense of Smell- take time to smell the roses,aromas, perfumes, incense,

walking in nature, breathing in the scents all around you.

Touching- massages, being in the body, yoga, dancing

Hearing -listening to or making music, enjoying theatre, clubs music, 

Seeing- galleries, plays, movies, enjoying and being aware of everything around you.

Taurus  can be a couch potato too. Lazy..it’s ok

Give yourself a break post eclipse. You need support and time to integrate the new energies.


That sensous Taurus Moon Trines MARS in VIRGO at 3 degrees and Pluto in Capricorn at 9 later in the day.

Do some good earthy physical abundance and energy medicine meditation. Powerful shadow of Lunar Eclipse full moon time.

Call the Gods MArs and Pluto to help you release the blocks.

Mars rules Iron and VENUS  rules Taurus and the metal copper. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio. 

I would bring in these elements,a copper pennies will do, and anything made with iron even a frying pan. 

Adding these elements increasing their sympathetic magic. Light  red and green candles. 

This magical ceremony is good for increasing abundance.

Meditate using real or imagined stones of emerald-green, kunzite, aventurine-planetary stone, garnet-Talismanic stone or malachite,

Be MINDFULL. MARS IN VIRGO can be extremely VULCAN like- all critical logic and dampen Neptune in Pisces visualization ability.

These two planets RULE SCORPIO and are two big powerful heavies.

Ask to change whatever is blocking you from having health and wealth in your life. Wait for the answer.

Release everything that no longer supports your new intentions.

Moon also opposes SATURN in PDT this evening, next morning EDT.

This brings everything into focus, grounds, karmically seals it with a kiss. Be very aware how potent this timing is.

WOW! we’ll be doing this ritual in my house Saturday night.


Get a spiritual reading with TARA http://www.taratarot.com

All writing copyright TAra Greene

HEAVEN ON EARTH- Br itney Spears